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• • • • • • • • • • (1) supplies (2) fun (3) permission (4) necessities (5) rundown (6) decorated (7) straight (8) item (9) overwhelmed (10) embraced
• 1) 1. Straighten up! Your feet should keep time to the rhythm of thBiblioteka Baidu music. • 2. She slipped a note into his hand. He was very unhappy after reading it, as he thought that she was making fun of him. • 3. The thief pleaded for our mercy when he was caught. He said he had stolen the food because his mother was starving to death and there was barely any food left in the house. • 4. They have made a request for more electricity supplies, which we should satisfy in order to release them from the pressure they are under. • 5. They made the rounds with the wine bottle; each took a gulp and then they set out for the forest. • 6. My TV set broke down; I have ordered a new one online and the shop is going to have it delivered to the door. • 7. His words made everyone unhappy and stop eating. After a while, they resumed eating, but they all looked as if something was weighing on their minds. • 8. We stared at him in disbelief, astonished that someone as gentle as he is could interrupt us so rudely.
• 3) 1. go wrong • 2. broke down • 3. on my way to • 4. by himself • 5. in time • 6. set the stage for • 7. set out for • 8. make fun of • 9. pleaded for • 10. in disbelief
• 2) 去年圣诞节除夕,我们的旅途诸多不顺。当我 们住进尼斯一家肮脏而昏暗的旅馆时,我们的心 中已无任何圣诞节的感觉可言。我们进入一家看 上去很乏味的饭馆吃饭• ,情况一点也没有好转。 时 但是,在这沉闷饭馆中度过的不愉快的夜晚最后却 变成我们所度过的最好的圣诞前夜,这一切都是 因为那个充满了圣诞精神的美国水手。他将我们 心中被愤怒和失望压抑的爱和欢乐释放出来。他 带给了我们圣诞节。
• 4) 1. personality … sensitivity … loyalty • 2. frailty • 3. complexity • 4. Mutuality • 5. stupidity • 6. regularity • 7. reality • 8. specialty / speciality
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
1) 1. specialized 2. large 3. eat 4. go 5. sociable 6. wide 2) 1. sternly 2. miserably 3. cheerfully 4. carelessly 5. tiny 6. irregular 7. unsatisfactory 8. occupied 9. boring / dull 10. traditional
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3) 1. slapped 2. present 3. lit 4. whispered 5. slap 6. presented 7. ordered 8. light 9. listed 10. motioned 11. supply 12. order 13. list 14. supply 15. motion 16. wonder 17. whispers 18. wondering
Unit 6 Enhance your language Awareness Words in Action
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2) 1. delivered 2. released 3. permission 4. rented 5. miserable 6. exploded 7. pressed 8. motion 9. barely 10. enthusiasm 11. knelt 12. request 13. policy 14. necessities