
1. 2. 可通过拨码开关选择4种电池。
GEL 电池,铅酸(液体)电池,AGM 2电池,LiFePO4磷酸铁锂电池3. 带负载输出功能,具有过放,过载,短路保护功能。
4. 带蓝牙功能,可以通过手机APP 显示查看控制器参数(仅MPPT 5020-BT,MPPT5040-BT )5. 具有RS 485通信功能,便于终端设备可靠的读取到控制器的运行参数(仅6. 全自动无人值守充电。
具有过载,过热,反向电流保护(阴天或者晚上无阳光的时候,防止蓄电池倒灌到太阳能板)7. 过充保护。
当电池充满的时候 ,充电电流会减小,当蓄电池没电的时候,会立即给蓄电池充电8. 自动温度补偿功能。
确保电池在低温或者高温的环境下,采用最佳的充电参数,延长蓄电池的使用寿命强烈建议,不要把蓄电池和控制器安装在发热源的地方,以免引起控制器的误操作提高充电电流,相比传统的PWM 控制器,MPPT 充电效率可以提高10-30%。
(控制器转换效率>95%)MPPT 5020-COM,MPPT5040-COM)使用说明书太阳能充放电控制器MPPT1. 只能给符合额定电压的GEL 电池,铅酸液体电池,AGM 电池,磷酸铁锂(必须带MBS)电池充电2. 太阳能板功率尽量使用控制器最大额定功率以内的太阳能板3. 连接电缆的线径参考工厂的建议值。
如果电缆过小,会导致电缆过热和能量损耗4. 在靠近电池端的附近安装额定规格的保险丝,用来保护蓄电池和太阳能板之间的电缆5. 请安装在通风良好的房间内,防止雨水,潮湿,灰尘,侵蚀性的电池气体以及在环境没有冷凝水6. 本机出售时候,不配任何配件。
如果需要更换部品,请联系供应商7. 控制器和电池请远离儿童.带APP 显示或者RS485通信功能MPPT5020-BT MPPT5020MPPT5040MPPT5040-BT MPPT5020-comMPPT5040-com 适用 铅酸(液体,AGM ,GEL )电池 LiFePO4磷酸铁锂电池-1 2胶体电池(GEL )密封铅酸(Lead-acid )AGM↑↑↑↑Note:连接电缆的时候请仔细看清控制器上的标识,绝对不能把极性接错,否则可能导致控制器损坏。

SOLAR CHARGE CONTROLLER 12V & 24V SOLAR SYSTEMSPART # SCC30AINSTRUCTION MANUALIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNING – BATTERY HANDLINGWorking near lead acid batteries is dangerous. Batteries generate explosive gases during normal battery operation.PERSONAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONSWear proper eye and clothing protection when working with lead acid batteries.Make sure that someone is within range of your voice to come to your aid if needed while you work with or are near lead acid batteries.Have plenty of fresh water and soap nearby for use in case battery acid contacts your eyes, sin or clothing. If this happens, wash immediately with soap and water. Then seek medical attention.Avoid touching your eyes while working with a battery. Acid particles (corrosion) may get into your eyes. If this occurs, flush eyes immediately with running cold water for at least 10 minutes. Then immediately seek medical attention.Never charge a frozen battery.Remove personal metal items such as rings, bracelets, necklaces, and watches when working with a battery. A battery produces a short-circuit current high enough to weld any metal objects and will cause a severe burn.Do not drop a metal tool on the battery. The resulting spark or short-circuit on the battery will cause an explosion.Never smoke or allow a sparks or flames near the battery.Neutralize any acid spills thoroughly with baking soda before attempting to clean up.NOTE: We recommend using AGM, GEL, or sealed lead deep cycle batteries especially in poorly ventilated areas. Not compatible with lithium batteries.The solar charge controller is designed to regulate the charge voltage to your 12 Volt or 24 Volt battery(s) from the solar panels. The controller provides protection against overcharge and battery reverse polarity connection. The unit includes a convenient LCD display, which shows charge current and battery voltage.FRONT PANEL FUNCTIONSLED IndicatorsPower: Solar power has sufficient voltage and connect to the battery(s) LED green.Charging: Indicates the solar power is charging the battery(s).Float: Indicates battery is full and charger is maintaining the charge.Battery reverse: LED yellow when battery connections are reversed.Protection: LED red when temperature of heat sink is up to @ 140°F and LED off when temperature drops down to @ 131°F.Switch24V / 12V selection switch: Set to 12V or 24V battery (s).Battery type switch: Set battery type being charged.Battery check button: When this button is pressed and held the battery voltage with display.INSTALLATIONInstall the charge controller near the battery(S) on a stable surface. This surface should be solid, even, dry and nonflammable. The battery cable should be as short as possible and have a cable diameter size to minimize loss, e.g. 4 mm² at 20 A and 6ft in length (16 AWG).Do not install the controller in direct sunlight.To ensure adequate airflow around the controller, allow a 4 inch clearance around the unit. The temperature at the installation site may never fall below or exceed the maximum permitted ambient temperature range.Connect the individual components according to the labels on the bottom of the controller. CONNECTION DIAGRAM (BOTTOM VIEW OF CONTROLLER)12 Volt24 Volt*Recommended wire = 10 AWG high quality cable*There are no user serviceable parts inside the charge controller. Do not disassemble or attempt to repair the unit. Contact manufacturer.SPECIFICATIONS Specification @ 12V @ 24VMax Solar Panel Array 400W 800WInput Voltage 16.5V-22V 33V-40VMax Voc 25V +/-1V 45V +/-1VMax Charging Current 30A +/- 3A 30A +/- 3AVoc Sealed: 14.55V +/-0.5V Flooded: 14.65V +/-0.5V Sealed: 29.15V +/-0.5V Flooded: 29.5V +/-0.5VVmp Sealed: 14.8V +/-0.5V Flooded: 14.78V +/-0.5V Sealed: 31.8V +/-0.5VFlooded: 31.7V +/-0.5V Output Voltage Sealed: 14.6V +/-0.5V Flooded: 14.8V +/-0.5V Sealed: 29.2V +/-0.5VFlooded: 29.6V +/-0.5V Floating Voltage Sealed: 13.7V +/-0.5V Flooded: 13.8V +/-0.5V Sealed: 27.4V +/-0.5VFlooded: 27.6V +/-0.5VOutput Low Voltage Protection <7.5V <15VOvertemp Protection Yes YesBattery Polarity Protection Yes YesOutput Short Circuit Protection Yes YesOperating Temperature 0°F - 104°F 0°F - 104°FStorage Temperature 14°F - 158°F 14°F - 158°FDimensions 7"L x 4"W x 1.25"H 7"L x 4"W x 1.25"HWeight .6lb .6lbAIMS Power offers a 1 year limited warranty.The following cases are not covered under warranty:1. Disassembled or tampering of any kind2. Incorrect or poor wiring3. Operation in a moist environmentAIMS Power Warranty Instructions:This product is designed using the most modern digital technology and under very strict quality control and testing guide lines. If, however you feel this product is not performing as it should, please contact us: **************************(775)359-6703.We will do our best to resolve your concerns. If the product needs repair or replacement, make sure to keep your receipt/invoice, as that will need to be sent back along with the package and RA# prepaid to AIMS. You have a full 1 year warranty from date of purchase.This warranty is valid worldwide with the exception that freight and duty charges incurred outside the contiguous 48 United States will be prepaid by customer.Except as provided above, AIMS makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall AIMS be liable for indirect, special or consequential damages. This warranty only applies to AIMS Power branded products. All other name brand products are warranted by and according to their respective manufacturer. Please do not attempt to return non-AIMS Power branded products to AIMS Power.For additional products such as:-Modified sine wave inverters-Pure sine wave inverters-Solar charge controllers-Generators-Inverter chargers with automatic transfer switches-Custom cut cables-Batteries-Solar panelsPlease visit our web site: Tofindoutwheretobuyanyofourproducts,youmayalsoe-mail:************************(775)359-6703.。

太阳能控制器的作用1. 控制太阳能电池板的充电太阳能电池板是太阳能系统的核心组成部分,它的作用是将太阳能转化为电能,为太阳能系统输送能量。
2. 稳定输出电压和电流太阳能控制器的另一个重要功能是稳定输出电压和电流。
3. 保护电池太阳能电池板接收太阳光照射后,会将太阳光转化为电能,如果不及时储存起来,电能就会消散。
4. 显示功能太阳能控制器通常具有多种显示功能,如显示太阳能电池板、电池的电压、电流和温度等,同时还能显示太阳能系统的运行状态,包括工作模式和故障状态等。
太阳能控制器的使用方法太阳能控制器的使用非常简单,通常只需要进行以下几个步骤:1. 安装太阳能控制器太阳能控制器一般需要固定在太阳能电池板和电池之间的位置上,以实现对太阳能电池板输出电压、电流的控制。
2. 连接电池和太阳能电池板将太阳能电池板的输出端和电池的输入端依次插入太阳能控制器的对应接口,连接好电源线和充电器即可。

风光互补+LED 恒流一体机使用说明书■ 主要特点:1、本公司自主研发新型风光互补降压型MPPT + LED 升压型恒流一体机控制器;2、具有蓄电池浮充、涓充、过充、过放、反接保护;风机电子卸荷、转速检测、自动刹车、手动刹车保护;负载恒流输出、降功率调节、电子短路、过载保护;太阳能独特的防反接、防反充保护等全自动控制;以上保护均不损坏任何部件。
3、风力发电机采用独特的降压型MPPT 功能,具有转速检测、过速保护,风机过充自动卸荷、恒压、限流充电功能;风机转速和刹车恢复时间都可随意设定、修改;4、太阳能也采用了降压型MPPT 功能,串联式充电主回路,使充电回路的电压损失较使用二极管的充电电路降低近一半,充电效率较非PWM 高3%-6%,增加了用电时间;过放恢复的提升充电,正常的直充,浮充自动控制方式使系统有更长的使用寿命;同时具有高精度温度补偿。
5、负载使用升压型恒流方式,转换效率可达98%,可在线调整LED 输出电流,电流从30mA —3300mA 可调,并且可分四个时段,分别对亮灯时控、功率进行调节。
6、直观的LED 发光管指示当前系统运行状态,通过指示灯可以清楚的了解系统使用情况,以及故障报警状态。
8、使用了直观的LED 数码管显示设置,一键式操作即可完成所有设置,定时时间与数码管显示数字一一对应,显示更直观。
■ 控制器面板图:■ 系统说明:本控制器专为风力发电和太阳能发电直流供电系统、LED 照明设备设计专用,使用了专业电脑芯片的智能化控制。
太阳能充电控制器操作手册 10.10 A 8.8 A 6.6 A说明书

Operating manualSolar charge controller10.10 A / 8.8 A / 6.6 APlease read these instructions completely before installation!1. About this manualThese operating instructions are part of the product. Read these operating instructions carefully before use, keep them over the entire lifetime of the product, and pass them on to any future owner or user of this product.This manual describes the installation, function, operation and maintenance of the solar charge controller. These operating instructions are intended for end customers.A technical expert must be consulted in cases of uncertainty.2. SafetyThe solar charge controller may only be used in PV systems for charging and controlling lead-acid batteries in accordance with this operating manual and the charging specifications of the battery manufacturer.The solar charge controller may only be connected to the local loads and the battery by trained personnel and in accordance with the applicable regulations. Follow the installation and operating instructions for all components of the PV system.No energy source other than a solar generator may be connected to the solar charge controller. Follow the general and national safety and accident prevention regulations.Keep children away from PV systems. Do not use the solar charge controller in dusty environments, in the vicinity of solvents or where inflammable gases and vapours can occur. No open fires, flames or sparks in the vicinity of the batteries. Ensure that the room is adequately ventilated. Check the charging process regularly.Follow the charging instructions of the battery manufacturer. Battery Acid splashes on skin or clothing should be immediately rinse with plenty of water. Seek medical advice.Do not operate the solar charge controller when it does not appear to function at all. The solar charge controller or connected cables are visibly damaged or loose. In these cases immediately remove the solar charge controller from the solar modules and battery.3. FunctionsThe solar charge controller monitors the state of charge of the battery bank, controls the charging process, controls the connection/disconnection of loads. This optimises battery use and significantly extends its service life.The following protection functions are part of the basic function of the controller: Overcharge protection ; Deep discharge protection ; Battery undervoltage protection ; Solar module reverse current protection.4. Installation4.1 Mounting location requirementsDo not mount the solar charge controller outdoors or in wet rooms. Do not subject the solar charge controller to direct sunshine or other sources of heat. Protect the solar charge controller from dirt and moisture.Mount upright on the wall (concrete) on a non-flammable substrate. Maintain a minimum clearance of 10 cm below and around the device to ensure unhindered air circulation. Mount the solar charge controller as close as possible to the batteries (with a safety clearance of at least 30 cm).4.2 Fastening the solar charge controllerMark the position of the solar charge controller fastening holes on the wall.Drill 4 Ø 6 mm holes and insert dowels. Fasten the solar charge controller to the wall with the cable openings facing downwards, using 4 oval head screws M4x40 (DIN 7996).4.3 ConnectionUse an wire size suited to the current ratings of the charge controller, e.g. 6mm² for 10A, 5 mm² for 8A, 4 mm² for 6A, 3 mm² for 5A for cable length of 10 m.An additional external 20A fuse (not provided) must be connected to the battery connection cable, close to the battery pole. The external fuse prevents cable short circuits.Solar modules generate electricity under incident light. The full voltage is present, even when the incident light levels are low. Protect the solar modules from incident light during installation, e.g. cover them.Never touch not isolated cable ends. Use only insulated tools. Ensure that all loads to be connected are switched off. If necessary, remove the fuse.Connections must always be made in the sequence described below.1st step: Connect the batteryInfo LED Battery LEDsConnect the battery connection cable with thecorrect polarity to the middle pair of terminalson the solar charge controller (with the batterysymbol).If present, remove any external fuse. Connectbattery connection cable A+ to the positivepole of the battery. Connect batteryconnection cable A– to the negative pole ofthe battery. Insert the external fuse in thebattery connection cable.If the connection polarity is correct, the infoLED illuminates green.2nd step: Connect the solar moduleEnsure that the solar module is protected from incident light (cover it or wait for night).Ensure that the solar module does not exceed the maximum permissible input current.First connect the M+ solar module connection cable to the correct pole of the left pair ofterminals on the solar charge controller (with the solar module symbol), then connect theM– cable. Remove the covering from the solar module.3rd step: Connect loadsFirst connect the L+ load cable to the correct pole of the right pair of terminals on the solarcharge controller (with the lamp symbol), then connect the L– cable. Insert the load fuse orswitch on the load.Notes : Connect loads that must not be deactivated by the solar charge controller deepdischarge protection, e.g. emergency lights or radio connection, directly to the battery.Loads with a higher current consumption than the device output can be directly connectedto the battery. However, the solar charge controller deep discharge protection will no longerintervene. Loads connected in this manner must also be separately fused.4th step: Final workFasten all cables with strain relief in the direct vicinity of the solar charge controller(clearance of approx. 10 cm).5. LED displaysLED Status Meaningilluminates green normal operationInfo LEDflashes slowly red* system fault- too high charging current- overload / short circuit- overheatedtogether with red LED :- too low battery voltagetogether with green LED :- too high battery voltageflashing quickly* battery empty, low voltage disconnectionprewarning, loads still onBatteryredLED flashing slowly* deep discharge protection active (LVD), loadsdisconnectedilluminates battery weak, loads are onBatteryyellowLEDflashes slowly yellow* LVD reconnection setpoint has not yet beenreached, loads still disconnectedilluminates battery goodBatterygreenLEDflashes slowly green* battery full, charge regulation active*flashing slowly: 0,4Hz: 4 times in 10 second, flashing quickly: 3Hz: 3 times in 1 second6. GroundingThe components in stand-alone systems do not have to be grounded – this is not standardpractice or may be prohibited by national regulations (e.g.: DIN 57100 Part 410: Prohibitionof grounding protective low voltage circuits). Ask your dealer for technical assistance.7. Lightning protectionIn systems subjected to an increased risk of overvoltage damage, we recommendinstalling additional lightning protection / overvoltage protection to reduce dropouts.Ask your dealer for technical assistance.8. MaintenanceThe solar charge controller is maintenance-free.All components of the PV system must be checked at least annually, according to thespecifications of the respective manufacturers. Ensure adequate ventilation of the coolingelement. Check the cable strain relief. Check that all cable connections are secure. Tightenscrews if necessary. Check corrosion on terminals.9. Faults and remediesNo display : Check battery polarity and external fuse. Or battery voltage is too low orbattery defective.Battery is not charged : Check if solar modul is connected with correct polarity or if shortcircuit at the solar input. If solar module voltage is lower than battery voltage or if solarmodule is defective the battery cannot be charged.Battery displays jumps quickly : Battery voltage changes quickly. Large pulse currentscause voltage fluctuation. Battery is too small or defective. Ask your dealer for technicalassistance.The following faults do not destroy the controller. After correcting the fault, the device willcontinue to operate correctly:* solar module short circuits * reverse solar module polarity *2* short circuits at load output * excessive load current* reversed battery polarity *1* solar module overcurrent* device overtemperature * overvoltage at the load output10. Legal guaranteeAccording to the German legal requirements, for this product the customer has a 2 yearlegal guarantee.The seller will remove all manufacturing and material faults that occur in the product duringthe legal guarantee period and affect the correct functioning of the product. Natural wearand tear does not constitute a malfunction.Legal guarantee does not apply if the fault can be attributed to third parties, unprofessionalinstallation or commissioning, incorrect or negligent handling, improper transport, excessiveloading, use of improper equipment, faulty construction work, unsuitable constructionlocation or improper operation or use.Legal guarantee claims shall only be accepted if notification of the fault is providedimmediately after it is discovered. Legal guarantee claims are to be directed to the seller.The seller must be informed before legal guarantee claims are processed.For processing a legal guarantee claim an exact fault description and the invoice / deliverynote must be provided. The seller can choose to fulfil the legal guarantee either by repair orreplacement.If the product can neither be repaired nor replaced, or if this does not occur within asuitable period in spite of the specification of an extension period in writing by thecustomer, the reduction in value caused by the fault shall be replaced, or, if this is notsufficient taking the interests of the end customer into consideration, the contract iscancelled. Any further claims against the seller based on this legal guarantee obligation, inparticular claims for damages due to lost profit, loss-of-use or indirect damages areexcluded, unless liability is obligatory by German law.11. Technical DataSteca Solsum F 6.6F 8.8F 10.10FSystem voltage 12 V (24 V)Own consumption < 4 mADC input sideOpen circuit voltage solar module(at minimum operating temperature)< 47 VModule current 6 A 8 A 10 ADC output sideLoad current 6 A 8 A 10 AEnd of charge voltage 13.9 V (27.8 V)Boost charge voltage 14.4 V (28.8 V)Reconnection voltage (SOC / LVR) *³> 50 % / 12.4 V … 12.7 V(24.8 V … 25.4 V)Deep discharge protection (SOC / LVD) *³< 30 % / 11.2 V … 11.6 V(22.4 V … 23.2 V)Operating conditionsAmbient temperature -25 °C … +50 °CFitting and constructionTerminal (fine / single wire) 4 mm2 / 6 mm2 - AWG 12 / 9Degree of protection IP 32Dimensions (X x Y x Z) 145 x 100 x 24 mmWeight approx. 150 g*1Solsum is protected against reverse battery polarity together with polarity protectedloads. Reverse battery polarity combined with short circuited or polarised load couldcause damages in load or regulator*2avoid reverse module polarity in a 24V system*3Lower value for nominal current, higher value for lowest currenManufactured in aDIN EN ISO 9001:2000 facilitySolsum / Z02 / Version 09.45/ 730.930。

二、太阳能充电控制器的安装1. 安装地点选择:应选择干燥通风、避免日晒雨淋和防尘的地方。
2. 安装方法:将太阳能充电控制器固定在墙面或支架上,并连接好所需的线路和插头。
3. 接线顺序:首先将蓄电池正极与太阳能充电控制器正极连接,然后将太阳能板正极与太阳能充电控制器正极连接,最后将负极按相同方式连接即可。
三、太阳能充电控制器的使用方法1. 开机操作:将开关旋钮拨到“ON”位置即可启动。
2. 充电模式选择:根据所需的充电模式,将开关旋钮拨到相应的位置,如“普通充电”、“浮充充电”、“均衡充电”等。
3. 充电状态显示:太阳能充电控制器具有多种状态指示灯,可以显示当前的工作状态和故障提示。
4. 其他功能设置:太阳能充电控制器还可以根据需要进行其他功能设置,如时间设定、温度补偿、过压保护等。
四、太阳能充电控制器的注意事项1. 安全使用:在使用太阳能充电控制器时,应注意安全问题,避免触电和短路等危险。
2. 正确接线:接线时应按照正确的顺序连接各个部件,并确保接头牢固可靠。
3. 保持清洁:定期对太阳能充电控制器进行清洁和检查,避免灰尘和杂物进入设备内部影响正常工作。
4. 防潮防水:在安装和使用过程中应注意防潮防水,避免设备受潮或进水导致故障和损坏。
五、太阳能充电控制器的维护保养1. 定期检查:应定期对太阳能充电控制器进行检查和维护,如清洁、紧固插头、更换损坏零件等。
2. 防止过度放电:在长期不使用时,应将蓄电池拆卸并储存在干燥通风的地方,避免过度放电。
3. 保持通风:在使用时应保持太阳能充电控制器通风良好,避免过热和损坏。

英瑞德12V 20A PWM 太阳能充电控制器使用说明书

AIMS Power 智能太阳能电池充电控制器产品说明书

Solar KitsSolar Charge ControllersYour complete source for solar off grid & back up power solutions.F L E X I B L ELet us do the work for you! We have a solar kit for almost everyapplication. If you are looking for a complete offgrid or back up solar power solution, then we highly recommend starting with one of our cutting-edge solar power kits. Finding the right equipment pairings can be time-consuming and, quite frankly, confusing, but these kits offer a better and more comprehensive solution. We have streamlined the process and ordering our custom kits is simple and everything can be found in one place. We offer excellent warranties, free technical support and our customer service is the best in the business.The solar battery charge controller by AIMS Power features an automatic smart tracking algorithm using MPPT charging technology and has less power loss performing at 97.5-99% efficiency, maximizing energy harvest. The AIMS charge controller includes LED indicators to show charging status and faults. An LCD displays key information such as battery voltage, solar panel voltage, solar panel charging current and charge mode.FEATURES:• MPPT technology: Maximum Power Point Tracking• Quality heatsink cooling – no fans needed and no thermal derating• Battery type selector and user defined charging voltage• 4 stage charging for gel, sealed, AGM, flooded, lithium and user defined• Includes battery temperature sensor• PV input, battery output, and DC load control ports • Stackable• Reliable electronics, over engineered components generating less heat• Very efficient up to 99%• Low self consumption• Thermal design rugged case• Overload, short circuit, high and low voltage, and over temp protections• Max PV open circuit voltage: 155Vdc• RS485 port for computer monitoring (not included on the 10 & 30amp)• CE, ETL to UL1471 and RoHS compliant • Conformal coated for marine environments • Mounting holes775.359.6703A MS Power is a complete provider of DC to AC inverters, inverter chargers, solar panels, deep-cycle batteries, generators, cables, and related green energy products in the United States and throughout the world.Our mission is to lead the inverter industry in design and development by providing the highest quality products possible in the world of off-grid and renewable energy, and back that up with the best customer service and tech support in the business.SOLAR CHARGE CONTROLLERMODEL #10 AMP PWM 12V/24V USB/ Adjustable Charging Settings / Compact SCC1030 AMP PWM 12V/24V EconomicalSCC30A 30 AMP MPPT 12/24/36/48V Adjustable Charging Settings Stackable SCC30AMPPT 40 AMP MPPT 12/24/36/48V Adjustable Charging Settings Stackable SCC40AMPPT 60 AMP MPPT 12/24/36/48V Adjustable Charging Settings Stackable SCC60AMPPT 80 AMP MPPT 12/24/36/48V Adjustable Charging Settings Stackable SCC80AMPPT 100 AMP MPPT 12/24/36/48V Adjustable Charging Settings StackableSCC100AMPPTFollow these quickinstructions to get started:1ST: Estimate the highest amp draw at one given time. Also, state whether you need 120V or 240V or both. This info will help us size the inverter.2ND: Calculate total approximate amps needed in a 24 hour period. This will assist us with calculating the number of batteries and panels needed.3RD: note whether you will be completely off grid, using grid power or generator power when available.4TH: Calculate the amount of space available for panelsPOWERFlexible SolarFoldable SolarRigid SolarSolar Racks | MountsSolar Accessories & PV WireOur 60- to 275-watt solar panels are made of advanced monocrystalline or polycrystalline material for efficient energy harvest. Our portable, foldable and flexible solar panels are generally made of monocrystalline and are water-resistant so you can use them anywhere, while ourstationary solar panels are made of long-lasting polycrystalline and have tempered glass covers to protect the panels from inclement weather.The AIMS Power polycrystalline solar panels are made of high quality silicon crystal “seed”. The solar cells are high transmission and textured glass producing a more efficient panel.• 120 & 275 Watt• Polycrystalline aluminium frame panels • EVA resin• Weatherproof film • Economical• Aluminium frame for long term outdoor use • Tempered glass• Part #s: PV120POLY | PV275POLYAIMS Power has everything you need to complete your solar setup, with UL listed solar PV wire, combiner boxes, solar panel connectors, brackets, disconnect switch, and racks. All AIMS Power’s accessories have been carefully selected and are compatible with all solar products.There are several ways and places to mount solar panels. At AIMS Power, we offer the best options for your application. From ground mount racks to adjustable brackets, we’ve got you covered! Our high quality, durable mounts are built to last.SOLAR ACCESSORIESMODEL #PV DC Quick Disconnect Switch 1000V 64A DC1600V32A2IO Combiner Box Prewired 3 String 60A 200Vdc 10KW COM3IN60A Combiner Box Prewired 6 String 120A 200Vdc 20KW COM6IN120A MC4 Connectors Male & Female MC4F & MC4M Branch Connectors MMF & FFM Pair PVBRANCHPR2-1Branch Connectors MMMF & FFFM Pair PVBRANCHPR3-1Z Brackets Aluminum 4 Piece Set PV-ALBRACKET Double Cable Waterproof Entry GlandPV-2WEGSOLAR RACKSPART # Ground Mount Rack for 120-170 Watt Panels PV120RACK Ground Mount Rack for 250-310 Watt Panels PV250RACK Single Pole Mount Rack for 250-330 Watt Panels PV250POLE Universal Pop-Up Adjustable Bracket PV-ADJ Pole Mount Attachment Single Panel PV-1X130POLE Pole Mount Attachment Dual PanelsPV-2X130POLEPV WIRE DESCRIPTION 10 AWG UL LISTED - ALL CUSTOM CUT TO PREFERRED LENGTHS BARE END TO BARE END BARE END TO LUGGED ENDBARE END TO FEMALE MC4 CONNECTOR BARE END TO MALE MC4 CONNECTOR LUGGED END TO LUGGED END FEMALE TO MALE MC4 ENDS CUSTOM CUT EXTENDERS• 60 & 130 Watt• Flexible, bendable and thin solar panel • Rugged and durable• Easy to install and works with any application • Built for uneven and curved surfaces • No custom mounting needed• Versatile panel can be used in non-permanent or permanent applications• Built for outdoor use• Primarily used to charge batteries for back up power systems• Whether you want some extra power on your golf cart or a weekend camping trip, these panels will get the job done without the hassle of complicated mounting systems • Includes a 10 year warranty • Part #s: PV60SLIM | PV130SLIMSolar Power• 60 & 130 Watt• Foldable and portable solar panel w/ built-in carrying case • Made with high quality monocrystalline solar cells and a water resistant rugged case• Portable solar power panel quickly folds and unfolds into a compact carrying case• Easy set-up and storage • Convenient• Zipper pocket to store a small charge controller• Foldable panel also includes a built in 6 foot charge controller wire allowing for quick connection to various size charge controllers• Carrying case is water resistant, includes a comfortable rubber handle and secures using side release plastic buckles• Backed by a 10 year warranty, this portable solar panel is a must for every remote application needing power • Easy to move between vehicles • Part #s: PV60CASE | PV130CASEBulit in charge controller wire and storage pocket Compact for easy storageDurable rugged case Use flat or curved for uneven surfaces Adjustable legs for optimal sunlightPower your equipment remotely with an AIMS Power solar panel。
PWM 12 24V 30A 太阳能充电控制器说明书

Solar Charge ControllerThis device is a PWM 12/24V 30A charge controller used in solar applications. Its flush mount design is ideal for solar power systems in RV's, boats and vehicles. Carefully read the manual before installation.l)PCBA common negative design, necessary for all negative grounded solar power systems.2) 12/24V auto recognition. Lithium battery must be set manually set. 3)PWM 3-phase charging: equalize - boost- float (for Flooded, AGM and GEL). 4) Easy to use settings. User defined parameters for lithium battery.SJ F lush mount design for convenient installation.6)Back lit LCD display (system status, current, voltage, voltage value settings, etc).7) Easy to use menu buttons.8) SV USB port for mobile device charging.9) Temperature compensation for better battery maintenance in extreme environments.lO) Multiple built in protections including solar reverse connection, battery reverse connection, battery over-discharge and over voltage.1) IMPORTANT REMINDERS•The battery must be connected to the controller first.•Please note that the maximum solar (PV) input voltage is SSV open circuit voltage (OCV). Do not use solar panel(s) with working voltage (VMP) of more than 40V (refer to solar (PV) module specs).•Note the maximum solar (PV) input power is 450W/12V or 900W/24V. Do not exceed the rated power.•Do not change any settings in the "LI" battery mode if you are not using a lithium battery.•In the LI battery mode, you must set the battery system voltage (12 or 24V) manually. SET THE VOLTAGE FIRST, then set the charging voltage.•If you would like to check the information in the "Li" battery mode settings, but not alter any settings, remember to set the correct voltage set (12 or 24V) before exiting from the settings.2)HARDWARE SUGGESTIONS*For maximum PWM charge efficiency, we suggest using solar panels with an output of 18V (VMP) for a 12V battery system, and 36V (VMP) panel for 24V battery systems. You can still use panels with lower voltages but it may lead to a slightly lower charge efficiency. In all cases the solar (PV) input voltage (VMP) must be higher than the battery system voltage.*For added safety and protection we suggest using a DC breaker or fuse between both the solar panel and the controller, as well as between the controller and the battery.5 61 LCD Display 5 Solar input wiring terminal2 USB Port 6Battery wiring terminal 3 Set/Page button 7Installation holes4Parameter set button•First: Connect the battery first.Last: Connect the solar panel second, use 10AWG PV wire.1) Display OverviewYou can check system information using the LCD display, including PV input voltage, charge current, battery voltage, battery capacity, controller temperature, error code and battery setting pages.��ram.�=��:Error�ii:;e Settingr ----------------------------�-.&.12V 24V 0:��:; 0 ·� ·� 0 V%°C!ICHG_Vu u.u.uA kWh:,-.�•PV Charge StatusStatusBattery Status2) Solar (PV), Battery & Charge Indications ICONITEMON PVOFF $ IndicationSlow flash ON Fast flash ONiiiON Battery Indication Fast flash ON � ChargeFlowing IndicationNo flowINDICATION REMARKPV volt higher than light control volt PV volt lower than light control volt Charging PV over voltage Battery is ok Battery is not ok Battery over discharged ChargingNo chargeUs er 's M an u alS TAT US OFFl)Button Setting InfoThere are 2 buttons on the controller for operations and settings. Check the below diagram for setting details:BUTTONSETTING STATUSPRESSFUNCTIONIn Setting «Not in Setting In Setting (+/-)Not in SettingP ress & hold Enter pageQ uickly pr e ss Enter next page for settings P ress & hold Enter page for settings Q uickly pr e ss Enter next page P ress & hold No function Q uickly press To adjust parameter P ress & hold No function Q uickly press No functionRemarks: "In Setting" means the user is in process of setting parameters.2) Information Pages::---L 1 • -: . f :Mn1Type���·--�-■---8 -• Syst.emVolt.ilgeI121I SettingI•�•�-�----,: �:��1��� � •ChargeVottageI.._,IYY' �'--"------,..,...,....., ..lb�•-rTyJ>O<;ott;ogl1) Battery Type Setting•• • DISPLAYFLD SEL GELLIFLd:��-----: =?SEL•I L:.ea$. :I ___________ �¢==ij • 'E' U L:.ea$. : :.ea$. :! ___________ �! ___________ �BATTERY TYPE REMARKSFlooded Battery Sealed/AGM Battery Gel Battery Lithium BatteryBattery system voltage auto recognition; parameters set.System voltage, charge/discharge parameters, adjustable.2) Battery System Voltage Setting (only for lithium battery , set manually)•V3) Charge Voltage Setting (only for lithium battery)CIILY,uuvf I. I·�•The controlle r may display an error code on the LCD screen if there is an issue in the system. If this happens please refer to the below diagram:CODE ERRORANALYSIS SOLUTION (Recovery)EOONo Error--Recovered once batteryThe battery has beenvoltage returns to normalEOl Over-dischargeddischarged belowrange. An alternate charge normal ranges.source may be requireddepending on depth of discharge The battery voltage Recovered after the battery voltage returns to the normal E02 Over voltageexceeds the normal range. It is possible that the range.battery m ay be defective. Charge shuts downRecovered after temperature E06 Device over heatingdue to high temperature returns to the normal range. inside the controller The solar (PV) input Recovered after the solar (PV) EOB Input over load power exceeds the input power is within the rated value controller ratings.The solar (PV) input Recovered after the solar (PV) ElOPV over voltage input voltage is within the voltage is too high. controller ratings. EBPV anti-connection Solar (PV) module +-Correct the + and -solar polarity reverse-connection connection.E14Battery anti-connectionBattery+-polarity Correct the + and -battery reverse-connectionconnection.ITEMPARAMETERSModel No. SCC30AFMSystem Voltage12V/24V No-load Loss8ma (12V) , 12ma (24V)Max PV Input Voltage< 55Voc Rated Charge Current 30AMax PV Input Power 450W/12V; 900W/24VBattery Type Selection FLD SEL GEL LI Equalize Charge Voltage14.8V (12V) / 14.6V (12V) / --29.6V (24V) 29.2V (24V)14.6V (12V) / 14.4V (12V) / 14.2V (12V) / 14.2V (12V) / Boost Charge Voltage28.2V (24V)29.2V (24V)28.BV (24V) 28.4V (24V)adjustableFloat Charge Voltage 13.8V (12V) / 27.6V (24V) -Boost Charge Recovery Volt13.2V (12V) / 26.4V (24V)-11.0V (12V) /Over Discharge 21.0V (24V )Recovery Volt.12.6V (12V) / 25.2V (24V)*auto adjusted to over-discharge volt10.0V (12V) /Over Discharge Voltage 11.1 V (12V) / 22.2V(24V)20.0V (24V) adjustableLight Control VoltageSV(l2V system) , 10V(24V system)Light Control Delay Time 10s Operation Temperature-35"C -+45"CIP ProtectionIP32 Net Weight1 lbController Size6.67" x 5.12" x 1.84"。
太阳能充电控制器 - Solar Boost 3048说明书

Pictured with optional digital displays!The Ultimate Photovoltaic Charge Controller... Increases Charge Current Up To 30% Or More!Solar Boost 3048 is a 24/48 volt photovoltaic (PV)charge controller capable of delivering up to 30 amps of output current. Patented Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technology allows Solar Boost 3048 to increase charge current up to 30% or more compared to conven-tional charge controllers. Controllers without MPPT technology simply can’t deliver the charge current provided by Solar Boost 3048. Don’t waste money by throwing PV power away! Get the power you paid for with Solar Boost 3048.Solar Boost 3048 does much more than increase charge current. It offers an advanced fully automatic three stage charge control system to ensure the battery is properly and fully charged, resulting in enhanced battery performance with less battery maintenance. An electronic current limit feature prevents output current from exceeding 30 amps. Output current limit eliminates worry about overload or nuisance fuse blow when PV power production is unexpectedly high. An equalize function is also included to periodically condition liquid electrolyte lead-acid batteries.An optional user friendly digital display is available to monitor PV charge performance. The display shows battery voltage, solar panel current, output charge current,charge mode and state of charge. It can be provided in the controller, as a remote panel installed up to 300’ away, or both. Optional temperature compensation of charge voltage is also available to further improve charge control and battery performance.1058 Monterey Vista Way, Encinitas, CA 92024, USA800-493-RVPP • Covered under one or more of the following US Patents6,111,391 •6,204,645SOLAR BOOST™ 304830 AMP 48 VOLT MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING PV CHARGE CONTROLLERGet Improved Performance From Your Solar ModulesAnd Batteries•Patented MPPT Technology Increases Charge Current up to 30% Or More!•30 Amp 24/48 Volt Rating Supports Large Solar Module Arrays•Multistage Charge Control Optimizes Parameters To Battery Size & Type •MPPT Power Conversion System CanCharge 24 Volt Battery From 48 Volt Array •Electronic Current Limit Prevents Overload Or Nuisance Fuse Blow •Available Digital Display Monitors PV Charge Performance •Durable Powder Coat Finish & Conformal Coated Electronics Resist Corrosion •Full 36 Month Limited Warranty•ETL Listed To UL STD. 1741, Certified toCAN/CSA STD. E335-1/2E, CE Labeled!How Does Solar Boost 3048 Increase Charge Current?Solar Boost 3048 increases charge current by operating the PV module in a manner that allows the module to produce all the power it is capable of. A conventional charge controller simply connects the module to the battery when the battery is discharged. When the 75W module in this example is connected directly to a battery charging at 12 volts its power production is artificially limited to about 53 watts. This wastes a whopping 22 watts or nearly 30% of the available power!Typical 75W PV Module Performance25°C • 1000W/m2Solar Boost 3048’s patented MPPT technology operates in a very different fashion. Solar Boost 3048 calculates the module’s maximum power voltage, in this case 17 volts, and then operates the module at 17 volts to extract maximum power. The maximum power voltage is continually recalculated as operating conditions change. Module power, now 75 watts, feeds a high efficiency power converter which reduces the 17 volt input to battery voltage at the output. The full 75 watts delivered at 12 volts would produce 6.25 amps. An increase of 1.8 amps or 40% is achieved by converting the 22 watts that would have been wasted into useable charge current. This 12 volt example assumes 100% efficiency to illustrate the principal of operation. Actual boost will be somewhat less as some power is lost in wiring, fuses and in the Solar Boost 3048 controller.!How Much Increase Will You See?The actual charge current increase you will receive varies with module temperature and battery voltage. Lower module temperature increases available power, while lower battery voltage increases current for a given PV module power level. In comfortable temperatures current increase typically varies between 10 - 25%, with 30% or more easily achieved with a discharged battery and cooler temperatures. What you can be sure of is that Solar Boost 3048 will deliver the highest charge current possible for a given set of operating conditions. In conditions where extra power is not available, Solar Boost 3048 will operate as a conventional series pass controller with very low forward voltage drop.!Three Stage Charging Taken To The Next Level…Solar Boost 3048 uses the familiar three stage, Bulk, Acceptance, Float charge algorithm. But, controllers that determine full charge based on time or other factors not directly related to battery state of charge cannot realize all the benefits three stage charging has to offer.Solar Boost 3048 uses battery charge current matched to battery size in amp-hours to determine full charge. This method charges the battery quickly and completely without undercharge, overcharge or excessive water loss. When battery load is highly variable during charge, Solar Boost 3048 can further optimize charge control by using an external current shunt measuring net battery current. If desired, Solar Boost 3048 can also operate as a two stage charger.!SpecificationsOutput current rating...........................30ASystem voltage....................................24/48V nominalPV maximum open circuit voltage (140V)Voltmeter range/accuracy...................70.0V/±0.30% F.S. Current meter range/accuracy............50.0A/±0.50% F.S. Standby current...................................30mA typical Charge on current...24/48V...............100/70mA typical Acceptance voltage adjust range........26-32V/52-64V Float voltage adjust range...................0-4V/0-8V < Accp. Equalize voltage..................................2V/4V > Accp. Power conversion efficiency...............97% typical @ 25A Temperature comp. coefficient...........-5.0/-2.0mV/°C/cell Cabinet dimensions............................10”Hx8¾”Wx3½”D Remote display dimensions................4½”Hx4½”Wx1¾”D For additional product information, operators manuals, and technical bulletins, visit . !Part Numbers & Shipping Weight Solar Boost 3048 w/o display............SB3048L......8¾ lbs Solar Boost 3048 w/digital display....SB3048DL......9 lbs SB3048L front panel digital display...SB3048PDL.2¼ lbs Remote display, 25’ cable.................SB50RD25......2 lbs Battery Temp. sensor, 20’ cable.......930-0022-20...1 lbs Available From:As a part of our continuous improvement processspecifications are subject to change without prior notice© RV Power Products, Inc. 2001 • 440-0010 A1058 Monterey Vista Way, Encinitas, CA 92024, USA 800-493-RVPP • 760-944-8882 • 。

汇能SC-05 10 15 20SM太阳能充电控制器使用说明书

Solar Charge C o n t r oll e rwith Programmable Street-Light F un c t io nUser Manual(English)Solar Charge Controller SC-05/10/15/20SM User ManualSolar Charge C o n t r olle rwith Programmable Street-Light F un c t io nThank you for s e l e c t i n g t h i s S m a r t solar c h a r g e c on t r o ll e r p r o d u c t . A l t hou g h S m a r t is v e r y simple t o u s e ,p l e as e t a k e t h e t i me t o read t h i s o p e r a t o r s m a nu a l and become familiar w i t h t h e c on t r o ll e r. This will help you t o make full use of many ad v a n t a g e s , t h e S m a r t can p r o v i d e your solar li g h t i n g s y s t em .●Case protection: IP67 protection●Dimming function:30%~70% of rated power adjustable ●Digital Unit to configure Smart charge controller via UART ●External temperature sensor for temperature compensation of charge voltages●6 modes for solar street light system●PWM voltage regulation use 3 stages of charging including boost and equalization●Battery type and protection level selection.●12V fixed,24V fixed,12V/24V Automatic recognition ●Standard UART interfaceand t h e proper o r d e r.C a u t i on :1.To avoid any v o l t a g e on t h e wires, f ir s t c onn ec t t h e wire t o t h e c on t r o ll e r, t h e n t o t h e ba tt e r y , panel or l o ad . Recommended m i n i m u m wire s i z e :SC-05SM: 1.5mm 2; 10SM: 2.5mm 2; SC-15SM/20SM: 4mm 2.2.Make sure the wire le n g t h be t wee n ba tt e r y and co n t r o ll e r is as s ho r t as p o ss i b l e .Be aware t h a t t h e p o s i t i v e t e r m i n a l of S m a r t are c onn ec t e d t o g e t h e r and t h e r e f o r e have t h e same e l ec t ri c a l p o t e n t i a l. I f any g r oun d i n g is required, a l w a y s do t h i s on t h e p o s i t i v e w ir e s .3.when i n s t a ll e d t h e c on t r o ll e r,p l e as e press t h e t e s t b u tt on t o a c t i v a t e t h e c on t r o ll e r.4.C onn ec t i n g c apa c i t i v e load may t ri gg e r s ho r t c ir c u i t p r o t ec t i on .LED Display E x p l a n a t i on :li g h t f un c t i on . It has d i mm i n g f un c t i on .④①②③⑥⑤⑦To Digital UnitSolar Charge Controller SC-05/10/15/20SM User ManualThere are 6 modes a v a il ab l e :1.S i n g l e t i me and Dusk t o Dawn m o d e (F i g u r e ①)2.Double t i me mode 1(Figure ② )3.Double t i me mode 2(Figure ③ )4.Double t i me mode 3(F i g u r e ④)5.Double t i me mode 4 (F i g u r e ⑤)6.Double t i me mode 5(F i g u r e ⑥)"M i dd l e of n i g h t " is d e t ec t e d a u t o m a t i c a ll y as t h e m i dp o i n t b e t wee n dusk and dawn, no s e tt i n g of a clock i s required. It may t a k e several days un t il t h e c on t r o ll e r has "l e a r n e d " t h e m i dd l e of t h e n i g h t precisely. "M i dd l e o f n i g h t " may be d i ff e r e n t from 12:00 m i d n i g h t d e p e n d i n g on your l o c a t i on .The c on t r o ll e r r ec o g n i z e s day and n i g h t based on t h e s o l a r array open c ir c u i t v o l t a g e (only f un c t i on a l in s t r ee t -li g h t m o d e ).T h i s da y /n i g h t t h r e s ho l d can be m o d i f i e d a cc o r d i n g t o local li g h t c on d i t i on s and t h e solar array u s e d .A tt e n t i on :Light on Light offDusk t o D aw nR a t e d p o we rLight off1.D i mm i n g f un c t i on can no t be gu a r a n t ee d t o m a t c h w i t h all t h e LED drivers, c on s u l t t h e vendor for d e t a il s . 2. It will t a k e e ff ec t in n e x t day if t h e mode of c on t r o ll e r i s changed via D i g i t a l U n i t .② D a y /n i g h t t h r e s ho l dD a y /n i g h t t h r e s ho l dSunsetS un r i s eLight on Light off③Time 1Time 2D i mm i n gLight offD a y /n i g h t t h r e s ho l dD a y /n i g h t t h r e s ho l dSunsetS un r i s eLight on Light off④Time 1Light offLight onTime 2Light off● The solar panel v o l t a g e should no t exceed t h i s li m i t for a l on g t i me as v o l t a g e p r o t ec t i on is done by a v a ri s t o r.D a y /n i g h t t h r e s ho l dD a y /n i g h t t h r e s ho l dSunsetS un r i s eLight on Light offTime 1Light offTime 2D i mm i n gLight offWarning: The c o m b i n a t i on of d i ff e r e n t error c on d i t i on s may cause damage t o t h e c on t r o ll e r.A l w a y s remove t h e error before you c on t i nu e c onn ec t i n g t h e c on t r o ll e r !V o l t a g e con t r o ll e d :D i s c onn ec t a t a fixed v o l t a g e : SOC1 10.8V /21.6V SOC2 11.0V /22.0V SOC3 11.5V /23.0VLight Light½ Night Time½ Night TimeState of charge (SOC) con t r o ll e d :SOC4/less than 10% battery soc⑥ Day/night thresholdDay/night thresholdDisconnectat11.0V/22.0V ~ 11.7V/23.4V SOC5/15% battery socSunsetS unrise11.2V/22.4V ~ 11.8V/23.6V SOC6/30% battery soc 11.4V/22.8V ~ 11.9V/23.8VLight onTi m e 1Light offMid of NightTi m e 2D i mm i n g1.If t h e c on t r o ll e r goes i n t o low v o l t a g e p r o t ec t i on ,i t w ill r e s t o r e only when t h e ba tt e r y b e i n g r ec h a r g e d and t h e v o l t a g e r e a c h i n g t h e r ec onn ec t v o l t a g e .2.Around oblique line value s e pa r a t e l y on behalf of 12V a n d 24V s y s t em 's v a l u e .Solar Charge Controller SC-05/10/15/20SM User ManualYou can c on f i g u r e S m a r t c h a r g e c on t r o ll e r w i t h D i g i t a l U n i t (DU-II). See DU-II m a nu a l for d e t a il s .L i a b ili ty E x c l u s i on :The m a nu f a c t u r e r shall no t be liable for da m a g e s ,e sp ec i a ll y on t h e ba tt e r y , caused by use o t h e r t h a n as i n t e n d e d or as me n t i on e d in t h i s m a nu a l or if t h e r ec o mme n da t i on s of t h e ba tt e r y m a nu f a c t u r e r are n e g l ec t e d . The m a nu f a c t u r e r shall no t be liable if t h e r e has been service or repair c a rri e d ou t by any un a u t ho ri z e d person, unu s u a l use, w r on g i n s t a ll a t i on , or bad s y s t em d e s i g n .。

太阳能充放电控制器 使用说明书使用前请仔细阅读使用说明书 武汉万鹏科技有限公司ht t p ://w ww .j u t a s o l a r.c o m 武汉万鹏科技有限公司 t t p ://ww w .j u t a s o l a r .c o m武汉万鹏科技有限公h t t p ://w ww.j ut a s ol a r.co m武汉万鹏科技有限公司t t p://w ww.j ut a s ol a r.co m一 产品介绍 ...................................................................................................................... 4 二 安装说明 ...................................................................................................................... 5 四 常见故障及处理方法................................................................................................ 13 五 品质保证 .. (14)六 产品参数列表 (15)武汉万鹏科技有限公h t t p ://w ww .j u t a s o l a r .c o m 武汉万鹏科技有限公司 t t p ://w w w .j u t a s o l a r .c o m一 产品介绍本控制器是一种智能型、多用途太阳能充放电控制器。
该系列产品使用定制的LCD 显示屏,具有非常友好的操作界面;各控制参数可灵活设定,充分满足您的不同应用需求。
本控制器具有如下特点: ●形象的LCD 图形符号 ●智能型3阶段PWM 充电方式 ●简洁的按键操作 ●可设置的负载工作模式 ●系统电压等级自动识别 ●蓄电池欠压过压保护●可调节的充放电控制参数●负载输出过流短路保护 ●蓄电池反向放电保护●USB 电源输出过流过热保护●蓄电池反接保护武汉万鹏科技有限公司 ht t p ://w w w .j u t a s o l a r .c o m 武汉万鹏科技有限公司 t t p ://w ww .j u t a s o l a r .c o m10A 电流使用4mm 2电缆,20A 电流使用6mm 2电缆。

1. 光强检测:控制器内置光敏电阻或光敏二极管,用于检测太阳能电池板所接收到的光强。
2. 电流检测:通过电阻等元件,实现对电池充电和放电电流的检测。
3. 电压检测:控制器内置电压检测电路,用于实时检测电池的电压。
4. 充放电控制:根据对光强、电流和电压的监测,控制器可以实现对充电和放电的精确控制。
5. 保护功能:控制器还内置了多种保护功能,如过充保护、过放保护、过流保护等。

MPPT(最大功率点追踪)控制算法是用于提高太阳能电池板转换效率的重要技术 。
太阳能电池板的输出功率受到光照强度、温度和负载条件的影响,MPPT控制算法 能够实时追踪最大功率点,提高系统的总体效率。
MPPT控制算法可应用于并网和离网太阳能充电系统中,是光伏发电系统的核心技 术之一。
通过实验验证,本文所设计的MPPT控制 算法太阳能充放电控制器能够在不同光照 条件下实现稳定、高效的能量转换和控制 ,为太阳能利用提供了有益的参考。
虽然本文所设计的MPPT控制算法太阳能 充放电控制器在实验中取得了较好的效果 ,但仍然存在一些不足之处,如未考虑到 天气、温度等环境因素对太阳能电池板输 出功率的影响,以及控制算法的鲁棒性和 实时性等方面还有待进一步提高。
进行充放电效率、稳定性、可靠性等测试,采用多种测试方法进 行分析和评估。
根据测试结果,对充放电控制器进行优化和改进,提高性能和质 量。
MPPT控制算法在充放电 控制器中的应用
研究太阳能充放电控制器对于提高太阳能利用率、降低环境污染以及应对能源短 缺等问题都具有重要的意义。此外,太阳能充放电控制器的研究对于促进可再生 能源行业的发展以及推动新能源革命的实施都具有重要的战略意义。
目前,在国内外学者的不懈努力下,太阳能充放电控制器的研究已经取得了长足的进展。在技术应用方面,太阳能充放电控制 器已经广泛应用于各种领域,如太阳能路灯、太阳能热水器、电动汽车等。在研究方面,许多学者对太阳能充放电控制器的优 化设计进行了深入研究,提出了许多有效的优化算法和控制策略。



MPPT1024Z 太阳能充放电控制器使用手册安装、使用前请仔细阅读该手册武汉万鹏科技有限公司 h t t p ://w ww .j u t a s o l a r .c o m 武汉万鹏科技有限公司 h t t p://w w w .j u t a s o l a r .c o m 武汉万鹏科技有限公司 h t t p://w ww .j u t a s o l a r .c o mMPPT1024Z 太阳能充放电控制器使用手册 版本V1.0目录 1. 安全事项 ............................................................................................................ 3 2. MPPT1024Z 控制器介绍 ..................................................................................... 3 2.1 产品概述 .................................................................................................. 3 2.2 产品结构 .................................................................................................. 3 2.3 产品功能 .. (4)2.4 最大功率点跟踪(MPPT )技术介绍 ...................................................... 63.系统规划参考 .................................................................................................... 7 3.1 系统电压等级 .......................................................................................... 7 3.2 太阳能电池配置 ...................................................................................... 8 3.3 配线 .......................................................................................................... 8 3.4 过流保护 .................................................................................................. 9 3.5 雷击保护 .................................................................................................. 9 3.6 接地 .......................................................................................................... 9 3.7 系统扩容 .................................................................................................. 9 4.安装说明 .......................................................................................................... 10 4.1 产品外形尺寸 ........................................................................................ 10 4.2 系统接线示意图 .................................................................................... 11 4.3 线材工具准备 ........................................................................................ 11 4.4 安装过程 ................................................................................................ 11 5.使用说明 .......................................................................................................... 12 5.1 按键功能说明 ........................................................................................ 12 5.2 LED 指示状态说明 ................................................................................. 12 5.3 系统类型查看 ........................................................................................ 13 6.故障处理 .......................................................................................................... 13 6.1 控制器保护后处理方法 ........................................................................ 13 6.2 常见故障现象及处理方法 .................................................................... 14 7. 技术参数 .......................................................................................................... 15 8. 保修承诺 . (16)武汉万鹏科技有限公司 h t t p ://w w w .j u t a s o l a r .c o m 武汉万鹏科技有限公司 h t t p://w ww .j u t a s o l a r .c o m 武汉万鹏科技有限公司 h t t p://w ww .j u t a s o l a r .c o mMPPT1024Z 太阳能充放电控制器使用手册 版本V1.0尊敬的用户: 非常感谢您选用我们公司的产品!我们将为您的太阳能发电系统提供长久可靠的服务! 该手册提供产品的安装、使用、维护等相关的指导,使用前请仔细阅读该手册。

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»SOC 控制蓄电池充电