必修三 Unit4单词拼写(有答案)自创

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必修三Unit 4

1. Mathematics and astronomy(天文学) are connected to sciences.

2.Beer: German banker and astronomert(astronomy)who published maps of the

moon and Mars.

3.i have a solar (太阳的)powered calculator and it was cloudy.

4.Saturn土星is the second biggest planet in the solar system(太阳系).

5.This guy got religion(宗教)about a year back.

6.Marx produced a new theory(理论) about historical change based upon conflict

between competing groups

7.The power of the atom(原子)can be used to produce electricity.

8.This year, almost a billion(十亿) birds will be processed加工in the region.

9.70% of our globe's(globe)surface is water.

10.Global (globe) warming is a real problem

11.A quarter of current inmates have committed violent(violence) crimes.

12.They moved on to a larger farm and in time(及时,过了一段时间) made it over

to Francis.

13.Plants absorb carbon(碳)dioxide from the air .

14.The atmosphere(大气层)of the city is very much polluted.

15.She was unlike(不像)him in every way except for her coal black eyes.

16.But on this question, the two leaders have very fundamental

(fundament) differences

17.They argued that his presence(: present) in the village could only stir up trouble

18.Heat gently until the sugar dissolves(dissolve)

19.It is harmful( harm)to the stomach to eat cold food rinsed with beer.

20.Acids(酸) in the stomach destroy the virus.

21.The dog was chain ed(锁)to the leg of the one solid garden seat


22.Reaction(react) to the visit is mixed

23.Such disputes multiplied (增加)in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

24.The human brain needs to be without oxygen(氧) for only four minutes before

permanent damage occurs.

25.All birds lay eggs(下蛋).

26.My sister puzzles(puzzle) me and causes me anxiety.

27. We dissected a frog in biology(生物学)class.

28. An important set of ideas have been advanced by the biologist(生物学

家) Rupert Sheldrake.

29. An apple falls down because of gravity(重力).

30. They have four satellite(人造卫星)channels.

31. My son was a quiet and gentle (温和的)man who liked sports and enjoyed life

32. She designs立志to become a physicist(物理学家).

33. Block out(挡住)the unimportant part on the picture.

34. All hopes were extinct(破灭了).

35. The climate(气候)is very dry in the desert area.

36. Halley's Comet(彗星) is going to come back in 2061.

37. His elder son was killed in a car crash(坠落)a few years ago.

38. The scientist could not calculate when the spaceship(宇宙飞船)would reach

the jupiter. 木星

39. They have pulled out(拔掉了)patients 'teeth unnecessarily

40. Time can lessen(减轻)all anguish. 痛苦

41. Nobody can help you, you need to cheer up(振作起来)!

42. The spaceship float weightlessly around(失重地漂浮).

43. He showed her to a small cabin(小屋)

44. Now that(既然)the children have cleaned up, you can let them go.

45. It's a bit difficult at first till you get the hang of(掌握)it.

46. He was 29 when war broke out(爆发)

47. We have exhausted( 用尽,耗尽)all our material resources

48. You have to watch out(密切注视) because there are land mines地雷all over

the place

49. He thought that if he couldn't see something, it didn't exist(存在).

50. A whale is a kind of mammal(哺乳动物.

51. If I give birth to(生) a little son, I will raise a white flag.

52. I bought the last CD in my turn(轮到我).

53. Nothing could prevent(阻止)us from coming here.
