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Mind the gap 小心台阶跨度 Fire escape , keep clean 安全出口,保持通畅 Please do not lean on these barriers。请不要靠防护栏 Please do not obstruct entrance。请不要堵住入口 Site entrance,dangerous。工地入口,危险 Slow,site entrance 工地入口请慢行
No thoroughfare 此路不通
Keep to the path 请走人行道
Road ahead closed 前方施工,禁止通行
Road up detour 前方施工,请绕行 Caution :road up 注意:翻修马路 No entry 禁止驶入
Road closed 此路封闭
Dangerous bend 弯道危险
No Littering 请勿乱扔垃圾 Hands off 请勿触摸 No honking 禁止鸣喇叭 Beware of pickpockets 小心扒手 Please take care of your valuables 请保管好你的贵重物品
No parking 禁止停车
No stopping 禁止停留 Emergency Exit 紧急出口
The trials of a long journey always feeling, civilized travel path reputation. 万水千山总是情,文明旅游船美名。 Flower not intentional, defloration must relentlessly. 落花未必有意,摘花一定无情。
Do not enter,alarm operating 装有警报,禁止入内
1、Fire is a good servant but a bad master.
Quite Please 请勿大声喧哗
Scenic Warnings
No Leaning 严禁倚靠 No picking 严禁攀折 No Skating 严禁滑冰 No Hunting 严禁狩猎 No Fireworks Allowed 禁止燃放烟花爆竹 No Visitors 游客止步 Don’t Feed the Animals 请勿投食 Please Protect Cultural Relics 请爱护文物 No photography 禁止拍照 Please Line Up 请按顺序出入 Please Protect the Tree 请爱护林木 Please Protect Heritage Sites 请保护古迹 Don’t Tap on the Glass 请勿拍打玻璃
No turn 严禁转弯
No honking 禁止鸣喇叭
Consecutive curves 连续转弯
Keep right 靠右行驶 Reduced speed now 减速行驶 Keep space 保持车距 Keep to the path 请走人行道
No overtaking 严禁超车
Low bridge ahead 前方桥低 Please drive carefully 小心驾驶 NO U– TURN 禁止掉头 Arrow Only 请绕行此路
组员: 孟佳 马玉红 何柳华 刘瑶
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
1 2 3 4
Public Warnings
Scenic Warnings
Road Traffic Warnings
Security Warnings
Public Warnings
Dogs not allowed 禁止携犬入内 Keep off the grass 勿踏草地 No nuisance 禁止倒垃圾 No scribbling 禁止涂写 No swimming 禁止游泳 Wet paint 油漆未干 No fishing 禁止钓鱼 No smoking 禁止吸烟 No climbing 禁止攀爬
Hold feet, stay green lawn. 脚下留情,草坪留青。
Road Traffic Warnings
No passing 禁止通行 No pass ,No passage 无通行证者,不得通行 No pass , no passage 无通行证者,不得通过 Toll free 免费通行
Security Warnings
Danger!High Voltage 当心触电 Beware of Collisions 当心碰撞 Mind the Step/Watch Your Step 当心台阶 Caution! Glass 小心玻璃 Caution! Slippery/Caution!Wet Floor 小心滑倒 Mind your Head/Watch your head 当心碰头
Beware of Falling Object 当心高空坠物
Be Careful Venomousness 当心有毒 Be Careful High Voltage 高压危险 Be Careful Ionization 当心点离辐射 Be Careful Electricity 当心有电 No Fire 严禁烟火
Don’t Frighten the Animals
Leave a clean,take away a happy. 留下一路洁净,带走一身快乐。 In addition to the foot steps and smile nothing left. 除了足迹和微笑,什么都不要留下。
Flowers and grass are life, a chief customs intelligence. 一花一草皆生命,一枝一叶总关情。
Post no bills 禁止招贴
No spitting 请勿吐痰
Please take care of public property 请爱护公物
Shut the door behind you 随手关门 No Crossing 请勿跨越
Compensation for damage 损害赔偿