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• Teachers’ Day
December 25th
a game, rolling eggs, children, parents, happy, grass
Байду номын сангаас
1.Do you like spring? 2.What do you like to do in spring?
An easter egg hunt is a game for finding eggs on Easter.
Easter Eggs
Ask and Answer:
1.What day is it today?
Today is Easter Sunday.
2.Where are they? They are at the park.
the second Sunday of May
• Mother’s Day the fourth Thursday of Novermber
• April Fools’ Day the third Sunday of June
• Father’s Day
September 10th
• Thanksgiving Day April First
( F )2.They hide the chocolate eggs in the trees. (T )3.The eggs are made of chocolate.
Knowledge points:
1.have fun doing sth =enjoy doing sth eg: Debbie will have fun looking for them. Debbie will enjoy looking for them.
2.be filled with = be full of eg: My basket is full of eggs. My basket is filled with eggs.
Making up sentences ________ is on ___________
• Christmas Day
3.Who hides the eggs?
Jenny, Brian and Danny hide the eggs. 4.Who hunts the eggs ?
Debbie hunts the eggs
True or False: ( F )1.Danny brought an Easter basket.
Spring is here!
复活节(Easter)是基督教纪念耶稣被钉上十 字架后死而复生的节日。每年春分过后,第一次月 圆后的第一个星期日就是复活节。这是基督教国家 仅次于圣诞节的第二大节日。鸡蛋是复活节最典型 的象征。人们把鸡蛋视为多子多孙的象征,未来的 生命孕育其中,这一天,人们把染红的鸡蛋藏 (hide)在树丛中,让孩子们寻找(hunt),或是送给 街上的孩子们做滚蛋的游戏,谁的蛋最后才破,谁 就是获胜者。不过现在的彩蛋则是由巧克力等做成 蛋形用来赠人或放置在家中做节日的饰物。而现在 的复活节已经失去了原先浓浓的宗教气氛,成为人 们充分的享受春天美好时光的节日,而最快乐的还 是孩子们,他们可以玩很多种游戏。