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1. If Only 如果能再爱一次

If Only

Ian Wyndham (Nicholls) is a British Businessman who lives with his musician girlfriend, Samantha Andrews (Hewitt) in London. Ian takes Sam forgranted making Sam feeling vulnerable

in the role of the one who loves more. Taking us through a day in I an and Sam's life, the film opens by showing different events such as Sa m getting burnt on a kettle, Ian's watch breaking, Sam getting Coca-Cola spilt on her and Ian being interrupted by Sam during an important meet ing at work。

As the day progresses we see Sam gets in a passing taxi and as Ia n tries to get in beside her he notices that the driver is the same man who he traveled with earlier that day. The man gives Ian an ominous s mile and as the clock hits 11 PM, Sam closes the door, leaving Ian stand ing there. As he watches the taxi drive away, Ian makes one last attemp t to reconcile with Sam and runs after the taxi as it stops at a traffic lig ht. Before he gets there, the lights change and the taxi begins driving a gain. As it speeds up, the taxi is struck violently by another car and com es to a stop on the middle of the street. Ian halts and falls on his knee s in shock.。。

Peter Wyndham(Nicholls饰)与女友Emily(Jennifer Love Hewitt饰)像任何一对平凡的情侣一样,每天忙着自己的生活,很少时间独处。一次争吵过后,前来道歉的Peter犹豫着要不要上出租车,因为这份犹豫女友选择离开。不到一分种,出租车在前面街口与一辆卡车相撞,女友香消玉陨。悲痛万分的Peter在次日清晨醒来发现又回到了之前的一天,女友安然无恙,一切按照既定步骤发展。如果再来一次,Peter不敢想着居然成为事实。他放下一切业务,与女友登山、散步、彼此倾诉,爱意缠绵。到了那个决定性的夜晚,那辆夺命的出租车上,他毫不犹豫地上车,并且在致命的一击.。。

2. An Education 成长教育

An Education

In 1961 London, Jenny Mellor is a 16-year-old schoolgirl, on track to enter Oxford University when she meets a charming older man, David G oldman, who pursues

her romantically. He takes her to concerts, clubs, and fine restaurant s, and easily charms her parents into approving of the relationship. When Jenny recognizes that David is a con man who makes money through a

variety of shady practices, she is initially shocked but silences her misgiv ings in the face of David's persuasive charm。

When David proposes marriage, Jenny accepts and leaves school. Sh e then discovers David is already married. When she reveals her discover y to David, he drops out of sight. Jenny despairs, feeling she has thrown her life away, but with the help of her favourite teacher, resumes her s tudies and is accepted at Oxford the following year。


3. Kate & Leopold 穿越时空爱上你

Kate & Leopold

In 1876, Leopold Alexis Elijah Walker Thomas Gareth Mountbatten, D uke of Albany, is a stifled dreamer. Strict Uncle Millard (Paxton Whitehea d) has no patience for Leopold's disrespect for the monarchy, chastising him and telling him he must marry a rich American, as the Mountbatten family finances are depleted. His uncle has told him that on his "thirtieth birthday he had become a blemish to the family name"。

The Duke finds Stuart Besser (Liev Schreiber),an amateur physicist (and descendant of Leopold, according to deleted scenes) perusing his sc hematic diagrams and taking photographs of them. He had seen him earl ier at Roebling's speech about the Brooklyn Bridge. Leopold follows Stuart and tries to save him from what he thinks is a suicide, falling after him into the portal that brought the man there in the first place。

Leopold awakens in 21st century New York. He is at first confused a nd thinks that he has been kidnapped. Stuart says that he has created f ormulae to forecast portals in the temporal universe and that Leopold mu st stay inside his apartment until the portal opens again a week later. As Stuart takes his dog out, he is injured by falling into the elevator shaft, and is eventually institutionalized for speaking about his scientific discove ry.。。

