
点击退出系统,进入系统设置界面,重复前面所述的系统设计 界面即可。
SIEMENS手持触摸屏程序下载 流程
1、触摸屏上电的时候下载程序。 2、触摸屏在运行过程中下载程序。
上电后出现 如图所示画 面时,需要 下载程序, 点击control panel按钮。 进行下载设 置界面。
Байду номын сангаас入设计文件夹后,移动右侧下拉条,找到Transfer选项。双 击进入设置通信端口界面。
在Channel选项中,单击Channel下拉条选项, MPI/Profibus选项。
出现如图片所示照片后,选择MPI选项,点击OK进行 确认关闭窗口。

SOMATOM Definition AS
2017.12.16日北京京都儿童医院西门子CT的MMWP工作站出现报错,重启后错误 信息依然。抵达现场后分析时工作站的Windows系统崩溃。
经过历时一周多的维修,工作站系统终于重装完成。首先要感谢宪哥、罗工、 和王工的大力支持,无私的分享自己的经验。
还是经硬盘启动;而同一张光盘放在其它光驱中则可正常工作,故判断此 光驱有问题。
BIOS密码、administrator账户密码、meduser账户密码、本地服务密码、 这些密码限制住了我们安装系统的进度。
C:\windows\system32下,但是在这个文件夹下修改文件需要管理员权限,故此 我们不能够替换成功。
在MMWP工作站开机,Windows系统出现徽标后,正常情况下应该是出现登录 Windows账户界面;而该设备出现错误提示:
西门子 SIMATIC ET 200 提供分散式自动化解决方案 产品手册

SIMATIC ET 200提供分散式自動化解決方案產品手冊/automation全方位整合自動化西門子的全方位整合自動化(TIA)概念涵蓋各種產業,是唯一整合所有自動化產品與系統的供應商–從進貨到出貨、從現場層級到控制層級、生產管理層級(製造執行系統,MES),甚至包括銜接公司管理層級(企業資源規劃,例如 SAP)。
全方位整合自動化2SIMATIC 是全方位整合自動化的重要部分,包含多種標準化的產品與系統,例如本產品手冊中介紹的分散式I/O 系統 SIMATIC ET 200。
無論您需要的是有或無控制箱的解決方案,西門子 I/O 系統完善的產品系列,涵蓋所有應用領域的解決方案,提供您所需的效能與彈性。
目錄textSIMATIC ET 200分散式自動化 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4產品系列一覽 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6系統特色. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8產品概觀. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14控制機櫃解決方案SIMATIC ET 200S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 SIMATIC ET 200M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 SIMATIC ET 200L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 SIMATIC ET 200iSP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29無控制機櫃解決方案SIMATIC ET 200pro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 SIMATIC ET 200eco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 SIMATIC ET 200R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42PROFIBUS 的配件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 SIMATIC ET 200 標準及認證. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44防護等級. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45參考資料. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46全方位整合自動化3分散式自動化適合所有需求的理想解決方案您常尋求達成生產最佳化和降低成本的可能性嗎?競爭越來越激烈,必須盡快以具成本效益的方式,提供個別機器設備和工廠,這從您機台的設計開始,一直到安裝、試俥、正常運作和維護。
西门子 企业通信移动 解决方案手册

成立于1993年的SBCS是中国商务通信基础设施、 解决方案和服务的领先供应商之一,隶属于西 门子企业通信有限公司。SBCS致力于向各种规 模的企业用户提供全球领先的"无界限"通信解决 方案。除了为灵活和IP融合的平台提供通信设 施系统外,SBCS还为企业提供久经考验的商务 通信解决方案包括呼叫中心、IP语音、统一通信、 无线局域网通信。
通信无界限 Open Communications /open
第1部分 企业通信概述
概述 通信无界限
6 7 9 10 10 12 14 14 17 19 19 21 22 24 24 27 27 29 31 32 32 34 37 38 39 39 40
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通过无界限通信战略,西门子能提供基于开放标准的尖端解决方案和服务,其中开放 标准已无缝集成到现有基础架构和业务流程中。这样,我们就能继续致力于实现统一 通信的目标,即跨网络、跨媒体界限进行统一通信,实现一致的用户体验。通过保护 客户的投资并对根据客户要求定制的解决方案进行分阶段实施,我们为客户提供了附 加值。 从中小型企业到跨国企业,无论您的企业规模大小,无论您经营哪个行业,西门子都 能为您提供企业范围的移动基础。借助西门子拥有的产品组合、行业经验和专业服务 团队,您能轻松实现普适移动性,适应未来的需求。 “立即实现移动性!”描述了西门子企业通信有限公司对于企业普适移动性的愿景,

IDC 等分析机构预测,到 01 年该市场有望从 008年的84亿美元增长至150亿美元。
然而, 不同的研究结果表明,这并不意味着只要实施了虚拟化技术企业就一定成功。
Siemens NX最全面的介绍

Siemens NX最全面的介绍简介Siemens NX是一款领先的、综合的CAD/CAM/CAE软件,被广泛应用于工程设计、制造和分析领域。
功能特点Siemens NX具有以下几个主要的功能特点:1. 设计工具:Siemens NX提供了丰富的设计工具,包括建模、装配、草图等,支持三维实体建模、曲面建模等多种设计方式。
设计工具:Siemens NX提供了丰富的设计工具,包括建模、装配、草图等,支持三维实体建模、曲面建模等多种设计方式。
2. 模拟和分析:Siemens NX集成了全面的模拟和分析功能,包括有限元分析、流体动力学分析、运动仿真等。
模拟和分析:Siemens NX集成了全面的模拟和分析功能,包括有限元分析、流体动力学分析、运动仿真等。
3. 制造:Siemens NX提供了强大的制造功能,包括数控编程、机械加工模拟、工装设计等。
制造:Siemens NX提供了强大的制造功能,包括数控编程、机械加工模拟、工装设计等。
4. 数据管理:Siemens NX支持全面的数据管理功能,包括版本控制、数据共享、全局搜索等。
数据管理:Siemens NX支持全面的数据管理功能,包括版本控制、数据共享、全局搜索等。
Siemens PLM Software发布新的PLM内容管理解决方案

信 息 ,共 同探 讨 未 来 在 多方 面 展 开
合 作 的 可 能 性 。经 过 愉 快 的沟 通 ,
方 案 ,其 中包括机械 仿真 套件 V ru lM c ie it a ah n ,它也 是该公 司数 字化 制造应 用 软件 T c o a i 装 软件 的组 成 部分 ,V ru lM c ie可 以让 原始 设备 制 造 e n m tx套 it a ah n
务 目录和 维修 指 南等 。而 Se e sP M im n L
Sfwr o t ae和 西 门子 I T解 决 方案 和 服 务 集 团 目前 正 在 与 德 国 戴 姆 勒 公 司 开 展
合 作 ,帮 助 戴 姆 勒 公 司 构 建 汽 车 技 术
文 档 的 出版 框架 。
C DC M 与制造业信息化 ・ 0 0年第 1 A /A 21 0期
S o e向 全 球 发 售 。 tr
S l Wo k 发 布 2 1 oi d rs 0 版 本 1新
21 0 0年 9月 9日 ,D o iW rs推 出 S l W rs 2 1 S S ld o k oi o k 0 d l,其 中包 括 由客 户 提 出 的数 百项 改 进 ,为 设 计 人 员提 供 了新 的途 径 来 加快 产 品设 计 、 深化
Se n L ot r 布 新 的机械 设计 整 合解 决方 案 ime sP M S f e发 wa
21 O 0年 9月 1 日 ,S e e s P M S f w r 6 i m n L ot ae在 芝 加 哥 国 际 制 造 技 术 展 览
S l W o k 太 区高 层 oi rs亚 d

解 决方 案
A w t n r l i n f rS EM ENS Cr neFil Ne S a da d Souto o I a ed
Su ng a i Yo qi ng
( I M E r n it e te SE NSC a e AblyC nr , i
俯 仰 机 构
4 标 准化 的软 件 平 台
44 ・
港口科技 ・ 口管理 港
每个 机 构集 成 了各 个机 构需 要用 到 的 SMO— I
CA R NE工 艺模块 ,这 样更 容易 满足 客户 的要 求 。
准 的起 重机工 艺模 块 ,自由组合 , 设计 出符合 自己 要求 的起 重机应用 程序 ,实现 客户 的设计 附加值 。
港 口科技 ・ 口管 理 港
SE N 起重机行业的新型标准解决方案 I ME S
隋永 强
( 西门子起 重机 能力 中心 ,上海
2 00 0 37)
摘要 : IM N 起重机新型标准解决方案—— “ IO R N 基本工艺” S EE S SM CA E 采用 “IA I SM T C
+ SM TO I O IN D+S N M C ” 的硬 件 平 台。它 不仅 适用 于港 口起 重机 ,也 同样适 用 于 IA IS
工 业起 重机 。该平 台能够 清晰地 分 配各 种任 务 。新 的 解 决方案 按 照各 个机 构 的功 能
而开发 标 准 的工 艺模 块 ,减 少起 重机 的设 计 和调 试 时间 ,提 高 了生 产效 率 。
关键 词 :港 口 起 重机
sM CA E 工 艺 标 准化 IO R N
近 些年 来 ,大量 的起 重机 控 制系 统 已经使 用 了 SMO R I C ANE起 重 机新 型标准 解 决方案 。 实践 证 明 ,SMOC A I R NE的推 出,不仅 大大 减少 了起

• 计算电芯的3维发热功率分布,以此来精确预测模组 及电池包的温度分布
• 在真实的驾驶循环下,对模组及电池包复杂冷却系统 的选型,例如液冷还是气冷的冷却方案
通过流场、温度场和电化学的耦合分 析,实现对电芯、模组及电池包级别
Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2017
通过详细的几何设定和 电化学模型参数定义, 对电芯进行精确性能模
通过流场、温度场和电化学的耦合分析, 实现对电芯、模组及电池包级别的详细
全系统设计– LMS Amesim
将模组或电池包的3维分析连接到复杂的动力总成系 统模型中
Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2017
SAFT VL41M cell (41 Ah at 4.0 V)
Fig. 3 锂金属沉积发生的原理图.
通过电化学模型,可以计算出 Li Lio
Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2017
Page 7
Siemens PLM Software
Page 4
Siemens PLM Software
快速充电 – 对电动车的必要性
绝大多数司机认为快速充电对电动车来说是十分重要的 快速充电的定义一般认为是20分钟内充入50%以上的电量
Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2017
Page 5
Page 3

2015-08-18 解决方案siemensbp 浏览:796 0西门子变频器MICROMASTER系列产品,用户在使用和调试变频器的过程中常常会使用操作面板,通过操作面板,可以对西门子变频器设定参数、修改参数,快速启动和停止等操作。
1. 控制面板安装问题
2. 电磁兼容性
3. 面板类型错误
4. 电源供电
西门子 清洁能源解决方案

清洁能源解决方案:充分利用地球上的所有能源资源Answers for energy.每天,太阳不间断地向我们生活的星球输送14亿瓦/平方公里的能量。
671189107891011太阳能聚热发电厂海上风电大型光伏发电项目陆上风电热电联供电厂(CHP )西门子太阳能聚热发电厂,可以最有效地利用太阳能,这一地球上最丰富的资源。
Siemens 智能连接装配系统解决方案说明书

Smart Connected AssemblyEmpowering the vision of Industry 4.0Improve it, enhance it, gain total control of itY ou want a total solutions providerThe industry is rapidly changing. New challenges are emerging, and new benefits of smart connected assembly are arising. Giving you the tools to maintain quality control in complex production systems, and increase uptime in production critical operations.This evolution of the assembly processis driven by the Industry 4.0 – T he fourth industrial revolution: the digitalization of manufacturing and assembly.By combining the right tools with the rightsoftware – you can manage configurations,software versioning and access control.Today, it is easy to find a solution thatfits perfectly on your existing line, trulycontributing. Improving it, enhancing it,giving you total control of it. Make sure youhave a true partner. Make sure you are notjust buying tools – but investing in a totalsolution. A smart connected one.③IN CR EA SE D UP TIM E③RE D UC T I ON I ND E FE C TS③P RO DU CT IN TR OD UC TI ONC OS T③IMPROVEDPRODUCTIVITY③HUMANFACTORS③REDUCTIONINENERGYUSEB e n e fi t ss u m m a ri z e d i n th e6p i l l a r s of v a l u eT o i l l u s t ra t e a n de x e m p l if y t h e p ot e n t i a lv a l u e o ft h e b e n efi t s o f I nd u s t r y4.0,w eh a v e s um m a r i z ed t he m in a f r a me w o r k.I n s p i r e db y a“l e an m a n u fa c t u r i n g”p e r s p e ct i v e w i t ha s y s t e ma t i c a p pr o a c hf o r e l i mi n a t i o n of w a s t e,w e c r e at e d“t h e s i xp i l l a r s of v a l u e”.Increased uptime by 78%Increase tool up-time from 98% to 99,5%,by combining a traditional approach for preventive maintenance, with a more data driven approach for predictive maintenance. The maintenance tasks are determined by the condition of the equipment – rather than the average or expected life statistics. T hanks to the dramatically improved data analytics capability, and the sophisticated maintenance models, the repair can be scheduled at a time that minimizes the impact on production.15% reductionin defectsBy integrating applications for part verification and documentation, operator guidance and pick-to-light solutions, you can achieve a reduction in defects and rework by 15%. T he operator guidance application visualizes all process steps and data, to direct the operator through the assembly process. And with the help of a pick-to-light system, the selection of the correct parts – in the right quantities – is ensured for versatile production processes.Costs for introduction of new products down 57%Introducing new products often requires adding or moving production equipment around. However, the use of Virtual Stations brings the cost for new product introduction down by impressive 57%.This by decentralizing and virtualizing control logic, processes and operations. New products can now be added or moved without re-allocating or commissioningof new hardware. A simple software configuration change is all it takes.Improved productivity by 73%First time through, increased from 92,5%to 98% in one year with a structured data analysis process. T his improved productivity is achieved through fewer reworkings, higher end-product quality and maximum uptime on the assembly line. Just a few of the many benefits offered by smart process monitoring and analysis software like Atlas Copco T oolsNet. Enhancing the capability to monitor, document, analyze, and improve the assembly process.Problems are identified and rectified by systematical and regular check of the most frequent “not OK” applications – analysing the trace information, speed and windows.The human factor– 30% reduction in trainingSmart integrated software solutions offer enhanced operator guidance, resulting in fast recognition of rework process, traceabilityin assembly and manual operations, error proofing, data analysis and plant monitoring. So when introducing a new model or changing the assembly process – you havea reduced amount of operator training required.80% Reduction in energy useMultiple wireless tools running on one virtual assembly process controller, leads to a significant reduction in energy use. Recent studies indicate that up to 80% of energy in a typical industrial environment, is consumed when the equipment and tools are in stand-by mode. For factories powered by wind and solar, reducing energy consumption is more than a cost reduction, it’s a necessity to meet environmental policies.The Power Focus 6000 – designed to deliverIntelligence making a difference– IAM is your keyThe Power Focus 6000 – T he perfect choice for safety critical assembly. Supporting hand held and fixtured tools, the Power Focus 6000 is designed to make everyday production easier and more efficient. T he Power Focus 6000 also increases your flexibility in re-balancing assembly lines.Benefitsf f Compatible with: T ensor STR, ST , STB, SR and ES f f Connect up to 6 tools to the same controller f f Simpler installation with less cables, hardwarecomponents and network dropsf f Lower power consumption f f Less floor space utilizationf f … and a much smaller environmental footprint.IAM – Intelligent application module is like holding a key to Smart Connected Assembly. It unlocks all the benefits of software, tightening data and configurations. With IAM you have access to smart software management enabling you to benefit from easy and stable upgrades, with a rapid back-up function.PF6000 T he Power Focus 6000 is a Multi T ool Controller designed to optimize your assembly process.IAM Software,tightening data and configuration – in a future proof portable module.M o r e i nf o r m a t i o no n w w w .a tl a s c o p c o .c omThe Virtual Station is the enabler of your assembly. It controls the tool, the communication and theaccessories in your assembly station. Controlling multiple tools, workingwith virtual station gives you less cable management, less network connections and less hardware components. Y ou will gain increased flexibility with Virtual Stations – the enablerVirtual Station. We call it theenabler – of gaining control, Using less hardwarewill save you up to 80% power consumption – great news for theThe Virtual Station keeps all information about your assembly process, giving you an instant overview of what is going on in your production.T ool Control:Making sure your tool is performing correct tightenings for your assembly.f f Pset selection f f VIN handling f f Batch sequenceCommunication Control:Communicating for easy and seamless integration with your production systems.f f Open Protocol f f FieldbusAccessory Control:Taking care ofmultiple accessories per virtual station.f f Stacklight f f Socket selector f f Digital I/OM o r e i nf o r m a a s c o p c o .c omThe TurboTight StrategyThe T urbo T ight strategy lets the tool absorb the reaction force, andsignificantly improve ergonomics for the operator. Shortening cycle timesand at the same time improving flexibility. Less hardware means lessEliminate operator influenceTrueAngle uses a gyro signal to read operator movement, increasing the accuracy of your angle reading. T his allows you to narrow down your angle window, and detect the most common assembly problems such as wrong or missing components and damaged threads.T rue Angle. Narrow down your angle window, detect the common assembly problems – and increase your quality!T urboTight. Improve operatorexperience, let the tool absorb the reaction force.Revolutionary tightening strategiesM o r e i nf o r m a a s c o p c o .c omT ensor STR – increase individual productivityThe T ensor STR is more than just a powerful nutrunner. Its outstanding performance and robust and ergonomic design, lifts this tool into a new era. High-end performance in every detail, and the modular design will allow you to reduce your spare part inventory. Angle, straight and pistol tools available.Extremely fast, compact and easy to operate, reducing operation cycle timesIncrease your speed and reduce the weight – gain outstanding performance.M o r e i nf o r m a a s c o p c o .c omThe pistol grip T ensorThe two trigger toolThe T ensor ETP STR61 is a fast, light, robust tool offering impressive ergonomic features. T he STR61 motor has improved cooling and gives a tool that is up to 45% faster than its predecessors and 30% lighter. A built- in torque transducer allows best possible tightening accuracy, reducing the need for reworking while ensuring that all tightening data can be recorded.Accurate and reliable, the T ensor STR T wo T rigger T ool has amarket leading accuracy, thanks to it's innovative placement of the transducer. Increasing accuracy to 2,5%. T his increases process reliability, minimizing risk for recall and reducing assembly problems.Cycle timesavings with our two trigger tool21With one hand free, pre-tighten with the upper trigger.With both hands on the tool,tighten to target torque using the lower trigger.M o r e i nf o r m a a s c o p c o .c omSTR AccessoriesSwiveling Suspension Y okeBarcode ScannerFront Lever T riggerT op ring Light ModuleSuspension Y okeProtective Cover for Barcode ScannerFront Lever T riggerT op Side T riggerHeadlightWhether your mission is to get your tightenings to your exactspecification, or to set up that perfect operating solution, T ensor STR isyour go-to-tool. T here are lots of accessories and they are all designedto fulfill your demands.M o mThe Revo STThe T ensor Revo ST , focusing on safety critical applications, was developed with low weight andproductivity in mind. Great for safety-critical applications demanding a traceable torque value, the T ensor ST range complements the S range, ensuring extremely high levels of productivity. T ensor ST tools are used where quality is absolutely critical.Increase your speed and reduce the weight– gain outstanding performance.T ensor SR– Compact and PowerfulIncredibly strong and powerful for its size, the SR nutrunners offer an unmatched power to weight ratio. T his super compact power package is ideal for use in application where a smaller tool is needed. Suitable for safety critical applications, high cycle rates and tough joints.Ideal nutrunner for use in applications where a smaller tool is needed.M o r e i nf o r m a a s c o p c o .c omT ensor ES – Durable PerformanceThe T ensor ES nutrunner is designed for tough working environments. Its industrial design and torque transducer, together makes the decision to go electric easy. Durable performance in quality critical assembly, now faster than ever thanks to the new and revolutionary tightening strategy TurboTight.Atlas Copco's ETF electric screwdriver has been designed to perform consistently and precisely time after time. T heir range has been carefullycreated to match your needs, making micro torque more of a science and less of an art.BCP/BCVThe cordless BCP screwdrivers offer superior ergonomics for the operator, contributing to outstanding performance. T his lightweight pistol-grip tool comes in 7 brushless models offering variable speed with a speedsetting unit. Low speed models are available. Benefitsf f 7 brushless models offeringvariable speed with a speedsetting unit.f f Torque range: 0.8-12 Nm.f f Low speed models available.f f Two 18 V batteries: 2.1 Ah fl atpack or 4.2 Ah regular pack.The BCV nutrunners are durable and reliable, offering flexible assembly. T his nutrunner is lightweight and handy, for maximum operator comfort. Benefitsf f Robust yet ergonomic angletool.f f Torque range 1.5-45 Nm.f f 3 Li-Ion batteries, 18 V (2.1 and4.2 Ah) and 36 V (2.1 Ah).f f Two 18 V batteries: 2.1 Ah fl atpack or 4.2 Ah regular pack.A screwdriver with superior ergonomicsDurable andreliable, the BCV nutrunnerBoth ways. T hebattery can be fitted both forwards and backwards. BCP is built for easy access.M o r e i nf o r m a a s c o p c o .c omT ensor SBSuitable for a wide range of applications, including heavy duty tasks, the user-friendly T ensor SB is an advanced, transducerized industrial battery nutrunner offering high quality tightening. Choosing T ensor SB can reduce energy consumption by as much as 80% compared to using a corresponding air tool. T he T ensor SB’s Atlas Copco Li-Ion battery is powerful, reliable and has no memory effect, which adds up to increased production uptime.Tensor SB can reduce energy consumption by as much as 80%T ensor STBBattery NutrunnersM o r e i nf o r m a a s c o p c o .c omThe PST press spindle is using the same powerful motor as our QST tightening spindles as well as the same controller PowerMACS 4000. T hanks to this you can achieve high level of commonality on your assembly line for both tightening and pressing operations.The QST nutrunners are available in several different models e.g. in-line, offset, angle head , U-shaped and many more. T he tool is designed to be durable, reliable and productive. T he standard torque range of QST is from 2 -1750 NmQST and PST ErgoPulse PTIErgoPulse PTI is designed for industrial users, who has a need for a robust one hand tool. Robust tool means a low investment cost in a long run. It has the highest uptime among pulse tools, and the oil refill has been made very easy.Tightening with air tools – pulse tool innovationM o r e i nf o r m a a s c o p c o .c omMe M o r e i nf o r m a a s c o p c o .c omQuality AssuranceM o r e i nf o r m a t i o n o n w w w .a tl a s c o p c o .c o mMicrotorque SystemM o r e i nf o r m a t i o n o n w w w .a tl a s c o p c o .c o mHLTQ SeriesSingle Quality Solution With a robust design and high-performance components the HLTQ (Hard Line T erminal) series are state-of-the-art devices for your industrial purposes. Choose between four standard models that are pre-configured and available off-the-shelf, or a customized version which can be configured individually based on available options. The Single Quality Solution (SQS) is a comprehensive solution that drives quality, process reliability and transparency, as well as product safety at assembly station SQS guides operators through the assembly process leaving no room for error or oversight. It is capable of managing the assembly process of many different products and is ideally suited for subassembly stations, backup stations, and repair areas.The solution for visualization and control on the shop floor Error proofing software15”19”Entry levelstandalone solutionPlug & PlayEasy toconfigure Set of standardfunctionalitiesM o r e in form at i ono n w w w .a t l a s c o p c o .c o mT oolsNet 8Atlas Copco T oolsNet 8 provides data collection for your tools.Documenting each tightening from every specific tool and station with full knowledge of every single end-product. T his gives you the possibility to improve the tightening process, answer questions about every tool in production, and have every tool serviced and optimized for its task. T he necessary information you need to extract – your way.Improve your assembly line. In everyday production you may need to keep control of service and maintenance. With T oolsnet 8 it is easy to get a complete overview of the assembly line to analyze productivity. Perhaps you need to monitor a certain station to improve on quality, or view the top NOK applications to find the applications withthe highest failure rate for a configured part of the tool structure.Comparing stations, finding bottlenecks and improving quality – T he information you need has never been more structured and accessible.Personalized control of production M o r e i nf o r m a t i o n o n w w w .a tl a s c o p c o .c o mT oolsT alk 2Gain full control of your assembly line with T oolsTalk2 as the center of all configurations, for eitherhandheld or fixtured stations. Leaving no questionsunanswered. With features that benefit you in termsof time, money and end results.Improved productivity is a fact thanks to the reduced configuration times. Program all controllers in the line and their Virtual Stations fast and at once, from a single outlet - your computer. Secure the exact same tightening result in different stations just by copying a program with a click.Achieve reduction in defects with customizable access rights for every user. Giving you complete traceability on tightening programs and their changes. Gaining clear information on who is changing what, where and when.One-click software updates, easy swap between passive and active controller software, visibility to tightening programs history and roll-back to previews states; all add up to your increased uptime in a secure and efficient way.Human interaction is made easy, with excellent user experience through a simple and attractive interface. Clear and easy steps on configuration settings, including notifications to minimize wrong valueinput.T oolsT alk 2ServerComplete Line ManagementM o r e i nf o r m a t io n o n w w w .a tl a s c o p c o .c o mWireless NewsWe live by the expression "There is always a better way". T wo products that are truly a result of that stance are the all new SRB and the Selector 6. SRB is a battery powered low reaction tool. SRB reports wirelessly to the Power Focus 6000 system and takes full advantage of Virtual Stations, T urbo T ight, T ensor Pulse and much more.A socket selector really should be wireless. T he all new Selector 6 is a smart, wireless and expandable solution. Error proofing right at the operators fingertips, literally. Powered by battery or power-over-ethernet and it also comes with daisy-chain possibilities.M o r e i nf o r m a t io n o n w w w .a tl a s c o p c o .c o mECO DESIGNEco Design and environmental aspects of product development is nothing new to us. Atlas Copco has a history of developing modular tools with a deep respect for materials and natural resources used in the products.We always strive to maximize the functionality of the product and at the same time minimize the energy consumption to make sure the environmental impact is as low as possible. By developing accurate tools we make sure the customer never has to waste time or energy to re-do an operation. For battery tools we also have the option to connect multiple tools to one controller and thereby decrease the standby energy consumption considerably.Eco Design is all about minimizing a product's environmental impact during its entire life-cycle, including extraction of raw materials, manufacturing, customer usage and recycling while maximizing the rmation to CustomerWe prepare for upgrading,maintenance and recycling,through labeling, modularizationand information in the productinformation.Hazardous SubstancesWe avoid hazardous substancesand materials listed on the AtlasCopco Restricted & Prohibited list.Reuse and RecyclingWe design with recycling in mind.We promote repair and upgrading,especially for long lasting andsystem-dependent products. T oincrease the customer’s awarenessregarding the importance ofrecycling, we are now includingRecycling Instructions in theProduct Information (PI).Energy EfficiencyWe consider how the final productwill be used in order to minimizeenergy and resource consumptionin the use phase, in productionand during transportation.MaterialsWe use materials and structuralfeatures to minimize the product’sweight and invest in strong,durable materials to protect theproduct.Mix and ModularityWe avoid mixing materials sinceblends inhibit recycling andconsider fastening methods tofacilitate disassembly.For full information about our tools and softwares visit 。
西门子(Siemens) PLM 软件传动工程-挑战与解决方案说明书

Predict and reduce gear whine noise 5 times faster Generate transmission gearbox models automatically and boost vibro-acoustic performanceUnrestricted© Siemens AG 2019Realize innovation.Transmission Engineering ChallengesGuarantee Performance and DurabilityReduce Time for SimulationMinimize Vibration and Noise LevelsReduce Weight with Lightweight DesignsAnalysisResultsModellingPrototyping can cost up to 200k$ --per single gear80% of time for manual model creationMicrogeometry modificationscan reduce vibration level with 6dB (=half!)Transmission Error can increase 10x or more!Transmission Engineering ProcessTypical process for NVH analysisMore efficient process in Simcenter 3DTransmission Error or Stiffness, parametersAcoustics, NVH •Gear whine •Gear rattleEnd-to-end integrated process for transmission simulation from CAD to Loads to NoiseTransmission Builder →Motion →Motion-to-Acoustics →Acoustic Analysis•Automatic creation of multi-body simulation models •Accurate 3D simulation of gear forces•Semi-automatic link of gear forces to vibro-acoustics •Efficient and accurate acoustic simulationsPre-processing of loads orsurface vibrationsTransmission layout (stages, dimensions)Multi-body simulation •Simulation of forcesand dynamicsPositioning, dimensions…Gear-centric tool•Analysis of gear pairsMulti-Body Simulation of TransmissionsTransmission Engineering ProcessTypical process for NVH analysisMore efficient process in Simcenter 3DTransmission Error or Stiffness, parametersAcoustics, NVH •Gear whine •Gear rattleEnd-to-end integrated process for transmission simulation from CAD to Loads to NoiseTransmission Builder →Motion →Motion-to-Acoustics →Acoustic Analysis•Automatic creation of multi-body simulation models •Accurate 3D simulation of gear forces•Semi-automatic link of gear forces to vibro-acoustics •Efficient and accurate acoustic simulationsPre-processing of loads orsurface vibrationsTransmission layout (stages, dimensions)Multi-body simulation •Simulation of forcesand dynamicsPositioning, dimensions…Gear-centric tool•Analysis of gear pairs.Transmission BuilderSummaryNew Simulation Solution for GearsMulti-Body Simulation of TransmissionsMulti-Body SimulationScopePredicting, Analyzing, Improving the positions, velocities, accelerations and loads of a mechatronic system using an accurate and robust 3D multi-body simulation approachMechatronic Systems Flexible Bodies•Integration with tools for robust design of complex non-linear multi-physics systems:control systems, sensors, electric motors, etc •Predict mechanical system more accurately wrt displacements and loads•Gain insight in frequency response of a mechanism•Enable Noise, Vibration & Harshness (NVH) as well as Durability analysesSimcenter 3D Motion for Transmission Simulation Critical featuresMulti-Body Simulation Industry Modelling Practices•Joints •Constraints •Bearings•Linear Flexible Bodies•Nonlinearity (geometric & materials) by running FEcode•Deformations•Loads•Transmission Error•Time domain •Statics, dynamic,•Mechatronics / controlPost processing•Create gear geometry ✓CAE interface ✓Import CAD•Ext. Forces •Motor•Contacts, FrictionParametric Optimization loop Automation / CustomizationKinematicsDynamicsFlexible bodiesCADSolving1D -modelsControlsTEST dataA manual creation process can consume 80%of time!.Transmission BuilderSummaryNew Simulation Solution for GearsMulti-Body Simulation of TransmissionsNew ApproachTransmission Builder Vertical ApplicationProblem: Even experienced 3D-Multi Body Simulation experts can struggle to 1.Model complex parametric transmissions2.Capture all relevant effects correctly and efficiently3.Update and validate their modelsSolution: Transmission Builder Up to 5x faster Model creation processSimcenter TransmissionBuilderGear train specification based on Industry standardsMultibody simulation modelDemonstrationModel Creation and Updating1.Loading of pre-definedTransmission2.Geometry creation3.Creation of rigid bodies forgearwheels and shafts4.Positioning and Joint-definition5.Force element creation.Transmission BuilderSummaryNew Simulation Solution for GearsMulti-Body Simulation of TransmissionsNew Solver Methodologies Simulating and ValidatingValidation cases ensure resultsas accurate as non-linear Finite Elements simulationMeasured Transmission ErrorAnalytical MethodSiemens STS Advanced MethodExploiting intrinsic geometric properties of gears + Efficient-Only for gears, not for arbitrary shapes-No deformation includedBut, included as part of the Load CalculationFE based contact detection -“Brute force” Slow+ Any geometry+ Deformation effects includedDedicating Tooth ContactModeling –FE PreprocessorLocal Deformation –Analytic SolutionSlicing –Gear Force Distribution Along Line of Action •Includes Microgeometry Modifications and Misalignments in all DOF•Automatically takes in to account coupling between slices and between teeth•Accounts for actual gear body geometry with advanced stiffness formulation•Evaluates tip contact (approximation)Gear ContactMethodology HighlightsKey Features.Transmission BuilderSummaryNew Simulation Solution for GearsMulti-Body Simulation of TransmissionsMulti-Body Simulation of Transmissions SummaryValidated methodologySuperior insight in transmission vibrationsAutomated creation of transmission modelsGear simulation as accurate as FE whileextremely fast•Create CAD + MBD model•Connect and position housing•Add flexible modes (Autoflex)•Set up load casesSimcenter 3D Motion Simulate TransmissionDynamic bearing forcesSimulateAcoustic Simulation of TransmissionsTransmission Engineering ProcessTypical process for NVH analysisMore efficient process in Simcenter 3DTransmission Error or Stiffness, parametersAcoustics, NVH •Gear whine •Gear rattleEnd-to-end integrated process for transmission simulation from CAD to Loads to NoiseTransmission Builder →Motion →Motion-to-Acoustics →Acoustic Analysis•Automatic creation of multi-body simulation models •Accurate 3D simulation of gear forces•Semi-automatic link of gear forces to vibro-acoustics •Efficient and accurate acoustic simulationsPre-processing of loads orsurface vibrationsTransmission layout (stages, dimensions)Multi-body simulation •Simulation of forcesand dynamicsPositioning, dimensions…Gear-centric tool•Analysis of gear pairs.Acoustic Simulation of TransmissionsAcoustic SimulationPost-ProcessingSummaryAcoustic Process OverviewvvcvMulti-body simulation resultsD a t a p r o c e s s i n g a n d m a p p i n gLoad Recipe Time series Frequency spectraWaterfalls OrdersNoise PredictionMeasured dataORAcoustic Process OverviewFrom Motion to AcousticsInput Loads Time Data to Waterfallof Time DataFFT Post-Processing•Multi-body simulation results•Data selection (forces, vibrations)•Automatic mapping •Multiple RPM•RPM function•Frame size definition•Time range selection•Time segmentation•Fourier transform(windowing, frequencyrange, averaging)•Waterfalls•Functions•Order-cut analysis Benefits•Quick switch between Motion and Acoustics solutions•Efficient data processing (fast pre-solver)•Automatic data mapping•Pre-processing time reductionAcoustic Process Overview Acoustic SimulationGeometry Preparation Meshing andAssemblyStructural/AcousticPre-ProcessingSolver Post-Processing•Holes closing •Blends removal •Parts assembly •Mesh mating•Bolt pre-stress•Structural meshing•Acoustic meshing•Loading frommulti-body analysis•Fluid-StructureInterface•Output requests•Simcenter NastranVibro-Acoustics(FEM AML,FEMAO, ATV)•Structural results•Acoustic results•Contributionanalysis (modes,panels, grids) What-If, Optimization, Feedback to DesignerBenefits•Efficient model set-up•Efficient, accurate solutions•Quick solution update•Deep insight into results.Acoustic Simulation of TransmissionsAcoustic SimulationPost-ProcessingSummaryAcoustic SimulationModel Preparation –MeshesFrom multi-body analysis•CAD geometry•Structural mesh of body→Used to compute structural modes included in Motion model when accounting for flexibility of body Specific to acoustic analysis•Acoustic mesh around body for exterior noise radiation →Geometry cleaning (ribs removal, holes filling)→Surface and convex meshing →3D elements filling•Microphone mesh for acoustic responseAssembly of structural and acoustic meshesBenefits•Easy, fast, efficient model set-up•Quick switch between CAD and FEM environments •Quick update with associativity of meshes to CAD •Flexible modelling through assemblyAssociativityModel Preparation –Loads and Boundary Conditions Structural constraints and loads•Fixed constraints•Multi-body forces applied at center of bearings→Automatic mapping→Data processing (time to waterfall of time data, FFT) Acoustic boundary conditions•AML (Automatically Matched Layer)→Non-reflecting boundary condition to absorb outgoing acoustic wavesFluid-structure interface•Weak or strong couplingTime dataTo Waterfall of Frequency dataBenefits•Easy, fast, efficient model set-up•Quick switch between FEM and SIM environmentsρc AMLSize ~ 190k nodes ~ 14k nodes Timex s/freq.x/20s/freq.AML (Automatically Matched Layer)•Automatic creation of PML (Perfectly Matched Layer) at solver levelFull absorption of outwards-traveling waves•First, accurate results in “physical” (red) FEM domain •Then, accurate results outside the FEM domain (green), through post-processing •PML layer very close to radiatorBenefits•No manual creation of extra absorbing layer •Optimal absorption •Lean FEM model •Fast computationSolver Technologies –FEM AMLATV (Acoustic Transfer Vector)•Single computation of acoustic transfer vector between vibrating surface and microphones{p ω}=ATV ω×{v n (ω)}•Independence of ATV from load conditions (RPM, order)•For exterior radiation, smooth ATV functions in frequencyBenefits•Large frequency steps for ATV computation, and interpolation for acoustic response •Fast multi-RPM analysisSolver Technologies –ATV=+p ωv n (ω)304050607080901001003005007009001100130015001700S o u n d P r e s s u r e L e v e l (d B )f (Hz)FEMATV Response Frequency100-1700 Hz 100-1700 HzTime22 min3 minNo ATV ATVFEMAO (FEM Adaptive Order)•High-order FEM with adaptive order refinement •Hierarchical high-order shape functions•Auto-adapting fluid element order at each frequency (dependent on f, local c0, local ℎ), to maintain accuracy Benefits•Lean single coarse acoustic mesh •Optimal model size at each frequency •Huge gains vs standard FEM •Faster at lower frequencies•More efficient at higher frequencies • 2 to 10 x fasterAcoustic SimulationSolver Technologies –FEMAOStandard FEM →1 single model for all frequenciesStandard FEM →several modelsfor different frequency rangesFEMAO →1 single model for all frequenciesLess DOF required forFEMAO Optimal DOF size over all frequenciesEdge Shape Functions Face Shape FunctionsFEM FEMAO.Acoustic Simulation of TransmissionsAcoustic SimulationPost-ProcessingSummaryRigid body vs Flexible body•No significant difference at low frequencies •Above 1400 Hz, more frequency content due to structural modes of flexible housing structurePlain gears vs Lightweight gears (flexible body)•Low harmonic at 200 Hz (6000 RPM), due to gear stiffness variation with holes in lightweight gear •Side band due to tooth stiffness variation (amplitude effect due to coupling with holes)Bearing Forces Frequency Domain Benefits•Deeper insight on input forces•Quick solution update for comparative studies involving design/modelling changesPlain gears vs Lightweight gears (flexible body)•Low RPM•Significant impact of lightweight gears •High RPM•Extra frequency content at low frequenciesRigid body vs Flexible body •Low frequencies•Reduced impact of flexibility •High frequencies•Larger impact of flexibilityRadiated Acoustic Power Functions300 RPM –Plain gears300 RPM –Lightweight gear 5900 RPM –Plain gears5900 RPM –Lightweight gears300 RPM –Rigid body 300 RPM –Flexible body 1500 RPM –Rigid body 1500 RPM –Flexible bodyBenefits•Efficient post-processing for results analysis •Quick solution update for comparative studiesinvolving design/modelling changesRigid Body vs Flexible Body Benefits•Efficient post-processing forresults analysis•Global overview oncorrespondencebetween source(dynamic forces)and receiver(acoustic power)Plain Gears vs Lightweight Gears Benefits•Efficient post-processing forresults analysis•Global overview oncorrespondencebetween source(dynamic forces)and receiver(acoustic power)Contribution AnalysisExamplesMultiple results types: structural displacements and modes, equivalent radiated power, acoustic pressure and power, panel contributions to pressure and power, grid contributions, etcBenefits•Efficient post-processing forresults analysis•Deepunderstanding ofmodel behaviorthrough multipleresults types Structural displacements Acoustic pressure Grid contributionsPanel contributions.Acoustic Simulation of TransmissionsAcoustic SimulationPost-ProcessingSummaryAcoustic Simulation of Transmissions SummaryEfficient model set-up with CAD associativity for quicksolution updateSuperior insight in vibro-acoustic responseFast and accurate solver technologiesMore efficient link of gear forces from Motion toAcoustics =+p ωv n (ω)Associativity•Transfer bearing forces into frequency domain•Set-up vibro-acoustic model•Map bearing forces onto vibro-acoustic modelSimcenter 3D Acoustics Simulate TransmissionSimulateAcoustic resultsConclusionUnrestricted © Siemens AG 20192019-05-08Page 42Siemens PLM SoftwarePredict and Reduce Gear Whine Noise 5 Times FasterGenerate transmission gearbox models automatically and boost vibro-acoustic performanceSimcenterTransmission Builder Motion Simulation Acoustic SimulationAutomation removes 80% of workload for transmission model generation New gear solver increases efficiencyand accuracy Automatic motion-to-acoustics linksimplifies pre-processing Fast acoustic solver gives superiorinsight to responseUnrestricted © Siemens AG 20192019-05-08Page 43Siemens PLM SoftwareEasy workflow from design specifications NVH gear whine analysisHyundai Motor CompanyGear Whine Analysis of Drivetrains Using Simcenter Simulation & Services•Predictive simulation for system level NVH and gear whine•Bring 3D simulation to the next level of usability, towards an holistic generative approach for drivetrain design and NVH“Simcenter Engineering and Consulting services helped us use the right analysistools to cover the entire gear transmission analysis […] The Simcenter 3D Transmission Builder software tool is well suited for our engineering purposes”Mr. Horim Yang, Senior Research Engineer•Simcenter 3D Motion and Transmission Builder for system level NVH in multibody •Simcenter Engineering and Consulting for solving complex engineering issues AutomaticCAD and multibody creationAccurateFE-based gear elementsMulti-disciplinaryCAD-FEMMultibody-Acoustic。

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Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2017
Page 3
Voltage, V
Capacity, Ahr
Energy, Whr
Energy Density
Whr/kg 223
Whr/liter 615
Weight, g
Volume, cm³
Active Area, m²
Electrolyte Mass, g
Electrode Properties Value Value
Average Voltage, V Stoichiometry at formation Unit Capacity, mAh/cm² Thickness(w/collector), µ Coating Porosity, % Coated Length*, cm Coating Thickness*, µ Coating Weight, g Total Length, cm Loading, mg/cm²
Page 6
Siemens PLM Software
N. Legrand et al. / J. Power Sources 245 (2014) 208-216
"我们认为当满足热力学条件 Li Lio 0时, 锂金属将发生沉积"

使 用最 先 进 的 P M 软 件 技 术 能 够 显 著 改 进 项 L 目质 量 ,缩 短 开 发 和规 划 时 间 ,便 于 供应 商 的 管 理 , 从而 降 低 总体 项 目成 本 。我 们 坚信 ,在 这 些 创新 解 决 方案 的 帮助 下 ,我们 将 把 MC 2 -1
西 门 子 工 业 自 动 化 有 限 公 司 ( ime s Se n Id sr A tmainDiso ) 旗 下 的全 球 领 n u t uo t v in y o i
先 的产 品 生 命 周 期 管 理 ( L )软 件 和 服 务 PM
提 供商 Se n L ot r 日前 宣 布 ,俄 ime sP M S f e wa 罗 斯 知 名 的 飞 机 制 造 商 伊 尔 库 特 (ru)公 I t k 司 正 在 扩 展 NXT 和 T a e t囤 软 件 的部 M e mc ne
场 起飞 。
泛 的 P M 解 决 方 案 , 伊 尔 库 特 公 司 将 采 用 L T a e tr 为 产 品 数 据 管 理 平 台 , 以 建 立 e mc ne 作
个统 一 和 同 步 的产 品 和制 造 数 据 库 。公 司 还
全 球 市 场 对新 型 节 能 中程 商 用 客机 的 需 求
目时 , 我 们 毫 无 争 议 地 再 次 选 择 了 S e n ime s P M S f a e的 N L ot r w X和 T a e t r 决方 案 。 e mc ne 解

- electric wiring provided with decentralised machine peripherics (DMP).
B) Alpha-numerical block字母-数字键
C) Correction/cursor block with control keyboard and input key
操作面板运行的详细信息,请参阅“SINUMERIK 840 D”使用手册附在机床文件中。
7.1.1. Electric cabinet电气柜PAGE 7.2
7.1.2.- Controls panel控制面板PAGE 7.2
4) MDA manual setMDA方式按钮
5) AUTOMATIC (automatic machine control with automatic execution of programs)
6) REPOS (repositioning, reapproach to profile in JOG mode)返回中断点功能按钮

Take off into the digital age.Productivity in aerospace manufacturing – reliable, efficient and secure/aerospace…affect all steps of aircraft manufacturing...• Engine Production• Aerostructure Production • Structure Assembly • Final Assembly • Paint Shop…and are reflected in building technologies.• Safety • Security• Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC)• Energy Efficiency • Lighting• Power Management• 3rd party integration of all building disciplines2Optimize the entire value chainNow is the time to integrate the Digital Enterprise Suite and achieve more flexible, cost-effective, and sustainableoperations.Discover the Digital Enterprise Suite:/desDigital Enterprise: where the digital twin comes to life The Digital Enterprise Suite (DES) is based on Siemens’ collaborative data platform Teamcenter, and offers an integrated portfolio of software-based systems and auto- m ation technologies.Intelligent software – such as Product Lifecycle Management, Totally Integrated Automation, Automation and Motion Control, and Lifecycle and Data Analytics – digitalizes the entire value chain and creates a digital twin. In a completely virtual environment, products can be developed, simulated, tested and optimized, which results in increased flexibility, quality and reduced time to market.Unleash the power of Siemens Digital Enterprise3Virtual steps lead to real-world impactChallengeProduct development and prototyping are time- consuming and cost-intensive tasks. They require an open and modular approach, as well as the proper simulation of all products and components. Various parts, materials, functions and external factors have to be considered, even before the first prototype has been built.ChallengeDevelopment of production and assembly processes includes a variety of equipment, such as robots and automated guided vehicles. The manufacturing process must be set up perfectly to ensure maximum output and efficiency, while configuration-based documen-tation with visual 3D images and graphics are vital to increasing visibility into process information.SolutionSiemens NX is a leading design software that covers the entire design process and uses Simcenter for integrated simulation. Using the digital twin that represents every detail, the aircraft can be simulated, tested and optimized before production.For example, before building a prototype, a Global Finite Element analysis enables holistic stress modeling of internal loads and safety margins. All data created during the design process is stored and accessed to ensure that the simulation and optimization results can be effectively implemented in production planning, production engineering and final production.SolutionSiemens’ Tecnomatix software aligns production planning and product design via a virtual production area. It enables the placement of robots and additional equipment for process simulation and optimization. Plant Simulation software simulates the material flow and helps eliminate production bottlenecks, plus it generates 3D instructions for maximum clarity and minimal authoring costs.All data collected can help reduce automation engineer -ing efforts during production planning, alongside faster verification of the manufacturing process andreduced time to market thanks to the digital twin.For full information, visit:/plm4of design and planning with the real world of auto-mation is a major undertaking. Reliable data is crucial and any inconsistency must be detected before the start of production.thousands of parts. Reliable and high-quality airplanes depend on global supply chains, synchronized production operations and real-time plant visibility.SolutionProduction System Engineering connects the mecha n-ical design process to electrical data. It automatically generates PLC programs and E-CAD layouts, while all mechanical, electrical and automation data enables faster and easier changes. Controllers, distributed I/O, HMI, drives, motion control, and motor management are seamlessly integrated into a single environment, Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal), which supports global standardization. The TIA Portal em- p owers Totally Integrated Automation, which includes scalable and compatible automation hardware.Pre-production simulation and machine task review help to overcome the complexity and high value of aircraft components. When our SINUMERIK virtual NC kernel (VNCK) is combined with the simulation soft- w are NX CAM and Teamcenter, the NC program can be simulated and the planning process can be executed.SolutionThe Manufacturing Operations Management software consolidates all production processes to improve execution process and quality management, as well as advanced planning and scheduling. SIMATIC IT, Siemens’ Manufacturing Execution System, sends individual configuration information to the correct stations on the production line. It continuously monitors production to ensure high-quality manufac-turing and assembly.For high-precision machining, the high-end CNC SINUMERIK 840D sl delivers maximum CNC perfor-mance, a high degree of flexibility and revolutionary openness for almost every machine concept. For the effective integration of digital solutions, CNC Shop-floor Management software is particularly tailored to the requirements arising on machine tools and allows the management, analysis and optimization of machinetool manufacturing.5On the path to digital production, our portfolio can help machine operators identify untapped optimiza-tion, ensure cybersecurity and improve production by better integration in IT processes and modern data analytics.Our experts are there to provide advice and guidance, with an eye of regard for the aerospace industry.For full information, visit:/industryservices6Manufacturing optimization:the power of SINUMERIK VNCK(Virtual NC Kernel).SINUMERIK VNCK connects the virtual and realworlds at Premium Aerotec – and all processerrors are virtually identified and archived likea fingerprint.Increased production: MTU AeroEngines boosts its output withSINUMERIK CNC controls.SINUMERIK enables a lot size of up to 1 to beidentically manufactured on any machine.7Published bySiemens AGDigital FactoryMotion ControlP.O. Box 31 8091050 ErlangenSubject to change without prior noticeArticle No. DFMC-B10039-00-7600Dispo 06311LMB / WS 04180.1Printed in Germany© Siemens AG 2018The information provided in this brochure contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of performance which in case of actual use do not always apply as described or which may change as a resultof further development of the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of contract.All product designations may be trademarks or product names of Siemens AG or supplier companies whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary to im- plement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Siemens’ products and solutions only form one element of such a concept. For more information about industrial security,please visit /industrialsecurity.。

典型的风险分析内容包括如下方面: • 鉴定受到威胁的对象 • 分析威胁程度和损害的可能性 • 威胁和弱点的分析 • 认识存在的安全措施 • 风险评估
系统加固 为了降低基于软件的系统的风险需要关闭或者禁止运行不必 要的程序和接口。
根据需要加固计算机系统、服务器、网络组件或自动化系统定 制解决方案。
例如 • 渗透测试 • 管理和测试 • 病毒查杀 • 执行 Windows 软件更新服务 • 网络监控 • 安全远程访问呢 • 补丁管理
SIMATIC S7-1200 和 S7-1500 • S7-1200 和 S7-1500 CPU 集成访问保护功能
- 知识产权保护 - 恶意操纵防护 - 拷贝保护
• 通过 CP 1543-1 增强保护功能 - 集成防火墙 - 通过 VPN 防止数据被恶意操纵或篡改
SIMATIC S7-300 和 S7-400 • 通过 CP 343-1 Advanced 和 CP 443-1 Advanced 通讯处理
3-2 区域和通道的 信息安全保障等级 3-3 系统信息安全要求 和信息安全保障等级
用户和制造商在建立信息安 全程序时的需求
组件 4-1 产品开发要求 4-2 对 IACS 产品的 信息安全技术要求
保障系统部件 安全的要求
国际 / 国家标准 工业控制系统信息安全 第 1 部分:评估规范 工业控制系统信息安全 第 2 部分:验收规范 可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)安全要求 集散控制系统(DCS)安全防护标准 集散控制系统(DCS)安全管理标准 集散控制系统(DCS)安全评估标准 集散控制系统(DCS)风险与脆弱性检测标准 工业通信网络 - 网络和系统安全 - 第 2-1 部分:建立工业自动 化和控制系统信息安全程序
博途工艺对象 负载齿轮 位置参数

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Tree Factory
B.Data 是西门子为企业提供的经济高效安全可靠的能源管理解决方案。B.Data 将过 程控制系统和办公环境下的数据处理系统有机结合,能够完成能源使用及能源费用 的采集、计算及分析,以实现对能源监控、能源报表、能源趋势、物料平衡、能耗 设备管理、成本中心管理、能源预测、能源采购、能源绩效等的管理功能。
西门子是世界领先的节能环保企业,所提供的节能业务组合不仅 是世界上最大而且涵盖了整个能源供应链条。利用自身在各个领 域的世界领先技术及经验,我们能够向客户提供全面节能解决方 案,其中包括:全集成自动化(TIA)、全集成能源管理(TIP)、 高效电机和变频器。顾客无需再向不同公司寻求单一的产品和服 务并尝试将其整合,这可以帮助您节约时间及金钱。
能源管理系统的执行步骤(B.Data) • 增强透明度:能耗透明化及物料平衡 • 费用细分:能源费用分配到各个费用中心 • 过程优化:自动负荷计划及管理 • 运行优化:优化能源采购及遵循采购合同
通过这个系统,您可以对厂内各个能源消耗点的情况一目了然。例如,四条同样 的生产线,为什么一号线用能效率最高?又比如,如果一条生产线上有三个班 组,为什么二班能耗最高?管理者可以借此发现问题、制定奖惩措施。通过系统 得到能耗分析,您可以决定在哪里使用变频器或其它的节能措施。
B. Data ਜ਼ࢽ܋
ీᇸ࠶ᇑਦ֧ ޜခഗ
客户:百事可乐 Pepsico 重庆新厂
能源监控:完成对工厂用电、气、水、空调系统、照 明系统全方位的能源监控:时间上,从年度精确到每 季度、每月、每周、每天的重点时段,将每个环节的 能源消耗与工作业绩的关系清晰呈现出来,并且与各 个单位乃至个人的绩效考核结合起来。真正做到能源 管理的精细化和全面化,将节能降耗工作落到实处。
关ur Passion!
概要 ................................................................................ 3 全面节能解决方案(TIES) ................................................ 4 • 全集成自动化(TIA) ...................................................... 5 • 全集成能源管理(TIP) ................................................... 7 • 高效电机 ...................................................................... 11 • 变频器 .......................................................................... 12 SinaSave TM 节能计算软件 ............................................... 14 节能四种业务模式 ........................................................... 15 节能行业应用案例 ........................................................... 16 展望 ................................................................................ 19
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ጲ࠶ࢁۯ ๎՚ದئۉଉ ᇑࡗײ੦ဣཥ ࣑ຕ
于 SIMATIC PCS7 的专家系统为例,水泥行业专家系统 CEMAT 中 CEMAT-KCS 回转窑优化控制系统(KCS)能够改进水泥窑和冷却系 统的运行,以使生产保持在一个稳定的高水平,使用 KCS 系统后 水泥窑燃料和能源节约最大 10%;生产量增加最大 10%;降低排 放最大 15%;炉衬耐用性/使用寿命延长最大 15%。
我们可以提供的范围广泛:电压从 230V 到 13.2kV, 功率从 0.06kW 到 100MW,符合 EU/CEMEP 协议规 定的 EFF1 和 EFF2 指标的国际型号,在北美市场符合 EPAct 和 NEMA 效率指标的产品。我们的电机可用于定 速驱动和变频驱动,可以与 SINAMICS 变频器和 SIRIUS 电机起动器完美匹配。
确保玻璃质量保证技术条件的稳定性,能够节省 2%-8% 的能量并 提高玻璃产量。机械冷却(MC):冷却成型机的空气的能量消耗 与不同季节的温度,压力和湿度波动有关。机械冷却系统可以提 高生产力、改善平均产品质量(玻璃分布状态和强度),一台 200 千瓦的电机每年可以节省 170,000-430,000 千瓦时能量。
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99.0 ీᇸׯԨ
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在电机的生命周期中,能耗费用占 97% 以上, 而购买价格只占不到 3%。
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一台电机的能耗成本在整个电机生命周期成本中占 97% 以上,而其采购和安装维护成本仅占不到 3%。西 门子高效电机产品在原有基础上,通过电、磁、机械 和通风的优化,优质材料及先进制造工艺的使用,并 结合先进全面的试验及测试手段,可以切实有效地降 低电动机的各方面损耗,帮助用户降低运行成本,加 快投资回收。西门子高效电机可以适合所有的驱动设 计,电机功率损耗可降低高达 45%,并且由于温度降 低,延长了电机和润滑剂的使用寿命。
西门子 SIMATIC PCS 7 亦可提供 SIGLAS(玻璃行业解决方案)— 满足玻璃生产要求并提高玻璃生产运行效率降低能耗的解决方 案。SIGLAS Lambda 燃烧计算和可反预测控制系统利用λ探测器 控制燃烧过程来减少熔化炉的氮氧化合物(NOx)排放量,通过优 化热交换和燃烧控制系统可以节省 2%-8% 的能量,还可以增加炉 子的使用寿命。光学熔融控制(OMC):控制熔炉的能量传输和
Office LAN (Ethernet)
Web ਜ਼ࢽ܋
B. Data Internet INTERNET ਜ਼ࢽ܋
WinCC ਜ਼ࢽ܋
WinCC Web ޜခഗ
WinCC ޜခഗ Industrial Ethernet
OS LAN (Ethernet)
全集成能源管理(TIP),是提高工厂的透明度和管理水平的最有效工具。西门子 TIP 平台可为工矿企业、商业楼宇、基础设施和民用建筑提供从中压配电到终端 配电的多种配电解决方案。 TIP 提供了全系列高质量、模块化、集成化的配电产品和系统;针对配电系统的 前期规划设计和系统装配,它提供了简便、快捷、可靠的工具软件,协助设计和 生产,减少电气工程师大量的时间,确保配电系统安全、可靠和经济;而且针 对配电系统的运行与维护,它提供了配电监控系统解决方案,运行管理人员利用 系统提供的配电实时信息,有利于设备调度停运、故障预维护、合理安排检修计 划、电耗管理等,确保配电系统的安全、经济运行。全集成能源管理(TIP)提供 了优质、节能的配电产品的同时,优化配电系统的设计成本和运行维护成本,是 配电系统的理想解决方案。
自动化与能源管理对于高效生产而言不可或缺。工业企业的竞争 力在很大程度上也取决于他们对能源管理的掌控。过去单单依靠 分立的改进措施来提高生产效率已不再奏效,而是需要信息技 术、通讯技术和自动化技术在公司流程中的横向和纵向无缝集 成,从而提高生产效率和改良过程技术,为工业企业提供降低成 本的新途径。
成本分析:完成对现场的水、电、气、油等的监测和 计量,按部门和时段进行考核统计,并生成能源消耗 统计报表;分类统计出各类能源的消耗和费用给企业 内网 web 发布实时能耗数据,并生成各种报表、曲 线、图表等。
德国雷根斯堡宝马汽车用 B.Data 实现的能源管理系统
主要完成的功能: • 能源和物料平衡 • 全厂平衡(综合考虑热和电平衡) • 获得典型数据(公司的基准数据) • 内部能耗费用分配和统计 • 耗能分析和估算 • 监控当前和历史的能量流 • 能量控制(目标/实际消耗)