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Association [əˌsəuʃiˌeiʃən] n.协会,社团,trade association行业协会

The association is[are] having its[their] annual conference next week.


n.联合, 结合, 交往

Our long association with your company has brought great benefits.


he developed a close association with the university.


Appliance [əˌplaiəns] n.设备,器具,器械,装置

revolutionize [revəˌlu:ʃənaiz] vt. 使彻底变革

regardless [riˌɡɑ:dlis] adv. 不管怎样, 无论如何不顾后果地

workforce [ˌwə:kfɔ:s] n. 全体员工

complexity [kəmˌpleksiti]n. 复杂性,错综复杂的状态,复杂的事物procurement [prəˌkjuəment] n. (尤指费心,费力地)获得;取得。

Eliminate [iˌlimineit]vt.消除,排除,忽略,淘汰

Our team was eliminated in the first round.我们队在第一轮中被淘汰

Exceptional [ikˌsepʃənl] adj.优越的,杰出的,例外的,独特的,异常的。Reliability [riˌlaiəˌbiliti] n. 可靠性

Exclusive [iksˌklu:siv]adj. 高级的,奢华的,专用的,独家的。n. 独家新闻,独家报道

Adjacent [əˌdʒeisənt] adj. 邻近的,隔壁的。交界的。

Foundation [faunˌdeiʃən] n. 建立,设立,创办,基础,基本原理,根据,地基,基金会

Thus [ðʌs] adv. 以此方式,如此,这样,其结果是,因此,于是。

Thus the question was finally settled. 这个问题最终就这样解决了

Deploy [diˌplɔi] vt.(尤指军事行动)使展开;施展;部署。

forces were deployed at strategic locations. 军队已被部署在各个战略位置。

Leverage [ˌli:vəridʒ] n.影响,力量。杠杆作用,杠杆的力量vt.促使……….


He has some leverage over the politician 他对这位政界人士有些影响

Comprise [kəmˌpraiz]vt. 包含,包括,由………组成。组成,构成。

Optimize [ˌɔptimaiz] vt.使最优化,使尽可能有效

Vulnerability [ˌvʌlnərəˌbiləti] n. 弱点,攻击。adj.易受攻击的,易受伤害的,


We were in a vulnerable position我们处在弱势地位

Robust [rəuˌbʌst] adj.强壮的,健全的

That chair’s not very robust;don’t sit on it 那把椅子不太结实,别做它了。

Migration [maiˌɡreiʃən] n.迁移,移居。

Aid [eid] vt.帮助,援助n. 救助,援助,帮助,助手,辅助物,辅助手段。Disaster [diˌzɑ:stə] n.灾难,灾祸,彻底的失败。

This off-board backup capability also allows organizations to secure their data in a separate physical location to aid in disaster recovery

Conclusion [kənˌklu:ʒən] n.结束,结尾,信念,意见,结论。

Considerable [kənˌsidərəbl] adj.相当大的,相当uo的

It is a considerable sum of money那是一笔数量客观的钱

Synopsis [siˌnɔpsis] n.摘要,梗概,大纲

Procurement [prəˌkjuəment] 采购

contract [kənˌtrækt]合同契约

This manual uses several conventions to highlight certain words and phrases and draw attention to specific pieces of information

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special precautions are necessary when you migrate systems with Intel BIOS RAID sets.

This guide provides instructions on how to effectively manage storage devices and file systems on

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.

The main motivator for power management is:

meeting government regulations or legal requirements regarding Green IT, for example Energy Star

meeting company guidelines for new systems

Must I optimize.To decide whether you should optimize your machines using the techniques described in this document, ask yourself a few questions:

The importance of power optimization depends on whether your company has guidelines that need to be followed or if there are any regulations that you

have to fulfill.

Effective power management is built on the following principles

This guide is intended to increase ease of use of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 by providing guidelines for changes in the product between Red Hat

Enterprise Linux 5 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the leading platform for open source computing.
