Finder's Agreement 中间商协议

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THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is dated as of the 2nd of Jan, 2017 ("the EffectiveDate") and is entered into by and between: Jiangxi XXX Foods Co., Ltd and its affiliates and subsidiaries (the“Supplier”) and XXX PTE LTD its affiliates and subsidiaries (the “Finder”), The Supplier and the Finder are each referred to herein as a "Party" and together as the "Parties".

本协议由江西XXX有限公司及其关联公司与子公司(供应方)和XXX PTE LTD及其关联公司与子公司(中间方)于2017年1月2日签署生效。供应方与中间方各自在本文中称为”缔约方”, 并一起则称为”缔约双方”.

WHEREAS, the Supplier is a food producer that produce variety of food products and seeks to sell certain food products (the "Products");


WHEREAS, Finder has the knowledge and contacts and is familiar with Customers (as such term is defined below) that may be interested in cooperation with the supplier and who may be interested to purchase products from the supplier;


WHEREAS, the Finder desires to introduce such Customers to the Supplier subject to the terms and conditions set out hereunder.


NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the Parties, intending to be legally bound, do hereby agree as follows:


1.Approved Customers.经过验证的客户

a.Finder has contacted the Companies listed in Annex A attached hereto (“Customers”) regarding

offering the Supplier's Products and other business opportunities, including not limited to

expansion Supplier's Products to new markets by the Supplier and Finder. The Finder may

suggest (in writing) to add potential Customers to the list in Annex A at any time during the term

of this Agreement, and in each such event – and only if the Supplier approves in writing such a

suggestion made by Finder –then Supplier and Finder shall sign an amended Annex A to

indicate their agreement for such suggested introduction of additional customers including the

date of such mutual approval.

a. 中间方已经联系附件A中所列的公司(客户),以提供供应方的产品及其他商业机会,包括但


b.Should any Customers (or affiliate thereof) introduced by Finder to Supplier or handled by

Finder –in accordance with terms and conditions of this Agreement –Purchasing Products

during the term of this Agreement or during the 4 years immediately following the date such

respective Customer was added to this Agreement (each, an "Transaction"), the Finder shall be

entitled to receive a commission in the final amount of 10percent (10%) of the total invoice

amount which paid by such Customer (the "Finder's Fee"). The Finder's Fee shall be due and

payable upon the closing of each Transaction; The obligation of supplier to pay Finder's fee to

the buyer under this agreement will survive 4 years upon termination of this agreement.

b. 任何客户(或其关联公司)(由中间方向供应方介绍的或由中间方经手处理的),根据此协议条款和条件,在此协议期间或者自此客户被增加进此协议的日期起的4年内采购产品,中间方有权得到此客户付款合同总金额的10%金额作为佣金。中间方的佣金必须在每次交易结束前支付。供应方根据本协议向买方支付中间方的费用的义务将在本协议终止后4年内存续。

For the purpose of this Agreement, the term “Affiliate” shall mean in respect with any Party or

Customers, any person, organization or other legal entity which Controls, or is controlled by, or

is under common Control with such entity. For this purpose, "control" shall mean the means the

ownership directly or indirectly of more than fifty (50) percent of the voting rights in a legal

entity. And any officer, shareholder or related company or persons of such Party and Customers.

