商务英语基础(下) Unit 24 Trade Fairs and Exhibition
商务英语听说教程下unit3Trade Fair
I’ll be expecting you tomorrow morning.
Part A - Task 3 Follow-up
Make and perform a conversation in pairs based on the following information. You may use the sentences or expressions above.
Part A - Task 2 Conversation
1. Listen to the conversation once and decide which of the following statements gives the gist of the conversation.
a. Greetings between trade partners b. Finding a trade partner in China c. Promoting new products d. Negotiation of products’ styles
other. b. Mr.Brown and Ms.Zhang arranged an appointment date. c. Ms.Zhang showed Mr.Brown around in the showroom. d. Ms.Zhang asked Mr.Brown about his decision on order. e. Mr.Brown made positive comments on the development of the electronics
2. Listen to it again and number the events to show the order in which they occurred. a. Mr.Brown and Ms.Zhang exchanged cards and introduce themselves to each
商务英语基础(下) Unit 26 Some Special Trading Practices
Task 4
1.I have little idea of… 我不知道…… 2.Would you mind telling me something about…? 你介意告诉我……吗? 3.Let‟s talk about… in details. 让我们讨论……的细节。 4.There are two kinds in…. 有两种…… 5.What‟s the duties of…? ……的职责是什么?
Unit 26
Some Special Trading Practices
Task 2
B:Miss Li,I have very little idea of compensation trade.Would you mind telling me something about it?我不知道什 么是补偿贸易。你介意告诉我吗? L:Certainly not.当然不。So far as I know,it is one of the forms of international trade. 据我所知,它是一种国际贸易形式。In compensation trade,the buyer will pay in resultant products for all or part of the equipment and technology purchase from abroad.在补偿贸易中,买方将支付从国 外购买全部或部分合成产品的设备和技术。
Intellectual property is divided into two kinds:industrial designs,etc;and Copyright,which includes literary and artistic works such as novels,poems and plays,films,musical works,paintings and so on. 知识产权分为两类:工业设计,等,和包括文学 和艺术作品的版权,例如小说、诗歌和戏剧、 电影、音乐作品、绘画等等。
商务英语口译 Unit 14 Trade Fairs
1. 在金融危机中,许多已在中国打下根基的华尔街 银行财力和声誉双双受损,而中国本土竞争对手的 快速成长,更是进一步削弱了他们的地位。中国本 土银行日益受到本国企业青睐。它们即使是在前往 海外攻城略地,进行融资和收购的时候,也日益喜 欢与本土银行合作。
2. The focus on Asia, and on China in particular, is understandable enough. The region has been driving an increasing share of the world’s capital markets and financial advisory businesses, as it accounts for an increasing share of the world’s economic growth. Indeed, the size of the deals and the volumes of the deals in many cases even outpace the speed of gross domestic product growth.
unit2 trade fairs
Business profile --general guidelines for trade fair
• Setting objectives • Getting information • Budget planning • Schedule • Selection of exhibits • Registration • Trade fair stand • Stand personnel • Advertising and publicity
Task 2
Task 2.2
• New • Reputation • World • Range • latest
Part III Language Focus A
Let me introduce you to Mr.li, general manager of our company It is an honor to meet you. My name is Thomas Clinton I’d like to make a self-introduction. I’m Richard Carter, Sales Manager
• Providing information to potential stand takers
A 5-metre-square trade fair stand will cost just $5,000 per day The charge per metre for space at the trade fair is $ 400 per day If you complete and return your booking form before 31st may, you will
全国自考(国际商务英语)-试卷9(总分:92.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、词组英译汉(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.trade fairs(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:贸易洽谈会)解析:解析:trade意为“贸易”;fair意为“展览会,洽谈会”。
2.production approach(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:生产方式)解析:解析:production意为“生产”;approach意为“方式,方法”。
3.in bulk(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:散装)解析:解析:bulk意为“散装的”。
weight(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:净重)解析:解析:固定译法,专业商务术语,详见教材常见商务词语表。
5.confirmed letter of credit(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:保兑信用证)解析:解析:同定译法,专业商务术语,详见教材第十二课单词表。
6.counter offer(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:还盘)解析:解析:固定译法,专业商务术语,详见教材第八课单词表。
7.specific duty(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:从量税)解析:解析:specific意为“具体的”;duty意为“税收”。
8.short-sea maritime transport(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:近海运输)解析:解析:short-sea意为“近海的”;maritime意为“海事的”;transport意为“运输”。
一、各类货运提单名词解释 1)提单 BILL OF LADING(简写B/L)是指一种用以证明海上运输合同和货物由承运人接管或装船,以及承运人据以保证在目的港交付的单证。 2)货运提单 HOUSE B/L 是指由货运代理人签发的提单。货运提单往往是货物从内陆运出并运至内陆时签发的。国际货代通常都使用此种提单。一般货代为满足客户的倒签或其他船东无法满足的要求时也使用这种提单。 3)船东提单MASTER B/L 是指由船东签发的提单。 4)已装船提单 SHIPPED OR BOARD B/L 指承运人向托运人签发的货物已经装船的提单。 5)收货待运提单或待运提单 RECEIVED FOR SHIPPING B/L 指承运人虽已收到货物但尚未装船时签发的提单。 6)直达提单 DIRECT B/L 指货物自装货港装船后,中途不经换船直接驶到卸货港卸货而签发的提单。 8)联运提单或称转船提单 THROUGH B/L 指承运人在装货港签发的中途得以转船运输而至目的港的提单。 9)多式联运提单 MT B/L 指货物由海上、内河、铁路、公路、航空等两种或多种运输方式进行联合运输而签的适用于全程运输的提单。 10)班轮提单 LINER B/L 班轮是在一定的航线上按照公布的时间表,在规定的港口间连续从事货运的船舶。班轮可分定线定期和定线不定期两种。 11)租船合同提单 CHARTER PARTY B/L 一般指用租船承运租船人的全部货物,船东签给租船人的提单,或者并非全部装运租船人的货物,而由船东或租船人所签发的提单。 12)记名提单 STRAIGHT B/L 是指只有提单上指名的收货人可以提货的提单,一般不具备流通性。
二.汇票条款 汇票属于金融单据(Financial Documents),是一种可转让的有价证券。目前绝大多数跟单信用证都有凭汇票支付款项的规定。汇票的各项内容必须严格符合有关条款的规定 ,不得随意涂改。下面是一些国外来证中所常见的汇票条款,供参考。 例1 All drafts must be marked“Drawn under the Royal Bank Of Canada, Montreal L/C No.XXX dated XXX and Banco de Chile, Santiago Credit No.XXX dated XXX.”上述出票条款(Drawn Clause)中有两家银行、两个信用证号码,两个开证日期。前者是转开证行也是指定的付款行或保兑行,后者是原始开证行。由于原始开证行与通知行无代理关系,因此通过另一家银行转开信用证,这样就出现两家银行、两个证号、和两个开证日期的条款,出口人在开立汇票时须按该条款的要求缮制。 注;在一般正常的情况下,出票条款中只打:一家开证行 、一个证号及一个开证日期。 例2 Draft must be drawn for HK$ equivalent of invoice value (RMB)converted at negotiating bank’s buying rate of exchange on day of negotiation. 上述条款摘自香港来证,信用证及买卖合同的币制均为外汇人民币,因汇票须在香港银行以港币支付,所以来证加列上述条款:,我可按议付日中国银行的港币买入价将外汇人民币折成港币开立汇票。例3 Draft to be enfaced with the following clause: "Payable with interest at bank’s current rate of interest pertaining to the currency of this bill from date hereof to the date of payment. 上述条款要求在汇票上注明开证行自汇票开发的日期(即议付日期)起至其转向进口人收回垫款之日止这段时间的利息 ,开证人应按条款规定偿付给开证行。事实上这是开证行与进口人之间的利息结算,与出口人无关。但出口人须按此条款缮制汇票,以符合信用证要求(一般由银行代加)。 例4 Draft at 90 days sight. We are authorized to pay interest at the rate of 9 % p.a. for full invoice value at maturity. Invoice and draft must show the amount of interest . 上述条款是90天远期汇票,见票后起算。开证行被授权按年息9厘计息到期付款。 发票与汇票上必须显示利息金额 。此条款表明货款金额连同利息都可于见票90天后在信用证项下支付,这就是真远期加利息。在发票上应打出Plus 90 days interest XXXX 然后再把货款加利息的总金额打在下面,汇票上应打出:“The amount of 90 days interest at 9% p.a. being XXXX is included”例5 Drafts for 50% invoice value payable at sight and for remaining 50%payable at 30 days after sight free of interest.(L/C amount USD20,000)Documents to be released after full pay meritof invoice Value. 上述条款系即期与远期信用证结合,应开两张汇票,半数即期付款,半数见票30天后付款,不计利息。开证行于收到全部货款后放单。 例6 Drafts at 180 days after sight drawn on Snitama Bank Ltd., Tokyo Office. Usance drafts drawn Under this L/C are to be negotiated at sight basis. Discount charges and acceptance commission are for account of accountee. 上述条款由日本银行开来,汇票开立远期见票180天付款, 但可即期议付,其承兑费和贴现费均由开证人负担。对受益人来说是即期信用证,通常称为假远期信用证。 例7 Documentary Credit available with yourselves by payment against presentation of the documents detailed herein..... 上述条款意为:该信用证可由通知行凭受益人提供证内所规定的单据付款,不需要提供汇票。 例8 Available by draft accompanied by the documents specified herein.上述条款需凭汇票支款,但未明确汇票的付款人。此种情况,我汇票应以开证行为付款人。 例9 90% of the total L/C amount is payable at sight and 10% will be payable when the buyers issue a no objection certificate for payment of this amount. 这是利比亚来证条款:90%即期付款赎单,其余10%货款 须待开证人签发“无异议证明书”后,开证行才予付款。 什么时候签发“无异议证明书”,条款未作明确规定,这就给出口人带来了事后一连串的催理工作。 例10 We hereby establish this Irrevocable Credit which is available against beneficiary’s drafts drawn induplicate on applicant at 30 days sight free of interest for 100% of invoice value. "Document against acceptance". 上述条款见于新加坡来证中,是真远期,见票30天付款, 不计利息,承兑交单(D/A)。这承兑交单是开证行与开证 人之间的事,与受益人无关。汇票到达开证行后经开证人承兑,银行即交付单据。至于信用证项下货款,开证行保证在30天到期时偿付与议付行。
商务英语笔译实务参考答案 Unit 23-24 实训答案
Unit 23 商标翻译参考答案一、案例讨论讨论一请选择下列英语句子的最佳译文。
B B A B讨论二请将下列句子翻译成英语。
1. 美宝莲2. 卡西欧3. 施华洛世奇四翻译实训实训一请用所学的翻译方法将下列商标翻译成汉语。
1.普拉达2. 迪斯尼3. 香奈儿4. 戴尔5. 虎牌r6. 微软7.花花公子8. 鳄鱼9. 路虎10. 金利来11. 家乐福12. 舒肤佳13. 劳斯莱斯14. 万宝路15. 爱立信16. 伊莱克斯17. 金霸王18. 飘柔实训二请用所学的翻译法将下列商标翻译成英语。
1. Lucky2. Robust3. Onlly4. Future Cola5. Maxam6. Warrior7. Haier 8. Konka9. Shinco 10. Watson11. DoubleStar 12. Forever13. Bee&Flower 14. Panda实训三请说明下列商标翻译所使用的方法。
1. 音译法2. 音译法3. 增减译法4. 意译法5. 增减译法6. 音译法7. 音译法8. 意译法9. 增减译法10. 意译法11. 音意兼译法12. 音译法13. 音译法14. 增减译法15. 音意兼译法16. 音译法实训四请说明下列商标的两种翻译哪种更好,为什么。
1. B. 采用音意兼译法,Supor与“super”词形接近,使人想到该产品性能超强,品质可靠。
2. B. 采用音意兼译法,寓意该保健产品能够给人的健康带来保障。
3. B. 采用音意兼译法,Sundy令人联想起“Sunday”,给人清新、悠闲、舒适的感觉。
4. B. 采用音意兼译法,该商标与Happy音相近,能够给人带来美好的感觉。
5. A. 采用意译法,暗喻该品牌的汽车适合大众。
6. B. 采用音意兼译法,寓意该品牌的家具适合每个家庭。
7. A. 采用音意兼译法,“强生”意喻“强健生命”,符合该公司的卫生保健和健康护理产品的形象。
新视野商务英语视听说 (下册)答案【完整版】
新视野商务英语视听说下Unit 1 A Factory TourPartⅠ: warm-up(1)eat (2)tour (3)taste (4)enjoy (5)make (6)closed (7)shopPartⅡ: listening practiceTask1(1)f (2)e (3)g (4)j (5)c (6)h (7)b (8)a (9)d (10) iTask21.(1)aerospace (2)manufacturer (3)services (4)showcase (5)production(6) various (7) producer (8) advanced (9) globe (10) leader2.(1)~(5) F F F T FPartⅢ1. (1) c (2) b (3) c (4) a (5) a2. (1)6000units (2) only 1%(3) First, they will confirm the quality of each part according to the regulations at every point in the process. Also, they have computer-controlled equipment to test the quality of the semi-finished product and of the final product. Lastly, they send some products to the public quality-control centre for checking.PartⅣ1(1)200 markets across six continents (2) about 300000 (3)108 (4)8 (5)932(1)20~30 (2)13 (3)15 (4)30~45PartⅤ1. (1) c (2) b (3) c (4) c (5) b2. Thomas and Richard had a factory tour. Thomas was very impressed by the speed of the assembly line of the factory. Richard said that the high-speed assembly line was designed and made by their engineers and technicians. Then Thomas wondered how much the factory spent on new product development every year and how soon the order would be delivered. Richard told him that 8% to 10% of the gross sales was spent on new product development. He also said that delivery of new products depended on the size of the order and the items. Finally, Thomas asked Richard to give him some brochures on the products because he wanted his manager to know about them. Richard also said that Thomas’s manager would be welcome to visit the factory. PartⅥ1.The correct order is: d-g-e-a-c-h-b-f2.(1)history (2)first (3)consumed (4)manufacturing (5)secrets Unit 2 Trade FairsPart Ⅰ(1)China Import & Export Fair (Canton Fair), China Hi-Tech Fair, Beijing International Automotive Exhibition, etc.(2)kitchenware & tableware, general ceramics, home decorations, glassware, foodstuffs, native product, medicines & health products, sporting, travel & recreation products, office supplies, shoes, cases & bags, furniture, etc. (3) See a variety of goods, compare goods of different brands. Collect useful information such as catalogues, price list, etc; visit potential business partners; place orders.Part ⅡTask1(1) F (2) F (3) T (4) F (5) F (6) TTask2(1)domestic (2)suppliers (3)Customer (4)value (5)services(6)ideas (7)compare (8)specialized (9)innovative(10)up-to-date2. (1) new (2) reputation (3) world (4) range (5) latestPart Ⅲ1. (1) rentable (2) entertainment (3) transport (4) halls(5) exhibition (6) arena (7) facilities (8) conjunction2. (1) c (2) b (3) c (4) c (5) a (6) bPart ⅣJohn: (3) (2)Mr. Robbins: (1) (4) (5)2. (1) c (2) b (3) c (4) aPart Ⅴ(1) Canton Fair 2) biannually (3) renown (4) variety (5) turnover(6) exhibitors (7) opportunities (8) quality (9) promotion (10) volumePart ⅥQuestion 1: Miss Stewart, why did you want to exhibit in North America? Question 2: How did you choose the right one?Question 3: What did you do to prepare before attending the trade fair? Question 4: How were you able to exploit your business opportunities and generate new business?Question 5: What did you do after the trade fair?2. (1) a (2) c (3) b (4) a (5) bUnit 3 Marking EnquiriesPart Ⅰ(1)Ask for morn information concerning the product in the advertisement inyesterday’s New York Times.(2)Jackson Brothers(3)If I am the receiver, I will send the latest catalogue to the writer and answerall the questions that interest him.Part ⅡTask1 (1) C (2) B (3) ATASK21. (1) General (2) articles (3) Specific (4) content (5) specifications2. (1) steel screws in all sizes(2) CIF(3) Because the supplier is able to supply larger quantities at more attractiveprices(4) The supplier’s offer.Part Ⅲ1. (1) b (2) c (3) b (4) c2. (1) Export (2) Merchandise (3) flight (4) Production(5) 10 o’clock (6) sample (7) evaluated(8) purchasesPart Ⅳ1.(1) speedboats (2) price quote (3) around the corner (4) pay2.(1) US$6500 (2) 10% (3) shipment (4) US$7850Part Ⅴ1. (1) F (2) T (3) F (4)T2. If I were a farmer, the price would concern me most. The reason being that, first, form products do not generally sell at a high price so we have to keep production costs down. Secondly, taxes are fairly high at present and we have less support from the government, so our incomes are decreasing. That’s why I think the price is my greatest concern. On the other hand, if we can improve quality by buying better seeds and improving our handing methods, we can sell at a premium. That could increase our income.Part Ⅵ1.(1) c (2) a (3) c (4) b (5) c2.Agents need to be paid for their work. Sometimes they are paid a percentage ofthe order but that hardly induces them to negotiate low prices. Therefore, agentsare usually paid commission. This may be paid by the seller or by both seller and buyer.Unit 4 Negotiating PricesPart Ⅰ(1)listen (2) speak (3) interrupt (4) ask questions (5) penny(6) pound (7) assertive (8) aggressive (9) more (10) lessPart ⅡTask1(1)discount for bulk (2) minimum quantity (3) early-settlement discount(4)commission (5) contract, unit priceTask21.(1) T (2) F (3) T (4)F (5) F2.(1) FOB (2)agents (3)extra (4)Korean (5)exceptionsPart Ⅲ1.(1) b (2) a (3) c (4) a (5) c2.A: We are very interested in your X358 MP4 and are thinking of making a trialorder of 10000 pieces. What price can you offer us?B: As this is our first business, we can provide you with some preferential terms.How about $40 per piece?A: Oh, I’m afraid that’s way beyond our expectations. It’s even higher than what the other factories give us.B: Yes, we know there are lower price around but would you please look at the quality? Ours are much better than our competitors’. In addition, the demand for this item from our company is very high. We’re actually temporarily out of stock right now. Currently, demand is way ahead of supply in the market.A: We know about that. But don’t you think you should make some concessions to make your price competitive? Can we make it $35 if we place large orders?B: Well, that’s a tough deal. However, since we’re going into a long-termrelationship, maybe we can try to reach that bottom line for you.Part Ⅳ1.(1) b (2) c (3) c (4) b (5) a2.(1) Welsh (2) 60 days (3) 13.5 (4) 1000 (5) 22.5 (6) 3 (7) 1000 (8) 500Part Ⅴ1.(1) 4%, annual (2) expenses (3) publicity, personnel (4) 40% (5) next year2.Sample dialogue:A: Mr. Brown, I’m anxious to know about your offer.B: Well, we’re been holding it for you. Here it is. Five hundred cases of black tea, at 30 pounds per kilogram, CIF London. Shipment will be in June.A: That’s a steep price! It’ll be difficult for us to make any sales.B: I’m surprised to hear you say that. You know the price of black tea has gone up since last year. Our compares favorably with what you might get elsewhere.A: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you there. India has just come back into the market with a lower price.B: Ah, but everybody in the tea trade knows that America’s black tea is top quality. Considering the quality, I’d say the price is very reasonable.A: No doubt your tea is of high quality, but still, there’s keen competition in the market these days. I understand many countries are lowering their prices.B: OK. Then we’ll make it 28 pounds for this order. Is that ok?A: That’s a very small concession. Still, we want to do business with you because we think your packaging is excellent. We’ll go with this price this time but hope for a better deal for any further orders.B: Good, we can talk about further reductions later when we see how business is developing between us.Part Ⅵ1.(1) F (2) T (3) F (4) F (5) F (6) T (7) F2.(1) the quality of our product is much better than that of other suppliers(2) We can talk about that later.(3) if you can give me best price for this first order, we can start along-term relationship.(4) That really leaves us with nothing.(5) I’ll make that concession.Unit5 Placing an OrderPart Ⅰ(1) negotiate (2) accept and confirm an order (3) sign the contract(4) confirm the order (5) confirm further ordersPart Ⅱ(1) is a request to supply a specified quantity of goods(2) an enquiry with subsequent quotations(3) printed order forms(4) description, quantities, mode of packaging(5) agreed upon in previous negotiations(6) are legally bound to fulfill their agreement(7) at the agreed time(8) accept the goods supplied and then pay for themTask21. (1) F (2) F (3) F (4) T2. (1) b (2) c (3) a (4) bPart Ⅲ1. (1) Belster XP is the best copier for general use. With a combination of large capacity, small size and efficiency, it can be configured to suit almost all situations. Furthermore, it has an automatic document feeder.(2) The buyer can download the order form from the seller’s website, and fill in the name, address, telephone number as well as the item number of the desired photocopier. Then send the form to the address provided.(3) To make a payment, the buyer can write a payable cheque to the seller. Enclose it with the mail order form and send it to the address provided.2.A: Hello, I see from the Internet that you are a trading company who deals with sweaters and skirts in Guangdong Province. Is that right?B: Yes, that’s right. What can we do for you?A: We’re a Nigerian company, and we’re looking to order some clothes.B: Good, we provide a variety of clothes. So what kind of clothes are you interested in?A: Sweaters and skirts. But would you please first tell me your minimum order? B: Our minimum order is set at 5000 pieces.A: OK, that’s fine. I’ve selected two items from your online catalogue: items 6 and 18. But I would like to make some changes. Will you be able to accommodate me? B: Depending on what type of changes you want, it should n’t be a problem.A: For item 6, the sweater, I want the sweater to come in two additional sizes. Would you please add XXL and XXXL?B: OK. How about item 18?A: The size is ok with item 18. But we want to order both light and dark colours. Part Ⅳ(1) have a problem with (2) protects (3) cost (4) decorative (5) European tastes (6) long-distance (7) sales (8) increase (9) retailers (10) logoPart Ⅴ1. (1) acd (2) d (3) c (4) c2. A: Hello, I’d like the order 1000 DSC-T5 Digital Cameras form your company. But it’s important that we have them before July 31. Can you make it?B: I’m afraid that we can’t make it in such a short period of time. That’s only a month away. Would you consider any other models?A: What do you suggest?B: The DSC-T7. Actually, it’s an updated version of the T5. It has more functions.A: Would you please tell me the difference?B: The DSC-T7 has a 32 MB2 of Internal Flash Memory. Otherwise it’s the same asthe DSC-T5.A: That sounds good. What about their prices?B: The DSC-T5 is $349.95 while the T7 is $449.95.A: I see. Would you be able to provide me with 500 of each?Part Ⅵ(1) Bran Gifts (2) ZWS10A (3) 1000 (4) US$18 (5) XG7 (6) foil in a brown box (7) September 10, 2005 (8) Toronto (9) 110% of the invoice value against All Risks(10) confirmed irrevocable (11) 15th (12) Quality & QuantityUnit 6: Terms of PaymentPartⅠA Japanese YenB United Stated DollarC Pound SterlingD European DollarE Korean WonF Canadian DollarPart ⅡThe correct order is: c-a-b-e-dTask21. (1) b (2) a (3) b (4) c2. (1) collection (2) Documents against Payment (3) Documents against Acceptance(4) expenses (5) procedures (6) actual payment (7) collecting (8) non-paymentPart Ⅲ1. (1) b (2) c (3) a (4) c (5) c2. A: since we have reached an agreement on the price, quality, quantity and packagingof the product, now let’s get down to talk about payment, ok?B: Good idea, what terms of payment would you prefer?A: Actually, on L/C payment is our general practice.A: The exchange rate is currently rather unstable and an L/C provide a guarantee of prompt payment from the bank.A: It’s also the generally accepted international practice.B: That’s right. L/C are very common in foreign trade.B: But this time we suggest D/P payment for the following reasons:B: firstly, a D/P payment can reduce the cost and in turn allow a larger profit margin for both of us. Secondly, the order is quite large and our exchange quote is insufficient at present. Finally, we have a good credit rating in several banks. You can trust us!A: That sounds good. But we still prefer an L/C since it’s our general practice. A: Do you think you could apply for one?Part Ⅳ1. The correct order is: a-i-e-g-b-f-c-j-d-h2. (1) lump sum payment (2) payment by installment (3) cash on delivery(4) advance payment (5) 25%, final acceptance (6) one monthPart Ⅴ1.(1) Ask what provision has been made for signing salary cheques and playing utility bills. Put pressure on the person dealing with you by stressing how important your account is.(2) Ask how often these problems occur and how long faults generally last.(3) Ask for cheque and postage details(4) Ask for the name and address of their debtor and the expected date of payment(5) Ask whether this is the only reason for late payment and offer to fax a copy immediately2.A: Hello, Becker here.B: Good morning, Mr. Becker. This is Mary Wang.B: I’m sorry to ring you like this.A: That’s all right.B: Did you get the invoice as well?A: Yes, yesB: But the payment of the invoice sent to you has not yet been made.A: Yes, money is very tight at the moment, you see.B: Yes, I think I know what you mean. We have a similar problem.B: While, in the case of unsettled debts it is our company policy to take legal action. B: We would naturally prefer not to have to go so far.A: So what do you suggest we do about the money we owe you?B: Well, please try and send the cheque before the end of the month.B: That’s one more week.A: Thank you, we will do our best.B: We hope to keep you as a regular customer despite any troubles you may have. A: Thank you very much for being so understanding. Goodbye.B: Bye.Part Ⅵ(1)SB-87654 (2) fifty thousand US dollars(US$ 50000.00) (3) No.DEF-101 datedJanuary 10,2006 (4) five (5) two (6) freight prepaid (7) pneumatic tools(8) drive (9) hose and quick couplings (10) allowed (11) No.IP/79370 (12)beneficiary’s (13) 15 days (14) SB-87654 (15)draftsUnit 7 DeliveryPart Ⅰ1.□time of establishment of the L/C□availability of shipping space□supply of raw materials□amount of orders to fulfill at the producer’s side2.(1)The procedures involved in the delivery of goods: negotiating the stipulations about delivery, ensuring the production of goods, transporting the goods to the port of shipment, checking insurance and other factors in shipping, delivering the goods at the port of destination, etc.(2)The seller’s concerns: production and transportation time of goods meets the requirements, shipment of goods is carried out as scheduled, etc.The buyer’s concerns: progress of the production and shipment, inspection of the quantity, quality and other aspects of delivery, etc.Part ⅡTask1(1)one month after we signed the contract(2)the shipping agent, get the necessary shipping apace(3)Our supplier, the supplier is short on materialsTask21.(1) Good quality (2) on time (3) marketing channels (4) reach the end users (5)their stocks2.(1) at the beginning of November (2) before end of September for the Christmasrush (3) manufacturers are working in full capacity because they have a lot of orders. (4) give his order top priority (5) the middle of OctoberPart ⅢConversation 1: 3 months after the contract is signed, NoConversation 2: July, mid-June, no shipping spaceConversation 3: by the end of September, YesPart Ⅳ1. Mr. Aubery insists on the delivery date should be no later than September 20th because they have a very strict timetable.Mr. Hall says that because of the damage from a disastrous hurricane last month, they can only make delivery in the last week in September. Finally, they compromise on this and make September 25th the last possible shipment date.2. (1) workshop (2) halted (3) orders (4) capacity (5) installed (6) September (7) September 25th(8) complete (9) transport (10) possiblePart Ⅴ1. (1) c (2) c (3) a (4) b2. The appropriate attitude should be polite and understanding, and try to explain the reasons for the delay. Apologise to your partner and try to make immediate compensation.Part Ⅵ1. The reason: The wrong delivery was caused by a slip-up by the shipping Department. The solution: Ms. Lester suggested that they would try to find another buyer for the goods on the condition that Mr. Backer’s company would reduce the price by 25% for the lot and ship a consignment of AI quality immediately.2. (1) T (2) F (3) F (4) T (5) FUnit 8 Complaints and ClaimsPart Ⅰ(1)damaged (2) claim (3) payment (4) documents (5) settlement (6) ownership(7)invoicePart ⅡTask1(1)defective items (2) insurance, shipping (3) pay compensation (4) provide areplacement, return the money (5) ask for compensationTask2(1)order (2) breakage (3) 30% (4) withholding payment (5) call me back(1)Mrs. McCall (2) ACC (3) the quality is not the same as the sample (4) send thewhole lot back (5) 0181-993 421 (6) 5:30Part Ⅲ1.Appropriate responses: 1-3-4Inappropriate responses: 2-52.(1) c (2) a (3) b (4) c (5) bPart Ⅳ(1) lodged a claim (2) 15 sets were badly damaged (3) rough handling by the shipping company (4) take the matter up with them (5) in good condition (6) careless handling at some stage prior to shipment (7) survey report (8) replace all 15 sets as soon as possible (9) settle your claim immediately (10) your cooperationPart Ⅴ1.(1)A: The quality is different from that of the approved samples(2)A: The pictures of products with the wrong colour(3)A: Send the replacement(4)A: Send the replacement immediately(5)A: No2.A: we’ve just received our order No.2-H35. We found that there were five pieces missing from the consignment.B: we’ve sorry to hear that. Did you check with the shipping company? Maybe it was due to inappropriate handling by the shipping company during transit.A: The carton was not damaged. But there were five pieces missing from inside the carton. So the shipping company said they had nothing to do with the shortage. It must have happened during the packaging process.B: Well, do you have any evidence?A: Yes, of course. We have a survey report issued by the Inspection Bureau in our country.B: In that case, please fax us the survey report and we’ll deal with your claim. A: OK, I’ll fax you the report immediately.Part Ⅵ1.(1) juice (2) HY08/33 (3) Hamburg (4) PICC2.(1) Fifteen cases were badly damaged. (2) The contract was on FOB basis.(3) Turn to the insurance company for compensation.Unit 9 MarketingPart Ⅰ Warm-upMarket research / consumer behaviour / distribution channel / product launch / sales figure / advertising campaign / promotional strategyPart Ⅱ Listening PracticeTask1The Marketing Manager: (1) marketing strategy (2) demand for the products (3) competitors (4) potential new markets (5) the company’s products (6) potential customersThe Promotions Manager: (1) promotion programmes (2) advertising campaigns (3) exhibitions (4) occasional special price reduction campaignsThe Public Relations Manager: (1) publicity programmes (2) the company (3) customers’ supportThe Sales Manager: (1) sales programmes (2) goals (3) training programmes (4) the sales figures (5) monitor the market share (6) maximize profitsTask2(1) demand (2) competition (3) Testing (4) samples (5) Divide (6) smaller (7) segment (8) Advertising (9) consider (10) budgetPart Ⅲ1.Checklist: a- c-d-f-g2.Graph 1 Product oo4Graph 2 Product 003Graph 3 Product 001Graph 4 Product 002Part Ⅳ1.Checklist: a-c-d-e-g2.(1) market share (2) There have been a number of new competitors (3) young fashionfollowers (4) 1.8 million (5) 1.8 million (6) 6% (7) radio and TV (8) the net(9) fashion magazinesPart Ⅴ1.(1) c (2) b (3) c (4) a2.Agent: Good morning, sir, I’m an insurance agent. May I ask you some questions? Man: Yes. Go ahead.Agent: Do you have any insurance protection for you and your family?Man: No, not really.Agent: How many people are there in your family?Man: Four. My wife, two children and me.Agent: Does your wife work?Man: No. She takes care of the children at home.Agent: Then you’re the only breadwinner in your family.Man: I guess so.Agent: Have you ever thought about what your family would do if anything happened to you? How would they servive?Man: Mm… I can only hope that won’t happen?Agent: Well, sir. Nothing in life is certain. Just in case, may I suggest you buy some insurance? By this way, you’ll be protected. I promise you that if the conditions of your policy are met, the insurance company will pay out.Man: That sounds reasonable. Can you explain the details?Agent: Sure.Part Ⅵ(1) No(2) How many staff members do you have?(3) Where do they eat at noon?(4) A limited selection dishes.(5) YesUnit 10 AdvertisingPart ⅠAmway: outdoor billboard, TV commercialEsprit: fashion magazinesIKEA: cataloguesNestle: TV commercials, magazinesMc Donald’s: sports sponsorship, outdoor billboards, TV commercialsSony Ericsson: outdoor billboards, magazinesStarbucks coffee: word of mouthVolkswagon: magazines, TV commercials, outdoor billboardsPart ⅡTask1(2)E (3) A (4) G (5) D (6) B (7) FTask21. (1) products (2) companies (3) image (4) hear (5) read (6) information (7) respond to (8) prospects (9) salespeople (10) customers2. (1) a (2) c (3) bPart Ⅲ1.Leaflets & flyers: local shops & fitness clubsShowrooms: Nokia, ToyotaSports sponsorship: Coca-cola, BenzRadio advertising: local restaurantsTV commercials: Amway, Mc Donald’sThe Internet: IBMMagazines: omega, DellOutdoor billboards: China Unicon, Petro China2.(1) expensive, budget (2) too expensive (3) highway, subway, train (4) young people Part Ⅳ1. sponsorship; posters; radio; TV commercials2. (1) c (2) b (3) a (4) c (5) aPart Ⅴ1. b-e2. (1) office furniture (2) brand awareness (3) business executives (4) self-employed professionals (5) successful people dream of (6) under half a million dollars (7) April 15Part Ⅵ1. Automobile, Marmalade, Furniture, Ice cream2. (1) c (2) a (3) d (4) b。
商务英语基础(下) Unit 24 Trade Fairs and Exhibition
K:That’s nice. (Taking a copy) I’d rather study this after I get back to the hotel.我 宁愿回到酒店后再来研究这个。But now, I’d like to see your silk ties.但是现在,我想看 看你们的丝绸领带。 W:We have some new products as well as a few traditional ones.我们有一些新产 品也有一些传统的。But the material is 100% cotton,not silk.但是材料是百分之一 百纯棉不是丝绸。 K:Really?Oh,it looks very beautiful.这看起 来很漂亮。They are attractive in design.他 们设计上很有吸引力。
In addition costs are incurred at the show for services such as electrial,booth cleaning,internet services,and drayage (also known as material handling)此外,在 展览会上的各种服务如电器、展位清理、互 联网服务和运送(也称为物料搬运)也会产 生成本费用。 Consequently,cities often promote trade shows as a means of economic development.因此,城市经常推动贸易作为经 济发展的手段。
Ⅷ.1.我三月一号去巴黎参加贸易展。 2.只有在这种情况下,我才真正理解明白对于 商人来说展会意味着什么。 3.交易会为卖家提供一个展示他们的产品,让 他们知道买家。 4.卖家应该准备充足的目录、价格表、名片 和免费样品。 5.买家可以在贸易展下订单,或者只是得到他 们需要的信息,之后再作定夺。 Ⅸ.held,scheduled,theme,as,largest,accordi ng to,take place,called
商务英语基础 Unit 24 Trade Fairs and Exhibitions 交易会与展览会 课件
equality and mutual benefit. 4. He can still gain from the sale of his equipment or
[ ‘klæsifai ] v. 分类,归类,,分等
[in'vɔlv] v. 包含,使卷入,牵涉
[ in'vestmənt ] n. 投资,投入
[ bu:ð] n. 电话亭,货摊
● What are some new products made of?
● How do some new products look? What are they attractive in?
● What kind company of Mr. Koqi is?
Task Four: Pairwork.
The following may be useful:
Can I help you? We’d like to register for(注册)the trade fair. Can I reserve a booth in the right corner? Could you tell me your price range? It costs… per square meter. …
Unit 24 Trade Fairs and Exhibitions
Let’s think What is the name of the EXPO Mascot?
Unit OnePart I Lead-in1.1) An inquiry is a request for information.2)The importer usually inquires the exporter for information or an offer for the goods hewishes to buy.2・ A quotation is merely a notice of the price of certain goods at which the seller is willing to sell.3.1)B 2) C 3) APart II Listening & Speaking 1I Listening1 ・ Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks・customers; a newly established firm; business relations; all the necessary information; a new customer; channelsa.banksb.Chamber of Commercee. business houseg. trade directoryi.market investigationj. trade fairs and exhibitions2.Listen to the passage and fill in the missing information.the Commercial Councilor's office; a leading exporter; a good market in our country; price;terms of payment3・ Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions.1)Who is calling the manager of the exporting department?John Smith from the Carter Trading Company.2)Why does he call the manager of the exporting department?He thinks that there might be some opportunities between the two companies・3)What does he ask the manager of the exporting department to do?He asks the manager of the exporting department to send him brochures and illustratedcatalogues.4.Listen to the passage and complete the notes・1)telephone, fax, or e-mail; the type of goods you are enquiring about; give a lot ofinformation about yourself; any particular items you are interested in2)specific and state exactly what you want; samples or patterns; invited to visit a showroom3)a prompt reply would be appreciated; a regular customer; quote competitive terms and offerconcessionsPart III Listening & Speaking 2I Listening1・ Listen to two passages and complete the notes.1)an action undertaken by buyers; to acquire product details; the prices of goods; the termsof payment; under what conditions the deal can be made; prompt, definite and helpful2)you should decide exactly what you want before you write; would be at a total loss torespond; without knowing your company's needs; should narrow down the type yourcompany would consider; 3,000 copies a month; 25 copies at any one time; what you arelooking for; you motivate her response2.Listen to a letter off inquiry and fill in the missing information.your inquiry of May 20; quoted; a range of designs and colors; in your market; catalogue;might be of interest to youII Interpreting(1)A: WeTe thinking of placing an order for Chinese tea with you.B: Which would you prefer, black or green tea?A: Both are very popular in my country. Could I have a look at your samples?B: Sure・ This is Oolong Tea from Fujian and Longjing Tea from the West Lake,…A: They are really very good in color and flavor. No wonder your tea has been well received by so many people・ Could you give me some indication of your price?B: Here is our price list. All the prices on the list arc subject to our final confirmation.(2)A: Good morning, sir.B: Good morning. I've seen your catalogue and Fm interested in your Flying Pigeon Bicycle. I think this type of bicycle will have a ready market in Canada・This is a list of myrequirements・ Could you quote us your lowest price CIF Vancouver?A: We generally quote on a FOB・ basis. Just a moment. Fll work it out for you.(3)A: Hello!B: Hello! Pve seen your catalogue and Pm interested in some of your products.A: You chose well. These products are selling well in your neighborhood. I believe they will have a ready market at your end・B: Could I have a look at your samples?A: Sure・ Here you arc・B: I'm very pleased with your products. I'm considering placing an order as long as your terms and conditions are acceptable.A: Here is our price list. These products are in great demand at present. So place your order early if at all possible•Part IV Supplementary Reading1. A sales enquiry can be generated in a number of ways・ It can be a phone call, a letter,call for tender, fax or e-mail, or it may be as a result of contact by a representative,through your advertising, or direct marketing・2・ Sales enquiries can be divided into active enquiries and passive enquiries・3 • To take the active role.4.1) Decide whether we can do what is required, and also whether we should do it.2)Produce an estimate or price accurately and quickly.3)Have a process for keeping the customer informed at various stages of the process・4)Have a well-defined system of authorization, that does not impede progress, but doesensure decisions are made by the right people・5.Generally the steps are estimating, pricing, and proposal.Unit TwoPart I Lead-in1 ・ Match the following currencies with their abbreviationsAustralian D)llar AUDCanadian Ebllar CADHong Fbng Ebllar HKDNew 血land Dollar NZDU.S. Ebllar USDSwiss Franc SFrEuro Dollar EURGreat B itain Pound GBPJapanese Yen JPYSingapore Dollar SGDRenminbi RMMatch the Incoterms with their Chinese equivalents.CFR ( Cost and Freight) 成木加运费CIF ( Cost, Insurance and Freight) 成本,保险费加运费CIP ( Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费和保险费付至CPT ( Carriage Paid To) 运费付至DAF ( Delivered at Frontier) 边境交货DDP ( Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货DDU ( Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货DES ( Delivered Ex-Ship) 冃的港船上交货DEQ (Delivered Ex-Quay) 目的港码头交货EXW (Ex-Works) 工厂交货FAS ( Free Alongside Ship) 船边交货FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人FOB ( Free on Board) 船上交货3.Open(10) (11) (12)4. OpenPart II Listening & Practice 1I Listening1 ・ Listen and write down the following quotations.1) AUD DO per dozjn EXW Guangzhou(2) CAD 2(® per kilogram FCA Guangzhou(3) EUR 137 per st FOB Sianghai(4) JPY 597 per uni FAS Shanghai(5) HKD 1(7 per pece CFR H )ng K )ng(6) SGD 463 per nitric t )n CIF Sngapore(7) USD 800 per st CPT Geneva(8) CHF 2,629 per kilogram CIP Geneva(9) USD 325 per st Delivered a 8no-Mongolian frontierEUR 317 per piece DES MirseillesGBP 500 per unit DEQ LondonEUR 3© per nctric t )n Delivered at 5 Maple Road, Bonn, Duty Paid(13) EUR 1,000 per metric ton Delivered at Maple Road, Bonn, Duty Unpaid2. Listen to the passage and fill in the missing words or expressions ・1) offer; goods; a firm offer; non-firm offer; quality or specifications; details of prices; terms of payment; packing; buyer; counter offer; offer — counter offer — counter-counter-offer2) exporting; revenue; Appropriate pricing; establish all relevant market data; a particular market area; adjust prices; supply and demand; rising or falling; profit margin; The quality and quantity of the products; fluctuations3. Listen to the passage and complete the notes ・quotes a price; taxes; gross prices; net prices; legally binding; when prices tend to fluctuate; are subject to change; hold the goods for a certain time; to protect their reputation; discounts; a trade discount; a quantity discount; a cash discount; a loyalty discountPart III Listening & Speaking 2I Listening1. Listen and fill in the missing information.A. 1()() cases; 5 kilograms per case; at USD25; CFR European main ports; September, 2002; five days.B. 50,000 tons; USD 225;C. 200 kiograms; USD 120; FOB Shanghai.D. subject to our final confirmation; 8111 Pure Silk Fabrics; 382913-AB; 50,000 yards; inwooden cases; USD3.7 per yard CIF London; To be made in three equal monthlyinstallments; March 23, 2002; to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment;E.letter; reply; June 1; offer; 80 metric tons; 2002 Crop; USD765 per metric ton; June;transshipment; terms and conditions; insurance; 130%2.Listen to three paragraphs and fill in the blanks1)counter-offer; offer; sellers; consider2)buyers; bid; price; commodity; made3)an intermediary; the money; 2% of commission; price reduction; "special discount^;promoting and expanding sales; excluded from the export price.II Interpreting(1)A: Here is our offer for 1,000 cases of jasmine tea・B: Well, your price is too high to accept. ItUl be very difficult for us to make any sales.A: You must be aware that the price of jasmine tea has been increasing ・B: But Vietnamese suppliers give a lower price.A: Every one in the trade knows that our jasmine tea is far more superior.B: I don't deny the quality of your jasmine tea. But competition is keen. Manysuppliers are in fact cutting their prices trying to get a larger market share.A: So far, our product can handle the competition well. We,ve had many orders and more are coming・ It just shows that our product is competitive and our price is attractive.(2)A: Here is our price list. All the prices in the list are subject to our final confirmation.B: By the way, do you allow any commission?A: Well, our prices are quoted on an FOB net basis. As a rule, we don't allow any commission.B: But you know, we3 4 5re a commissioned agent. We do business on a commission basis.Commission transactions will surely help to push the sale of your products・A: Yet your order is really not large enough.B: What quantity would you consider to be a large shipment?A: USD 500,000 or over.B: Wow, really substantial. Well, Mr. Chen, this is our first transaction. Can you be more flexible and offer us more favorable terms? It might be possible for us to establish along-term relationship.A: O.K. Wc would grant you a 3% commission 讦you place an order of USD 400,000.B: We appreciate your concession very much・However, we can usually get a 5% commission from our European suppliers.A: Mr. Green, our price itself is already favorable・ Ii is for our future business that we make this exception. This is the best we can do.B: All right, weTl have to accept it.3A: Mr. Wright, here is our offer for 5,000 metric tons of grade A red beans, USD175 per metric ton, CIFC 5% Rotterdam.B: Your price is on the high side, Mi; Chang. It's impossible for us to conclude any transactions at this price.A: I don^t know why you think so. Frankly speaking, we wouldnY quote you such a low price if you were not our regular customcr. I bet you can't get such a favorable pricefrom other suppliers・B: We got an offer from a Thailand supplier yesterday. Their price is 3% lower.A: You must take the quality of our red beans into consideration. Every one in this trade is well aware that the Chinese Grade A red bean is of superior quality. So the price ofgrade A commodities of course must be higher than those of inferior quality. Besides,there is a strong demand for Grade A red beans. A lot of orders are pouring in from allover the world. Most of the importers think that our offer is reasonable. I believe youllmake profits buying at this price.(4)A: Your price is 5% higher than that of the last transaction.B: You know production cost has increased a great deal recently. We also need to consider upward trends when we fix the price.A: But it will be very difficult for us to persuade our clients to buy at such a price・ You'll have to reduce your price by 5%.B: Your counter-offer is far beyond my reach・ We can't stand such a big cut.A: We make this counter-offer based on the offers from other suppliers. We made inquiries to some suppliers at the same time and found that your price is higher than the othersuppliers ・B: Could we just put this problem aside? Could you give me an idea of the size of your order first?A: It will largely depend on the price you offer. If you could make a 5% reduction, we would place an order of 100,000 pieces.B: All right. Shall we move together? We reduce the price by 3% on the condition that you increase your order to 200,000 pieces. This is our rock-bottom price・A: O.K. Let,s call it a deal.Part IV Supplementary Reading1 • Pricing should be postponed un til all of the other aspects of the transaction have beendiscussed.2.By presenting a more comprehensive negotiating package in a well planned andorganized manner.3.The exporter should react positively by initiating discussions on non-price questions,instead of immediately offering price concessions or taking a defensive attitude・4.The importer may press the exporter to make a concession on quantity discounts,discounts for repeat orders and improved packaging and labeling (for the same price).5.The importer may object to the initial price quoted.Unit ThreePart II Listening & SpeakingI Listening1 ・ Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions.1)Pillowcases, Article No. 201.2)2,000 pieces.3)No. Because pillowcases Article No. 201 are the best selling goods・ They are sold outfast every yea匚4)She has to pay a higher price in order to get 2,000 pieces・2.Listen to a passage and fill in the missing information.quotation of Nov. 15; with samples; quality; prices; place a trial order; Ladies' nylon pants;20,000 pcs; USD0.20/pc; USD4000.00; Bags; 500 pcs; USDl.OO/pc; USD 500.0(); a good market; place further and larger orders.3.Listen to a passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false・1) F 2)T 3) F 4) F 5)T 6)T 7) F 8)TPart III Listening & Speaking 2I ListeningI• Listen to three dialogues and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false(F).1)F 2) F 3) F 4) T 5) F 6) F 7) T 8) F 9) F 10) T2.Listen to a passage and answer the following questions・1)To check that the products are available and to confirm the order with the custome匚2)No.3)The stock control systcm.4)You send an invoice to the customer.3.Listen to a passage and fill in the blanks・1)interest; to make enquires; place an order; publicizing and promoting; client; delivery;replacements; after-sales service2)letters, faxes or e-mails; a formal order; a firm order; terms and conditions; the articlenumber; the port of destination; the payment terms; execute the orderII Interpreting(1)A: We9ve received your inquiry, Mr. Smith・ But we are sorry to tell you that the goods you inquired for are out of stock. You'll have to wait for two months.B: Two months! It will be too long・ Our customers arc in urgent need of the goods・A: There's nothing we can do. Our products have been well received for their high quality and reasonable prices・ So demands have often been exceeding supplies・ Though we have tried to speed up production, we still can't meet the increasing demands・ So Fd like to recommend to you the HRF-279.B: Our clients are familiar with GSB-112, but not HRF-279. How do I know that it will sell well in our market?A: Don't worry. The HRF-279 has been selling well in Europe and in Southeast Asian countries・ I'm sure it will have a ready market at your end.B: I hope so.(2)(On the phone)A: We have received your sample and are very satisfied with it. We,11 be placing a trial order for 50,000 sets. The order form will reach you tomoiTow・B: We're glad to accept your order. May I remind you that the sample should be added as part of the first shipment.A: No problem・ Whenever we place an order, we always ask for a sale by sample agreement, so we can be sure of the quality of the product.B: DonY worry. Our products are always as good as the samples we send.A: Thank you. If they sell well in our market, I can promise you that substantial orders will follow.(3)A: Hi.B: Hi. Nice to see you. How's business?A: Not bad. How's everything?B: It is the off-season in my market, since spring festival has just passed・ I found that your sales of bicycles have been falling off lately, haven^t they?A: ThaFs because we have switched to car accessories.B: Then, are you still handling bicycles?A: I am, but not on a large scale. Are you thinking of placing an order for some bicycles?B: I'm considering placing an order for 50,000 sets if your price is workable・Part IV Supplementary Reading1."China,s entry into the WTO is a historic event for China^s opening and reform^, “astrategic decision by the Chinese government faced with the situation of economicglobalization, and conforms with the target of China,s opening & reform and theconstruction of a socialistic market economic system”. As a landmark historicaldevelopment, China's entry into the WTO symbolizes a new phase of China's opening and reform, and will have a significant and far-reaching impact on the economic and socialdevelopment of China in the new century.2.According to WTO rules, all WTO members have the right to enjoy equal and justtreatment, and have the obligation to observe the organization^ various regulations.3・ The Chinese government has promised (1) to reduce the import tariff of 5000 kinds of goods as of January 1st, 2002, bringing the overall tariff level down to 12% from 15.3%,Revocable 12C Irrevocable L/C Sight UC Usancc/timc L/C Documentary L/C Clean L/C Standby L/C Revolving L/C Red dausc I/C Reciprocal I/C 可撤销信用证不可撤销信川证即期信用证远期信用证跟单信用证光票/无跟单信用证备用/保证信用证循坏信用证红条款信用证对开/互开信用证with a reduction rate of up to 73%, (2) to eliminate the quota licensing management offoodstuffs, wool, cotton, acrylic fibers, polyester pellets, fertilizer, and some tires as of the 1st of January 2002. By January l s, of 2005, non-tariff measures for over 400 kinds ofgoods will also be eliminated・4.The Chinese government should perform the obligations of Notification and Inquiry.5.China should "make scientific analysis and comprehensive understanding of theadvantages and disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of entry into the WTO. When faced with advantages, take opportunities and make positive use of them; withdisadvantages, work hard and strive to avoid risk:Unit FourPart I Lead-in1.Match Column A with Column B2.Open3.Below is a sample of irrevocable letter of credit which illustrates the various parts of a typicalletter of credit. 21 days from B/L date4.Questions for reflection1)T/T 2) opm account 3) L/C 4) D/P 5) L/C 6) escrowPart II Listening & Speaking 1I Listening1.Listen to a passage and fill in the blanks.the letter of credit; reliable; safe; buyers; sellers; buyers; the opening bank; finance; collection; Documents against Payment; Documents against Acceptance; expenses; procedures; a risk; actual payment; collecting; non-payment; shipping documents; D/P at sight; D/P after sight; immediate payment; D/P; make payment; 45; 90; the documents; pays; acceptance; promise; thefinancial standing of the importer is sound; have convinced; payment.2.Listen to the dialogue between the bank clerk and the customer and answer the following questions.1 ・ To make an investigation of the financial position of the Malaysian Trading Company.2.Yes.3.RMBY898 in total.4.The results of the investigation of the financial standing of the Malaysian TradingCompany3・ Listen to a passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)1)F 2)T 3)T 4) F 5) F 6)T 7)T 8) F 9) F 10) TPart III Listening & Speaking 2I Listening1.Listen to a passage and fill in the missing information.export; irrevocable letter of credit; at sight; 30 days before shipment; the 15th day; documents against acceptance; the payment method; through full discussion; our imports; payment by collection.2.Listen to a dialogue and answer the following questions.A.To discount a time bill.B. A ninety-day bill for USD 9,876,000.C.Yes.D.3・ Listen to a passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1) T 2) F 3) F 4) T 5) TII Interpreting(1)A: When should we open the L/C?B: The L/C must reach us one month before shipment. Since the goods are supplied from stock, yoird better open the L/C as soon as possible, otherwise it may delay the shipment.A: If we open the L/C one month before shipment, it'll tie up our money. Would 15 days do?B: Fm afraid not. It'll take us a lot of time to get the goods ready and book shipping space.You can" expect us to make delivery within 15 days・A: When are you going to ship the goods?B: The goods will be ready at the end of January・ So if the L/C would reach us by January 1,we could deliver the goods in early February.A: Do you have any stipulations on the validity of the L/C?B: Wc generally require the L/C to remain valid until the fifteenth day after shipment.A: Can we use Citi Bank as our opening bank?B: No problem at all.(2)A: I'm Chen Qiang of the Guangdong Silk Import & Export Corporation. Fd like to talk to you regarding your order No. 123-456 with us.B: Is there anything wrong?A: Well, shipping space is all booked up. Pm afraid we can't deliver the goods on time.Could you extend the L/C until the end of this month?B: No problem, but please try your best to solve the problem. The goods are seasonal commodities; weUl have to meet the Christmas selling season.A: WeTl try our best to ensure delivery in Mid-October.B: Thank you very much.A: You9re welcome.・(3)A: So far we have already settled the problems of price, quality and quantity. Now what about the terms of payment?B: We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents ・A: Could you be more flexible and accept D/A or D/P?B: Fm afraid not.A: Frankly speaking, we have overstocked some other goods, and our floating funds are insufficient. It'll tie up our money to open an L/C.B: I quite understand your position. But the problem is that the world economic situation is going downward and the financial market is fluctuating. Wc have to do business onan L/C basis so as to be guaranteed・A: Then could you accept 50% payment by L/C and the balance by D/P?B: Sorry, we are not in a position to do that, yet we could olfer you more favorable terms of delivery instead・Part IV Supplementary Reading1 ・ An experienced exporting firm extends credit cautiously. It evaluates new customers withcare and continuously monitors older accounts・ Such a firm may wisely decide to declinea customer's request for open account credit if the risk is too great and propose insteadpayment on delivery terms through a documentary sight draft or irrevocable confirmedletter of credit or even payment in advance. On the other hand, for a fully creditworthycustomer, the experienced exporter may decide to allow a month or two to pay, perhapseven on open account.1)Cash in advance;2)Documentary letter of credit;3)Documentary collection or draft;4)Open account; and5)Other payment mechanisms, such as consignment sales.3・ Drafts that are paid upon presentation are called sight drafts・ Drafts that are to be paid at a later date, often after the buyer receives the goods, are called time drafts or date drafts.4.The exporter usually expects the buyer to pay the charges for the letter of credit, but somebuyers may not agree to this added cost. In such cases, the exporter must either absorb thecosts of the letter of credit or risk losing that potential sale. Letters of credit for smalleramounts can be somewhat expensive since fees can be high relative to the sale.5・In a foreign transaction, an open account can be a convenient method of payment if the buyer is well established, has a long and favorable payment record, or has been thoroughly checked for creditworthiness. With an open account, the exporter simply bills the customer, who is expected to pay under agreed terms at a future date・Some of the largest firms abroad make purchases only on open account.Exporters contemplating a sale on open account terms should thoroughly examine the political, economic, and commercial risks. They should also consult with their bankers if financing will be needed for the transaction before issuing a pro forma invoice to a buye匚Unit Five PackingL Lead-in1.Open2.Open3.I) gunny bags 2) foam plastic 3) keg 4) barrels5) (rate 6) ron dums 7) paper b堀s 8) (artonsIL Listening & Speaking 1I Listening1 ・ Listen to the first part of a passage and fill in the blanks・damage free, destination, quality wooden, customized, mode of transportation, certification, vapor, land shipment, measured, location, loaded, end products, securing2. Listen to the second part and complete the notes・Centrally located 5 miles from the International Airport; 5,50() 一30,000# forklifts, overhead cranes, a cherry picker and basic rigging tools, an assortment of saws and drills, as well as a fully equipped mobile packing unit; on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.3.Listen to a passage, and answer the following questions.1)To protect the commodity and keep it good in quality and intact in quantity in the circulationprocess and to increase the market value of the goods.2)Shipping packing is also called big packing or outer packing; the function of marketing packingis to protect the goods as well as to beautify and introduce them.Ill Listening & Speaking 2L Listening1. Listen to the ten sentences and write them down.1)We are to use plastic wrappers for each shirt, so they are ready for window display.2)Please use normal export containers unless you receive special instructions from our agents・3)The packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handling・4)As for the packing of the products, we'd like to use crates・5)For this kind of product we export, each item is individually packed in plastic sheets・6)Every 24 pieces are packed in a paper carton before shipping・7)This shipping mark indicates the total number of cases, the ordinal number of package andnumber of the bill of lading・8)Packing charge is already included in the price.9)Actually we keep making improvements in our method of packing in order to meet the keencompetition in the world market・10)Each carton is lined with wateiproof paper, so the contents cant be spoiled by dampness or rain.2.Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions・1)Each jar will be wrapped by tissue paper placing in its individual decorative cardboard・ Thenwe pack the boxes in strong cardboard twelve to a carton, separated from each other bycorrugated paper dividers・2)They arc fragile commodities.3)Details of weight, symbols of warnings and directions such as USE NO HOOK, STOW AWAYFROM HEAT, DONOT DROP, and FRAGILE, as well as B's own marks.3.Listen to the passage and do the following exercises・A: 1)B 2) A 3)C 4)C 5) AB: Fill in the blanks according to the passage yoifve just heard.1 ・ standard cartons, corrugated rolls, air bubbles, plywood boxes, masking tape, plastic andsteel straps, buckles2. Frozen goods, Perishables, Consumable items3・ general cargo, personal belongings, packing, transportation, insurance facilitiesIL Interpreting(1)A: The safety of packing is something we always pay a lot of attention to. Especially for fragile commodities, wc'vc got to be extra careful. Otherwise, if something unexpectedhappened, we'd be responsible and it would cause you a lot of inconvenience, too.B: You' re right. But wouldn't it be safer to use wooden cases?A: Surely we can 讦you want us to, but the charge would be much higher.B: Then, let^ s keep using cartons・A: Sure, no problem. Cartons arc good enough for goods like this. You don9 t have to worry about it.(2)A: Fm so glad that we have the chance to do business togethe匚B: Me too・A: I made this special trip here this time hoping to have a look at the packing of our products because in the last shipment we received, there were a few items damaged by dampness・B: Fm sorry for that. But we have taken care of it.A: Could you be more specific?B: Although we are still using cartons, we have taken measures to prevent them from dampness. We have lined them with plastic sheets on the inside・ In addition, we've put a "keep dry" sign on the outside・A: That sounds good・(3)A: Do you niind if I give you a little suggestion about the inner packing of the products?B: No. Go ahead.A: Well, you know, packing affects the reputation of the products, and one important function of packing is to stimulate the buyer9s desire to buy. In addition, packing should give thebuyer an idea of what is packed inside・Your products arc good, but your packing doesn't look attractive enough to the buyer.B: Thank you very much. That's a good suggestion and we happen to have the same view. We have just improved our packing.A: Great! Would you let me have a look?B: Sure thing. Let's go to the sample room.IV Supplementary Reading1.No, not really.2.Customers often require rapid delivery, and faster handling speeds require protective packaging,while the packaging engineers and product designers would optimize the product-package。
综合商务英语1(已完成)tradefairsTrade FairA trade fair(trade show,trade exhibition,or expo) is an exhibition organized so that companies in a specific industry can showcase and demonstrate their latest products, service, study activities of rivals and examine recent market trends and opportunities. In contrast to consumer fairs, only some trade fairs are open to the public, while others can only be attended by company representatives (members of the trade, e.g. professionals) and members of the press, therefore trade shows are classified as either "Public" or "Trade Only". A few fairs are hybrids of the two; one example is the Frankfurt Book Fair, which is trade-only for its first three days and open to the general public on its final two days. They are held on a continuing basis in virtually all markets and normally attract companies from around the globe. For example, in the U.S. there are currently over 10,000trade shows held every year, and several online directories(目录) have been established to help organizers, attendees, and marketers identify appropriate events.Modern trade fairs follow in the tradition of trade fairs established in late medieval Europe, in the era of merchant capitalism. In this era, produce and craft producers visited towns for trading fairs, to sell and showcase products. From the late eighteenth century,Industrial Exhibitions in Europe and North America became more common reflecting the technological dynamism of the industrial revolution. In the 21st century, with the rapid industrialization of Asia, trade shows and exhibitions are now commonplace throughout the Asian continent, with China dominating the exhibitions industry in Asia, accounting formore than 55 per cent of all space sold in the region in 2011.Trade fairs often involve a considerable marketing investment by participating companies. Costs include space rental, design and construction of trade show displays, telecommunications and networking, travel, accommodations, and promotional literature and items to give to attendees. In addition, costs are incurred at the show for services such as electrical, booth cleaning, internet services, and drayage(运送)(also known as material handling). Consequently, cities often promote trade shows as a means of economic development.Exhibitors attending the event are required to use an exhibitor manual or online exhibitor manual to order their required services and complete any necessary paperwork such as health and safety declarations. An increasing number of trade fairs are happening online, and these events are called virtual tradeshows. They are increasing in popularity due to their relatively low cost and because there is no need to travel whether you are attending or exhibiting.。
例有一个人为改变自己害羞的缺点,主 动找人说话,不但改变了缺点,从中还得 到了很多素材,最终成为文学家。
c. 不能改變的缺點,坦然接受
例张海迪坦然接受自已身体残疾 的事实,身残志不残,创造了不少 奇迹.
Jump to first page
S(优點) 0(机會)
W(缺點) T(威脅)
写出自已的优点、缺点及他人给自已机 会、他人对自已的威胁.
爽很好,如果去掉四个心结;就成 “一人为大”,心情就更好。
Jump to first page
“朋”是兩個月亮,意思是 “你的光照我的光,我的心 沾你的光”將心比心,理直 要气和,得理且饒人,你大
站在別人的立場,設身置內,以 同樣的心情、處境待人處事;
1. 亲和力
2 .积极力
3 .学习力 4 .沟通力
5 .忍耐力
Jump to first page
一种是心法:道可道,非常道,用之微妙,存乎 一心,關鍵在于個人幸福的秘方,要把學習放在 努力的炖鍋中,小心慢熬,再以信心作催劑,必 能熬出喜悅,美滿的人生。
情绪是人对生活经验的一种自然反应,这些反应有时 可以帮助人们处理一些紧急的突发事件.
从以下几個方面去 了解自已的情绪
B. 信念 》情绪
C. 反省(學會 找回自己, 已
D.通过 听、看、别人 说
国际商务礼仪(第二版) Unit 24 Negotiation Etiquette
International Business Marine Etiquette Cargo Insurance and Manners
Negotiation Techniques:
Text B
Present yourself as friendly and polite to give the impression of trustworthiness. To engage in small talk before the negotiations begin and to have short conversations after negotiations have ended for the day. Recognize and avoid verbal expressions with which the other party may be unfamiliar. Discover whether the audience prefers communication to be direct or indirect. Be sure that your presentation is concise, fact-based and easy to follow. Consider the negotiation etiquette of the professionals you are working with . Actively listen and patiently Wait for a decision.
2.It is cultural difference that one must consider seriously.
3.In North American eye contact is often viewed as showing confidence and honesty while in Japan it means rudeness or inappropriateness.
综合商务英语1(已完成)trade fairs
Trade FairA trade fair(trade show,trade exhibition,or expo) is an exhibition organized so that companies in a specific industry can showcase and demonstrate their latest products, service, study activities of rivals and examine recent market trends and opportunities. In contrast to consumer fairs, only some trade fairs are open to the public, while others can only be attended by company representatives (members of the trade, e.g. professionals) and members of the press, therefore trade shows are classified as either "Public" or "Trade Only". A few fairs are hybrids of the two; one example is the Frankfurt Book Fair, which is trade-only for its first three days and open to the general public on its final two days. They are held on a continuing basis in virtually all markets and normally attract companies from around the globe. For example, in the U.S. there are currently over 10,000trade shows held every year, and several online directories(目录) have been established to help organizers, attendees, and marketers identify appropriate events.Modern trade fairs follow in the tradition of trade fairs established in late medieval Europe, in the era of merchant capitalism. In this era, produce and craft producers visited towns for trading fairs, to sell and showcase products. From the late eighteenth century,Industrial Exhibitions in Europe and North America became more common reflecting the technological dynamism of the industrial revolution. In the 21st century, with the rapid industrialization of Asia, trade shows and exhibitions are now commonplace throughout the Asian continent, with China dominating the exhibitions industry in Asia, accounting for more than 55 per cent of all space sold in the region in 2011.Trade fairs often involve a considerable marketing investment by participating companies. Costs include space rental, design and construction of trade show displays, telecommunications and networking, travel, accommodations, and promotional literature and items to give to attendees. In addition, costs are incurred at the show for services such as electrical, booth cleaning, internet services, and drayage(运送)(also known as material handling). Consequently, cities often promote trade shows as a means of economic development.Exhibitors attending the event are required to use an exhibitor manual or online exhibitor manual to order their required services and complete any necessary paperwork such as health and safety declarations. An increasing number of trade fairs are happening online, and these events are called virtual tradeshows. They are increasing in popularity due to their relatively low cost and because there is no need to travel whether you are attending or exhibiting.。
中职教育-国际商务英语口语口译课件:Unit 15 Trade Fairs and Exhibitions.ppt
A: 你可以电话报名。不过,要等到你把注册费汇款进账后才能予以展位 确认。
B: That’s understood. I’d like to go ahead with the reservation. A: 你要底楼展位还是二楼展位? B: Do the prices depend on the location? A: 底楼位置好,当然也就贵一点。不过二楼展位可免收3平方米的展位费。 B: Then a stand on the second floor. A: 好的。你要预订现场广告吗? B: I think we need a double colored balloon scroll. A:没问题。一个二楼标准展位的费用是12,000 元,一只气球广告费为1,
Clerk: 请先告诉我您的现住址、电话号码、电子邮件地址和您的企业行业范 围。
Robert: I’m at Krause House, 123 Euclid Avenue, Bloomington, IN60678, USA. The phone number is 867 902 475, and my e-mail address is wayne@. The company’s name is Bloomington Auto Assembling Corporation.
Lin: 欢迎到我们的展位来。我是晨光文具公司的林平。请看看我们的产 品。
Willie: Hi, I’m Willie from England. I found these teaching aids very interesting.
Lin: 这些是我们的新设计,专门为幼儿园和小学阶段的小孩子设计的, 颜色非常明亮醒目。
专升本《商务英语写作》一、(共12题,共150分)1. I.Translate the following words and expressions:(共10分)(i)From English to Chinese :( 5X1=5)1.tradingpartners2.tradefairs3.productionapproach4.graceperiod5. Generalized System of Preferences(ii)From Chinese to English :( 5X1=5)6.议付行7.货交承运人8.最大诚信9.董事会10.唛头(10分)标准答案:1.贸易伙伴2.贸易洽谈会3.生产方式4.宽限期5.普惠制6.negotiatingbank7.FCA( Free Carrier)8.utmost faith9.board of directors 10.shipping mark2. IV.Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word from thelist(You can only choose 10 from the following 12 words in the square): (10X1=10)In the event of loss or damage, it is important to claim (21)________, usually within one month. All relevant (22)________must be held by the person (23)________, and procedures of the insurance company must be (24)________. There is no uniform (25)________as to the manner in which the claim is to be presented. Sometimes, the insurer prefers to attend to the claim himself even though he maintains an (26)________at the place where the claimant is domiciled, but more frequently the insurers agents at various places will be authorized to accept and settle claims on his (27)________unless the case is very complicated or the amount (28)________is usually large, in which case (29)________instructions are required from the insurer before the claim can be settled by the agents. In fact, most insurers in the world are following this practice today as a means for (30)________the business. (10分)标准答案:21.quickly22.documents 23.claiming 24.followed 25.pratice 26.agent27.behalf28.involved29.specific 30.expanding3. VITranslate the following into Chinese: (1X15=15)36. In choosing a transportation modefor a particular products, shippers consider as many as six criteria: speed, frequency, dependability, capability, availability, and cost. Thus, if a shipper seeks speed, air and truck are the prime contenders. If the goal is low cost, then water and pipeline are the prime contenders. Shippers are increasingly combining two or more transportation modes, thanks to containerization. Containerization consists of putting the goods in boxes or trailers that are easy to transfer between two transportation modes. Each coordinated mode of transportation offers specific advantages to the shipper. For example, piggyback is cheaper than trucking alone and yet provides flexibility and convenience. (15分)标准答案:为了给某种产品选定一种运输方式,货主要考虑六个问题:速度、频率、可靠性、能力便利性和成本。
商务英语基础下unit24答案1. you sell your work or services to a number of different companies() [单选题] *A.freelance(正确答案)B.part-timeC.job-sharingD.consulatancy2. You work for a company from home via email, phone or the Internet() [单选题] *A.tempingB.teleworking(正确答案)C.shift workD.flexitime3. you do your job for part of the week and another person does it for the other part()[单选题] *A.consulatancyB.part-timeC.job-sharing(正确答案)D.hot-desking4. you work during different parts of the day (e.g. nights)() [单选题] *A.effectiveB.shift work(正确答案)C.flexitimeD.temping5. you only work for some the week ( not full-time)() [单选题] *A.part-time(正确答案)B.consulatancyC.hot-deskingworking6. you work for different companies for a short time() [单选题] *A.in lieuB.effectiveC.temping(正确答案)D.flexitime7. you aren't employed by a company, but are paid to give specialist advice() [单选题] *A.consulatancy(正确答案)B.freelanceC.part-timeD.job-sharing8. you work a number of hours per week or month but you decide when you start or finish() [单选题] *A.teleworkingB.flexitime(正确答案)C.shift workD.temping9. you don't have a permanent place or office to work at, but you find a place to work when you arrive() [单选题] *A.hot-desking(正确答案)B.part-timeC.job-sharingD.consulatancy10. producing intended or expected result() [单选题] *A.effective(正确答案)B.flexitimeC.shift workD.temping11. the skill of making contacts and can help people progress in their career through knowing the “right” people() [单选题] *A.consulatancyB.hot-deskingworking(正确答案)D.part-time12. instead() [单选题] *A.effectiveB.tempingC.flexitimeD.in lieu(正确答案)13. freelance() [单选题] *A.轮班制B.自由职业者(正确答案)C.有效的D.咨询工作14. teleworking() [单选题] *A.远程办公(正确答案)B.人际网络C.弹性上班D.兼职15. job-sharing() [单选题] *A.办公桌轮用B.替代C.工作分担(正确答案)D.临时工作16. shift work () [单选题] *A.有效的B.轮班制(正确答案)C.咨询工作D.重新定义17. part-time() [单选题] *A.人际网络B.兼职(正确答案)C.弹性上班D.居家办公18. temping() [单选题] *A.替代B.临时工作(正确答案)C.办公桌轮用D.开放式问题19. consulatancy() [单选题] *A.保持联络B.重新定义C.咨询工作(正确答案)D.有效的20. flexitime() [单选题] *A.弹性上班(正确答案)B.转换话题C.居家办公D.人际网络21. hot-desking() [单选题] *A.替代B.开放式问题C.办公桌轮用(正确答案)D.语言的22. effective () [单选题] *A.有效的(正确答案)B.外向C.保持联络D.重新定义23. networking() [单选题] *A.转换话题B.生效C.人际网络(正确答案)D.居家办公24. in lieu() [单选题] *A.语言的B.适用于C.开放式问题D.替代(正确答案)25. redefine() [单选题] *A.外向B.重新定义(正确答案)C.替代品D.保持联络26. work from home() [单选题] *A.转换话题B.居家办公(正确答案)C.实施D.生效27. open-ended question() [单选题] *A.语言的B.交际C.开放式问题(正确答案)D.适用于28. liaise() [单选题] *A.外向B.替代品C.保持联络(正确答案)D.专门从事29. move on to() [单选题] *A.生效B.向,,,,,,汇报C.实施D.转换话题(正确答案)30. linguistic() [单选题] *A.适用于B.语言的(正确答案)C.交际D.参与,负责31. extrovert() [单选题] *A.目标B.替代品C.外向(正确答案)D.专门从事32. come into operation() [单选题] *A.实施B.生效(正确答案)C.向,,,,,,汇报D.超越33. apply to () [单选题] *A.参与,负责B.适用于(正确答案)C.交际D.恢复,振作34. replacement() [单选题] *A.专门从事B.目标C.建立网络D.替代品(正确答案)35. implement() [单选题] *A.超越B.穿着得体C.实施(正确答案)D.向,,,,,,汇报36. socialise() [单选题] *A.参与,负责B.恢复,振作C.积极的,正面的D.交际(正确答案)37. specialise in() [单选题] *A.目标B.专门从事(正确答案)C.通勤D.建立网络38. report to () [单选题] *A.向,,,,,,汇报(正确答案)B.实施C.生效D.转换话题39. be involved in () [单选题] *A.语言的B.参与,负责(正确答案)C.适用于D.交际40. objectives() [单选题] *A.专门从事B.目标(正确答案)C.替代品D.外向41. exceed() [单选题] *A.向,,,,,,汇报B.超越(正确答案)D.实施42. refresh() [单选题] *A.适用于B.参与,负责C.恢复,振作(正确答案)D.交际43. build a network() [单选题] *A.替代品B.建立网络(正确答案)C.目标D.专门从事44. dress appropriately() [单选题] *A.超越B.实施C.向,,,,,,汇报D.穿着得体(正确答案)45. positive() [单选题] *A.积极的,正面的(正确答案)B.参与,负责C.恢复,振作46. commute() [单选题] *A.目标B.通勤(正确答案)C.专门从事D.建立网络47. memo() [单选题] *A.穿着得体B.向,,,,,,汇报C.备忘录,内部通知(正确答案)D.超越48. post-it note() [单选题] *A.便利贴通知(正确答案)B.恢复,振作C.积极的,正面的D.参与,负责49. parental leave() [单选题] *A.通勤B.建立网络C.育婴假(正确答案)D.目标50. coordinate() [单选题] *A.穿着得体B.协调(正确答案)C.备忘录,内部通知D.超越51. administrative() [单选题] *A.便利贴通知B.恢复,振作C.积极的,正面的D.管理的,行政的(正确答案)52. further to our previous meeting() [单选题] *A.通勤B.建立网络C.育婴假D.在上次会议之后(正确答案)53. current() [单选题] *A.穿着得体B.目前的(正确答案)C.备忘录,内部通知D.协调54. unaffected() [单选题] *A.管理的,行政的B.积极的,正面的C.便利贴通知D.不受影响(正确答案)55. layout () [单选题] *A.通勤B.布局,设计(正确答案)C.育婴假D.在上次会议之后56. one month's notice() [单选题] *A.目前的B.协调C.提前一个月通知(正确答案)D.备忘录,内部通知57. initiate() [单选题] *A.不受影响B.便利贴通知C.开始,发起(正确答案)D.管理的,行政的58. develop () [单选题] *A.在上次会议之后C.布局,设计D.发展,成长(正确答案)59. contacts() [单选题] *A.目前的B.提前一个月通知C.协调D.联络人(正确答案)60. generate() [单选题] *A.管理的,行政的B.开始,发起C.形成(正确答案)D.不受影响61. firm handshake() [单选题] *A.布局,设计B.在上次会议之后C.紧紧的握手(正确答案)D.发展,成长62. internal communication() [单选题] *A.内部沟通(正确答案)B.提前一个月通知D.目前的63. trial () [单选题] *A.开始,发起B.试用(正确答案)C.形成D.不受影响64. respond () [单选题] *A.紧紧的握手B.发展,成长C.布局,设计D.回复,回应(正确答案)。
unit12 Fairs and Sales
R: Where do you wish your booth to be located? 您希望摊位的位置是怎样的呢? C: Can I reserve a space in the center? 能不能订到中心区的摊位? R: Sorry but all center booths are booked up. We have only corner booths left. 很遗憾,所有中心区摊位都定订完了。我们 只剩一些角落摊位啊。 C: Oh, that’s fine. I’ll take a corner booth. 好吧,那我就要一个角落摊位号了。
R: Fine. I’d be glad to help you sign up on the phone. Perhaps you can answer me some questions to start with? 好的。我很乐意帮您在电话里报名。您可以先回答几个 问题吗? C: Sure. 可以。 R: May I know your phone number, email and your company’s name? 请问您的电话号码、电子信箱和公司名称? C: My phone number is 867-932-294; my email is thomasbrown@; my company’s full name is Dola Motorcycle Assembling Corporation. 我的电话是867-932-294;我的电子邮箱是 thomasbrown@;我公司的全名是Dola摩托装配 公司。
R: Mr. Thomas Brown at 867-932-294 form Dola Motorcycle Assembling Corporation; and your email is thomasbrown@. Is that right? 托马斯· 布朗先生,电话是867-932-294,Dola摩托装 配公司的,我的电子邮箱是thomasbrown@。 是这样吗? C: Yes! 对! R: Are you looking for a standard package booth or non-standard package booth? 您想预订标准包价摊位还是非标准包价摊位呢?
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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In addition costs are incurred at the show for services such as electrial,booth cleaning,internet services,and drayage (also known as material handling)此外,在 展览会上的各种服务如电器、展位清理、互 联网服务和运送(也称为物料搬运)也会产 生成本费用。 Consequently,cities often promote trade shows as a means of economic development.因此,城市经常推动贸易作为经 济发展的手段。
Unit 24
Trade Fairs and Exhibitions
Task 2
W:Hi,what can I do for you? K:Well,as I see,you deal in silk ties.就我所知, 你方在经营丝绸领带的生意。 W:Yes,we do.You look interested in our products.是的,你看起来对我们的产品很感兴趣。 K:Sure. W:We have numerous kinds of ties.我们有很多 种类的领带。If you need to have general information of what we have,you could have a copy of our catalogue.如果你需要大致的信息, 我们可以给你一份我们的目录。
Today or tomorrow we might have a talk and come to terms,and you’ll find that we’re a large buyer if your quotation is favourable.今天或者明天我们可能有一个讨 论和达成协议, 如果你方报价有利,你会发现 我们是个大买家。We might become one of your regular purchasers.我们可能会成 为你的一个常客。 W:Very good.We’d like to establish longterm business relations with you.很好, 我们想和你建立长期的业务关系。 K:Thanks.
Key to practice
Ⅰ.F,F,T,T,T,T, Ⅲ.1.g 2.h 3.d 4.b 5.f 6.a 7.e 8.c Ⅳ.1.exhibition 2.public 3.representative 4.press 5.drayage 6.literature 7.accommodation 8.investment Ⅴ.1.as a means of 2.as well as 3.would rather 4.promote 5.reserve 6.are classified as e to terms 8.register for
There are currently over 2,500 trade shows held every year in the U.S. alone.目前为止,仅在美国, 每年就有超过2500个展会举办。 Trade fairs often involve a considerable marketing investment by participating companies.交易通常会涉及相当大的市场投资。 Costs include space rental,design and construction of trade show displays,telecommunications and networking,travel,accommodations,and promotional literature and item易会展览展示的 设计和施工,电信和网络、旅行、住宿、宣传推广资 料和物品给与会者。
Task 4
Can I help you? 有什么需要? We’d like to register for the trade fair. 我们要注册展会 Can I reserve a booth in the right corner? 我可以预定一个适合的展位吗? Could you tell me your price range? 你能告知我你方的价格区间吗? It cost…per square meter. 每平方米花费……
W:May I ask where you are from?我能问下你来自 哪里吗? K:I’m from UAE.我来自阿联酋。You may like to have my card (Handing over his business card) 你会喜欢我的名片的。 W:Thanks.And here’s my card.这是我的名片。 K:Thank you. (Reading aloud the card) Mr.Wang? I’d like to tell you that my company has been in tie business since 1984.我想告诉你的是,我的公 司从1984年开始就做领带生意。Today or tomorrow we might have a talk and come to terms,and you’ll find that we’re a large buyer if your quotation is favourable.今天或者明天我们可 能有一个讨论和达成协议, 如果你方报价有利,你会 发现我们是个大买家。We might become one of your regular purchasers.我们可能会成为你的一个 常客。
Ⅷ.1.我三月一号去巴黎参加贸易展。 2.只有在这种情况下,我才真正理解明白对于 商人来说展会意味着什么。 3.交易会为卖家提供一个展示他们的产品,让 他们知道买家。 4.卖家应该准备充足的目录、价格表、名片 和免费样品。 5.买家可以在贸易展下订单,或者只是得到他 们需要的信息,之后再作定夺。 Ⅸ.held,scheduled,theme,as,largest,accordi ng to,take place,called
K:That’s nice. (Taking a copy) I’d rather study this after I get back to the hotel.我 宁愿回到酒店后再来研究这个。But now, I’d like to see your silk ties.但是现在,我想看 看你们的丝绸领带。 W:We have some new products as well as a few traditional ones.我们有一些新产 品也有一些传统的。But the material is 100% cotton,not silk.但是材料是百分之一 百纯棉不是丝绸。 K:Really?Oh,it looks very beautiful.这看起 来很漂亮。They are attractive in design.他 们设计上很有吸引力。
Ⅵ.1.the tallest one in the class/taller than any other boys 2.The thief stole my wallet/purse 3.Although it is hot 4.so that he can catch you better 5.will go when we are free Ⅶ.1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A
Trade Fair
A trade fair (or trade show) is an exhibition organised so that companies in a specific industry can showcase and demonstrate their new products and services.交易会(或贸易展)是一 个展览,以便公司在一个特定的行业组织展示,展示他 们的新产品和服务。 Some trade fairs are open to the public, while others can only be attended by company representatives (members of the trade) and members of the press,therefore tradeshows are classified as either “Public” or “Trade Only”. 一些交易会对公众开放,而另外一些只能由公司代表 和新闻工作参加,因此贸易展览被分为“公众的”或 “纯贸易的”。