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Discussion :
1.What did you know about these cities before you read the text? 2.What new information did you learn? 3.Which of them would you most like to visit?Please give your reasons.
The Uffizi Palace 乌飞齐美术馆
The Sagrada Familia 圣家大教堂
Fill in the blank with proper prepositions(介词)
1.About two-thirds ___ of French artists and writers live ___ in Paris. 2.Barcelona is the second largest city ___ of Spain on the northwest coast. and is situated ___ on the project ____ from 1882 until 3.Gaudi worked ___ ____ his death __ in 1926. 4._____ During the Renaissance, some __ of the greatest painters ___ of all time lived and worked __ in Florence. as 5.Athens, the capital ___ of Greece, is known ___ of western civilization. the birthplace __
Greece is in the southeast of Europe. Twenty percent of the country is covered by islands.

希腊在欧洲东南面。20%的国土由岛屿组成。 注意划线句主谓一致
The Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔
The Parthenon 巴特农神庙
1.Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine. 2.…the Louvre, is also located in Paris.

Situated /located 是动词situate/locate 的过去分词形式, 已成为形容词,表示“位于…的”。

True or False

1.The Eiffel Tower is a tall building in France. (T ) 2.There are a lot of restaurants and cafes in Paris. ( T) 3.Barcelona is the capital of Spain. ( F) 4.The church of the Sagrada Familia was built in 1926.( F ) 5.The artistic movement called the Renaissance began in Florence. (T) 6.The Uffizi Palace is a famous hotel in Florence. ( F) 7.A long time ago, Athens was the world’s most powerful city. (T ) 8.There are a lot of good writers in ancient Athens. ( T )

法国是欧洲的第三大国,并与英国隔英吉利海峡相望。 在(adj.)最高级前加序数词表示“第几大/长/宽/高…”等含 义。 Eg:中国是世界第三大国。 China is the third largest country in the world. Face (n./v.) 面向/对,朝 Across (prep.) 在对面(from one side to the other;on the other side from here) Eg: 1.go across the river 过河 2.The post office is just across the street. 邮局就在街对面。
One of Barcelona’s most famous landmarks is the church of the Sagrada Familia, which was designed by an architect called Antonio Gaudi.

1. “which was designed…” 是一个非限定性定语从句,修饰 先行词“the Sagrada Familia”, 引导词which在从句中作主 语。 2. “called Antonio Gaudi” 过去分词短语作定语,相当于一个 定语从句“who is called Antonio Gaudi”。
Italy is in the south of Europe on the coast of the Mediter -ranean Sea. It looks like a boot. Between Italy and France,
there is a mountain range called the Alps.
Module 1 Europe
The United Kingdom is off the northwest coast of continental Europe. It has four countries with one government. These countries are England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

Translate: 作为……而著名 be famous/known for 因为……而著名 be famous/known as
A at the foot of a hill. 1.Our school, which has 1,200 students,___ A. is situated B. situate C. situating D. is lying C fifty, but a number of them ___absent 2.The number of people invited ___ for different reasons. A.were ,was B. was ,was C. was ,were D. were ,were A a harbour ( 海港,港口 ) city and it ___ its beauty and 3.Rizhao ___ people such as Liu Xie and Ding Zhaozhong. A. is known as ; is better known for B. is known for ; is better known as C. is known as; is well known for D. is known for; is good known as 4. The Red Army overcame( 克服,战胜 ) many difficulties during the B Long March, ___the snow mountains,___ the rivers and ___ the forests. A. over ,through, across B. over ,across ,through C. across ,through ,over D.across ,over ,through
Spain is to the south of France. Between France and Spain is another mountain range - the Pyrenees. Portugal is to the west of Spain.

西班牙位于法国南面。在法国与西班牙之间是比利牛斯山脉。 葡萄牙在西班牙南面。 To “在…(范围之外)”,有时候强调方向性(in the direction of) Eg:日本在中国的东北方。 Japan is to the northeast of China.

英国位于欧洲西北部大陆海岸线附近。它由四部分组成, 分别是:英格兰、北爱尔兰、苏格兰和威尔士。 Off是介词,“与…相隔,脱离”(away from) “Off the coast” means:away from but near the coast .
France is Europe’s third largest country and faces the United Kingdom across the English Channel.
1.The city is also famous for its restaurants, cafes and theatres. 2.Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the birthplace of western civilization.
was painted 1. The Mona Lisa ________ by Leonardo da Vinci. ( paint)
was built in Ming 2. The Forbidden City in Beijing _______ Dynasty. (build) is visited 3. Shanghai ________ by more than 2 million foreign tourists every year. ( visit) is celebrated in capitals all 4. The Chinese Spring Festival _______ round Europe. (celebrate) was made 5. Paper ________ in China first in 105 A.D. ( make)

意大利位于欧洲南部地中海沿岸。它看起来像一只长统靴。 在意大利和法国之间是阿尔卑斯山脉。 In “在…(范围之内)”(within a particular place, area) On “在…旁;靠近;与…接壤”(next to ;along the side of) Between …and…在两者之间(have one thing on one side and something else on the other) Eg: 1.台湾位于中国东南部。 Taiwan lies in the southeast of China. 2.俄国在中国的北方。 Russia is on the north of China.
…the Renaissance , a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for 300 years.

1. “which began…” 是一个定语从句,修饰先行词 movement, 而 a great movement 又是the Renaissance 的 同位语。 2. in the 1300s 在14世纪 Eg:在19世纪20年代早期 in the early 1820s 在他20出头的时候 in his early twenties