论希腊罗马神话对英语词汇的影响文献综述Greek and Roman mythology have played a significant role in shaping the English language. Countless English words have their roots in these ancient myths, reflecting the cultural impact that these stories have had on the development of language. From the names of planets like Mars and Venus to everyday words such as “echo” and “narcissistic,” the influence of Greek and Roman mythology on English vocabulary is undeniable.希腊和罗马神话在塑造英语词汇方面起着重要作用。
The names of Greek and Roman gods and goddesses have been particularly influential in English vocabulary. For example, the term “chronology” is derived from Chronos, the Greek god of time, while “narcissistic” comes from Narcissus, the mythological character known for his self-admiration. These names not only adddepth and history to the English language but also serve as a reminder of the rich cultural heritage that underpins modern society.希腊和罗马神神和女神的名称在英语词汇中尤为重要。
4. Morpheus:希腊神话中的梦神。梦神是睡神Hypnos 的儿子,掌管人们的梦境。
• 衍生词:morphine(吗啡),marijuana(大麻),两者 都是opium(鸦片)的提取物。morphine有麻醉镇定的 作用。
5. Eris(厄里斯) 不和女神,复仇女神。为了报复 Narcissus, 用诅咒使其最终死于自己的美丽。
• 衍生词:“eristic 争论的,辩论的;有争议的;诡 辩的”。
6. 月神Luna(卢娜)则演变出“lunar月球 的”,如“lunar calendar月历”、“lunar eclipse 月食”、“lunar module登月舱”。
7. Tantale是神话中的罗迪亚富有而强大的国王,宙斯 的儿子,他因杀子献诸神而被宙斯打入地狱一潭死 水中。唯有头部露出水面。神话中说:他饥渴难耐 ,想吃头上悬下的种种香果,可香果却被阵风吹走 ;他刚要喝漫到唇边的潭水,潭水就会急促地落到 他的颌下。 衍生词:“tantalizing” (meaning something in plain view but unattainable:近在眼前而无法得到的 东西)
• Penelop‘s web:永远也完不成的工作 • From Odyssey • 泊涅罗珀(Penelop)是奥底修(Odysseus
)的妻子,以忠贞而著称。特洛伊战争打了 十年,Odysseus在返家的途中又耽搁了十 年。在这漫长的二十年中,许多王公贵族向 Penelop求婚,她都托辞说必须等织完布后 才能予以考虑,一到晚上,她又将白天织好 的布再拆开。因此Penelop's web就成了一 项永远也完不成的工作。
北方民族大学学士学位论文论文题目:古希腊罗马神话对英语词汇的影响院(部)名称:外国语学院学生姓名: AAAAAA AA专业:英语语言文学学号:201020AA指导教师姓名:AAAAAAA论文提交时间: 2014年5月论文答辩时间:2014年5月学位授予时间:2014年6月北方民族大学教务处制On the Impact of Greco-Roman Mythology on EnglishVocabularyByAA LAASubmitted toThe School of Foreign Language and LiteratureBeifang University of NationalitiesIn Partial Fulfillment ofThe Requirements forThe Bachelor Degree of Arts in EnglishUnder the Supervision of ZAAAMay 2014AcknowledgmentsIn the process of composing this paper, I would like to extend my deepest and sincerest gratitude to all teachers in the foreign language department of Beifang University of Nationalities, especially my supervisor, Mrs. Zhang. She is really a very responsible, knowledgeable and kind-hearted scholar. During the course of writing the thesis, she has provided me with a lot of extremely valuable suggestions and delicate instructions with patience. Her serious attitude towards work and students has influenced me with heart and soul. She read and corrected my mistakes of this paper again and again very carefully. Without her instruction and assistance, it would be definitely impossible for me to complete this paper.Besides, I would also show my thanks to Mrs. Yang who in last semester was my teacher of the course Guidance on Writing Graduating Paper. She supervised me to finish the first draft of this paper and also gave me some helpful advice.At last, I would express my great appreciation to all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.摘要作为西方文化两大源头之一,古希腊罗马神话不仅对世界文化社会,而且对语言也产生了深远的影响。
混沌中诞生了大地女神Gaea(或为Gaia,该亚),她生出天空之神Uranus(乌产诺斯),又与之结合生出the Titans(巨人族或提坦族,据说有12位)和其他怪物,但Uranus将他们囚禁在地下,于是巨人之一Cronus(或为Kronus,库拉诺斯)在母亲的帮助下夺取父位,娶妹妹Rhea(瑞亚:多产女神,众神之母)为后,册封兄弟Hyperion (许帕里翁)为太阳神,姐姐Phoebe(福柏)为月亮神。
Cronus担心自己的儿女夺位,遂将其一一吞下,分别有Hestia (赫斯提:女灶神)、Demeter(德墨忒耳:谷物女神)、Hera(赫拉:天后)、Poseidon(波塞冬:海神)、Hades(哈得斯:冥王)落入他的腹中。
长大后Zeus 设计救出兄弟姐妹们,并展开与Titans的大战,最终大胜巨人族,将他们囚禁在Tartarus(塔尔塔罗斯:阴间)。
从此Zeus主宰着Olympus (奥林匹斯山)和世界,直到基督教兴起。
希腊神话对英语词汇影响Greek Mythology?s Influence on English V ocabularyIn the long-term historical process, English has absorbed a large amount of foreign words which has many Greek words because of events about culture, trade, diplomacy and invasion. Especially during the period of Renaissance Greek culture was more popular. As the most secularized, most complete and most rich mythology system, Greek mythology has a very important place. V ocabulary came from Greek mythology needs to be paid more attention when people study English.The vocabulary originated from Greek mythology can be seen everywhere in English-speaking countries. Nike is a well-known brand of sport shoes in America which borrowed the name of goddess of Victory. The names of characters in Greek mythology were also used in science and military. American scientist named the plan of exploring space as Apollo program. In addition, the vocabulary from Greek mythology often appea red in news. For example, “The National Aeronautic and Space Administration had called it a …success- oriented? schedule to get the space shuttle flying again, but the odyssey of …Discovery? was beset with various problems.”The word “odyssey”was used in th is news, and this word originated from a hero named Odysseus in Greek mythology. After the Trojan War Odysseus spent ten years and went through many hardships to get home. The “odyssey” here means the difficulties “Discovery”met in space exploration (Wu, 2006). From above all, Greek mythology presents its great influence on English vocabulary. The name of things, places and some English idioms were all influenced by Greek mythology. In addition, Englishvocabulary also inherited Greek mythology.Greek mythology?s influence on basic vocabulary mainly appeared in the reason whythings get their names. The words fate, echo and iris all came from the names of goddess in Greek mythology. In Greek mythology, Helicon is where Muses lives, and helicon means the inspiration source of poem in modern English. Narcissus also has the meaning of somebody who loves himself. Narcissus is a beautiful young man in Greek mythology. Every goddess saw him was falling in love with him, including Echo. But Narcissus does not love any female. Soon Echo died of this. After Echo?s death, other goddesses make Narcissus fall in love with his own reflection as punishment. He fell in love with his reflection in the lake and did not want to leave. At last he died beside the lake. After his death, he changed into a flower and the flower were named as narcissus and because he fell in love with his own reflection the word narcissus has the meaning of somebody who loves himself. In addition, some names of months and the names of the nine planets in solar system except the earth were all come from gods? names in Greek mythology. (Luo, 2005)Place names belong to proper nouns in English. It is an important part in English vocabulary. Many place names originated from Greek mythology. The name of Europe came from Europa who was a princess in mundane world. Zeus fell in love with her and she had a son for Zeus on a piece of land. Then this land was named by her name. The name of Athens also came from Greek mythology. Athena and Poseidon both want to be the patron of a land in south of Attica and they asked Zeus as the intercessor of their competition. Poseidon brought a horse and Athena gave an olive tree as gifts. The local people chose Athenaas their patron and hence the land was name by Athena?s name. With the same, the name of Atlas Mountains in Africa was originated from the name of Atlas in Greek mythology. Atlas is Titans? offspring who is strong and huge that nobody can match him. After seeing Medusa, hechanged into mountains. The Atlantic?s name also came from this story because the ancient thought Atlas was in far west. (Luo, 2005)There are many idioms in English coming from Greek mythology. Hercules is a hero without equal in strength in Greek mythology. Hera let him to finish twelve very difficult tasks. People usually use herculean task to describe arduous tasks. A goddess called Eris threw a gold apple and let Hera, Athena and Aphrodite to fight for the honor of the most beautiful goddess. Zeus let them ask Paris the prince of Trojan to judge it. T o get the gold apple, they all promised to give good to Paris. Hera promised to give him a large kingdom and great power. Athens said she will give him wisdom and the honor of victory. However, Aphrodite promised to let the most beautiful woman be his wife. Paris chose Aphrodite. After that Paris spirited away Helen and leaded to the Trojan War. Since then, an apple of disorder means the cause of a misfortune of disaster (Sheng, 2010).The relationship between culture and vocabulary is not unidirectional, they have influenced each other. Greek mythology has influenced on the form of English vocabulary, while English vocabulary inherits Greek mythology (Luo, 2005). Lin H.B. and Jiang Y.M. said, “Language records and stores all the achievements of hum ane civilizations.”in their books (2002). The vocabulary came from Greek mythology has the plot of Greek mythology and cultural meaning. It records and reflects thethought of ancient Greeks. People use English broadly in daily dialogues, public speaking, affair comments and international communications. The cultural meanings of English vocabulary were spread by using English (Luo, 2005).Greek mythology has a close relationship with English vocabulary. Greek mythologyhas influenced English vocabulary greatly. This article is just a preliminary study of Greek mythology?s influence on English vocabulary. There are a lot of words have relationship with Greek mythology and have cultural meaning in English. Making advanced research about Greek mythology is helpful for us to learn English. Learn Greek mythology can help students have a better understanding of English vocabulary and their cultural background. It can also improve students? interests in learning English vocabulary. Culture can influence the form and development of vocabulary, while language is the carrier of culture. Knowing some knowledge of western culture is good for English vocabulary study, because vocabulary is deeply rooted in culture.Luo, X.L. “Greek Mythology and the Learning English V ocab ulary.”Journal of Hubei Institute of Education 22 (2005): 32-34 (CNKI)Sheng, J. “Discussion on Influence of Greek and Roman Mythology upon English Words.”SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION 13 (2010): 205 (CNKI)Wu, G.T. “Preliminary Study of Greek Mythology?s Influence on English V ocabulary.”Journal of Suihua University 26 (2006): 132-134 (CNKI)。
例;Oedipus complex即 恋母情结(俄底浦斯弑父娶母),弗洛伊德用来表示儿子对父亲带有敌意,并对自己的母亲 有爱慕感情的一种心理病态。“弗洛伊德又创造了Electra Complex,即厄勒克特拉情结( 恋父情结)与俄底浦斯情结对应,来描述女童对父亲的过度依恋和对母亲相应的敌视。”这一术语来自希腊神话中厄勒克特拉的故事,因母亲与其情人谋杀了她的父亲,故决心替 父报仇,最终她与其兄弟杀死了自己的母亲
例;美国著名的迈达斯汽 车维修公司的商业口号“Trust the Midas touch”, 就出自于希腊神话中迈达斯国王点石 成金的故事。
迈达斯国王的魔法可使他所触及的任何东西都变成黄金,现代英语中的“Mida stouch”通常用在商业领域指一个人财运亨通,无论干什么行当,都能成 功。迈达斯公司的口号形象地告诉消费者,相信他们的服务,只要手指一动,汽车马上灵通 。
同时希腊神话中也衍生很多的的习语。例如我们都知道特洛伊之战,从特洛伊之战中,因为不和女神厄里斯(Eris)留下一个刻有“献给最美者”的金苹果,引起了雅典娜、赫拉和维纳斯的纷争,所以那只引起了纠纷的金苹果被称作apple of discord(不和的根源、发生纠纷的事端)。又因为三位女神找到了牧羊人Paris并用最大的疆土”,“最智慧的头脑”和“最美丽的女人”作为诱惑,Paris选择了最美的的女人,所以Judgment of Paris就是爱江山不爱美人。在特洛伊之战中,Achille虽然全身刀枪不入,但脚根是唯一的缺点,所以Achilles’heel意指“金无足赤,人无完人”,特指唯一致命弱点、缺点。特洛伊战争最后,雅典人使用了The Trojan horse,。The Trojan Horse经过不断引用已成为一个广泛流传的成语,常用来比喻the hidden danger(暗藏的危险);the covert wreckers(内奸):to engage in underhandactivities等意义。同时希腊人认为引发特洛伊之战的是海伦,所以Helen of Troy就是指红颜祸水。这样通过一个特洛伊之战我们就可以学习五六个习语。并弄明白了前因后果,使习语很难忘记。
Helen of Troy 直译"特洛伊的海伦",源自源自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事. Helen是希腊的绝世佳人,美艳无比,嫁给希腊南部邦城斯巴达国王墨涅俄斯(Menelaus)为妻.后 来,特洛伊王子帕里斯奉命出事希腊,在斯巴达国王那里做客,他在爱与美之神阿芙罗狄蒂的帮助 下,趁着墨涅俄斯外出之际,诱走海伦,还带走了很多财宝 此事激起了希腊各部族的公愤,墨涅俄斯发誓说,宁死也要夺回海轮,报仇雪恨.为此,在希腊各 城邦英雄的赞助下,调集十万大军和1180条战船,组成了希腊联军,公推墨涅俄斯的哥哥阿枷门农 (Agamemnon)为联军统帅,浩浩荡荡,跨海东征,攻打特洛伊城,企图用武力夺回海轮.双方大战 10年,死伤无数,许多英雄战死在沙场.甚至连奥林匹斯山的众神也分成2个阵营,有些支持希腊 人,有些帮助特洛伊人,,彼此展开了一场持久的恶斗.最后希腊联军采用足智多谋的奥德修斯 (Odusseus)的"木马计",里应外合才攻陷了特洛伊.希腊人进城后,大肆杀戮,帕里斯王子也被 杀死,特洛伊的妇女,儿童全部沦为奴隶.特洛伊城被掠夺一空,烧成了一片灰烬.战争结实后, 希腊将士带着大量战利品回到希腊,墨涅俄斯抢回了美貌的海轮重返故土.这就是特洛伊战争的起 因和结局.正是由于海轮,使特洛伊遭到毁灭的悲剧,真所谓"倾国倾城",由此产生了Helen of Troy这个成语. 特洛伊战争的真实性,已为19世纪德国考古学家谢里曼在迈锡尼发掘和考证古代特洛伊古城废墟所 证实.至于特洛伊城被毁的真正原因,虽然众说纷纭,但肯定决不是为了一个美女而爆发这场战争 的,与其说是为了争夺海轮而打了起来,毋宁说是为了争夺该地区的商业霸权和抢劫财宝而引起战 争的.所谓"特洛伊的海伦",实质上是财富和商业霸权的化身.中国历史上也有过"妲己亡商", "西施沼吴"等传说,以及唐明皇因宠杨贵妃而招致"安史之乱",吴三桂"冲冠一怒为红颜"等 说法.汉语中有个"倾国倾城"的成语(语出《汉书外戚传》:'一顾倾人城,再顾倾人国'.) 这里的"倾"字一语双光,既可指美艳非凡,令人
- 211 -校园英语 / 语言文化浅析希腊罗马神话对英语语言的影响石家庄精英中学/周庄津希腊罗马神话自它产生的那一天起,就以它独特的风格和丰富的内容成为西方文化的一块魂宝,其影响辐射到西方文明的每一个层面。
一、 源于古希腊罗马神话的典故词语1.Dragon ’s teeth(龙牙,播下的仇恨与敌意)。
卡德摩斯是腓尼基王(King of Phoenicia)阿革诺耳(Age nor)之子。
Sow dragon ’s teeth 意为种龙牙、播下仇恨与敌意。
2.The torment of Tantalus(无法忍受的苦难,可望不可及引起的苦难)。
由Tantalus 产生了Tantalize 一词。
3.Achilles ’heel(阿喀硫斯的脚跟)。
4.Media ’s kettle(美狄亚之壶,起死回生)。
古希腊罗马神话故事对英国文学的影响英语专业 学位论文
2015届本科生毕业设计(论文)题目:古希腊罗马神话故事对英国文学的影响英文题目:The Influence of Greco-RomanMythology on English Literature学生姓名:曾育婷院系:外国语学院英语系届别:2015届专业、班级:英语专业1班学号:080520110003指导教师:常文彩完成日期:2015年6月5日二0 一五年六月AcknowledgementsIn the course of writing this thesis, I received a lot of help and support from my teachers and friends, and I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all who have helped me.First and foremost, I want to give my profound thanks to my supervisor, Chang Wencai, for her constant encouragement, critical instructions, great care and precious advice and suggestions. With her help, this thesis appears in the present form.I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their support and helped me work out the problems I encountered when writing the thesis.Thank you very much.摘要古希腊罗马神话作为西方文明的源头之一,对西方文化产生了深远的影响。
古希腊神话对英语语言的影响英文来源:英语毕业论文 /词汇;单词;学习方法;希腊神话;载体Introduction“In the last years,the field of second language acquisitio n has seen t he reemergence of interest in o ne of language st udy,vocabulary,andt he appearance of a newly reco gnized aspectlearnerst rategieshas attracted a noticeable lack of attentio n”(Meare).The research,which hasbeen do ne o n vocabulary learning st rategies,hastended to deal wit h individual o r small number s ofst rategies,wit h very limited loo king at t he gro upas a whole.However,wit h my perso nal experience,so mewo rds do give me intense imp ressio ns and occupiedmy memo ry permanently even if I have seen t hemo nce.Here I want to indicate t hat mo st of t hesewo rds are read f ro m sto ries,t ypically f ro m GreekMyt holo gy,which is co nsidered to be t he o rigin ofEnglish literat ure.I wo uld like to call t he lo ng o rsho rt myt hs f ro m which I mastered wo rds firmly“carriers”.This article will fir st overview so me generalco nclusio ns abo ut vocabulary learning st rategies,which can be made p rio r to st rategy research.Then,carrier s in fo reign language vocabularylearning will be p ropo sed and t he mnemo nic met ho ds enlightened by wo rds f ro m Greek Myt holo gydiscussed in mo re detail.Finally,t heo retical aspect s of carrier s used will be analyzed.Mnemonic methods enlightened by words fromGreek MythologyGreek mythology and its linguistic influenceEverybo dy knows that t he myt hs told by t heGreeks and Ro mans are as impo rtant as histo ry fo ro ur under standing of what t ho se peoples,ancesto r s of o ur own civilizatio n,believed and t ho ughtand felt,and exp ressed in writing and in visualart.Fo r t heir myt holo gies were inext ricably interwoven,wit h t he whole fabric of t heir p ublic andp rivate lives.A nd t hen wit ho ut t hese myt hs,itwo uld be hard fo r us to under stand t he art s and literat ure and ways of t hinking of t he west,and ofmany ot her part s of t he wo rld as well,during t hecent uries t hat have passed since t he classical wo rldcame to an end.Time after time t hese p ro duct s ofancient imaginatio n have been used to inspire f reshcreative effo rt s,which amo unt to a substantial partof o ur whole cult ural inheritance.Such renewal sand adap tatio ns have of ten seemed far removed,f ro m t he o riginal t raditio n in character and spirit,yet t hey stem directly f ro m it,and are unimaginable wit ho ut it.Each myt h means so met hing different to everybo dy who reads and st udies it.The sto ries arehard to fo rget,feelings abo ut t hem co me unp redictably.Their underlying qualities do not easilyyield to definitio n o r classificatio n and still less toweird searches.Above all,Myt holo gy’s influenceis evident in o ur language.It is hard to imaginereading o r writing wit ho ut drawing upo n myt horiented adjectives o r idio ms.Therefo re,wo rds f ro mGreek myt holo gy enlightened me wit h so me met ho ds to st rengt hen vocabulary learning,such as pict ure o r imagery and gro uping.Categories of mnemonic methodsPict u re/I m a ge ry This is a way of remembering so me wo rds,which many st udent s find effective.Occasio nally t here is a wo rd t hat yo u havemet befo re which is o n t he tip of yo ur to ngue butyo u just cannot remember it.It may be a wo rd t hatseems difficult to remember,o r o ne,which yo uhave seen many times but still cannot remember att he right time.Think of a wo rd in yo ur own language t hat so unds similar,o r if t he English wo rd islo ng in spelling,choo se a wo rd in yo ur own language t hat so unds t he same as t he fir st part of t heEnglish o ne.Yo u sho uld t hen fo rm a pict ure inwhich t he t wo wo rds interact.Imagine,fo r example:TantalizePerhap s yo u have known t he wo rd“tantalize”befo re.However,if it is a new wo rd to yo u,howdo yo u acquire it s meaning?See what will be different after reading t he following sto ry.In GreekMyt holo gy,Zeus p unished Tantalus,a mo rtalking,who had co mmit ted t wo crimes.“Now hehangs,perennially co nsumed by t hir st and hunger, f ro m t he bo ugh of f ruitf ree which leans over amarshy lake.It s waves lap against his waist,andso metimes reach his chin,yet whenever he bendsdown to drink,t hey slip away,and not hing rmains but t he black mud at his feet.The t rees areladen wit h pear s,shinning apples,sweet figs,ripeolives and po megranates,which dangle against hissho ulder s,but whenever he reaches fo r t he luscio us f ruit,a gust of wind whirl s t hem o ut of hisreach.”This sto ry not o nly show s us t he o rigin ofTantalize,which means“to make(so meo ne)wantso met hing even mo re st ro ngly by keeping it justo ut of reach,”but al so gives us a carrier of vividpict ure.Imagery is o ne of t he carrier s t hat gives usa deep imp ressio n and has mo re effective reactio nst han learning t he wo rd wit h t heir dictio nary meaning.ArachnidThere was a co ntest in which a mo rtal dared toco me in co mpetitio n wit h Minerva,t he go ddess ofwisdo m.“That mo rtal was Arachne,a maidenwho had attained such skill in t he art s of weavingand embroidery t hat t he nymp hs t hemselves wo uldleave t heir gro ves and fo untains to co me and gazeupo n her wo rk.One wo uld have said t hat Minervaherself had taught a p upil even of a go ddess.‘L etMinerva t ry her skill wit h mine,’said she,‘ifbeaten,I will pay t he penalt y.’...“Arachne filled her canvas with similar subject s,wo nderf ully well do ne,but st ro ngly markingher p resump tio n and impiet y.Minerva co uld notfo rbear to admire,yet felt indignant at t he insult.She st ruck t he web wit h her shut tle and rent it inpieces;she t hen to uched t he fo rehead of Arachneand made her fell guilt and shame.She sp rinkledher wit h t he juices of aco nite,and immediately herhair came off,and her no se and ear s likewise.Herfo rm shrank up,and her head grew smaller yet;her finger s cleaved to her side and serves fo r legs.All t he rest of her is bo dy,o ut of which she spinsher t hread,of ten hanging suspended by it,in t hesame at tit ude as when Minerva to uched her andt ransfo rmed her into a spider.”So,arachnid is t hesyno nym of spider.New wo rds can be learned by st udying t hemwit h pict ures of t heir meaning instead of definitio ns.Alternatively,learners can create t heir ownmental images of a wo rd’s meaning.Imagery hasbeen shown to be mo re effective t han mere repetitio n fo r reading passages(Steingart and Glock)and sentences(Saltz and Do nnenwert hNolan)suggesting it co uld well be mo re effec2tive fo r vocabulary too.Here are ot her two sto2ries:Sisyphean labor“Sisyphus,son of Aeolus,married Atlas’sdaughter Merope,o ne of t he Pleiades,and owneda fine herd of cat tle o n t he Ist hmus of Co rint h...Itmay have been because he had bet rayed Zeus’s secret,o r because he had always lived by ro bberyand often murdered unsuspecting t raveler s;at anyrate,Sisyp hus was given an exemplary p unishment.The J udges of t he Dead showed him a hugeblock of sto ne and o rdered him to roll it up t hebrow of a hill and topple it down t he fart her slope.He has never yet succeeded in doing so.A s soo n ashe has almo st reached t he summit,he is fo rcedback by t he weight of t he shameless sto ne,whichbo unces to t he very botto m o nce mo re;where hewearily ret rieves it and must begin all over again.”Achilles’HeelAchilles now ro uted t he Trojans and p ur suedt hem towards t he cit y,but his co ur se,too,wasrun.Po seido n and Apollo,pledged to p unish certain insolent boast s t hat Achilles had ut tered overHecto r’s co rp se,too k co unsel to get her.Veiledwit h clo ud and standing by t he Scaean Gate,Apollo so ught o ut Paris in t he t hick of bat tle,t urnedhis bow and guided t he fatal shaf t.It st ruck t heo ne vulnerable part of Achilles’bo dy,t he rightheel.(Fo r Thetis his mot her had dipped him whenan infant in t he River St yx,which made every partof him invulnerable excep t t he heel by which sheheld him.),and he died in ago ny.So Sisyp hean labo r means hard and endlesswo rk and Achilles’heel means a small but impo rtant weakness,usually fatal.In t his way,newwo rds can be associated wit h a particular vivid story of t he underlying co ncep t.These are just examples.If yo u t ry to fo rm amental image of each wo rd interactingly,it mightbe so met hing very difficult.The essential point sare t hat it must be yo ur own image and t hat t heimage shows a relatio nship bet ween t he twowo rds.Yo u may decide t hat yo u like making mental images and t hat it help s yo u learn vocabulary,but if yo u t ry to learn every new wo rd in t his way,yo u will soo n be disappointed.Obvio usly yo usho uld use t he met ho ds yo u find usef ul and enjo y,but t ry different t hing:variet y is impo rtant.Grou pi n g Gro uping is an impo rtant way toaid recall and people seem to o rganize wo rds intogro up nat urally wit ho ut any aid to recall,and people seem to o rganize wo rds into gro up s nat urallywit ho ut p ro mp ting.In f reerecall st udies,subject swere given list s of wo rds to st udy and t hen recallin any order.Typically,wo rds belo nging to eachmeaning catego ry are recalled to get her,fo r example,wo rds f ro m Greek myt holo gy catego rized intot hree gro up s:wo rds of go ds’names,wo rds of co nstellatio ns and wo rds of mo nster s.Words of gods’namesCeres:go ddess of grains and harvest s and itco mes into t he wo rd cereal:which means a plantgrown to p ro duce grain fo r foo d.Chao s:t he oldest go d in t he universe,whenhe was bo rn,t he wo rld was in dark and diso rder sochao s al so means a state of co mplete and t ho ro ughdiso rder and co nf usio n.Hercules:t he great hero,who finished unbelievable difficult tasks and herculean means needing o r using very great st rengt h o r determinatio n.Iris:go ddess of rainbow and iridescencemeans showing changing colo r s as light fall s o n it.Nemesis:go ddess of revenge so nemesismeans unavoidable p unishment co nsidered as ago ddess.Words of constellationsAndro meda:co mes f ro m t he daughter of Cas2siopeia who married Per seusCentaurus:co mes f ro m t he of mo nster CentaurCep heus:co mes f ro m t he name of king Ce2p heusHercules:co mes f ro m HerculesPegasus:co mes f ro m t he ho r se Pegasus t hathas a pair of wingsPleiades:co mes f ro m t he names of Atlas’seven daughter sWords of monstersAtlas:A myt hical giant who suppo rted t heheavens o n his sho ulders.(The boo k of map sknown as an atlas is named after a legendary Af rican king,so metimes t ho ught to be descended f ro mt he Atlas of Greek myt h.)Chimera:an imaginary terrible female creat ure.(Chimerical means imaginary,fanciful.)Pan:Shep herd go d,so n of Hermes,wit h legsand ho rns of a goat.(Pan was co nsidered to be t hecause of t he sudden fear t hat so metimes co mes fo rno reason,especially in lo nely places.That’s whyit’s called“panic”.)Procrustes:Man who offered his“o nesizefit sall”bed to passing travelers,adjusting hisguest s to t he bed by st retching o r chopping t hemas app rop riate.(Procrustean means ask to be t hesame by fo rce into)Titans:An ancient race of giant s who were overco me by Zeus in a st ruggle t hat shoo k t hewo rld.(titanic)Wo rds can be gro uped to get her in a very nat ural way by using t he key wo rds in sentences.Similarly,wo rds can be gro uped to get her in a sto ry.The narrative chain met ho d has been shown to bemuch mo re effective wit h t his met ho d t han rotememo rizatio n.Carriers used methodIn o rder to search fo r a effective st rategy o nvocabulary learning,we co uld use carrier s tost rengt hen o ur memo ry.Enlightened by wo rds ofGreek myt holo gy,we can co nsider t he imagery o rpict ure as a carrier,t he root s and affixes are t ypical carrier s,t he gro uping can al so be regarded asanot her kind of carrier t hat cluster related wo rds.Acco rding to t he co nventio nal fo rmulatio n of t hecarrier s used met ho d,o ne sho uld t ry to find a carrier wit h a co ncrete meaning;t hat is,t he carriersho uld refer to o bject s in t he real wo rld t hat o necan see,feel o r imagine.This reco mmendatio nrest s o n t he claim t hat o ne can better rememberco ncrete co ncep t s t han abst ract co ncep t s.“In t hep sycholinguistic literat ure,it has been co nsistentlyfo und t hat subject s perfo rm bet ter o n co ncretewo rds t han abst ract wo rds,in labo rato ry taskssuch as paired associate learning,wo rd reco gnitio n,f ree recall of wo rds,lexical decisio n and p ronunciatio n(Nel so n and Schreiber).Summary and conclusionThe aim of t his article is to int ro duce mnemo nic techniques in vocabularylearning.To quotef ro m t he co ncluding paragrap h of Co hen’s reviewarticle:“At a time when t raining oflearners in languagelearning strategies is gainingmo ment um...it may be particularly fit ting to determine whet her st rategies fo r remembering wo rdshave a role wit hin such t raining.Such memo rytechniques wo uld not be intended to replace t heot her app roaches to vocabulary learning,but rat her co mplement t hem by p ro viding a link fo r facilitating ret rieval of a fo reign language wo rd o r it s native language meaning.”The carrier s used met ho d is not at variancewit h mo dern insight s in t he bilingual mental lexico n no r wit h t he co ntext ual met ho d in languagepedago gy.The carriers used and ot her mnemo nictechniques sho uld not replace t he mo re nat ural,co ntext ual met ho ds fo stering incidental learning.Instead,mnemo nics,fo stering intentio nal learning,sho uld be used fo r wo rds t hat,fo r whateverreaso n,have not been successf ully acquired.Alt ho ugh t he applicatio ns of mnemo nic techniques arelimited,t heir effect has been sufficiently p roven.To so me extent t hey can t ransfo rm t he vocabulary2learning task f ro m uninspired drudgery into newfo und delight.Reference[1] Coady J ames,Huckin Tho mas.Seco nd Language Vocabulary Acquisition[M].Shanghai:Shanghai ForeignLanguage Education PressGrant,Michael.Myt h of t he Greeks and Romans[M].New Yo rk:HarryN.Abrams,cey Collin.Increase Yo urVocabulary[M].Oxford:Oxford U niversity PressSchmitt Norbert,McCart hy Michael.Vocabulary:Description,Acquisition and Pedagogy[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Fo reign Language Education Press Tao J ie.100 Myt hs of Greece and Ro me[M].HongKo ng:The Commercial Press ZhuYuan.Longman Dictionary of Contempo rary English[M].Beijing:The Co mmercial Press(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。
• 诸神都居住在奥林匹斯山上,主神是宙斯(Zesus).这些 众神在现代汉语中仍然扮演着重要的角色。典型的词源试 举如下:厄科(Echo)是希腊神话中的回声女神,她爱 上了自恋的美男子(Narcissum),却被无情的拒绝,只 剩下声音在山谷中回荡,在现在英语汇echo指回声,回 音。 • 太阳系中除地球外,全部以希腊罗马神名命名:水星,金 星,火星,木星,土星,天王星,海王星分别来自商业和 科学之神墨丘利(Mercury)爱与美神维纳斯(Venus) 战神(Mars)主神(Jupiter) 提坦神萨图恩(Saturn) 天 神乌拉诺斯(Uranus) 海王星(Neptune) • 冥王星来自神中的冥王普陀(Pluto)
• Flora的创作者Vittorio Accornero是当时意大利屈指可数 的优秀绘画大师兼设计师,他曾表示正是王子与王妃间的 深情厚谊让他想起了古罗马神话中花神Flora和西风之神 Zephyr之间的浪漫爱情故事,从而引发了他创作Flora的 灵感。让我们一起感受他的浪漫佳作Flora!
• 现代英语中,不少词汇来源于希腊罗马神话中众神的 名字,至今仍起着重要的作用。典型的词源试举如:1、 Flora:古希腊罗马神话中的花神。她嫁给了西风之神 Zephyr,丈夫送给她一座满是奇花异草的园子。春天 时,Flora和丈夫Zephyr手挽手在园子里漫步,他们一 路走过的地方百花齐放。Flora在现代英语里指代“植 物”。衍生词:flower(花), flourish(茂盛的), floral(花的,植物的), florist(花商)。
1.希腊罗马神话是世界文化宝库中一颗璀璨的明星,是西方 文化的源头之一。也在英语语言中留下了深刻地印记。增 强了英语的活力和魅力。许多英语词汇都是使用神名,派 生或者取神话故事的寓意形成的。以希腊罗马神话为渊源 的词汇普遍包含着丰富的信息和深厚的文化底蕴,了解这 些词汇潜在的信息不仅可以帮助我们准确的理解词的含义, 还能提高学习词汇的兴趣和增添记忆单词的趣味性。
希腊罗马神话对西方影响Greek and Roman languages belong to the same Indo European language family, so Greek and Roman myths have a great influence on the national culture of other languages in the Indo European language family. Poetry, drama, sculpture, painting and customs in western culture are closely related to Greek mythology.希腊和罗马两个民族的语言同属印欧语系,因此希腊罗马神话对印欧语系中的其他语言的民族文化有很大的影响。
1、Influence on British and American LiteratureGreek and Roman mythology is a world cultural heritage. Since the Renaissance, Greek mythology has attracted extensive attention and strong interest in Europe. Poets and litterateurs all use myths and stories as their creation materials. In England, Shakespeare wrote tragedy Troilus and Cresida and long poem Venus and Adonis with Greek mythology. Milton's Comus is not long, but it mentions more than 30 Greek mythological characters and stories. In the 19th century, British and American Romantic poets praised the colorful Greek and Roman myths. Influenced by Greek mythology, romantic poets like to write poems with mythological materials. Shelley's "Ode to Apollo", "the song of Pan", Keats's "to Pu Xu Ke" are still popular beautiful poems praising mythological figures. The poet uses mythological allusions toexpress his thoughts and feelings. They often use the scenery to express their feelings, use the analogy to express their aspirations, express their worries and indignation, and criticize the current situation. Keats's Endymion, with the love story between mortal Endymion and moon goddess as the theme, expresses his pursuit of the best love and happiness. Shelley's "Adonis" expresses his mourning for Keats by using Venus' lover Adonis as the myth of boar killing. In Byron's works, Prometheus became the embodiment of the firm will and strength to resist oppression. The poem play "Prometheus liberated" of Xuecai created a new image of the unyielding fighter, full of strong flavor of the times. In the 20th century, writers prefer to express their depression and resentment with meaningful fairy tales, and attack the unreasonable phenomena in real life. The most famous is ts. Eliot's the waste land. This epoch-making work of Western literature in the 20th century makes use of a large number of myths and legends to compare Europe after the first World War to a wasteland, which fully shows the melancholy and despair of European and American intellectuals. Ulysses, a masterpiece of James Joyce, borrows Homer's epic Odysseus to set off his day and night wandering in Dublin with Odysseus's 10-year wandering, thus revealing the decadent decline of modern western society and the loneliness and despair of modern people. The American dramatist b.o'neill's "Mourning Becomes Electra" uses the story ofAgamemnon, a mythical hero, to describe the tragedy and the source of suffering of modern people.一、对英美文学的影响希腊罗马神话是世界文化遗产,从文艺复兴时期开始,希腊神话在欧洲引起广泛的注意和浓厚的兴趣。
比如: narcissus [nɑ:'sis?s]n.水仙花这种花用来装扮死者和坟墓,这一习俗源于神话中的一出悲剧:河神之子Narcissus 是一个美少年小鲜肉,自然女神因为他的美貌而坠入情网无法自拔,最终憔悴而死。
其他女神为了报复小鲜肉,让他爱上了自己的影子,所以narcissus的形容词narcissistic [,nɑrs?'s?st?k]还有“自恋的”的意思。
plutolgy :pluto- 财富+ ology是学说,所以plutology是财富学;plutocrat:pluto-财富+crat是ruler,统治者的意思,所以pluocrat 是财阀。
Prometheus 普罗米修斯是最早的泰坦神的后代,是最具智慧的神明之一,而且他的名字有“先见之明”的意思,所以词根pro-表示往前。
prospect: pro-往前+spect 看,往前看就看到的是前景和希望,所以prospect是前景,希望的意思。
希腊神话对英语的影响希腊众神名字对英语词汇的影响月份名词;一月january来源于神话中守户门的两面神janus三月march战神mars五月may 掌管生殖和生长的女神maia六月june来自天后junoCronos:宙斯的父亲。
橄榄枝(olive branch)象征和平已经世人皆知,该典故起源于希腊神话中的战神雅典娜(Athena)。
我们常用的fatal一词是由希腊神话中三个命运女神(the Fates)演变而来的。
因此,由命运女神派生而来的fatal 一词,不仅与死亡有关,也与整个生命过程有关。
丘比特之箭(Cupid’s bow)和阿基耳斯的脚踵(Achilles’hee1)也是英美人民耳熟能详的典故。
例如,The National Aeronautic and Space Administration had called it a “success一oriented”schedule to get the space shuttle flying again,but the odyssey of “Discovery”was beset with various problem.这句话中作者灵活运用了“odyssey”一词,这个单词源于希腊神话中的英雄奥德修斯(Odysseus)。
浅析希腊神话对英语词汇及学习的影响摘要众所周知,希腊神话(Greek Mythology)是指从公元前11世纪到公元前9世纪在古希腊人中颇为流行的神话传说与英雄故事,这也就是历史学家口中所说的“荷马时代(The Homeric Age)”。
那么,我们的英语学习过程其实也是一个了解西方国家的社会文化以及文学艺术的过程,因此我们显然会与希腊神话有或多或少的接触,比如说,阿喀琉斯之踵(Achilles’ heel)就是一个已经被用滥了的固定表达,人们用这个短语来形容致命的缺点或一件事最脆弱的地方。
然而,经过深入研究,现代英语沿用希腊神话的方式大致上可以细分为五类:(1)直接使用(Direct Use) (2)取其喻意(Implied Meaning) (3)转意使用(Conversion)(4)生成新词汇(Derivation) (5)构成固定词组(Set Phrases)下面,我们就来看一看这五种方式的实际运用情况。
2013-12理论研究一、引言著名的美国理论翻译家尤金·A·奈达(Eugene A·Nida)认为:语言与文化不可能脱离其另一方面而单独存在。
许多英语单词、短语等也都出自希腊罗马神话,如,“lunar”来源于Luna(月光女神),相关短语有:lunar calendar(阴历),lunar eclipse(月食)和lunar module(月窗)。
以下为摘取自希腊罗马神话中衍生出来的短语及分析:1.Damon and PythiasDamon和Pythias是好朋友。
国王深受感动,将二人全部释放,因此,Damon and Pythias意思就是“生死之交”。
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古希腊神话对英语语言的影响英文来源:英语毕业论文 /词汇;单词;学习方法;希腊神话;载体Introduction“In the last years,the field of second language acquisitio n has seen t he reemergence of interest in o ne of language st udy,vocabulary,andt he appearance of a newly reco gnized aspectlearnerst rategieshas attracted a noticeable lack of attentio n”(Meare).The research,which hasbeen do ne o n vocabulary learning st rategies,hastended to deal wit h individual o r small number s ofst rategies,wit h very limited loo king at t he gro upas a whole.However,wit h my perso nal experience,so mewo rds do give me intense imp ressio ns and occupiedmy memo ry permanently even if I have seen t hemo nce.Here I want to indicate t hat mo st of t hesewo rds are read f ro m sto ries,t ypically f ro m GreekMyt holo gy,which is co nsidered to be t he o rigin ofEnglish literat ure.I wo uld like to call t he lo ng o rsho rt myt hs f ro m which I mastered wo rds firmly“carriers”.This article will fir st overview so me generalco nclusio ns abo ut vocabulary learning st rategies,which can be made p rio r to st rategy research.Then,carrier s in fo reign language vocabularylearning will be p ropo sed and t he mnemo nic met ho ds enlightened by wo rds f ro m Greek Myt holo gydiscussed in mo re detail.Finally,t heo retical aspect s of carrier s used will be analyzed.Mnemonic methods enlightened by words fromGreek MythologyGreek mythology and its linguistic influenceEverybo dy knows that t he myt hs told by t heGreeks and Ro mans are as impo rtant as histo ry fo ro ur under standing of what t ho se peoples,ancesto r s of o ur own civilizatio n,believed and t ho ughtand felt,and exp ressed in writing and in visualart.Fo r t heir myt holo gies were inext ricably interwoven,wit h t he whole fabric of t heir p ublic andp rivate lives.A nd t hen wit ho ut t hese myt hs,itwo uld be hard fo r us to under stand t he art s and literat ure and ways of t hinking of t he west,and ofmany ot her part s of t he wo rld as well,during t hecent uries t hat have passed since t he classical wo rldcame to an end.Time after time t hese p ro duct s ofancient imaginatio n have been used to inspire f reshcreative effo rt s,which amo unt to a substantial partof o ur whole cult ural inheritance.Such renewal sand adap tatio ns have of ten seemed far removed,f ro m t he o riginal t raditio n in character and spirit,yet t hey stem directly f ro m it,and are unimaginable wit ho ut it.Each myt h means so met hing different to everybo dy who reads and st udies it.The sto ries arehard to fo rget,feelings abo ut t hem co me unp redictably.Their underlying qualities do not easilyyield to definitio n o r classificatio n and still less toweird searches.Above all,Myt holo gy’s influenceis evident in o ur language.It is hard to imaginereading o r writing wit ho ut drawing upo n myt horiented adjectives o r idio ms.Therefo re,wo rds f ro mGreek myt holo gy enlightened me wit h so me met ho ds to st rengt hen vocabulary learning,such as pict ure o r imagery and gro uping.Categories of mnemonic methodsPict u re/I m a ge ry This is a way of remembering so me wo rds,which many st udent s find effective.Occasio nally t here is a wo rd t hat yo u havemet befo re whichis o n t he tip of yo ur to ngue butyo u just cannot remember it.It may be a wo rd t hatseems difficult to remember,o r o ne,which yo uhave seen many times but still cannot remember att he right time.Think of a wo rd in yo ur own language t hat so unds similar,o r if t he English wo rd islo ng in spelling,choo se a wo rd in yo ur own language t hat so unds t he same as t he fir st part of t heEnglish o ne.Yo u sho uld t hen fo rm a pict ure inwhich t he t wo wo rds interact.Imagine,fo r example:TantalizePerhap s yo u have known t he wo rd“tantalize”befo re.However,if it is a new wo rd to yo u,howdo yo u acquire it s meaning?See what will be different after reading t he following sto ry.In GreekMyt holo gy,Zeus p unished Tantalus,a mo rtalking,who had co mmit ted t wo crimes.“Now hehangs,perennially co nsumed by t hir st and hunger, f ro m t he bo ugh of f ruitf ree which leans over amarshy lake.It s waves lap against his waist,andso metimes reach his chin,yet whenever he bendsdown to drink,t hey slip away,and not hing rmains but t he black mud at his feet.The t rees areladen wit h pear s,shinning apples,sweet figs,ripeolives and po megranates,which dangle against hissho ulder s,but whenever he reaches fo r t he luscio us f ruit,a gust of wind whirl s t hem o ut of hisreach.”This sto ry not o nly show s us t he o rigin ofTantalize,which means“to make(so meo ne)wantso met hing even mo re st ro ngly by keeping it justo ut of reach,”but al so gives us a carrier of vividpict ure.Imagery is o ne of t he carrier s t hat gives usa deep imp ressio n and has mo re effective reactio nst han learning t he wo rd wit h t heir dictio nary meaning.ArachnidThere was a co ntest in which a mo rtal dared toco me in co mpetition wit h Minerva,t he go ddess ofwisdo m.“That mo rtal was Arachne,a maidenwho had attained such skill in t he art s of weavingand embroidery t hat t he nymp hs t hemselves wo uldleave t heir gro ves and fo untains to co me and gazeupo n her wo rk.One wo uld have said t hat Minervaherself had taught a p upil even of a go ddess.‘L etMinerva t ry her skill wit h mine,’said she,‘ifbeaten,I will pay t he penalt y.’...“Arachne filled her canvas with similar subject s,wo nderf ully well do ne,but st ro ngly markingher p resump tio n and impiet y.Minerva co uld notfo rbear to admire,yet felt indignant at t he insult.She st ruck t he web wit h her shut tle and rent it inpieces;she t hen to uched t he fo rehead of Arachneand made her fell guilt and shame.She sp rinkledher wit h t he juices of aco nite,and immediately herhair came off,and her no se and ear s likewise.Herfo rm shrank up,and her head grew smaller yet;her finger s cleaved to her side and serves fo r legs.All t he rest of her is bo dy,o ut of which she spinsher t hread,of ten hanging suspended by it,in t hesame at tit ude as when Minerva to uched her andt ransfo rmed her into a spider.”So,arachnid is t hesyno nym of spider.New wo rds can be learned by st udying t hemwit h pict ures of t heir meaning instead of definitio ns.Alternatively,learners can create t heir ownmental images of a wo rd’s meaning.Imagery hasbeen shown to be mo re effective t han mere repetitio n fo r reading passages(Steingart and Glock)and sentences(Saltz and Do nnenwert h Nolan)suggesting it co uld well be mo re effec2tive fo r vocabulary too.Here are ot her twosto2ries:Sisyphean labor“Sisyphus,son of Aeolus,married Atlas’sdaughter Merope,o ne of t he Pleiades,and ownedafine herd of cat tle o n t he Ist hmus of Co rint h...Itmay have been because he had bet rayed Zeus’s secret,o r because he had always lived by ro bberyand often murdered unsuspecting t raveler s;at anyrate,Sisyp hus was given an exemplary p unishment.The J udges of t he Dead showed him a hugeblock of sto ne and o rdered him to roll it up t hebrow of a hill and topple it down t he fart her slope.He has never yet succeeded in doing so.A s soo n ashe has almo st reached t he summit,he is fo rcedback by t he weight of t he shameless sto ne,whichbo unces to t he very botto m o nce mo re;where hewearily ret rieves it and must begin all over again.”Achilles’HeelAchilles now ro uted t he Trojans and p ur suedt hem towards t he cit y,but his co ur se,too,wasrun.Po seido n and Apollo,pledged to p unish certain insolent boast s t hat Achilles had ut tered overHecto r’s co rp se,too k co unsel to get her.Veiledwit h clo ud and standing by t he Scaean Gate,Apollo so ught o ut Paris in t he t hick of bat tle,t urnedhis bow and guided t he fatal shaf t.It st ruck t heo ne vulnerable part of Achilles’bo dy,t he rightheel.(Fo r Thetis his mot her had dipped him whenan infant in t he River St yx,which made every partof him invulnerable excep t t he heel by which sheheld him.),and he died in ago ny.So Sisyp hean labo r means hard and endlesswo rk and Achilles’heel means a small but impo rtant weakness,usually fatal.In t his way,newwo rds can be associated wit h a particular vivid story of t he underlying co ncep t.These are just examples.If yo u t ry to fo rm amental image of each wo rd interactingly,it mightbe so met hing very difficult.The essential point sare t hat it must be yo ur own image and t hat t heimage shows a relatio nship between t he twowo rds.Yo u may decide t hat yo u like making mental images and t hat it help s yo u learn vocabulary,but if yo u t ry to learn every new wo rd in t his way,yo u will soo n be disappointed.Obvio usly yo usho uld use t he met ho ds yo u find usef ul and enjo y,but t ry different t hing:variet y is impo rtant.Grou pi n g Gro uping is an impo rtant way toaid recall and people seem to o rganize wo rds intogro up nat urally wit ho ut any aid to recall,and people seem to o rganize wo rds into gro up s nat urallywit ho ut p ro mp ting.In f reerecall st udies,subject swere given list s of wo rds to st udy and t hen recallin any o rder.Typically,wo rds belo nging to eachmeaning catego ry are recalled to get her,fo r example,wo rds f ro m Greek myt holo gy catego rized intot hree gro up s:wo rds of go ds’names,wo rds of co nstellatio ns and wo rds of mo nster s.Words of gods’namesCeres:go ddess of grains and harvest s and itco mes into t he wo rd cereal:which means a plantgrown to p ro duce grain fo r foo d.Chao s:t he oldest go d in t he universe,whenhe was bo rn,t he wo rld was in dark and diso rder sochao s al so means a state of co mplete and t ho ro ughdiso rder and co nf usio n.Hercules:t he great hero,who finished unbelievable difficult tasks and herculean means needing o r using very great st rengt h o r determinatio n.Iris:go ddess of rainbow and iridescencemeans showing changing colo r s as light fall s o n it.Nemesis:go ddess of revenge so nemesismeans unavoidable p unishment co nsidered as ago ddess.Words of constellationsAndro meda:co mes f ro m t he daughter of Cas2siopeia who married Per seusCentaurus:co mes f ro m t he of mo nster CentaurCep heus:co mes f ro m t he name of king Ce2p heusHercules:co mes f ro m HerculesPegasus:comes f ro m t he ho r se Pegasus t hathas a pair of wingsPleiades:co mes f ro m t he names of Atlas’seven daughter sWords of monstersAtlas:A myt hical giant who suppo rted t heheavens o n his sho ulders.(The boo k of map sknown as an atlas is named after a legendary Af rican king,so metimes t ho ught to be descended f ro mt he Atlas of Greek myt h.)Chimera:an imaginary terrible female creat ure.(Chimerical means imaginary,fanciful.)Pan:Shep herd go d,so n of Hermes,wit h legsand ho rns of a goat.(Pan was co nsidered to be t hecause of t he sudden fear t hat so metimes co mes fo rno reason,especially in lo nely places.That’s whyit’s called “panic”.)Procrustes:Man who offered his“o nesizefit sall”bed to passing travelers,adjusting hisguest s to t he bed by st retching o r chopping t hemas app rop riate.(Procrustean means ask to be t hesame by fo rce into)Titans:An ancient race of giant s who were overco me by Zeus in a st ruggle t hat shoo k t hewo rld.(titanic)Wo rds can be gro uped to get her in a very nat ural way by using t he key wo rds in sentences.Similarly,wo rds can be gro uped to get her in a sto ry.The narrative chain met ho d has been shown to bemuch mo re effective wit h t his met ho d t han rotememo rizatio n.Carriers used methodIn o rder to search fo r a effective st rategy o nvocabulary learning,we co uld use carrier s tost rengt hen o ur memo ry.Enlightened by wo rds ofGreek myt holo gy,we can co nsider t he imagery o rpict ure as a carrier,t he root s and affixes are t ypical carrier s,t he gro uping can al so be regarded asanot her kind of carrier t hat cluster related wo rds.Acco rding to t he co nventio nal fo rmulatio n of t hecarrier s used met ho d,o ne sho uld try to find a carrier wit h a co ncrete meaning;t hat is,t he carriersho uld refer to o bject s in t he real wo rld t hat o necan see,feel o r imagine.This reco mmendatio nrest s o n t he claim t hat o ne can better rememberco ncrete co ncep t s t han abst ract co ncep t s.“In t hep sycholinguistic literat ure,it has been co nsistentlyfo und t hat subject s perfo rm bet ter o n co ncretewo rds t han abst ract wo rds,in labo rato ry taskssuch as paired associate learning,wo rd reco gnitio n,f ree recall of wo rds,lexical decisio n and p ronunciatio n(Nel so n and Schreiber).Summary and conclusionThe aim of t his article is to int ro duce mnemo nic techniques in vocabulary learning.To quotef ro m t he co ncluding paragrap h of Co hen’s reviewarticle:“At a time when t raining oflearners in languagelearning strategies is gainingmo ment um...it may be particularly fit ting to determine whet her st rategies fo r remembering wo rdshave a role wit hin such t raining.Such memo rytechniques wo uld not be intended to replace t heot her app roaches to vocabulary learning,but rat her co mplement t hem by p ro viding a link fo r facilitating ret rieval of a fo reign language wo rd o r it s native language meaning.”The carrier s used met ho d is not at variancewit h mo dern insight s in t he bilingual mental lexico n no r wit h t he co ntext ual met ho d in languagepedago gy.The carriers used and ot her mnemo nictechniques sho uld not replace t he mo re nat ural,co ntext ual met ho ds fo stering incidental learning.Instead,mnemo nics,fo stering intentio nal learning,sho uld be used fo r wo rds t hat,fo r whateverreaso n,have not been successf ully acquired.Alt ho ugh t he applicatio ns of mnemo nic techniquesarelimited,t heir effect has been sufficiently p roven.To so me extent t hey can t ransfo rm t he vocabulary2learning task f ro m uninspired drudgery into newfo und delight.Reference[1] Coady J ames,Huckin Tho mas.Seco nd Language Vocabulary Acquisition[M].Shanghai:Shanghai ForeignLanguage Education PressGrant,Michael.Myt h of t he Greeks and Romans[M].New Yo rk:HarryN.Abrams,cey Collin.Increase Yo urVocabulary[M].Oxford:Oxford U niversity PressSchmitt Norbert,McCart hy Michael.Vocabulary:Description,Acquisition and Pedagogy[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Fo reign Language Education Press Tao J ie.100 Myt hs of Greece and Ro me[M].HongKo ng:The Commercial Press Zhu Yuan.Longman Dictionary of Contempo raryEnglish[M].Beijing:The Co mmercial Press。