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六年级英语·第1版(共4 版) 六年级英语·第2版(共 4 版)


英 语

(Time :50分钟 Mark:50分) Mark

Listening Part (听力部分)

Ⅰ. Listen and choose. (听音选词,选出你所听到的单词)(4分) ( ) 1. A. KFC B. PRC


( ) 2. A. time

B. home

C. lunch ( ) 3. A. photo B. famous C. clever ( ) 4. A. morning

B. afternoon

C. evening

II. Listen and choose. (听音选图,选出与你所听内容相符的图片)(4分)

( ) 1. A.


( ) 2. A.


( ) 3. A.


( ) 4. A.


III. Listen and tick. (根据所听内容,在相对应的表格里打“√”)(4分)

Ⅳ. Listen and choose.(听对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案)(3分) ( ) 1. Where does Tom live?

A. He lives in the south of China.

B. He lives in the north of China.

( ) 2. What is Jim doing?

A. He is sleeping.

B. He is playing with his toy cars.

( ) 3. Did the boy visit Changsha before?

A. Yes, he did.

B. No, he didn ’t.

( ) 4. How ’s the weather? A. It ’s sunny. B. It ’s rainy. ( ) 5. What did Amy have for lunch? A. Rice and milk. B. Fish and chips. ( ) 6. Why is Lingling wearing a dress?

A. Because she is going to a party.

B. Because she is going for dinner. Ⅴ. Listen and circle.(听录音,根据所听内容圈出正确的单词。)(5分)

Tokyo is a 【 city / town 】in Japan. Many people like visiting Tokyo. Some people

like the 【 shops / restaurants 】there. Some people like the food . Some people like the city because they like Japanese songs and 【films / buildings 】.

Fuji (富士)is a very famous 【 mountain / river 】in Japan. You can see it from Tokyo. People like 【buying / taking 】 photos of it.

Writing Part (笔试部分)

I. Write the letters. (默写26个字母,请按字母表顺序在四线格中写出每个字母的大小写) (6分)

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