1.1.1 上海乔治费歇尔亚大管件公司产品手册

polymerisation Ethylene Polyethylene
05/04/04 GF Piping Systems
Weekly Business Review IS China 11
Structures of molecules 分子结构
H H I I -C - C I I H H H H I I -C - C I I H Cl H F I I -C - C I I H F
(20癈 )
(5 bar)
* -1 bar (µ = 0.4; C = 2.0)
GF Piping Systems
Weekly Business Review IS China 18
P-T Diagram for plastics
Application Limits 25 years
PVC-C PN PP-R PN 20 26.0 VPE PN 24.0 20 22.0 PB PN 16 20.0 PVC-C PN 16 18.0 PVC-U PN 16 PP-R PN 10 PVDF PN 16 16.0 PP-H PN 10 14.0 12.0 PE 100 PP-B PN 10 PVDF PN 10 10.0 8.0 6.0 PE 100 4.0 ABS PN 12.5 PP-H PN 6 2.0 PVC-U PN 0.0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 PVC-U PN 16 PVC-U PN 10 ABS PN 12.5 PVC-C PN 16 PVC-C PN 25 PVDF PN 16 PVDF PN 10 PP-H PN 10 PP-B PN 10 PP-R PN 10 PP-R PN 20 PB PN 16 PE 100 S5 VPE PN 20 PE 100 S8.3 PP-H PN 6
Eaton Vickers 水力产品适用于 APAC 应用指南书说明书

Program Book/Guidelines for Eaton Vickers Hydraulic ProductsAdapted for APAC ApplicationsDocument: SGMPT-CL-F- Eaton VickersVersion 1.0Original Date: 1 November 2011Revised Date: 1 November 2011Revised Date: 11-01-2011Print Date: 11-01-2011Document Management InformationThe controlled version of this document is managed by the SGM PT Controls Team. Any printed copy is an uncontrolled copy. The user shall verify with SGM PT Controls Engineering that he/she is in fact using the appropriate version of the specification for the specific project he/she is working on.Any questions or comments with respect to this specification should be directed to the SGM controls engineer for the specific project in questionRevision Date VersionNo. Document Name RevisionParagraphAffected Revised By1 Nov 2011 1.0 SGMPT-CL-F-Eaton VickersReleased by SGM EngineeringZhang HaoRevised Date: 11-01-2011Print Date: 11-01-2011Table of Contents1.0INTRODUCTION (4)1.1SCOPE OF DOCUMENT (4)1.2COMPANY OVERVIEW... .. (4)2.0PRODUCT OVERVIEW (4)2.1DIRECTIONAL VALVES (5)2.1.1NG6 (D03) Four-Way Directional Control Valves (5)2.1.2Single Stage NG10 (D05) Four-Way Directional Control Valves (5)2.1.3NG16 (D07) Four-Way Directional Control Valves (6)2.2MODULAR SANDWICH VALVE. (6)2.2.1NG6 (D03) Modular Sandwich Modules. (6)2.2.2NG10 (D05) Modular Sandwich Modules. (8)2.2.3NG16 (D07) Modular Sandwich Modules. (10)2.3INLINE CHECK VALVES. (10)2.4PROPORTIONAL VALVES (11)2.4.1Proportional Pressure Controls (11)2.4.2Proportional Directional Valves (11)2.5ACCUMULATORS(1–35L ITERS) (12)2.6ACCUMULATOR SAFETY BLOCKS (13)2.7SUB PLATES (14)2.8MANIFOLDS (14)2.8.1COVER PLATES (14)2.9HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT. (15)3.0 PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION (17)Revised Date: 11-01-2011Print Date: 11-01-2011 1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1 SCOPE OF DOCUMENTThe Program Book provides a list of Eaton Vickers Hydraulic Products to be used for new SGM PT Programs. The use of components not listed in the Program Book requires a deviation from SGM PT Controls Engineering. For the complete Hydraulic System requirements see SGM PT Specification SP-F-Hydraulics.1.2 COMPANY OVERVIEW…Eaton Corporation is a diversified power management company with 2010 sales of $13.7 billion. Celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2011, Eaton is a global technology leader in electrical components and systems for power quality, distribution and control; hydraulics components, systems and services for industrial and mobile equipment; aerospace fuel, hydraulics and pneumatic systems for commercial and military use; and truck and automotive drivetrain and powertrain systems for performance, fuel economy and safety. Eaton has approximately 73,000 employees and sells products to customers in more than 150 countries.Eaton Corporation is a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of a comprehensive line of reliable, high-efficiency hydraulic systems, components and accessories. Eaton’s broad range of Hydraulic and Electro-Hydraulic products and high-effiency system solutions continue to be utilized for machine control.With Global network of distributors and years of experience in the automotive industry combined with wide range of products and system solutions Eaton Corporation provides automotive industry with Products application knowledge, system engineering, Training, Program Management and after Sales Support.2.0 PRODUCT OVERVIEWThe Eaton Vockers components which are recommended for new SGM Powertrain programs are listed on the following pages. For additional information on Eaton Vickers components please see the Websites listed below. Eaton : Prodcut Main page : /products/menu_main.htmFilters : /cms/en/products/filtertechnologyRevised Date: 11-01-2011Print Date: 11-01-20112.1DIRECTIONAL VALVES2.1.1NG6 (D03) Four-Way Directional Control ValvesSubplate mounted, 24 V DC, P=30 watts ,NBR seals, M12 connector on each Sol., pin configuration: Pin 1 & 2 not used, Pin 3 – 0volt, Pin 4 – 24Volt.SymbolModel Number & Description Part NumberF6-DG4V-3-6C-M-KUPM4L-D7-H7-60Double Solenoid, 3-Position, A&B to Tank, Pressure Blocked02-400431F6-DG4V-3-33C-M-KUPM4L-D7-H7-60Double Solenoid, 3-Position,A&B Bleed to Tank, Pressure Blocked02-400434F6-DG4V-3-2A-M-KUPM4L-D7-H7-60Single Solenoid, Spring Return02-400425†F6-DG4V-3-2N-M-KUPM4L-D7-H7-60 Double Solenoid, 2-Position, DetentedNote: To be used for clamping applications only. Other applications requirewritten approval from SGMPT Controls Eng.02-4004282.1.2Single Stage NG10 (D05) Four-Way Directional Control ValvesSubplate mounted, 24 V DC, P = 30 Watts, NBR seals, M12 connector on each Sol., pin configuration: Pin 1 & 2 not used, Pin 3 – 0volt, Pin 4 – 24Volt.SymbolModel Number & DescriptionPart NumberF6-DG4V4-016C-M-KUPM4L-D7-HL-4-10Double Solenoid, 3-Position, A&B to Tank, Pressure Blocked02-400442F6-DG4V4-012A-M-KUPM4L-D7-HL-4-10Single Solenoid, Spring Return02-400438†F6-DG4V4-012N-M-KUPM4L-D7-HL-4-10 Double Solenoid, 2-Position, DetentedNote: To be used for clamping applications only. Other applications require written approval fromSGM PT Controls Eng.02-400440Revised Date: 11-01-2011Print Date: 11-01-20112.1.3 NG16 (D07) Four-Way Directional Control ValvesSubplate mounted, 24 V DC, P=18 Watts, NBR seals, M12 connector on each Sol., pin configuration: Pin 1 & 2 not used, Pin 3 – 0volt, Pin 4 – 24Volt.SymbolModel NumberPart NumberF6-DG5V-7-6C-M-KUPM4L-D7-HL7-10Double Solenoid, 3-Position, A&B to Tank, Pressure Blocked02-400451F6-DG5V-7-33C-M-KUPM4L-D7-HL7-10Double Solenoid, 3-Position,A&B Bleed to Tank, Pressure Blocked02-400452F6-DG5V-7-2A-M-KUPM4L-D7-HL7-30Single Solenoid, Spring Return02-4004492.2 MODULAR SANDWICH VALVE.2.2.1NG6 (D03) Modular Sandwich Modules.SymbolModel Number & DescriptionPart NumberDual Flow control ModuleMeter out On port A & B.DGMFN-3-Y-A1W-B1W-41694411Flow control ModuleMeter out On port B.DGMFN-3-Y-B1W-4102-138526Flow control ModuleMeter out On port A.DGMFN 3 Y A1W 4102-138527Dual P.O. Check ModuleOn Port A & B Pilot Ratio 3:1 DGMPC 3 ABK BAK 41694400A Port P.O Check ModuleOn Port A Pilot Ratio 3:1 DGMPC 3 ABK 41870024Revised Date: 11-01-2011 Print Date: 11-01-2011B Port P.O Check ModuleOn Port BPilot Ratio 3:1DGMPC 3 BAK 41870023“P” Port Check Module0.5 bar (8 psi) SpringDGMDC 3 Y PK 41694415“P” Port Pressure Reducing / Releiving Module30 bar max.DGMX23PPAWB40 87002180 bar max. DGMX23PPBWB40 870036120 bar maxDGMX23PPCWB40 870037“A” Port Pressure Reducing / Releiving Module30 bar max. DGMX23PAAWB4080 bar max. DGMX23PABWB40 870031120 bar maxDGMX23PACWB40 870032“B” Port Pressure Reducing / Releiving Module30 bar max. DGMX23PBAWB4080 bar max. DGMX23PBBWB40 870047120 bar maxDGMX23PBCWB40 8700267P to T Pressure Relief Module50 bar max DGMC 3 PT AW 41 02-108132100 bar max DGMC 3 PT BW 4102-147590200 bar max DGMC 3 PT CW 41870233B to T Pressure Relief Module50 bar max DGMC 3 BT AW 41 871703100 bar max DGMC 3 BT BW 4102-108538200 bar max DGMC 3 BT CW 41870257A to T Pressure Relief Module50 bar max DGMC 3 AT AW 41 02-138107100 bar max DGMC 3 AT BW 4102-138108200 bar max DGMC 3 AT CW 4102-139196 Note: All NG6 modules are 40 MM high.Revised Date: 11-01-2011Print Date: 11-01-20112.2.2 NG10 (D05) Modular Sandwich Modules.SymbolModel Number & Description Part NumberDual Flow control ModuleMeter out On port A & B.DGMFN 5 Y A1W B1W 30 868884Flow control ModuleMeter out On port B.DGMFN 5 Y B1W 3002-140612Flow control ModuleMeter out On port A.DGMFN 5 Y A1W 30867334Dual P.O. Check ModuleOn Port A & B Pilot Ratio 3:1 DGMPC 5 ABK BAK 30867364P.O. Check ModuleOn Port A Pilot Ratio 3:1 DGMPC 5 ABK 30867339P.O. Check ModuleOn Port B Pilot Ratio 3:1 DGMPC 5 BAK 30867340“P” Port Check Module1bar (15 psi)DGMDC 5 Y PK 30867341“T” Port Check Module1bar (15 psi)DGMDC 5 X TK 30867342Revised Date: 11-01-2011 Print Date: 11-01-2011“P” Port Pressure Reducing / Releiving Module50 bar max. DGMX2 5 PP AW B 30 879343100 bar max. DGMX2 5 PP BW B 30 868314200 bar max. DGMX2 5 PP FW B 30 880553“A” Port Pressure Reducing / Releiving Module50 bar max. DGMX2 5 PA AW B 30 879344100 bar max. DGMX2 5 PA BW B 30 868316200 bar max. DGMX2 5 PA FW B 30 02-101968“B” Port Pressure Reducing / Releiving Module50 bar max. DGMX2 5 PB AW B 30 880554100 bar max. DGMX2 5 PB BW B 30 868317200 bar max. DGMX2 5 PB FW B 30 02-145043P to T Pressure Relief Module50 bar : DGMC 5 PT AW 30 879341100 bar : DGMC 5 PT BW 30 868650200 bar : DGMC 5 PT FW 30 879342A to T Pressure Relief Module50 bar : DGMC 5 AT AW 30 02-336089100 bar : DGMC 5 AT BW 30 868651200 bar : DGMC 5 AT FW 30 02-149394B to T Pressure Relief Module50 bar : DGMC 5 BT AW 30 868651100 bar : DGMC 5 BT BW 30 868652200 bar : DGMC 5 BT FW 30 02-127594 Note: for NG10 Modules height ref individual catalog.Revised Date: 11-01-2011Print Date: 11-01-2011 2.2.3 NG16 (D07) Modular Sandwich Modules.Symbol Model Number & DescriptionPart NumberDual Flow control ModuleMeter outOn port A & B.DGMFN 7 Y A2W B2W 30 02-413078Dual P.O. Check ModuleOn Port A & BDGMPC 7 ABK BAK 3002-413103P.O. Check ModuleOn Port ADGMPC 7 ABK 3002-413102P.O. Check ModuleOn Port BDGMPC 7 BAK 3002-413106 2.3 INLINE CHECK VALVES.Model Code Cracking Pressure , Port Size Flow inlpmPart NumberDT8P1-02-05-10-UB 0.3 bar (5 psi )cracking, G ¼ 12 796121 DT8P1-02-30-10-UB 2 bar(30 psi) cracking, G ¼ 12 796125DT8P1-03-05-10-UB 0.3 bar (5 psi )cracking, G 3/8 30 465451 DT8P1-03-30-10-UB 2 bar(30 psi) cracking, G 3/8 30 465605DT8P1-06-05-11-ENB 0.3 bar (5 psi )cracking, G ¾ 76 796127 DT8P1-06-30-11-ENB 2 bar(30 psi) cracking, G ¾ 76 796131DT8P1-10-05-11-ENB 0.3 bar (5 psi )cracking, G1¼ 190 796133 DT8P1-10-30-11-ENB 2 bar(30 psi) cracking, G 1¼ 190 796137Revised Date: 11-01-2011Print Date: 11-01-2011 2.4 PROPORTIONAL VALVES2.4.1 Proportional Pressure ControlsDirect Operated, Max. Flow 5 L/min, with On-Board Electronics (OBE)Size Description Model Number Part Number NG6 (D03)Revised Date: 11-01-2011Print Date: 11-01-2011 2.5 ACCUMULATORS (1 – 32 Liters)All accumulators shall be according to DIN EN 14359.Diaphragm – Type AccumulatorsVolume PressureRatingPortsISO 1179-1G threadHydac Model Code1 Liter 210 bar G ½ SB0 210 1 E1 /112 ** 210 AKBottom Repairable Bladder AccumulatorsVolume PressureRatingPortsISO 1179-1G threadHydac Model Code4 Liter 330 bar G 1¼ SB 330 4 A1 / 112 ** 330 A6 Liters 330 bar G 1¼ SB 330 6 A1 / 112 ** 330 A10 Liters 330 bar G 2 SB 330 10 A1 / 112 ** 330 A20 Liters 330 bar G 2 SB 330 20 A1 / 112 ** 330 A32 Liters 330 bar G 2 SB 330 32 A1 / 112 ** 330 AAccessories Volume Qty Part NumberClamp 1 ltr 1 100AV00048AClamp 4 … 6 ltr 2 100AV00041AClamp 10 ltr 1 100AV00042AClamp 20 … 50 ltr 2 100AV00042ASupport Bracket w/ Ring 4 … 6 Liters 1 100AV00054ASupport Bracket w/ Ring 10…32 Liters 1 100AV00055ACharging kit 100AV00093A** Note: The accumulator model codes may require a different suffix code depends upon the country where the accumulator is being shipped. For China it will be “A9”.Revised Date: 11-01-2011Print Date: 11-01-2011 2.6ACCUMULATOR SAFETY BLOCKSAccumulator Size Size –Model CodePortsISO 1179-1G threadPart Numbers1 Liter NG 10 – ESS 10E 16Y1-N250A-S30- L G 1/2 100AV00169A 4 to 6 Liters NG 10 – ESS 10E 16Y1-N250A-S12- L G 1¼ 100AV00170A 10 to 20 Liters NG 20 – ESS 20E16Y1-N250A-S13- L G 2 100AV00171A32 Liters NG 32 – ESS 32E16Y1-N250A-S309- L G 2 100AV00172AAccessories Part NumberDIN-M12 ConnectorEquipped with Z diode and indicator light (DIN to M12 adapter to be added)Part NumberVAG-029-3401 ( MENCOM ) The Accumulator Safety Blocks are used for safety, isolation and unloading of hydraulic accumulators. SGM PT specifications require a safety block to be provided for each accumulator application. Each safety block is equipped with a manual isolation valve with locking handle, manual unloading valve, safety valve and a 24 V solenoid unloading valve.Revised Date: 11-01-2011Print Date: 11-01-2011 2.7 SUB PLATESSteel or Ductile Iron Subplates with Metric Threads for Valve Bolt Down Valve Pattern Port ISO 228 # Model Code Description Part Numbers NG6(D03) G 3/8 DGVM 3 10 R Bottom Ported 466730 NG10 (D05) G ½ E DGSM 01Y 10 R Bottom Ported 711921NG16(D07) G 3/4 E DGVM 7X D 10 R Bottom Ported w/ X & Y Ports 984617NG25(D08) G1 E DGVM 8X D 10 R Bottom Ported w/ X & Y Ports 7882982.8 MANIFOLDSDuctile Iron Manifolds with Bottom and Side Ports and Metric Valve Bolt Down Threads SIZE Ports Nr. Of Stations Model CodeNG6(D03)A&B: G ½P&T : G ¾A B Test Points G1/4ISO 228 PortsP & T : Both EndsA& B : Bottom FaceTest Points : One on each side2 PREMIUM -3 2 LPR BP3 PREMIUM - 3 3 LPR BP4 PREMIUM - 3 4 LPR BP5 PREMIUM - 3 5 LPR BP6 PREMIUM - 3 6 LPR BP7 PREMIUM - 3 7 LPR BPNG10 (D05)A&B: G 1P : G ¾T : G 1A B Test Points G1/4ISO 228 PortsP & T : Both EndsA& B : Bottom FaceTest Points : One on each side2 MR K - 5 - 2 G3 MR K - 5 - 3 G4 MR K -5 - 4 G5 MR K - 5 - 5 G6 MR K - 5 - 6 G4 DD05HPB043B5 DD05HPB053B6 DD05HPB063B2.8.1 COVER PLATESValve Pattern Description Model code NG6 (D03) Cover Plate with Metric Bolts & “O” Rings MR C - 3 PA NG10 (D05) Cover Plate with Metric Bolts & “O” Rings MR C - 5 PA NG6 (D03) -NG10(D05)D05(NG10) Adapter with Metric Bolts & “O” Rings MR A - 5 / 3Revised Date: 11-01-2011Print Date: 11-01-2011 2.9 HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT.The Vertical power units for G.M. are available in four standard sizes, 100, 250, 400 & 800-Liter reservoirs.The power unit will employ a thru-drive PVM/PVQ variable volume piston pump for main system flow with “V”series fixed displacement vane pump for the Re-circulation / Filtration loop. Should a heat exchanger be required for a specific application, a plate style heat exchanger will be added in the re-circulation line. For GM’s maintenance, purposes the pump case drain line will access through the reservoir removable top plate and then connected to the return side of the reservoir. The clean out covers are fixed with a minimum of six studs to prevent cover leakage. Power units will be supplied with c isolation / level pads. If a heat exchanger is required for an application, a Plate style exchanger will be part of the re- circulation loop. In addition, should an accumulator be required for certain application, it will be added to the power unit along with the required lockable accumulator isolation block.Power units for special machine applications, such as for long clamping cycles should be equipped with a heat exchanger in the re-circulation line.SGM Powertrain Vertical Hydraulic Power UnitsSIZE L W H100 LITER 1000 mm 700 mm 1200 mm250 LITER 1060 mm 850 mm 1450 mm400 LITER 1400 mm 950 mm 1750 mm800 LITER 1700 mm 1150 mm 2100 mmRevised Date: 11-01-2011Print Date: 11-01-2011Sound Spec: Less than 75 dB(A) Ports: ISO 1179-1 (G thread) Options: Accumulator circuit, heat exchanger circuitFill point: H6-63 BSPP Labels: Per GM Spec. Tubing & Fittings: Trivalent Chrome metric tubing &metric flareless fittings per GM spec.Pump Drive Speed The electric motor drive speed shall be 1500 RPM. The exception is when a slower drive speed isrequired to achieve the power unit sound level of 75 dB (A). For these applications only, 1000RPM electric motors will be approved by SGM PT Controls Engineering.Electric Motor Voltage The machine builder should confirm the SGM. plant location to determine the exact motor voltagerequirements.100 L250 L 400L 800 LMain Pump,Variable Displacement PVM018ER17DS05AAC2314000A00APVM045ER17DS08AAC2314000A00APVM081ER18FS08AAC2314000A00APVM131ER18HS08AAC2314000A00ATheo.Flow @1000 RPM18.0 LPM 45.0 LPM 80.9 LPM 131.0 LPM Theo. Flow@1500 RPM27.0 LPM 67.6 LPM 121.4 LPM 196.6 LPM Aux Pump forFiltering/CoolingLoopV101S5S11A20 V201S11S62A11 V201S11S62A11 V201S11S62A11DIN Return Filter DRT 1 063 BC 4 XX N BC 06 /w VR2LZ. 0 / BODual Elec IndicatorDRT 1 160 BE 4 XX N B C06 /w VR 2 LZ. 0 / BODual Elec IndicatorDRT 1 250 BF 4 XX N B C06 /w VR 2 LZ. 0 / BO DualElec IndicatorDRT 1 630 BM 4 XX N BC 06 /w VR 2 LZ. 0 / BODual Elec IndicatorFilter Element VDT 063 B C 06 VDT 160 B C 06 VDT 250 B C 06 VDT 630 B C 06Return Filter DIN Filters should be used for all regions except North America. For North America HF4 series return filters should be used.TemperatureSwitchIFM TR7430 IFM TR7430 IFM TR7430 IFM TR7430 Level Switch IFM LK7023 IFM LK7023 IFM LK7023 IFM LK7023 Pressure Switch IFM PN7001 IFM PN7001 IFM PN7001 IFM PN7001Revised Date: 11-01-2011Print Date: 11-01-2011PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATIONNORTH AMERICA BRAZIL EUROPE APAC / CHINA Company Eaton Corporation Eaton Corporation Eaton Corporation Eaton CorporationAddress 210 Millwood Dr. Av. Julia Gaioli, 450BonsucessoAm Joseph 16300 Huai Hai Zhong Rd.11th FloorSurfside Beach Guarulhos Wehrheim, Germany D-61273Shanghai 200021SC 29575 São Paulo 07250-270BrazilWebsite ProjectContactThomas Moore Antunes, Alvaro A Armin Steinmann Vivian WanOffice 843-238-8895 55-11-2465-8815 +49-(0) 172 6026-821 +86-21-6387-9988 Ext 712Mobile 864-921-0295 FaxE-Mail ThomasJMoore@eatoAlvaroAAntunes@eaton.comArminSteinmann@eaton.com*******************。
唯特利(Victaulic)HDPE平端管件 19.11-CHI 8719 Rev F说明书

1.0 产品描述供货尺寸• 2 – 8英寸IPS高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)• 63 – 225毫米ISO高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)• 可提供SDR 7、9、11和17最大工作压力• 最大允许操作压力能够达到与之相连的HDPE管道的全额额定压力。
相关管理标准的压力详细描述请见第5.0节(IPS)和第5.1节(ISO)功能• 通径管件:90°弯头、45°弯头、三通、同心异径管• 适用于905型、907型、904型2.0 认证/列名产品的设计和制造依照Victaulic(唯特利)质量管理体系进行(根据ISO 9001:2008获得LPCB认证)。
3.0 规格–材料IPS管件:IPS管件材料(化合物)符合美国塑料管道学会(PPI)在PPI TR-4中所列的PE4710,且符合ASTMD3350规定的445574类型规格。
ISO管件:ISO管件材料(化合物)符合ISO 9080,具有现行PE100+协会列名,且符合ISO 4427-1的要求。
Victaulic®(唯特利™)HDPE平端管件19.11-CHI系统编号位置提交人日期规格部分段落批准人日期注• 管件C - E尺寸基于73°F/23°C温度下的管件注• 管件E - E尺寸基于73°F/23°C温度下的管件注• 管件C - E尺寸基于73°F/23°C温度下的管件注• 管件E - E尺寸基于73°F/23°C温度下的管件额定压力:Victaulic(唯特利)平端HDPE管件满足相应HDPE管道的额定压力。
2在73°F/23°C温度下,HDPE管件符合ASTM D3035和ASTM F714标准。
5.1 性能HDPE平端管件 – ISO标准额定压力:Victaulic(唯特利)平端HDPE管件满足相应HDPE管道的额定压力。
乔治 费歇尔管路系统 +GF+ SIGNET 8450-1 压力变送器操作说明书

Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd.乔治•费歇尔管路系统有限公司 咨询热线:0755-********+GF+ SIGNET 8450-1 压力变送器操作说明书警 告!1. 在连接输入和输出时,断开电源。
2. 仔细阅读以下说明,避免人身伤害。
目 录1 安装2 产品规格3 电气连接4 菜单功能1. 安装ProcessPro 系列变送器有两种类型:盘面安装式与现场安装式。
1.1 盘面安装1. 盘装变送器需要一个1/4DIN 开孔器。
2. 将盘装垫片放在仪表上后,装到盘上。
3. 从仪表后面将安装支架向前推进,直到快速固定卡片卡入到仪表两侧的槽中。
4. 拆卸仪表时,在盘前用胶带暂时拦好仪表,或在后部抓牢。
2. 产品规格概述兼容的传感器: +GF+SIGNET 2450压力传感器 精度: 满量程的±1% 重复性: 满量程的±0.5% 包装壳箱• 防护等级: NEMA 4X/ IP65 前面 • 外壳材料: PBT• 盘装垫片: 氯丁橡胶 • 屏幕: 合成聚酯• 按键: 4个封装硅胶键 • 重量: 大约325g (12oz.) 显示: ● 数码显示,LCD 2x16位• 显示刷新率:1s• 对比度: 用户自定,5级电气性能传感器输入信号:• 范围:0~250psig ,0~17bar ,0~1700kPa 电流输出信号:• 4~20mA ,隔离,完全可调,并可反向• 电源:12~24VDC±10%,可调,最大21mA 325Ω max. @18V 600Ω max.@24V• 刷新率: 100 ms • 输出精度: ±0.03mA开路集电极输出:Hi ,Lo ,可编程• 开路集电极,光学隔离,50mA 最大下拉电流,30VDC 最大上拉电压 • 切换差值:用户可自己调整 环境条件• 工作温度: -10~70℃(14~158°F ) • 储存温度: -15~80℃(5~176°F ) • 相对湿度: 0~95%,无露点 • 最大海拔: 2000m (6562 ft ) • 绝缘等级: II • 污染级别: 2 标准与认证:• CSA ,CE ,UL• 抗扰性:EN50082-2 • 辐射性:EN55011 • 安全性:EN610103.电气连接注意:在拆除接线之前如果没有将端子插孔完全打开,可能会永久地损坏仪表。

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乔治 .费歇尔工业管道系统有限公司
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上海乔治费歇尔亚大 塑料管件制品有限公司 技术质保部
Φ200/63 电热熔鞍形三通 -------------------------------page3
Φ160/63 电热熔鞍形三通 -------------------------------page4
Φ110/63 电热熔鞍形三通 -------------------------------page5
Φ63端帽 Φ63电热熔套筒 Φ110/63鞍形主体
(M50X2内螺纹) M50X2钻孔刀 Φ110鞍形底托 M8螺栓(l=70mm)和垫圈 配合加固型鞍形三通钥匙使
用的管件操作说明书 加固型鞍形三通钥匙开孔Biblioteka 31/10/2007page8
用说明书 采用专用钻孔工具开孔
Φ63端帽 Φ63电热熔套筒 M50X2鞍形三通螺帽和O形圈 Φ160/63鞍形主体(内螺纹隔
开两段,顶部螺纹为M50X2,其 它螺纹为B52X3) B52X3钻孔刀 Φ160鞍形底托 M8螺栓(l=50mm)和垫圈 电熔鞍形三通使用说明书 采用标准鞍三钥匙开孔
包装箱上贴着 “配合加固型鞍 形三通钥匙使用” 的标签,
要用加固型 的钥匙
每件产品的包装袋 上也有同样的 小标签
Φ90/63 电热熔鞍形三通 -------------------------------page6
Φ160/63 电热熔鞍形三通过渡产品 -------------------------------page7

80°C 5
90°C 95°C 4
3 110°C
5 10 25 50100 X2
10,000 100,000 1,000,000 X1
图2 PE-RT I型静液压强度参考曲线
50 40 30
50°C 8
60°C 7
在ISO 2级应用条件下PE-RT DOWLEXTM 2388承
压能力与PP-R承压能力之比=PE-RT(σD/4): PP-R(σD/2.5)=1.11:1
从上面比较可以看出,PE-RT DOWLEXTM 2388 S4系 列 管 材 的 流 通 量 比 S2.5系 列 的 PP-R管材高37%;而承压能力在ISO 2级应用 条件下比PP-R管材高11%!
必须避免阳光直射、外部冲击和压力作用。在使用前,请将管材和管件保存在 包装内,不得存放在户外。
乔治费歇尔(Georg Fischer,简称:GF)集团,创立于1802年,总部设在瑞士的 Schaffhausen,并在瑞士证券交易所(SWX Swiss Exchange)上市。GF作为一家 全球运营的工业集团,在欧洲拥有80家公司、在亚洲和中东地区拥有35家公司、 在美洲拥有12家公司、在澳大利亚拥有2家公司。GF集团专注于三大核心业务: GF汽车产品、GF管路系统和GF阿奇夏米尔精密机床。
所有给出尺寸均以毫米为单位, 且指的是公称尺寸或平均尺寸。 修改结果取决于设计的变更。 挤压夹紧式管件的SW值: d16 SW-24 d20 SW-27

设备 四条德国巴登菲尔公司的挤塑生产线 二十台奥地利恩格尔公司注塑机 模具由瑞士,意大利,和英国生产
GF Piping Systems Ltd. Shanghai
乔治.费歇尔集团 乔治 费歇尔集团 上海乔治费歇尔管路系统有限公司
销售&市场 销售 市场 通过上海、北京、深圳和成都的分公司,乔治•费 歇尔为客户提供就地销售和售后服务;
• 高的材料硬度→具有优秀的耐磨特性→长的使用寿命;
创新的连接技术 高的连接质量,短的连接时间,灵活的现场安装性能
GF Piping Systems Ltd. Shanghai
Table of Contents
1 2
乔治费歇尔集团/上海乔治费歇尔管路系统有限公司 PP-H管路系统 1.1 PP-H管路系统→材料及产品特性和给客户的显著价值; 1.2 PP-H管路系统→化学性能 1.3 PP-H管路系统→物理性能 1.4 PP-H管路系统→创新的连接技术
GF Piping Systems Ltd. Shanghai
乔治.费歇尔集团 乔治 费歇尔集团 上海乔治费歇尔管路系统有限公司
Property Size 占地总面积 Production Area 厂房面积 Office Area 办公室面积 Infrastructures Area 辅助设施面积 Warehouse Capacity 仓储能力 11500m2 4000 m2 900 m2 400 m2 1008块铲板
脱硫工艺流程-----工艺冷却水系统 工艺冷却水系统 脱硫工艺流程
GF Piping Systems Ltd. Shanghai
脱硫工艺流程-----石灰石浆液制备和输送 石灰石浆液制备和输送 脱硫工艺流程

1.PE-RT管道新国家标准即将实施——乔治费歇尔管路系统携手陶氏化学公司积极参与在中国的推广 [J],
2.上海乔治费歇尔管路系统有限公司新型Signet 9900变送器 [J],
3.乔治费歇尔管路系统召开2011年经销商大会 [J],
4.上海乔治·费歇尔管路系统有限公司:可粘接塑料管路系统 [J],
5.乔治费歇尔(GF)管路系统推出新款浊度仪--Signet 4150 [J],

乔治•费谢尔厂家见面专题会时间:2018-01-23 15:10地点:项目部会议室参加人员:工程部、监理部一、乔治•费谢尔三大核心业务:1、汽车产品。
二、管道系统:(亚大、GF)牌1、PPR 无规共聚聚丙烯2、PB 聚丁烯3、PE-RT 耐热聚乙烯4、用途:民用、工业、市政三、连接方式1、热熔连接(对接、箍接)。
PE-RT高于PPR ,PE-RT的环硬度高于PPR 20%,PE-RT耐弯曲便于施工,PPR有煨弯磨具。
进口原材料,每批次封样留置50年;执行标准:PE-RT 陶氏化工标准DOWLEX2388;PB 北欧化工标准。
PB 350PE 450PPR 8502018-01-24。

fossil fuels hopper 燃料仓斗
combustor 焚烧炉
rust boiler 钝化锅炉
e-filter 电除尘器
flue-gas cleaning 烟气净化
Absorber 吸收塔
Denox 脱硝装置
PP喷淋管、筛网 (和德国STEULER 合作)
GF Piping Systems Ltd. Shanghai
usage of energy能量利用
waste water treatment废水处理
Within a power plant three applications for GF piping systems are of interest: Process cooling, flue gas desulphurisation and waste water treatment.
GF Piping Systems Ltd. Shanghai
乔治.费歇尔集团 上海乔治费歇尔管路系统有限公司
- 铸铁
- 铸铝
- 工业应用管路系统
- 市政煤气和自来水分配系统
- 冷热水管路系统尔公司)
GF Piping Systems Ltd. Shanghai
PP-H均聚聚丙烯 适用于湿法脱硫浆液输送 工业管路系统
李正冉 销售工程师
GF Piping Systems Ltd. Shanghai 上海乔治.费歇尔 管路系统有限公司
Table of Contents
1 乔治.费歇尔集团/上海乔治.费歇尔管路系统有限公司 2 PP-H工业管路系统 3 系统解决方案:测量和自动控制技术 4 乔治费歇尔管路系统有限公司:最佳合作伙伴
乔治 费歇尔管路系统 +GF+ SIGNET 2450压力传感器 操作说明书

灵敏度温漂: ±0.03%满量程 / ℃
运输重量: • 2450-1,2450-3: 0.3kg(0.65lb)
• 2450-2,2450-4: 0.22kg(0.48lb) 电源要求:
4~20mA 输出信号: 12-24VDC±10%
7. 订货信息
2-2450-1U 2-2450-2U 2-2450-3U 2-2450-4U 2-2450-5U 2-2450-7U 2-2450-1L 2-2450-2L 2-2450-3L 2-2450-4L 2-2450-5L 2-2450-7L 2-2450-1H 2-2450-2H 2-2450-3H 2-2450-4H 2-2450-5H 2-2450-7H
S3L™输出信号:串行 ASCII 码, TTL 9600bps
• 精度:
• 重复性: ±0.5%满量程
• 分辨率: 0.01psi (-XU 型为 0.001psi)
• 刷新率: <100ms
4~20mA 输出信号:
• 精度: ±1%满量程@25℃
• 重复性: ±0.5%满量程
1. 产品概述
2450 压力传感器的壳体是整块的注模制作的 PVDF 材料,膜片是陶瓷材料,这对腐蚀性介质有很好的 兼容性。这些传感器可以提供 S3L™数字化输出信号或现场可调的 4~20mA 输出信号。有 3 种压力量程 供选择以得到优化的测量结果。内置的温度补偿在很宽的工作范围内保证了优异的精确度。传感器具有 双端螺纹,便于在容器中实现沉入式安装,或配上导管实现在线式安装。用于在线式安装时,建议使用
Parker Hannifin Corporation 管道配件分部产品说明书

Tube Fabricating EquipmentA broad selection of power and manual designs, from Parker’s Parflange ® flange and flare machines to presetting, bending, cutting/deburring equipment and more.Parker Hannifin Corporation Tube Fittings Division 3885 Gateway Blvd.Columbus, OH 43228phone 614 279 7070fax 614 279 Custom ProductsNon-cataloged products designed andmanufactured in days.Hydraulic Flanges and ComponentsSizes ............................. 3/4" through 3"Pressures ..................... Up to 6000 psiClamps and TubeClamps ............ Full range of inch and metric tube clamps Metric Tube ..... 6 mm through 42 mmPort and Conversion AdaptersSizes ....................... 1/4" through 1-1/2"Pressures ............... Up to 7700 psiENGINEERING YOUR SUCCESS.Stainless Steel T ube Fittings & EquipmentQuick Reference Guide© 2009 Parker Hannifin Corporation4300-QRG-SS11/2009Trap-Seal, Robust Port Stud and Seal-Lok are trademarks, and Triple-Lok,Ferulok and Parflange are registered trademarks of Parker Hannifin Corporation.North American Divisions Brass Products Division Otsego, MIphone 269 694 9411 fax 269 694 4614Energy Products Division Stafford, TXphone 281 566 4500 fax 281 530 5353Hose Products Division Wickliffe, OHphone 440 943 5700 fax 440 943 3129Industrial Hose Division Strongsville, OHphone 440 268 2120 fax 440 268 2230Parflex Division Ravenna, OHphone 330 296 2871 fax 330 296 8433Quick Coupling Division Minneapolis, MNphone 763 544 7781 fax 763 544 3418Tube Fittings Division Columbus, OHphone 614 279 7070 fax 614 279 7685Parker Fluid Connectors GroupNorth American Divisions & Distribution Service CentersDistribution Service Centers Buena Park, CAphone 714 522 8840 fax 714 994 1183Conyers, GAphone 770 929 0330 fax 770 929 0230Lakeville, MNphone 952 469 5000 fax 952 469 5729Louisville, KYphone 502 937 1322 fax 502 937 4180Portland, ORphone 503 283 1020 fax 503 283 2201Toledo, OHphone 419 878 7000 fax 419 878 7001 fax 419 878 7420 (FCG Kit Operations)For information, call toll free... 1-800-C -PARKER (1-800-272-7537)When you need stainless, Parker meansbusiness.Anytime you need stainless steel tube fittings, adapters and components, it pays to think “Parker” first. Here’s why:•Standard stainless designs are availableand will ship in 24 to 48 hours.•We offer a complete selection of stainless steel SAE/NPT and metric fittings and adapters. We are your global source!•No other tube fittings manufacturer rivals Parker’s U.S. manufacturing capabilities.•We are the industry’s leading source for custom-manufactured designs in all materials especially stainless.•For stainless steel fittings featuring exclusive innovations like the Trap-Seal TM O-ring, Robust Port Stud TM design and more, Parker is your only source.•Parker is also your complete source for flaring, bending, flanging and other tube fabricating equipment for achieving fast, leak-free connections.•Our vast worldwide distributor network, ParkerStores, and immediate 24/7 toll-free or web site assistance are incomparable advantages for you.So don’t think twice when you need stainless. Call your Parker distributor, or 1-800-CPARKER, and you’ll see why we’re your best choice inthe business.Seal-Lok TMO-Ring Face Seal Tube FittingsSizes ............................. 1/4" through 2"Pressures ..................... Up to 9200 psiFerulok®Flareless Bite Type FittingsSizes ............................. 1/8" through 2"Pressures ..................... Up to 6000 psiParflange® F37 SystemNon-Welded Tube and PipeSAE Flange SystemSizes ...................... Tube O.D. up to 5.5"Pressures .............. Up to 6000 psiTriple-Lok® and Triple-Lok®237º Flare Tube Fittings and AdaptersTriple-Lok Sizes ........... 1/8" through 2"Triple-Lok 2 Sizes ........ 1/4" through 2"Pressures ..................... Up to 9000 psiEO and EO-2Metric Bite Type FittingsSizes ............... 4 mm through 42 mmPressures ....... Up to 630 bar/9200 psiPipe Fittings and Pipe SwivelsSizes ............................. 1/8" through 2"Pressures ..................... Up to 5000 psi。
Parker Hannifin 水管产品分公司产品说明书

A s s e m b l y E q u i p m e n tDAH o s eBCEFGF i t t i n g sP a r k r i m p C r i m p i n g E q u i p m e n tA d a p t e r sA c c e s s o r i e sA p p e n d i c e sHose Assembly EquipmentCatalog 4400 US Hose Assembly EquipmentVisual IndexHose Assembly EquipmentCatalog 4400 US Model No. 2726 - Mandrel Tool Kit - 23 Series (SAE45°&PTT30°)Visual IndexTH8-400 - Production CrimperModel No. 339 & 239 - Hose Cut-Off MachineModel No. 332T-115V - Hose Cut-Off Machine Model No. 631075 - Karrykut -Hose Cut-Off MachineModel No. 871522 -Handycut -Hose Cut-Off MachineModel No. 881540 -Push-Lok Cut-Off & Assembly ToolModel No. 316 - Hose Cut-Off ToolModel No. TH11-1 - Hose Cut-Off ToolModel No. TH9-1 - HoseInsertion Depth Blocks (Gauges)Model No. TH2-7 - Fittings Push-On Stand Model No. 432-115V -Hozembler & StandModel No. 80C-SDR - Swivel Die RackModel No. 80C-0DR - Die Storage RackHoze-OilAccrolube - High Efficiency Lubricant601069- Hose PerforatorModel No. 652200 - Mandrel Tool Kit - 22 SeriesModel No. 2727 - Mandrel Tool Kit - 23 Series (JIC 37° Flared)Model No. 652201 - Assembly Tools - 22 SeriesHydraulic Hose and Flow Capacity GuideD-3D-9D-4D-4D-5D-5D-5D-5D-6D-6D-6D-7D-7D-7D-8D-8D-8D-8D-9D-9Hose Assembly Equipment Catalog 4400 USProduction CrimperTH8-400♦Specifications· Power:230 Volts 3 Phase 60 Hz· Weight:1000 lbs· Width:27 inches· Depth:44 inches· Height:58 inches· Height to center of dies:48·1/2 inches· Capacity:1-1/4" SAE 100R1AT Max.1" DIN 20 022-1SN Max.1-1/4" SAE 100R2AT Max.1-1/4" DIN 20 022-2SN Max.1" SAE 100R3 Max.1-1/4" SAE 100R4 Max.7/8" SAE 100R5 Max.7/8" SAE J1402 AI Max.7/8" SAE J1402 AII Max.1-1/4" SAE 100R9 Max.1-1/4" SAE 100R12 Max.1" SAE 100R16 Max.1-1/4" SAE 100R17 Max.· Cycle Time: 301-8 (1/2" SAE 100R2A T) — 4 seconds perstraight end fitting· Die Changeover Time: One piece cartridge — less than 60seconds♦Features· Enclosed power unit.· One piece quick set-up cartridge die.· Foot pedal operated.· Ten sets of dies will cover the entire range of hoseand fittings through 1¼” (-20) SAE100R12, requiring 43and 71 Series coupling through -20 size.· Die storage area within cabinet.· Horizontal feed to improve cycle time.· Some die sets will handle more than one type andsize: e.g., one set will handle 43 Series (-8) and 71Series (-6), while another will handle 43 Series (-10)and 71 Series (-8).Standard die sets available are:Fitting Series Size26 Series-4 through -2043 Series-4 through -2071 Series-6 through -20Other dies sets are available upon request.♦Optional ToolingDie Set43 Series71 SeriesPart Number Size SizeTH8-400DC16-4TH8-400DC18-5TH8-400DC21-6TH8-400DC24-8-6TH8-400DC27-10-8TH8-400DC31-12-10TH8-400DC34-12TH8-400DC40-16TH8-400DC43-16TH8-400DC50-20-20Die Set26 SeriesPart Number SizeTH8-400DC26-4-4TH8-400DC26-5-5TH8-400DC26-6-6TH8-400DC26-8-8TH8-400DC26-10-10TH8-400DC26-12-12TH8-400DC26-16-16TH8-400DC26-20-20Production CrimperHose Cut-Off MachineModel No. 339 and 239Model 339Designed for heavy duty use. Will cut multi-braided wire reinforced hoses including 6 heavy spiral constructions up to 2" inside diameters. Model 339 comes equipped with 2 cut-off blades of a special scalloped construction. Equipped with 3 HP motor 230V, 3 phase, 60 cycle.Dimensions:22" wide x 42" long x 24" high Shipping Weight:115 lbs. Replacement Scallop Cutting Blade (10" with 3/4" arbor size) Part No. 24248 Replacement Smooth Cutting Blade Part No. 15960 Model 239This is Model 339 with 230V single-phase motor Part No. 239 For additional information see Bulletin #4497-B11.Hose Cut-Off MachineModel No. 332T-115VPower unit for quick, easy cutting of cotton or rubber covered fabric braid or wire reinforced hose. Equipped with 1-1/2 HP, 3450 RPM, 115/230V single phase electric motor wired for 115V. Belt driven cutting wheel of high speed steel, hardened and ground for smooth, dust-free, long-lasting service. Moving parts shielded by guards. Includes a Smooth Cutting Blade (8" with 5/8" arbor size)Model 332T-115V will cut:two wire braid, 1-1/4" maximumone wire braid, 2" maximumfour spiral, 1-1/4" maximumReplacement Smooth Cutting Blade (8" with 5/8" arbor size)Part No. 580661 Replacement Scallop Cutting Blade Part No. 24398Hose Cut-Off Machine - Karrykut Model No. 631075A portable power saw for cutting on the job. Hardened steel blade powered by 115V (13 amp) universal AC motor. Hand grip, trigger control. Unique clamp spreads hose as it is cut to prevent binding of blade.Cuts rubber and cotton covered, wire or fabric reinforced hose from: 1/4" through 2" inside diameter.Cuts 4 spiral light wire hose: 1-1/4" maximumUniversal Clamp Attachment:Part No. 631076 Universal clamp attachment may be used with any portable power saw unit having a 5/8" arbor, 8" blade capacity.Replacement Cutting Blade (8" with 5/8" arbor size):Part No. 580661 Replacement Power Saw (less clamp and blade):Part No. 631140 Hose Cut-Off Tool - HandykutModel No. 871522Handykut is a portable tool designed for efficient cutting of hose. Once Handykut is positioned onto a flat surface by clamps or by locking it in a vise, properly align the hose in a radius and cut it with a hacksaw.Push-Lok Cut-Off & Assembly Tool Model No. 881540This unique tool combines a hose cutter with a toggle-action that presses the fitting into the hose.Designed to handlePush-Lok hose from 1/4" through 3/4", this tool makes the job easier whether you are making one assembly or a hundred. Overall length:16" Weight:Approximately 4 pounds Hose Cut-Off ToolModel No. 316Model 316 hose cut-off tool is a small size, easy to use, manually operated unit for quick cutting of Parker 235, 293, 601, and 604 hoses. It can also be used for Push-Lok hose 801, 804, 821, 821FR, 831 and 836. Ruggedly built for yearsof trouble-free service.Hose Cut-Off ToolModel No. TH11-1Parker Push-Lok cutters are designed for quick, easy cutting of Push-Lok hose in all sizes and non-wire reinforced hose. TH11-1squarely cuts Push-Lok hose 1/4" I.D. through3/4" I.D.Hose Insertion Depth BlocksFor quick and easy marking of hose insertion depth. A faster way to leak-free assemblies.Ensures accuracy. Increase productivity.The first step toward a leak-free hose assembly is accuratelymarking the proper hose insertion depth. This is a fail-safe way to quickly and easily mark proper insertion depth, each and every time. With aluminum blocks and steel mandrels, Hose Insertion Depth Blocks feature a range of sizes clearly designated for a specific fitting series.Note: For additional information, please see Bulletin #4480-B53-USA.Hose Cut-Off Tool, Hose Insertion Gauges,and Fitting Push-On StandFitting Push-On Stand Part No. TH2-7Fitting Push-On Stand is the fastest way to make Parker hose assemblies in production volumes.Quickly and easily pushes fittings onto hose.Boosts productivity and quality. Reduces worker fatigue. The Push-On Stand eliminates the need of rubber mallets, oils and a lot of elbow grease to get fittings all the way onto the end of hose for crimping. Comes complete with straight tooling required for sizes -4 to -32, all permanent series, 82 Push-Lok, and 88 series field attachable fittings. Elbow Pusher Set (TH2-7-ELS) available.Note: For additional information, please see Bulletin #4480-B36-USA.Die Racks and HozemblerHozemblerModel 432-115VThe 432 Hozembler is a power machine to facilitate the attachment of reusable hose fittings. It readily handles all types of hose and fittings in sizes -3 through -32 I.D., including standard bent tube elbow. The 432 will also handle assembly of 4 heavy wire spiralthrough -24, I.D.115V, 30 amp, universal AC motor. Model 432 is supplied complete with foot switch and safety guard.Model 432 Hozembler (complete with vise and all adapters)Part No. 432-115VMounting stand:Part No. 662451Replacement PartsHose vise (complete with 662453 and 662454)Part No. 662452Hose vise jaw plate Part No. 662453Hose vise jaw adapter Part No. 662454Chuck jaws Part No. 662455Chuck jaws adapter set for use with most bent tube ends and hose fitting hex sizes up to 1/2".Part No. 662456Request Bulletin # 4497-B2 for operating instructions.Swivel Die Rack Part No. 80C-SDRHolds up to 30 dies. Accommodates any size Parkrimp die. Powder-coated, heavy-duty steel construction.The convenient new Swivel Die Rack, organizes and stores your collection of dies so they're always ready to work when you are. The Swivel Die Rack consists of a base unit and up to five circularholders, each with the capacity to hold five or six dies. It is floor or bench mountable.Note:For additional information, please see Bulletin #4480-B54-USA.Die Storage Racks 80C-0DR and 83C-0DRThe 80C-0DR and 83C-0DR Die Storage Racks are modular die rack designed to hold small and large Parkrimp dies.The 80C-0DR will store three sets of small dies while the 83C-0DR is capable of storing two sets of large dies. The modules can be bolted together horizontally or vertically. They can also be bolted to the work bench. Clips are provided to bolt the modules to a wall or the side panel of a truck for additional stability.Request Bulletin #4480-B26 for additional information.Hose Assembly EquipmentCatalog 4400 USHoze-OilParker’s improved hose assembly lubricant reduces hose assembly make-up time.Hoze-Oil reduces torque and eliminates waste lubrication. It’s cleaner, too! Simply dip the cut hose ends into Parker Hoze-Oil and proceed with the Parkrimp or Reusable fitting hose assembly make-up.Hoze-OilPart No. Hoze OilHose PerforatorSmall hand tool to prick minute holes in the rubber cover of hose to be used in gaseous service where the pressure exceeds 250 psi.The Hose Perforator is intended to be held in the hand and driven into the cover every few inches of length either striking the hose or by a rolling action over the hose cover. It is not generally necessary to perforate the hose on all sides.Hose PerforatorPart No. 601069Mandrel Tool Kit - 22 Series Model No. 652200The Mandrel Tool Kit is for assembling Parker 22 Series hosefittings. One of each of the parts listed below are included in the kit.Hose and Fitting Lubricants, Hose Perforator,and Mandrel KitsAccrolubeAccrolube is a high efficiency lubricant that will make the assembly of stainless steel field attachable fittings easier. Accrolube contains Teflon which creates a boundary lubrication film that reduces wear between metal surfaces, protects against corrosion, and ulitmately eliminates galling.AccrolubePart No. AccrolubeHose Assembly Equipment Catalog 4400 USMandrel Tool Kit - 23 SeriesModel No. 2727(for JIC 37° flared fittings)Model No. 2726(for SAE 45° and PTT 30°flared fittings)The Mandrel Tool Kit is for assembling 23 Series hose fittings.One of each of the parts listed below are included in the kit.Mandrel KitsAssembly Tools - 22 SeriesModel No. 652201The Model No. 652201 tool kit is for assembling 22 Series hosefittings. One of each of the parts listed below are included in the kit.Hydraulic Hose and Flow Capacity GuideProductivity tool that is pocket sized, quick and easy to referenceand offers correct specifications the first time. The hydraulic hosechart provides working pressure and burst pressure levels forvarious Parker hose sizes in both metric and U.S. units. The flowcapacity chart is a quick reference for flow capacities at recom-mended flow velocities for pressure, return and suction lines.Hydraulic Hose and Flow Capacity Guide Part #: Bul. 4480-T14-USAHose Assembly Equipment Catalog 4400 USNotes。
GF signet 乔治费歇尔(瑞士)

SIGNET在中国GF Signet流量和分析仪表因其应用简便可靠从而赢得全球客户的信赖。
GF Signet是乔治费歇尔管路系统集团的有机组成部分,乔治费歇尔总部位于瑞士夏夫豪森市,两百多年来一直为管路系统提供系统解决方案。
GF Signet产品的生产基地在美国。
GF Signet一直以来通过不断改革创新,领导流量测量和控制技术的发展,并通过完善的技术支持以及客户服务来不断追求产品质量的提高。
GF Signet不仅以提供设计原理复杂、先进的流量和分析仪表技术为自豪,同时也为能提供安装简便、极少维护、使用简单的仪表为荣。
GF Signet具有先进的测试设备,保证每个传感器、变送器、控制器和监视器都按照最高标准设计制造。
GF Signet拥有一支可按市场需求进行产品研发并最终使用可靠、信息采集传输准确的测量监控产品的工程师队伍。
GF Signet控制和测量仪表在中国的主要应用领域是:水处理行业、工业废水处理、海水淡化、化工行业、食品饮料行业、微电子行业等等。
GF Signet的更多产品信息:测量与控制打印上海乔治费歇尔管路系统有限公司上海浦东康桥东路218号电话(Tel>: +86(0>21 3899 3899 传真(Fax>:+86(0>21 3899 3888Using this site means you accept its terms of use | | DisclaimerCopyright © GF Piping Systems 2004 - 2018. All rights reserved.乔治费歇尔目录乔治费歇尔汽车产品乔治费歇尔管道系统乔治费歇尔冷热水管的高档选择乔治费歇尔瑞士 +GF++GF+来自瑞士的汽车产品和管路系统专家Since 180220年中国市场开拓历程50年塑料管路产品创新和研发技术140年管路系统产品生产经验200年品牌和历史GF的历史和成就1802Johann Conrad Fischer买下了瑞士Schaffhausen附近的Mühlental山谷中的一家旧工厂。

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Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告北京乔治费歇尔管路系统有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:北京乔治费歇尔管路系统有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分北京乔治费歇尔管路系统有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业橡胶和塑料制品业-塑料制品业资质一般纳税人产品服务、规格和品种的管路系统产品,包括管子、管1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。

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Φ63端帽 Φ63电热熔套筒 Φ160/63鞍形主体 ( M50X2内螺纹 ) M50X2钻孔刀 Φ160鞍形底托 M8螺栓(l=50mm)和垫圈 配合加固型鞍形三通钥匙使 用的管件操作说明书 采用加固型鞍形三通钥匙
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Φ63端帽 Φ63电热熔套筒 M50X2鞍形三通螺帽和O形圈 Φ110/63鞍形主体(内螺纹隔 开两段,顶部螺纹为M50X2,其 它螺纹为B52X3) B52X3钻孔刀 Φ110鞍形底托 M8螺栓(l=70mm)和垫圈 电熔鞍形三通使用说明书 采用标准鞍三钥匙开孔
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Φ63端帽 Φ63电热熔套筒 M50X2鞍形三通螺帽和O形圈 Φ160/63鞍形主体(内螺纹隔 开两段,顶部螺纹为M50X2,其 它螺纹为B52X3) B52X3钻孔刀 Φ160鞍形底托 M8螺栓(l=50mm)和垫圈 电熔鞍形三通使用说明书 采用标准鞍三钥匙开孔
Presentation-title (see menu View/Header and Footer...)2

30.0 2022-12-19 中标
本报告于 2023 年 08 月 17 日 生成
企业名称: 营业范围:
一般项目:塑料制品制造;橡胶制品制造;普通阀门和旋塞制造(不含特种设备制造);仪器 仪表制造;工业自动控制系统装置制造;塑料加工专用设备制造;技术服务、技术开发、技 术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;技术进出口;货物进出口;非居住房地产租赁; 机械设备租赁。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)许可项目: 检验检测服务;特种设备制造。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活 动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准)
深汕公司 PE(聚乙烯)管件(电熔、 注塑、钢转)(2022-2024 年)批量
*按近 1 年项目金额排序,最多展示前 10 记录。
中标金额 (万元)
1.5 行业分布
近 1 年上海乔治费歇尔亚大塑料管件制品有限公司的中标项目主要分布于企业采购系统行业,项目数 量分别达到 1 个。其中企业采购系统项目金额较高,分别达到 30.00 万元。
目录 企业基本信息 .................................................................................................................................1 一、业绩表现 .................................................................................................................................1