国际沟通英语(一)作业 (1)及答案-----11.3.21

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Assignment I

plete this conversation with the correct words. (16%)

Tom: What does your husband 23 exactly?


Liz: He 24 for a department store. He’s a store manager.


Tom: How 25 he 26 it?

(do/does) (like/likes)

Liz: It’s an interesting job. He 27 it very much.


But he 28 long hours. And what 29 you 30 ?

(work/works) (do/does) (do/does) Tom: I’m a student. I 31 architecture.


Liz: Oh, really? Where 32 you 33 to school?

(do/does) (go/goes)

Tom: I 34 to Lincoln University. My girlfriend 35 there, too.

(go/goes) (go/goes)

Liz: Really? And what 36 she 37 ?

(do/does) (study/studies)

Tom: She 38 hotel management.


Liz: That sounds interesting.

plete this conversation with am, are, or is. (6%)

Lisa: Who are the men over there, Amy?

Amy: Oh, they 11 on the volleyball team. Let me introduce you.

Hi, Surachai, this 12 Lisa Neil.

Surachai: Please to meet you, Lisa.

Lisa: Nice to meet you, too. Where 13 you from?

Surachai: I 14 from Thailand.

Amy: And this 15 Mario. He 16 from Brazil.

Lisa: Hi, Mario.

III.Put the words in order to make questions. Then answer the questions.


1. name your what’s last teacher’s

A: What’s your teacher’s last name ?

B: My teacher’s last name is .

2. name your what’s first teacher’s

A: ? B: .

3. from your teacher where is

A: ? B: .

4. class your how English is

A: ? B: .

5. classmates what your are like

A: ? B: .

IV.Look at the answers. What are the questions? (4%)

6. Jim: What ’s your first name ?

Bob: My first name is Bob.

7. Jim: What ?

Bob: My last name’s Hayes.

8. Jim: Who ?

Bob: That’s my wife.

9. Jim: What ?

Bob: Her name is Rosa.

10. Jim: Where ?

Bob: She’s from Mexico.

V.Look at the answers. What are the questions? (10%)

17. A: Are you on vacation here ?

B: No, I’m not on vacation. I’m a student here.

18. A: ?

B: No, I’m not. I’m very busy.

19. A: ?

B: No, we’re not from Spain. We’re from Mexico.

20. A: ?

B: No, my teacher isn’t Mr. Brown. I’m in Ms. West’s class.

21. A: ?

B: Y es, it’s an interesting class.

22. A: ?

B: No, they’re not on the same baseball team. They’re on the same volleyball team.

plete the questions in this conversation. (8%)

39. Mark: Where do you work ?

Victor: I work for American Express.

40. Mark: And what there?

Victor: I’m in management.

41. Mark: How ?

42. Victor: It’s a great job. And what ?

Mark: I’m a salesperson.

43. Victor: Really? What ?

Mark: I sell computers. Do you want to buy one?

VII.How does Pat spend his weekends? Complete this paragraph with the words from the list. (7%)

□around □at □before □early □in □late∨□on □until

Everyone knows Pat at the hospital. Pat is a part-time nurse. He works at night on weekends. On Saturdays and Sunday, Pat sleeps most of the day and wakes up a little 44 nine 45 the evening, usually at 8:45 or 8:50. He has breakfast very late, 46 9:30 or 10:00 P.M.! He watches
