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•Researches on Reception Theory at Home
Wang Wenbin, Zhu Jianping, Tong Yahui prompt the upsurge of research of applying Reception Theory to translation in China.
guide the future translation activity of Wuthering Heights. enlighten the translation activity of literary translation.
Objective of the Research
IV. Theoretical Framework and Research Methodology
Case Study
Reception Theory
Theoretical Analysis
Comparative Method
V. Research Questions and Innovations of the Thesis
Innovations of the Thesis
appealing structure vacancy of meaning indeterminacy
2.2 Translation of Wuthering Heights in China and Its Reception
Ⅲ. Outline of the thesis
Chapter One Introduction Chapter Two Literature Review Chapter Three Reception Theory and Its Application in Literary Translation Studies Chapter Four A Comparative Study on the Two Chinese Versions of Wuthering Heights from the Perspective of Reception Theory Chapter Five Conclusion
Previous studies in translation field are mainly covered in the perspective of translation standard, strategies and some factors influencing translation. In recent years, studies on subject of translation, especially researches on reader’s active role are more popular topic in translation field, because reader’s status has rose to a certain extent.
Zhang Li
introduced Reception Theory into China in 1993. They collaborated on the translation of Toward an Aesthetics of Reception by Hans Robert Jauss and Reception Theory:A Critical Introduction by Robert C. Holub. first introduced into the Chinese translation field. maintains that the theory of literary reception provides us with a more open perspective in translation criticism.
A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Versions of Wuthering Heights from the Perspective of Reception Theory
Xiali Supervised by Professor Li Yan
Significance of the Research Theoretical
lifted the readers and the reading to an unprecedented height raised challenge to the traditional literary appreciation theories like “source text-oriented” theories and “authorcentered” theories.
Zhou Ning and Jin Yuanpu
Yang Wuneng Bian Jianhua
point out that the translator is not the center of translation but its subject.
Hub Kaibao and Hu Shirong
(1)What are the differences Between Yang Yi’s version and Fang Ping’s version? (2) How can Reception Theory explain these differences?
(3) How to evaluate a translator’s work and how to evaluate the different results of various translators?
Research Questions and Innovations of the Thesis
Ⅰ. Introduction
Background of the Research
Significance of the Research
Objective of the Research
•Researches on Reception Theory at Home 2.1 Researches on Reception Theory Researches on Reception Theory Abroad
Researches on Reception Theory at Home
Iser gradually develops this attitude in his essays and books in English concerned with reading: “Indeterminacy and the Reader’s Response in Prose Fiction” (1971), The Implied Reader (1974), and The Act of Reading: A Theory of Aesthetic Response (1978).
School of Foreign languages, Yan’an University 2013.05.25 By Mu
Ⅰ. Ⅱ. Ⅲ. Hale Waihona Puke Baidu. Ⅴ.
Literature Review
Outline of This Thesis
Theoretical Framework and Research Methodology
Researches on Reception Theory Abroad Hans Robert Jauss
horizon of expectation
fusion of horizons
The Main Points of Reception Theory(1960s) Wolfgang Iser
Ⅱ. Literature Review
2.1 Researches on Reception Theory
Literature Review
2.2 Translation of Wuthering Heights in China and Its Reception
Ⅱ. Literature Review
Reception Theory
•Researches on Reception Theory Abroad
The delivery of Jauss’s paper “Literary History as a Provocation to Literary Scholarship” marks the birth of Reception Theory.
To apply Reception Theory to the study of literary translation to illustrate the feasibility of this theory in Wuthering Heights.
How does the Reception Theory affect the formation of the versions?