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Short story collections, personal essays, memoirs and historical fiction often move at a pace that allows for quiet contemplation.


Honeydew by Edith Pearlman


Pearlman writes quiet stories about the blips of tumult . She’s been writing short stories -- and only short stories -- for decades, chronicling the lives of earnest blue collar workers and whimsical academics. Most of the stories are set in her native Massachusetts; all of them reveal something tender and universal about everyday life. 皮尔曼安安静静的笔调下有些许动荡和喧嚣。她一直就在写短篇小说,而数十年来只写短篇小说,记录着热忱勤勉的蓝领工人还有异想天开的学者们的生活。大部分的故事背景都设置在她的故土马萨诸塞州,每一则故事都展现了日常生活细小而普遍的一面。

Fools by Joan Silber


Each story in Fools confronts the question: What makes an action foolish, as opposed to brave? And when is it better to be foolish, as opposed to steadfast in our established beliefs?


Single, Carefree, Mellow by Katherine Heiny


Katherine Heiny writes stories that quietly highlight the dramas of dating life, from teenagehood through adulthood. Heiny writes about both lovers growing estranged through social media, and young girls learning about the power of their own sexualities, with wry humor.


When I Was a Child I Read Books by Marilynne Robinson


Marilynne In When I Was a Child I Read Books, Robinson fluidly contemplates significance of community and the power of the individual. You don’t have to be a religious thinker to find beauty in Robinson’s poetic musings.


The Double Life of Liliane by Lily Tuck


Lily Tuck’s latest novel isn’t exactly a memoir, but it sits somewhere between novel and autobiography, blurring the lines between related memory and imagined possible scenarios. Like Tuck, heroine Liliane’s parents divorced when she was young, wreaking personal havoc that mirrored the tragedies unfolding in Europe at the same time.


Neverhome by Laird Hunt


Hunt tells his story about a woman disguised as a male solider through letters. The story is loosely based on a bundle of letters Hunt stumbled upon written by a real undercover female soldier and is a smart work of historical fiction that encourages contemplation.
