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PTSD(战后创伤) is sadly a common affliction(折磨) for many soldiers who have witnessed conflict, an invisible wound that continues to cause incredible suffering long after the guns have fallen silent.

"A lot of us come home without realizing we are bringing the war home with us," said Josh Marino, a veteran (退伍兵)of the Iraq war who suffered the effects of PTSD of suicide .

"I didn't want to deal with it anymore," Marino said. He wrote a goodbye note, grabbed a knife and went outside for a final cigarette in the rain. But then, from the deepest depth of despair came hope. Meowing out of the bushes next to him came a stray black and white kitten (小猫) which, according to Marino, "just walked up and started rubbing up against my leg and let me pet him. I came to life again and I broke down crying. I burst into tears."

From this accidental encounter everything changed. Marino found a new purpose in life through the friendly cat, who he named Scout, and who he credits with saving his life. "I stopped thinking about all my problems, and started thinking about all his problems, and what I could do to help him, "Marino said. The bond between them was instant,but that wasn't the end of the story.

Marino has made a video of his and Scout's remarkable story of healing and heartbreak which you can watch on the Internet. The story is dedicated to showing how animals can help humans through tough times, as well as humans can help them. It is a beautiful story that is sure to tug at your heart strings, showing just how powerful the bond between humans and animals can be. We love it, and we hope you do too!

(1)What can we get from the first two paragraphs?

A. Taking part in the Iraq war had bad effects on Josh Marino.

B. Josh Marino wounded badly during the Iraq war.

C. PTSD is a kind of disease which cannot be cured now.

D. PTSD usually happens after the soldiers drop their guns.

(2)Why did Josh Marino suddenly burst into tears according to the passage?

A. He just couldn't help crying.

B. The little cat gave him hope to treasure life.

C. The wild little cat attacked him so badly.

D. He suddenly realized that the cat came to help him on purpose.

(3)What is the best title for the passage?

A. PTSD- a disease cured by a soldier.

B. The man and the cat.

C. A rescue between a soldier and a cat.

D. How can a cat be used to stop suicide




【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记述文,退伍军人Marino患上了PTSD(战后创伤),在他准备自杀时一只小猫出现寻求他的抚摸,小猫的出现给了他生活的希望,改变了他的生活。(1)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“Josh Marino, a veteran of the Iraq war who suffered the effects of PTSD of suicide”可知Marino参加了伊拉克战争,战后患上了PTSD,并因为PTSD的影响想自杀。这说明参加伊拉克战争对Marino产生了不好的影响,故选A。

(2)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“Meowing out of the bushes next to him came a stray black and white kitten (小猫) which,….I broke down crying. I burst into tears.”可知在Marino 准备自杀的时候,一只小猫从灌木丛走出来蹭他的腿,让他抚摸自己。这让他又活了过来并哭了。由此可以推断小猫的出现给了他生活的希望,他因此而哭泣。故选B。

(3)考查主旨大意。本文讲述了小猫的出现给了想要自杀的退伍军人Marino生活的希望,拯救了Marino, C项(士兵与小猫之间的救赎)最能体现本文大意,故选C。



On Wednesday, January 13th, I performed on stage for the first time. As someone who takes part in so many activities, it's extremely difficult to find the time to be a part of any production. For me, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to try acting through the Senior Play Project.

Auditions (试镜)came first. They weren't particularly difficult, more to see who may be a better fit tor certain roles. We were told our roles in the various plays, and started to work immediately.

I was unsure of how I was as an actor, and I had to learn a lot fast: actions, my place in the story, my reactions, and countless other small details... As I began to improve as an actor, I was able to understand my characters better.

My first character is a man named Roger who is a senior advisor to a presidential candidate in a play called "The Spot." He's a short-tempered guy who says what he wants and takes what he wants to assist his candidate in today's tough political races. He's on the set of The Spot, an advertisement for the candidate, to make sure everything runs smoothly and that any problems are dealt with quickly and efficiently.

While I had really interesting characters, and the plays were funny and such a great experience to act in, I really love the Senior Play Project for the people. I worked with 12 other seniors who not only loved what they were doing, but offered help and advice throughout my entire learning process.

Between the lights, sounds, costume and makeup, and plenty more, theatre is a team sport just like basketball or baseball. There are no small parts; there is no one who isn't needed. I've learned to appreciate live theatre, and the effort that every person in the show, both onstage and offstage, puts into it.

(1)How did the author feel about being in the project?

A. Lucky.

B. Tired.

C. Nervous.

D. Confident.

(2)What do we know about the character Roger?
