
《永磁同步电机全速度范围无位置传感器控制技术的研究与实现》篇一一、引言永磁同步电机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, PMSM)是一种重要的电动传动系统部件,因其具有高效率、高功率密度和良好的调速性能等优点,被广泛应用于工业、汽车、航空航天等领域。

s cx1 x2
设t=0时,状态x在s>0一侧,在u=u+作用下,在某个时限后到达s=0, 并进入s<0一侧,u=u-,又往s=0控制。……
当系统在滑模状态时,s 0, s 0
PMSM在 坐标系下的数学模型
u R 1 i e i L L L u R 1 i i e L L L
e 0e sin e e 0e cos e
假设 e 0 即转速变化很慢时,电机的反电动势模型:
e e
2. 国内外研究现状
电力电子器件的发展为电机调速奠定了物质基础。高速数字信号处理器 (DsP)的 高速处理能力使无位置传感器电机控制技术的复杂算法得到实现,近10年来, 各国学者致力于无位置传感器控制系统的研究,并且提出了几种切实可行的方 法,目前,适用于永磁同步电机位置估算的主要策略有: (1)利用定子端电压和电流直接计算ω和θ (2)基于观测器基础上的估算 (3)模型参考自适应 (4)人工智能理论基础上的估算
基于滑模观测器的无位置传感器 永磁同步电机研究
黎永华 08.12.16
1. 研究意义
永磁同步电机调速系统是以永磁同步电机为控制对象,采用变压变频技术对电机 进行调速的控制系统。因其具有能耗低、可靠性高、控制精确等优点,在许多领 域得到广泛的应用。PMSM控制系统稳定运行是建立在闭环控制基础之上的,如何 获取转子位置和速度信号是整个系统中相当重要的一个环节。当前,在大多数调速 驱动系统中,最常用的方法是在转子轴上安装位置传感器,不过传感器增加了系统 的成本,降低了系统的可靠性和耐用性。因此,无位置传感器的控制系统有着广泛 的应用前景。它通过测量电动机的电流、电压等可测量的物理量,通过特定的观测 器策略估算转子位置,提取永磁转子的位置和速度信息,完成闭环控制。 主要优点: 1、减少成本 2、减小电机体积 3、提高系统可靠性 4、减少系统维护量


可靠的转子位置信息, 但是, 使用位置传感器有着许
多的缺 点 : 安装 复 杂 、 成本 增加 、 运行不 稳定 。因此 ,
无 位置 传感器 技术 正成 为 目前永 磁 同步 电动机研 究 领 域 的一个热 点 , 并 在越来 越多 的场 合得 到应用 。
中 图分 类 号 : T M3 5 1 ; T M3 4 1 文献 标 识 码 : A 文章编号 : 1 0 0 4 — 7 0 1 8 ( 2 00 3
S i mul a t i o n o f Pe r ma n e n t Ma gn e t S y nc hr o n o us Mo t o r Se n s or l e s s Ve c t o r Co nt r o l HU ANG Xu— c h a o. Ll N Ro n g-we n。 L I N Y i n g- y i n g
( F u z h o u U n i v e r s i t y , F u z h o u 3 5 0 1 0 8 , C h i n a )
Ab s t r a c t : F o r t h e p u r p o s e o f r e a l i z i n g t h e s e n s o r l e s s v e c t o r c o n t r o l o f P MS M, a s p e e d a n d p o s i t i o n e s t i ma t i o n me t h o d w a s p r o p o s e d b a s e d o n t h e s t a t o r l f u x, t a r g e t e d o n t h e mo s t c o mmo n v e c t o r c o n t r o l me t h o d,i d= 0 c o n t r o l lg a o r i t h m. T h e b a s i c p r i n c i p l e s o f t h e s e n s o r l e s s c o n t r o l o f P MS M t e c h n o l o g y w a s d i s c u s s e d . A P MS M s e n s o r l e s s v e c t o r c o n t r o l s i mu l a t i o n s y s t e m w a s e s t a b l i s h e d . S i mu l a t i o n r e s u h s s h o w t h a t s p e e d s e n s o r l e s s v e c t o r c o n t r o l s y s t e m h a s g o o d d y n a mi c a n d s t a t i c p e r — f o r ma n c e a n d r o b u s t n e s s c h a r a c t e is r t i c s a n d t h e s e n s o r l e s s c o n t r o l lg a o r i t h m i s s i mp l e a n d e a s y t o i mp l e me n t .

【关键词】永磁同步电机,无位置传感器,控制技术,模型控制,适应性方法,滑模控制,研究总结,发展趋势,挑战与应对策略1. 引言1.1 研究背景永磁同步电机是一种具有高效率、高性能和广泛应用的电机类型,其在许多领域中得到了广泛的应用。
1.2 研究目的永磁同步电机无位置传感器控制技术的研究目的是为了探索在没有位置传感器的情况下,如何实现对永磁同步电机的精准控制。

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转速阶跃给定时dq 轴电流瞬态波形
随着转速的升高,交直轴电流的 动态过渡过程越来越长。
02 电流环控制器设计
电流环+ 等效控C s制 器U为s : Gs
Y s
- Y s*
Y s*
U s C s
Gs Y s
- - F s =F结PI s论 +F:dec表s明= qRs轴s +0上 L的s 电Gˆ s流Rs s 0+波 L动s +对d0轴sr L电s 流无0sr L影s 响,实现GFˆ 了ss dq轴电流的
i i
L信波Lcsois器号n22来,rr 实需LL现要csoins信使22号rr用 分ii多 离个。r滤f
f sinr cosr
01 主要工作
d , q u
在中高速段,研究id*s了 0
④ 针对P全I 速范围 内
一种具有电机参数在 的无位置传感器
uq +
-a b c
ib 态耦合关系。
r f
Rs sLs
02 电流环控制器设计
为 了 观 察 电 机 d-q 轴 电 流 的 耦 合
影响,进行了仿真分析。图所示 的工况为初始转速为零,在0.2s 时 刻 转 速 阶 跃 给 定 为 0-300rad/s , 在0.4s时刻给定 300-600 rad/s 的 转 速 阶 跃 , 在 0.6s 时 刻 给 定 600900 rad/s转速阶跃。


【关键词】永磁同步电机、无位置传感器、控制技术、研究动机、研究目的、研究意义、基本原理、发展历程、研究现状、关键技术、应用领域、发展前景、不足之处、未来研究方向1. 引言1.1 研究动机无位置传感器控制技术能够实现永磁同步电机的高性能运行,减少系统成本和提高可靠性。
1.2 研究目的本研究的目的在于系统地总结永磁同步电机无位置传感器控制技术的发展历程、研究现状和关键技术,探讨该技术在不同应用领域中的实际应用情况,并展望未来的发展趋势。
1.3 研究意义永磁同步电机无位置传感器控制技术的研究意义在于推动电机控制技术的发展和应用。

Abs r c I o d r o si t mo e p sto a d p e o p r n n ln a s n h o o s t a t: n r e t e tmae v r o i n n s e d f e ma e t ie r y c r n u moo i tr
5Hz,a n u n e o tr p rmee s lk e it n e a d i d c a c r n lz d f ly By me s nd if e c fmo o a a t r i e r ssa c n n u tn e we e a a y e nal . l i a— u e n ,r o a q a e e r ro v rp sto si to e u e o0 0 4 a t3Hz ti h we r me t o tme n s u r ro fmo e o i n e t i main r d c d t . 2 0 r d a .I ss o d
lo l t m t e oc E )itga o s a frdt n l l r a dd a —m o p nai l — opee r o v re( MF nert ni t do a io a ft , n edt ecm e st nag co i f i ne t i e i i o o

二、永磁同步电机及其控制系统概述永磁同步电机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, PMSM)是一种高性能的电动机,其设计基于同步电机的原理,并采用永磁体作为其磁场源,从而省去了传统电机中的励磁绕组和相应的励磁电流。

随着研究的深入,基于模型的预测控制(Model Predictive Control, MPC)成为了无位置传感器控制技术的研究热点。
1. 基于反电动势观测的方法基于反电动势观测的无位置传感器控制方法是最早的研究成果之一,其原理是通过测量电机绕组的反电动势来估计转子位置。

永磁直线同步电机无位置传感器动子位置辨识王利;卢琴芬;叶云岳【摘要】In order to estimate mover position and speed of permanent linear synchronous motor (PMLSM) without position sensor, position sensing via flux linkage variation had been used. During the calculation, mean value of flux linkage was used twice to eliminate the flux linkage drift caused by open-loop electromotive force ( EMF) integration instead of traditional filter, and dead-time compensation algorithm was adopted to reduce the difference between calculated and actual phase voltage. Control circuit was built to research air-cored PMLSM, estimation error was analyzed during the operation from 1 Hz to 5Hz, and influence of motor parameters like resistance and inductance were analyzed finally. By measurement, root mean square error of mover position estimation reduced to 0.0240 rad at 3 Hz. It is showed mover information of PMLSM could be obtained based on flux linkage variation.%为了获取无位置传感器伺服系统中永磁直线同步电机的动子位置和速度,采用基于磁链变化的动子位置检测方法,利用两次磁链中值代替传统滤波器来快速消除反电势纯积分造成的磁链漂移现象,并采用死区补偿算法解决低速状态下重构相电压与实际相电压差值较大的问题.以空心式永磁直线电机为研究对象,分析1 ~5 Hz运行时的动子位置估算误差,以及电机参数对动子位置估算结果的影响.通过实验测得当运行速度为3 Hz时动子位置估算结果的均方根误差为0.024 rad,误差较小.实验结果表明,基于磁链变化的动子位置估算方法能够获得永磁直线电机在低速运行时的动子位置信息.【期刊名称】《电机与控制学报》【年(卷),期】2012(016)006【总页数】6页(P7-12)【关键词】直线电机;动子位置辨识;无位置传感器控制;矢量控制;反电势【作者】王利;卢琴芬;叶云岳【作者单位】浙江大学电气工程学院,浙江杭州310027;浙江大学电气工程学院,浙江杭州310027;浙江大学电气工程学院,浙江杭州310027【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM359.40 引言直线电机可以将电能直接转变为直线运动的机械能,省去了齿轮、链条等中间传动机构,可以极大地简化系统结构,降低传动损耗[1]。

通过本课件的学习,学生可以掌 握永磁同步电机无位置传感器矢 量控制的基本知识和技能,为进
随着技术的不断发展,永磁同步电机 无位置传感器矢量控制技术将不断优 化和完善,进一步提高电机的性能和 可靠性。
希望本课件能够为广大学生和研究者 提供有益的参考和帮助,共同推动永 磁同步电机无位置传感器矢量控制技 术的发展和应用。
永磁同步电机无位置 传感器矢量控制课件
• 永磁同步电机简介 • 无位置传感器矢量控制技术 • 永磁同步电机无位置传感器矢量控制策
略 • 永磁同步电机无位置传感器矢量控制的
• 永磁同步电机无位置传感器矢量控制的 应用案例
• 总结与展望
CHAPTER 01运行。来自软件实现方案01
将三相静止坐标系转换为两相旋 转坐标系,实现电机电流的解耦 控制。
采用基于PI调节器的矢量控制算 法,实现电机的转矩和磁通控制 。
利用电机参数、电流检测值和转 速观测器等,估算电机的位置和 转速。
根据硬件实现方案搭建实验平台,包 括电机、逆变器、传感器等。
未来,该技术将在更多领域得到应用 ,如电动汽车、机器人、航空航天等 ,为人类的生产和生活带来更多便利 和效益。

二、研究内容及方法本研究旨在研究永磁同步电机无位置传感器控制系统,主要包括以下内容:1. 永磁同步电机无位置传感器控制系统的工作原理及方法研究;2. 基于模型预测控制(MPC)的无位置传感器永磁同步电机控制系统设计研究;3. 基于模糊控制的无位置传感器永磁同步电机控制系统设计研究;4. 硬件实现与实验验证。
三、研究预期成果通过本研究,预期可以得出以下成果:1. 提出一种无位置传感器的永磁同步电机控制方法,可以实现高精度、高效率的控制。
2. 设计基于模型预测控制或模糊控制的永磁同步电机控制系统,实现无位置传感器控制。
3. 验证系统的控制效果,包括速度响应、转矩响应等指标。
4. 最终实现硬件化,进一步验证算法的有效性和可行性。
四、存在的问题和解决方案永磁同步电机无位置传感器控制系统研究面临如下问题:1. 如何准确预测转子位置和速度?解决方案:利用磁链观测方法、高通滤波等方法准确预测转子位置和速度。
2. 如何设计合适的控制策略?解决方案:基于模型预测控制、模糊控制等算法设计合适的控制策略。
3. 如何验证算法的有效性和可行性?解决方案:通过数学建模、仿真实验、实际硬件实现等方式验证算法的有效性和可行性。

永磁同步电机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor,简称PMSM)是一种常用的高性能电机,具有高效率、高功率密度和高控制精度的特点。
PMSM无传感器控制的基本步骤如下:1. 设计滑模观测器:根据电机数学模型和系统要求,设计一个滑模观测器,用于估计电机的转子位置和速度。
2. 控制电流环:通过控制电机的相电流,可以实现对电机转子位置和速度的控制。
4. 进行系统仿真和实验验证:根据设计的控制算法,进行系统仿真和实验验证。

因此无位置传感器控制技术成为了研究热点。本文以纯电动汽 车用永磁同步电机无位置传感器控制展开研究。
本文首先对纯电动汽车的驱动系统进行了概述,分析了纯电动汽 车的优势,比较了几种常见的纯电动汽车驱动系统形式,对纯电 动汽车驱动电机进行了调研和选型。重点综述了低速、零速和 中、高速永磁同步电机无位置传感器控制研究现状。
纯电动汽车用永磁同步电机无位置传Байду номын сангаас感器控制研究
近年来,物联网和智能化的普及,为汽车行业注入了新的活力。 汽车行业正处于大变革时代,汽车电动化是汽车智能化的基础, 也是减缓大气污染的有效措施。
大力发展电动汽车既符合国家战略,也顺应汽车行业转型升级趋 势。纯电动汽车用驱动电机作为纯电动汽车的动力源,是纯电动 汽车的心脏。
为实现永磁同步电机矢量控制,详细阐述了SVPWM的基本原理,并 对逆变器SVPWM算法进行了细致的分析和建模仿真;建立了静止 三相坐标系和同步坐标系中永磁同步电机的数学模型,对矢量控 制原理进行了深入的分析,比较了几种矢量变换矩阵及其变形; 根据纯电动汽车对动力性和效率的需求,采用最大转矩电流比 (MTPA)分配交直轴电流;对电流调节器和转速调节器的参数进行 了整定,最后搭建了矢量控制系统仿真模型。针对基于永磁电机 基波模型无位置传感器控制方法在低速或零速时精度较差,甚至 失效等问题,采用脉振高频电流注入法予以解决。
论述了各种无位置传感器控制方法的优缺点;分析了脉振高频电 流注入法的基本原理,设计改造了电流调节器和位置跟踪观测器; 分析推导了基于永磁体磁链非线性饱和特性的脉振高频电流注 入法下的电压响应,设计了转子位置初次估计系统并深入分析了 其收敛性;利用转子永磁体的饱和特性对转子极性进行判断;搭 建了算法仿真模型,验证了算法的可行性和有效性。针对基于脉 振高频电流注入法的无位置传感器控制方法在中、高速时估计 精度下降,动态性能较差等问题,而此时电机反电势较大,基于基 波模型的无位置传感器控制方法估计精度和动态性较好,因此采 用基于模型参考自适应原理的无位置传感器控制方法予以解决。


• 永磁同步电机基础 • 无位置传感器技术 • 无位置传感器矢量控制策略 • 实验与分析
研究背景与意 义
随着电力电子技术、微电子技术和计算机技术的飞速 发展,交流伺服系统在高性能的伺服系统领域得到了 广泛的应用。而永磁同步电机(PMSM)由于其高效、 高性能、高精度的特点,在交流伺服系统中得到了广 泛的应用。然而,对于PMSM矢量控制,一般需要使 用位置传感器来检测电机的位置,这不仅增加了系统 的成本,也降低了系统的可靠性。因此,研究无位置 传感器矢量控制技术对于提高交流伺服系统的性能、 降低成本、提高可靠性具有重要意义。
随着人工智能、机器学习等技术的不断发展,PMSM的无 位置传感器矢量控制技术也在不断发展。未来,无位置传 感器矢量控制技术将会更加智能化、自适应化,能够更好 地适应各种复杂环境和负载条件。同时,无位置传感器矢 量控制技术也将会更加小型化、集成化,使得交流伺服系 统的性能更加优越、体积更加小巧、成本更加低廉。
观测器算法的设计与分析是实现无位置传感器控制的关键之一。通过对观测器算法的误差进行分析和优化,可以 提高估算的准确性,从而提高电机的控制性能。同时,还需要考虑观测器算法的稳定性和实时性要求,以满足实 际应用的需求。
利用反电动势过零点的角度来估计转子位置,这种方法简单易实现,且成本较低, 但存在估算误差和响应速度较慢的问题。
目前,对于PMSM的无位置传感器矢量控制技术,已经有 很多研究者和企业进行了研究和开发。其中,最为常见的 算法包括基于反电动势的无位置传感器矢量控制、基于磁 通观测器的无位置传感器矢量控制、基于智能控制的无位 置传感器矢量控制等。这些算法在性能上各有优劣,但都 能够实现PMSM的无位置传感器矢量控制。
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Performance Comparison of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors and Controlled Induction Motors in Washing Machine Applications using Sensorless Field Oriented ControlAengus Murray, Marco Palma and Ali HusainEnergy Saving Products DivisionInternational RectifierEl Segundo, CA 90245Abstract—This paper describes two alternative variable speed motor drive systems for washing machine applications. Three phase induction motors with tachometer feedback and direct drive permanent magnet synchronous motors with hall sensor feedback are two drive systems commonly used in North American washers today. Appliance manufacturers are now evaluating sensorless drive systems because of the low reliability and high cost of the speed and position feedback sensors. A Field Oriented Control Algorithm with an embedded rotor flux and position estimation algorithm enables sensorless control of both permanent magnet synchronous motors and induction motors. The estimator derives rotor shaft position and speed from rotor flux estimates obtained from measured stator currents and the applied voltages. Sampling of currents in the dc link shunt simplifies stator current measurement and minimizes cost. Field oriented control algorithm allows good dynamic control of torque and enables an extended speed range through field weakening. The digital control algorithm runs on a unique hardware engine that allows algorithms to be designed using graphical tools. A common hardware platform can run either the PMSM or IM using sensorless field oriented control in a front loading washer application. Test results are presented for both drives in standard wash cycles.Keywords-component; Advanced Control; Field Oriented Control Algorithm;, Appliance control architecture;I.I NTRODUCTIONAccurate control of drum speed is required in both horizontal and vertical axis washer machines [1]. In front loading horizontal axis washers, the drum speed determines the washing action. There is a critical drum RPM, depending on the drum radius, above which the clothes stick to the inside edge of the drum. At this speed, the centrifugal force due to rotation balances the weight of the wet clothes. At speeds below this, the clothes will stick to the side of the drum until the component of the weight acting along the radius is greater than the centrifugal force. Once this angle is reached, the clothes fall back down into the base of the drum. The speed of the drum determines how vigorously the clothes are washed and allows a gentle wash cycle to be selected for delicate items. In the spin mode, the water is drained and the drum speed is increased well beyond the critical speed and the water forced out of the cloths by the centrifugal force. In traditional top loading vertical axis machines, the agitation action is produced mechanically using a gearbox and clutch. However, the introduction of speed control systems not only simplifies the mechanical system but also allows for wash cycle control. The control of the speed and angle of stroke allows the system designer to better manage the washing action and so develop wash cycles that use less water.European front-loading washers have used variable speed control for many years and typically use a universal ‘brush type’ motor. However, the American washer uses a larger drum size, which requires a motor with a power range beyond that of the universal motor solution. The front-loading drive solutions on the market today include direct drive permanent magnet synchronous motor drives or a belt drive using an induction motor. Appliance manufacturers are now evaluating these two drive types in top-loading machine to reduce cost and improve performance. However, both these drive systems use shaft feedbacks sensors. The direct drive PMSM typically uses a Hall Effect sensor for position feedback while the induction motor drive typically uses an analog or digital tachometer for speed feedback. The ideal universal drive can run either a PMSM or an induction motor without shaft feedback sensors. However, a single hardware platform can efficiently run either a PMSM or an induction motor using sensorless field oriented control algorithm. In both cases, speed and position estimates derive from motor terminal voltages and currents.Induction motors were initially preferred for washing machine drives because of the ease of running in high speed field weakening mode even with simple scalar control methods. However, the PMSM is now becoming a viable solution because field oriented control approach enables high speed field weakening. In an induction motor, the torque producing current flows in both the rotor and stator windings while the air gap field generation needs additional field current. Therefore, in washing mode, the total copper losses are more than doublethe PM motor losses since all the PM motor stator current can generate torque. However, in spin mode the PM motor has a disadvantage since field weakening consumes a large fraction of the stator current. In the induction motor, the magnetizing current is almost zero in field weakening mode. This paper compares the performance of two similarly rated motors operating in both parts of the wash cycle. It also examines specific advantages for each of these drives in the washer application.II.F IELD ORIENTED CONTROL OF PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND INDUCTION MOTORSField oriented control (FOC) in three phase motors is a well know technique that decouples the ac stator currents into quasi dc field and torque components to simplify the control system design [2]. The control architecture, shown in Fig. 1, is based around rotating reference frame models that were developed many years ago to analyze the operation of ac induction and synchronous machines. In the control model, stationary windings carrying ac currents are represented by equivalent rotating windings carrying dc current. The well known Clarke and Park vector transformations translate three phase stator currents into d-axis and q-axis current components in a reference frame synchronized to the angle of the rotor flux. In the rotating frame reference system, we define the d-axis as being aligned with the rotor field and the q-axis as being in quadrature with the rotor field. In both the synchronous motor and the induction motor, the rotor flux is a function of the d-axis current and the motor torque is proportional to the product of the rotor flux and the q-axis current. Thus, the d-axis current is equivalent to the field current in a dc motor while the q-axis current is equivalent to the dc motor armature current. Two independent current loops vary the applied stator winding voltages in order to deliver the desired motor torque and flux. The use of the above transforms reduces the problem of controlling the magnitude and frequency of three ac currents to a problem of controlling the magnitude of two dc currents. A further advantage is that the stator winding impedance, which is time varying in the stationary ac reference frame, becomes a fixed inductance in the rotating reference frame. This means that the current control loop dynamics become independent of the stator frequency improving the robustness of the system robustness. The input to the q-axis current controller is the torque reference, which is derived from the velocity or position control loop. The input to the d-axis controller is derived froma field current control function depending on the motor type.Figure 1. Field Oriented Control ArchitectureSince the rotor flux in a PMSM is generated by a permanent magnet, the field reference is normally set to zero. In the case of the induction motor, d-axis current is required to magnetize the core just like in a field wound dc motor. Since there is cross coupling between the q-axis and d-axis windings, the d-axis current controller must apply voltage even to maintain zero d-axis current. At some speed, known as the base speed, the required q- axis and d-axis voltage exceeds the inverter voltage capacity. Above base speed, the controller operates in field weakening mode and reduces the rotor flux to lower q-axis voltage generated by the motor windings. In the induction motor, the rotor flux is reduced by lowering the d-axis current. However, in the case of the PMSM, a negative d-axis current is required to oppose the permanent magnet field in order to weaken the rotor flux. The PMSM is more efficient than an induction motor at low speeds because it does not require magnetizing current but the induction motor draws lower current at high speeds.III. R OTOR F LUX ANGLE ESTIMATIONPermanent magnet synchronous motors with rotor position sensors have been used in high end industrial drives for many years. In sensorless drive systems, a motor circuit model estimates the rotor flux λr from the measured stator currents and applied voltages. The two-phase equivalent circuit model for a PMSM yields two equations (1) that are sine and cosine functions of the rotor flux angle θr . Integration of the voltage equations yields flux estimates (2) that are sine and cosine functions of the rotor angle. The flux estimates drive a phase locked loop that extracts the rotor angle and velocity. The rotor angle feedback enables field oriented control of stator currents while the rotor velocity feedback enables closure of the outer velocity loop.()()()()inductanceand resistance stator the are currents and tages stator vol phase two the are ,,,where,sin ...cos ...s s r r d di S S r r dt d dt di S S ,L r i i v v L i r v L i r v βαβαββααθλθλβα++=++= (1)()()()()βββαααθλθλi L dt i r v i L dt i r v ssrr ssr r ...sin ....cos .∫∫−−=−−= (2) Field oriented control of a PMSM is easily implemented because the rotor flux angle is locked to the rotor position. The rotor flux angle is not easily measured in an induction motor because it is not synchronized to the rotor shaft angle or speed. However, the above rotor flux angle estimation technique applies equally well to an induction machine [3]. In this case, the winding inductance term L s ’, in the motor circuit model also includes contributions from the rotor circuit (3).inductanceself rotor the is inductance g magnetizin the is inductance self stator the is where,2'r m S rms sL L L L L L L −= (3) This flux angle estimate enables direct field oriented control of an induction motor where the motor torque is proportional to the product of the rotor flux magnitude λr and the q-axis stator current i qs . The velocity estimate cannot be directly used to close the outer velocity loop because of rotor slip is required for the motor to deliver torque. However, the motor shaft velocity can be calculated under field orientation since there is a linear relationship (4) between the motor slip s and the q-axis stator current i qs .resistancerotor the is where,...r rqsm r r e r i L L r s λω=(4)The control schematic of the rotor flux estimator and the phase locked loop (PLL) is shown in Fig. 2. A vector rotation function calculates the error between the flux angle θr and the estimated angle θest . The integrator in the PLL feedback loop ensures that it also calculates both the rotor angle and velocity. Digital implementations support precision integration without drift however, special care is still required to avoid flux integrator saturation due to dc offsets in the current sampling circuits. The actual implementation includes low frequency cut off in the flux integrator functions with a matching low frequency correction function in the PLL. Good performance can be achieved down to about 5% of motor rated speed but theangle and velocity estimates are not reliable at lower speeds.Figure 2. Flux estimator and angle and frequency PLLIV. PMSM AND I NDUCTION MOTOR STARTINGStarting the PMSM is a challenge with sensorless control because the flux estimator does not provide information at zero speed. Starting the induction motor is easier but starting torque is low with open loop volts per hertz control. The approach tooptimized starting of both motors is similar and so a common starting controller is used. There is a three stage starting sequence: dc injection, open loop velocity ramp and closed loop operation. The startup controller, shown in Fig. 3, manages the operation of the PLL switching it from open loopto closed loop modes based on the flux magnitude output |λr | of the vector rotator. It also selects the reference inputs d-axis andq-axis current loops as a function of the operating mode.Figure 3. PLL starting controlThe dc injection phase, also know as parking, aligns the PMSM rotor to a known angle. The starting controller sets the initial value of the angle integrator to the parking angle θinit and the d-axis reference current i d * to the parking current i park . The flux integrator is also primed with initial rotor flux values λinit based on the parking angle. When the controller applies the parking current, the PM rotor aligns with the d-axis stator flux. The magnitude and duration of the parking current pulse is adjusted to match the shaft load characteristics. The parking phase maximizes the starting torque after the controller switches to open loop velocity ramp control and so improves starting reliability. In the case of the induction motor, the dc injection phase magnetizes the rotor core before starting. The parking current value is set to the motor magnetizing current while the parking time is matched to the rotor time constant. In the second phase, the q-axis reference current i q * is set at a fixed value i start in order to deliver a constant accelerating torque. The starting controller drives the integrator in the PI compensator with a fixed value matching the acceleration rate αinit set by the starting torque. The starting controller switches the PLL into closed loop mode when the motor reaches the minimum speed at which the flux integrator can reliably operate. The controller tests for start failure by comparing the rotor flux magnitude |λr | with predicted values.In ideal conditions with zero static torque, the dc injection current will park the PM rotor at an angle where the motor torque is zero. However, when there is non-zero static load, there will be a parking angle error. Fig. 4 helps demonstrate that the drive can tolerate relatively high static starting torque. The parking torque T park is a sine function of the angular distance from the parking position while the starting torque T park is a cosine function of the error in the parking angle. In the case where the static torque is equal to 50% of the maximum available parking torque the parking error εpark will be 30o (=sin -1(0.5)) which only reduces starting torque to 87% (=cos(30o )) of its maximum value. For most initial rotor angles,the parking torque will move the rotor towards the parking angle until the parking torque matches the static load torque. However, there is a dead zone around ±180o for initial rotor angles where the static torque will prevent any movement towards the parking position causing the initial starting torque to be in the reverse direction. A two stage parking scheme with a second parking angle advanced by 60o from the first positionwill avoid this problem.Figure 4. Parking error and the initial starting torqueIn a perfectly tuned system, the rotor angle will track the PLL angle in the open loop velocity ramp phase. The open loop starting acceleration is predicted from the starting current, the motor torque constant and the load inertia. However, the load inertia is difficult to characterize and real application loads have static friction. The starting process is tolerant to errors in the starting acceleration prediction as long as it is lower than the correct value. In this case, the initial acceleration will cause the rotor angle to move ahead of the angle predicted by the PLL resulting in a reduction in the generated torque. The system reaches equilibrium when the angle advances to the point at which the resultant acceleration falls to the predicted value. When the PLL switches to closed loop mode it will correct any angle offset angle generated during the open loop velocity ramp phase. V.S ENSORLESS AC MOTOR C ONTROL USING THE M OTIONC ONTROL E NGINEThe sensor-less field oriented control algorithms for both motor types are implemented on new digital control architecture described in Fig. 5 [4]. The ICs Motion Control Engine (MCE) includes digital control ASIC modules to implement the algorithm control calculations. MCE sequencer instructions stored in RAM enable flexibility while dedicated ASIC implementations of motor control functions significantly speed up algorithm execution. The MCE control modules are connected to hardware interface blocks that include a three-phase space vector PWM unit and an analog subsystem to measure the motor currents. The PWM timing unit generates the power inverter gating signals and the A/D sample timing signals required to reconstruct the motor winding current from the dc link current. The flux angle estimator, as described previously, calculates the rotor flux angle from the applied v α and v β voltages and measured i α and i β currents. This angledrives the vector rotation blocks that allow the current loop tobe closed in the rotating reference frame.Figure 5. Digital Control ICThe control schematics for the PMSM controller and the induction motor controller are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. The field oriented current control loops are identical in structure in both systems. The outer velocity loop is also identical for both drives; but for the induction motor, the slip frequency is subtracted from the rotor flux frequency to calculate the motor speed. The PMSM does not require field current so the d-axis current reference can be set to zero. However, a negative d-axis current enables extended speed range operation under so called “field weakening control”. The opposite is the case for the induction motor. The d-axis reference current is set to the magnetizing current at low speeds but is reduced at higher speeds to enable field weakening control. The field weakening controller determines the d-axis current that will optimize the use of the dc bus based on the outputs of the currentcompensators.Figure 6. Sensorless PMSM drive algorithmFigure 7. Sesorless IM drive algorithmGraphical design tools supporting the IRMCK341 digital control IC enables easy modification of the outer velocity loop and field control functions. These tools have also been used by washing machine manufacturers to add special functions to support load out of balance detection before entering the spin cycle. A hardware reference design demonstrates recommended circuit layout for the dc link current signal. Thisis the most critical part of the circuit design because this signalis the only source of information on motor current, rotor flux position and velocity.VI.WASHING MACHINE M OTOR P ERFORMANCECOMPARISONThis section describes results for a PMSM and an induction motor evaluated for use in a front loader washer. Both motors met the washer application requirements including torque speed range and speed accuracy using sensorless control. Fig. 8 shows an example of the variation in the PMSM motor current during a wash cycle. The current varies significantly during the cycle as the drum lifts the cloths then lets them fall to the bottom of the drum. The current variation is quite unpredictable during the cycle depending on how the cloths become lumped together. The test data presented here compares starting performance and efficiency during washing. Both motors run the washer drum via a 15:1 belt drive where the typical washing speed is 47 RPM corresponding to a motor speed of approximately 700 RPM. The maximum spin speed of 1100 RPM requires a motor shaft speed of 16,500 RPM which iswell over 3 times base speed.Figure 8. Motor currents during wash cycleDynamometer test data is presented to allow a comparison in drive performance during washing. Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 show the starting performance of the PMSM and IM with a target speed of 470 RPM. The PMSM achieves a staring torque of 2.7 Nm, which exceeds the application requirements. The maximum motor starting current is 6 Arms and the total starting time was 2 seconds. The induction motor achieves a higher starting torque of 3.4 Nm with a maximum starting current of 5.6 Arms and a starting time of less than 1 second. Both motors met the application specification but the inductionmotor performed better.Figure 9. PMSM startup test with 2.7 Nm loadFigure 10. Induction motor starting with 3.4 Nm loadFig. 11 and Fig. 12 show the motor efficiencies at washing speed over the application torque range. The induction motor efficiency drops to less than 40% at the maximum torque range while the PMSM efficiency is still above 70% at this point. The inverter efficiency is almost 90% at the maximum torque range for both motors. This is expected since the rated currents for both motors are almost same.Figure 11. PMSM efficiency at 700 RPMFigure 12. Induction motor efficiency at 700 RPM The motor efficiency is a minor contributor to washing machine energy efficiency rating since the energy consumed by the motor is still significantly less than the energy consumed in heating the hot water used. However, since the PMSM is more efficient it can be made smaller and therefore may cost less to build than the induction motor. The PMSM efficiency is a little lower at spin speeds (16500 RPM) because field weakening consumes most of the current but this is still higher than the induction motor. It was not possible to take dynamometer efficiency measurements for the induction motor at spin speeds but the drive operates in this mode for a relatively short time.VII.W ASHING M ACHINE C ONTROL S YSTEM While the motor control function is a key part of the washing control system, the washing machine application software adds most the appliance product features. The IRMCF341 washing machine control IC integrates an independent 8-bit microcontroller for the application layer functions. This solution preserves all the advantages of having an independent application layer processor that can control the relatively slow washing process without having to compete for system resources required by the faster motor algorithm. The 8-bit microcontroller loads the control loop parameters into the dual port RAM and special control registers in the ASIC control modules. It also loads sequencing code into the MCE program memory to define the motor control algorithm. This makes is possible switch between induction motor control and PMSM control algorithms without changing the drive hardware. The 8-bit microcontroller can also access the internal algorithm variables such as speed and torque current required to implement washing machine functions such as wash load detection or out of balance measurements. In the case of the PMSM drive, it is possible to optimize starting parameters to match different wash load conditions and so minimize starting currents.VIII.C ONCLUSIONThe paper presented two implementations of field oriented control using a common control platform. Both the induction motor and the PMSM meet the washer application requirements. The induction motor has a higher starting torque than the PMSM but has a much lower efficiency in washing mode. The use of sensorless field oriented control using dc link current feedback enables the use of a single drive platform to control either motor.R EFERENCES[1]Bianchi, A. and Buti, L. “Three-Phase A.C. Motor Drive and Controllerfor Clothes Washer” Appliance Magazine, June 2003[2]Krause, P.K., Wasynczuk, O. and Sudhoff, S.D. “Analysis of ElectricMachinary and Drive Systems” 2nd Edition, IEEE Press 2002[3]Novotny, D.W. and Lipo, T. A. “Vector Control and Dynamics of ACdrives” Oxford University Press 1996 pp 257-282[4]Murray, A. and Ho, E. “New Motion Control Architecture SimplifiesWashing Machine Control System Development” IAS 2006 Conferencer Record pp 1229-1234。