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1. The rule demands that everyone ______ quiet in the school library.

A. keeps

B. keep

C. will keep

D. should be kept

2. Peter was lucky and escaped ______ because he was the one nearest to the door.

A. to be caught

B. catching

C. to catch

D. being caught

3. Our dog was missing for days but eventually it ______, looking a bit thinner than before.

A. turned up

B. turned to

C. turned on

D. turned down

4. George had come down ______ when his parents found him in a small village.

A. to beg

B. begging

C. being begged

D. to begging

5. Neil Armstrong had the ______ of being the first man to walk on the moon.

A. administration

B. distinction

C. application

D. explanation

6. There were not any track and field ______ for women in the Olympic Games until 1928.

A. incidents

B. accidents

C. events

D. affairs

7. He arrived at Washington D.C., where he ______ by one of his best friends.

A. met

B. has met

C. was met

D. is met

8. Hearing about World War II again brought back ______ memories for many people.

A. peaceful

B. painful

C. cheerful

D. skilful

9. To our great surprise, the seven-year-old girl ______ a story about a trip to the moon.

A. was made up of

B. made up

C. was made from

D. made for

10. —Excuse me, could you give me some paper ______?

—Certainly. Here you are.

A. to write

B. writing

C. to write on

D. written


I never believed in Santa Claus.

None of us kids did. Mom and Dad 1 to let us believe in him. They couldn’t afford expensive 2, and they didn’t want us to think we weren’t as good as other kids who, on Christmas morning, 3 all kinds of toys under the tree that were supposedly (据说) left by Santa Claus.

Dad lost his 4 after getting in an argument with his boss, and when Christmas came that year, we had no 5 at all. On Christmas Eve, Dad 6 us kids out into the 7 night one by one. I had a blanket wrapped (缠绕) around me, and when it was my turn, I 8 to share it with Dad, but he said “No, thanks.” The 9 never bothered him. I sat next to Dad and we looke d up at the sky.

“10 your favorite star,” Dad said. He told me I could have it for ever. He said it was my 11 present.“You can’t give me a star!” I said. “No one 12 the stars.”

“That’s right,” Dad said. “No one else owns them. You just have to claim (认领) it 13 anyone else does, like the fellow Columbus claimed America for Queen Isabella.”

I thought about it and realized Dad was 14. “I want that one,” I said.

“That’s Venus (金星). It is only a planet. It 15 only from reflected (反射的) light.”

“I like it anyway,” I said.

“It’s Christmas. You can have a(n) 16 if you want.”

That evening over Christmas dinner, we all discussed outer space. We all 17 about the other kids who believed in Santa Claus and got 18 for Christmas but some cheap plastic toys. “19 from now, w hen all the junk they got is broken and long 20,” Dad said, “you’ll still have your stars.”
