
14th –15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China4 WRD(E) 5X NG 10, 16, 25, 32, 35Q max 3000 l/min 4/3RV NG 10, 16, 25, 32Q max 3500 l/min4 WRLE(H) NG 6/10Q max 180 l/min 4 WRA(E) 2X NG 6 / 10Q max 75 l/min 4 WRE(E) 2X NG6 / 10Q max 180 l/min 4 WRZ(E) 7X NG 10, 16, 25, 32, 52Q max 2800 l/min 4 WRK(E) 2X NG 10, 16, 25, 32, 35Q max 3000 l/min Proportional ValvesHigh Response Control Valves 4 WS(E)2EM 5X NG 10Q N 90 l/min (bei Δpv 70 bar)4 WSE3EE NG 16, 25, 32Q N 850 l/min (bei Δpv 70 bar)4 WS(E)2EM 2X NG 6Q N 20 l/min (bei Δpv 70 bar)Servo Valves 4 WRPE NG 10, 16, 25,32Q max 3500 l/min 4/3HRV1 NG 6Q max 24 l/min 4/3WV1 NG 6 /10Q max 120 l/min 4/3WV1 OBE NG 6/ 10Q max 120 l/min 4/3WV1 OBE NG 6 / 10Q max 100l/min HIHIHIHI HIHI HI HI14th–15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China14th–15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China14th –15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China开环比例液压系统)传统的结构形式: 4WRA4精度较低, 响应较慢4滞环:≤5% ;灵敏度: ≤0.5% ;反向域: ≤ 1 %4相频特性(-900, 50%输入信号):10 ~ 25Hz14th –15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China4WRE …注意:不同系列的比例伺服阀的放大器(尤其外置放大器),其电气参数不同!即外置放大器一般不可更换!不同系列的比例伺服阀的安装尺寸有的相同,有的不同,需进行一下核对!14th–15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China14th –15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China开环比例液压系统先导式比例方向阀:4WRZ电比例控制多路阀的仿制品 精度较低, 响应较慢滞环:≤6% ;Proportional Directional Valve 4WRZE-7XFeatures 4WRZE-7X...Piloted Proportional Valve with and without O n B oard E lectronicsPilot pressure controlled by a pressure control valve D3High reliability and simple operationAt loss of electrical power or cable brake, main spool is positioned in stroke center positionmax. allowable contamination level of the fluid is class 9 to NAS 1638, or 18/15 to ISO 440614th–15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China14th–15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China14th–15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China14th –15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China开环比例液压系统DBETE…–精度一般, 响应较慢–Q max =2 l/min.–滞环:≤±1.5 %–重复精度: ≤±2 %–线性度:最高压力的±3.5 %–开关时间:30~150ms14th –15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China直控式,带反馈;DBETRE …(PV1-DBV …)DBETRE…–精度较高, 响应很快–Q max =1 l/min.–滞环:≤0.2 %–温漂: ≤1 % ,当ΔT=400C–开关时间:10ms (10%)~30ms(100%)14th –15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China先导式,不带反馈;(Z)DBE(E) (6)(Z )DBE (E )…–精度一般, 响应较快–Q max =30 l/min.–滞环:≤ 1.5 %–重复精度:≤ 2 %–线性度:±3.5 %–开关时间:50ms(10%)~80ms (90%)14th –15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China先导式,不带反馈;DB …6?(PV2-DBV …)DB…–精度一般, 响应较慢–Q max =40 l/min.–滞环:≤ 4 %–制造公差: ≤10 %–开关时间:200ms (100%+)~250ms (100%—)HI 14th–15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China14th –15th January 2004, Bosch Rexroth in China先导式,不带反馈;DBEM(E)…16;25DBEM(E)…–精度一般, 响应较慢–Q max =600 l/min.–滞环:≤±1.5 %–线性度:≤±3.5 %–重复精度:≤±2 %–制造公差: ≤±2.5 %–开关时间:150ms (100%+)~150ms (100%—)先导式,带反馈;DB (10)DB…DBV –精度较高, 响应较快–Q max=。


德国力士乐比例换向阀工作原理2011-1-14 来源:上海颖哲工业自动化设备有限公司第五营业部>>进入该公司展台德国力士乐比例换向阀工作原理,REXROTH比例换向阀作用,力士乐换向阀应用德国REXROTH比例换向阀是一种中高压整体式两路换向阀。

德国REXROTH力士乐比例减压阀特征用于控制压力和流向的直动式比例阀通过带有中心螺纹和可拆卸线圈的比例电磁铁进行操纵用于底板安装:孔图按ISo4401手动应急操作,可选弹簧定中的控制滑板带集成电子元件(OBE)的型号3DREPE带外部电子元件的型号3DREP型号DRSandZDRS比例减压阀,先导式,有直流马达操作规格6安装面按ISO4401用于降低系统压的阀,有溢流功能直流马达操作力士乐减压阀/力士乐比例减压阀底板安装作为叠加阀型号3DRE(M)和3DRE(M)E比例减压阀,先导式规格10和16安装面按DIN24340A型和ISO4401用于降低系统压力的阀比例电磁铁操作底板安装用于3DREEand3DREME的集成电控器(OBE)型号DRE比例减压阀,先导式规格6和10规格6:安装面按ISO4401规格10:安装面按ISO5781-AG-06-2-A用于降低系统压力的阀比例电磁铁操作通过电磁铁电枢位置进行调节DREBE型的集成电控器(OBE)型号DRE(M)和DRE(M)E比例减压阀,先导式规格10至32安装面按DIN24340D型用于降低系统压力的阀比例电磁铁操作底板安装线性压力/指令值特性曲线用于DREM和DREME型的ZUi大减压功能可选单向阀,在A和B油口之间集成电控器(OBE),用于DREE和DREME 型号(Z)DREandZDREE10比例减压阀,先导式规格6和10安装面按DIN24340A型和ISO4401力士乐比例减压阀中文说明书。

FTWE 2 K...; 参见 RC 58008 FTDRE 2 K...; 参见RC 58032
} 不带插头1)
RA - 0/ 10; 1联,参见RC 95230 RA 2-1/ 10; 4到6联,参见RC 95230 控制器RC,请参见RC 95200
1)插头不在供货范围内,必须分开订购。 注意!
换向阀联数量1到20 1) 通径 12 系列 20 到 29 (安装和油口尺寸不变) 闭芯,侧边 开芯,侧边 闭芯,中间 闭芯,中间用于M4 — 12/15 不带一次溢流阀 (不适用于P型) 带一次溢流阀 (指定压力压力单位bar,3位数) 不带一次溢流阀 (不能加装,仅限JZ) 控制油源 带内部先导控制油源 外部先导控制油源
泵油口 执行器油口 油箱油口 控制油源油口 控制油泄油口 负荷传感(LS)油口 外部LS油口
RC 64 276/06.06 | M4-12
行走机械液压 | 博世力士乐 /48
进油联:闭芯式J 开芯式P
闭芯式中间进油联JZ 机械操作换向阀联
DT04- 2P(德国)
端盖 A
标准 H W2 W4
两侧) 口,也有测量口 7)
节流孔 + 单向 阀,用于液压
越权 7)
模拟接口 AAQ
CANopen 协议 CAN- BR协议, 带位置传感器
力士乐比例溢流阀的性能要求 溢流阀如何操作



二、rexroth比例阀的技术参数1. 额定流量rexroth比例阀的额定流量是指在额定工作条件下,阀芯的最大流量。
2. 控制精度控制精度是指rexroth比例阀在工作过程中实际输出流量与设定值之间的偏差范围。
3. 压力损失rexroth比例阀在工作时会产生一定的压力损失,这会影响整个液压系统的性能。
4. 工作温度范围rexroth比例阀能够在一定的温度范围内正常工作,超出规定的温度范围会影响阀门的性能和寿命。
5. 控制信号rexroth比例阀通常需要外部控制信号来调节流量,常见的控制信号有电压、电流和压力信号等。
6. 阻尼特性rexroth比例阀在流量调节过程中的阻尼特性对于阀门的稳定性和工作效率具有重要影响。
7. 使用寿命rexroth比例阀的使用寿命是指在规定的工作条件下,阀门能够正常工作的时间。
8. 安全防护rexroth比例阀在工作时需要具备一定的安全防护措施,以防止意外事故的发生。

二位四通和三位四通比例方向直控阀,阀芯带位移反馈型号4WRE 和4WREE通经6 和102X 系列最高工作压力315 bar最大流量80 L/min (NS6)最大流量180 L/min (NS6)特点:—直控式比例换向阀可以控制液流的方向和大小—阀的控制通过带中心螺纹的比例电磁铁实现,线圈可单独拆卸—带电反馈—板式连接结构孔型符合:DIN 24 340 , A型,ISO 4401 和CETOP-RP 121 H —控制阀芯由弹簧对中—4WREE型带内置放大器,接口形式为A1或F1—4WRE型使用的放大器:* 数字式放大器VT-VRPD-2-1X/V0/0* 模拟式放大器VT-VRPA2-,-1X工作原理:二位四通和三位四通比例方向阀为直控,板式结构;由比例电磁铁操作,比例电磁铁带中心螺纹,线圈可单独拆卸,电磁铁的控制可通过外部放大器(WRE型)或内置的放大器(WREE型)举例型号:4WREE10E75-2X/G24K31/A1V4WRE →直控式比例换向阀,板式结构E →带内置放大器(无E可通过连接外部放大器)10 →10通经(也有6通经等)E →机能符号(也有E1-、V、W、W1-、EA、WA等)75 →阀的压差为10bar时的额定流量(NS10) 75 L/min(也有(NS6)08、16、32,(NS10)25、50、75等)2X →20至29系列(20至29:安装和连接尺寸不变)G24 →24V直流电源K31 →带符合E DIN 43 563-AM6-3的插座,不带插头插头需单独订货(K4指带符合DIN 43 650-AM2的插座不带插头)A1 →WREE型A1或F1接口:给定值输入±10 V(F1=给定值输入4至20mA) V →氟橡胶矩形密封圈符合DIN 51 524 标准的液压油(HL,HLP)德国博世Bosch-Rexroch 力士乐二位四通和三位四通比例方向阀S专业代理经销德国BOSCH REXROTH(博世-力士乐)液压元件:柱塞泵A10VSO、电磁阀4WE、溢流阀DBW、节流阀Z2S、叶片泵PV7、压力继电器HED、博世放大器比例阀0811、齿轮泵0510等系列大量现货特价供应。

以结构形式划分电液比例阀主要有两类:-类是螺旋插装式比例阀(screwin cartridge proportional valve),另-类是滑阀式比例阀(spool proportional valve)。
力士乐比例阀常用的型号有:4WREE6V1-08-2X/G24K31/A1V4WREE 6 W16-2X/G24K31/F1V4WRPEH 6 C5 B24L -2X/G24K0/F1M4WRKE 10 E50L-3X/6EG24EK31/F1D3M4WRKE 10 E100L-3X/6EG24EK31/F1D3M4WRKE 10 W6-5OL -3X/6EG24EK31/F1D3M4WRKE 10 W8-50L-3X/6EG24EK31/F 1D3M4WRKE 10 W8-100L -3X/6EG24EK31/F1D3M4WRKE 16 W8-200L-3X/6EG24EK31/F1D3M4WRKE 16 W8-200L-33/6EG24ETK31/F1D3M德国力士乐REXROTH比例阀的螺纹将电磁比例插装件固定油路集成块上元件,螺旋插装阀具有应用灵活、节省管路和成本低廉等特点,近年来工程机械上应用越来越广泛。
常用螺旋插装式比例阀有二=通、三通、四通和多通等形式,二通式比例阀主比例节流阀,它常它元件一起构成复合阀 ,对流量、压力进行控制;三通式比例阀主比例减压阀,也是移动式机械液压系统中应用较多比例阀,它主对液动操作多路阀先导油路进行操作。

!" #$%&'()*+,./0,12 !" #$%& '8 !"#$ !"#$%&'()*Y !"#$%#& '( )%#* +Y
!" #$ %&' (9 !"#$%!&' !"#$% &10 !"#
RC 24 751/03.97
!"#$%&'()*+,-. /01 4WEH...H ! " #2 !"#$%&'()*+,!"# 12 !"#$%&'()*+,!"#$%&'()* ! +2 !"# !"#$%&'(#)%& *+Y
4WE 6 Y... !"# !"#$%& Y HY 4WE 6 J... !" #b !"#$%&EB FB 4WE 6 M... !" #b !"#$%& HEB HFB
!"# !
3.1 3.2 4
4WE 6 J... !"# !"#$%&'( 4WE 6 M... !"# !"#$%&'( !a ( !) !b ( !) !"# $N !" !"#$%&'()*50 bar !"#$%&'()*+ !"#$%&'( ! "4WH... !"#$% !"# $A/F6 !" !"#$

多路换向阀ED 阀2ED 多路阀 | | ED 多路阀 3博世力士乐推出“多路换向阀 — ED 多路阀手册”:根据具体应用,使用该手册可以简化多路阀元件选型。
ED 多路阀可以替代传统的“六通换向阀”,同时 ED 多路阀元件可以“无限度”地进行组合,以满足用户的各种要求并提高设备的性能。
ED 多路阀手册的编写正是建立在这种 “ 片式 ED 多路阀”的理念基础之上。
ED 多路阀手册帮助用户完成多路阀元件的选型配置,构建控制执行机构(马达或油缸)的开关和比例电磁多路换向阀。
如果系统或应用对单联流量要求超过 80L/min,可以采用 ED 多路阀与 M4-12 / M4-15 阀组合使用的方案,构成“组合控制方案”。
应用:f 1. 随车起重机 f 2. 全路面起重机 f 3. 爬梯高空作业车 f 4. 车载高空作业车 f 5. 高空作业车 f 6. 叉车 f 7. 喷药车 f 8. 联合收割机 f 9. 伸缩臂叉车 f 10. 挖掘装载机 f 11. 挖掘机 f 12. 钻机 f 13. 垃圾车 f14. 扫地车简介应用及产品图片EDC 多路阀组合控制方案M4 + EDC + EDB 多路阀组合控制方案M4 + EDC + ED 多路阀EDD 多路阀图 1图 2从图 1 和图 2 中,我们可以看出 ED 多路阀与传统六通换向阀的区别。
对于传统控制阀(图 1),油泵通过阀的中位泄荷,而 ED 多路阀只有 4 个油口,因此需要专门的泄荷方法。
最常用的泄荷方法是采用如图 2 所示的 2 位 2 通电磁阀,或者使用逻辑元件。

REXROTH力士乐方向阀特点:1、先导式2级比例方向控制阀,无集成电子元件(OBE)2、控制体积流量的方向和大小3、通过带中心螺纹和可拆卸线圈的比例电磁阀驱动4、用于板结构:根据ISO 4401的连接位置5、辅助驱动装置,可选6、以弹簧为中心的阀芯REXROTH力士乐方向阀分类:1、机动方向阀,机动方向阀又称行程阀。
力士乐伺服比例阀RE 29028 (规格 6, 型号 4WRPH)

NG6 02 = 2 l/min 04 = 4 l/min 12 = 12 l/min 15 1) = 15 l/min 24 = 24 l/min 25 1) = 25 l/min 40 3) = 40 l/min
当阀压力差为 70 bar 时的额定体积流量 (35 bar/控制槽)
型号 4WRPH 6 C3/C5 4WRPH 6 C3B02L –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C3B04L –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C3B12L –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C3B24L –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C3B40L –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C5B40L –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C3B15P –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C3B25P –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C3B40P –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C5B40P –2X/G24Z4 / M 0 811 404 041 0 811 404 033 0 811 404 034 0 811 404 035 0 811 404 036 0 811 404 510 0 811 404 047 0 811 404 043 0 811 404 044 0 811 404 511 材料代码 型号 4WRPH 6 C1/C4 4WRPH 6 C4B02L –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C4B02L –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C4B12L –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C4B24L –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C4B40L –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C1B40L –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C4B15P –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C4B25P –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C4B40P –2X/G24Z4 / M 4WRPH 6 C1B40P –2X/G24Z4 / M 0 811 404 512 0 811 404 160 0 811 404 037 0 811 404 038 0 811 404 039 0 811 404 513 0 811 404 048 0 811 404 045 0 811 404 046 0 811 404 162 材料代码

随着液压传动和液压伺服系统的发展,生产实践中出现- -些即要求能够连续的控制压力、流量和方向,又不需要其控制精度很高的液压系统。
由于普通的液压元件不能满足具有一定的伺服性要求,而使用电液伺服阀又由于控制精度要求不高而过于浪费,因此近几年产生了介于普通液压元件(开关控制)和伺服阀(连续控制) 之间的比例控制阀。
REXROTH力士乐比例方向阀图片:REXROTH力士乐比例方向阀参数分析REXROTH力士乐比例方向阀Qn= 350 l/min; 压缩空气接口出口: G 1/8; 电子连接: 插头, EN 175301-803, 形式 C; 信号连接: 输入端和输出端, 插头, EN 175301-803, 形式 C; 伺服阀(导阀)安装方式提动阀移向…处控制相似的zui小/zui大环境温度+5°C / +50°Czui小/zui大介质温度+5°C / +50°C介质压缩空气颗粒大小 max. 50 ?m压缩空气中的含油量 0 mg/m? - 0,1 mg/m?Qn 350 l/min安装位置垂直滞环 0,1 bar工作运行电压 24 V电压偏差DC -10% / +10%允许的脉动 5%功率消耗 max. 0,2 A保护等符合 EN 60 529: 2001带有接线盒 / 插头 IP 54压缩空气接口人口 G 1/8压缩空气接口出口 G 1/8压缩空气连接排气 G 1/8重量 0,6 kg材料:外壳铝材-压铸件; 压铸锌密封丙烯树胶额定流量Qn,当工作压力为7 bar、二次压力为6 bar及Δp = 0.2 bar时德国技术性备注■ 压力露点必须少低于环境和介质温度15 °C,并且允许的zui高温度为3 °C。

1/184/3 proportional directional control valve, without position control, with on-board electronics (OBE)Type 4WRBAE..E.. /..W..Nominal size (NG) 6, 10Unit series 2XMaximum working pressure P, A, B 315 bar, T 250 barNominal flow rate Q nom 18...32 l/min (NG6), 35...65 l/min (NG10)RE 29051/01.06Replaces: 09.05Overview of ContentsContents PageFeatures 1Ordering data 2Preferred types2Symbols 2Function, sectional diagram 3Accessories 4T echnical data5 to 7On-board trigger electronics 8 to 11Characteristic curves 12 to 15Unit dimensions16 and 17Features– D irectly controlled NG6 and NG10 valves with positive overlap and on-board electronics– A ctuated on both sides, standard symbols E, W – A djustable by means of the setpoint in the on-board electronics, see Characteristic Curves– V alves are preset at the factory, ramp is set to minimum ramp time and overlap (Q min at 0.8 V) to Q nom at 8 V– F or subplate attachment, mounting hole configuration NG6 to ISO 4401-03-02-0-94, NG10 to ISO 4401-05-04-0-94– S ubplates as per catalog sheet, RE 45053 for NG6, RE 45055 for NG10 (order separately)– P lug-in connector to DIN 43563-AM6, see catalog sheet RE 08008 (order separately)– D ata for the on-board trigger electronics• Complies with CE, EMC directives EN 61000-6-2: 2002-08 and EN 61000-6-3: 2002-08• U B = 24 V nom DC• Electrical connection 6P+PE • Signal actuation– Standard 0...±10 V (A1) – Version 2...12...20 mA (F1)• Valve curves calibrated at the factoryOrdering dataFunction, sectional diagramGeneralDirectly operated type 4WRBAE 4/3 proportional directional control valves without position control, with on-board electronics, are available in nominal sizes 6 and 10.Hysteresis is < 6 % for the NG6 and < 8 % for the NG10.The valve electronics are integrated and are preset during valve testing. The operating limits are largely determined by the available magnetic force, see characteristic curves.Basic principleT o adjust the oil flow rate, a setpoint is set in the valve elec-tronics. Based on the polarity and magnitude of this setpoint, the electronics control the solenoid coil “a” or “b” with thea ppropriate amount of magnetic force. The proportional sole-noid converts the current to a mechanical force, with which an armature plunger acts on a spool to push against the spring. If the magnetic force and the spring force are the same, this produces a spool position in conformity with the spring characteristic curve. If the drop in pressure is minimal (< 30 bar) the throttling function takes effect, if the pressure drop is greater, the operating limits (see characteristic curves) must be observed.The pressure drop at the valve is reliably limited by the use of an external pressure compensator with shuttle valve.Manual auxiliary overrideNG6Regelmagnet RegelmagnetManual auxiliary overrideValve bodySolenoid “a”Solenoid “b”Electronics(see page 4)Manual auxiliary overrideManual auxiliary overrideValve bodySolenoid “a”Solenoid “b”Electronics(see page 4)NG10Testing and service equipmentT est box type VT-PE-TB3, see RE 30065Measuring adapter 6PE+PE type VT-PA-2, see RE 30068AccessoriesTypeMaterial Number (4x) f ISO 4762-M5x30-10.9Cheese-head bolts NG6 2 910 151 166(4x) f ISO 4762-M6x35-10.9Cheese-head bolts NG10 2 910 151 207*Plug-in connector 6P+PE, see also RE 08008KS 1 834 482 022KS 1 834 482 026MS 1 834 482 023MS1 834 482 024KS 90°1 834 484 252Technical dataPort P, A, B: 315Port T: 250* N ominal flowThis is always based on a pressure differential of ∆p = 5 bar at the throttling point.Where other pressure differentials are involved, the flow is calculated according to the following formula: ∆p XQ x = Q nom ·Ί 5However, the operating limits must be borne in mind. If they are exceeded, the ensuing flow forces lead to un-controllable spool movements. Pressure compensators are used to reliably limit ∆p .Ϲ 6 Ϲ 8 Ϲ 3 Ϲ 5 50901) T he purity classes stated for the components must becomplied with in hydraulic systems. Effective filtration prevents problems and also extends the service life of components.For a selection of filters, see catalog sheets RE 50070, RE 50076 and RE 50081.Technical dataNote:Power supply 40 V DCnom, max. 31 V DC, max. ripple 2 V DC.Valve in center position:Version 0...±10 Vat UD –EՅ ±0.2 VVersion 4...20 mAat ID –E= 12 mAՅ ±0.4 mAConnectionFor electrical data, see page 6 and Operating Instructions 1 819 929 083Technical notes for the cableDesign: – Multi-wire cable – Extra-finely stranded wire to VDE 0295, Class 6 – Safety earth conductor, green/yellow – Cu braided shield Typ: – e.g. Ölflex-FD 855 CP (from Lappkabel company)No. of wires: – Determined by type of valve, plug type and signal assignment Cable Ø: – 0.75 mm 2 up to 20 m long – 1.0 mm 2 up to 40 m long Outside Ø: – 9.4...11.8 mm – Pg11– 12.7...13.5 mm – Pg16ImportantPower supply 24 V DC nom ,if voltage drops below 18 V DC, rapid shutdown resembling “Enable OFF” takes place internally.In addition, with the “mA signal” version:I D–E м 3 mA – valve is activeI D–E Ϲ 2 mA – valve is deactivated.Electrical signals (e.g. actual values) emitted via the trigger electronics must not be used to shut down safety-relevantm achine functions!(Also see European Standard, “T echnical Safety Requirements for Fluid-Powered Systems and Components – Hydraulics”, EN 982).On-board trigger electronics Circuit diagram/pin assignment0...±10 VVersion A1: UD –EOn-board trigger electronics Circuit diagram/pin assignment4...12...20 mAVersion F1: ID –EOn-board trigger electronicsR sh = 200 ΩIINOUTPin assignmentVersion A1: U D – E 0...±10 V R i = 100 k ΩPin assignment 6P+PEVersion F1: I D – E 4...12...20 mA R sh = 200 ΩOn-board trigger electronicsValve adjustment4/3 proportional directional control valves with on-board electronics without position control are preset at the factory.Valves without position control are subject to broader toler-ances than valves with position control. Therefore, the design of the valves allows them to be adjusted when installed in the machine.First, slacken the screws, then open the lid to set the para-meters using potentiometers.NoteThe characteristic curve and dither frequency are factory-set. We recommend that you only alter P2...P6 if absolutely necessary.The P1 ramp is adjustable:0.05...5 s for 0.8...10 V, or 12.6...20 mA signal change.For other possibilities, see valve curves.Adjusting the electronicsFirst, slacken the screws,then open the lid to set the parameters.Version: U D – E = 0...±10 V Version: I D – E = 4...12...20 mACharacteristic curves NG6 (measured with HLP 46,oil= 40 °C ±5 °C)UD–E[V]1)ID–E[mA]2)UD–E[V]1)ID–E[mA]2) Qnom= 18 l/minQnom= 32 l/minSee page 11for adjusting the electronics1) Version: UE= 0...±10 V2) Version: IE= 4...12...20 mA= 40 °C ±5 °C) Characteristic curves NG6 (measured with HLP 46,oilOperating limitsCharacteristic curves NG10 (measured with HLP 46,oil= 40 °C ±5 °C)Qnom= 35 l/minSee page 11for adjusting the electronics1) Version: UE = 0...±10 V2) Version: IE = 4...12...20 mAQ[I/min]I D–E[mA]2)U D–E[V]1)–Q[I/min]I D–E[mA]2)U D–E[V]1)–Hinweis/Remark/Note:Qnom= 65 l/min= 40 °C ±5 °C) Characteristic curves NG10 (measured with HLP 46,oilOperating limitsUnit dimensions NG6 (nominal dimensions in mm)Required surface quality of mating componentMounting hole configuration: NG6 (ISO 4401-03-02-0-94)For subplates, see catalog sheet RE 450531) Deviates from standard 2) T hread depth:Ferrous metal 1.5 x ØNon-ferrous 2 x ØNot included in scope of deliveryLED for solenoid B LED for solenoid AUnit dimensions NG10 (nominal dimensions in mm)Not included in scope of deliveryRequired surface quality of mating componentMounting hole configuration: NG10 (ISO 4401-05-04-0-94)For subplates, see catalog sheet RE 450551) Deviates from standard 2) T hread depth:Ferrous metal 1.5 x Ø*Non-ferrous 2 x Ø* NG10 min. 10.5 mmLED for solenoid B LED for solenoid ABosch Rexroth AGHydraulicsZum Eisengießer 197816 Lohr am Main, GermanyT elefon +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-0T elefax +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-23 58 documentation@boschrexroth.de www.boschrexroth.de © This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent.The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No state-ments concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgement and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.NotesBosch Rexroth AGHydraulicsZum Eisengießer 197816 Lohr am Main, GermanyT elefon +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-0T elefax +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-23 58 documentation@boschrexroth.de www.boschrexroth.de © This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent.The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No state-ments concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgement and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.NotesBosch Rexroth AGHydraulicsZum Eisengießer 197816 Lohr am Main, GermanyT elefon +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-0T elefax +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-23 58 documentation@boschrexroth.de www.boschrexroth.de © This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent.The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No state-ments concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgement and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.Notes。

型号 4WRZE 10 …-7X/...K31/... 带集成电子元件(OBE)
型号 4WRZ 10 …-7X/…K4/... 带相应的控制电子元件 (单独订购)
内容 特点 订货代码,控制阀芯符号 符号 功能,横截面 技术数据 电气连接 型号 4WRZE 的集成电子元件(OBE)电路图 特性曲线 尺寸 附件
设置: 阀基本构成包括: – 壳体(1) – 控制阀芯(2),带压力测量阀芯(3 和 4) – 带对中螺纹的线圈(5 和 6)
通过比例线圈设置 A 或 B 中的压力。具体压力取决于电流。 线圈(5,6)断电后,控制阀芯(2)将通过压力弹簧(8)保 持在中心位置。油口 A 和 B 连接到 T,以便液压油可以不受阻 挡地流入油箱。
a0 b
型号 5WRZ 52 A-7X./…
a0 b
型号 4WRZ.A…-7X./…ET…
a0 b
型号 4WRZE…A-7X./… 和 型号 4WRZE 52 A…-7XF/…
a0 b
型号 5WRZE 52 A-7X./… AB
a0 b
先导控制阀型号 3DREP 6… 先导控制阀是通过比例电磁铁操作的三通减压阀。它将电气 输入信号转化为比例压力输出信号,用于型号为 4WRZ... 和 5WRZ... 的所有阀 比例电磁铁是可控制的湿式插脚直流线圈,带有对中螺纹和可 拆卸线圈。线圈由外部电子元件进行控制(型号 .WRZ...)。
=H =Z
= 无代码 =E = 10 = 16 = 25 = 32 = 52
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1/184/2, 4/3 proportional directional valves, pilot operated,without electrical position feedbackType 4WRZ…XE...Sizes 10, 16, 25, 32Component series 7XMaximum operating pressure 350 barMaximum flow 1600 l/min RE 29115-XE-B2/09.13 Replaces: 05.11H7138Information on the explosion protection:– Area of application in accordance with the ExplosionProtection Directive 94/9/EC: II 2G– Type of protection of the valve solenoid:Ex e mb IIC T4 Gb according toEN 60079-7:2007/EN 60079-18:2009Special features of seawater-resistant valves– The exterior of the valve housing is galvanically coated.– The seawater resistance is defined by "J" in the order-ing code.ATEX unitsFor explosive areasPart II Data sheetWhat you need to know about these operating instructionsThese operating instructions apply to the explosion-proof version of Rexroth valves and consist of the following three parts:Part I General information 07010-X-B1Part II Data sheet 29115-XE-B2Part III Product-specific instructions 29115-XE-B3You can find further information on the correct handling of Rexroth hydraulic products in our publication "General product informa-tion on hydraulic products" 07008.Operating instructions 29115-XE-B0Actual product may differTable of contentsContents PageFeatures 2Symbols 2Ordering code and scope of delivery 3Function, section 4Technical data 6Information on the explosion protection 7Control electronics 7Electrical connection 8Characteristic curves 9Dimensions 13Pilot oil supply 17Features– Pilot operated 2-stage proportional directional valves forcontrolling the flow direction and size– Spring-centered control spool– Actuation by means of the pilot control valve (3-way pres-sure reducing valve)– Solenoid coil can be rotated by 90°– For subplate mounting:Porting pattern according to ISO 4401 - … (informationdepending on the size)Subplates available in FE/ZN version (see pages 13 to 16)Symbols (simplified)with electrohydraulic actuationType 4WRZ…-7X./…Pilot oil supply Type 4WRZ…A.-7X./…abX = externalY = external aType 4WRZ…-7X./…ET…Type 4WRZ…A.-7X./…ET…a b X = internalY = internal bOrdering code and scope of deliveryElectro-hydraulic actuation = Z Size Size 10 = 10Size 16 = 16Size 25 = 25Size 32 = 32Symbols TP aba 0b A B a 0a 0TP A B = E E1- = E3 = W6- W8-= W9- = EA= W6AFor control spools E1- and W8-:P → A: q V maxB → T: q V /2P → B: q V /2A → T: q V max For control spools E3- and W9-:P → A: q V maxB → T: Blocked P → B: q V /2A → T: q V max (differential circuit, piston top at port A)Important: In spool position "0", control spools W6-, W8-, W9-, W6A have a connec-tion from A → T andB → T with approx. 2 % of the relevant nominal cross-section.M = 1) NBR seals V =FKM seals Important:Observe compatibil-ity of seals with hydraulicfluid used!D3 =With pressure reducingvalve (preset)Pilot oil supplyand returnno code = Pilot oil supply external,pilot oil return external E = Pilot oil supply internal,pilot oil return external ET = Pilot oil supply internal,pilot oil return internal T =Pilot oil supply external,pilot oil return internal For details, see page 17.Surface protectionJ =Seawater-resistant, galvanically coatedXE =Explosion protection, "increased safety",for details see information on the explosion protection,page 7Supply voltage of the control electronicsG24 = 24 V direct voltage6E = Proportional solenoid7X =Component series 70 to 79(70 to 79: Unchanged installation and connection dimensions)Rated flow 25 = 25 l/min (size 10) 50 = 50 l/min (size 10) 85 = 85 l/min (size 10) 100 = 100 l/min (size 16)150 = 150 l/min (size 16) 220 = 220 l/min (size 25) 325 = 325 l/min (size 25)360 = 360 l/min (size 32) 520 =520 l/min (size 32)Characteristic curves, see pages 9 to 124WRZ7X 6E G24XE J D31) Suitable for mineral oils (HL, HLP) according to DIN 51524Included in the scope of delivery:Valve operating instructions with declaration of conformity in Part IIIFunction, sectionType 3DREP 6..2X/..XE...Pilot control valve type 3DREP 6…The pilot control valve is a 3-way pressure reducing valve that is actuated by a proportional solenoid. It converts an electrical input signal into a proportional pressure output signal and is used for all valves type 4WRZ ...The proportional solenoids are controllable wet-pin DC sole-noids. The solenoids are actuated by external control electronics.Set-up:The valve basically consists of:– Housing (1) with connection surface– Control spool (2) with pressure measuring pins (3 and 4)– Solenoids (5 and 6) with central threadFunctional description:The pressure in A or B is set by means of the proportional so-lenoids. The amount of the pressure depends on the current.With de-energized solenoids (5, 6), the control spool (2) is held in the central position by means of the compression springs (8). Ports A and B are connected with T so that the hydraulic fluid can flow off to the tank without obstructions.By actuating a proportional solenoid, e.g. solenoid "b" (5),the pressure measuring pin (4) and the control spool (2) with it are moved to the left. This opens the connection from P to A and B to T via orifice-type cross-sections with progressive flow characteristics. With the surface of the pressure measur-ing pin (3) the pressure that builds up in channel A acts on the control spool and against the solenoid force. The pres-sure measuring pin (3) is supported by the solenoid "a". If the pressure exceeds the value set at solenoid "b", the control spool (2) is pushed back against the solenoid force and con-nects A with T until the set pressure is achieved again. The pressure is proportional to the solenoid current.When the solenoid is switched off, the control spool (2) is re-turned to the central position by the compression springs (8).Important:If valves version 3DREP 6 C are used, only one solenoid may be actuated at a time.Valve with two spool positions (type 3DREP 6…A…)The function of this valve version basically corresponds to the valve with three spool positions. This 2 spool position valve is, however, only equipped with solenoid "b" (5). Instead of the 2nd proportional solenoid, there is a plug screw (7).Important:The tank line must not be allowed to run empty. With cor-responding installation conditions, a preload valve (preload pressure approx. 2 bar) must be installed.T A P YXB Function, sectionPilot operated proportional directional valves Type 4WRZ…-7X/..XE...Valves of the type 4WRZ... are pilot operated 4-way direc-tional valves that are actuated by means of proportional sole-noids. Their function is to control the flow direction and size.Set-up:The valve basically consists of:– Pilot control valve (9) with proportional solenoids (5 and 6)– Main valve (10) with main control spool (11) and centering spring (12)Functional description:– With de-energized solenoids (5 and 6), the main control spool (11) is held in central position by means of a center-ing spring (12).– Actuation of the main control spool (11) by means of the pilot control valve (9) – the main control spool is proportion-ally moved – e.g. actuation of solenoid "b" (6)→ Displacement of the control spool (2) to the right,pilot oil reaches the pressure chamber (13) pilot control valve (9) and displaces the main control spool (11) proportionally to the electrical input signal to the left → Connection of P → A and B → T via orifice-type cross- sections with progressive flow characteristics – Pilot oil supply to the pilot control valve internally via port P or externally via port X – Switching off the solenoid (6)→ Control spool (2) and main control spool (11) are returned to central position– Flow depending on spool position from P → A and B → T or P → B and A → T.Type 4WRZ…-7X/..XE...Technical datageneralInstallation position Any, preferably horizontal Storage temperature range °C –20 … +50Ambient temperature range °C –20 … +60 Weight, maximumSize 10kg 10Size 16kg 16Size 25kg 21Size 32kg 45Surface protectionGalvanized coatinghydraulicSizeSize10162532Operating pressure rangePilot control valve Pilot oil supply external or internalbar 30 … 31530 … 35030 … 35030 … 350Main valve bar Up to 315Up to 350Up to 350Up to 350Return flow pressurePort T(external pilot oil return)bar Up to 315Up to 250Up to 250Up to 150Port T(internal pilot oil return)bar Up to 30Up to 30Up to 30Up to 30Port Ybar Up to 30Up to 30Up to 30Up to 30Pilot volumefor switching process 0 → 100 %cm 3 1.7 4.61026.5Pilot flow at port X and Ywith stepped input signal 0 → 100 %l/min 3.5 5.5715.9Flow of the main valve l/minUp to 170Up to 460Up to 870Up to 1600Hydraulic fluidMineral oil (HL, HLP) according to DIN 51524 Additional hydraulic fluids upon request!Ignition temperature > 180 °CHydraulic fluid temperature range °C –20 ... +80 (NBR seals)°C –15 ... +80 (FKM seals)Viscosity rangemm 2/s20 ... 380 (preferably 30 ... 46)Maximum admissible degree of contamination of the hydraulic fluidClass 17/15/12 1)Cleanliness class according to ISO4406 (c)Pilot control valve Main valve Class 18/16/13 1)Hysteresis%≤ 61) The cleanliness classes specified for the componentsmust be adhered to in hydraulic systems. Effective filtra-tion prevents faults and at the same time increases the life cycle of the components. For the selection of the filters see /filter.Technical data1) Surface temperature > 50 °C, provide contact protection 2) Important:A monitoring circuit is to be provided for the monitoring of the solenoid current. We recommend operating the valves with the assemblies described herein.Information on the explosion protectionAmplifier module for the control of explosion-proof pro-portional directional valves 4WRA...XE, 3DREP 6...XE and 4WRZ...XEVT-MSPA2-200-1X/V0/0 according to data sheet 30228-200Module for monitoring and limiting the solenoid currents with proportional valvesVT-MUXA2-2-1X/V0/1A according to data sheet 30290Control electronics 2)electricVoltage type Direct current or pulse-width modulated signal with a pulse voltage ≤ 28 V and a frequency ≥ 160 Hz up to max. 500 Hz Type of signalAnalog Maximum current per solenoid A 1.03Duty cycle %100Coil temperature°C Up to 125Area of application in accordance with the Explosion Protection Directive 94/9/EC II 2G Type of protection Valve according to EN 13463-1:2009 / EN 13463-5:2011c T4 XType of protection Valve solenoid according to EN 60079-7:2007 / EN 60079-18:2009Ex e mb IIC T4 Gb 1)Type examination certificate Solenoid KEMA 02ATEX2240 X "IECEx Certificate of Conformity" Solenoid IECEx DEK 12.0068XSpecial operating conditions for a safe application– In case of bank assembly, only one solenoid of all valves may be energized at a time.– In case of valves with two solenoids, maximally one of the solenoids may be energized at a time.– Only direct current or a pulse-width modulated signal with a pulse voltage ≤ 28 V and frequency ≥ 160 Hz up to max. 500 Hz may be used.Electrical connection3) Recommended pre-fuseCharacteristics medium time-lag according to DIN 41571, 1.25 ASuppressor diode 47 V, 1.5 kW+( )(+)DC/PWMThe type-examination tested valve solenoid is equipped with a terminal box and a type-tested cable gland.The connection is polarity-independent.Important:Corresponding to the rated current, a fuse according to DIN 41571 and EN / IEC 60127 has to be connected ahead of every valve solenoid (max. 3 x I rated ).The shut-off threshold of the fuse has to match the prospec-tive short-circuit current of the supply source.The prospective short-circuit current of the supply source may amount to a maximum of 1500 A.This fuse may only be installed outside the explosive area or must be of an explosion-proof design.Cable gland Type approval II 2G Ex e IIC Gb Threaded connectionM20 x 1.5Protection class according to EN 60529IP66 1)Line diameter mm 9 (11)SealingOuter sheath sealingConnection line Line typeNon-armored cables and lines (outer sheath sealing)Temperature range°C –30 … > +1101) If installed properlyProperties of the connection terminalsPosition FunctionConnectable line cross-section 1Operating voltage connectionSingle-wire 0.75 … 2.5 mm 2Finely stranded 0.75 … 1.5 mm 22Connection for protective earthing conductor Single-wire max. 2.5 mm 2Finely stranded max. 1.5 mm 23Connection for potential equalization conductorSingle-wire 4 … 6 mm 2Finely stranded 4 mm 2Characteristic curves size 10(measured with control spools E, W6-, EA, W6A as well as HLP46, ϑoil = 40 °C ± 5 °C)1000200501502505143210002550751000900800700600500470150********020408060123410075250500204060801000204060801001∆p = 10 bar constant2∆p = 20 bar constant 3∆p = 30 bar constant 4∆p = 50 bar constant 5∆p = 100 bar constant1∆p = 10 bar constant2∆p = 20 bar constant 3∆p = 30 bar constant 4∆p = 50 bar constant 5∆p = 100 bar constant1∆p = 10 bar constant 2∆p = 20 bar constant3∆p = 30 bar constant 4∆p = 50 bar constant 5∆p = 100 bar constantOrdering code 25: Flow Ordering code 85: Flow Ordering code 50: Flow ∆p = valve pressure differential according to DIN 24311 (inlet pressure p P minus load pressure p L minus return flow pressure p T )Transition function with stepped electric input signalsCurrent in mA →Current in mA →Current in mA →F l o w i n l /m i n →F l o w i n l /m i n →F l o w i n l /m i n →S t r o k e i n % →Time in ms →Time in ms →Change of input signal [%]10 → 25 → 020 → 50 → 030 → 75 → 040 → 100 → 0Measured at pilot pressure p ST = 50 barCharacteristic curves size 16(measured with control spools E, W6-, EA, W6A as well as HLP46, ϑoil = 40 °C ± 5 °C)∆p = valve pressure differential according to DIN 24311 (inlet pressure p P minus load pressure p L minus return flow pressure p T )Transition function with stepped electric input signals5025751001208040160200012080401602000123416004080120240200320280543211∆p = 10 bar constant 2∆p = 20 bar constant 3∆p = 30 bar constant 4∆p = 50 bar constant 5∆p = 100 bar constantOrdering code 100: Flow Current in mA →F l o w i n l /m i n →S t r o k e i n % →Time in ms →Time in ms →240080160440400320543211∆p = 10 bar constant 2∆p = 20 bar constant 3∆p = 30 bar constant 4∆p = 50 bar constant 5∆p = 100 bar constantOrdering code 150: Flow Current in mA →F l o w i n l /m i n →Change of input signal [%]10 → 25 → 020 → 50 → 030 → 75 → 040 → 100 → 0Measured at pilot pressure p ST = 50 barCharacteristic curves size 25(measured with control spools E, W6-, EA, W6A as well as HLP46, ϑoil = 40 °C ± 5 °C)4000100200300500543218000100200300400500600700800700600500470543215025751001501005020025001234150100502002500∆p = valve pressure differential according to DIN 24311 (inlet pressure p P minus load pressure p L minus return flow pressure p T )Transition function with stepped electric input signals1∆p = 10 bar constant 2∆p = 20 bar constant 3∆p = 30 bar constant 4∆p = 50 bar constant 5∆p = 100 bar constantOrdering code 220: Flow Current in mA →F l o w i n l /m i n →S t r o k e i n % →Time in ms →Time in ms →1∆p = 10 bar constant 2∆p = 20 bar constant 3∆p = 30 bar constant 4∆p = 50 bar constant 5∆p = 100 bar constantOrdering code 325: Flow Current in mA →F l o w i n l /m i n →Change of input signal [%]10 → 25 → 020 → 50 → 030 → 75 → 040 → 100 → 0Measured at pilot pressure p ST = 50 barCharacteristic curves size 32(measured with control spools E, W6-, EA, W6A as well as HLP46, ϑoil = 40 °C ± 5 °C)80002004006001000900800700600500470543211300120010001600020040060080010001200140010009008007006005004705432118001234100752505008016024032040080160240320400∆p = valve pressure differential according to DIN 24311 (inlet pressure p P minus load pressure p L minus return flow pressure p T )Change of input signal [%]10 → 25 → 020 → 50 → 030 → 75 → 040 → 100 → 0Transition function with stepped electric input signals1∆p = 10 bar constant 2∆p = 20 bar constant 3∆p = 30 bar constant 4∆p = 50 bar constant 5∆p = 100 bar constantOrdering code 360: Flow Current in mA →F l o w i n l /m i n →S t r o k e i n % →Time in ms →Time in ms →1∆p = 10 bar constant 2∆p = 20 bar constant 3∆p = 30 bar constant 4∆p = 50 bar constant5∆p = 100 bar constantOrdering code 520: Flow Current in mA →F l o w i n l /m i n →Measured at pilot pressure p ST = 50 barDimensions size 10 (dimensions in mm)1Main valve2Pilot control valve3Proportional solenoid "a"4Proportional solenoid "b"5Terminal box6Plug screw for valves with one solenoid7Name plate for pilot control valve8Name plate for main valve9Pressure reducing valve (always available)10Identical seal rings for ports P, A, B, T and T111Identical seal rings for X and Y12Machined valve contact surface, porting pattern ac-cording to ISO 4401-05-05-0-05 (X, Y as required, T1 is available at the valve and can optionally be provided)Deviating from the standard:- Locating pin not available SubplatesG 534/01 FE/ZN (G3/4) without ports X and YG 535/01 FE/ZN (G3/4) with ports X and YG 536/01 FE/ZN (G1) with ports X and Ywith dimensions as in the data sheet 45054 must be or-dered separately.Valve mounting screwsFor reasons of stability, exclusively use the following valve mounting screws:4 hexagon socket head cap screwsISO 4762-M6x45-10.9-flZn-240h-L(friction coefficient total: 0.09-0.14 according to VDA 235-101) (must be ordered separately)Important:Subplates are no components in the sense of directive 94/9/EC and can be used after the manufacturer of the overall system has assessed the risk of ignition.The G...FE/ZN versions are free from aluminum and/or mag-nesium and galvanized.Dimensions size 16 (dimensions in mm)1Main valve2Pilot control valve3Proportional solenoid "a"4Proportional solenoid "b"5Terminal box6Plug screw for valves with one solenoid 7Name plate for pilot control valve 8Name plate for main valve9Pressure reducing valve (always available)10Identical seal rings for ports P, A, B and T 11Identical seal rings for X and Y12Machined valve contact surface valve contact face, porting pattern according to ISO 4401-07-07-0-05 (X, Y as required)Deviating from the standard:– Ports P, A, B and T with Ø 20 mm 13Locating pin 12Required surface quality of thevalve contact surfaceSubplatesG 172/01 FE/ZN (G3/4) G 172/02 FE/ZN (M27 x 2)G 174/01 FE/ZN (G1)G 174/02 FE/ZN (M33 x 2) G 174/08 FE/ZN (flange)with dimensions as in the data sheet 45056 must be or-dered separately.Valve mounting screwsFor reasons of stability, exclusively use the following valve mounting screws:2 hexagon socket head cap screws ISO 4762-M6x60-10.9-flZn-240h-L(friction coefficient total: 0.09-0.14 according to VDA 235-101)(must be ordered separately)4 hexagon socket head cap screws ISO 4762-M10x60-10.9-flZn-240h-L(total friction coefficient: 0.09-0.14 according to VDA 235-101)(must be ordered separately)Important:Subplates are no components in the sense of directive 94/9/EC and can be used after the manufacturer of the overall system has assessed the risk of ignition.The G...FE/ZN versions are free from aluminum and/or mag-nesium and galvanized.Dimensions size 25 (dimensions in mm)1Main valve2Pilot control valve3Proportional solenoid "a"4Proportional solenoid "b"5Terminal box6Plug screw for valves with one solenoid 7Name plate for pilot control valve 8Name plate for main valve9Pressure reducing valve (always available)10Identical seal rings for ports P, A, B and T 11Identical seal rings for X and Y12Machined valve contact surface, porting pattern accord-ing to ISO 4401-08-08-0-05 (X, Y as required)13Locating pin12Required surface quality of thevalve contact surfaceSubplatesG 151/01 FE/ZN (G1)G 154/01 FE/ZN (G1 1/4) G 154/08 FE/ZN (flange)G 156/01 FE/ZN (G1 1/2)with dimensions as in the data sheet 45058 must be or-dered separately.Valve mounting screwsFor reasons of stability, exclusively use the following valve mounting screws:6 hexagon socket head cap screws ISO 4762-M12x60-10.9-flZn-240h-L(friction coefficient total: 0.09-0.14 according to VDA 235-101)(must be ordered separately)Important:Subplates are no components in the sense of directive 94/9/EC and can be used after the manufacturer of the overall system has assessed the risk of ignition.The G...FE/ZN versions are free from aluminum and/or mag-nesium and galvanized.1110Dimensions size 32 (dimensions in mm)1Main valve2Pilot control valve3Proportional solenoid "a"4Proportional solenoid "b"5Terminal box6Plug screw for valves with one solenoid 7Name plate for pilot control valve 8Name plate for main valve9Pressure reducing valve (always available)10Identical seal rings for ports P, A, B and T 11Identical seal rings for X and Y12Machined valve contact surface, porting pattern accord-ing to ISO 4401-10-09-0-05 (X, Y as required)Deviating from the standard:– Ports P, A, B and T with Ø 38 mm 13Locating pin12Required surface quality of thevalve contact surfaceSubplatesG 157/01 FE/ZN (G1 1/2)G 157/02 FE/ZN (M48 x 2)G 158/10 FE/ZN (flange)with dimensions as in the data sheet 45060 must be or-dered separately.Valve mounting screwsFor reasons of stability, exclusively use the following valve mounting screws:6 hexagon socket head cap screws ISO 4762-M20x80-10.9-flZn-240h-L(friction coefficient total: 0.09-0.14 according to VDA 235-101)(must be ordered separately)Important:Subplates are no components in the sense of directive 94/9/EC and can be used after the manufacturer of the overall system has assessed the risk of ignition.The G...FE/ZN versions are free from aluminum and/or mag-nesium and galvanized.Type 4WRZ…-…/…Pilot oil supply externalPilot oil return externalIn this version, the pilot oil is supplied from a separate pilot circuit (external).The pilot oil return is not directed into the T channel ofthe main valve, but is separately directed to the tank viaport Y (external).Type 4WRZ…-…/…E…Pilot oil supply internalPilot oil return externalIn this version, the pilot oil is supplied via the P channel of the main valve (internal).The pilot oil return is not directed into the T channel ofthe main valve, but is separately directed to the tank viaport Y (external).In the subplate, port X is to be closed.Type 4WRZ…-…/…ET…Pilot oil supply internalPilot oil return internalIn this version, the pilot oil is supplied via the P channel of the main valve (internal).The pilot oil is directly returned to channel T of the main valve (internal).In the subplate, ports X and Y are to be closed.Type 4WRZ…-…/…T…Pilot oil supply externalPilot oil return internalIn this version, the pilot oil is supplied from a separate pilot circuit (external).The pilot oil is directly returned to channel T of the main valve (internal).In the subplate, port Y is to be closed.Pilot oil supplyBosch Rexroth AG HydraulicsZum Eisengießer 197816 Lohr am Main, Germany Phone +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-0 documentation@boschrexroth.de www.boschrexroth.de © This document, as well as the data, specifications and other informa-tion set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent. The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No state-ments concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain applica-tion can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgment and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.NotesBosch Rexroth AG HydraulicsZum Eisengießer 197816 Lohr am Main, Germany Phone +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-0 documentation@boschrexroth.de www.boschrexroth.de © This document, as well as the data, specifications and other informa-tion set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent. The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No state-ments concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain applica-tion can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgment and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.NotesBosch Rexroth AG HydraulicsZum Eisengießer 197816 Lohr am Main, Germany Phone +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-0 documentation@boschrexroth.de www.boschrexroth.de © This document, as well as the data, specifications and other informa-tion set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent. The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No state-ments concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain applica-tion can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgment and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.Notes。