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Unit 6 Learning to Read
Aims and Objectives
This unit introduces strategies and skills for improving reading efficiency. It attempts
1. to introduce strategies and skills for improving reading speed, such as reading everyday,
choosing appropriate materials, avoiding vocalizing and using dictionaries, pacing
yourselves, skimming and scanning;
2. to introduce strategies and skills for improving reading comprehension, such as predicting,
guessing vocabulary, recognizing paragraph organization, critical reading and note-taking
3. to show how to read differently for different purposes, such as reading for information,
reading for pleasure and reading for language.
1. (1) for getting information more quickly
(2) for understanding more of the implied meaning more accurately
(3) for gaining confidence
Answers may vary according to different students.
2. Answers may vary according to different students.
3. Suggestions: You can read through several pages of a book at random. If there are more
than five or six new words on each page, then this book is not a good book for you to
improve reading speed.
4. (1) gregarious: sociable
(2) dignitary..a person holding high positions, esp. in pubic life
(3) cacophonous....of sounds..unpleasant and loud
(4) courtesy: polite behavior
(5) Body language: the use of bodily movements and signs as a way of expressing one‘s
feelings or intentions without using words. 身势语
5. A good opportunity to practise. This activity is to motivate students to practice
fast-reading skills.
6. Answers may vary according to different students. The teacher should check the
students‘ work from time to time.
7. 1) (1) Read only the first and the last sentence of a paragraph.
(2) Read the first and the last paragraph of an article or the introduction and
summary of a book.
(3) Go over the reading material rapidly and read only the familiar words and
expressions and piece together the information conveyed by them.
(4) Focusing on key words and expressions and ignore supporting details.
2) Correct answer is number 3.
Number 1 is too general. Number 2 has been mentioned, but is not important.
Number 4 has not been mentioned. Number 5 is too specific.
Suggestion: History and Development of Fishport.
8. (1) 302
(2) Prints And Photographs Reading
(3) 10
(4) west
9. 1) Suggestions:
(1) the title of the book
(2) the publication date printing of a book
(3) the name of the author and your knowledge about the author
(4) your knowledge about the field of study
(5) your common sense
(6) context of the text
2) (1) c (2) a (3) b (4) b (5) a (6) b
10. law-abiding: habitually obeying the law device used: compounding
incredulity: disbelief device used: antonymy, figures of speech (contrast and
perspiration: sweat device used: description
11. Paragraph 1: narration This is a paragraph of narration.
Paragraph 2: exampl

12. Suggestions:
From her actions, hesitation and words, you can infer that she does not like the painting
drawing very much or that she does not know much about drawing painting.
13. In passage 1, from the expressions such as our own, our homes, our town, our rugged
seacliff, and our sturdy town hall, we, our ancestor, respect, it is solid and enduring,
friendship is highly prized, that stretch back two centuries, you can identify that the
author is laudatory. However, in passage 2, the author holds a definitely different attitude.
It is ironic and negative. There are many clues to show the author‘s attitude, for example,
trap, its roof was more vines than covering, my warm-hearted host, a fair choice, a free
guest of the country jail, never shall I forget it, the crazy little pirate hideout.
From the words and expressions of the passage, such as actually, respect, highly
valued, enduring, misunderstanding you can infer that the author holds a positive opinion
towards the villagers in Xincun.
14. Answers may vary according to different students. The activity intends to raise students‘
awareness of memory in reading comprehension.
15. 1) (1) It makes us concentrate better when reading.
(2) It improves our analytical ability in the process of sorting out important points.
(3) It makes our understanding clearer by putting thoughts into words.
(4) It makes our review easier with the notes.
2) Suggestions:
When to take notes: take notes after you I have read part of a book/passage.
What to take: important points to you, summary, outline, comments, and useful
Where to take notes: space between the lines, margins, and at the end papers.
16. 1) Answers may vary according to different students.
Reading for
Reading for
Reading for
performing a
3 2 1
There is some overlapping. Reading for pleasure entails reading for information, which
in turn entails reading for language. But for each purpose the manner of reading would
be different to some extent.
Home Assignment
1. You can refer back to this unit. This is an open-ended question. Different students may
come up with different answers. It aims to engage students in reflecting upon what has
been discussed.
2. For course books, you should read intensively for learning the language and getting
information as well. But it is not enough; you should also read extensively because you
can enlarge your vocabulary, learn a wide range of knowledge and form good reading
3. Reading aloud and reading silently are useful ways of reading, but they are used for
different purposes. We read aloud mostly for improving our pronunciation and speaking
skills. However, we read silently mostly for getting information and improving reading
2. Reading aloud and reading silently are useful ways of reading, but they are used

different purposes. We read aloud mostly for improving our pronunciation and speaking
skills. Some people may find reading aloud help them remember things better. However,
we read silently mostly for getting information and we can read much faster without
3. We should read course books intensively and do all the activites because they are written
for learning the language and getting information as well. But it is not enough. We should
also read extensively because in this way we can enlarge our vocabulary, obtain a wide
range of knowledge. In addition, when we have time, we can find some light materials to
read for pleasure and pastime.
4. Let your students discuss with each other freely. This is an activity for reflection.
