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A letter of apology to the teacher
Dear teacher:
I was wrong. I shouldn't doze off in class; should not contradict the teacher, made the teacher angry; should not stare with sad eyes that the teacher was angry pale face! The teacher every day affairs, bustling about, for students to make painstaking efforts, treat a person with sincerity, be in perfect sympathy with each other, make students grow sturdily, healthy growing up, you are hard gardener. But is careless in your class to sleep, also boast without shame to openly against you, make you down, more deeply hurt your heart, failed to live up to you for your earnest teachings, the good intentions cherished. I 'm damned, commit the most heinous crimes, but, the error is not terrible, terrible is disregarded errors, moreover, people are not saints, to err is human, Zhicuojiugai. It, the endless sea of tribulations, repent and be saved, lay down the butcher's knife, become a Buddha immediately. Please give me a chance to start with a clean slate, I would turn over a new leaf, leaf, gave up the old business, never again.
假如我再犯的话,您一定不要心慈手软,请立刻把我扭送政教处,让他们那硕大的拳头洗涤我罪恶的心灵;假如我再犯的话,定会天打雷劈.五雷轰顶,打入十八层地狱,永世不得翻身. 您看,这么恶毒的誓言,标志着我一心向善,悔不当初的意愿.老师,假如我真再犯的话,您骂我吧,打我吧,杀了我吧,我不会怨您的.
If I do anything, you must not be softhearted, please immediately took me over to church and State Department, let them that gigantic fist washing my guilty soul; if I do anything, will be the day. Thunderstruck, enter at the bottom of the hell, for all eternity. You see, so vicious oath, marks the good one regret having done sth., will. The teacher, if I really do anything, you call me, call me, kill me, I will not blame you.
