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CD 1,10 磁带1。A

NARRATOR:Simon and Alex are in their Art class。They’re maki ng bowls and they can’t stop。They’re busy.

SIMON:Oooh。My bowl’s terrible!

NARRATOR:Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson。

Stella’s very happy because she loves Maths and thinks it's easy。Lenny doesn't think Maths is

easy。He thinks it's difficult。

LENNY:I can’t do this Maths problem。It’s difficult.

STELLA:Come on。Lenny.You can do it.It’s easy。

NARRATOR:..。It’s 73—72。What an exciting game!Meera’s got the ball and she’s running with

it。Meera’s quick.The boy's slow。

GIRL:This is really boring.I don't like basketball。

CD 1,11 磁带1,A

1 Be careful with those glasses,Sally!

I am being careful。

2 What was the film like?

It was really boring.

3 What's 397 and 79?

Oh, I don’t know,That’s difficult。

4 What was the football match like?

It was really exciting!

5 Come on,Mary.Don’t be so slow。

I’m not slow!

6 What's 2 and 2?

That’s easy。It’s 4。

7 Can I talk to you?

No,sorry.I’m busy.

8 The bus is coming,Be quick!

9 The weather’s terrible!

Oh no!Look at our food.

CD 1,12 磁带1.A

SIMON:Hey!The school show’s really exciting,Dad.

MR STAR:Yes ,It is。.。and it's good to see your teachers。Who are they all?SIMON:Well,the man who’s talking to Mun is my Maths teacher.He’s called Mr Newton。

MR STAR:Right,Is the man who's singing your Music teacher?

SIMON:No,he’s Mr Burke,our sports teacher.Miss Flower’s our Music teacher.She’s the woman

who’s wearing the long green skirt。They do the‘after school club'.

MR STAR:The ‘After school club’?What’s that?

SIMON:It’s a new c lub where we can do lots of exciting things on Thursday afternoons. 。..And

can you guess who my Art teacher is?

MR STAR:Ooh,Simon,that's difficult.Is it the woman who’s playing the guitar? SIMON:Very funny.Dad。No,that’s Mrs Robinson。our English teacher。Our Art teacher’s over

there,He’s the one who’s carrying the lorry。

MR STAR:Is his name Mr Strong?Ha ha ha。

SIMON:No.Dad,His name's Mr Turner。

CD 1,13 磁带1,A

1 Who’s Mr Edison?

He’s the man who’s writing on the board。

What's he wearing?

He’s wearing a green a sweater,grey trousers and blue shoes。

2 Who’s Paul?

He’s the boy who’s reading a book,He ‘s wearing a red T—short and blue trousers.

3 Who's Mary?

She’s the girl who’s got long blonde curly hair,She’s wearing a pink dress,She’s wearing a

pink dress.She’s talking to Peter。

4 Who is Jim?

He’s the boy who’s sharpening his pencil,He’s wearing a brown shirt and grey trousers.

CD 1,20 磁带1,A

1 Six hundred and eighty-seven metres twenty-two centimetres。

2 Thirty—nine metres sixty-seven centimetres.

3 Eight hundred and twenty-four metres forty-three centimetres.

4 Seventy—five metres twelve centimetres。

5 Five hundred and sixty-two metres thirty—five centimres。

6 Ninety—three metres fifty-six centimres.

7 Seven hundred and forty—one metres fifty—eight centimetres。

8 Nine hundred and thirty-eight metres seventy-nine centimetres.


CD 1, 21 磁带1,B

SIMON:Look,this is the new activity centre which is opening in the village next to ours。

SUZY:What does ‘activity centre 'mean?

SIMON:It’s a plane where you can learn to do lots of exciting sport。Look.It’s got rock

climbing,I’d like to learn to climb.

STELLA:Hmm。It’s not nice when it’s cold,wet and raining。

SIMON:No,it’s OK。They’ve got a climbing wall inside and outside.

SUZY:Look!There's a lake too.

SIMON:Yes,you can do water sport,You can learn to sail and fish,and you can go swimming there
