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Prior to the fifth Century ad, the kingdom of Rome in its early days was influenced by the colonial style of Rome. During the 12th century England to the convent of the temple garden as the representative, to the thirteenth century evolution for ornamental garden, then further the private gardens of the nobility. The British garden can be said to be from the village to the city, such as London's royal garden and around the aristocratic palace. Early Renaissance, the UK still to imitate the Italian style based, pay attention to rigorous axis of symmetry and the fountains of the gorgeous, garden to large construction as the main, the building in front of the low-lying and open field of vision. Axis on both sides of the trees, flower beds, flower bowls are arranged symmetrically and does not damage the line of sight, the straight road to cross, the plastic area set aside the flower bed, lawn, in the cross the center of the square arrangement of statues, fountains, prune the trees into geometric type. Was Bacon's opposition, he pointed out that the British garden should have wind trees and fragrant colorful flower decoration, showing the sun and shade compared to good effect.公元五世纪之前,作为罗马帝国属地的英国在其早期的园林景观受到了罗马殖民方式的深刻影响。十二世纪时英国以修道院寺园为代表,到十三世纪时演变为装饰性的庭园,而后进一步出现了贵族的私家园林。英国的园林可以说是由乡村向城市发展,如伦敦的皇家御苑以及各地贵族的庭园。文艺复兴的早期,英国仍以模仿意大利作风为主,注重严谨的轴线对称和雕像喷泉的华丽,园林中以大型建筑为主体,建筑物的前方地势低缓而视野开阔。中轴线两侧绿树、花坛、花钵对称布置而不损视线,道路直线交叉,区划出整形的花坛、草坪,在交叉广场中心布置雕像、喷泉,树木修剪成几何型等。当时遭到培根的反对,他指出,英国造园应有防风的树和芳香多彩的花卉装饰,呈现阳光和阴影对比才有好的效果。

After eighteenth Century, the English landscape in the influence of the landscape, there is a natural landscape garden. When famous landscape architect William Conboy (Wiuianchamber) draw the Chinese landscape gardening techniques, and made Chinese percussion garden in the Royal Botanic Gardens. Landscape style of the country at a time. Garden in the axis of the temporarily reduced to secondary status. Generally the linear rule of road, trees, hedges and other natural style. The construction of arch bridge in the curve of the river, with wood, or build a pagoda from the side, which shows the elegant natural scenery. Main buildings nearby green space layout of the rules, flower color all year round to maintain colorful, a piece of lawn Lvyin such as carpet, as the entertainment field. The distant green building with natural layout gradually, harmony with nature, for the benefit of overlooking the natural scenery. This garden features a great influence in Europe, thus creating a European natural landscape garden, the Oriental landscape art to advance a step forward. Is British natural and simple style of desalination, such as London famous six Royal Park, one of - Regent's Park (RegentsPark, chart) in the planning and construction of early that Italian style garden features, to the beginning of the eighteenth century, London, Regent's Park laid the rudiment of modern park. The park later by the London land use planning company LondonLanduseConsultants and London Ecological Research Institute (LondonEcologyUnit) assume the planning revision and ecological evaluation and in rebuilding work further combined with the characteristics of English style park fresh and natural, basics.18世纪后,英国园林在风景热的影响下,出现了自然的风景园林。当时著名造园家威廉·康伯(Wiuianchamber)吸取了中国风景式造园艺术手法,在英国皇家植物园中造了中国式的叩园。风景式园林一时流传全国。园林中的轴线一时降为次要地位,普遍地把直线规则式的道路、列树、绿篱等改为自然式。在弯曲的小河上建造拱桥,配以枯木,或从旁建一宝塔,使之呈现优雅的自然景色。主要建筑物近旁的绿地布置采用规则式,花坛色彩
