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A Contract on Developing and Running Schools from Kindergarten to Senior High

School in XX District of XX


地址: _____________________ ____________________

Party A: Education Bureau of XX District of XX

Address: _____________________ ____________________

乙方:International Quality Education(HK)

地址为 _____________________ ____________________

Address: _____________________ __________________




1. In order to enrich the education levels, Education Bureau of XX District of XX and IQE make and enter into the following agreement on the JG International School Project in XX District.


2. Party B is equipped with the professional knowledge and rich experience in running international school, and with international school model to establish and run the mature and superior pre-university, covering kindergarten to senior high school. The Canadian International Schools established both in Hong kong and in Macao by the Company boast the leadership position among the schools in the district.


3. The International School operated by Party B adopts the courses authenticated by Albert Provincial Ministry of Education of Canada integrated with Chinese courses, and the cultivated students may apply for superior universities in the world wide. The School will be dedicated to introducing the advanced education philosophy of Canada, the USA, and Britain to XX, and establishing international culture communication station, which offers the opportunities of oversea study, study tour and education communication to all teachers and students in XX even in XX, exchanges students and makes communication of education information with Canada and the USA. Meanwhile, the School is willing to provide the teachers in XX with foreign education

philosophy, education approach and other training and communications, and provide the teachers and students with the opportunity to visit and communicate in Canada. In each year, the School will bring the Canada students to key high schools in XX for communication, promote the school in XX District to be the sister schools of Canada Albert School, and boost the educational and cultural communication between XX and Canada.

4.甲方同意将位于GZ市PY区XXX,占地面积约XXXXX 平方米的教育用地提供给乙方兴建由幼儿园至高中的学校项目。乙方拟建XXXXX平方米建筑面积的优质学校,为中国和外国护照持有学生提供非学历教育幼儿园、小学至高中级学历教育。

4. Party A agrees to provide the education use land with an area of XXXX square meters located at the JG, XX District to Party B for the establishment of School Project ranging from kindergarten to senior high school. Party B proposes to build a superior school with the floor area of XXXXX square meters, offering non-diploma education to Chinese students and the students with foreign passport from kindergarten, primary school to senior high school.

计划办学规模:幼儿园共4个年级,每年级4个班,每班25人,每年级100名学生,共400人。小学共6个年级,每年级4个班,每班25人,共600名学生。初中、高中即7至12年级共6个年级,每年级4个班,每班25人,共600名学生。由幼儿园到高中学生共1600人,教师94 人,教职员工87 人,以及其他管理人员(含后勤人员)共185人。(不含校巴司机及跟车人员)

Planning scale of school-running: the kindergarten has 4 grades, each grade consists of 4 classes, each class accommodates 25 students, thus each grade has 100 students, and the kindergarten has 400 students in total. The primary school has 6 grades, each grade consists of 4 classes, each class accommodates 25 students, and thus the primary school has 600 students in total. The junior and senior high school, namely, 6 grades from Grade 7 to Grade 12, each
