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Have you ever been there?
Lesson 49 At the butcher’s
New Words and Expressions
butcher meat beef lamb chicken steak mince
卖肉的 肉 牛肉 羔羊肉 鸡 牛排 肉馅
New Words and Expressions
He says: ″It‘s great.″他说:“好极了。” My English teacher always says that I’m a good student. say+ 说话内容 It is said that... 意为“据说”。如: ▲ speak+ 语言 如:speak French ▲talk意为“讲、谈论,谈话 talk to sb talk with sb talk about sth ▲tell意为“告诉,对…说

6 Yes, he does. He likes oranges, but he doesn't want any. 7 Yes, he does. He likes apples, but he doesn't want any. 8 Yes, she does. She likes pears, but she doesn't want any. 9 Yes, I do. I like grapes, but I don't want any. 10 Yes, she does. She likes peaches, but she doesn't want any.
Detailed study about the passage

At the butcher’s 在肉店
I have to go to the butcher’s. doctor – doctor’s my mother’s Mr green's
Do you want beef or lamb?

tell sb. sth./ tell sth. to sb. tell sb. to do sth.
1. Did he _____ it in English? A. tell B. speak C. say D. talk 2. The teacher _____ us to finish the homework in time. A. tells B. speaks C. says D. talks 3.What would you like to ______ us about your hometown. A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell
BUTCHER: Do you want beef or lamb? MRS.BIRD: Beef, please.
BUTCHER: This lamb's very good. MRS.BIRD: I like lamb, but my husband doesn't. BUTCHER: What about some steak? This is a nice piece. MRS.BIRD: Give me that piece, please.
Lesson 50 He likes… but he doesn’t like…
New Words and Expressions
tomato 西红柿 potato 土豆 cabbage 卷心菜 lettuce 莴苣 pea 豌豆 bean 豆角 pear 梨 grape 葡萄 peach 桃
练习答案 Key to written exercises

1 Yes, he does. He likes cabbage, but he doesn't want any. 2 Yes, he does. He likes lettuce, but he doesn't want any. 3 Yes, I do. I like peas, but I don't want any. 4 Yes, she does. She likes beans, but she doesn't want any. 5 Yes, I do. I like bananas, but I don't want any.
What about some steak? 来点牛排怎么样? =How about 怎么样?/如何?
What about tomorrow ? How about watching TV ?
To tell you the truth, I don’t like chicken, either.
MRS.BIRD: And a pound of mince, too.
BUTCHER: Do you want a chicken, Mrs. Bird? They 're very nice. MRS.BIRD: No, thank you. MRS.BIRD: My husband likes steak, but he doesn't like chicken. BUTCHER: To tell you the truth, Mrs. Bird, I don't like chicken either!
tell truth either
告诉 实情 也
tell v.告诉,说
to tell (you) the truth ……说老实话

To tell you the truth , I don't want to meet you again .
truth n.实情,事实 true adj. 真实的 come true 梦想成真
Assignments: 1. 用第49-50课词汇表中的每一个单词造一 个句子; 2.听写并背诵第49课课文; 3.完成练习册第49课、第50课; 4. 完成PPT33,34上的习题。
A 1 2 3 4 5 6

He likes coffee, but I don't. She likes tea, but he doesn't. He is eating some bread, but she isn't. She can type very well, but he can't. They are working hard, but we aren't. He is reading a magazine, but I am not.
or 或者,还是(表示选择)
Do you want beer or wine ? Beer , please .

Do you want an apple or a banana ? An apple , please .

Do you want tomatoes or potatoes? Truth or dare! 真心话大冒险
Leabharlann Baidu

★ either adv. My husband likes steak . I like steak, too . =I also like steak . My husband doesn't like chicken I don't like chicken, either .
BUTCHER: Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird? MRS.BIRD: Yes, please.