

看《2012》精彩对白 学影视英语

看《2012》精彩对白 学影视英语

看《2012》精彩对白学影视英语精彩对白Wilson: Oh my god, what's happening out there?Adrian: Anheuser convinced the other heads of state to launch. Mr. Anheuser. We have to stop this madness. Make sure the other bridges can see me。

Anheuser: What do you think you're doing?Adrian: I know exactly what I'm doing. Ladies and Gentleman, this is Dr. Adrian Helmsley. Chief science adviser to the late President Wilson。

Woman: Could you please turn up the volume, Mr. Hoffman。

Adrian: I know we've all been forced to make difficult decisions to save our human civilization. But to be human means to care for each other and civilization means to work together to create a better life. If that's true, then there's nothing human and nothing civilized about what we're doing here。

Anheuser: Dr. Helmsley's passion is admirable. But I remind you that we have very limited resources and extremely limited time。







In the movie 2012, mankind is threatened with annihilation by a deluge, the likes of which has never been seen. Those who survive escape the flood in a gigantic ark.The idea of this ark grabbed the popular imagination, particularly given the many floods China has experienced in recent years. Where would you find such a vesselIn Yiwu, Zhejiang province, inventor Yang Zongfu provides if not the gargantuan ark of the movie, at least a diminutive alternative.Yang invented and is producing a spherical ark 4 meters in diameter that weighs 6 metric tons. It has seats you can strap yourself into, windows and a ventilation system. It’s designed to withstand collisions, radiation and high temperatures. Three people could survive for up to a year on thepilot biscuits, water and oxygen it carries.Yang, 32, was confident in his design after its field test in which he tumbled down a hill inside the ark and into a pool. “It proved to be a success because it didn’t shake at all inside. It’s safe, very safe,” he said.The ark is just one of Yang’s creations in the past six years. He has 300 inventions to his credit and holds 36 patents, which bring his business annual revenue of 100 million yuan ($15.9 million).Other inventors seem doomed to disappointment. Guo Tianqiao, 80, who holds four patents, retired from a shipyard in Dalian, Liaoning province, 20 years ago. No one has shown interest in his patents, and he has been begging around Beijing South Railway Station since February.Guo started researching how to clean automobile exhaust in 1995 and was granted a patent for his method in 2003. For 30 years, he devoted himself to his inventions, and the only thing he cared about was how to perfect them.But he had no experience in developing a business and he had difficulty pitching his ideas to investors. His efforts to find investments alwaysfailed.In 2011, independent inventors contributed 36 percent of the 1.5 million patent applications submitted to the State Intellectual Property Office. However, they hold just 58,797 patents, making up 8 percent of patents in China.According to the China Association of Inventions in Beijing, 1.4 million independent inventors nationwide are developing ideas they hope to patent. Many of them have quit their jobs, even left their families behind to make inventing their profession.However, their fates vary greatly, experts say, depending on their business awareness and financial support.。



伍迪.艾伦:我曾经在电影里这样说过:Woody Allen: I said this in a movie once:3每个人都知道一个事实Everyone knows the same truth4我们每个人对人生的解释只在于我们选择如何去曲解它。

and our lives consist of how we choose to distort it.5比尔.普曼:我有点惊讶的是…Bill Pullman: I am kind of amazed at what6劳伦斯和理查在做的事,因为他们正在走进一个Lawrence and Richard are doing,because they are walking7满地尖刺的竞技场into some pretty prickly arenas8而且他们没有穿戴盔甲and they have no armour other9只有他们自己的精神力量than their own mental faculties.10韦纳.荷索:我觉得这两个人正在做的事情是Werner Herzog: I think what these two men are doing out there推广一个科学的世界观promoting a scientific world view12这是非常有意义的is something of great value13因为这就是人类存在的价值because it is part of what humanity's all about.14去好奇,去了解To be curious, to understand15我们身处这个世界的真相是什么。

what is the real world surrounding us.16这就是为什么我喜欢科学And this is what I love about science is that 17科学就是知识,而知识就是力量it's knowledge,and knowledge is power18它灌输力量给你,让你自由思考and it empowers you and it frees you19因为你不会被困住because then you're not stuck.20你不会再被困在,曾经被困住的地方,其他人被困住的地方Y ou're no longer stuck where you've been or where somebody else has been stuck.21并没有科学权威,只有科学专家There are no scientific authorities.There are scientific experts.22理查很了解生物学,我很了解物理学Richard knows a lot about zoology;,I know a lot about physics.23但并没有任何人的观点But there's no one whose views24是不能被质疑的are not subject to question.25科学就是不带偏见的寻找真相,不管是好是坏Science just seeks the truth without prejudice, for better or worse.26它不会说:我应该找出真相吗?它只说:我能找到吗?It doesn't say 'Should I find this out?? It says 'Can I??27而这就是关于信念的重点,信念不会改变事实And that's the point about beliefs:they don't change the facts.28相反的,如果你是理性的人,事实应该改变你的信念Facts, if you're rational,should change your beliefs.29纵观历史,新的发现Throughout history new discoveries.30总是会挑战原本的信念Have challenged existing beliefs.31宗教也不例外Religion is no exception.32宗教就和其他所有的话题一样Religion is just like any other topic33不应该被神圣化and should not be sacrosanct at all.34宗教应该要能被讨论Y ou should be able to discuss religion.35为什么不?Why not?.36莎拉.席佛曼:我觉得宗教应该要被开放的讨论Sarah Silverman: I think religion should be open to discussion.37我觉得任何事都应该,我觉得…I think everything should be. I think38当你把一件事变成禁忌when you make things taboo39就算你觉得你是在保护它even when feel like you're protecting it 40这对以后并没有好处it's not for the greater good.41我们不能停止讨论We cannot close down a conversation42关于像是about a set of43信念总是变成激进行动beliefs that lead to actions44而这影响我们每一个人which affect all of us.45所有这些关于进化论的教育All this stuff I was taught about evolution 46还有大爆炸理论和所有这些东西and big bang theory and all that47都是从地狱深处传达上来的谎言is lies straight from the pit of hell.48一个大问题就是,只要牵扯到关于伦理与道德这方面的事This is the trouble with ethics and morality and the big questions49宗教总觉得他们拥有这些讨论and the fact that religions think they own that conversation.50完全相反,他们扼杀了讨论Quite the contrary.They kill that conversation.51我们跟随着这些人Bill Pullman:And I think we follow people52这些有勇气的人,去思考一些事who have courage, you know,to think about things53我们以前没有思考过的事that we haven't thought about before54而且现在这个时代and in these times当不宽容和仇视似乎是被支持的where intolerance is kind of championed56我很佩服I'm pretty impressed57有人竟然会接下这个任务that someone is taking on the quest.58我从这些人身上学到的就是That's what I get from these guys:59我们有权利去质疑每一件事The permission to question everything.60理查,十年前我问过你一个问题Lawrence Krauss: Richard, ten years ago,I asked you the question 61像你这样出版了这么多书,做了这么多演讲in the popular writing and speaking that you do which is:62你觉得哪一个更重要what's more important in some sense63如果你能选择,会是解释科学,还是消灭宗教?if you had a choice which is to explain science or destroy religion?.64嗯,我想这是并行的Oh I think that they go together65因为消灭宗教听起来很负面because 'destroy religion' makes it sound negative.66是啊。



2012添加义项 这是一个多义词,请在下列义项中选择浏览 (共10个义项) 1.2009年美国电影2009年美国电影 2.神秘预言神秘预言3.2009年德国纪录片2009年德国纪录片 4.2012救世主2012救世主 5.卫兰演唱歌曲卫兰演唱歌曲 6.数学释义数学释义7.2012网页游戏2012网页游戏 8.师鹏歌曲师鹏歌曲9.五月天演唱歌曲五月天演唱歌曲 10.2012电视剧集2012电视剧集1.2009年美国电影编辑本义项 2012求助编辑百科名片电影《2012》全幅海报《2012》是一部关于全球毁灭的灾难电影,它讲述在2012年世界末日到来时,主人公以及世界各国人民挣扎求生的经历;该片被称为《后天》的升级版,投资超过2亿美元,是灾难片大师罗兰·艾默里奇(Roland Emmerich )的又一力作。

中文名: 2012外文名: Farewell Atlantis其它译名: 2012世界末日 制片地区:美国 导演: 罗兰·艾默里奇 RolandEmmerich编剧: 罗兰·艾默里奇、哈拉德·克卢瑟类型: 动作,冒险,科幻,灾难主演: 约翰·库萨克,桑迪·牛顿片长: 158分钟上映时间:北美、中国首映:2009年11月13日分级: USA:PG-13对白语言: 英语色彩: 彩色imdb 编码: t t1190080主题曲: 奇迹之刻,演唱者:亚当·兰伯特拍摄时间: 2008年7月~2009年1月《2012》主要人物▪ 杰克逊·克鲁斯特 -- 约翰·库萨克 饰 ▪ 查理·弗罗斯特 -- 伍迪·哈里森 饰 ▪ 劳拉·威尔逊 -- 桑迪·牛顿 饰▪ 凯特·克鲁斯特 -- 阿曼达•皮特 饰▪ President Thomas Wilson -- 丹尼·格洛弗 饰 ▪ 卡尔·安胡瑟 -- 奥利弗·普莱特 饰▪托尼·蒂亚戈-- 乔治·席格饰▪艾德里安•赫莱姆斯里-- 切瓦特·埃加福特饰▪韦斯特教授-- 约翰·比灵斯列饰▪莉莉·克鲁斯特-- 摩根·莉莉饰▪赛特男·特思罗塔尼博士-- 吉米·米斯特雷饰▪葛登·塞尔伯曼-- 托马斯·麦卡锡饰▪诺亚·克鲁斯特-- 连姆·詹姆斯饰▪塔玛拉-- 毕崔斯·罗森饰▪天钦-- 黄经汉饰▪索纳姆奶奶-- 卢燕饰▪尼玛-- 欧斯瑞克·周饰▪索纳姆爷爷-- 张铮饰目录电影剧情演职员表演员表职员表角色介绍杰克逊劳拉精彩对白原声资料影片花絮幕后花絮穿帮镜头影片评价影片制作创作背景后期制作制作发行播出信息上映日期票房统计民众反映影片看点影片赏析影片隐喻主创信息主演导演电影剧情演职员表演员表职员表角色介绍杰克逊劳拉精彩对白原声资料影片花絮幕后花絮穿帮镜头影片评价影片制作创作背景后期制作制作发行播出信息上映日期票房统计民众反映影片看点影片赏析影片隐喻主创信息主演导演展开编辑本段电影剧情查理(20张)关于2012世界末日,在中国,珠光宝气网络学院的胡小凡设计了一款名为“末日之恋”的珠宝信物,用2012世界末日来临前夕,那至死不渝、不离不弃的爱情来诠释面临世界末日时的人间真爱。



2009年印度娜迦邓铜矿看着点儿小心小心Hey, hey, watch out. Watch out.欢迎你我的朋友Welcome, my friend.见到你真好Great to see you.真高兴你来了Yeah, glad you made it.这是阿吉特吗长成小伙子了This can't be Ajit. He's a little man already.-真难以置信 -艾德里安你一定饿了吧- Unbelievable. - I hope you're hungry, Adrian.我要饿死了你还好吗阿帕娜I'm famished. How are you, Aparna?-我做了你最爱吃的咖喱鱼 -真等不及了- I made that fish curry you love. - I can't wait.我每次见她都变得更漂亮了为什么呢She gets more beautifuI every time I see her. Why is that? 是很奇怪啊但她做的咖喱鱼还是很难吃Strange, isn't it? But her fish curry is still awful.你在电♥话♥里神神秘秘的You were mysterious on the phone.你怎么没有出席会议Why didn't you attend the conference?马上你就会知道了艾德里安先生I will show you, Adrian, Sir.萨特南你太见外啦Satnam, stop "siring" me.我们要下到多深How deep do we need to go?3353米处Eleven thousand feet.我为此找遍了全印度I searched all over India for this thing.这里曾经是世界最深的铜矿Used to be the deepest copper mine in the world.还记得我弟弟格迪普吗Remember my brother, Gurdeep?他现在是一名学生了He's a student now.你们好赫姆斯利博士Namaste, Dr. Helmsley, sir.叫我艾德里安就行Adrian. It's just Adrian.今天这么热怎么就这么点冰It's so hot, ice's so little省着点用好吗Just don't pour too much, huh?你们是怎么高温作业的How do you work in this heat?今天还算好的呢You've come on a good day, my friend.有时候能达到华氏120度 (约49℃)Sometimes it can hit 120 degrees.这位是洛克什博士You have to come and meet Dr. Lokesh钦奈大学的量子物理研究员a Fellow of quantum physics at the university in Chennai. 你好赫姆斯利博士Dr. Helmsley.这是什么So, what are we looking at?这是中微子正常活动的状态These are neutrinos acting normally.没有聚集或是带电荷Minuscule mass, no electricaI charge.它们可以不受干扰的穿过普通的物体They pass through ordinary matter almost undisturbed. 你上次说了太阳暴之后Your message said the count doubled中微子数量翻倍了是吧after the last solar eruptions.那是上周的事That was last week.这是两天前发生的But this happened two days ago.人类历史上最大的一次太阳暴The biggest Sun eruptions in human history引起了有史以来最大的中微子反应causing the highest neutrino count we've ever recorded. 我的天啊My God.这还不是我担心的That's not what worries me, Adrian.中微子居然For the first time ever首次引起了物理反应the neutrinos are causing a physicaI reaction.这不可能That's impossible.这感觉真好That feels very good.请跟我来Please, follow me.你肯定无法相信You won't believe this.这个水罐还要再深1800米This water tank goes down another 6000 feet.貌似这些来自太阳的中微子It looks like the neutrinos coming from the Sun突变成为了一种新的核粒子have mutated into a new kind of nuclear particle.它们正在给地核加温They're heating up the Earth's core就像微波原理一样and suddenly act like microwaves.2009年华盛顿林肯酒店广场女士们先生们我说过没有演说Ladies and gentlemen, as promised, no speech就一句话谢谢你们just a thank- You今晚多亏了各位的慷慨解囊because tonight, with your extraordinary generosity 我们筹到了170万美金we have raised $1.7 million.-我是白宫的工作人员 -不管你是谁- I work for the White House. - I don't care.请着正装进入会场This is a black- Tie event.斯考迪Scotty.艾德里安你不是在印度吗怎么了Hey. Adrian, I thought you were in India. What's going on?-把你的西装给我 -什么- I need your Jacket. - What?我得和安休斯谈谈拜托把衣服给我I gotta speak to Anheuser. Give me your damn Jacket, please. 小心点那衣服600块呢Hey! Easy, that's a $600 Jacket.安休斯先生Mr. Anheuser?安休斯先生Mr. Anheuser.我得和您谈谈I need to talk to you.-我们认识吗 -打扰你了先生- Do I know you? - Sorry, sir.我是科技部地质方面的副研究员My name's Dr. Adrian Helmsley. I'm a我叫艾德里安·赫姆斯利deputy geologist at the Office of Science and Technology Policy. 失陪一下各位Excuse me, fellas.你应该知道这是个资金筹集酒会You know that this is a fundraiser, not a frat party, right?-此事非同小可 -总是这样- It's important, sir. - You know what? It always is.你约个时间要不这样吧Make an appointment with myYou know, even better:让你的上司在本季度科学报告会上Have your boss bring it up再和我说好吧at the quarterly science briefing. Ok?这主意不错There's a good plan.我连着坐了20个小时的飞机过来先生I just traveled 20 straight hours to get here, sir.两天没合眼I haven't slept in two days.您必须得看看这个马上You need to read this, sir. You need to read it now.我看看国家地地质灾害?Let me guess, nationaI geology crisis?Excuse me.-你的上司是谁 -里克·韦索斯- Who do you report to? - Lee Cavazos.以后不是了Not anymore.阿尔备车Alan, bring the car around.-你最好洗个澡 -什么- You're gonna wish you took a shower. - Sir?等会儿我带你去见总统You're about to meet the president.怎么了What's going on?把这些拿到我办公室去Get that to the office.2010年英属哥伦比亚八国集团首脑会议早上好Good morning.我想要和各位元首单独谈谈I would like to meet privately with my fellow heads of state. 马可拉克先生希望他的翻译可以在场Mr Macaraca wishes to have his interpreters present.总统先生我可以向你保证Mr. President, I can assure you你绝对可以听懂我说的话your English is more than sufficient for what I have to say. 总统先生Mr. Presidents.半年前Six months ago我得知了一个震惊的消息I was made aware of a situation so devastating起初我拒绝相信that, at first, I refused to believe it.然而However在我们杰出的科学家们的共同努力下through the concerted efforts of our brightest scientists我们确认了它的真实性we have confirmed its validity.The world as we know it就要走向尽头了will soon come to an end.2010年西♥藏♥ 邱明谷这是个绝好的机会This dam project will可以创造更多的工作机会create many new jobs.党和国家一定会帮助大家重建家园The Party and country will assist in your relocation.奶奶把手给我Grandma, give me your hand.-他们要把我们带到哪儿去 -不会有事的- But where are they taking us? - It'll be all right.哥哥Brother!奶奶我会给你寄钱的Grandma, I will send you money.谁能够写Who can write?谁能够读Who can read?谁能烧焊Who can weld?2011年伦敦皇家大酒店想必阁下一定已经看过材料了吧Has His Highness had an opportunity to study the dossier? 要知道我有很多家人你怎么称呼You must understand, I have a very big family, Mr?埃塞克Isaacs.10亿美元可是个大数目One Billion dollars is a lot of money.恐怕是10亿欧元阁下I'm afraid the amount is in euros, Your Highness.2011年巴黎卢浮宫我对你们的组织很有信心I put a lot of faith into your organization.这真是完美的仿制品罗兰It's a perfect replica, Roland.外面现在到处都是狂热分子There are too many fanatics out there被毁了就可惜了that could damage her.想想那些阿富汗被炸掉的佛像Just think about the beautifuI Buddha statues they blew up in Afghanistan. 遗产组织已经开始收集Our Heritage Organization has already made selections大英博物馆和冬宫博物馆的藏品from the British Museum and L'Hermitage.她会被安全转移I guess she'll be safe now, tucked away藏到瑞士防核碉堡里面hidden in some bunker in Switzerland.绝对安全罗兰Perfectly safe, Roland.只有通过红外分♥析♥才能看出差别Only infrared analysis would reveaI the difference.但终究是个赝品But it's still a fake.这次在玛雅古城提卡尔集♥体♥自♥杀♥事件This mass suicide was actually discovered by a documentary crew是由一个纪录片拍摄小组发现的here in the ancient Mayan city of Tikal.据说目前很多死者Now, the victims, and we've seen many坚信玛雅卓金历中的预言are said to have adhered to the Mayan-Quiche calendar预言中说由于太阳发散出的毁灭性力量which predicts the end of time to occur今年的12月21日on the 21st of December of this year将是世界的终结due to the Sun's destructive forces.谢谢你马克Thank you, Mark.奇怪的是Strangely enough,科学方面的一些记录也支持这一观点scientific records do support the fact that加利福尼亚州曼哈顿海滩我们正面临史上最强烈的太阳活动we are heading for the biggest solar climax in recorded history.很多人相信玛雅历中预言的Apparently many people believe that the Mayan calendar predicts 银河系中的行星会排成一条直线...that there's supposed to be a galactic alignment.我完蛋了I'm a dead man.完蛋了彻底完蛋了I'm a dead man. I'm a dead man.凯特我就快上高速了Hey, Kate. I'm practically on the freeway right now.是的我正往你家开Yes, I'm hurtling toward you as we speak.别着急我马上就到Will you relax? Yeah, I'll be there any second.这是度假又不是看去看病You know it's a vacation and not a doctor's appointment, right? 应该充满乐趣才对That it's supposed to be fun?你知道什么是乐趣吧凯特You remember fun, don't you, Kate?你还记得什么时候起Do you remember where you were你觉得没有乐趣了吗when it stopped being fun for you?知道了Yeah. I got it.防虫喷雾? 当然有Bug spray? Oh, yeah,这时候黄石公园有很多蚊子because it's mosquito season in Yellowstone.我带了很多先挂了I got a whole bunch. Okay, I gotta go,这里信♥号♥♥不太好because I'm in a bad-reception area.我的妈呀Whoa, man.看到了吗Would you look at that?天啊Sick.莫里尔我就说嘛Merrill, I told you.我们得搬回威斯康星We have to move back to Wisconsin.这些小型地震Yeah, but these little mini-quakes真的让我很紧张are really getting on my nerves.得了吧只是地表的一些小裂缝而已A little surface crack? You're not又不碍什么事gonna be inconvenienced by that.没错表面裂纹找个整形医师就行Right, surface cracks. I got a plastic surgeon for that.多亏有防震咖啡杯Thank God for those shake- proof coffee mugs,充分展现了加州人的本性They show the true nature of us Californians.绝不会向一点儿不便的小裂缝屈服的We'll not bow to these inconvenient things like surface cracks. 忏悔吧末日来临了如果你想分享If you have a funny mini-quake story有关地震的小趣事请拨♥打♥555and wanna share it, call 555-1 070.-爸爸 -宝贝- Hi, Daddy. - Hi, baby.-你怎么样亲爱的 -很好- How are you, sweetie? - Good.杰克逊这是怎么回事Jackson, what is this?别这么叫我我是你♥爸♥Please don't call me that. I'm your Dad.来吧Come on.开着豪华轿车带他们去露营吗You're taking them camping in a limo?好吧很好Okay, great.你现在的临时工作怎么样What happened to your temp job?时段很好有更多的时间写作Oh, you know, better hours, more time to write.睡眠呢最近睡得好吗What about sleeping? Have you been doing any of that lately? 我都说了几百遍了I've said it a thousand times, no lipo周五♥不♥做吸脂太恶心了等下on Fridays. It's too messy. Hold on.-早上好杰克逊 -好- Morning, Jackson. - Hi.-车不错 -谢谢- Nice ride. - Thanks.旅途愉快Guys, have a nice trip.小心点当心有熊啊Remember, watch out for the bears.再见戈登Bye, Gordon.-我爱你宝贝 -再见- Love you, honey. - Bye.-好了那么-你和他说- Okay, so, Liloh, yeah. - You tell him.和我说什么Tell me what?每晚睡觉前帮她换上She needs to put these on before she goes to sleep.-还用这个? -对- Still? - Yes.你闺女7岁了还尿床Your 7- Year- Old still wets her bed.这事你该知道That's something you should know.-我爱你 -我爱你妈妈- I love you. - Love you, Mom.你可以吗You okay?他们很想要和你出去玩They've been looking forward to spending time with you.我知道I know.-所以别老摆弄电脑 -收到- So don't be on your computer. - Got it.我爱你们Love you.-这次我们要去日本 -那又怎样- So this time, we hit Japan. - So?你就能去看看你儿子威尔了Well, you could visit your boy, Will.女士们下午好Afternoon, ladies.-你们好 -好帅哥- Hello there. - Hello, handsome.你听我说话了吗Are you even listening to me?听着呢哈里Unfortunately, I am, harry.奥德利说你当爷爷了I heard from Audrey you're a grandpa now.你能少管我的家务事吗Would you mind keeping your nose out of my family? 你破坏了我的心情我们在这儿呢You're cramping my style, baby. There we are.他娶了个日本姑娘So he married a Japanese girl.这没什么大不了的How is that the end of the world?好了托尼你起码得去看看他Come on, Tony. You should at least go see him.你见到你的儿子了吗You see your boy?不是我想见就能见的Not as much as I'd like.华盛顿太远了但我们起码会交谈D.C. Is a long way, but at least we talk.谈什么About what?人生苦短啊life, and how short it is.搞什么鬼啊What the hell was that?喂Hello?劳拉Laura.劳拉能听清吗Laura, can you hear me?罗兰是你吗Roland, is that you?劳拉我们上当了Laura, they lied to us.明天我准备开一个记者招待会I've arranged a press conference for tomorrow.我要宣布事实的真♥相♥I will tell everyone the truth about what's going on.你在说什么What are you talking about?那些艺术品The art you collected没有运往阿尔卑斯山it's not in the Alps.那些隧♥道♥里空无一物Those tunnels are empty.我有证据I have proof!劳拉Laura.劳拉你听得清吗Laura, can you hear me?-罗兰我听不到你说什么 -劳拉你听得清吗- I'm losing you. Roland? - Laura, can you hear me?劳拉Laura.黄石国家公园-我喜欢这首歌♥ -信♥号♥♥真差- I liked that song. - We lost it.西海岸到处是这种地表裂缝going on the west coast with all those surface cracks.我就跟自己说"查理快去黄石公园吧"I told myself, "Charlie, get your stupid ass to Yellowstone." 我可不想错过大爆♥炸♥I don't want to miss all the fun when it finally blows.透露一个消息一大早开始Let me tell you, there's been government people就有政♥府♥的人飞进飞出flying in and out all morning,而且都面色凝重and trust me, they did not look happy.-真诡异 -朋友们要永远记住- That's weird. - Always remember, folks-在查理这里知晓了天机 -他说的这些吗- You heard it first from Charlie. - Yeah, just when he said that? 这种可能性有多大呢What are the odds?我们并没有观测到We're not seeing soil liquefaction we'd expect预期中的土地液化or any evidence of fracture或是建筑板材上的裂缝延伸迹象propagation within the tectonic plates.-博士请慢点讲 -西海岸的地震活动并不是- In English. - The activity on the coast并不是普通的地震is not caused by tecto-- by regular earthquakes.这些地表裂缝And these surface cracks have nothing与断层线的转移无关to do with shifting fault lines.你是说这是You suggesting this could be the乔琳计划的开端beginning of the cho ming operation?赫姆斯利博士正飞往黄石公园Dr. Helmsley is flying to Yellowstone以便收集更多的数据this morning to collect more data.赫姆斯利博士我们都在遵守We have been following the schedule你制定的日程表you established, Mr. Helmsley.人类史上最重要的日程表The most important schedule in the history of mankind.现在你说要弃用它Now you're teLilng me we have to throw it out?没错先生Yes, sir.之前我弄错了I was wrong.在这间办公室里从没有人说过弄错了Do you know how many times I've heard those words in this office? 从没有过Zero.你看到了吗Did you see this?很抱歉总统先生她执意要进来I'm sorry, Mr. President. She insisted.新闻上都在播这个It's all over the news.我们正进一步调查这起汽车爆♥炸♥案件We are learning more about this deadly car explosion.法国国家博物馆馆长原预定The director of the French NationaI Museums于今早在卢浮宫开新闻发布会was to hold a press conference at the louvre this morning.很巧的是他在巴黎遇难的隧♥道♥ Coincidentally, his death took place in the same paris tunnel与戴安娜王妃在1997年遇难的隧♥道♥相同where Princess Diana died in 1997.我们会继续追踪报道We are continuing to follow this story. We will...劳拉你没有见过赫姆斯利博士吧Laura, I don't believe you've met Dr. Helmsley.爸爸我刚刚才和他通过话他告诉我I just talked to him, Dad, and he told me我工作的组织是一个骗局that the organization that I work for is a sham.他为什么这样说呢I mean, why would he say that?你生气起来和你妈妈一摸一样You look just like your mother when you get upset.我告诉过你吗Did I ever tell you that?每次你都这样Every time I get upset.爸爸有人被谋杀了Daddy, a man was killed.亲爱的先坐下Honey, please sit down.我将要告诉你的事Only a dozen people in this administration这里也只有十几个人知道know what I'm about to tell you.爸爸发生什么事了Dad, what's going on?我们正在进行一次史无前例的国际合作An unprecedented internationaI endeavor is underway.目前已经有46个国家参与At this point, 46 nations are invested in this thing.劳拉很聪明她会理解Laura's a smart girl. She'll understand.巴黎那件事That thing in Paris,我们和那件事没有关系吧we're not involved in any of that, are we?"我们"? "我们"是什么鬼东西We? Who the hell is "we"?你在说什么啊What are you talking about?我们的当务之急是抢时间We need to focus on this timeline. That's what we need to do.-什么时候让人们知道这事呢 -你什么意思- When do we let the country know? - What do you mean?我们的人♥民♥ 先生他们有权知道The people, sir. They need to know.他们当然会知道听着Well, of course they do.你的任务是listen, your job is to figure out弄清楚地球什么时候毁灭when this is all gonna fall apart.我的任务是My job is to figure out设法在事情发生后维持政♥府♥的存在how to retain some semblance of government after it falls apart.现在我们没有时间想别的懂了吗UntiI then, we don't have time for anything except for doing those jobs. Okay?有黄石的消息给我打电♥话♥Call me the Moment you get any news from Yellowstone.知道了Yes, sir.靓吧Cute girl, huh?-什么 -第一千金啊- Sir? - The first daughter.-我看到你盯她了 -我没有- I saw you looking at her. - I wasn't looking at her.末日要来了你得动作快点Better move fast, kid. The end is near.您的直升机准备好了在白宫南草坪Adrian, your chopper's ready. They're waiting on the south lawn. 爸爸我们这是去哪儿啊Daddy, where are we going?我知道的一个特别地方Going to this really speciaI place that I know.从前我和妈妈经常在那儿约会It's a place where your Mom and I used to hang out a lot.我不想知道你和妈妈是在哪儿做♥爱♥的I don't wanna know where you and Mom had sex.-杰克逊现在我还太小了 -别这样叫我- I'm not ready for that, Jackson. - Stop caLilng me that.我不喜欢叫一声"爸爸"有那么难吗It's creeping me out. What's wrong with "Dad"?-没大没小 -爸爸看这儿- Grumpy grumperson. - Daddy, look at this.以前这里没有围起来啊That wasn't here before.怎么办What do we do?我要捡你的帽子Go get your hat.你看不见警告吗Don't you see the signs?这里以前有一个湖Used to be a lake here.这可不像湖Doesn't look much of a lake to me.对所有的都消失了I know, the whole damn thing's gone.-来吧我们去看看 -棒极了- Come on, let's check it out. - Great.目标到达危险地带Subjects have now entered hot zone.那是什么Who is that?美国陆军That's the U.S. Army.政♥府♥部队正向目标接近All manner of government vehicle are converging on subjects. 先生你们在禁区You're in a restricted area, sir.-你和你的家人跟我们走 -好吧- We need you to come with us. - Right. Right.我们跟这些人过去Okay, we're gonna go with these guys.会很好玩的That'll be fun, huh?这太疯狂了This is wild.太疯狂了This is really wild.不可思议地下12000米高达2700℃?This is unbelievable. 2700 degrees celsius at 40,000 feet?我知道这听上去的确不可思议I know, it sounds completely implausible.但温度确实以0.5%的幅度在上升Nonetheless, we're ticking off an increase of almost 0.5 percent. -每天? -不- Per day? - No.每小时Per hour.赫姆斯利博士我们在危险区抓了几个人Dr. Helmsley. We've arrested a group of tourists in the hot zone. 我来处理吧Okay, I'll take care of it.你去和萨特南联♥系♥Look, let's get Satnam on the communications link.我们交换一下数据We'll try and cross-reference the data.国家公园不应该有围栏It's a nationaI park. There's not supposed to be posted fences. 怎么回事I mean, what's going on here?我们是地质学家We're geologists.你们经常用机关枪挖地?Do you usually go digging with machine guns?少校我来处理这事儿谢谢Major, I'll take care of this. Thank you.那湖怎么了What happened to the lake?我们也想知道That's what we're trying to find out.我们认为整个区域都不太稳定We think the entire area has become unstable.我觉得你应该让你的孩子们离开I think you should take your kids and leave, Mr. Curtis.你不会是You're not by any chance the Jackson curtis《再见亚特兰蒂斯》的作者吧who wrote farewell atlantis, are you?正是在下The very same.那是献给我妈妈的It's actually dedicated to my Mom.真不错啊That's great.我在大学时I read a couple of your short stories读过一些你的短篇故事when I was in college. Yeah.你们爸爸很有才华You know, your father is a very talented man.-听听 -我正在看你的书- listen up. - It's amazing. I'm reading your book.看到第300天I'm around day 300, the shuttle has地球和飞船失去了联♥系♥just lost communication with earth.你还真幸运很少有人买♥♥呢You're one of the lucky few who bought it.-并不是我买♥♥的 -是吗- I didn't buy it. - No?我爸给我的My Dad gave it to me.我想问问你Let me ask you something.你真的认为人们会在You believe those people would behave so selflessly生死关头很无私吗knowing that their own lives were at stake?希望如此I hope so.评论家说我是一个盲目乐观主义The critics said I was naive, an unabashed optimist但这可说不好对吧but what do they know, right?-幸会 -幸会- Pleasure. - It was a great pleasure meeting you.少校麻烦您把他们带到露营区Major, could you escort these good people to the campgrounds? 这是你的This is yours.-谢谢 -是长官- Thank you. - Yes, sir.-保重 -谢谢- Take care. - Okay.他人很好He was very nice.你这样说是因为他喜欢我的书吗You're just saying that because he liked my book.看来还是你弟弟最聪明Looks like that boy of yours is gonna be smarter than any of us.发生什么事儿了What's wrong?我给了萨特南温度数据I sent Satnam the temperature reading.与阿根廷和安大略测到的一样My colleagues in Argentina and Ontario have almost identicaI data. 这里太热我们只有把铜矿封了It's so hot here, we've had to seaI off the mine.-你仔细确定过那些数据了吗 -我检查了3遍- Double- Checked the numbers? - Triple- Checked, my friend. 我也希望我们错了I wish we were wrong可是没有but we're not.地壳越来越不稳定The earth's crust is destabilizing.来得太早了吧It's too early.艾德里安你们得撤离了Adrian, you have to begin the evacuation.天啊My God.我们有高科技和先进的设备All our scientific advances, our fancy machines.可玛雅人几千年前就预测到了The Mayans saw this coming thousands of years ago.我还以为有很多时间呢I thought we'd have more time.好吧Okay.你赶快收拾行李I want you to pack up your family.我会安排飞机去德里接你们I'm gonna arrange an airlift for you from delhi.朋友谢谢你Thank you, my friend.祝你好运And good luck.阿吉特Ajit.我们要登上大船了We are going on a big ship.-真酷 -军事戒备- That was so cool. - Yeah, that was intense.-直升飞机 -我到过的最牛的地儿- The helicopters. - Craziest place I've seen.-那些直升机真酷 -等等等等- Those helicopters were so cool. - Wait. Wait. Wait.问一下政♥府♥对你们说了什么One question. What did the government guys say to you? 我们不该翻越围栏Well, they don't like us going over their fences还有这整个区域很不稳定and that the whole area back there is unstable.不稳定? 他们说不稳定?Unstable. They said "unstable"?对不稳定Yeah, unstable.太搞笑了That's funny.我们走祝你开心Let's go. Have a good one.不稳定Unstable.长官不只是黄石公园It's not just Yellowstone, sir.全球所有地区的温度Temperatures are rising with incredible velocity都在急剧上升in hot zones across the globe.艾德里安你百分百确定吗Are you absolutely sure about this, Adrian?因为一旦下令Because once we give these orders就是板上钉钉的事了there's no going back. You understand that?恐怕没有时间犹豫了I'm afraid there's no longer any doubt, sir.能救多少算多少吧We have to save what we can.现在必须行动And we have to move now!黄石国家公园这里好多蚊子啊有人带防蚊液了吗There's mosquitoes in here. Did anybody spray the tent? 我明天去买♥♥I'm gonna get that spray tomorrow.你的血太甜了所以它们喜欢你They just like you because your blood's so sweet.爸爸你说过不会在这里写书的Dad, you said you wouldn't work on your book.什么我没有写书What, Lil'bee? I'm not, I'm not.我在干其他事I'm just-- I'm doing something else.我来哄你们睡觉Let me get you ready for-- ready for bed.好了Okay.你真的要这么多帽子吗Did you really need all these hats?-你的尿不湿呢 -穿上了- Where are your pull-ups, sweetie? - I have them on. 你妈给你这个手♥机♥?Who gave you this, Mommy?不是戈登给我的生日礼物No, Gordon gave it to me for my birthday.买♥♥手♥机♥是不是A cell phone is something we gotta应该家庭讨论一下啊talk about, you know, as a family."家庭"在哪儿啊What family?你这么说让我很伤心That hurts my feelings when you say stuff like that. 走开啦Just go away.大人Adults get戈登旅行真烂也会伤心啊hurt feelings too.我们有位在线听众We have a listener caLilng in.库克城的比尔Bill from Cooke city,你现在已经被接进查理直播间了you're on the Charlie Frost show.查理只是想说我很爱听你的节目Charlie, just wanted to say I love your show.不会吧No way.实话实说not afraid to tell the truth.谢谢你比尔你有什么问题Thank you, Bill. What is your question?我想知道从哪里开始I wanted to know, where is all this gonna start?估计从好莱坞吧比尔Something like this could only originate in hollywood, Bill. 那里的地面已经开始裂开了They got the earth cracking under their asses already.我们全家都信仰耶稣Our family believes in the GospeI of the Lord Jesus.我们无所畏惧查理We have nothing to fear, Charlie.祝你好运比尔谢谢来电Good for you, Bill. Thanks for caLilng.我是查理·弗罗斯特This is Charlie frost reporting live在黄石公园为你现场直播from Yellowstone nationaI park这里马上将成为世界上最大的活火山soon to become the world's largest active volcano.朋友们马上回来I'll be right back, folks.你不介意我问你点事吧Do you mind if I join you? I wanted to ask you something. 我只有一分钟的时间I only got a minute.来点儿吗Hey. Pickle?刚才我听了一会儿No. I was listening to the broadcast我不明白为什么and I was wondering what exactly is it会在好莱坞开始that's gonna start in Hollywood?大灾难It's the apocalypse.世界末日End of days.大审判世界末日The Judgment day, the end of the world, my friend.基♥督♥教说是审判日Christians called it the rapture,玛雅人很早就预测到了but the Mayans knew about it易经圣经都讲过the Hopis, the I Chingthe Bible, kind of.要啤酒吗Beer?-好 -我马上要吃饭了- Yeah. - So look, I gotta eat.你在我博客上下载吧免费的Why don't you download my blog. It's free.当然我们也欢迎捐款Of course, we do appreciate donations.古时候玛雅人是In ancient times, the Mayan people were第一个发现the first civilization to discover地球有末日的名族that this planet had an expiration date.据他们的日历According to their calendar2012年灾难会降临in the year 201 2, a cataclysmic event will unfold因为太阳系的行星排成一条直线caused by an alignment of the planets in our solar system每6♥4♥万年发生一次that only happens every 6♥4♥0,000 years.不会再有了Oh, not again.可以吧我自己做的Pretty neat, huh? I did all the animation myself.我们的地球就像一个橘子Just imagine the earth as an orange.用幽默感吸引他们让他们自己思考You lure them in with humor. Then you make them think.太阳释放了大量的射线Our sun will begin to emit such extreme amounts of radiation-- 它们是中微子Those little bastards are called neutrinos.地心将从里面开始融化That the core of the earth will melt. That's the inside part 这样地壳就能自♥由♥漂移of the orange leaving the crust of our planet free to shift. 1958年查尔斯教授In 1958, professor Charles hapgood命名为"地壳重置"named it earth crust displacement.爱因斯坦也表示同意Albert Einstein did support it.人类将完全感受到People, we'll get it all.地球母亲的毁灭性力量The forces of mother nature will be so devastating世界末日就在2012年的冬至it will bring an end to this world2012年12月21日on winter solstice, 12-21-12.朋友们你们要永远记住Always remember, folks,你们在查理·弗罗斯特这里知晓了天机you heard it first from Charlie Frost.你们一定要保密You'd have to keep a thing like this under wraps.想想吧I mean, just think about it, okay?第一股市将崩♥盘♥First, the stock market would go.然后经济崩溃Then the economy, boom!美元崩溃The dollar, boom!街上变成人间地狱And then pandemonium in the streets.战争屠♥杀♥ 砰砰砰War, genocide, boom, boom, boom!我才不信没有人可以守住这个秘密查理Bulishit. Nobody could keep that big a secret, Charlie.-一定有人会说的 -曾经- Somebody would blow the whistle. - Svery once in a while。


世界末日 80 心舍
世界末日 80 心舍
我们认识吗? -Adrian: Sorry sir, my name is Dr Adrian Helmsley. I'm a deputy geologist at the office of science and technology policy. deputy: 代理人,代表 geologist: 地质学家,地质学者 science: 科学 technology: 技术 打扰你了先生,我是 Adrian Helmsley 博士,是科技部地质方面的副研究员。 -Mr Anheuser: Excuse me, fellows. 失陪一下,各位。 You know that this is a fund-raiser, not a frat party, right? fund-raiser: 募捐者 frat: 兄弟会 你应该知道这是个资金筹集酒会,不是什么兄弟会。 -Adrian: It's extremely important, sir. extremely: 极度地,非常地 important: 重要的 是非常重要的事。 -Mr Anheuser: You know what, It always is. Here is what I want you to do. Make an appointment or even better, appointment: 约定,约,约会 总是这样,你看看这样行不行,你约个时间, Have your boss bring it up at the Quarterly science briefing, okay? There's a good plan. briefing: 简报,情况的简要介绍,简要汇报 或者让你的上司在本季度科学报告会上再和我说,这主意不错! -Adrian: I just traveled 20 straight hours to get here, sir. I haven't slept in two days. You need to read this, sir. You need to read it now! straight: 直的,连续的 我连着坐了 20 个小时的飞机过来,先生,我有两天没睡了,你必须得看看这个,现在就看。 -Mr. Anheuser: Let me guess. National geology crisis? Excuse me. national: 国家的 crisis: 危机 我看看,是国家地理危机,失陪一下。 -Mr Anheuser: Who do you report to? report: 报告,报道 你的上司是谁? -Adrian: Lico Vasos Lico Vasos 。 -Mr Anheuser: Not anymore. Al, bring the car around. You may wish you took a shower. around: [口语]在附近,在近处 shower: 淋浴 以后不是了,Al,备车,你最好洗个澡。 -Adrian: Sir? 什么? -Mr Anheuser: You're about to meet the president. president: 总统 我等会儿带你去见总统。 -Secretary: What's going on? 怎么了? -Adrian: Get that to the office. 把这些拿到我办公室去。

一些电影对白 中英

一些电影对白 中英

黑 客 帝 国
Morpheus: Do you want to know what it is? The matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes.It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. neo: What truth? Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind...... Unfortunately, no one can be told what the matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes...... Remember, all I'm offering is the truth, nothing more......



灾难电影2012经典台词语录你只是看到事物的阴暗面,你去缓和人类的痛苦,你每天都看到死亡,却使你忘了生命的荣耀,这是个礼物...理解了每天都是一个礼物,有些人滥用它,我知道,你却在找寻它,那一定非常艰难,我向上帝祈祷每天只给你看到美好的事情当我们第一次约会的时候,你告诉我说我是你最大的发现我认为那是最甜蜜的事情,那很糟...我很意外,我们还能在一起说话我知道,我总是太关心自己,我觉得...如果我成功,意味着我们就成功了,我知道现在不是说这个的时候,我很自私,我从来没说过抱歉,现在我要说我很抱歉,你是世界上对我来说最美的东西,我却让你溜走这没有任何意义,妈妈,科学可以证明一切,你声称上帝已经做了,当人们生病的时候,他们觉得那些疾病......是那些药救了他们,不是上帝!我看到很多人过完他们完整的一生,却没有任何信仰,但是突然在他们临死的时候,他们把灵魂给了.....上帝,天堂,永恒的生命,我看到......每天都有很多好人去世,上帝又在哪里?这是很好的幻想,并不现实,只是一种...让人们不去和现实妥协的事情,是个谎言I love you,God knows I do.额...看看周围...看看太阳...在天空中闪耀...那云,那树,我在想...这有多么完美啊!所有的东西,从闪耀的太阳...到地球上的万物,所有东西都在一起,这该是多么完美的一个伟大工程,那怕只有一个细节,他当初做错了,就会全盘失败,太惊奇了我希望我可以看到你说的这个世界我发现我的错误,我认为是理所当然,我在想...我会到那里,当你离开的时候,我...你一定看到它我没有我尽力去和你聊天每件事情都有理由的,Susan,你看不见或者不相信的事情,并不代表他不存在,我的意思是你可以随便想,但是总有生老病死,我们可以做一切力所能及的事情,我们是可以,但是我们不能驾驭他们你每天都看到好人死掉,却依然坚信上帝?是的,当一个人死的时候,你可以看到有光从他身上散去,我的意思是,他们走的时候,我能感觉到,你感觉不到么?我不知道,或许我......你从来没有时间有时候我也不想这么忙,即使有机会...我没有和其他人在一起我也没有恐怕我们等得越久就越需要勇气。



《2012世界末日》经典台词大盘点1. 选择中国没错,别的国家根本干不了2. 欢迎来到中华人民共和国3. 儿子:为什么会有锚?爸爸:因为那不是飞船,是方舟。

4. 那个胖子官员大喊:“不许开门!”船长说:“谁给你的权利?”5. 学家的父亲在电话里说的那句——我不能丢下托尼,没有我,那老家伙唱歌老跑调。

6. 女主角:原来你就是我要等的那个人。


7. 美国同胞们,这是我最后一次对你们讲话,灾难将要降临,而我们的国家和整个世界将要灭亡,真希望我能告诉你们,我们有能力来抵御这场灾难,可是我们没有,今天,我们将一家人共同步入黑暗,虽然我们可能信仰不同,但我相信我的话能够代表所有人的想法,愿上天保佑我们。

8. 总统女儿最后坐在床上看完那本书说:全世界人民应该亲如兄弟。

9. 杰克逊:(在电话里)当他们说一切正常时,就是你逃命的时候!10. (拿到中国地图,正在坐飞机)看来我们应该找架大飞机。

11. (痛骂政府发言人——加州州长施瓦辛格)那家伙是个演员!他在念台词!12. (对孩子们)无论发生什么,我们都一直在一起!13. (书上写到)全世界人民应该亲如兄弟。

14. 查理:无论是谁、不分种族、国家、信仰,不论你信仰基督教、佛教、伊斯兰教还是拉斯特法里教,明天我们都没有区别!!15. (黄石公园大爆发):我浑身都起鸡皮疙瘩了。

16. 一位解放军战士(卓明谷):党和国家一定会帮助大家重建家园的!17. 托尼:我打了,可是晚了。

18. 美国总统:(对艾德里安)我将是美利坚合众国最后一位总统。

19. (对艾德里安)一个年轻的科学家抵得上二十个老政客。

20. (最后一次播报)美国同胞们,这是我最后一次对你们讲话,灾难将要降临。





好莱坞电影的英语台词《阿凡达》经典英文经典台词一:最多的台词I SEE YOU 句子虽然很简单,但包含了复杂的意思。


I SEE YOU 不是表象的我看见你。

应该是一种发自内心的一种沟通,以及一种带有敬意的词汇《阿凡达》经典英文经典台词二:最震撼的台词THEY CAN NOT TAKE WHATEVERY THEY WANT~! 很煽情,很有号召力……《阿凡达》经典英文经典台词三:鼓舞士气的经典台词People heaven sent us a message 人类给我们带来了信息And nobody can stop 而且没人能阻止But we send them a message 但是我们也要让他们看到Run as fast as the wind 像风一样奔跑Tell other clans to come 告诉别的种族Tell them that they torukmakto needs 告诉他们图鲁克所需要的Fly now 飞吧With me 和我一起My brethrens 兄弟们Sisters 姐妹们And we are showing new people heaven 我们要让他们知道Cannot take all they want 他们并不能得到所有And that's,This is our land 因为,这里是——是我们的土地!继续追问:还差15句啊大姐。

补充回答:Now u need choose a gillwe have girl she is good singner....we have girl she is good hunterI chose a girl,,,女主角难过表情I need this girl choose me to(男主角看着女主角)This girl has chosen you阿甘正传经典台词1. Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料)2. Stupid is as stupid does. (蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福)3. Miracles happen every day. (奇迹每天都在发生)4. If you are ever in trouble, don’t try to be brave, just run, just run away.(你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开)5. Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do.(死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事)6. I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze.(我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡)狮子王台词Mufasa: Look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom. Simba: Wow!Mufasa: A king''s time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and rise with you as the new king. Simba: And this all be mine?Mufasa: Everything!Simba: Everything the light touches! What about that shadowy place? Mufase: That''s beyond our borders, you must never go there, Simba. Simba: But I thought a king can do whatever he wants.Mufasa: Oh, there''s more to being a king than getting your way all the time.Simba: There''s more?Mufasa: Simba, everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respectall the creatures from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope. Simba: But dad, don''t we eat the antelope?Mufase: Yes, Simba. But let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass and the antelope eat the grass, and so we are all connected in the great circle of life.Mufasa: Simba, let me tell you something that my father told me. Look at thestars. The great kings of the past look down on us from those stars.Simba: Really?Mufasa: Yes, so whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you, and so am I.To Adam:Rise and shine,Adam.You're probably wondering where you are.I'll tell you where you might be.You might be in the room that you die in.Up until now,you simply sat in the shadows...watching others live out their lives.What do voyeurs see,when they look into the mirror?Now I see you as a strange mix...of someone angry and yet apathetic.But mostly just pathetic.So are you going to watch yourself die today,Adam?or do something about it?老头对亚当太阳照屁股了亚当,也许你想知道这是哪,我告诉你,这是一个你可能将长眠于此的地方。

















V字仇杀队台词Remember, rememberThe 5th of November要记住,要记住11月5日The gunpowder treason and plot火药阴谋I know of no reasonWhy the gunpowder treason火药阴谋...Should ever be forgot...绝没有理由被遗忘But what of the man但是其中的人呢I know his name was Guy Fawkes...我知道他名叫盖伊·福克斯......and I know in 1605, he attemptedto blow up the Houses of Parliament....我还知道他在1605年企图炸毁议会大厦But who was he really但他到底是什么人What was he like长什么样We are told to remember the ideaand not the man.我们被教导要记住思想而不是记住人Because a man can fail.因为人可能失败He can be caught,he can be killed and forgotten.他可能会被捕他会被杀死、被遗忘But 400 years later...但400年后......an idea can still change theworld....思想仍可改变世界I have witnessed firsthandthe power of ideas.我亲眼目睹了思想的威力I've seen people killin the name of them...我见过人们以它为名杀戮......and die defending them....或是为了维护它献出生命But you cannot kiss an idea...但你不能亲吻思想......cannot touch it or hold it....也不能触摸它或抱着它Ideas do not bleed.They do not feel pain.思想不会流血,不会感到痛苦They do not love.它们没有爱And it is not an idea that Imiss.而且我所思念的并不是思想It is a man.而是一个人A man that made me rememberthe 5th of November.一个让我记住11月5日的男人A man that I will never forget.一个我永不会忘记的男人片名:《V怪客》So I read that the former UnitedStatesis so desperate for medicalsupplies...我听说前美国极度渴求药品......that they have allegedly sentseveralcontainers filled with wheat andtobacco....据说他们已经送来了几集装箱的小麦和烟草A gesture, they said, ofgoodwill.他们说,这是友好的姿态You wanna know what I think想知道我怎么想的吗Well, you're listening to my show,so I will assume you do.既然你们在听我的节目所以我假定你们想知道It's high time we let the colonies knowwhat we really think of them.我觉得现在是时候让这些殖民地知道我们到底是怎么看他们的I think it's payback time for a little tea partythey threw for us a few hundred years ago.我觉得是时候来“报答”他们几百年前向我们发动的小小“茶会”了I say we go down to those docks tonightand dump that crap...我说让我们今晚冲到码头上去把那些破烂扔掉......where everything fromthe Ulcered Sphincter of Ass-erica belongs!...把所有烂屁眼的美国鬼子的破烂都扔掉!Who's with me Who's bloody with me!谁跟我去谁他妈跟我去Did you like that你喜欢这个称呼吗 Ulcered Sphincter of Ass-erica.I mean, what else can you say烂屁眼的美国鬼子我是说,我们还能说什么呢Here was a country that hadeverything,absolutely everything...曾是拥有一切的国家绝对是拥有一切......and now, 20 years later, iswhat...而现在,20年以后变成了什么The world's biggest leper colony.Why世界最大的麻风病患集中地,为什么Godlessness.不信上帝Let me say that again.让我再说一遍Godlessness.不信上帝It wasrt the war they started.It wasrt the plague theycreated.不是他们发动的战争也不是他们制造的瘟疫It was Judgment.是上帝的审判No one escapes their past.No one escapes Judgment.没人能摆脱过去没人能逃脱上帝的审判You think he's not up there你们以为没有上帝You think he's not watching overthis country你们以为他没有在注视着这个国家How else can you explain itHe tested us, but we camethrough.还有什么其他解释吗他考验了我们,而我们通过了We did what we had to do.我们做了我们必须做的事Islington. Enfield.I was there. I saw it all.埃斯棱顿、恩菲尔德我都在现场,我都目睹了Immigrants, Muslims...移民,穆斯林......homosexuals, terrorists....同性恋,恐怖分子Disease-ridden degenerates.They had to go.散播瘟疫的下流种他们必须滚Strength through unity.Unity through faith.力量来自团结团结来自信仰I am a God-fearing Englishman,and I'm goddamn proud of it!我是敬畏上帝的英国人我真他妈的为此骄傲!That's quite enough of that,thank you very much.已经够意思了非常感谢Oh, shit.哦,糟糕A yellow-coded curfew is now in effect.现在开始黄色等级宵禁Any unauthorized personnelwill be subject to arrest.未经许可出门的人将被逮捕This is for your protection.这是为了你的安全A yellow-coded curfew is now in effect.现在开始黄色等级宵禁Any unauthorized personnelwill be subject to arrest.未经许可出门的人将被逮捕This is for your protection.这是为了你的安全- Excuse me.- Sorry, I didn't see you... - 对不起,小姐- 对不起,我没看到你...- In a hurry, are we- I was just...- 有急事,是吗- 我只是...- It's past curfew, you know.- My uncle, he's very sick.- 已经过了宵禁时间了,你知道吧- 我叔叔病得很厉害- Sick uncle What you think onthat, Willy- It's a load of bollocks.- 哦,叔叔病了,你觉得如何,威利- 我觉得是瞎扯I made a mistake. I shouldn't beoutafter curfew. I know that.我错了,我不该在宵禁后出来的我知道的Maybe you could look after usbefore getting back to youruncle.也许去管你的叔叔之前你能先照顾照顾我们See, my friend, he's kind ofsick.Ain't you你瞧,我的朋友也病了对吧,威利Real sick. Bad case of theblues.You can feel them.病得很厉害,忧郁得不得了你都能感觉到- Don't touch me!- Look, Willy, kitty's gotclaws.- 别碰我!- 瞧,威利,小猫还有爪子哩- She just threatened us.- That she did, that she did.- 她刚刚威胁了我们- 没错,没错You know what that means,don't you你知道这意味着什么,对吧It means that we exerciseour own judicial discretion.意味着我们可以行使一下执法权了And you get to swallow it.你只能自食其果了- You're Fingermen.- She's getting the picture.- 你们是秘密警察- 她开始明白了No, please, I didn't know. I'msorry.我明白了,我刚才不知道我很后悔Not yet you're not. But you will be.你还没有呢不过你会的By sunup, if you're not the sorriestpiece of ass in all of London...到太阳出来的时候如果你不是伦敦城里最后悔的......then you'll certainly be the sorest....也一定是最痛苦的了Oh, God, no. Please don't do this.噢,上帝,不要这样请不要这样I'll go home.I won't do it again, I swear! Please!我马上回家保证以后不会了!求你们了!- What do you think, lads- Spare the rod, spoil the child.- 你有什么看法,兄弟- 孩子不教训不成器啊Help me! Someone help!救命啊,来人啊,救命啊!The multiplying villainies of naturedo swarm upon him. 无数奸恶的天性都丛集于他的一身- What the hell!- Bugger off!- 怎么回事!- 滚开!Disdaining fortune,with his brandish'd steel...不以命运的喜怒为意挥舞着他......which smoked with bloodyexecution....血腥的宝剑We're Fingermen, pal.我们是秘密警察,伙计Jesus Christ! Mercy!耶稣基督!宽恕我吧!We are oft to blame in this...'Tis too much proved.这样的例子是太多了...- That with devotiors visage andpious actionwe do sugar o'er the devilhimself.人们往往用至诚的外表和虔敬的行动掩饰一颗魔鬼般的心- What's that mean- Spare the rod.- 什么意思- 孩子要教训I can assure you, I mean you noharm.我可以向你保证我对你没有恶意- Who are you- Who- 你是谁- 谁Who is but the formfollowing the function ofwhat...身份只是本质的一种形式......and what I am is a man in amask....而我的本质是一个戴面具的人- Oh, I can see that.- Of course you can.- 我看得出来- 你当然可以I'm not questioning your powersof observation.我对你的观察力没有疑问I'm merely remarking upon theparadoxof asking a masked man who heis.我不过是指出一个矛盾的地方:问一个戴面具的人是谁有意义吗- Right.- But on this most auspicious ofnights...- 说的也是- 那么在这最吉祥的夜晚......permit me then, in lieu ofthe more commonplace sobriquet......请允许我用不那么平庸的方式......to suggest the characterof this dramatis persona....来引出人物表中的这位角色Voila!看哪!In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran...在您眼帘中的是一位低贱的杂耍老手......cast vicariously as both victim and villainby the vicissitudes of fate....他在命运的浮沉中随波逐流扮演着受害与加害者的双重角色This visage, no mere veneer of vanity...这面孔,不徒是虚华的外表......is a vestige of the vox populi,now vacant, vanished....它还是业已不再的人民呼声的残响However, this valorousvisitationof a bygone vexation stands vivified...不过,不惮于重提昔日烦恼的他依然活力盎然... ...and has vowed to vanquish thesevenaland virulent vermin vanguardingvice......决心铲除那些腐化堕落的毒虫他们是作恶的先锋......他们代表了对自由意志肆无忌惮的恶意破坏...and vouchsafing the violentlyviciousand voracious violation ofvolition.(力量来自团结团结来自信仰)The only verdict is vengeance,a vendetta...对他们裁决只有复仇......held as a votive not in vain,for the value and veracity ofsuch......这象征希望的血海深仇不会是徒然的因为它的价值和正确性......shall one day vindicate thevigilantand the virtuous....终有一天会证明那些高尚者和警醒者是对的Verily, this vichyssoise ofverbiageveers most verbose.毫无疑问,我这罗嗦的拉拉杂杂最终变得冗长无比So let me simply add that it'smy very good honor to meetyou...所以请允许我简单补充一下认识您是我的荣幸......and you may call me V....您可以请叫我VAre you, like, a crazy person你是不是个疯子啊I am quite sure they will sayso.我肯定他们会这么说我But to whom, might I ask, am Ispeaking不过,请问我在跟谁说话- I'm Evey.- Evey- 我叫伊芙- 伊芙E-vey. Of course you are.伊芙,当然了- What does that mean- It means that I, like God...- 什么意思- 意思是我象上帝一样......do not play with diceand do not believe incoincidence....不掷骰子也不相信巧合Are you hurt你受伤了吗No, I'm fine.没有,我没事- Thanks to you.- Oh, I merely played my part.- 多亏了你- 哦,只是我的份内事- But tell me, do you enjoy music, Evey- I suppose.- 告诉我,你喜欢音乐吗,伊芙- 我想是的You see, I'm a musician of sorts...你瞧,某种程度上我也算个音乐家......and on my way to givea very special performance....而我正要去演奏一曲特殊的音乐What kind of musician什么样的音乐家Percussion instrumentsare my speciality.打击乐是我的特长But tonight I intend to calluponthe entire orchestra for this event...不过今晚我打算为这个特别的日子请出整支乐队......and would be honoredif you could join me....而你的出席将是我最大的荣幸I don't think so.I should be getting home.还是不了我得回家了I promise you, it'll be likenothing you've ever seen.我保证这将是你从未见过的And afterwards,you'll return home safely.事后你将会安全到家All right.好吧It's beautiful up here.这上面真美丽A more perfect stagecould not be asked for.再没有更完美的舞台了I don't see any instruments.我没看到乐器Your powers of observationcontinue to serve you well.你的观察力仍然十分敏锐But wait. It is to MadameJusticethat I dedicate this concerto...不过要等一下这一曲我是献给正义女神的......in honor of the holiday sheseemsto have taken from theseparts......这是为了纪念被她从这片土地上夺走的节日......and in recognition of theimposterthat stands in her stead....同时向代替她的冒牌货致以敬意Tell me, do you knowwhat day it is, Evey告诉我,伊芙你知道今天是几号吗- November the 4th- Not anymore.- 11月4日- 不再是了Remember, rememberThe 5th of November要记住,要记住11月5日The gunpowder treason and plot火药阴谋I know of no reasonWhy the gunpowder treason火药阴谋...Should ever be forgot...决没有理由被遗忘First, the overture.首先是序曲Yes.没错Yes, the strings.没错,是弦乐Listen carefully, can you hear it仔细听,你能听到吗Now the brass.现在是铜管I can hear it!我听到了!Look outside, Mommy!They're playing music!看外面,妈妈!他们在放音乐!- How do you do that- Wait.- 你怎么做到的- 等等Here comes the crescendo!高潮来到了!How beautiful, is it not真美啊,不是吗Gentlemen, you have had four hours. You had better have results. Mr.Creedy.先生们,四个小时已经过去了最好已经有些结果了,克里蒂先生The Bailey area is quarantined.贝里地区已被隔离(中央刑事法庭所在地)All significant witnesseshave been detained.主要目击者都被扣留Good. Mr. Etheridge很好,埃瑟雷奇先生A recording device was found wiredintothe central emergency-broadcastsystem.中央紧急广播系统里找到一个放音机The DCD was Tchaikovsky's1812 Overture.是柴科夫斯基的《1812序曲》Add it to the blacklist.I never want to hear that again.把它加入黑名单我以后再也不想听到那音乐Yes, sir.是,先生We also doubled our randomsweepsand are monitoring phonesurveillance...我们将随机监听活动加倍对电话的监听......indicating a high percentageofconversation concerned with theexplosion....显示很大一部分谈话内容都和爆炸有关Mr. Dascomb,what are we doing about that达斯克先生,我们有何对策We're calling it an emergencydemolition.我们将称其为一次紧急定向爆破We have spin coverage on thenetworkand throughout the InterLink.在电视和网络上都会有报道Several experts have been lined upto testifyagainst the Bailey's structuralintegrity.还组织了数名专家准备说明贝里街那些建筑本来已经摇摇欲坠I want Prothero to speak onthe dangers of these oldbuildings...我要普洛特洛讲讲这些老房子的危险性......and how we must avoidclingingto the edifice of a decadentpast....还有为什么我们不应该死抱着那些属于堕落的过去的建筑He should conclude that the New Baileywill become the symbol of our time...他应该总结说新巴里街将成为这个时代的标志......and the futurethat our conviction has rewarded us....同时它也标志着未来我们恪守信念的奖赏Mr. Heyer.黑尔先生Our surveillance cameras capturedseveral images of the terrorist...我们的监视相机拍到了几张恐怖分子的照片......though the mask obviously makesretinal identification impossible....但他戴了面具所以无法辨认身份We also managed to get a picture of the girlthat Creedy's men were detaining.我们还设法弄到了克里蒂手下试图拘留的女孩的照片- Who is she, Mr. Finch- Not sure yet, sir.- 芬奇先生,她是谁- 还不能确定,先生- But we're working on severalleads.- Anything elseWe located the fireworkslaunch...我们找到了发射烟火的地点......and found tracesof the explosives used at bothsites....两处均发现了同一种炸药的痕迹Unfortunately it appears thatdespite the heavy level ofsophistication...不幸的是尽管炸弹制作得很精细......these devices were homemadewith over-the-counterchemicals......可它们是手工制造的材料都是可以在商店买到的......making them very difficult totrace....很难追踪来源Whoever he is, chancellor,he's very good.不管他是谁,元首大人他非常出色Spare us your professionalannotations,Mr. Finch. They are irrelevant.省省你的专业分析吧,芬奇先生它们与此无关Apologies, chancellor.抱歉,元首大人Gentlemen, this is a test.先生们,这是一次考验Moments such as theseare matters of faith.像这样的时刻事关我们的信仰To fail is to invite doubtinto everything we believe...失败就会导致对我们的信念......everything we have foughtfor....对我们奋斗的目标的怀疑Doubt will plunge this countrybackinto chaos, and I will not letthat happen.怀疑会导致这个国家回到混乱中我不会允许它发生Gentlemen, I want this terroristfound...先生们,我要你们找到这个恐怖分子......and I want him to understandwhat terror really means....我要他明白“恐怖”究竟是什么意思England prevails.英格兰必胜England prevails.英格兰必胜- You think people will buy this- Why not- 你觉得人们会信吗- 为什么不信This is the BTN.我们可是BTNOur job is to report the news,not fabricate it.我们的工作是报告新闻不是伪造新闻That's the government's job.伪造是政府的事情On the lighter side of things...说点轻松的事情......seems that the crew responsible forthe demolition of the Old Bailey......(成功爆破:老巴里街)看来老巴里街的爆破人员们......wanted to give the old girl a grand,albeit improvised, sendoff....给了这位老女士一个虽然简陋但不失隆重的告别仪式Although the demolition had beenplanned for some time...尽管这次爆破已经计划了有些时候......the music and the fireworkswere,according to the crew chief......不过根据爆破队长的说法烟火和音乐......"definitely not on theschedule."- We'll be right back....“绝对不是计划的一部分”- 我们马上回来Do you believe that load ofbollocksI mean, there was no bloodydemolition.你相信那些胡说八道吗我是说,根本没有什么他妈爆破I saw it, the whole thing.我都看见了,整个过程- Did you see it- No. Last night I was...- 你看到了吗- 没有,昨晚我...Yeah, that's right. You wentto see Daddy Deitrich, didn'tyou哦,对了你去看迪特里克大叔了,对吧Evey, there you are.伊芙,你在这里啊- You are still working for me.- Sorry, Patricia.- 你还在为我工作,对吗- 对不起,帕特莎I need two espressos and threecoffees.我需要两杯特浓咖啡三杯普通咖啡And Deitrich is ready for histea.另外可以给迪特里克上茶了I don't get it.我不明白Why does he wear a Guy FawkesmaskDidrt Fawkes try to blow upParliament他戴着盖伊·福克斯的面具,可跑去炸法庭福克斯不是要炸掉议会大厦吗It's not too late.He's still got another 16 hours.还不算太晚他还有16小时Maybe he's just getting started.或许他只是刚开始Yeah喂Okay. A lead on the girl.好,关于那个女孩的一条线索Look, don't get me wrong, I love it.A cow getting crucified.别误会我,我喜欢这点子把牛钉在十字架上It's hysterical.But you'll never get it approved.令人捧腹不过肯定批准不了You've got to rewrite it, okay Gotta go.你再重写一遍,好吗我得挂了I don't recall getting stood up by a more attractive woman.我还从来没被这么美丽的女人放过鸽子呢- Mr. Deitrich...- Gordon, please.- 迪特里克先生...- 请叫我戈登I don't need "mister" to make this body feel any older.叫我先生让我觉得我更老了Gordon...戈登......I was on my way last night, but there were Fingermen......昨晚我本来已经上路了可是有秘密警察......and I got scared and wenthome....我有点害怕,于是就回家了Sadly, after last night,I think our curfew will only getworse.不幸的是,昨晚之后宵禁只会更严了Gotcha.抓到你了- Hey, Fred.- All that been x-rayed- 你好,福雷德- 都透视过了吗Nope. They're filled with bombs.没有,它们装满了炸弹Well, wait till commercialsto set them off, okay那等到放广告的时候再起爆,好吗- I can't believe you watch thatshit.- What- 我不敢相信你居然看那种垃圾- 什么Laser Lass is banging.激光拉斯风头正劲呢What's all that这些是什么Not sure. They just arrived.Marked for Stage 3.不知道,刚送到的上面写着三号舞台Must be Prothero.肯定是普洛特洛的I wish someone had the balls totellthat brat this station ain't hisplayground.我真希望有人有勇气告诉那个混蛋电视台不是他的游戏场What the hell is this这是什么东西!Just put them over thereuntil I can figure out whatthey're for.放到一边等我搞清楚它们是什么再说This looks serious.Her parents were politicalactivists.看来很严重她父母是政治激进分子- They were detained when she was12.- What happened to her- 她12岁时他们被捕- 她后来怎样Juvenile Reclamation Project...青年改造计划......for five years.- Shit....呆了五年- 妈的We're gonna need backup,but keep it minimal.我们需要增援但人要尽可能少You sure about that, sir你确定吗,长官I want a chance to talk to her before shedisappears into one of Creedy's black bags.我只是想跟她谈谈赶在她消失在克里蒂的黑袋子里之前Who's that谁Don't piss me about. You show me ID,or I'll get Storm Saxon on your ass.别跟我扯淡,给我看证件要不然我让暴风萨克森给你好看Fucking hell.操他妈的Come on, let's move!快点,行动!You two, cover these elevators.The rest of you follow me. 你们两个看着电梯其他人跟我来Attention. Attention.注意,注意Will all personnel pleaseevacuate the building.所有人员请撤离This is not a drill.这不是演习Will all personnel evacuate thebuilding.所有人员请撤离What the hell's going on出什么事了- It's jammed.- Break it down.- 门卡住了- 把门打破Dominic!Police! Out of the way!警察!让道!Get out the way!让开!Damn it!该死!I'll tell you what I know.I'll tell you what I know.我告诉你我知道什么我告诉你我知道什么I'll tell you what I know.England prevails.我告诉你我知道什么英格兰必胜- Clear the halls.- Sir.- 清理大厅- 是Help, Storm, help!救命,暴风,救命!Don't touch it.别碰那个东西Dad, what's wrong with the telly爸爸,电视是怎么了Good evening, London.晚上好,伦敦- Allow me first to apologize...- That's the emergency channel!- 请允许我致歉...- 是紧急频道!I do, like many of you,appreciatethe comforts of the everydayroutine...我跟你们很多人一样欣赏规律生活的舒适......the security of the familiar,the tranquility of repetition....熟悉面孔所带来的安全感以及日复一日的平静Bloody hell.该死I enjoy them as much as any bloke.But in the spirit of commemoration...我跟任何一个人都一样享受不过就节庆的角度来讲...Who's that, Mum他是谁,妈妈- Whereby important events of the past...- 这节庆是指用美好的假日...ually associated with someone's deathor the end of some awful, bloody struggle......来庆祝过去的重大事件......are celebrated with a nice holiday......通常和某人的死亡或者血腥残酷的争斗的结束有关......I thought we could markthis November the 5th......我想我们可以通过从生活中抽出一点时间......a day that is, sadly,no longer remembered......坐下来聊聊的方式纪念今年的11月5日......by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a littlechat...一个被可悲地遗忘了的日子There are, of course,those who do not want us tospeak.当然有些人不希望我们说话Let me think, let me think.让我想想,让我想想Even now, orders are beingshoutedinto telephones...就在此时此刻电话里吼叫着命令......and men with gunswill soon be on their way....全副武装的人很快就会上路- It's Chancellor Sutler.- Damn it!- 是苏特勒元首- 该死Why Because while the truncheonmay be used in lieu ofconversation...为什么因为尽管沉默代替了谈话......words will always retain theirpower....言语却总是能保持它的力量Words offer the means tomeaning...言语提供了表达见解的方式......and, for those who willlisten,the enunciation of truth....而且它可以告诉那些愿意倾听的人们真相And the truth is...而真相是......there is something terriblywrongwith this country, isn't there...这个国家有些事情不正常得可怕,对吗You designed it, wanted itfoolproof.You said every television inLondon!你设计的,你要它傻瓜化你说要装到伦敦每一台电视!Cruelty and injustice,intolerance and oppression.残暴、不公、歧视和镇压And where onceyou had the freedom to object...在这块土地上你们曾经有过反对的自由......to think and speak as you sawfit......有过思考和言论的自由......you now have censors andsurveillancecoercing your conformity......你们现在拥有的是胁迫你们就范的......and soliciting submission.- Cameras. We need cameras....审查制度和监视系统- 摄像机,我们需要摄像机How did this happen Who's to blame这是怎么发生的这要怪谁Certainly there are thosewho are more responsible than others.当然有些人要背负比其他人更大的责任And they will be held accountable.他们会为此付出代价的But again, truth be told,if you're looking for the guilty...不过话说回来你们如果要找罪人的话......you need only look into a mirror....照照镜子就行了I know why you did it.我知道你为什么这样做I know you were afraid.我知道你害怕Who wouldn't be War, terror,disease.谁不会呢战争、恐怖事件、疾病There were a myriad of problemswhich conspired...曾经有无数的问题企图要......to corrupt your reasonand rob you of your commonsense....摧毁你的理性剥夺你的常识Fear got the best of you.恐惧控制了你And in your panic, you turned tothe now High Chancellor AdamSutler.你在慌乱中投向了元首先生亚当·苏特勒He promised you order,he promised you peace...他许诺给你们秩序他许诺给你们和平......and all he demanded in returnwas your silent, obedientconsent....所要的回报是你的服从和沉默- Inspector, they're almostthrough.- Last night, I sought to end thatsilence.- 长官,我们快打穿了- 昨晚我决定结束这种沉默Last night,I destroyed the Old Bailey...昨晚我摧毁了老巴里街......to remind this countryof what it has forgotten....以提醒这个国家它所忘记的事情More than 400 years ago, a greatcitizenwished to imbed the 5th ofNovember...四百多年以前一位伟大的公民打算将11月5日......forever in our memory....永远刻入我们的记忆中His hope was to remind the worldthat fairness, justice andfreedom...他希望以此提醒世界公平、正义和自由......are more than words....不只是口头说说They are perspectives.它们是对未来的展望So if you've seen nothing...所以如果你什么也没看见......if the crimes of thisgovernmentremain unknown to you......仍然对这个政府犯下的罪行一无所知......then I would suggest that you allowthe 5th of November to pass unmarked....我建议你让这个11月5日平淡地过去But if you see what I see...可是如果你见到我之所见......if you feel as I feel,and if you would seek as I seek......如果你感到我之所感而你愿意寻我之所寻......then I ask you to stand beside me,one year from tonight......我请你在一年以后的今晚......outside the gates of Parliament....和我并肩站到议会大厦的外面And together, we shall give thema 5th of November...我们将一起给他们留下一个......that shall never, ever be forgot....永远永远不会被忘怀的11月5日Kerosene fog.He's using our smoke machines. 煤油雾,他用了我们的造烟机Cover the exits.控制出口No one gets out.The rest of you, follow me.不要放人出去其他人跟我来Left.左边You go right.你们去右边Spread out.散开Don't shoot! Please don't shoot!不要开枪!请不要开枪!Hold your fire!不要开枪!He put masks on all of us.他给我们所有人都戴了面具Jesus.天哪- Don't shoot!- Wait!- 别开枪- 等等!- Wait!- Hold your fire!- 等等!- 不要开枪Freeze! Nobody move!都不许动!If you're wearing a mask,get down on your knees!戴面具的全跪下,快点!- Get their masks off.- Please hurry!- 把他们的面具拿掉- 请快一些There's a bomb in the controlbooth.控制间里有个定时炸弹Oh, no.噢,不- Jones, get anyone not wearing amask out.- Yes, sir.- 琼斯,把没戴面具的人都带走- 是,长官- Marshal, help carry this man.- Sir.- 马歇尔,帮手把这个人抬走- 是Everyone else, let's go.其他人,我们走Good God.天哪Hurry up, you lot! Come on!Everybody out!快点,所有人出去,快点!Dascomb.达斯克Have you any idea how longit would take to rebuild this facility你知道重建这些设施要花多久吗Do you have any idea what you're doing你知不知道你在做什么Wait, wait!等等,等等!Don't shoot me, please! It's him! It's him!别开枪!是他!是他!On your knees! On your knees!跪下!跪下!Please! Please don't hurt me!别,别伤害我!Here we go.好了I did it.我成功了I did it.我成功了Freeze!不许动!Get your hands on your head.Do it now or I shoot.把手放到头上!快点,不然我开枪了!I must say that I am ratherastonishedby the response time of Londorsfinest.应该说我对伦敦警察精英的反应速度相当吃惊I hadrt expected you to bequite so Johnny-on-the-spot.我没料到你们这么快就到犯罪现场We were here before you evenstarted.Bad luck, chummy.你还没开场我们就到这了你运气不好,傻瓜I don't know about that.这我可不知道We're interrupting your regularlyscheduledprogram to bring you thisterrifying report...(特别报道:约旦塔危机)我们中断正常节目向您报道这一恐怖的新闻......of a terrorist takeover ofJordan Towerwhich ended only moments ago....一名恐怖分子接管了约旦塔(电视台所在地)事件刚刚结束A psychotic terrorist,identified only as the letterV...一名精神失常的恐怖分子名字只有一个V......attacked the control boothwithhigh-powered explosives andweapons......以高能炸药和武器向控制间发动攻击......that he used against unarmedciviliansin order to broadcast a message ofhate....他袭击了手无寸铁的平民以便播放其挑拨仇恨的录像We've just received this footageof a daring police raid.我们刚刚收到了警察英勇突击行动的录像Stop! Stop, stay where you are,or we'll shoot! Stay where youare!- 呆着别动,不然就开枪!呆着别动!(爆炸性新闻:恐怖分子在约旦塔被击毙)Now, this is only an initialreport...这只是初步的报道......but at this time, it'sbelievedthat during this heroic raid......但据信在这次英勇的行动中......the terrorist was shot and killed....恐怖分子已经被击毙Bollocks.鬼话连篇Again, from what we've been toldby authorities, the danger is now over.再说一次,根据官方的消息危险现已解除The terrorist is dead.恐怖分子已经死亡Right there. What's he thinking就在那里,他在想什么Is he considering leaving her他在考虑是不是把她丢下After she just saved him在她刚救了他一命的情况下He's a terrorist. You can't expect himto act like you or me.他是个恐怖分子你不能指望他跟你我一样Some part of him's human.他还有点人味And, for better or worse,she's stuck with him.不管怎样,她现在是和他绑在一根绳上了- You scared me. - My apologies.- 你吓死我了- 我很抱歉- Are you feeling all right- Yes, thank you.- 你觉得如何- 很好,谢谢- What is this place- It's my home.- 这是什么地方- 是我的家- I call it the Shadow Gallery.- It's beautiful.- 我管这里叫暗影长廊- 这里很美丽- Where did you get all thisstuff- Oh, here and there.- 你从哪里弄来这些东西- 哦,哪里都有Much of it from the vaults ofthe Ministry of ObjectionableMaterials.大部分是违禁物品部的仓库里- You stole them- Heavens, no.- 你偷来的-天哪,当然不是Stealing implies ownership.偷意味着是从主人那里拿You can't steal from the censor.I merely reclaimed them.拿查禁的东西不能算偷我只是收回它们God, if they ever find thisplace...天,如果政府发现这里...I suspect if they do, a few bitsof artwill be the least of my worries.我很怀疑他们能,如果真找来了一点艺术品也算不得什么You mean, after what you'vedone.你是说因为你做下的事情God, what have I done上帝啊!我干了什么!I Maced that detective.Why did I do that我喷了那个警察我为什么要那么做- You did what you thought wasright.- No, I shouldn't have donethat.- 你做了你觉得正确的事情- 不,我不应该那样做的I must have been out of my mind.我当时肯定发神经Is that what you really think,or what they'd want you to think。

世界末日 end of the world

世界末日 end of the world

世界末日end of the world2012年12月21日是传说中玛雅人预言的世界末日。


中国不少城市的人们被所谓的“全能神教”蛊惑,有人自己动手打造诺亚方舟(Noah's Ark),还有人在到处兜售逃离末日的“船票”。

末日谣言doomsday rumor[ 2012-12-19 09:09] 来源:中国日报网字号[大] [中] [小]随着2012年12月21日的临近,利用“末日”进行敛财的骗人手段也不断出现。


请看相关报道:The people, all belonging to the "Almighty God" cult, spread doomsday rumors door-to-door or at public venues and claimed that only the cult could save people's lives, according to police.据警方通报,被拘留的这些人都是“全能神”邪教人员,他们到居民家门口或者在公共场所散布末日谣言,并声称只有他们这个教才能拯救他们的生命。

Doomsday rumor就是“末日谣言”。

英语中有不少表达“世界末日”的词汇,比如:doomsday在宗教意义上指“最后审判日”,也称为Judgment Day;比较通俗的说法为end of the world;另外还有apocalypse,强调的是世界末日时的“毁灭”意味。

由世界末日传言引发的各类骗局可称为doomsday scam(末日骗局),前段时间某地发生的抢购蜡烛事件则属于panic buying(恐慌购买)。

所有这些行为都属于undermining social order(扰乱社会秩序)的行为,均已被警方制止。




The film, 2012, have show many natural disasters as the Maya prediction. 如果明天是世界末日你会做什么?可能有一个家庭聚会,告诉你爱的人“我爱你”,或独自行走。

如果玛雅预言2012是世界末日真的,什么时候回答上面的问题,人类的答案是什么?What will you do if tomorrow is doomsday? Having a family reunion, telling the people you love "I love you" or walking alone may be the answers. If the Maya prediction about 2012 will be the end of the world comes true at that time, when answered the upper question, what is the answer of the mankind?我看过电影《2012》,恐惧,紧张,害怕它。

I have seen the film called "2012", fear, tension, be afriad of it.《2012》让我重新思考我的人生。

"2012" let me to rethink my life.如果2012是真的世界末日,那么我们该干些什么呢?不去工作了?不学习了?整天躺在床上悲伤,等死吗?当然,不。

If 2012 is really the end of the world, what shall we do? Don’t to work? Don’t to stady? Everyday feel sad and sleeping in the bed day or night, waiting for death?Of course, not.首先,我将带着相机去记录我所做的在24小时。



难以忘怀电影对白-2:西雅图不眠夜场景相信大家对于电影是不少看的,那么关于电影里面的一些经典台词或者是一些经典语句不知道大家会不会收藏起来呢?因为这也是学习英语的一种方法哟,以下是小编给大家整理的难以忘怀电影对白-2:西雅图不眠夜场景,希望可以帮到大家Selected scene2场景2:Dr. Marsha: Seattle, go ahead.玛莎:这是一个来自西雅图的电话,请讲。

Jonah: Hello, this is Jonah ( dee.. )乔纳:您好,我叫乔纳。

Dr. Marsha: No last names, Jonah. You sound younger than our usual callers. How old are you?玛莎:乔纳,能告诉我您的全名吗?听你的声音比平常打来的听众要小,你多大了?Jonah: I'm eight乔纳:八岁。

Dr. Marsha: Eight! How come you're up so late?玛莎:八岁!你怎么这么晚还不睡呢?Jonah: It's not that late in Seattle.乔纳:在西雅图还不算晚。

Dr. Marsha: Oh, of course. You're absolutely right well, what's your Christmas wish, Jonah?玛莎:哦,那当然,你说的没错。

乔纳,你的圣诞愿望是什么?Jonah: It's not for me, it's for my dad. I think be needs a new wife.乔纳:不是为我,是为了我爸爸,我想他需要一位新妻子。

Dr. Marsha: You don't like the one he has now?玛莎:你不喜欢他现在的这位吗?Jonah: He doesn't have one now. That's the problem.乔纳:问题是他现在没有妻子了。



2012世界末日双语版本这篇关于2012世界末日双语版,是笔者特地为大家整理的.◎译名2012/2012世界末日/2012末日预言◎片名2012◎年代2009◎国家美国/加拿大◎类别动作/冒险/剧情/科幻/惊悚◎语言英语/普通话◎字幕中文字幕◎大小 3.71GB◎片长02:37:49◎导演罗兰·艾默里奇 Roland Emmerich◎主演约翰·库萨克 John Cusack....Jackson Curtis阿曼达·皮特 Amanda Peet....Kate Curtis切瓦特·埃加福特 Chiwetel Ejiofor....Adrian Helmsley桑迪·牛顿 Thandie ura Wilson奥利弗·普莱特 Oliver Platt....Carl Anheuser托马斯·麦卡锡 Thomas McCarthy....Gordon Silberman (as Tom McCarthy)伍迪·哈里森 WoodyHarrelson....Charlie Frost丹尼·格洛弗 Danny G喜欢r....President Thomas Wilson连姆·詹姆斯 Liam James....Noah Curtis摩根·莉莉 Morgan Lily....Lilly CurtisZlatko Buric ....Yuri Karpov毕崔斯·罗森 Beatrice Rosen....TamaraAlexandre Haussmann ....AlecPhilippe Haussmann ....OlegJohann Urb ....Sasha约翰·比灵斯列 JohnBillingsley....Professor West黄经汉 Chin Han....TenzinOsric Chau ....Nima张铮 Chang Tseng....Grandfather Sonam卢燕 Lisa Lu....Grandmother SonamBlu Mankuma ....Harry Helmsley乔治·席格 George Segal....Tony Delgatto史蒂芬·麦克哈蒂 Stephen McHattie....Captain Michaels帕特里克·波查 Patrick Bauchau....Roland Picard吉米·米斯特雷 Jimi Mistry....Dr. Satnam TsurutaniRyan McDonald ....ScottyMerrilyn Gann ....German Chancellor亨利·欧 Henry ma Rinpoche迈克尔·巴佛 Michael Buffer....Boxing Announcer◎简介故事发生在2012年12月,一家人正在度假。





























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世界末日 80 心舍
世界末日 80 心舍
我们认识吗? -Adrian: Sorry sir, my name is Dr Adrian Helmsley. I'm a deputy geologist at the office of science and technology policy. deputy: 代理人,代表 geologist: 地质学家,地质学者 science: 科学 technology: 技术 打扰你了先生,我是 Adrian Helmsley 博士,是科技部地质方面的副研究员。 -Mr Anheuser: Excuse me, fellows. 失陪一下,各位。 You know that this is a fund-raiser, not a frat party, right? fund-raiser: 募捐者 frat: 兄弟会 你应该知道这是个资金筹集酒会,不是什么兄弟会。 -Adrian: It's extremely important, sir. extremely: 极度地,非常地 important: 重要的 是非常重要的事。 -Mr Anheuser: You know what, It always is. Here is what I want you to do. Make an appointment or even better, appointment: 约定,约,约会 总是这样,你看看这样行不行,你约个时间, Have your boss bring it up at the Quarterly science briefing, okay? There's a good plan. briefing: 简报,情况的简要介绍,简要汇报 或者让你的上司在本季度科学报告会上再和我说,这主意不错! -Adrian: I just traveled 20 straight hours to get here, sir. I haven't slept in two days. You need to read this, sir. You need to read it now! straight: 直的,连续的 我连着坐了 20 个小时的飞机过来,先生,我有两天没睡了,你必须得看看这个,现在就看。 -Mr. Anheuser: Let me guess. National geology crisis? Excuse me. national: 国家的 crisis: 危机 我看看,是国家地理危机,失陪一下。 -Mr Anheuser: Who do you report to? report: 报告,报道 你的上司是谁? -Adrian: Lico Vasos Lico Vasos 。 -Mr Anheuser: Not anymore. Al, bring the car around. You may wish you took a shower. around: [口语]在附近,在近处 shower: 淋浴 以后不是了,Al,备车,你最好洗个澡。 -Adrian: Sir? 什么? -Mr Anheuser: You're about to meet the president. president: 总统 我等会儿带你去见总统。 -Secretary: What's going on? 怎么了? -Adrian: Get that to the office. 把这些拿到我办公室去。
世界末日 80 心舍
Байду номын сангаас世界末日 80 心舍
-Dr Lokesh: That feels very good! 这感觉真好。 -Satnam: Please, follow me. You won't believe this. This water tank goes down another 6000 feet. It looks like the neutrinos coming from the sun. tank: 水槽;池塘 请跟我来,简直难以置信,这个水罐还要再深 1800 米,貌似这些来自太阳的中微子。 Have mutated into a new kind of nuclear particle. They're heating up the earth's core. And suddenly act like microwaves. mutate: 改变,使突变 nuclear: 原子能的 particle: 粒子;微粒 heating up: 加热 core:核心 suddenly: 突然地 microwaves: 微波 突变成为了一种新的核粒子,它们正在给地核加温,突然变得像微波的原理一样。 -Mr Anheuser: Ladies and gentlemen. As promised, no speech! Just a "thank you". Tonight, with your extraordinary generosity, speech: 演说 extraordinary: 不平常的,不普通的 generosity: 慷慨 女士们,先生们!我说了的,没有演说,就是一句,谢谢你们!今晚多亏了各位的慷慨解囊。 We have raised 1.7 million dollars. raise: 筹集 我们筹到了 170 万美金。 -Adrian: It's okay. I work for the White House. 别拦我,我是白宫的工作人员。 -Guard: I don't care who you are, sir, this is a black tie event. black tie: 黑色领结;男子之半正式礼服 event: 活动;社交场合 不管你是谁,只有穿礼服才可以进入。 -Adrian: Scotty! Scotty。 -Scotty: Hey, Adrian, I thought you were in India. What's going on? Adrian,你不是在印度吗,怎么了? -Adrian: I need your jacket. jacket: 夹克,短上衣 把你的西装给我。 -Scotty: What? 什么? -Adrian: I gotta speak to Anheuser. 我得和 Anheuser 谈谈。 -Scotty: I don't wanna give. 我不想。 -Adrian: Give me your damn jacket! Please. damn: [俚语]该死的 快把衣服给我得了。 -Scotty: Okay. Here, here. Take it, please. Easy! That's a 600 dollar jacket. 好吧!给你,拿着,小心点!那衣服值 600 美元呢。 -Adrian: Mr Anheuser? Mr Anheuser? I need to talk to you. Anheuser 先生,Anheuser 先生!我得和你谈谈。 -Mr Anheuser: Do I know you?
世界末日 80 心舍
电影英语对白 《2012 世界末日》
-Adrian: Hey, hey, watch out, watch out. watch out:小心,堤防 嗨,嗨,小心点!小心点! -Satnam: Welcome my friend! 欢迎你,我的朋友。 -Adrian: Nice to see you! Glad you made it. This can't be Ajit. He's a little man already. Unbelievable. unbelievable: 难以置信的;不可信的 见到你真好,真高兴你来了。这是 Ajit 吗?像个小大人,真难以置信。 -Aparna: I hope you're hungry, Adrian. hungry: 饥饿的 Adrian,你一定饿了吧。 -Adrian: I'm famished. How are you, Aparna? famished: 极饥饿的 我要饿死了,你还好吗?Aparna。 -Aparna: I made that fish curry you love. curry: 咖哩粉,咖喱,咖哩饭菜 我做了你最爱吃的咖喱鱼。 -Adrian: I can't wait. She gets more beautiful every time I see her, why is that? wait: 等待 beautiful: 漂亮的,美丽的 真等不及了。我每次见她都变得更漂亮了,为什么呢? -Satnam: Strange, isn't it? But her fish curry is still awful. strange: 奇怪的 awful: 令人敬畏的,可怕的,<口语> 极坏的,糟透的 是很奇怪啊?但她做的咖喱鱼还是很难吃。 -Adrian: You were mysterious on the phone. Why didn't you attend the conference? mysterious: 神秘的;不可思议的 attend: 出席,参加 conference: 会议;协商 你在电话里神神秘秘的,你怎么没有出席会议? -Satnam: I will show you, Adrian, sir. show: 展示,展现 马上你就会知道了,Adrian 先生。 -Adrian: Satnam. Stop sir-ing me. How deep do we need to go? Satnam,别再用尊称了。我们要下到多深? -Satnam: 11000 feet. Searched all over India for this dig. Used to be the deepest copper mine in the world. copper mine: 铜矿 copper: 铜,铜币 mine: 矿山,矿井 11000 英尺处。我为此找遍了全印度,这里曾经是世界最深的铜矿。 Remember my brother Gurdeep? He's a student now. remember: 记得,记住 还记得我的弟弟 Gurdeep 吗?他现在是一名学生了。 -Gurdeep: Namaste, Dr Helmsley, sir.