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Chapter 12International Taxation and Transfer PricingDiscussion Questions1.Tax neutrality means that taxes have no (are neutral in their) effect on business decisions. In otherwords, business decisions are driven by economic fundamentals instead of taxes. Such decisions should result in an optimal allocation of resources. However, taxes have the potential to divertthis allocation of resources. Taxes are seldom neutral.Governments often use taxes for social purposes. This is not necessarily bad. For example,countries can use tax breaks to attract business investment, thereby promoting economic growth.Chapter 12 discusses harmful tax competition, a concern of both the OECD and EU. The concern is that some countries (tax havens) use taxes as an unfair competitive tool, depriving othercountries of taxes needed to support their infrastructure and government services. Transactionsare funneled through tax havens merely to avoid taxes; they have no real business purpose.Students should have fun debating whether this is good or bad.2.The types of taxes discussed in the book are:a.Income tax. Tax bases and tax rates vary from country to country. The effective tax rateis what is important, not the nominal rate.b.Withholding tax. These are withholdings on interest, dividend and royalty payments toinvestors.c.Value-added tax. This is a consumption tax popular in Europe and Canada. The tax islevied on each stage of production or distribution based on the incremental value added atthat stage. Companies that pay the tax in their own costs reclaim them later from the taxauthorities. Consumers ultimately bear the cost of this tax.d.Border tax. This is a customs or import duty.e.Transfer tax. This is a tax on the transfer of items between taxpayers.The two most common taxes are the income tax and the border tax.Philosophies of taxation vary with the types of taxes, since ultimately the question is who pays and how much. In the case of income taxes, philosophies vary as to whether income earned outside the country’s borders should be taxed (territorial versus worldwide).3.Tax credits reduce a business entity’s income tax liability dollar for dollar. The purpose of thesecredits in international taxation is to insure that profits earned abroad are not subject to doubletaxation. Accordingly, the country in which a parent company is domiciled will generallyrelinquish taxes on income earned abroad up to the amount of the foreign tax.Tax credits may fall short of their intended results because of how taxable income is definedunder domestic and foreign tax laws. The treatment of expenses is a case in point. Under U.S.law, for example, business expenses attributable to foreign source income must be so allocated in determining the foreign tax credit limitation. Distortions occur when the deduction is not allowed in determining taxable income in the foreign country. The result is usually an overstatement ofthe total amount of taxes paid and excess foreign tax credits recognized. Additional distortionsrelate to national differences in defining income sources and timing differences in the recognition of income and expenses.4.Tax Rate System Advantages DisadvantagesClassical Ease of administration Double taxation of corporateincomeSplit Rate Relief from double taxationprovided at the company level Higher tax rates on undistributed profits reduces the attractiveness of retained earnings as a financing sourceTax Credit Relief from double taxationprovided at the shareholderlevel If tax credit is denied foreign shareholders, investing across national boundaries becomes less attractive5.National differences in tax rates are indeed the least significant determinants of a company’seffective tax burden. The key term here is effective. While statutory tax rates define acompany’s nominal tax burden, this seldom indicates its effective tax burden. Widespreaddifferences in tax administration systems, allowable deductions, rates of depreciation allowances, tax credits, tax treaties, special tax incentives offered by foreign governments, and many indirect taxes (including deficient social overhead services in some low-tax countries) are some factors that affect real tax burdens on MNCs.6.Student responses to this question will naturally vary. Some will argue that multinationaloperations abroad are merely guests of their national hosts. Given the visibility and political sensitivity of their positions, therefore, these firms should fully disclose their earnings picture to local tax authorities and pay whatever taxes are called for. However, others will argue that the competitive position of the multinational corporation will be jeopardized if it does not emulate the tax evasion practices of its local corporate peers. Furthermore, since business ethics are colored by the cultural and social fabric of each individual nation, it is presumptuous for a multinational to impose its domestic mores in an environmental context where they may not be appropriate.7.Transfer pricing is a natural consequence of the decentralization of business organizations.Interactions between units of a decentralized system require the establishment of prices at which goods or services can be transferred among operating divisions. In a purely domestic setting, transfer pricing policy assures (a) a measure of performance that reflects a subunit’s use ofresources and (b) the optimal allocation of enterprise resources.Transfer pricing has assumed a more strategic role in management policy with multinational operations. Many MNCs use transfer prices to (a) reduce or hedge environmental risks, (b)develop favorable tax postures overseas, (c) support the competitive position of selected foreign subsidiaries, and (d) circumvent restrictions on fund movements between national boundaries. 8.(a) Transfer pricing objectives of a multinational company often produce results that directlyconflict with the objectives of a foreign affiliate’s minority shareholders. While the minority shareholders want maximum dividends, transfer prices may be designed to minimize theaffiliate’s income and thus its ability to pay dividends. (b and c) Both domestic and foreign tax authorities are interested in enacting laws and regulations to counteract pricing techniquesdesigned to minimize taxable income. Tax authorities want to claim their fair share of taxes. (d) Managers of foreign affiliates should be concerned because the manipulation of transfer prices destroys the usefulness of subsidiary profits as a measure of their performance. (e) Finally,headquarters managers are vitally concerned with the acceptability of their transfer prices togovernments where they do business. The cost of evoking the wrath of host governments who find transfer prices to be objectionable can far exceed any system-wide benefits that transferprices can achieve. Headquarters should also be concerned if transfer pricing distortsperformance measures because this can cause managers to behave dysfunctionally.9.Considerations that complicate the administration of transfer pricing systems internationallyinclude (but are not limited to) the following:a.Tax considerations -- to minimize its global tax bill, a multinational entity might raise(lower) the transfer prices of goods shipped from affiliates located in low-tax (high-tax)countries.b.Tariff considerations -- to minimize foreign tariffs, a firm can lower (raise) transfer priceson goods shipped to high (low) tariff countries.petitive considerations -- a local affiliate’s competitive position can be improved if itis charged low transfer prices on goods imported from a parent or manufacturing affiliate.d.Foreign inflation -- a parent company may raise transfer prices on goods shipped to anaffiliate located in a highly-inflationary country to minimize local funds subject to thatcountry s inflation.e.Foreign exchange risk -- to minimize foreign exchange risk, a parent may raise transferprices to an affiliate located in a devaluation prone country to move exposed assets to amore stable environment.f.Performance evaluation considerations -- to evaluate the performance of a foreign cost(service) center, a parent company might use transfer pricing to give the affiliate arevenue stream. This would enable the parent to evaluate the affiliate with traditionalprofitability measures.10.Transfer prices are generally based on market price or some variant of cost. Among theadvantages of using market prices are that they (a) encourage the efficient allocation of corporate resources, (b) provide meaningful criteria for performance evaluation, (c) assist in identifying profitable and unprofitable units, and (d) are easy to defend as arm’s-length prices to hostgovernments. Cost-based transfer pricing systems also have many advantages in that they are (a) simple to use, (b) based on readily available data, (c) easy to verify before tax authorities, and (d) easily routinized.The overall competitive and financial position of the MNC is a major consideration ininternational transfer pricing policy. Accordingly, a cost-based transfer pricing system is best from the viewpoint of headquarters management. The flexibility afforded by cost-based transfer prices (i.e., transfer prices can be adjusted by changing the cost base itself or markups on cost) is especially important in helping MNCs to cope with the many environmental risks and constraints which affect their international affairs. However, while cost-based transfer pricing systemspromise greater flexibility, increasing governmental scrutiny of transfer pricing decisions will undoubtedly limit their flexibility.11.An arm’s-length price is one that would have been paid to an unrelated party for the same orsimilar goods under identical or similar circumstances. The United States is not alone inmandating that international transfer prices be based on an arm’s-length price. As the chapter points out, many countries have enacted legislation giving their tax authorities the right toreallocate gross income, deductions, credits or allowances to prevent tax evasion or to moreclearly reflect the proper allocation of income.While the notion of an arm’s-length price provides a conceptual foundation on which to basetransfer prices, it is less than definitive in practical application. Accordingly, application of thearm’s-length principle is far from uniform internationally. Surveys of existing corporate transfer pricing practices reveal a variety of pricing modes often based on professional judgment andapproximation.12.Advance pricing agreements (APAs) are a negotiated agreement between a multinational and ataxing authority on an acceptable transfer pricing methodology. The APA is binding on bothparties for a fixed period of time. The main advantage of an APA is that transfer pricing conflicts can be eliminated or reduced, saving time and money for both the multinational and the taxingauthority. The certainty of transfer pricing treatment makes long-term strategic planning easierfor the multinational. The disadvantage is that the parties are locked in to the agreement, which can be a problem if circumstances change. Of course, time and effort are also needed to achieve the APA.Exercises1.At first blush, Company X promises the better performance as it has a higher pre-tax income.However, a closer examination shows that both companies promise identical after-tax returns. A return on sales of 12.0% yields after-tax earnings of $72 million (12% X $600 million) for both companies. Comparative income statements based on the ratios provided are ($ millions):Company X Company YSales 600600Operating expenses 480528Pre-tax income 12072Income taxes 48-0-Net income7272Thus, it appears that Country X has a 40% income tax rate. Country Y’s indirect taxes are buried in operating expenses. Moral: when comparing company investment performance, focus on after-tax returns.pany X is the better investment because the investor in Country Z is probably not entitled toa foreign tax credit for indirect taxes paid. This is illustrated below.Country X Country YPre-tax earnings $120.00 $72.00Income tax (40%) 48.00 -0-After-tax earnings72.00 72.00Country Z’s investment income:Dividends 36.00 36.00Gross-up forforeigntaxes paid(36/72 x 48 ) 24.00 -0-60.00 36.00Income tax (35%) 21.00 12.60- Foreign taxCredit a(24.00) (-0-)Income tax -0-12.60After-tax return 36.00 23.40a Excess tax credits can be carried back 1 year and forward 10 years.3.There are no taxes paid on these transactions. China and Australia tax corporate income (Exhibit12-2) but the subsidiaries there have no profits. The entire profit is in the Cayman Islandssubsidiary, where there is no corporate income tax.As discussed in the chapter, the Cayman Islands subsidiary would seem to be a brass plate subsidiary with no real work or employment attached to it. Such subsidiaries lack substantialactivities and merely funnel financial transactions through the tax haven country to avoid another country s taxes. The company involved is doing nothing illegal. The issue for the taxingauthorities of Australian and China is whether the company is paying its fair share of theirrespective national taxes. These taxing authorities might tax passive income or adjust the transfer pricing arrangement so that they capture some income tax. These are the implications for thecompany and the taxing authorities involved.4.Subpart F foreign base company income = $4,000,000 x U.S. tax at 35% =- Tax credit for foreign taxes paid($4,000,000 x 17.5%)Net U.S. taxes due $4,000,000 1,400,000 700,000 $ 700,000Students must refer to Exhibit 12-2 for the U.S. tax rate of 35%.5.Value added including tax (4,000 – 2,400) = 1,600 Value added excluding tax (1,600 ÷ 1.175) = 1,362 Value added tax (17.5% x 1,362) = 2386.Classical SystemCorporate income SEK1,500,000- Income tax (28%) 420,000= Net income 1,080,000 Dividend SEK540,000 Income to shareholder SEK540,000- Personal income tax (40%) 216,000=Net income SEK324,000 Total taxes paid:Corporate SEK420,000Individual 216,000Total SEK636,000Country A Country B Country C Country D Royalty paid $20.00Branch earnings $90.00Dividend paid $27.00 $27.00 Foreign withholding tax(10%)2.00 2.70 -0-Net payment to Alubar $18.00‗_‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗$24.30‗‗‗‗‗_$27.00‗‗‗‗‗‗U.S. income $20.00 $90.00 $27.00$27.00 Dividend gross-up(27.00/54.00 x 36) ____________ 18.00 -0-Taxable income $20.00 $90.00 $45.00$27.00 U.S. tax (35%) 7.00 31.50 15.75 9.45 Foreign tax creditPaid (2.00) (18.00) (2.70) -0-Deemed paid(27.00/54.00 x 36) __________(18.00)_____ Total (2.00) (18.00) (20.70) -0-U.S taxes — net 5.00 13.50 ( 4.95) 9.45 Foreign taxes 2.00 18.00 20.70 36.00 Total taxes 7.00 31.50 15.75 45.45Low Transfer Price (000s omitted)Country A Country B Consolidated Sales $1,000 $1,700 $1,700 Cost of sales 600 1,000 600 Gross margin 400 700 1,100 Operating expenses 100 100 200Pre-tax income 300 600 900 Income tax (35%) 105210 315Net income $ 195 $ 390 $ 585High Transfer Price (000s omitted)Country A Country B Consolidated Sales $1,200 $1,700 $1,700 Cost of sales 600 1,200 600 Gross margin 600 500 1,100 Operating expenses 100 100 200Pre-tax income 500 400 900 Income tax (35%) 175 140 315Net income $ 325 $ 260 $ 585 As long as corporate tax rates in both countries are the same, an increase in the transfer price charged by the manufacturing affiliate transfers income from Country B to Country A. The pricing action, however, has no effect on consolidated taxes or on consolidated income.Low Transfer Price (000s omitted)Country A Country B Consolidated Sales $1,000 $1,700 $1,700 Cost of sales 600 1,000 600 Gross margin 400 700 1,100 Operating expenses 100 100 200 Pre-tax income 300 600 900 Income tax (30%/40%) 90 240 330 Net income $ 210 $ 360 $ 570High Transfer Price (000s omitted)Country A Country B Consolidated Sales $1,200 $1,700 $1,700 Cost of sales 600 1,200 600 Gross margin 600 500 1,100 Operating expenses 100 100 200 Pre-tax income 500 400 900 Income tax (30%/40%) 150 160 310 Net income $ 350 $ 240 $ 590 Where tax rates differ between countries, an increase in the transfer price charged by themanufacturing affiliate transfers taxable income from the higher tax affiliate to the lower tax affiliate. As a result, consolidated taxes decrease by $20,000 and consolidated net incomerises by $20,000.10. a.There are at least three possible transfer prices based on the facts in this exercise. Thefirst is $120, the uncontrolled selling price in Country A. The second is $100, theminimum declared value legally allowed in Country B. The third is $103.20, based onallowing the affiliate in Country A to earn a reasonable (20%) profit on cost. $103.20 iscalculated as follows:Manufacturing cost Operating expenses Transportation costs Total cost per unit Normal profit (20%) Transfer price$ 60.0010.0016.00$ 86.0017.20$103.20($100,000 ÷ 10,000 units)Consolidated income using the three transfer prices is as follows:$120 Transfer Price (000s omitted)Country A Country B Consolidated Sales $1,200 $1,700 $1,700 Cost of sales 600 1,200 600 Gross margin $ 600 $ 500 $1,100 Operating expenses 100 100 200 Transportation costs 160 -0-160 Import duty (20%)-0-240240 Pre-tax income$ 340$ 160$ 500 Income tax (30%/40%)10264166 Net income $ 238$ 96 $ 334$103.20 Transfer Price (000s omitted)Country A Country B Consolidated Sales $1,032 $1,700 $1,700Cost of sales 600 1,032 600Gross margin $ 432 $ 668 $1,100Operating expenses 100 100 200Transportation costs 160 -0-160Import duty (20%)-0-206206Pre-tax income$ 172$ 362$ 534Income tax (30%/40%)52145197Net income $ 120$ 217 $ 337$100 Transfer Price (000s omitted)Country A Country B Consolidated Sales $1,000 $1,700 $1,700Cost of sales 600 1,000 600Gross margin $ 400 $ 700 $1,100Operating expenses 100 100 200Transportation costs 160 -0-160Import duty (20%)-0-200200Pre-tax income$ 140$ 400$ 540Income tax (30%/40%)42160202Net income $ 98$ 240 $ 338b.The three transfer prices have a minimal impact on consolidated income overall.However, it should be emphasized to students that one cannot just focus on the “bottomline.” The exercise points out the interaction of import duties and income taxes. Eventhough varying the transfer price between $100 and $120 has a negligible impact onconsolidated income, the income taxes paid to the two countries vary quite a bit. Themultinational must contend with income tax authorities of both countries and the customsofficials of Country B. The multinational must be able to justify the transfer price to allof these parties.11.Costs as a % of sales price:Operating expenses14%Profit margin 6%Total 20%TP= {[450 X (100% – 20%) – 1.50] ÷ (100% + 5%)} – 1.00= {[ 360 – 1.50] ÷ 1.05} – 1.00= $340.4312.Total manufacturing cost per unit = SEK 401.00Financing cost a % of total manufacturing cost[(7% x SEK45,000,000) ÷ SEK40,100,000] 7.86% 1.Required margin before adjustments:Required margin 8.00%Financing cost7.86%15.86%ernment subsidy adjustment 5.00%3.Adjusted margin in cash terms[(1.1586 ÷ 1.05) – 1] 10.34% 4.Adjusted margin with 60 day terms{1.1034 x [1 + (.07 x 60/360)]} – 1 = 11.63% Transfer price = (1.1163) x (SEK401.00) = SEK447.64Case 12-1The Shirts Off Their Backs1.We believe that wealthy nations have a moral responsibility to help alleviate poverty in poornations. Tax collections in poor countries are part of the solution to alleviating their poverty.Thus, the question of why wealthy nations should be concerned about seeing that poor onescollect their “fair share” of taxes is a moral one.The Christian Aid report lists three reasons why rich countries should be concerned about “tax justice” and help bring it about:a.Levying taxes is critical in alleviating poverty. As countries develop their economies,they need to use taxation to redistribute wealth and bolster public (government) financesto invest in infrastructure which will, in turn, foster economic development.b.Rich countries also lose income through tax avoidance.c.In a world increasingly affected by terrorism, a system of global finance built on secrecycannot be tolerated. After 9/11, the U.S. government acted swiftly to go after terroristfinancing, much of which involved tax havens. These actions show that it is not beyondthe power of authorities to track money around the world.2.There is no doubt that accountants and accounting firms have played a role in tax avoidanceschemes. Are they behaving ethically or stretching the limits of aggressive tax positions? As the case notes, Andersen facilitated Enron’s massive tax avoidance, setting up a global network of3,500 companies to keep from paying taxes. The case cites a U.S. GAO report that found that 60 percent of U.S. corporations with at least $250 million in assets reported no federal tax liabilityfor any year between 1996 and 2000. In 2003, Ernst & Young reached a $25 million settlement with the IRS over aggressive tax shelters that it marketed. In 2006, KPMG paid a $465 millionsettlement after it admitted selling unlawful tax shelter schemes. The anecdotal evidence, at least, gives accountants and accounting firms a black eye.How culpable they are in perpetuating poverty is an open issue. As discussed next in response to question 3, some would argue that accountants are merely responding to the national andinternational rules and systems. However, this argument ignores the ethical dimensions of their actions. Clearly accountants alone cannot solve the problems raised in the case. Greatertransparency is critical, including open information sharing among national tax authorities.International efforts to pry open secret tax haven countries are also necessary. Hurting the ability of developing countries to collect taxes is perhaps an unintended consequence of accountants’participation in tax avoidance schemes.3.In our view, tax planning is not wrong per se, but a natural behavioral response to tax rules inplace and the enforcement actions of tax administrations systems. One observer writes:[R]ules always affect behavior and not necessarily in the way expected or desired by the rulemaker. It is idle to suppose that behaviors will not be affected. Ensuring that unintendedconsequences are minimized and that the intended consequences are achieved is a difficult art. I see no reason why regulations should not be immune to this.I know that the benefits of living in a civilized and well organized society have to be paid for. Iaccept and do not argue against a duty to pay taxes. It is for the properly appointed government to decide how the necessary money should be raised by taxes and thus what each citizen’s share of the total tax bill should be. I recognize that some would say that citizens have a moral duty to pay their properly appointed share of the total. My problem is that I cannot see any justificationfor a suggestion that citizens should so organize their lives as to maximize (or at least avoidminimizing) the share of taxes that they must each pay.In this light, tax planning is not a crime: it is an inevitable human reaction to a particular set ofrules.At some point most people will have changed their behavior to use the provisions of tax law tosecure a benefit of some kind.1If accountants are playing within the rules, then minimizing taxes through proper planning isessentially benign. However, aggressive strategies that operate under the veil of secrecy stretch the limits of ethical behavior in general and accountants’ code of ethical conduct in particular.4.The first three policy recommendations, taken from the Christian Aid report, involve strongerinternational cooperation on the sharing of information.a.Open up the banking secrecy and confidentiality laws that operate in “uncooperative” taxhavens. As the chapter discusses, the OECD is trying to do this, but further cooperativeinternational government actions are necessary to provide transparency over thelegitimacy of transactions funneled through tax haven countries. The veil of secrecy thatoperates in some tax havens prevents governments from automatically exchanginginformation about cross-border income payments.b.Banks and other financial institutions should be required to disclose to relevantauthorities interest, dividends, royalties, and other income that they pay to citizens andcompanies around the world. As this information is shared across countries, theappropriate tax can then be levied by that country’s tax authority.c.Increase the exchange of information among the world’s tax authorities. In particular,increase cooperation and information sharing between the tax authorities of rich and poornations.d.Provide development aid to improve accounting expertise in poor countries. They needthis expertise to audit transfer pricing practices of multinational corporations.e. A unitary tax system (mentioned in the chapter) whereby the global profits ofmultinationals are divided among countries based on the extent of their activities, isadvocated by some. This would reduce or eliminate the need for complex transferpricing to minimize taxes. Each country could tax its share of global profits at the ratedesired.1 Chris Swinson, “Of Tax Rules and Their Consequences,” Accountancy (October 2005): 26.Case 12-2Muscle Max: Your Very Own Personal TrainerThis case raises a number of issues and should be a good vehicle to acquaint students with the many considerations that impact international transfer prices. One issue concerns host government relations, especially with customs officials. The fact that Muscle Max-Australia is being invoiced at two different prices for identical equipment could lead to Australian charges of "dumping" with regard to imports from Malaysia. Invoicing imported machines from Malaysia at the higher Canton price ([A$675 x 1.26] =A$850) or invoicing imported machines from Canton at the lower Malaysian price (A$675) would obviously involve tradeoffs dealing with taxes, competitive position, etc. Students should be encouraged to discuss the costs and benefits associated with such tradeoffs.Another issue relates to who should set transfer pricing policies. Here, affiliate managers appear to have much discretion in setting their transfer prices. The question is whether and under what circumstances this is superior to more centralized decision-making. Students will probably be divided on this issue. Ultimately, the conclusion of which posture is best will relate to management’s philosophy regarding the purpose of transfer pricing. If the purpose is to maximize system-wide results, e.g., minimize global taxes, a case can be made for centralizing transfer pricing policy. If the purpose is to comply with local requirements (legal or otherwise), decentralization may be better.Closely related to the centralization-decentralization issue is the basis upon which transfer prices should be based. Here, transfer prices are based on a cost-plus method. While this may constitute an arm’s-length price and is suited to a centralized management style, it has its limitations. Higher transfer prices paid for the same merchandise could affect Muscle Max-Australia’s local pricing policies with resulting unfavorable competitive effects. The artificially high transfer prices paid for imports from Canton may minimize system-wide taxes, but they must be balanced against lower resulting profit margins which could reduce the company’s local borrowing capacity. Accordingly, some students will argue that market-based prices are better. This approach appears to be more objective and in keeping with a decentralized profit center orientation. Moreover, market-based transfer prices encourage local managers to keep their local prices competitive, are easier to justify to host governments, and in some sense is a more ethically-based price. Even here, however, students can be expected to disagree as to what constitutes an acceptable market-based transfer price.The effect of transfer pricing policies on performance evaluation measures and, ultimately, management behavior also should be considered. The use of a single transfer price for both tax planning and financial control purposes is subject to debate. While the notion of dual transfer pricing systems is logical – i.e., one set of transfer prices for fiscal planning purposes and another for performance evaluation purposes – practice suggests that many firms are unwilling to use such a system because of the cost and time needed to set up and administer it.。








电子商务的基本商务模式有两种:一种是企业对企业模式——business to business,b2b 另一种是企业对消费者模式——business to customer, b2c2.请举出几个你比较熟悉的正在从事电子商务的企业。








第二节1.什么是internet? 简单叙述internet的基本工作原理。







罗森财政学第七版(英文版)Chap009CHAPTER 9 – Social Insurance I:Social Security and Unemployment InsuranceMultiple-Choice Questions1. A pay-as-you-go system meansa) you pay for your dinner as you go to the table to eat.b) current working citizens pay for current retired citizens.c) there is no need for taxes since current workers pay for current retirees.d) retirees are paid from accounts that have accumulated with interest over theirworking lives.e) all of the above.2. Asymmetric information generally impliesa) information between parties is not equal.b) all parties are fully informed.c) information is costless.d) information is too costly to transmit.e) a and c.3. A fully funded plan requiresa) you to pay for your dinner as you go to the table to eat.b) current working citizens to pay for current retired citizens.c) no taxes since current workers pay for current retirees.d) retirees to be paid from accounts that have accumulated with interest over theirworking lives.e) all of the above.4. An actuarially fair return meansa) returns on investments are indexed to the stock market.b) returns on investments have to be positive.c) benefits received, on average, would be equal to the premiums paid.d) premiums for insurance are generally paid by the government.e) none of the above.5. When workers save less during their working lives due to the fact that they have beenpaying Social Security taxes, this is known asa) the Social Security effect.b) the wealth substitution effect.c) the bequest effect.d) the life cycle hypothesis.6. The Social Security earnings testa) applies only to workers between 65 and 69 years of age.b) was redesigned in the 1980s to include foreign workers.c) has a tax rate of no more than 16.9 percent.d) does all of the above.7. Social Security pension benefits area) subject to income taxes for those with certain income levels.b) nontaxable for all retirees.c) subject to state, but not federal, income taxes.d) subject to capital gains taxes.e) all of the above.8. The Social Security Administration has which program(s) to administer?a) disability paymentsb) health benefitsc) pensionsd) survivors' benefitse) all of the above9. The percentage of unemployed Americans that actually collects unemployment insurancebenefits isa) 9 percent.b) 18 percent.c) 25 percent.d) 33 percent.10. An earnings test as it relates to Social Security impliesa) benefits are reduced by some predetermined amount for those who have notreached normal retirement age.b) the amount of money earned during the working life of an individual determinesthe amount of benefits received.c) family earnings determine the amount of benefits received.d) all of the above.11. Social security taxes are projected to fall short of benefits starting ina) 2005.b) 2010.c) 2016.d) 2020.e) 2030.12. Social insurance can be justified on the grounds ofa) adverse selection.b) decision-making costs.c) income distribution.d) paternalism.e) all of the above.13. The retirement effect isa) when people retire later than they normally would have due to Social Security.b) when people decide not to retire at all because of problems with Social Security.c) when people retire earlier than they normally would have due to Social Security.d) when people save less for their retirement due to Social Security.e) none of the above.14. The gross replacement rate isa) the proportion of pretax earnings replaced by unemployment insurance.b) a rate of employment in key sectors of the economy.c) the percentage of each paycheck that is removed for unemployment insurance.d) the rate that tax receipts are used to cover tax expenditures.e) none of the above.15. A current worker may save more towards retirement so that he or she will have more toleave his or her children later. This altruistic motive is known as thea) altruism effect.b) bequest effect.c) income effect.d) savings effect.Discussion Questions1. Suppose in the market for labor that the labor supply curveis perfectly inelastic. Thiswould mean that the supply curve is vertical. Furthermore, suppose that demand is normal and downward sloping. Your textbook has explained that unemployment taxes are paid entirely by the employer (demanders). Who actually pays the tax in the scenario described above?2. Suppose that a fresh college grad gets a new job initially paying $20,000 a year. Theemployee gets a 3 percent raise annually. After 5 years of working, the employee quits and never works again. How much will this worker have earned over her brief working career? How much will she have paid in Social Security and Medicare taxes if the tax rate is 7.45 percent?3. Suppose that the ratio of retirees to working citizens is currently 1 to 5, meaning thatthere are 5 working people for every retiree. Suppose that in thirty years the ratio will change to 1 to 2. If benefits remain the same, what will happen to the tax rate assuming retirees are provided benefits in a pay-as-you-go system? How much would benefits decrease if the tax rate remained the same?4. A worker within the middle-income class is preparing to retire. In the year before heretired, his gross monthly earnings are $2,000. His Social Security benefits will be $1,200 per month. Before he retired, his income was subject to a tax of 25 percent. Find his before-tax and after-tax replacement rates.True/False/Uncertain Questions1. Having unemployment insurance available makes people work less.2. The percentage of retired older workers has decreaseddramatically since the introductionof Social Security.3. Social Security benefits have played an important role in the improved economic statusof the elderly over time.4. Unemployment taxes are collected from both employees and employers.5. A pay-as-you-go system of financing Social Security is not as good as a fully fundedsystem.6. A worker can begin receiving benefits as early as age 62.7. Social Security is used to redistribute income.8. Average indexed monthly earnings are derived from the worker’s earnings history anddetermine the primary insurance amount (PIA).9. Having a Social Security program makes people less inclined to save for their ownretirement.10. The gross replacement rate is typically 95% of pretax earnings.Essay Questions1. Work disincentives in the system of Social Security have seen the number of persons inthe program increase dramatically. What incentives could be put in place to reverse, or at least slow, this trend?2. Why should firms in industries with higher levels of turnover be required to pay more inunemployment insurance payments?3. Do you feel that when you retire there will still be Social Security? If so, do you feel thatbenefits will be at present levels or tax rates will have increased? Finally, has this discussion changed your plans regarding your own personal savings for your retirement?Answers to CHAPTER 9 - Social Insurance I:Social Security and Unemployment InsuranceAnswers to Multiple-Choice Questions1. b2. a3. d4. c5. b6. a7. a8. e9. d10. a11. c12. e13. c14. a15. bAnswers to Discussion Questions1. The suppliers of labor (employees) would be totally responsible for the paying the tax,despite the fact that the tax was levied on employers.2. The worker will have earned a total of approximately $106,182. She will have paidapproximately $7,910.59 in taxes.3. Initially, a worker paid for 20 percent of a retiree’s benefits. In the future, the sameworker would be responsible for paying for half of a current retiree’s benefits. If benefits remained the same, then each worker’s tax burden would increase by approximately30 percent of the cost of benefits. If tax rates remained the same, then benefits wouldneed to fall by approximately 60 percent.4. His before-tax replacement rate would be 1,200/2,000 = 0.6. His after-tax replacementrate would be 1,200/1,500 = 0.8.Answers to True/False/Uncertain Questions1. U2. F3. T4. F5. U6. T7. T8. T9. U10. FAnswers to Essay Questions1. Increasing the retirement age would see fewer people in the program. Other solutionsinclude removing the survivor’s benefits and introducing a more stringent wealth threshold that says that those persons with a certain wealth are not allowed to receive benefits.2. The employees in these industries are more likely to need unemployment benefits in thefuture.3. This is a personal question but, as recently as August 2004,the current chairman of theFederal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, has warned that benefits will need to be reduced for future recipients or that there will need to be increases in taxes. Many working adults today are changing their saving patterns because of this outlook.。

罗森《财政学》(第8版)(章节题库 彻底的税制改革:对消费和财富课征的税种)【圣才出品】

罗森《财政学》(第8版)(章节题库 彻底的税制改革:对消费和财富课征的税种)【圣才出品】

第21章 彻底的税制改革:对消费和财富课征的税种一、概念题1.增值税[武汉大学2005]答:增值税是对从事商品生产、经营的企业和个人,在产制、批发、零售的每一个周转环节,以产品销售和营业服务所取得的增值额,按统一或差别税率课征的一种税。



















Chapter 6Foreign Currency TranslationDiscussion Questions Solutions1.Foreign currency translation is the process of restating a foreign account balance from onecurrency to another. Foreign currency conversion is the process of physically exchanging onecurrency for another.2.In the foreign exchange spot market, currencies bought and sold must be delivered immediately,normally within 2 business days. Thus a Singaporean tourist buying U.S. dollars at the airportbefore boarding a plane for New York would hand over Singapore dollars and immediatelyreceive the equivalent amount in U.S. dollars. The forward market handles agreements toexchange a fixed amount of one currency for another on an agreed date in the future. Forexample, a French manufacturer exporting goods invoiced in euros to a Japanese importer on 60- day credit terms would buy a forward contract to sell yen for euros 2 months in the future.Transactions in the swap market involve the simultaneous purchase (or sale) of one currency in the spot market and the sale (or purchase) of the same currency in the forward market. Thus, a Canadian investor wishing to take advantage of higher interest rates on 6-month Treasury bills in the United States would buy U.S. dollars with Canadian dollars in the spot market and invest in the United States. To guard against a fall in the value of the U.S. dollar before maturity (when the U.S. dollar proceeds are converted back to Canadian dollars), the Canadian investor would simultaneously enter into a forward contract to sell U.S. dollars for Canadian dollars 6 months in the future at today s forward exchange rate.3.The question refers to alternative exchange rates that are used to translate foreign financialstatements. The current rate is the exchange rate at the financial statement date. It issometimes called the year-end or closing rate. The historical rate is the exchange rate at the time of the underlying transaction. The average rate is the average of various exchange rates during a fiscal period. Since the average rate normally is used to translate income statement items, it isoften weighted to reflect any seasonal changes in the volume of transactions during the period.Translation gains and losses do not occur if exchange rates do not change. However, if exchange rates change, the use of current and average rates causes translation gains and losses.These do not occur when the historical rate is used because the same (constant) rate is used each period.4. In this example, the Mexican Affiliate s Canadian dollar loan is denominated in Canadian dollars.However, because the Mexican affiliate’s functional currency is U.S. dollars, the peso equivalent of the Canadian dollar borrowing would be remeasured in U.S. dollars prior to consolidation. If the Mexican affiliate’s functional currency were the peso, the Canadian dollar loan would beremeasured in pesos before being translated to U.S. dollars.5. A transaction gain or loss occurs when a foreign currency transaction, e.g., a foreign currencyborrowing, is settled at a different exchange rate than that which prevailed when the transaction was originally incurred. In this case there is an exchange of one currency for another. Atranslation gain or loss, on the other hand, is simply the result of a restatement process. There isno physical exchange of currencies involved.6. It is not possible to combine, add, or subtract accounting measurements expressed in differentcurrencies; thus, it is necessary to translate those accounts that are measured or denominated in a foreign currency into a single reporting currency. Foreign currency translation can involverestatement or remeasurement. In restatement, the local (functional) currency is kept as the unit of measure; that is, the translation process multiplies the financial results and relationships in the local currency accounts by a constant, the current rate. In contrast, remeasurement translateslocal currency results as if the underlying transactions had taken place in the reporting(functional) currency of the parent company; for example, it changes the unit of measure of aforeign subsidiary from its local (foreign) currency to the U.S. dollar.7. Major advantages and limitations of each of the major translation methods follow.Current Rate MethodAdvantages:a. Retains the initial relationships in the foreign currency statements.b. Simple to apply.Limitations:a. Violates the basic purpose of consolidation, which is to present the results of a parent and its subsidiaries as if they were a single entity.b. Inconsistent with historical cost.c. Presumes that all local assets and liabilities are subject to exchange risk.d. While stockholders equity adjustments shield an MNC s bottom line from translation gains and losses, such adjustments could distort certain financial ratios and be confusing.Current-noncurrent MethodAdvantages:a. Distortions in translated gross margins are reduced as inventories and translated at the current rate.b. Reported earnings are shielded from the distorting effects of currency fluctuations as excess translation gains are deferred and used to offset future translation losses.Limitations:a. Uses balance sheet classification as basis for translation.b. Assumes all current assets are exposed to exchange risk regardless of their form.c. Assumes long-term debt is sheltered from exchange rate risk.Monetary-nonmonetary MethodAdvantages:a. Reflects changes in domestic currency equivalent of long-term debt on a timely basis. Limitations:a. Assumes that only monetary assets and liabilities are subject to exchange rate risk.b. Exchange rate changes distort profit margins as sales transacted at current prices are matched against cost of sales measured at historical prices.c. Uses balance sheet classification as basis for translation.d. Nonmonetary items stated at current market values are translated at historical rates.Temporal MethodAdvantages:a. Theoretically valid: compatible with any accounting measurement method.b. Has the effect of translating foreign subsidiaries operations as if they were originally transacted in the home currency, which is desirable for foreign operations that are extensions of the parent’s activities. Limitation:a. A company increases its earnings volatility by recognizing translation gains and losses currently.In arguing for one translation method over another, your students should eventually realize that, in the present state of the art, there is probably no one translation method that is appropriate for all circumstances in which translations occur and for all purposes thattranslation serves. It is probably more fruitful to have students identify circumstances in which they think one translation method is more appropriate than another.8.The current rate method is appropriate when the foreign entity being consolidated is largelyindependent of the parent company. Conditions which would justify this methodology is when the foreign affiliate tends to generate and expend cash flows in the local currency, sells a product locally so that its selling price is largely insulated from exchange rate changes, incurs expenses locally, finances its self locally and does not have very many transactions with the parentcompany. In contrast, the temporal method seems appropriate in those instances when theforeign affiliate’s operations are integrally related to the parent company. Conditions whichwould justify use of the temporal method are when the foreign affiliate transacts business in the parent currency and remits such cash flows to the parent company, sells a product largely in the parent country and whose selling price is sensitive to exchange rate changes, sources its factorinputs from the parent company, receives most of its financing from the parent and has a largetwo way flow of transactions with it.9.The history of foreign currency translation in the United States suggests that the development ofaccounting principles does not depend on theoretical considerations so much as on political, institutional, and economic influences that affect accounting standard setting. It may be morerealistic to recognize that theoretically sound solutions are impossible as long as policyprescriptions are evaluated on practical grounds. Without specific choice criteria derived from investor decision models, it is fruitless to argue the conceptual merits of competing accounting treatments. It is far more productive to admit that foreign currency translation choices are simply arbitrary.Readers of consolidated financial statements should know that the foreign currency translation method used is one of several alternatives, and this should be disclosed. This approach is more open and reduces the chance that readers will draw misleading inferences.10.Foreign inflation, in particular, the differential rate of inflation between the country in which asubsidiary is located and the country of its parent determines foreign exchange rates. Theserates, in turn, are used to translate foreign currency balances to parent currency.11.In the United Kingdom, financial statements of affiliates domiciled in hyperinflationaryenvironments must first be adjusted to current price levels and then translated using the current rate; in the United States, the temporal method would be employed. The second part of thisquestion is designed to get students from abroad to find out what companies in their homecountries are doing and thereby be in a position to share their new found knowledge with theirclassmates. They need simply get on the internet and read the footnotes of a major multinational company in their home country.12.Under FAS No. 52, the parent currency is designated as the functional currency for an affiliate,whose operations are considered to be an integral part of the parent company’s operations.Accordingly, anything that affects consolidated earnings, including foreign currency translation gains and losses, is relevant to parent company shareholders and is included in reported earnings.In contrast, when a foreign affiliate s operations are independent of the parent s, the localcurrency is designated as its functional currency. Since the focus is on the affiliate s localperformance, translation gains and losses that arise solely from consolidation are irrelevant and, therefore, are not included in consolidated income.Exercises Solutions1.¥250,000,000 X .008557 = $2,139,250.¥250,000,000 ÷ ¥116.86 = $2, 139,312The difference is due to rounding.2.Since £1 = US$1.9590 and €1 = US$1.3256, £1 = US$1.9590/US$1.3256 = €1.4778.Alternatively, €1 = US$1.3256/US$1.9590 = £.6767.3.Single Transaction Perspective:4/1 Purchases (¥32,500,000/¥116.91) $277,992Cash $27,800A/P(¥32,500,000 - ¥3,250,000)/¥116.91 250,192(Credit purchase)7/1 Purchases[(¥29,250,000/¥116.91) – (¥29,250,000/¥115.47) 3,120A/P 3,120(To record increase in purchases due to yen appreciation)7/1 Interest expense(¥29,250,000 X .08 X 3/12)/¥115.47 5,066A/P(¥29,250,000/¥115.47) 253,312Cash 258,378(To record settlement)Two Transactions Perspective:4/1 Purchases $277,992Cash $27,800A/P 250,1927/1 Transaction loss 3,120A/P 3,1207/1 Interest expense 5,066A/P 253,312Cash 258,3784. a. MXN 1,750,000/MXN10.3 = C$169,903.b. The Canadian dollar equivalent of the Mexican inventory account would not change if the functional currencywas the Canadian dollar as the temporal method translates inventory, a nonmonetary asset, at the exchange rate that preserves its original measurement basis. Since inventory is being carried at its net realizable value, it would be translated at the current rate. Had inventory been carried at historical cosuld have been translated at the historical rate or MXN3,750,000/MXN9.3 = C$403,226.5. Baht is the functional currency:B 2,500,000/20 years = B 125,000B 125,000/B37 = 3,378B 5,000,000/20 years = B 250,000B 250,000/B37 = 6,757U.S. dollar is the functional currency:B 2,500,000/20 years = B 125,000B 125,000/B40 = 3,125B 5,000,000/20 years = B 250,000B 250,000/B38 = 6,579Total depreciation $ 9,7046. If the euro is the German subsidiary’s functional currency, its accounts would be t ranslated into Australian dollarsusing the current rate method. In this case the translation gain of AUD4,545,455 would appear in consolidated equity.Thus the only item affecting current income would be the transaction loss(loss on an unsettled transaction) ofAUD1,514,515 on the euro borrowing.If the Australian dollar is deemed to be the functional currency, then the transaction loss andtranslation gain would both appear in reported earnings as follows:AUD(1,514,515) transaction lossAUD4,545,455 translation gainAUD3,030,940 net foreign exchange gain7.U.S. Dollar U.S. Dollar U.S. DollarBefore CNY After CNY After CNYAppreciation Appreciation DepreciationCNY Balance Sheet ($.12=CNY1) ($.15 = CNY1) ($0.09 = CNY1)Assets Amount Current Monetary Current MonetaryNoncurrent Nonmonetary Noncurrent NonmonetaryCash NT5,000 $600 $ 750 $ 750 $ 450 $ 450Accts. Receivable 14,000 1,680 2,100 2,100 1,260 1,260Inventories(cost=24,000) 22,000 2,640 3,300 2,640 1,980 2,640Fixed assets, net 39,000 4,680 4,680 4,680 4,680 4,680Total CNY 80,000 $9,600 $10,830 $10,170 $8,370 $9,030Liabilities & Owners EquityAccts. Payable CNY21,000 $2,520 $ 3,150 $ 3,150 $1,890 $1,890Long-term debt 27,000 3,240 3,240 4,050 3,240 2,430Stockholders equity 32,000 3,840 4,440 2,970 3,240 4,710Total CNY 80,000 $9,600 $10,830 $10,170 $8,370 $9,030Accounting exposure CNY20,000 (29,000) 20,000 (29,000)Translation gain (loss) US$ 600 (870) (600) 8708.U.S. Dollar U.S. Dollar U.S. DollarBefore CNY After CNY After CNYAppreciation Appreciation DepreciationCNY Balance Sheet ($.12=CNY1) ($.15 = CNY1) ($.09 = CNY1)Assets Amount Temporal Current Temporal CurrentCash CNY5,000 $ 600 $ 750 $ 750 $ 450 $ 450Accts. Receivable 14,000 1,680 2,100 2,100 1,260 1,260Inventories(cost=24,000) 22,000 2,640 3,300 3,300 1,980 1,980Fixed assets, net 39,000 3,600 3,600 5,850 3,600 3,510Total CNY 80,000 $8,520 $9,750 $12,000 $11,700 $7,200Liabilities & Owners EquityAccts. Payable CNY21,000 $2,520 $3,150 $3,150 $1,890 $1,890Long-term debt 27,000 3,240 4,050 4,050 2,430 2,430Stockholders equity 32,000 2,760 2,550 4,800 7,380 2,880Total NT$ 80,000 $8,520 $9,750 $12,000 $11,700 $7,200Accounting exposure NT$ (7,000) 32,000 (7,000) 32,000Translation gain (loss) US$ (210) 960 210 (960)c. Students will quickly discover that each translation method has its advantages and disadvantages. After some discussion, the question of translation objectives will arise. Currency translation objectives are based on how foreign operations are viewed. If foreign operations are considered extensions of the parent, a case can be made for a historical rate method: current-noncurrent, monetary-nonmonetary, or temporal. If foreign operations are viewed from a local company perspective, a case can be made for the current rate method. Given the complexity of multinational business activities, one could argue that a single translation method will not serve all purposes for which translations are done. As long as the objectives of foreign currency translation differ among specific reporting entities, a practical solution is to insist on full disclosure of the translation procedures used so that users have a basis for reconciling any differences that exist.9.Company A (Country A)(Reporting Currency = Apeso)Beginning of Year End of YearAssets: Exchange Rate Translated Exchange Rate TranslatedApeso 100 Apeso 100 Apeso 100Bol 100 Apeso 1 = Bol 1.25 Apeso 80 Apeso 1 = Bol 2 Apeso 50Apeso 180 Apeso 150Translation loss = A$ 30Company B (Country B)(Reporting Currency = Bol)Beginning of Year End of YearAssets: Exchange Rate Translated Exchange Rate TranslatedApeso 100 Apeso 1 = Bol 1.25 Bol 125 Apeso 1 = Bol 2 Bol 200Bol 100 Bol 100 Bol 100Bol 225 Bol 300Translation gain = Bol 75b. This exercise demonstrates the effect of the reporting currency on foreign currency translation results when the current rate method is used. Both companies are in seemingly identical situations, yet one reports a translation loss while the other reports a translation gain. One company reports shrinking assets while the other reports increasing assets. Nothing has actually happened but an exchange rate change. Also, despite a stronger Apeso, Company A reports a loss. Conversely, the Bol weakened, yet Company B reports a gain. It appears that a strengthening currency is not always good news, nor is a weakening currency always bad news.If the intention is to repatriate the funds invested in the foreign country (Country B from Company A’s perspective, Country A from Company B’s perspective), the scenario makes sense. After all, CompanyA will be repatriating fewer Apesos than originally invested and CompanyB will be repatriating moreB ol’s than originally invested. Fluctuating exchange rates have changed each company s command over a foreign currency. Assuming the company intends to repatriate the currency, it makes sense toinclude the respective gain or loss in income for the current year. On the other hand it can be argued that the gain or loss should be excluded from income if the company intends to keep the foreign assets invested permanently..10.Translation RateLocal Currency is Dollar isFunctional Currency Functional CurrencyCash Current CurrentMarketable securities (cost)Current Historical aAccounts receivable Current CurrentInventory (market) Current CurrentEquipment Current HistoricalAccumulated depreciation Current HistoricalPrepaid expenses Current HistoricalGoodwill Current HistoricalAccounts payable Current CurrentDue to parent (denominated in dollars) Current CurrentBonds payable Current CurrentIncome taxes payable Current CurrentDeferred income taxes Current CurrentCommon stock Historical HistoricalPremium on common stock Historical HistoricalRetained Earnings Balancing Residual Balancing ResidualSales Average AveragePurchases Average AverageCost of Sales Average HistoricalGeneral and administrative expenses Average AverageSelling expenses Average HistoricalDepreciation Average HistoricalAmortization of goodwill Average HistoricalIncome tax expense Average AverageInter-company interest expense Average Average__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________a Fixed income securities intended to be held to maturity.11. a. Before riyal depreciation:Cash SAR 60,000,000 ÷ SAR3.75 = $ 16,000,000Inventory 120,000,000 ÷ SAR3.75 = 32,000,000Fixed Assets 750,000,000 ÷ SAR3.75 = 200,000,000Total $248,000,000After riyal depreciation:Cash SAR 60,000,000 ÷ SAR4.125 = $ 14,545,455Inventory 120,000,000 ÷ SAR3.75 = 32,000,000Fixed Assets 750,000,000 ÷ SAR3.75 = 200,000,000Total $246,545,455Translation loss $(1,454,455)b.The translation loss has no effect on MSC’s cash flows as it is the result of a restatement process.c.On a pre-tax basis, an analyst would back out the translation gain from reported earnings and add it to consolidatedequity. However, in addition inventory and fixed assets would be translated at the current rate, as opposed to thehistorical rate, and the resulting translation loss would also be taken to consolidated equity. This would result in a different earnings number as well as asset measures.Before riyal depreciation:Cash SAR 60,000,000 ÷ SAR3.75 = $ 16,000,000Inventory 120,000,000 ÷ SAR3.75 = 32,000,000Fixed Assets 750,000,000 ÷ SAR3.75 = 200,000,000Total $248,000,000After riyal depreciation:Cash SAR 60,000,000 ÷ SAR4.125 = $ 14,545,455Inventory 120,000,000 ÷ SAR4.125 = 29,090,909Fixed Assets 750,000,000 ÷ SAR4.125 = 181,818,182Total $225,454,546Translation adjustnment reflected in equity $(22,545,454)Students could also be probed and asked how the adjusted numbers would impact certain ratios such as ROA or ROE, Debt to Equity, and asset turnover.12. a. The currency effects in the first and third paragraphs have an impact on Alcan’s cash flows. IN the firstparagraph, echange rate changes affect Alcan’s future revenues and costs and directly affect cash receipts andpayments. The third paragraph involves settling foreign currency transactions at a different echange rate than when the transaction were entered into.b.Alcan appears to be employing the monetary-nonmonetary method.c. Many analysts back out translation gains and losses from reported earnings as these are largely non-cash itemsthat simply result from a restatement process. This would especially be the case if Alcan were being compared to a company employing the current rate method. Disregarding translation gains and losses would have the following effect on reported earnings:20X5 20X4 20X3With translation G/L $129m $258m $64mTranslation G/L (86) (153) (326)Without Translation G/L $215m $411m $390mThe impact on the pattern of earnings would change significantly. The year to year changes in earnings both before and after abstracting from currency translation effects are:20X5/20X3 20X5/20X4 20X4/20X3With translation G/L 102% -50% 303%Without Translation G/L 45% -48% 5%Case 6-1 Regents CorporationThe nature of Regents’s operation is such that choice of an appropriate functional currency is ultimately a judgement call. Students can argue for either currency and should be evaluated on the strength of their analysis. A major lesson of this case is that the functional currency choice is important since the currency designation dictates which translation method, (current or temporal) is ultimately used. The financial statement effects can be very different. Thus it is important for a reader of financial statements to understand how the differing measurement options affect the balance sheet and income statement and be prepared to adjust from one framework to the other, even if only crudely.TEMPORAL METHOD(U.S. DOLLAR IS THE FUNCTIONAL CURRENCY)Balance Sheet Accounts, 12/31/X7 Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Dollar EquivalentCash £ 1,060 1.80 $ 1,908Accounts receivable 2,890 1.90 5,491Inventory 3,040 1.78 5,411Fixed assets 4,400 1.70 7,480 Accumulated depreciation (420) 1.70 (714)Patent ----- -----Total £10,970 $19,576Accounts payable £ 1,610 1.80 $ 2,898Due to parent 1,800 1.80 3,240Long-term debt 4,500 1.80 8,100Deferred taxes 80 1.80 144Common stock 1,500 1.70 2,550Retained earnings 1,480 residual 2,644£10,970 $19,576Income Statement, 12/31/X8 Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Dollar Equivalent Sales £ 16,700 1.86 $ 31,062Cost of sales a (11,300) (20,706)General and administrative (1,600) 1.86 (2,976) Depreciation (280) 1.70 (476)(20) 1.82 (36)Interest (480) 1.86 (893) Transaction gain 125 1.86 233Aggregate translation adjustment b (368)Taxes:Current (670) 1.86 (1,246 )Deferred (40) 1.86 (74)Net income £ 2,435 $ 4,520Retained earnings, 12/31X7 1,480 2,644Dividends (300) 1.86 (558)Retained earnings, 12/31X8 £ 3,615 $ 6,606a Beginning inventory £ 3,040 1.78 $ 5,411 Purchases 11,690 1.86 21,743Ending inventory 3,430 1.88 6,448 Cost of Sales £ 11,300 $20,706b Aggregate translation adjustment:1. Monetary assets, 12/31/X7 £ 3,950Monetary liabilities, 12/31/X7 7,990(£ 4,040) x (1.90 - 1.80) = ($404)2. Change in negative exposure:12/31/X7 (£ 4,040)12/31/X8 (2,565 )£ 1,475Composition of decrease:Sources of monetary items:Net income £2,435Depreciation 300 £2,735Uses of monetary items:Inventory increase £(390)Addition to fixed assets (500)Purchase of patent (70)Dividends (300 ) (1,260 )£1,4753. Sources of monetary items x difference in year-end rate and rate used to translate income statement =£2,345 x (1.90 - 1.86) = $94300 x (1.90 – 1.86) = 12 $1094. Uses of monetary items x difference in year-end rate and rate used to translate those items =£(390) x (1.90 – 1.86) = $(15)(300) x (1.90 - 1.86) = (12)(500) x (1.90 - 1.82) = (40)(70) x (1.90 - 1.82) = (6 ) (73)Aggregate translation adjustment = ($404)109(73 )($368)Balance Sheet, 12/31/X8 Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Dollar EquivalentCash £ 1,150 1.90 $2,185 Accounts receivable 3,100 1.90 5,890 Inventory 3,430 1.88 6,448Fixed assets a 4,900 8,390 Accumulated depreciation b (720) (1,226)Patent 70 1.82 127Total £11,930 $21,814 Accounts payable £ 1,385 1.90 $ 2,632Due to parent 1,310 1.90 2,489Long-term debt 4,000 1.90 7,600 Deferred taxes 120 1.90 228 Common stock 1,500 1.70 2,550 Retained earnings 3,615 6,309Total £11,930 $21,814___________________________________________________________________________a Original assets £ 4,400 1.70 $ 7,480New assets 500 1.82 910$ 8,390b Original assets £ 700 1.70New assets 20 1.82 36$ 1,226 CURRENT RATE METHOD(LOCAL CURRENCY IS THE FUNCTIONAL CURRENCY)Balance Sheet Accounts, 12/31/X7 Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Dollar Equivalent Cash £ 1,060 1.80 $ 1,908 Accounts receivable 2,890 1.80 5,202 Inventory 3,040 1.80 5,472Fixed assets 4,400 1.80 7,920 Accumulated depreciation (420) 1.80 (756)Patent --- ---Total £10,970 $19,746Accounts payable £ 1,610 1.80 $ 2,898Due to parent 1,800 1.80 3,240Long-term debt 4,500 1.80 8,100Deferred taxes 80 1.80 144Common stock 1,500 1.70 2,550Retained earnings 1,480 2,355 Cumulative translation adjustment --- 459(given)Total £ 10,970 $19,746Income Statement, 12/31/X8 Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Dollar Equivalent Sales £16,700 1.86 $31,062Cost of sales (11,300) 1.86 (21,018)General and administrative (1,600) 1.86 (2,976) Depreciation (300) 1.86 (558)Interest (480) 1.86 (893) Transaction gain 125 1.86 232Taxes:Current (670) 1.86 (1,246)Deferred (40) 1.86 (74)Net income £ 2,435 $ 4,529Retained earnings, 12/31X7 1,480 2,355Dividends (300) 1.86 (558)Retained earnings, 12/31X8 £ 3,615 $ 6,326Balance Sheet, 12/31/X8 Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Dollar EquivalentCash £ 1,150 1.90 $ 2,185Accounts receivable 3,100 1.90 5,890Inventory 3,430 1.90 6,517Fixed assets 4,900 1.90 9,310Accumulated depreciation (720) 1.90 (1,368)Patent 70 1.90 133Total £ 11,930 $22,667Accounts payable £ 1,385 1.90 $ 2,632Due to parent 1,310 1.90 2,489Long-term debt 4,000 1.90 7,600Deferred taxes 120 1.90 228Common stock 1,500 1.70 2,550Retained earnings 3,615 6,326Cumulative translation adj. ----- 842aTotal £11,930 $22,667a Cumulative translation adjustment:1. Net exposed assets, 12/31/X7, x change in current rate = £2.980 x (1.90 - 1.80) = $2982. Change in net assets x difference between year-end and average rate = £2.135 x (1.90 - 1.86) = 853. Cumulative translation adjustment 12/31/X7 4594. Cumulative translation adjustment, 12/31/X8 $842。



罗森财政学复习资料(双语版)第一篇:罗森财政学复习资料(双语版)罗森财政学复习资料(双语版)Unified budget: The document which itemizes all the federal government’s expenditures and revenues.统一预算:联邦政府在一种文件中将其支出逐项列出的文件Regulatory budget: an annual statement of the costs imposed on the economy by government regulations 管制预算:政府管制对经济产生的成本Entitlement programs: programs whose expenditures are determined by the number of people who qualify ,rather than preset budget allocations.公民权利性计划:(是指有关社会保障、公共福利计划、农产品价格维持等法律规定受益人和收益数额的政府支出项目)项目的成本不是由固定的美元数额来决定,而是由符合条件的人的数量决定。

Substitution effect :the tendency of an individual to consume more of one good and less of another because of a decrease in the price of the former relative to the latter.替代效应:是指一种商品价格的变化所引起的使消费者调整该种商品与其他商品需求量比例的效应。

Income effect : the effect of a price change the quantity demanded due exclusively to the fact that the consmer’s income has changed 收入效应:收入效应指由商品的价格变动所引起的实际收入水平变动,进而由实际收入水平变动所引起的商品需求量的变动。

罗森《财政学》(第8版)(课后习题 彻底的税制改革:对消费和财富课征的税种)【圣才出品】

罗森《财政学》(第8版)(课后习题 彻底的税制改革:对消费和财富课征的税种)【圣才出品】

第二十一章 彻底的税制改革:对消费和财富课征的税种一、概念题1.现实消费(actual consumption)答:现实消费是相对于潜在消费而言,指消费者在一定收入水平上的实际消费额。





2.潜在消费(potential consumption)答:潜在消费指纳税人在没有减少其实际净财富存量的情况下能够消费的最大数量。





3.一般销售税(general sales tax)答:一般销售税是销售税的一种,是对所有商品的购买按同一税率开征的税。







4.选择性销售税(selective sales tax)答:选择性销售税,又称货物税或差别商品税是对不同的商品购买按不同的税率课征(其中的有些税率可能是零)的一种销售税。



罗森 财政学 第七版(英文版) 配套习题及答案Chap004

罗森 财政学 第七版(英文版) 配套习题及答案Chap004

CHAPTER 4 - Public GoodsMultiple-Choice Questions1. Public goods are characterized bya) nonrivalness.b) excludability.c) the sum of the MRSs equaling MRT.d) all of the above.2. Market mechanisms are unlikely to providea) prices.b) nonrival goods efficiently.c) supply and demand.d) none of the above.3. A pure private good isa) nonrival in consumption and subject to exclusion.b) rival in consumption and subject to exclusion.c) rival in consumption and not subject to exclusion.d) all of the above.4. Commodity egalitarianism refers to commodities thata) are important for most consumers.b) are too dangerous for most consumers.c) should be made available to all consumers.d) are good ideas but never produced.e) are produced in bulk.5. Charging individual prices that are based on consumers’ willingness to pay isa) government price supports.b) will pricing.c) second tier pricing.d) price discrimination.6. Equilibrium for public goods is characterized bya) MSB = MSB.b) MRS = MRT.c) MRS = MRS = MRS=…=MRS = MRT.d) MC = MB.e) MRS – MRT = MSB.7. Summing demand curves horizontally sends market ______________ to individuals,while summing vertically sends market ______________ to individuals.a) price; priceb) quantity; quantityc) quantity; priced) price; quantity8. Public goods can bea) provided privately.b) provided publicly.c) subject to free rider problems.d) all of the above.9. A ________ is a person who wants to enjoy the benefits of a public good withoutcontributing his or her marginal benefit to the cost of financing the amount made.a) free riderb) politicianc) price makerd) price optimizer10. Congestible public goodsa) are nonrival in consumption.b) can not be priced in the market.c) are rival in consumption.d) are never provided by the private sector.11. A private good isa) nonrival in consumption.b) subject to free rider problems.c) subject to exclusion.d) not subject to exclusion.e) none of the above.12. When those that do not contribute to the costs of a public good are denied use, this is acase ofa) exclusion.b) being nonrival.c) price discrimination.d) infeasibility.e) all of the above.13. Which of the following is a public good?a) public defenseb) public televisionc) a libraryd) schoolse) all of the above14. Pure private goods are supplied througha) the market.b) government taxes.c) merit pricing.d) none of the above.15. School vouchers area) provided by the government.b) provided by private organizations.c) public funds to be used for private tuition.d) all of the above.Discussion Questions1. Suppose there are two individuals with identical demand curves characterized by theequation Q = (33/2) – (P/2). What is market demand if these demand curves are added horizontally? Vertically?2. Redo problem 10 of Chapter 4 in your textbook. Assume now that the marginal cost ofgetting snow plowed is now $24.3. Use the answer you found when adding market demand curves vertically in Question 1above to find the market equilibrium quantity if the market supply is constant at 10.4. Suppose you are given the following demand curves: Q = 32 – P and Q = 16 – (P/2).Add these two demand curves vertically and find the market demand curve.5. Suppose there is a public good that has market supply characterized by the equation X =(P/3) – (32/3). Suppose further that market demand for this good can be characterized by the equation X = 25 –P. Find the equilibrium quantity of the public good that will be supplied.True/False/Uncertain Questions1. The free rider problem causes less than optimal production of a public good.2. Pure private goods are nonrival in consumption.3. Most goods that are nonexcludable are pure public goods.4. Vertical summation of demand curves yield results equivalent to those of horizontalsummation.5. Increasing the quantity of a pure public good can be done at zero cost.6. Demand curves for pure public goods satisfy the law of demand.7. Pure public goods involve positive externalities.8. Increases in spending on education will lead to an increase in student performance.9. Privatization means taking services that are supplied by the government and turning themover to the private sector for provision.10. Private goods are always provided by the private sector.Essay Questions1. You have read that the free rider problem affects equilibrium in a public good context.Explain how this situation can be modeled as a prisoner’s dilemma game.2. Discuss and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of public highways versus tollroads.3. Some economists believe that public schools would improve if they were subjected tocompetition. Discuss the pros and cons of this idea.。



Test Bank to accompany Rosen’s PublicFinance, Seventh Edition Chapter 2CHAPTER 2 - Tools of Positive AnalysisMultiple-Choice Questions1. Positive economicsa) does not depend on market interactions.b) only looks at the best parts of the economy.c) examines how the economy actually works (as opposed to how it should work).d) is very subjective.2. The Law of Demand statesa) that there is an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded.b) that the judicial branch of government sets demand schedules.c) that laws can have no effect on market economies.d) none of the above.3. The function Y = f(X,Z) meansa) X multiplied by Y equals f.b) X + Y = Z.c) Y is a function of both X and Z.d) none of the above.4. If there is a function and one component is Y3, then there is a ____ in the function.a) square rootb) cubicc) cosined) circlee) all of the above5. Refer to Question 4 above. The equation containing Y3 would bea) linear.b) quadratic.c) a Nash equilibrium.d) inefficient.e) nonlinear.6. Marginal and average taxes area) calculated using the same methodology.b) not used in modern tax analysis.c) not calculated using the same methodology.d) all of the above.77. The slope of a regression line is calculated by dividinga) the intercept by the change in horizontal distance.b) the change in horizontal distance by the change in vertical distance.c) the change in horizontal distance by the intercept term.d) the change in vertical distance by the change in horizontal distance.e) none of the above.8. Unobserved influences on a regression are captured in thea) error term.b) parameters.c) regression line.d) significance term.e) regression coefficient.9. The following can be analyzed using econometrics:a) labor supply.b) market demand.c) tax-setting behavior.d) poverty.e) all of the above.10. Normative economicsa) does not depend on market interactions.b) only looks at the best parts of the economy.c) examines how the economy actually works (as opposed to how it should work).d) embodies value judgments.11. The Latin phrase ceteris paribus meansa) let the buyer beware.b) other things being the same.c) swim at your own risk.d) whatever will be will be.12. The substitution effecta) is when individuals consume more of one good and less of another.b) is associated with changes in relative prices.c) will have no effect if goods are unrelated.d) is all of the above.13. Self-selection bias affects empirical estimation bya) leading to samples that are not representative of the entire population.b) making estimators improved.c) increasing the accuracy of test results.d) doing none of the above.14. When different bundles of commodities give the same level of satisfaction, you area) said to be indifferent between the bundles.b) said to be confused.c) not able to make a decision.d) unhappy with any combination.e) none of the above.15. The marginal rate of substitution isa) the slope of the utility curve.b) the slope of the contract curve.c) the slope of the utility possibilities curve.d) none of the above.Discussion Questions1. Suppose tha t a competitive firm’s marginal cost of producing output q is given byMC=2+2q. Assume that the market price of the firm’s product is $13.a) What level of output will the firm produce?b) What is the firm’s producer surplus?2. Use the following function for elasticity: = -(1/s)(P/X), wheres is the slope of thedemand curve, P is the price, and X is the quantity demanded, tofind elasticity when demand is X d= 22-(1/4)P when the price of good Xis 20.3. Imagine that the demand for concert tickets can be characterized by the equation X d = 7 –P/5. The supply of tickets can be written as X d = -2 + P/5. Find the equilibrium price and quantity of concert tickets.True/False/Uncertain Questions1. Empirical analysis generally deals with theory and little data.2. Economists attempt, with moderate success, to perform controlled experiments makingpolicy analysis helpful.3. Regression coefficients are indicators of the impact of independent variables ondependent variables.4. Primary data sources include information gathered from interviews and experiments.5. Multiple regression analysis typically requires several computers.6. Econometrics is the statistical analysis of economic data.7. Theory is always necessary for empirical research.8. The demand for a good is not affected by the demand for arelated good.9. Equilibrium in the market is where supply is equal to demand.10. A model is a simplified description of some aspect of the economy.Essay Questions1. “S ince the social sciences are not like the natural sciences, experiments are a waste oftime.” Comment on the above statement.2. Discuss the concept in econometrics that states, “garbagein . . . garbage out.”3. It is possible that two different economists can examine the same situation, such asschool funding, and reach entirely different conclusions. Why is this so?。

罗森 财政学 第七版(英文版) 配套习题及答案Chap002

罗森 财政学 第七版(英文版) 配套习题及答案Chap002

CHAPTER 2 - Tools of Positive AnalysisMultiple-Choice Questions1. Positive economicsa) does not depend on market interactions.b) only looks at the best parts of the economy.c) examines how the economy actually works (as opposed to how it should work).d) is very subjective.2. The Law of Demand statesa) that there is an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded.b) that the judicial branch of government sets demand schedules.c) that laws can have no effect on market economies.d) none of the above.3. The function Y = f(X,Z) meansa) X multiplied by Y equals f.b) X + Y = Z.c) Y is a function of both X and Z.d) none of the above.4. If there is a function and one component is Y3, then there is a ____ in the function.a) square rootb) cubicc) cosined) circlee) all of the above5. Refer to Question 4 above. The equation containing Y3 would bea) linear.b) quadratic.c) a Nash equilibrium.d) inefficient.e) nonlinear.6. Marginal and average taxes area) calculated using the same methodology.b) not used in modern tax analysis.c) not calculated using the same methodology.d) all of the above.7. The slope of a regression line is calculated by dividinga) the intercept by the change in horizontal distance.b) the change in horizontal distance by the change in vertical distance.c) the change in horizontal distance by the intercept term.d) the change in vertical distance by the change in horizontal distance.e) none of the above.8. Unobserved influences on a regression are captured in thea) error term.b) parameters.c) regression line.d) significance term.e) regression coefficient.9. The following can be analyzed using econometrics:a) labor supply.b) market demand.c) tax-setting behavior.d) poverty.e) all of the above.10. Normative economicsa) does not depend on market interactions.b) only looks at the best parts of the economy.c) examines how the economy actually works (as opposed to how it should work).d) embodies value judgments.11. The Latin phrase ceteris paribus meansa) let the buyer beware.b) other things being the same.c) swim at your own risk.d) whatever will be will be.12. The substitution effecta) is when individuals consume more of one good and less of another.b) is associated with changes in relative prices.c) will have no effect if goods are unrelated.d) is all of the above.13. Self-selection bias affects empirical estimation bya) leading to samples that are not representative of the entire population.b) making estimators improved.c) increasing the accuracy of test results.d) doing none of the above.14. When different bundles of commodities give the same level of satisfaction, you area) said to be indifferent between the bundles.b) said to be confused.c) not able to make a decision.d) unhappy with any combination.e) none of the above.15. The marginal rate of substitution isa) the slope of the utility curve.b) the slope of the contract curve.c) the slope of the utility possibilities curve.d) none of the above.Discussion Questions1. Suppose that a competitive firm’s marginal cost of producing output q is given byMC=2+2q. Assume that the market price of the firm’s product is $13.a) What level of output will the firm produce?b) What is the firm’s producer surplus?2. Use the following function for elasticity: = -(1/s)(P/X), where s is the slope of thedemand curve, P is the price, and X is the quantity demanded, to find elasticity when demand is X d= 22-(1/4)P when the price of good X is 20.3. Imagine that the demand for concert tickets can be characterized by the equation X d = 7 –P/5. The supply of tickets can be written as X d = -2 + P/5. Find the equilibrium price and quantity of concert tickets.True/False/Uncertain Questions1. Empirical analysis generally deals with theory and little data.2. Economists attempt, with moderate success, to perform controlled experiments makingpolicy analysis helpful.3. Regression coefficients are indicators of the impact of independent variables ondependent variables.4. Primary data sources include information gathered from interviews and experiments.5. Multiple regression analysis typically requires several computers.6. Econometrics is the statistical analysis of economic data.7. Theory is always necessary for empirical research.8. The demand for a good is not affected by the demand for a related good.9. Equilibrium in the market is where supply is equal to demand.10. A model is a simplified description of some aspect of the economy.Essay Questions1. “Since the social sciences are not like the natural sciences, experiments are a waste oftime.” Comment on the above statement.2. Discuss the concept in econometrics that states, “garbage in . . . garbage out.”3. It is possible that two different economists can examine the same situation, such asschool funding, and reach entirely different conclusions. Why is this so?。

财政学 哈维罗森 第七版 课后习题答案(英文)(2)

财政学 哈维罗森 第七版 课后习题答案(英文)(2)

Chapter 7 – Income Redistribution: Conceptual Issues1. Utilitarianism suggests that social welfare is a function of individuals’ utilities. Whetherthe rich are vulgar is irrelevant, so this part of the statement is inconsistent with utilitarianism. O n the other hand, Stein’s assertion that inequality per se is unimportant is inconsistent with utilitarianism.2. a. To maximize W, set marginal utilities equal; the constraint is I s + I c = 100.So,400 - 2I s = 400 - 6I c.substituting I c = 100 - I s gives us 2I s = 6 (100 - I s ).Therefore, I s = 75, I c = 25.b.If only Charity matters, then give money to Charity until MU c = 0 (unless all themoney in the economy is exhausted first).So,400-6 I c = 0; hence, I c = 66.67.Giving any more money to Charity causes her marginal utility to become negative,which is not optimal. Note that we don’t care if the remaining money ($33.33) isgiven to Simon or not.If only Simon matters, then, proceeding as above, MU s. 0 if I s = 100; hence, givingall the money to Simon is optimal. (In fact, we would like to give him up to $200.)c.MU s = MU c for all levels of income. Hence, society is indifferent among alldistributions of income.3. The main conceptual problem with the poverty gap is that it doesn’t account fo r theincome effect on labor force participation rates. The poverty gap is calculated assuming there are no behavioral responses; e.g., that labor income would remain unchanged even after the income was transferred to the poor population, but economic theory predicts that this will not be so. In fact, if the poor household were given enough income to bring it out of poverty, we would believe that the household would work less as a result of receiving this transfer. This complicates the analysis, of course, because once the household works less, then it will generate less labor income, thus lowering its overall income. This means that the poverty gap actually understates the amount of money necessary to alleviate poverty in the United States. In addition, the poverty gap is based on the official poverty line, which is thought to be an ad-hoc measure of the true “needs”of a family.4. A day care center is an example of an in-kind compensation. The figure below is similarto Figure 8.2 in the text. The original budget line is G1 H1 If the employee received $5,000 cash, the budget line moves to G2 H2 . An employee who uses the day care center may not be $5,000 better off. The employee consumes at point A, but would be better off at point B, which represents consumption after a cash transfer of $5,000.5. a. This would increase the incomes of the providers of computer equipment and theindividuals who maintain the equipment. In the long run, this might also increasethe incomes of the students who use the equipment. Moreover, giving a laptop toall seventh graders (rather than poor seventh graders) may simply “crowd-out”computer transfers from parents to children. One could imagine that nowadaysmany children do have a computer at home, paid for by the parents. Thisgovernment transfer may simply result in less parental transfer to the child.b.Providing free after-school programs for children in impoverished families largelyacts as an in-kind transfer for poor, working households. The program is of littlevalue for unemployed households, as the alternative would be childcare at home.For those who are employed, and paying for childcare, this program provides analternative and effectively changes the after-tax, after-working-cost wage. Thisalso may affect work behavior on the extensive margin. The likely “losers” fromsuch a program are childcare providers, who see a reduction in demand for theirservices. In principle, this reduction in demand could lower the hourly childcarecost for all workers with children, though this effect is likely to be modest becausemost impoverished families do not have a very large labor force attachment and,thus, their effect on the childcare market as a whole is likely to be small.6. a. False. Society is indifferent between a util to each individual, not a dollar to eachindividual. Imagine that U L=I and U J=2I. Then each dollar given to Jonathanraises welfare more than the same dollar given to Lynne.b. True. The social welfare function assumes a cardinal interpretation of utility sothat comparisons across people are valid.c. False. Departures from complete equality raise social welfare to the extent thatthey raise the welfare of the person with the minimum level of utility. Forexample, with the utility functions U L=I and U J=2I, the social welfare functionW=min[U L,U J] would allocate twice as much income to Lynne than Jonathan.7. Initially the price of food was $2 and the price of other goods was $1. The black marketfor food stamps changes the price of food sold to $1. In Figure 7.2 of the textbook, as one moves to the “northwest” from point F, the segment will now have a slope (in absolute value) of 1 rather than 2. The black market may make the individual better off if the best point on her budget constraint AFD was initially at the corner solution of point F, and the black market certainly does not make her worse off. It is important to note that the black market does not always make the recipient better off. If the (absolute value) of the marginal rate of substitution (MRS) were between 1 and 2, the indifference curve would not “cut” into the new part of the budget constraint with the black market.If the MRS were less than (or equal to) 1 in absolute value, the person would be made better off and would reduce food consumption by selling the food stamps on the black market.Food StampGuarantee Food8. Pareto efficient redistribution is a reallocation of income that increases (or does notdecrease) the utility of all consumers. With these two consumers, Marsha’s utility increases as Sherry’s utility increases. Thus, it may be possible to reallocate income from Marsha to Sherry and raise both of their utility. With Sherry’s initial utility function of U S=100Y S1/2, her utility with $100 of income is U S=100($100)1/2, or U S=1,000. With Marsha’s initial utility function of U M=100Y M1/2+0.8U S, her utility with $100 of income is U M=100($100)1/2+0.8(1,000), or U M=1,800. If the social welfare function is additive, then initial welfare is W=U S+U M=1,000+1,800=2,800. If $36 is reallocated from Marsha to Sherry, then Sherry’s income is now $136 and Marsha’s is now $64. With Sherry’s utility function, her utility with $136 of income is U S=100($136)1/2, or U S=1,166.190.With Marsha’s utility function, her utility with $64 of income is U M=100($64)1/2+0.8(1,166.190), or U M=800+932.952=1,732.952. In this case, Sherry’s utility increases from 1,000 to 1,166.190, while Marsha’s utility falls from 1,800 to 1,732.952. Social welfare increases with this redistribution, going from 2,800 to 2,899.142. Thus, this redistribution increases social welfare, but is not Pareto efficient redistribution.Chapter 8 – Expenditure Programs for the Poor1. a. Note that the figure below shows the correct shape of the budget constraint, butthe numbers themselves are outdated. With a wage rate of $10 per hour,Elizabeth earns $100. Because the deduction in California is $225, none of herearnings are counted against the $645 welfare benefit. Thus, her total income is$745 (=$100+$645).b.The actual welfare benefits collected by a person equals B=G-t(Earnings-D),where B=actual benefits, G=welfare grant, t=tax rate on earned income, andD=standard deduction. Thus, (Earnings-D) is the net earnings that are taxed awayin the form of reduced benefits. When benefits equal zero (B=0), the expressionbecomes 0=G-t(Earnings-D), which collapses to: Earnings=G/t+D. This is knownas the “breakeven formula.” In the California context here, the expressionbecomes Earnings=$645/0.5 + 225, or Earnings=$1,515. With a wage rate of $10per hour, this corresponds to 151.5 hours of work per month.c.The diagram shows the correct shape of the budget constraint, but the “577” figureshould be r eplaced with “645” and the “9” hours should be replaced with “22.5”.d.The diagram above shows one possibility – in this case, Elizabeth is both workingand on welfare – but she collects a reduced welfare benefit in this case.2. One could gather data on the earnings of those in the program, as well as earnings datafrom nonparticipants. Regress the earnings variable on demographic variables and other factors that determine earnings (such as education and experience), and a variable that indicates whether the individual participated in the training program. Factors that affect local employment conditions, such as unemployment levels, may help explain earnings, but they may also explain participation in the program. The econometric strategy should be chosen carefully to account for this.3. If the quantity of leisure consumed by X appears as an argument in the utility function ofY, then X’s consumption of leisure creates an externality. If the externality is negative(i.e., Y likes X to work), then a wage subsidy of X might induce him to work the efficientnumber of hours. Alternatively, a workfare program might achieve the same goal by simply forcing X to work. However, to the extent that the feasible quantity of labor supply is determined less through market incentives now, workfare would be less efficient.4. He participates in the public housing program as long as P1P2ca cef.5. As illustrated below, the budget constraint with food stamps has a “notch” in it, similar tothe analysis of Medicaid in Figure 8.9 of the textbook. At the notch, the marginal tax rate is greater than 100%. One key difference from the figure in the textbook is that the marginal tax rate on earned income for Medicaid is 0% until the “Medicaid notch,” while the marginal tax rate on earned income for food stamps is 24% until the “food stamp notch.” The reason the food stamp notch exists at all is that there is a “gross income test,” where a recipient is ineligible if income is higher than the limit. The characterization in the Rosen textbook on page 189 that “at some point near the poverty line, food stamps worth about $1,250 are suddenly lost” implicitly assumes that childcare costs are quite high. This is likely to be true for many households. In the year 2004, this monthly (annual) gross income limit was $1,994 per month ($23,928 per year) for a family of four, while the monthly guarantee was $471 ($5,652 per year). Assuming the family had earnings at the limit of $1,994 of earnings during the month, and after applying a 20% earnings deduction and a $134 monthly standard deduction, the household would receive a monthly (annual) benefit of $32 ($384). We arrive at this number using the equation B=G-t(E-.2E-D)=471-.3(.8*1994-134)=$471-$438.36=$32.64, which is then rounded down to $32. In this case, B=actual benefits received, G=food stamp guarantee, t=tax rate, E=earnings, and D=standard deduction. Increasing annualearnings by $1 from $23,928 to $23,929 would reduce food stamp benefits from $384 to $0; hence the “food stamp notch.” This notch would be even higher if the household qualified for a childcare deduction, child support deduction, or shelter deduction. The childcare deduction ranges between $175 and $200 per child per month. Assuming this family of four consisted of a mother and three children, each with $175 of monthly childcare costs, then B=G-t(E-.2E-D-C)=471-.3(.8*1994-134-525)=$471-$280.86=$190.14, which is then rounded down to $190. The modification here is that C=childcare costs. This amount corresponds to an annual food stamp benefit of $2,280. Figure 8.5 below draws the budget constraint using annual levels for the food stamp program, using 2004 rules and assumes no childcare expenses.6. For an individual who is not working while on welfare, in this case the highestindifference curve touches the budget constraint on the right vertical axis. Note that the marginal rate of substitution (MRS) does not necessarily equal the after-tax wage rate at the time endowment – rather, it is possible that the person would want to consume more leisure than the time endowment but is obviously constrained from doing so.Leisure$23,928Leisure7.In all cases, the demand curve for housing slopes downward. a. If the price of low income housing gets bid up but there is no increase in the stock of housing, then the supply curve is perfectly inelastic, e.g., vertical.Q 0Q HOUSINGFIGURE 8.7a – Demand curve shiftsb.If there is no increase in the price of housing, but there is an increase in the stockof housing, then the supply curve is perfectly elastic, e.g., horizontal.Q 0Q HOUSINGFIGURE 8.7b – Demand curve shifts Q 1c.If there is an increase in both the price and quantity of housing, then the supplycurve slopes upward.According to Sinai and Waldfogel, there is partial crowding out, consistent with case cabove. Although the underlying housing stock itself is probably quite inelastic in the short-run, the number of rental homes can be more elastic as (potential) landlords convert vacation homes or vacant homes into rental units.8. a.When Eleanor’s hours (earnings) go from 0 to 1,000 ($0 to $8,000), she qualifiesfor an additional earned income tax credit (EITC) worth $3,200 (=0.4*8,000).Thus, her income goes up from $0 to $11,200. Note to instructors – thedistinction between earnings and income may cause confusion in the students’answers. b.When Eleanor’s hours (earnings) go from 1,000 to 1,500 ($8,000 to $12,000), shequalifies for the maximum EITC (according to Figure 8.8 in the textbook). Shereceives the full EITC when her earnings exceed $10,510, at which time the creditequals $4,204 (=0.4*$10,510). The earnings between $10,510 and $12,000 face neither a subsidy nor phase-out from the EITC. Thus, her income goes up from $11,200 to $16,204.c. When Eleanor’s hours (earnings) go from 1,500 to 2,000 ($12,000 to $16,000),she moves into the range where the EITC is phased out. According to Figure 8.8 Q 0Q HOUSINGFIGURE 8.7c – Demand curve shifts outward,Q 1in the textbook, she receives the maximum subsidy of $4,204 until her earningsexceed $14,730. For the marginal earnings between $14,730 and $16,000, theEITC is reduced at a 21.06% tax rate. Thus, her EITC falls by $267.46 from$4,204 to $3,936.54 (=4,204-0.2106*(16,000-14,730)). Her income rises from$16,204 to $19,936.54.Chapter 9 – Social Insurance I: Social Security and Unemployment Insurance1. With adverse selection, insurance contracts with more comprehensive coverage arechosen by people with higher unobserved accident probabilities. To make up for the fact that a benefit is more likely to be paid to such individuals, the insurer charges a higher premium per unit of insurance coverage.2. There are many possible implications of a voluntary Social Security system. Onepossibility is that people would save less for retirement, betting that society would not put up with having great numbers of elderly poor. Part of the effect of the Friedman program, then, would depend on the government's credibility when it promises not to bail out people who do not save enough to survive during retirement.3. Use the basic formula for balance in a pay-as-you-go social security system:t =(N b/N w)*(B/w).Call 1990 year 1 and 2050 year 2. Thent1 = .267*(B/w)1t2 = .458*(B/w)2It follows that to keep (B/w)1=(B/w)2 we require t2/t1=.458/.267=1.71. That is, tax rates would have to increase by 71 percent. Similarly, to keep the initial tax rate constant, we would require (B/w)2/(B/w)1=.267/.458=0.58. Benefits would have to fall almost by half.4. If Social Security benefits are partially taxed for those who have other income over acertain level, then there is an implicit means test in receiving full, untaxed benefits.However, there is no explicit means test for eligibility for the program. Everyone receives benefits, though some recipients must pay some tax on them. Thus, the two statements are somewhat inconsistent with each other.5. Austen’s quote seems like it could relate adverse selection, but perhaps more likely, tomoral hazard. The q uote “If you observe, people always live forever when there is any annuity to be paid them” in a sense sounds like they act differently (e.g., better diet, more exercise, etc.) when an annuity is to be paid –the idea of moral hazard. In contrast, adverse selection suggests that people who expect to live a long time to be the ones who purchase annuities. A recent paper by Finkelstein and Poterba (NBER working paper, December 2000) found that “mortality patterns are consistent with models of asymmetric inf ormation” and that annuity “insurance markets may be characterized by adverse selection.”6. Equation (9.1) relates taxes paid into the Social Security system to the dependency ratioand the replacement ratio, that is, t=(N b/ N w)*(B/w). If the goal of public policy is to maintain a constant level of benefits, B, rather than a constant replacement ratio, (B/w), then taxes may not need to be raised. If there is wage growth (through productivity), then it is possible to maintain B at a constant level, even if the dependency ratio is growing.By rearranging the equation, we can see that B=t*w*(N b/ N w)-1. That is, increases in wage rates (the second term) offset increases in the dependency ratio (the third term).Thus, constant benefits do not necessarily imply higher tax rates.7. The statement about how the different rates of return in the stock market and governmentbond market affect the solvency of the trust fund is false. If the trust fund buys stocks, someone else has to buy the government bonds that it was holding. So, there is no new saving and no new capacity to take care of future retirees.8. Diamond and Gruber’s calculations suggest that the additional year of work (and delayedretirement) lowers the present discounted value of expected Social Security wealth by $4,833. If the adjustment were actuarially fair, Social Security wealth would neither rise nor fall. Since wealth falls, the adjustment is actuarially unfair.9. For those who argue that the scheme for financing Social Security is unfair becausepeople with low earnings are taxed at a higher rate than those with high earnings, the key issue is that the cumulative payroll tax of 12.4 percent is capped for each person, after which the payroll tax is zero (this ignores the 2.9 percent uncapped Medicare tax, however). The earnings ceiling in 2004 is $87,900. Hence, Social Security payroll taxes as a share of earnings fall after the ceiling is passed – thus, the Social Security payroll tax may be thought of as regressive. The opponents to this view note that the above analysis only focuses on taxes paid, not benefits received. As shown in Table 9.3, Social Security redistributes from high earners to low earners, and the formula for the primary insurance amount offers extremely high replacement rates to very low earners, and much lower replacement rates to high earners. Thus, the net tax payment(taxes minus benefits) is likely to be progressive, not regressive. One critical assumption in this kind of analysis is how one computes lifetime benefits –e.g., do we assume that low earners and high earners live the same number of years?10. Let G stand for the individual’s gross earnings. The question assumes that the personfaces a marginal tax rate of 15% and a payroll tax of 7.45%. Thus, the person’s after-tax earnings (denoted by N) are N=(1-t earn-t payroll)G, or N=(1-0.15-0.0745)G, or N=0.7755G.It is assumed that the gross unemployment benefits, U, are equal to 50 percent of before-tax earnings, or U=0.5G. Net unemployment benefits, B, take out income taxes, so B=(1-t earn)U=(1-t earn)0.5G=(1-0.15)0.5G=0.425G. The percentage of the individual’s after-tax income that is replaced by UI is therefore equal to B/N, or 0.425G/0.7755G, which is approximately 54.8%.Unemployment benefits are about 55% of the individual’s previous after-tax income. The effects of unemployment insurance on unemployment area matter of considerable debate. While the high replacement rates from UI may increasethe duration of unemployment, the longer search time may reduce recurrence of unemployment by allowing time for a worker to find a better job match. Empiricalstudies seem to show that the hazard rate into employment spikes up around the time that benefits run out – perhaps suggesting that job matches are not really improving.Chapter 10 – Social Insurance II: Health Care1. The quotation contains several serious errors. First, concern with health care costs doesnot mean that health care is not a “good.” Economists do not care about the cost of health care per se. Rather, the issue is whether there are distortions in the market that lead to more than an efficient amount being consumed. Second, it makes a lot of difference how money is spent. One can create employment by hiring people to dig ditches and then fill them up, but this produces nothing useful in the way of goods and services. Thus, employment in the health care sector is not desirable in itself. It is desirable to the extent that it is associated with the production of an efficient quantity of health care services.2. a. Those who have a relatively high probability of needing the insurance are the oneswho are most likely to buy it. This raises the premium, which in turn, leads toselection by people who have an even higher probability of using it. The cyclecontinues until the price is so high that virtually no one purchases the policy.b.Employer-provided health insurance is deductible to the employer and not taxed tothe employee.c.Because of the tax subsidy, individuals may purchase more than the efficientamount of health insurance. That is, they “over-insure.” An interesting exampleof how the tax system leads to overinsurance is given in a recent Wall StreetJournal (January 19, 2004) article by Martin Feldstein. He gives an example oftwo different California Blue Cross health plans – identical in all respects exceptfor the deductible and annual premiums. The low-deductible plan (the “generous”plan) has a deductible of $500 per family member, up to a maximum of two andan annual premium of $8,460. Thus, the maximum out-of-pocket expense is$1,000. The high-deductible plan (the “less generous” plan) has a deductible of$2,500 per family member, up to a maximum of two, and an annual premium of$3,936. Thus, the maximum out-of-pocket expense is $5,000. Note that thepremium savings of $4,524 actually exceeds the maximum incremental deductiblepayment of $4,000 (which would only occur if the family had very high healthexpenses). In principle, the high deductible plan is unambiguously better. But thetraditional tax rules could lead an employer to choose the low deductible policy.If the employee faced a marginal tax rate of 45% (the sum of federal, state, andpayroll tax rates), then if the $4,524 premium saving was turned into taxablesalary, the individual’s net income would only rise by $2,488. Thus, families withhigh expected medical expenses do better with the “generous” plan, even though itis more costly in terms of premiums.3. a. D d=4.22–(0.044)(50)=2 visits per year.Total expenditure =(2)(50)=$100b.Now the individual pays only $5 per visit.D d = 4.22 – (0.044)(5) = 4 visits, with out-of-pocket costs of $20.Insurance company pays ($45)(4) = $180Total expenditure = $200, double its previous level.4. Examining Figure 10.1, we can see why health care costs increased for the state ofTennessee. As insurance coverage increases, this lowers the cost of medical expenses for those who were previously did not have insurance, which increases the overall amount of medical services they consume. Before receiving insurance, these people demand M o units of medical services, and the amount they pay is represented by the area OP o aM o.But after receiving insurance coverage, they demand M1amounts of medical services, paying only OjhM1, while their insurance pays jP o bh. The increase in insurance payments is sizable for two reasons – first, by providing coverage, it pays for the majority of the already sizable medical expenses incurred by this group, and second, the introduction of insurance makes the group consume even more medical services. In short, if the people who designed the Tennessee program had realized that the demand curve for medical services is downward sloping, they would not have been surprised at the consequences of their program.To explain why HMOs have been unable to contain long-run health care costs, it is necessary to consider the effect of technology on health care costs in the long-term. The inherent problem is that the market for medical care places a large premium on using the latest and most-developed medicines and machinery for treating patients. These technologies tend to be expensive. Hence, while introducing HMOs can lead to a once and for all decrease in the rate of change in health care costs, there is nothing that an HMO can do to lower the cost of continually providing the latest in medical treatments. 5. The goal of making the Medicare prescription drug benefit a one-time, permanentdecision is to reduce the adverse selection problem (no te: the current “Medigap”program operates in this manner to some extent – a senior citizen has choice over all 10 of the Medigap plans for only a short period of time after they turn 65, after which they may be denied based on their health). Imagine a cohort of people turning age 65 and becoming eligible for the Medicare drug benefit. If the decision to enter (or exit) could be made every year, then healthy senior citizens would have a strong incentive to wait until they became unhealthy and needed drugs, and then enter the prescription drug program (presumably resulting in economic losses for the program). Similarly, when people who were collecting the prescription drug benefit became healthy, they would have a strong incentive to “opt-out” of the prog ram. By making the decision opt-in at the beginning or not at all, the healthy younger seniors are likely initially cross-subsidizing the older seniors. Note that this “opt-in at the beginning” works because bad health and older age are positively correlated with each other. If, for example, younger seniors used more drugs (and perhaps older seniors used more inpatient care, etc.), then older seniors could simply stop paying annual premiums and give up their option of being in the program. If this scenario held empirically, this would exacerbate the adverse selection problem and the opt-in scenario would not completely solve the adverse selection problem.6. The budget constraint initially has units of Medigap on the x-axis, and other goods on they-axis. Given initial prices of $1 per unit for each good, and $30,000 of income, the budget constraint has a slope of -1, and the intercepts on both axes are at 30,000 units. It is assumed that the initial utility maximizing bundle consumes 5,000 units of Medigap, hence the indifference curve is tangent at (5000,25000). All of this is illustrated in the figure below.Medigapefficiency units30,000 5,000After the “minimum Medigap” mandate, the consumer can either choose 0 units of Medigap or 8,000 or more units of Medigap. Thus, part of the budget constraint is eliminated (though the overall shape remains the same as before). After the mandate, the point (0,30000) is available, as well as all of the points to the southeast of the point (8000,22000). Clearly, the person’s utility must fall since the preferred choice, (5000,25000) is no longer available. If the person attains a higher level of utility as (0,30000) compared with (8000,22000), the person chooses to not purchase Medigap. In this case, the marginal rate of substitution is no longer equal to the price ratio. This is illustrated below.Medigapefficiency units30,000 5,000 8,000。
















第三章P.494.a.当社会福利函数为W= UL+UA时,社会无差异曲线是斜率为-1的直线。


b. 当社会福利函数为W= UL+2UA时,社会无差异曲线是斜率为-2的直线。




对已知条件中的两个效用函数求一阶导数,使MU M=MU J,则最大化条件为I J=4I M,因为固定收入是300美元,这意味着马克应该有60美元,朱迪应该有240美元,此时社会福利达到最大化。





CHAPTER 5 - ExternalitiesMultiple-Choice Questions1.Reducing output from the privately optimal level to the socially optimal level willa)cause a loss of consumption to consumers.b)reduce marginal damages.c)reduce the production costs.d)cause all of the above.2.Marginal damages are hard to measure becausea)they can be generated from multiple sources.b)they are hard to graph.c)they happen over time.d)no one cares about them.3.In Figure 5.4, if the marginal damages line did not originate at 0,a)it would mean that marginal damages did not exist.b)there is no way to find MSC.c)MSC would not originate at the same intercept as MPC.d)then all of the above.4.Externalities can be positive becausea)marginal damages do not last over time.b)utility can be impacted positively as well as negatively.c)there is no concept for marginal benefit.d)positive externalities are subsidies.5.Refer to the graphs below. Which graph(s) represent(s) an externality?a)graph Ab)graphs A and Bc)graph Bd)neither graph A nor graph BA B6.Refer to Figure 5.7 in the textbook. What does it mean if all firms have to reduce to a point ?2*)*(X Z a)Firm X will reduce more than optimal.b)Firm Z will reduce less than optimal.c)The new point is between X* and Z*.d)All of the above.7.The Coase theorem has problems becausea)generally, bargaining costs are not zero.b)individuals are not concerned with others.c)markets always exist.d)all of the above.8.Pollution rights may be traded ifa)polluters try to hide pollution.b)administrators are uncertain about Pigouvian taxes.c)there is no market for pollution.d)pollution is harmless.9.Externalities can be produced by ____________, as well as ____________.a)individuals; firmsb)market prices; market incomesc)oceans; streamsd)none of the above10. A Pigouvian tax corrects fora)market congestion.b)market losses.c)inefficient sales.d)low market prices.11.Which of the following is correct?a)SMC = PMC - MDb)MPB = MSB + MEBc)SMC = PMC + MDd)MSC = MPBe)MSB =MSC + MPB12.Marginal benefits are downward sloping whena)there are no total benefits.b)the slope of the marginal benefits curve is negative.c)total benefits are increasing at a decreasing rate.d)marginal costs are upward sloping.13. A Pigouvian subsidya)can not exist with externalities.b)is the same thing as a Pigouvian tax.c)is measured in terms of Pigouvian dollars.d)moves production to the socially optimal level of output.14.As a general rule, zero pollution is not socially desirable becausea)there would be no production.b)the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) needs to have something to do.c)no pollution would lead to global warming.d)all of the above.15.Externalities require government intervention whena)violence will result between disputing parties.b)there are only a few sellers in the market.c)property rights are not clearly established.d)the government imposes sales taxes.e)all of the above.16.Which method helps in obtaining the socially optimal level of output?a)Pigouvian taxesb)regulationc)property rights and bargainingd)all of the above17.Marginal damagesa)must always be considered in social marginal costs.b)must not be considered in social marginal costs.c)must sometimes be considered in social marginal costs.d)have nothing to do with social marginal costs.Discussion Questions1.Suppose the factory Afro-Puffs Inc. produces wigs. As a by-product of this wigproduction, they also produce dangerous emissions of toxic gases (as a result of the strong glue used to hold the hair in place). The De-Lite car factory, down the road, experiences a negative externality from this production process. Suppose that the supply curve (private marginal costs) for the wig factory is X=(2/5)P- 2, and it faces a market demand of X d=15 - P/2. The marginal damages caused by the production of wigs can be written as X=P – 1/2.a.Find the equilibrium price and quantity in the market for wigs.b.Find the socially optimal level of wigs and the corresponding price.c.How much should the wig factory be taxed per wig?2. A steel factory has the right to discharge waste into a river. The waste reduces thenumber of fish, causing damage for swimmers. Let X denote the quantity of waste dumped. The marginal damage, denoted MD, is given by the equation MD = 2 + 5X.The marginal benefit (MB) of dumping waste is given by the equation MB = 34 – 3X.a.Calculate the efficient quantity of waste.b.What is the efficient fee, in dollars per unit of waste, that would cause the firm todump only an efficient quantity of waste?c.What would be the quantity dumped if the firm did not care about the fishery?3.The private marginal benefit for commodity X is given by 15 – X, where X is the numberof units consumed. The private marginal cost of producing X is constant at 10. In the absence of any government intervention, how much X is produced? What is the gain to society involved in moving from the inefficient to the efficient level of production?4.Consider the case of two farmers, Tony and Hakim, depicted in the figure below. Bothuse DDT (a chemical pesticide) for their crops. The use of DDT causes an externality for swimmers down river from the farms.a.Show the amount of pesticides used if each uses the privately optimal level ofpesticides.b.Show the amount of pesticides used if they are socially concerned.c.Why is a reduction back to X H = H T not socially desired?T H SMC(PMC+MB)PMCMB HMB/MCPesticidesMB T5.Redo discussion question 10, part a, from Chapter 5 in your book. Suppose emissions arelimited to 25 units per year instead of 50. How does your answer change?True/False/Uncertain Questions1.Externalities always work themselves out.2.Negative externalities cause loss of welfare not transmitted by market factors.3.Externalities can be positive, as well as negative.4. A subsidy for pollution not produced can induce producers to pollute at the efficientlevel.5.Pollution rights can be traded and are always efficient.6.Regulation helps to correct for externalities.7.Any commodity market has the potential to have an externality.8.Market-oriented solutions to externalities rarely work.9.For market efficiency, MSC must be equated to MSB.10.College education is an example of a positive externality.Essay Questions1.How do social conventions help in alleviating externalities without governmentintervention?2.How do you feel the U.S. has fared in its attempt to impose market forces to correctexternalities?3.List and discuss three problems that might arise when using the Coase theorem.。



二、单选题1.公共物品主要的提供者是:( )A.政府B.市场C.企业D.国有企业2.市场活动中存在未被补偿的损失或应得未得的收益的现象被称作: ( )A.市场失灵B.边际效益递减C.外部效应D.免费搭车3.下列情况能形成垄断的是:( )A.产量增大B.规模扩大引起的边际收益递减和边际成本递增C.规模扩大引起的边际收益递增和边际成本递减D.规模扩大引起的总收益增加和平均成本的增长4.在市场活动中,没有得到补偿的额外成本或额外收益被称作: ( )A.市场失灵B.外部效应C.免费搭车D.寻租5.在市场活动中,资源配置处于无效或低效率的状态被称作: ( )A.市场失灵B.外部效应C.免费搭车D.寻租6.外部效应是指:( )A.微观经济主体的活动对他人带来的影响B.厂商活动对他人造成的损失C.微观主体行为给他人造成的损失未予补偿或给他人带来的收益未得到回报D.微观主体无偿享有他人的利益7.具有外部效应的产品最集中地表现在上:()A.竞争性产品B.垄断性产品C.私人产品D.公共产品8.公共物品是指:( )A.人人都需要的产品B.具有社会共同利益的产品C.具有非盈利性的产品D.具有非排他性和非竞争性的产品9.混合物品是指:( )A.公共物品和私人物品各占一半的物品B.公共物品和私人物品相混杂的物品C.同时具有公共物品和私人物品特征的物品D.由私人生产而由政府提供的物品10下列对社会公共需要特征表述不正确的是:( )A公共需要是每个社会成员个人需要的总和B公共需要由每一社会成员无差别的共同享有C享有公共需要也要付出一定代价D满足公共需要的物质手段来源于剩余产品11.财政分配的目的是满足:( )A.社会公共需要B.私人需要C.混合需要D.国有企业的需要12.政府干预经济(调节经济)主要是因为:( )A.政府拥有政治权力B.政治权力凌驾于财产权力之上C.政府是全社会的管理者D.市场本身存在缺陷13.政府干预经济过程中也有缺陷,导致政府缺陷的根源是: ( )A.政治权力凌驾于财产权力之上B.政治权力对经济权力的支配C.政治权力的滥用D.政治权力对财产权力的排斥14.寻租是指:( )A.由于让渡财产使用权而收取的租金B.厂商寻求收益最大化的行为C.政府因让渡国有资源使用权而获取收益的行为D.政府职员靠手中的职权获取经济利益的行为15.在市场经济条件下政府的经济作用主要是:( )A.决定全社会的资源配置B.指导经济发展方向C.弥补市场缺陷D.实现公平分配16.财政作为一种经济行为,其活动的主体是:( )A.政府B.企业C.国家机关D.公共事业单位17.财政是随着( )的产生而产生的:A.人类B.社会C.国家D.经济活动18.经济学研究的核心问题是:( )A.资源配置B.供求关系C.公平分配D.价格19.在资源配置中,起基础作用的是:( )A.政府B.计划C.市场D.宏观调控20.资源配置在本质上是解决:( )A.经济资源在不同产业合理分布的结构性问题B.劳动力结构问题C.经济资源在不同地区合理分布的结构性问题D.经济效益问题21.经济稳定的目标集中体现为:( )A.财政收支平衡B.国际收支平衡C.总供给与总需求的平衡D.充分就业三、多选题1.市场效率的前提条件是:( )A.自由竞争B.完备的信息C.存在外部效应D.政府干预2.市场失灵表现在哪些方面:( )A.垄断B.信息不充分C.公共产品D.社会分配不公E.宏观经济波动3.下列具有外部正效应的是:( )A.路灯照明B.煤汽管道泄漏C.农业新品种开发形成的粮食增产D.核裂变原理的发现及原子能的应用5.公共物品不同于私人物品的特征是,公共物品具有:( )A.非竞争性B.非盈利性C非排他性D.强制性E.无偿性6.公共需要的特征有:( )A.公共需要是社会成员个人需要的汇总B.公共需要应由社会成员共同享有C.一个社会成员在享用公共需要时,不排斥他人享用D.享用社会公共需要时无须付费E.满足社会公共需要的物质手段最终来自于剩余产品7.寻租行为的表现有:( )A.官员受贿B.决策失误C.以权谋私D.办事效率低E.权钱交易8.市场经济条件下,政府的经济作用应该是: ()A.提供公共产品B.决定社会资源配置C.弥补市场缺陷D.决定平均收益水平E.解决市场不能解决的问题9.财政的基本特征有:( )A.公共性B.国有性C.强制性D.非直接偿还性E.阶级性10.财政的职能有:( )A.资源配置B.收入分配C.稳定发展D.效率最大化E.增加财政收入11.经济稳定和发展的含义包括:( )A.充分就业B.物价稳定C.国际收支平衡D.总供给与总需求平衡E.完全竞争四、判断题1.外部效应是微观厂商活动对他人造成的损害.(错)2.外部正效应有利于社会经济发展,而外部负效应损害社会经济发展.( 错 )3.公共产品可以由私人生产但由政府提供.(对)4.无论消费者是否购买,公共产品带来的好处可为消费者享有. (对)5.混合产品由于具有一定的竞争性和排他性,不能用于满足社会公共需要.(错)6.私人产品是政府提供的,公共产品是市场提供的.( 错)7.混合产品可以采取公共提供的方式,也可以采取混合提供的方式. ( 对)8.社会公共需要的内容在任何社会都是相同的.(错)9.政府干预外部效应的手段有行政手段、法律手段、财政手段(对)10.公平分配是财政的主要职能.( 错)第二章财政支出的基本理论。















罗森 财政学 第七版(英文版) 配套习题及答案Chap008

罗森 财政学 第七版(英文版) 配套习题及答案Chap008

CHAPTER 8 – Expenditure Programs for the Poor Multiple-Choice Questions1. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)a) provides more income to those people on welfare.b) is a tax on low income workers.c) provides additional tax credits to low income workers.d) is a tax break for the wealthiest Americans.e) was eliminated by the Bush administration.2. The switch from AFDC to TANF took place ina) 1937.b) 1986.c) 1996.d) 1998.e) 2003.3. Social Security Income(SSI) is available for all, excepta) aged.b) immigrants.c) blind.d) disabled.4. A dollar reduction in benefits as a result of a dollar income from working is aa) 50% tax rate.b) 75% tax rate.c) 0% tax rate.d) 100% tax rate.5. Who is eligible to receive food stamps?a) poor families without childrenb) childless single menc) childless single womend) all of the abovee) a and c6. Voucher programs for housinga) provide rent vouchers for existing housing stock.b) are under utilized with a surplus of housing stock.c) provide down payment assistance to purchase homes.d) are known as Section 8.e) do none of the above.7. The Head Start programa) has been successful in fostering better levels of school attainment.b) began in 1965.c) provides preschool activities for 4 and 5 year old disadvantaged students.d) does all of the above.e) does none of the above.8. Enrollment in the Medicaid programa) is designed for those persons 65 years of age and older.b) has increased due to expanded eligibility.c) covers all medical expenses that a poor person may incur.d) requires a substantial co-payment that has not been helpful to poor families.9. Federal job training programsa) help provide job market skills to those in poverty.b) have been overwhelmingly effective in helping those in poverty.c) cost very little money per person participating.d) do all of the above.e) do none of the above.10. The group comprising the highest percentage of the poor isa) the disabled.b) elderly.c) male heads of households.d) children.11. The U nited States’ official measure of poverty is measured bya) only cash income.b) cash income and capital gains.c) only in-kind income.d) the imputed value of rent payments.12. Which is the largest cash transfer program for the poor?a) TANFb) Medicarec) SSId) Medicaide) Section 813. Under TANF, the time limit for receiving benefits during a lifetime isa) 12 years.b) 13 weeks.c) 60 months.d) 5 months.e) unlimited.14. Which group is not provided aid by Medicaid?a) elderlyb) blindc) disabledd) poore) none of the above15. All of the following are in-kind benefit programs, excepta) food stamps.b) Medicaid.c) energy assistance.d) SSI.Discussion Questions1. Consider a negative income tax. As discussed in your textbook, under the negativeincome tax, each person is entitled to a grant of G dollars per month. For every dollar the person earns, the grant is reduced by t dollars.a) Suppose G = 200 and t = 0.40. Consider an individual whose hourly wage is $10.There are 30 days in a month (so T is 720). Sketch the budget constraint beforeand after the introduction of a negative income tax.2. This question is similar to Question 1 of Chapter 8 in your textbook. In New York, awelfare recipient can earn $90 per month without having her benefits reduced. Beyond $90, benefits are reduced by 57 cents for every dollar of earnings. Consider Jackie, a resident of New York, who can earn $10 per hour. If she does not work at all, she is eligible for welfare benefits of $577.a) If she works 10 hours, how much are her work earnings, how much is her welfarebenefits, and how much is her total income?b) After Jackie works a certain number of hours, she does not receive any benefits atall. What is that number of hours?3. Suppose in a certain city the demand for low-cost housing can be characterized by theequation Q = 165 – P/2, where Q is housing measured in square feet. Further, suppose that supply is characterized by the equation: Q = P/2 – 1.a) How much consumer surplus is there?b) Suppose that a grant is given so that the supply of housing is increased. Thisincrease changes the supply curve to Q = P/2. How much does consumer surpluschange because of the grant?4. Return to Question 3 above. Suppose that the government feels that the grant is notenough and, in addition, imposes a price ceiling of $125. What will happen to consumer surplus? What are the drawbacks?5. A needy family consisting of a mother and three children currently receives cash benefitsthat average $12 per day. The mother of this family is allowed to earn an average of $4 per day before her benefits begin to decline. After that, for each dollar earned, cash benefits decline by 67 cents for each dollar earned. Assume that she can find work at $4 per hour.a) How many hours will she have to work per day before her benefits are eliminated? True/False/Uncertain Questions1. Under TANF, at least 50% of single mother recipients and 90% of two-parent familiesmust be working or in work preparation programs.2. Poor people who participate in job training programs are more successful in leavingpoverty.3. In 1990, 29% of the United States’ population was in poverty.4. Increasing the wage rate will cause people to work more.5. Crowding out can occur when public insurance crowds out private insurance.6. In 2002, 20.7% of blacks were classified as being in poverty.7. Medicaid is the most expensive program that the government runs that provides benefitsto the poor.8. The majority of government programs designed to help poor families consists of directcash payments.9. Workfare requires able-bodied individuals to participate in work-related activities inorder to receive transfer payments.10. Only about a quarter of the population eligible for housing subsidies actually receivesthem.Essay Questions1. Over the years, there have been many programs designed to help the poor. One of themore popular ones has been the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). What makes this program so popular?2. What are some of the drawbacks, as you see them, to a program like Workfare?3. One of the changes in the welfare system of the United States that occurred in 1996 was amove to block grants for states. What advantage(s) might a block grant system allow?Answers to CHAPTER 8 – Expenditure Programs for the PoorAnswers to Multiple-Choice Questions1. c2. c3. b4. d5. d6. a7. d8. b9. a10. d11. a12. a13. c14. a15. dAnswers to Discussion Questions1.Consumption 200 670 7200 Wage=$10 720 Hours2. a) If Jackie works 10 hours at $10 per hour, she will have earned $100 fromworking. She gets to earn $90 before her benefits are reduced. She earned $10over that limit, so her benefits will be reduced to 577 – (0.57 * 10) = 571.3. Shewill have received in total $671.3.b) She would need to work 110.228 hours before benefits are completely eliminated.3. a) Setting supply equal to demand gives that Q* = 82 and P* = 166. Therefore,consumer surplus is (1/2)(164)(82) = 6,724.b) Setting the new supply curve equal to the original demand curve gives Q* = 82.5with P* = 165. Now consumer surplus is (1/2)(165)(82.5) = 6,806.25.4. Under the price ceiling scheme, consumer surplus is now found by 80(62.5) +(1/2)(125(62.5) = 8,906.25. The drawback is that there is a shortage now, as Q* supplied is only 62.5 instead of 82.5. Cash benefits decline by $0.67 per dollar earned after she earns $4. Benefits decline$.067 * $4 = $2.68 per hour worked after her first hour. Given that it would take 5.4776 hours, then her cash benefits will be eliminated.Answers to True/False/Uncertain Questions1. T2. U3. F4. U5. T6. T7. T8. F9. T10. TAnswers to Essay Questions1. Unlike other programs, participants in EITC are working and contributing to society.The skills and contacts made through working helps in the efforts to keep these people from slipping further into poverty.2. Workfare requires a good deal of monitoring to ensure that participants are gaining skills.In addition, there have to be jobs available, which may not be the case. Some participants do not have the necessary education required for certain jobs and first need to concentrate on increasing their human capital regarding education.3. Since participants in different states face varying needs to help them escape poverty, anational program may be too restricting, and local control can design a program more suitable to their constituents.。



财政学陈共著(第七版)知识要点和部分课后问题答案第一章财政概述1.财政概念1.1财政的基本含义和特征1.1.1财政的基本含义:经济部门,经济范畴1.1.2财政的基本特征:公共和阶级,强制和非直接偿还,平衡性1.2公共物品和公共需要——财政学基础概念1.2.1公共物品:提供者,非排他,非竞争,混合物品1.2.2公共需要:公共与私人需要;共同需要,无差别享用,付出代价但非等价,政府的职责,涵盖广;共同的历史的特殊的1.3关于财政与“公共财政”2.政府和市场关系——财政学基本关系2.1学习财政学为什么研究政府和市场关系:两个资源配置的系统关系是理论前提2.2市场:市场效率和市场失灵2.2.1市场和市场效率:信息,价格,资源配置,优胜劣汰2.2.2市场失灵:垄断-高价,信息不对称,外部效应,收入不公,经济波动 2.3政府:政府干预与政府干预失效2.3.1政府的经济作用:厘清政府职责;提供公共物品,宏观调控2.3.2政府干预程度和干预手段:法政,公共生产和提供,财政手段2.3.3政府干预失效:政治全力不创造财富却能支配经济;决策失误,寻租,政府提供信息不及时,政府职能的越位缺位3.财政职能3.1研究财政职能的思路和意义3.2资源配置职能:有限的资源,资产、产业、技术、地区结构,优化配置,效率;提供物品和经费,引导资源,弥补市场缺陷;手段-明确划分、优化支出结构、优化狗子规模和结构、投资税收等手段、本身3.3收入分配职能:公平分配;经济公平和社会公平;手段-划清市场和财政分配的范围,工资制度,税收调节,转移性支出3.4经济稳定与发展职能3.4.1经济稳定:就业充分,物价稳定,国际收支平衡3.4.2经济发展:增长,经济结构,3.4.3手段:总共需平衡,财政的自动稳定作用,通过投资补贴等消除经济发展瓶颈,非生产性社会的公共需要的满足市场失灵:指的是市场机制本身固有的缺陷;包括垄断,信息不充分和不对称,外部效应和公共物品,收入分配不公,经济波动外部效应:市场失灵的一种表现,指的是一个厂商从事某项经济活动给他人带来利益或者损失的现象。

罗森 财政学 第七版(英文版) 配套习题及答案Chap003

罗森 财政学 第七版(英文版) 配套习题及答案Chap003

CHAPTER 3 - Tools of Normative AnalysisMultiple-Choice Questions1. The slope of the production possibilities curve is thea) marginal rate of substitution.b) contract curve.c) offer curve.d) Engel curve.e) marginal rate of transformation.2. The First Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics requiresa) producers and consumers to be price takers.b) that there be a market for every commodity.c) that the economy operate at some point on the utility possibility curve.d) all of the above.3. Points outside the production possibility frontier area) producible.b) endowment points.c) consumer equilibrium points.d) unattainable.4. General equilibrium refers toa) examining markets without specific information.b) finding equilibrium from general information.c) pricing goods at their shadow price.d) all of the above.e) none of the above.5. The marginal rate of substitution isa) the slope of the utility curve.b) the slope of the contract curve.c) the slope of the utility possibilities curve.d) none of the above.6. Market failure can occur whena) monopoly power exists in the market.b) markets are missing.c) consumers can influence prices.d) all of the above.7. Partial equilibrium isa) exactly like general equilibrium.b) studying only the supply side of the market.c) studying individual markets.d) examining the demand side of the market.8. A public good isa) a good that the public must pay for.b) nonrival in consumption.c) more costly than a private good.d) paid for by the government.9. Merit goodsa) are provided for those who behave themselves and play nice.b) should be provided even if there is no demand for them.c) increase in costs along with demand.d) do none of the above.10. A social welfare functiona) is a function made by the Department of Welfare.b) is a function that shows that the utilities of society are incorporated into society’swell-being.c) can never be derived numerically.d) is all of the above.11. Movement from an inefficient allocation to an efficient allocation in the Edgeworth Boxwilla) increase the utility of all individuals.b) increase the utility of at least one individual, but may decrease the level of utilityof another person.c) increase the utility of one individual, but cannot decrease the utility of anyindividual.d) decrease the utility of all individuals.12. Points on the utility possibility frontier area) inefficient.b) points of incomplete preferences.c) not producible.d) Pareto.13. The Edgeworth Box shoulda) lie inside the PPF.b) lie partially inside the PPF.c) lie completely outside of the PPF.d) never touch the PPF.14. Pareto points in the Edgeworth Box area) found when utility curves are tangent.b) found when MRS are equal.c) found when one person cannot be made better off without making another personworse off.d) all of the above.e) none of the above.15. The Second Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics requiresa) that indifference curves be convex to the origin.b) that isoquants be concave to the origin.c) that there are no set prices for Pareto efficient allocations.d) that production be twice as large as consumption.e) all of the above.Discussion Questions1. Consider an Edgeworth economy where there are two citizens, Mr. Cortopassi andMs. Thomas. There are only two goods to be consumed in the economy, Beer and Pretzels. The total amount of Beer is 12 units. The total amount of Pretzels is 12 units.Answer the following: Suppose Mr. Cortopassi has utility for the two goods characterized as U C(B,P)=B+P. Ms. Thomas’s utility function is U T(B,P)=B+P. Identify the points that are Pareto efficient.2. Imagine a simple economy with only two people, Leroy and Percy. If the Social WelfareFunction is W = U L + U P, and the Utility Possibilities Frontier is UPF = U L + 2U P, what will be the societal optimum?3. If James has a utility curve characterized by the function given below, what is hismarginal rate of substitution between goods X and Y? U = 2X1/4Y3/4?4. Consider a simple exchange economy where the marginal rate of transformation betweentwo goods is greater than the marginal rate of substitution for the same goods. Can a Pareto equilibrium be derived?5. Suppose that a competitive firm’s marginal cost of producing output q is given byMC=2+2q. Assume that the market price of the firm’s product is $13.a) What level of output will the firm produce?b) What is the firm’s producer surplus?True/False/Uncertain Questions1. Welfare economics is concerned with individual desirability of alternative economicstates.2. The contract curve is the collection of points where utility curves are tangent in theEdgeworth box.3. The Utility Possibility Curve is derived from utility curves.4. When the First Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Ec onomics doesn’t hold, there is amarket failure.5. Externalities can be difficult to detect in open economies.6. Social indifference curves are the same as a Social Welfare Function.7. A utility possibilities frontier need not incorporate the utility of every individual.8. In equilibrium, the MRT should equal the MRS of all individuals.9. If the market does not allocate resources perfectly, the government can.10. Normative economics is more important than positive economics.Essay Questions1. Social welfare functions can be formed in many ways. They can be additive, meaningthat the all utilities curves are added together. They incorporate the idea of least-best, meaning that the utility of the person with the least is maximized. If you were a central planner for an economy, what type of social welfare function would you create?2. Merit goods have received considerable attention toward the end of this chapter. Canconcerts and other publicly provided services be rationalized using these ideas?3. Why might government intervention be needed in a market?。

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CHAPTER 5 - ExternalitiesMultiple-Choice Questions1. Reducing output from the privately optimal level to the socially optimal level willa) cause a loss of consumption to consumers.b) reduce marginal damages.c) reduce the production costs.d) cause all of the above.2. Marginal damages are hard to measure becausea) they can be generated from multiple sources.b) they are hard to graph.c) they happen over time.d) no one cares about them.3. In Figure 5.4, if the marginal damages line did not originate at 0,a) it would mean that marginal damages did not exist.b) there is no way to find MSC.c) MSC would not originate at the same intercept as MPC.d) then all of the above.4. Externalities can be positive becausea) marginal damages do not last over time.b) utility can be impacted positively as well as negatively.c) there is no concept for marginal benefit.d) positive externalities are subsidies.5. Refer to the graphs below. Which graph(s) represent(s) an externality?a) graph Ab) graphs A and Bc) graph Bd) neither graph A nor graph BA B6. Refer to Figure 5.7 in the textbook. What does it mean if all firms have to reduce to apoint2*)*(XZ?a) Firm X will reduce more than optimal.b) Firm Z will reduce less than optimal.c) The new point is between X* and Z*.d) All of the above.7. The Coase theorem has problems becausea) generally, bargaining costs are not zero.b) individuals are not concerned with others.c) markets always exist.d) all of the above.8. Pollution rights may be traded ifa) polluters try to hide pollution.b) administrators are uncertain about Pigouvian taxes.c) there is no market for pollution.d) pollution is harmless.9. Externalities can be produced by ____________, as well as ____________.a) individuals; firmsb) market prices; market incomesc) oceans; streamsd) none of the above10. A Pigouvian tax corrects fora) market congestion.b) market losses.c) inefficient sales.d) low market prices.11. Which of the following is correct?a) SMC = PMC - MDb) MPB = MSB + MEBc) SMC = PMC + MDd) MSC = MPBe) MSB =MSC + MPB12. Marginal benefits are downward sloping whena) there are no total benefits.b) the slope of the marginal benefits curve is negative.c) total benefits are increasing at a decreasing rate.d) marginal costs are upward sloping.13. A Pigouvian subsidya) can not exist with externalities.b) is the same thing as a Pigouvian tax.c) is measured in terms of Pigouvian dollars.d) moves production to the socially optimal level of output.14. As a general rule, zero pollution is not socially desirable becausea) there would be no production.b) the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) needs to have something to do.c) no pollution would lead to global warming.d) all of the above.15. Externalities require government intervention whena) violence will result between disputing parties.b) there are only a few sellers in the market.c) property rights are not clearly established.d) the government imposes sales taxes.e) all of the above.16. Which method helps in obtaining the socially optimal level of output?a) Pigouvian taxesb) regulationc) property rights and bargainingd) all of the above17. Marginal damagesa) must always be considered in social marginal costs.b) must not be considered in social marginal costs.c) must sometimes be considered in social marginal costs.d) have nothing to do with social marginal costs.Discussion Questions1. Suppose the factory Afro-Puffs Inc. produces wigs. As a by-product of this wigproduction, they also produce dangerous emissions of toxic gases (as a result of the strong glue used to hold the hair in place). The De-Lite car factory, down the road, experiences a negative externality from this production process. Suppose that the supply curve (private marginal costs) for the wig factory is X=(2/5)P- 2, and it faces a market demand of X d=15 - P/2. The marginal damages caused by the production of wigs can be written as X=P – 1/2.a. Find the equilibrium price and quantity in the market for wigs.b. Find the socially optimal level of wigs and the corresponding price.c. How much should the wig factory be taxed per wig?2. A steel factory has the right to discharge waste into a river. The waste reduces thenumber of fish, causing damage for swimmers. Let X denote the quantity of waste dumped. The marginal damage, denoted MD, is given by the equation MD = 2 + 5X.The marginal benefit (MB) of dumping waste is given by the equation MB = 34 – 3X.a. Calculate the efficient quantity of waste.b. What is the efficient fee, in dollars per unit of waste, that would cause the firm todump only an efficient quantity of waste?c. What would be the quantity dumped if the firm did not care about the fishery?3. The private marginal benefit for commodity X is given by 15 – X, where X is the numberof units consumed. The private marginal cost of producing X is constant at 10. In the absence of any government intervention, how much X is produced? What is the gain to society involved in moving from the inefficient to the efficient level of production?4. Consider the case of two farmers, Tony and Hakim, depicted in the figure below. Bothuse DDT (a chemical pesticide) for their crops. The use of DDT causes an externality for swimmers down river from the farms.a. Show the amount of pesticides used if each uses the privately optimal level ofpesticides.b. Show the amount of pesticides used if they are socially concerned.c. Why is a reduction back to X H = H T not socially desired?5. Redo discussion question 10, part a, from Chapter 5 in your book. Suppose emissions arelimited to 25 units per year instead of 50. How does your answer change?True/False/Uncertain Questions1. Externalities always work themselves out.2. Negative externalities cause loss of welfare not transmitted by market factors.3. Externalities can be positive, as well as negative.4. A subsidy for pollution not produced can induce producers to pollute at the efficient level.5. Pollution rights can be traded and are always efficient.6. Regulation helps to correct for externalities.7. Any commodity market has the potential to have an externality.8. Market-oriented solutions to externalities rarely work.9. For market efficiency, MSC must be equated to MSB.10. College education is an example of a positive externality.T H X X SMC(PMC+MB)PMCMB HMB/MCPesticidesMB TEssay Questions1. How do social conventions help in alleviating externalities without governmentintervention?2. How do you feel the U.S. has fared in its attempt to impose market forces to correctexternalities?3. List and discuss three problems that might arise when using the Coase theorem.。
