Parker Hannifin PL10胶油器产品说明书

PL10 Series1/2 Inch PortsCatalog 0700P-EStandard PL10 Seriesof Drain Option Ordering InformationPort Type- NPTG BSPPPort Size04 1/2 InchMaterialSS Stainless SteelPL10 - 04 W SSBOLD ITEMS ARE MOST POPULAR.PL10 LubricatorDimensionsA2.36(60)A12.52(64)B1.73(44)C2.17(55)D5.46(139)E7.62(194)F3.50(89)inches(mm)Features• Stainless Steel Construction HandlesMost Corrosive Environments• 1/8" Female Threaded Drain• Fillable Under Pressure• Meets NACE SpecificationsMR-01-75/ISO 15156• High Flow: 1/2" - 100 SCFM§BowlD Metal BowlwithoutSight GaugeW Metal BowlwithSight GaugePortSizeNPT BSPPManualTwist DrainManualTwist Drain1/2"Metal Bowl With Sight GaugePL10-04WSS PL10G04WSSStandard part numbers shown bold. For other models refer toordering information below.§ SCFM = Standard cubic feet per minute at 90 PSIG inlet and 5 PSIGpressure drop.012345P r e s s u r e D r o p - P S I GP r e s s u r e D r o p - b a r.1.2.3Primary Pressure - PSIG1.7 bar3.4 bar 5.2 bar 6.9 barPrimary Pressure - bar051015202530354045Flow - dm /s3nPL10 SeriesAir Line LubricatorsCatalog 0700P-E Technical Specifications – PL10PL10 Filter Kits & AccessoriesDrain Kit –Manual Twist Drain –Small (Old) ..........................................................SA600Y7-1SS Large (New) ...............................................................SAP05481 Pipe Nipple –1/2" 316 Stainless Steel ................................................616A28-SS Sight Dome Kit –(Old)..................................................................................RKL10SS (New) ..................................................................................PS740NSpecificationsBowl Capacity ..................................................................4.0 OuncesPort Threads ..........................................................................1/2 Inch Pressure & Temperature Ratings –Metal Bowl (D) ...................................0 to 300 PSIG (0 to 20.7 bar) 0°F to 150°F (-18°C to 66°C) Metal Bowl (W) ..................................0 to 250 PSIG (0 to 17.2 bar) 0°F to 150°F (-18°C to 66°C)Note: Air must be dry enough to avoid ice formation attemperatures below 32°F (0°C).OperationAir flowing through the unit goes through two paths. At low flow rates the majority of the air flows through the Venturi section (A). The rest of the air opens the check valve (C). The velocity of the air flowing through the Venturi section (A) creates a pressure drop. This lower pressure allows the oil to be forced from the reservoir through the pickup tube (B) and travels up to the metering screw (D). The rate of oil delivery is then controlled by adjusting the metering screw (D). Oil flows past the metering screw (D) and forms a drop in the nozzle tube (E). As the oil drops through the dome (F) and back into the Venturi section (A), it is broken up into fine particles. It is then mixed with the air flowing past the check valve (C) and is carried downstream. As the air flow increases the check valve (C) will open more fully. This additional flow will assure that the oil delivery rate will increase linearly with the increase of air flow.Technical InformationWeight ........................................................................1.9 lb. (0.85 kg)Materials of ConstructionBody .....................................................................316 Stainless Steel Bowl .....................................................................316 Stainless Steel Dip Tube ...............................................................316 Stainless Steel Drain ....................................................................316 Stainless Steel Fill Plug ................................................................316 Stainless Steel Seals .............................................................................Fluorocarbon Sight Dome ...............................................................................Nylon Sight Gauge ........................................................................Isoplast(Revised 11-21-12)Stainless Steel FRLs Catalog 0700P-ENotes。
EDIMAX N300 Wi-Fi多功能無線訊號延伸器 EW-7438RPn Mini說明書说明书

EW-7438RPn Mini 是專為延伸跨樓層、多房間的無線Wi-Fi 訊號所設計的多功能迷你無線訊號延伸器,它能延伸家中現有的無線網路、有效減少訊號死角,大幅提昇上網品質。
同樣具備三合一功能設計,不同於前一代EW-7834RPn V2設計, EW-7834RPn Mini 除了擁有更好的傳輸效能,它巧妙運用簡約美學的工業設計,將體積縮減16%,不僅不會干擾鄰座電源插孔的使用,且減少塑料使用,讓環境少ㄧ些負擔,同時EW-7438RPn Mini 更提供免費EdiRange App (適用於無線訊號延伸模式Wi-Fi Extender Mode 下),無論 iOS 或Android 都適用,讓您能輕鬆操作和管理如無線排程及訪客網路等功能,化繁為簡的設計,省空間省體積但絕不會省效能。
EW-7438RPn Mini 萬用相容的設計,可適用各家廠牌的無線分享器,而挑戰全台最簡易的安裝設定方式和最方便的使用方式,EW-7438RPn Mini 更是當之無愧,不僅同時具備可快速與上層無線分享器連線的WPS 按鍵,也提供獨家iQ Setup 超簡易設定方式,讓找不到分享器WPS 按鍵的朋友(如使用中華電信所提供的家用無線路由器)也能安心輕鬆完成安裝連線。
延續前一代EW-7834RPn Mini 設計,EW-7438RPn Mini 不僅可做Wi-Fi 訊號延伸,還可當做AP(將有線訊號轉為無線訊號)或AP Client(將無線訊號轉為有線訊號)來使用,多功能設計優化您家中的無線環境,讓您隨時都能享受穩定、高品質的無線網路。
訊號強度指示燈設計,幫您找到最佳架 設地點, 優化Wi-Fi 覆蓋率© EDIMAX Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.•獨家開發,唯一專為中華電信所提供家用無線分享器所設計的 iQSetup 快速設定•無線訊號延伸模式支援手機APP 管理,具備晚安模式,可夜間關機,次日早上自動啟動內建電源插頭,體積輕巧,易於安裝訊號強度指示燈N300 Wi-Fi 多功能無線訊號延伸器N300 Multi-function Wi-Fi Extender with EdiRange AppEW-7834RPn Mini2) iQ Setup 超簡易設定 :找不到分享器的WPS 按鍵,沒關係!只要使用iQ Setup ,不管家裏是哪個牌子的無線分享器,通通都能連,而且透過智慧型手機就可以設定,不開電腦也行。

四川金溪400V备自投说明书工作方式1:(母联互投)1.充电条件:(1):4PT,5PT有压(2):2DL,3DL在合位(3):4DL在分位2.放电条件:(1):4PT,5PT均无压(2):4DL在合位(3):外部闭锁(4):其它切换启动3.切换条件:任一母失压工作方式2:(进线Ⅰ自动恢复)1.充电条件:(1):4PT,5PT有压(2):3DL,4DL在合位(3):2DL在分位2.放电条件:(1):2DL在合位(2):外部闭锁(3):其它切换启动(4):自恢复退出(5):上一次进线Ⅰ自动恢复时,跳4DL不成功且装置未复归3.切换条件:2PT有压工作方式3:(进线Ⅱ自动恢复)1.充电条件:(1):4PT,5PT有压(2):2DL,4DL在合位(3):3DL在分位2.放电条件:(1):3DL在合位(2):外部闭锁(3):其它切换启动(4):自恢复退出(5):上一次进线Ⅱ自动恢复时,跳4DL不成功且装置未复归3.切换条件:3PT有压二,切换过程1.母联互投(Ⅰ母失压)(1):方式一充电完成(2):Ⅰ母失压(3):工作进线无流(2LH 小于无流定值)(4):备自投经整定的延时跳2DL,判断2DL位置接点,等待2DL跳开,合4DL。
2.母联互投(Ⅱ母失压)(1):方式一充电完成(2):Ⅱ母失压(3):工作进线无流(3LH 小于无流定值)(4):备自投经整定的延时跳3DL,判断3DL位置接点,等待3DL跳开,合4DL。
Micrel SY89856U 2GHz 低功耗 1 6 LVPECL 分率缓冲器说明书

SY89856U2GHz, Low-Power, 1:6 LVPECL Fanout Buffer with 2:1 Input MUX and Internal TerminationGeneral DescriptionThe SY89856U is a 2.5V/3.3V precision, high-speed, 1:6 fanout capable of handling clocks up to 2.0GHz. A differential 2:1 MUX input is included for redundant clock switchover applications.The differential input includes Micrel’s unique, 3-pin input termination architecture that allows the device to interface to any differential signal (AC- or DC-coupled) as small as 100mV (200mV pp) without any level shifting or termination resistor networks in the signal path. The outputs are LVPECL (100k, temperature compensated), with extremely fast rise/fall times guaranteed to be less than 200ps.The SY89856U operates from a 2.5V ±5% supply or a 3.3V ±10% supply and is guaranteed over the full industrial temperature range of –40°C to +85°C. The SY89856U is part of Micrel’s high-speed, Precision Edge® product line. Datasheets and support documentation are available on Micrel’s web site at: . Features∙ 6 ultra-low skew copies of the selected input∙2:1 MUX input included for clock switchover applications ∙Low power: 225mW typical (2.5V)∙ 2.5V to 3.3V supply voltage∙Unique input isolation design minimizes crosstalk∙Guaranteed AC performance over temperature and voltage:-Clock frequency range: DC to >2.0GHz-<400ps IN-to-OUT t pd-<200ps t r/t f times-<30ps skew (output-to-output)∙Ultra-low jitter design:-40fs RMS phase jitter-0.7ps RMS crosstalk-induced jitter∙Unique input termination and VT pin accepts DC- and AC-coupled inputs (CML, PECL, LVDS)∙100k LVPECL compatible output swing∙–40°C to +85°C industrial temperature range∙Available in 32-pin (5mm x 5mm) QFN package Applications∙Redundant clock distribution∙All SONET/SDH clock/data distribution∙All Fibre Channel distribution∙All Gigabit Ethernet clock distributionMarkets∙LAN/WAN∙Enterprise servers∙ATE∙Test and measurementPrecision Edge is a registered trademark of Micrel, Inc.Ordering Information(1)Notes:1. Contact factory for die availability. Dice are guaranteed at T A = 25°C, DC Electricals only.2. Tape and Reel.Pin Configuration32-Pin QFNPin DescriptionLVPECL Output Interface ApplicationsFunctional Block DiagramAbsolute Maximum Ratings(3)Supply Voltage (V CC) .................................... –0.5V to +4.0V Input Voltage (V IN) ............................................ –0.5V to V CC LVPECL Output Current (I OUT)Continuous ............................................................ 50mA Surge .................................................................. 100mA Termination CurrentSource or sink current on V T............................. ±100mA V REF-AC Source or sink current………….................... ±2.0mA Lead Temperature (soldering, 20s) .......................... +260°C Storage Temperature (T s) ........................... –65°C to 150°C Operating Ratings(4)Supply Voltage (V CC) ............................ +2.375V to +2.625V ............................................................... +3.0V to +3.6V Ambient Temperature (T A) .......................... –40°C to +85°C Package Thermal Resistance(5)QFN (θJA)Still-Air ............................................................... 35°C/W QFN (ψJB)Junction-to-Board .............................................. 16°C/WDC Electrical Characteristics(6)T A = –40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted.Notes:3. Permanent device damage may occur if absolute maximum ratings are exceeded. This is a stress rating only and functional operation is not impliedat conditions other than those detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods may affect device reliability.4. The datasheet limits are not guaranteed if the device is operated beyond the operating ratings.5. Package thermal resistance assumes exposed pad is soldered (or equivalent) to the device’s most negative potential on the PCB. θJA and ψJB valuesare determined for a 4-layer board in still air, unless otherwise stated.6. The circuit is designed to meet the DC specifications shown in the above table after thermal equilibrium has been established.7. V IH (min) not lower than 1.2V.LVPECL DC Electrical Characteristics(6)V CC = 2.5V ±5% or 3.3V ±10%; T A = –40°C to + 85°C; R L = 50Ω to V CC– 2V, unless otherwise noted.LVTTL/CMOS DC Electrical Characteristics(6)V CC = 2.5V ±5% or 3.3V ±10%; T A = –40°C to + 85°C, unless otherwise noted.AC Electrical Characteristics(8)V CC = 2.5V ±5% or 3.3V ±10%; T A = –40°C to + 85°C, unless otherwise noted.Notes:8. High-frequency AC-parameters are guaranteed by design and characterization.9. Output-to-output skew is measured between outputs under identical input conditions.10. Part-to-part skew is defined for two parts with identical power supply voltages at the same temperature and with no skew of the edges at therespective inputs.11. Crosstalk is measured at the output while applying two similar differential clock frequencies that are asynchronous with respect to each other at theinputs.Typical CharacteristicsV CC = 3.3V, GND = 0V, V IN≥ 400mV, t r/t f≤ 300ps, T A = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.Functional CharacteristicsV CC = 3.3V, GND = 0V, V IN≥ 400mV, t r/t f≤ 300ps, T A = 25°C, unless otherwise stated.Singled-Ended and Differential SwingsFigure 1. Single-Ended Voltage Swing Figure 2. Differential Voltage Swing Timing DiagramsOct. 1, 201311Revision 3.1****************** or (408) 955-1690Input and Output StagesFigure 3. Simplified DifferentialFigure 4. Simplified LVPECL Output StageInput Interface ApplicationsFigure 5. DC-Coupled LVPECLInput Interface Figure 6. AC-Coupled LVPECLInput Interface Figure 7. DC-Coupled CMLInput InterfaceFigure 8. AC-Coupled CMLInput InterfaceFigure 9. LVDS Input InterfaceOct. 1, 201312Revision 3.1****************** or (408) 955-1690LVPECL Output Interface ApplicationsLVPECL has a high input impedance and a very low output impedance (open emitter), and a small signal swing which results in low EMI. LVPECL is ideal for driving 50Ω and 100Ω-controlled impedance transmissionlines. There are several techniques for terminating the LVPECL output: parallel termination-Thevenin equivalent, parallel termination (3-resistor), and AC-coupled termination. Unused output pairs may be left floating. However, single-ended outputs must be terminated or balanced.Figure 10. Parallel Termination-Thevenin EquivalentNote:12. For 2.5V Systems: R1 = 250Ω, R2 = 62.5Ω.Figure 11. Parallel Termination (3-Resistors)Notes:13. Power-saving alternative to Thevenin termination.14. Place termination resistors as close to destination inputs as possible. 15. R b resistor sets the DC bias voltage, equal to V T . 16. For 2.5V systems, R b = 19Ω.Related DocumentationPackage Information(17)32-Pin QFN (QFN-32)Note:17. Package information is correct as of the publication date. For updates and most current information, go to .MICREL, INC. 2180 FORTUNE DRIVE SAN JOSE, CA 95131 USATEL +1 (408) 944-0800 FAX +1 (408) 474-1000 WEB Micrel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information furnished in this data sheet. This information is not intended as a warranty and Micrel does not assume responsibility for its use. Micrel reserves the right to change circuitry, specifications and descriptions at any time without notice. No license, whether express, implied, arising by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Micrel’s terms and conditions of sale for such products, Micrel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Micrel disclaims any express or implied warranty relating to the sale and/or use of Micrel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right.Micrel Products are not designed or authorized for use as components in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of a product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems that (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. A Purchaser’s use or sale of Micrel Products for use in life support appliances, devices or systems is a Purchaser’s own risk and Purchaser agrees to fullyindemnify Micrel for any damages resulting from such use or sale.© 2005 Micrel, Incorporated.Oct. 1, 2013 13 Revision 3.1****************** or (408) 955-1690。
NEPSI MSP 中文名:NEPSI 中央电源设备有限公司的中央电源保护设备说明书

66 Carey Road | Queensbury, NY | 12804 Ph: (518) 792-4776 | Fax: (518) 792-5767 |***************NEPSI's MSP™ (Motor Surge Protector) is de-signed to protect medium voltage motors and gen-erators from voltage surges due to lightning and switching events. The MSP™ accomplishes this task better than any other product by decreasing the slope and crest of impending voltage surges to safe levels.Application of the MSP™ is guaranteed to reduce the likelihood of motor failures, resulting in less down -time and higher productivity.GeneralMSP™ - Medium Voltage Motor Surge ProtectionFigure 1NEPSI's Medium VoltageMotor Surge Protection equip-ment protects motor insulation from power system transi-ents.Figure 2Principle operation of the MSP™ is to decrease the crest voltage and rate of rise of the impending surges. High rates of rise damage end turns while high crest voltages damage winding to core insulation. Both of these types of damaging surges are mitigated with NEPSI's MSP ™.∙Reduced medium voltage motor and generator failures from voltage surges due to lightning, faults, and switching events.∙Units can be custom designed for direct mounting to generators, mo-tor, and compressor housing.∙Units can be supplied with over -current and differential protection current transformers. Reduced downtime and material waste from motor failure.∙Simple to install andrequires no maintenance.∙MSP's are custom designed for many OEM’s utilizing medium volt-age motors and generators.Due to the wavelength and travel time of lightning and switching transients, the MSP™ is most effec-tive when placed as close as practical to the motor terminals with the ground leads being as short as possible. This will limit the surge voltage seen by the motor to the discharge voltage of the arrester. For best protection, one MSP™ should be placed at each medium voltage motor or generator. Where there are many small motors or explosion proof mo-tors in hazardous locations, a single MSP™ at the motor control center is recommended.The proper choice of MSP™ is based on the system and/or motor voltage and the system grounding. The order guide below can be used to determine the cor-rect MSP™ for your application.Enclosure11 gauge galvanneal steel all welded construction, C2 structural steel channel base, bolted stainless steel hinged door. NEMA 1, 3R, 4X (optional), 12 | IEC IP10, IP14, IP56, IP52, NEC Class 1 & 2, Div. II designs also available.Surge CapacitorThe MSP™is equipped with hermetically sealed low-loss, low-inductance surge capacitors. Their capacitance rating is based upon the MSP™ voltage rating as shown in Table 1 below. The surge capacitor is equipped with discharge resistors that reduce the residual voltage on the capacitor to 50 volts in 5 minutes.Wall mounting flangesAllows the MSP™ to be mounted on suitable walls.Surge/Lightning ArrestersThe MSP™is equipped with heavy duty, silicone rubber housed MOV distribution class lightning arresters incorpo-rating the latest in metal oxide varistor (MOV) design tech-niques (Station Class are available as an option). The high track resistant, non-fragmenting silicone rubber housed arrester provides increased safety for personnel and equipment. The lightning arresters complies with the latest revision of ANSI/IEEE C62.11 "IEEE Standard for Metal Oxide Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuits.TerminalsThe MSP is provided with a Copper NEMA 2-hole pad for interconnection with customer wiring.Operating Temperature-40F (-40C) to +115F (+46C)Warranty1 year replacement parts per NEPSI’s Standard Warranty.FusesIncreases system and equipment reliability by re-moving a failed MSP™. Blown fuse detection is provide through a set of dry contacts to alert plan personnel of a blown fuse.Pecker-Head/Motor Terminal MountingThe MSP™ can be custom designed for direct mounting to a motor or generator to act as a termi-nal box. The equipment can be equipped with a neutral grounding resistor, differential CT’s, and ground CT to provide all fault sensing.Differential current transformersThis option is shown in Figure 3, below. The differen-tial CT’s are placed inside the MSP™ and afford the highest level of protection for the motor or generator.MSP™ Ordering GuideThe MSP ™ can be ordered by choosing the part number from the table below based on the system voltage and type of grounding. Options are ordered by adding part number suffixes.Table 1MSP ™ Standard Part NumbersFigure 3Three -line diagram of MSP™ equipped with differential current transformers and phase overcurrent transformers for connection to motor protection relays.Figure 4Approximate Layout for basic MSP ™. Layout and dimensions may change without notice. Confirm layout and dimensions at order placement.Table 3MSP Dimensions Weights and Electrical ValuesTable 2MSP Part Suffixesmary current rating of the CT where #### appears.For example, an MSP ™ for a 500 HP motor that is on a 4.16kV resistive grounded system with the wall mounting brackets would have the following part number: MSP6A0416Contact the factory or your nearest sales representa-tive for options and voltages not shown above.。

在开启本仪器电源之前,请先选择正确输入电压源(110/220V AC)规格及正确的输入保险丝。
可以使用该键选择其中任意一个组别后,读出或设定该组别的测试参数。锁定按键用于键盘锁定,当在锁定状态关机后,下次开机仍保留其锁定状态,具体操作参看本书密码设定部分。系统按键用于进入系统设定状态,内含蜂鸣器,连接测试,密码输入,远控,RS232,接地时显示电阻或电压等选择控制,具体操作参看本书系统参数设置部分。交流耐压选择键用于进入交流耐压状态,并读出该组别该参数下的设置参数。直流耐压选择键用于进入直流耐压状态,并读出该组别该参数下的设置参数。绝缘电阻选择键用于进入绝缘电阻状态,并读出该组别该参数下的设置参数。接地电阻按选择键用于进入接地电阻状态,并读出该组别该参数下的设置参数。启动测试状态选择键启动测试状态选择键与数字键“7”复用,用于进入启动测试状态,并读出该组别该参数下的设置参数。功率测试状态选择键功率测试状态选择键与数字键“8”复用,用于进入功率测试状态, 并读出该组别该参数下的设置参数。设置按键用于进入各状态下各项参数的设置状态。∧和∨按键用于各项参数设置时的项目选择,或在测试时输出电压增加或减少(仅在耐压测试状态有效,每次约增加或减少10V)。

S H I F T T O S A F E T Y安全/传感/控制2022产品手册Products and ServicesS h e n z h e n T o r e n t T e c h n o l o g y C o.,L t d.深圳市多恩技术有限公司0755********1. 功能安全控制器及传感器,产品最高可达PLe/SiL3安全性能等级,符合中国及全球标准,通过欧美专业机构和中国国家检测中心认证,应用于自动化设备,AGV,物流系统,数控机床,电梯,机器人,风电等诸多行业;2. 提供专业的自动化产线整体安全防护系统风险评估,设计与定制。
多恩技术是专业的安全传感控制研发企业,具备TUV 认证的机械安全风险评估资质,同时也是中国机械工业安全卫生协会会员单位,公司产品具有多项发明及实用新型专利,并获得多家国内国际权威机构认证。
我们 的目标是让产品功能及应用精益求精,解决工业生产的安全难题,把安全的基因更加广泛植入到国内的传感与控制系统中,推动工业4.0的战略早日实现。
引言CONENT 目录0102040607081012141516171820多功能安全继电器功能型安全继电器可配置安全继电器佰安翼AnEZ 电磁式安全联锁开关截留钥匙型安全开关门栓把手部件安全触边/地毯安全围栏安全控制系统Safety V+可视化监视系统安全评估与改造行业应用引言01切割事故会造成严重的后果,比如人员伤亡,设备受损,生产停滞,经济赔偿,行政处罚,法务支出,额外的事故处理人力及费用,企业名誉受损等。
NEC 988J 全中文双频移动电话 说明书

全中文双频移动电话用户手册版权声明版权所有C2000 NEC Corporation没有NECCorporation的书面许可机械光学人工等的任何形式复印转录本手册系操作指导书NEC中原移动通信有限公司保留对本手册中的打印错误软件升级及产品改进等随时进行改动的权利直接编入新版手册中 SIM选项 请遵守各地使用移动电话的相关法规 驾驶车辆时最好先停车以避免干扰机上电子系统而引发飞行事故 登机前请关掉您的移动电话 加油站 化学工厂 医疗器材心律调整器 电子防侧滑煞车系统的影响)请参考以下步骤拨出您的第一个电话 安装SIM卡因此在安装时请特别注意不要刮伤SIM卡您需要SIM卡 (用户识别卡 Subscriber Identification Module)来激活您的移动电话及连接网络系统您的移动电话需使用小型SIM卡以及如网络系统存取用户个人识别号码)信息以及各种服务等重要信息若不慎遗失将手机翻至背面请依照以下步骤来安装SIM卡然后将SIM卡固定片向上滑动以固定SIM卡将电池的底端卡入手机背面下部的凹槽在压入后卡表示已固定妥当将旅行用充电器的充电接头插入位于手机底部的充电插座请注意充电插头的方向每次充饱标准电池所需的时间约160分钟左右在插入充电插头后 充电完成后然后久按 键开启手机电源您依然可以打开手机电源并正常使用手机此面向上 键 通话之后 键结束完成后 键PIN (Personal Identification Number有了此组密码若不小心输入错误的号码键加以消除将使SIM卡失效天线听筒LCD显示屏电源开关键清除键英文请见按键说明您可按音量键直接进入筒配件液 晶 显 示 屏液晶显示屏上会显示几个常见的符号 (请见下图)信号强度通话中通话时间语音信息新短信息短信息来电转接使用中号码振动模式直条纹愈多手机通话时即出现刚收到语音信息时此符号会出现语音信息当您正要读取短信息之前此图像亦会出现收件箱当短信息储存内存不足详情请见3.2短信息当转接语音来电功能开启时此符号会出现在待机状态显示屏上方来电转接详情请见3.3通话服务出现时表示有来电时手机会以振动方式通知您电池状态显示电池的电力强度电力越强当电池充饱时数据电话出现时详情请见3.3通话服务传真电话出现时详情请见3.3通话服务漫游当您在漫游(非原属网络)时键盘锁定出现时详情请见3.4手机设定按 键手机的按键有两类手机的按键有两种按法某键表示; 而某键则表示约经过两秒钟后再放开在待机状态下显示屏的背光会自动开启详情请见3.4手机设定功能键共有4种电源开关键按下此键可以取消并回到上一层选单整行输入的字符选择键子功能或设定按此选择键后即可进入菜单选单英文/数字键共有12个英文/数字键若有错误可使用 键来移动光标的位置下列为按下各按键后会出现在显示屏上的符号与字符0+ * / =# P例如£®À中 文 输 入以下介绍各输入法的使用方法若要输入两字电键由于 及 键移动光标至第二页电因此按 键输入该字电其它可能与出现的相关字会出现在显示屏下方您可以按 键移动光标至所要的字再按 输入若所需的字不在本层选单中典碘踮电佃甸梯缆话脑灯影电手机内建的常用语句如下表新时间地点11大塞车先走了13最新环境如何请回复15立即回电16有急事01-05条是由您自定义的语句选择常用短语久按 键 PIN接受之后并进入待机状态 在这待机模式下并按 发送该通电话若网络支持若收到非原属网络系统之讯号但此时仅可拨紧急电话在通话中用各种通话中的功能1.4结束通话通话完毕后详情请见3.4手机设定 如果要拒绝接听该通来电 键您可按电话左侧的音量控制键来调整听筒音量而按下方的音量键可以减低音量增大音量 减低音量2.1单键拨号在待机状态下您有两种单键速拨方式久按 键* 第二种您可以速拨在电话簿中储存的前九组电话号码如果某号码的储存的纪录号码是5在发话时关于如何储存电话簿号码详情请见3.1电话簿久按 键* 再输入该受话方的国家码请省略区域码的第一个零最后按 键送出拨号2.4听取语音信箱留言久按 键直接拨号到您的语音信箱详情请见3.2短信息信息设定之语音信箱将显现在显示屏上直接回复未接听来电的方式为 键读取最近一个未接听的电话号码后再按 即可直接回拨该号码详情请见3.1电话簿2.6快速拨号输入纪录号码 (即电话号码的纪录在电话簿中的位置) 键找到欲拨号码时 键即可发送按音量控制键可直接进入电话簿并浏览电话簿中之纪录 键选择欲拨的号码 键即可直接拨出例如若某人的姓名以 "K" 开头然后按 键您可以使用 键卷动资料键拨出 表示电话号码储存于SIM卡电话簿内存 表示电话号码储存于手机电话簿内存选择电话簿您可直接输入欲新增至电话簿的号码 键号码 (显示屏上会出现您已经输入的电话号码)输入完成后 键即可则显示屏上会询问您是否置换请按 键确认请按 键2.9重拨号码* 重拨最近一个拨出的电话按 键读取并拨出最近一个拨出的电话号码2.11分机速拨在输入电话号码后 键P此时您可键入分机号码欲拨出 (02)1234-5678分机32时久按 键P输入32 键确认拨出即可您可以按 键进入操作选项下列部分标示 * 之功能静音若您在通话时不想让对方听见任何声音多方通话 *结束通话 您可以在多方通话的状态下 *切换通话 当您线上同时有通话中及保留中的电话时并切换至原本保留中的电话只要重复此一功能即可又想再拨一个电话出去再拨另一个电话出去显示屏上该保留电话左边会出现 " 当另一个电话接通后 1" 代表保留 "hold" 代表通话中 "active" *恢复通话 接续前面保留通话功能并恢复原本那个电话 *多方会议通话 此项功能能让您进行多方会议通话想单独和其中某位参会者谈话21短信息利用此功能您可以读取或写入短信息电话簿选择此项后电话簿详情请见3.1电话簿详述各功能及子目录的功能和操作说明在进入菜单后就能快速直接达到所需的功能项目改变语言设定手机设定 键 键数次回到待机模式即完成3.1电话簿 (1)电话簿菜单可供您设定自己的电话簿也可以选择将号码储存在SIM卡或手机中收话记录以及未接听来电的记录通话记录 (1-1)各种情况的最后通话记录都可以在这项目录中找到以下各节中即为该功能之功能码操作方式操作方式确定删除增加号码 (1-3)您可以在此项中新增电话簿的资料选择功能之后输入姓名后按 键如果要输入分机号码 键约一秒P再输入分机号码即可按 键按 键以确认位置资料已存若需要储存更多的记录26您的手机内存可供您储存100笔电话簿资料操作方式全部删除 (1-4-2)删除在电话簿中的所有资料按 键进入此项后删除所有数据 键则电话簿中的所有资料将被删除您的手机提供两种选项操作方式 键进入此项后SIM手机若选择将资料储存至SIM卡 键选取 键请按 键选择 键即可本机号码 (1-6)设定或显示本机的SIM卡号码进入此项后显示屏会显示输入资料3.2短信息 (2) 以下短信息功能皆需配合网络供应商所提供的服务项目使用收信箱 (2-1)若有新的文字信息送达时图标 会与"读信息?" 三字同时出现在待机模式显示屏中央 也会在显示屏上方出现 读取此一最新的信息 键选择要阅读的信息 键阅读信号会出现在显示屏上您可以选择以下选项以处理该信息在阅读短信息后 键您可以按 键进入各选项28操作方式写简讯 (2-2)您可以使用这项功能输入简单的文字信息按 键选取此项后然后按 键拨号储存 拨号发信箱 (2-4)您可以使用这项功能读取先前储存的信息按 键读取一则信息后 键 删除 删除所选定的信息操作方式符号出现在待机状态的显示屏上方若出现 表示有人在手机号码2信箱留言如何指定手机使用号码详情请见3.3通话服务并选择喜欢的主题和语言 (请参考网络供应商所提供的使用说明)按 键后接收广播 (2-6-1)选择接收或不接收网络供应商所提供的信息广播按 键进入 键选择或 键确定即可操作方式 键进入后显示屏会提示您输入标题按 键确定您可按 键进入选择或以新增标题或删除标题按 键确定即可操作方式 键后按 键选择欲接收信息所使用的语言 键确定即可此菜单包含了信息设定的各个选项按 键后供您选择您所发送的信息系经由此信息中心送至受话号码按 键后输入后3.2短信息: 语音信息以拨出此号码再按 键确定即可操作方式 键后 键选择或 键确定即可网络供应商会回报给您开启关闭操作方式 键后 键选择或 键确定即可开启此功能后手机会有警示声提醒开启关闭操作方式详情请见3.2短信息操作方式 键后删除所有数据请按 键请按 键 此菜单下包含许多您可以向网络供应商申请使用的通话服务在不需要下列转接功能时操作方式 键后转接语音来电 (3-1-1)开启此功能后当您激活转接功能后 或 的符号则符号会出现注: 1.转接图标需要网络供应商的支持才会出现使用号码选择按 键后 启动服务忙线时转接 (3-1-2)当忙线时操作方式 键后 启动服务 键后输 入完成后 键 取消服务 键后 查询状态 键后无回复时转接 (3-1-3)当电话无人回复时操作方式 键后 启动服务 键后输 入完成后 键 取消服务 键后 查询状态 键后未接通时转接 (3-1-4)若您的手机不在网络系统服务范围内或关机而未接通时操作方式 键后 启动服务 键后输 入完成后 键 取消服务 键后 查询状态无法接通时 (3-1-5)开启此功能后没有回复或不在网络系统服务范围内以及因为关机而未接通时操作方式 键后 启动服务 键后输 入完成后 键即可激活此功能按 键后转接数据来电 (3-1-6)开启此功能后操作方式 键后 启动服务 键后输 入完成后 键 取消服务 键后 查询状态 键后转接传真来电 (3-1-7)开启此功能后操作方式 键后 启动服务 键后输 入完成后 键 取消服务 键后 查询状态 键后全部取消 (3-1-8)取消所有的转接功能按 键后全部取消按 键限制通话 (3-2)您可使用此功能来设定限制拨出或接收的电话操作方式所有拨出电话 (3-2-1)限制所有拨出的电话按 键后 启动服务 键后输入完成后 键即可激活按 键后 查询状态 键后拨出国际电话 (3-2-2)限制所有国际电话的拨出按 键后 启动服务 键后输入完成后 键即可激活按 键后 查询状态 键后本国外电话 (3-2-3)除了拨至本国的电话外操作方式 键后 启动服务 键后输入完成后 键即可激活按 键后 查询状态 键后所有来电 (3-2-4)限制所有来电按 键后 启动服务漫游时来电 (3-2-5)限制漫游时的所有来电按 键后 启动服务 键后输入完成后 键即可激活按 键后 查询状态 键后全部取消 (3-2-6)取消所有的禁拨限制设定按 键进入后 键即可当通话时又有另一个电话打进来在此您可激活或取消此功能并察看状态按 键进入后启动服务 (3-3-1)激活话中插接功能按 键后取消服务 (3-3-2)取消话中插接功能操作方式查询状态 (3-3-3)查询话中插接功能的使用状态按 键后通话记录 (3-4)此功能可纪录您通话的时间操作方式 键后上次通话 (3-4-1)您可按 键进入选择以下各选项按 键后分通话费用 (3-4-1-2)操作方式 键后通话时间 (3-4-2-1)操作方式 键后分通话费用 (3-4-2-2)操作方式 键后所有通话费率的总金额 (此功能须网络供应商配合提供)按 键在归所有通话 (3-4-2)您可按 键进入选择以下各选项按 键即可将时间归零 计费单位 (3-4-3-2) 操作方式 键后话费限额 (3-4-4)您可输入通话费用的限额若额度已满在开启后操作方式 键开启 (3-4-4-1)操作方式 键开启后开启时需要输入PIN2选择此项后按 键关闭时需要输入PIN2您可指定其中一个号码来拨出电话而不必使用两台手机 (此功能只有在您的网络供应商提供此项服务时方能使用)按 键进入此功能选项后 键以选择号码 (号码1或号码2) 键确定在待机模式下。
Neptune MACH 10 Ultrasonic Water Meter 产品说明书

•Sizes ⅝”, ¾”, and 1”•Extended low-flow range for superior leak detection •Accuracy sustained over meter life •Can be installed in both horizontal and vertical applications•Advanced ultrasonic technology •Lead free, high-copper alloy maincase •Certified to UL 327B(3⁄4”, 1”) for residential fire service applications •No maintenanceThe MACH 10® ultrasonic water meter features solid state metrology with no degradation of accuracy over time. Combined with a corrosion-resistant, lead free, high-copper alloy maincase, the MACH 10 is built to withstand demandingservice conditions and deliver sustained accuracy over the life of the meter.Be Confident withSustained Accuracy Over TimeNeptune ® MACH 10®Ultrasonic MeterOperating CharacteristicsMeter SizeNormal Operating Range @ 100% Accuracy (+/- 1.5%)AWWA C715 Standard Type 1Extended Low Flow @ 100% Accuracy (+/- 3%)5⁄8”0.10 to 25 U.S. gpm 0.02 to 5.68 m 3/h0.2 to 20 U.S. gpm 0.05 to 4.54 m 3/h 0.05 U.S. gpm 0.01 m 3/h3⁄4”0.10 to 35 U.S. gpm 0.02 to 7.95 m 3/h 0.5 to 30 U.S. gpm 0.11 to 6.81 m 3/h 0.05 U.S. gpm 0.01 m 3/h 1”0.40 to 55 U.S. gpm 0.09 to 12.49 m 3/h0.75 to 50 U.S. gpm 0.17 to 11.35 m 3/h0.25 U.S. gpm 0.06 m 3/hSpecificationsAWWA C715 Compliant NSF/ANSI 61 Certified UL327B Certified (Optional on 3⁄4”, 1”)Application•Cold water measurement of flow in residential potable,combination potable and fire service, and reclaim/secondary water applications.Maximum Operating Water Pressure•175 psiOperating Water Temperature Range•+33°F to +122°F (+0.5°C to +50°C)Environmental Conditions•Operating temperature:+14°F to +149°F (-10°C to +65°C)•Storage temperature:-40°F to +158°F (-40°C to +70°C)OptionsSizes•5⁄8”, 5⁄8” x 3⁄4”•3⁄4”, 3⁄4” x 1”•1”, 1” x 11⁄4”Meter Options•Potable water •Reclaim water•Residential fire service (combo or standalone meter service lines)Warranty•Neptune provides a limited warranty for performance,materials, and workmanship. See warranty statement for details.System Compatibility•Compatible with NeptuneR900® and CMIU. Also available as MACH 10®)R900i ™ for an integrated radio solution and MACH 10®)TC for Sensus Touch Coupler compatibility.© 2020 Neptune Technology Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. The trademarks, logos and service marks displayed in this document herein are the property of Neptune Technology Group Inc., its affiliates or other third parties. Availability and technical specifications are subject to change without notice. 20-004955 PS MACH 10 12.20Pressure LossThis chart shows typical meterperformance. Individual results may vary.Residential Fire Service MeterAvailable Units of MeasureConsumption Rate Gallons GPM Cubic Feet GPM Cubic Metres LPM Cubic Meters (International)LPMImperial Gallons GPM Acre-Feet*GPM Litres*LPM Kilolitres*LPM *Unit cannot be displayed on LCDRegistrationHigh Resolution (8-digit reading)0.1U.S. Gallons 0.1Imperial Gallons0.01Cubic Feet 0.001Cubic MetresLCD Display9-digit display for extra resolutionon manual reads.LeakReverse FlowForward Flow + Warning for Excessive FlowEmpty Pipe Rate and Units Cumulative UnitsLow BatteryDimensionsMeter SizeLength Height Threads (NPSM)5⁄8"71⁄2"33⁄16"3⁄4" - 14"5⁄8" x 3⁄4"71⁄2"33⁄16"1" - 111⁄2"3⁄4"9"37⁄16”1" - 111⁄2"3⁄4" SL71⁄2"33⁄8”1" - 111⁄2"3⁄4" x 1"9"37⁄16”11⁄4" - 111⁄2"1"103⁄4"311⁄16”11⁄4" - 111⁄2"1" x 11⁄4"103⁄4"311⁄16”11⁄2" - 111⁄2"。
Philips SP9880 品牌面包切片抽屉说明书

SP9880English 6简体中文 40IntroductionCongratulations on your purchase and welcome toPhilips! To fully benefit from the support thatPhilips offers, register your product at/welcome .Please read this user manual, as it containsinformation about the features of this shaver aswell as some tips to make shaving easier and moreenjoyable.General description (Fig. 1)1Protection cap for click-on cleansing brush2Cleansing brush attachment3Massage attachment4Fresh eyes attachment5Attachment holder6Qi charging pad7Supply unit8USB plug9Pouch10Replacement reminder11Notification symbol12Cleaning reminder13Travel lock symbol14Battery charge indicator15Battery charge percentage16Personal comfort settings bar17Personal comfort settings decrease button18Personal comfort settings increase button19On/off button20Shaving unit with hair chamber21Click-on precision trimmer attachment22Click-on nose trimmerImportant safety informationRead this important information carefully beforeyou use the appliance and its accessories and save6Englishit for future reference. The accessories suppliedmay vary for different products.Danger-Keep the supply unit dry.Warning-The appliance is a Class IIIconstruction.-To charge the battery, only usethe detachable supply unit andcharging pad (supply unit, typeHQ87. Charging pad, typeHQ8509 or HQ8510) providedwith the appliance.-Do not use an USB extensioncord.7English-This appliance can be used bychildren aged from 8 years andabove and persons withreduced physical, sensory ormental capabilities or lack ofexperience and knowledge ifthey have been givensupervision or instructionconcerning use of the appliancein a safe way and understandthe hazards involved. Childrenshall not play with theappliance. Cleaning and usermaintenance shall not be madeby children without supervision.-Always check the appliance andits attachments before you useit. Do not use the appliance orits attachments if it is damaged,as this may cause injury. Alwaysreplace a damaged part withone of the original type.-Do not open the appliance toreplace the rechargeablebattery.8English-The charging pad is notintended for use in a car. It mayinterfere with the automotiveelectronic systems.-Do not use the click-on fresheyes attachment if you haveglaucoma, an eye injury, orhave had eye surgery within thelast 12 months.-Do not use the click-on fresheyes attachment if you have anallergy to aluminum.Caution-Never immerse the charging pad in water,nor rinse it under the tap.-Always make sure the charging pad iscompletely dry before you connect it to the wall socket.-Never use water hotter than 60°C to rinse the shaver.-Only use this appliance for its intended purpose as shown in the user manual.-For safety reasons, do not use the shaver while you drive a car.9English-For hygienic reasons, the appliance should only be used by one person.-Never use compressed air, scouring pads,abrasive cleaning agents or aggressive liquids such as petrol or acetone to clean the appliance.-Do not put the appliance or any part in the dishwasher.-Water may trickle out of the shaver after you rinse it. This is normal and not dangerous because all electronics are enclosed in a sealed power unit inside the shaver.-Do not use the supply unit in or near wall sockets that contain an electric air freshener to prevent irreparable damage to the supply unit.-Do not use the appliance on chapped skin,open wounds, healing wounds, skinrecovering from surgery or if you suffer from a skin disease or skin irritation, such as severe acne, sunburn, skin infection, skin cancer, inflammation, eczema, psoriasis,nylon allergy etc.-Do not use the appliance if you are taking steroid-based medication.10English-If you wear piercings on your face, remove the piercings before you use the click-on attachments or make sure that you do not use the appliance on or near the piercing.-Do not use the click-on massage attachment and click-on fresh eyes attachment with self-made cleansers, creams, oils or cosmetic products containing harsh chemicals or rough particles.-If you wear jewelry, contact lenses or glasses, remove them before you use the click-on attachments, or make sure that you do not use the appliance on or near jewelry or glasses.-Only use the click-on fresh eyes attachment at the lowest personal comfort setting.-Do not put the click-on fresh eyes attachment in the freezer/fridge or sun, as this may cause a hazardous situation for your skin.-The click-on fresh eyes attachment is intended for use on the bony area below the eye.-Please make sure that no loose hair gets trapped in the click-on massage attachment during use by wearing a headband, tying your hair or holding it back with your hands. -The click-on massage attachment is intended to massage the cheeks.-Only use the click-on massage attachment at the medium or lowest personal comfort setting.-Do not use the click-on massage attachment too close to the nostrils. Electromagnetic fields (EMF)This Philips appliance complies with all applicablestandards and regulations regarding exposure toelectromagnetic fields.General-This shaver is waterproof. It is suitable for use inthe bath or shower and for cleaning under thetap.-The supply unit is suitable for mains voltagesranging from 100 to 240 volts.-The supply unit transforms 100-240 volts to asafe low voltage of less than 24 volts.The displayNote: Remove any sticker or protective foil fromthe display before using the product.When the shaver is charging, the ring on the pad lights up and the battery charge indicator on the shaver flashes white.The battery charge is indicated by the battery charge percentage flashing on the display, which is shown when the shaver is moved.Quick charge: After approx. 18 minutes charging, the appliance contains enough energy for one shave.When the battery is fully charged, the battery charge indicator and the ring on the pad light up white continuously.Note: Both lights switch off automatically after 15 minutes.The battery charge percentage lights up white continuously, which is shown when the shaver is moved.When the battery is almost empty, the batterycharge indicator flashes orange and the shaver beeps. At this point there is enough energy left for one shave..The remaining battery charge is indicated by thebattery charge percentage shown on the display.on/off button for 7 seconds. If you do not reset thereplacement reminder, the shaver resetsautomatically after 9 shaves.Notification symbolOverheatingIf the shaver overheats during charging, thenotification symbol flashes. When this happens,the shaver stops charging automatically. Chargingcontinues once the temperature of the shaver hasdecreased to the normal level after approx. 10minutes.Blocked shaving headsIf the shaving heads are blocked, the notificationsymbol lights up red continuously. Thereplacement reminder and the cleaning reminderalternately flash white and the shaver beeps. Inthis case, the motor cannot run because theshaving heads are dirty or damaged. If the shavingheads are dirty, you have to clean them. If theshaving heads are damaged, you have to replacethem.Foreign object on Qi charging padIf there is a foreign (metal) object on the Qicharging pad during charging, the notificationsymbol on the Qi charging pad lights up. The Qicharging pad switches off automatically andrestarts 5 minutes after the foreign object hasChargingCharge the shaver before you use it for the firsttime and when the display indicates that thebattery is almost empty.Charging takes approx. 3 hours. A fully chargedshaver has a shaving time of up to 60 minutes.Note: You cannot use the shaver while it ischarging.Quick chargeAfter approx. 18 minutes of charging the shavercontains enough power for one shave. Charging with the Qi charging padNote: The charging pad is Qi compliant. Onlycharge the Qi compatible shaver or other Qicharging compliant appliances on the Qi chargingpad provided.Note: Carefully shake off excess water beforeplacing the shaver on the Qi pad.1Put the USB plug in the supply unit supplied.2Put the supply unit in the wall socket.charging pad. Make sure the shaver fits into thecavity of the Qi charging pad.Only charge the shaver on the provided Qicharging pad.-The Qi charging pad beeps and the ring on thepad lights up when the shaver is correctlyplaced and connected for charging.-When the shaver is charging, the ring on thepad lights up and the battery charge indicator on the shaver flashes white. The battery charge is indicated by the battery charge percentageflashing on the display, which is shown whenthe shaver is moved.4When the battery is fully charged, the battery charge indicator and the ring on the pad lightup white continuously. Both lights switch offautomatically after 15 the bath or shower.-Use this shaver for its intended household use as described in this manual.-For hygienic reasons, the shaver should only be used by one person.-Trimming is easier when the skin and hair are dry.Note: This shaver is waterproof. It is suitable for use in the bath or shower and for cleaning under the tap. For safety reasons, the shaver can therefore only be used without charging cord.1To switch on the shaver, press the on/offbutton once.The battery charge percentage lights up for afew seconds.2To switch off the shaver, press the on/offbutton once.The battery charge percentage lights up for afew seconds and shows the remaining batterycharge.ShavingSkin adaptation periodYour first shaves may not bring you the result youexpect and your skin may even become slightlyirritated. This is normal. Your skin and beard needtime to adapt to any new shaving system. To allowyour skin to adapt to this new appliance, we adviseyou to shave regularly (at least 3 times a week) andexclusively with this appliance for a period of 3weeks.Shaving tips-For the best results on skin comfort, pre-trimyour beard if you have not shaved for 3 days orlonger.-Select your personal comfort setting (see'Personal comfort settings').Dry shaving1Switch on the shaver.2Move the shaving heads over your skin in circular movements to catch all hairs growing in different directions. Make sure each shavinghead is fully in contact with the skin. Exertgentle pressure for a close, comfortable shave.Note: Do not press too hard, this can cause skin irritation.3Switch off and clean the shaver after each use.The display lights up for a few seconds to show the remaining battery charge.Wet shavingFor a more comfortable shave, you can also use this shaver on a wet face with shaving foam or shaving gel.1Apply some water to your skin.2Apply shaving foam or shaving gel to your skin.3Rinse the shaving unit under the tap to ensure that the shaving unit glides smoothly over your skin.4Switch on the shaver.5Move the shaving heads over your skin incircular movements to catch all hairs growing indifferent directions. Make sure each shavinghead is fully in contact with the skin. Exertgentle pressure for a close, comfortable shave.Note: Do not press too hard, this can cause skinirritation.Note: Rinse the shaving unit regularly to ensurethat it continues to glide smoothly over yourskin.6Dry your face.7Switch off the shaver and clean it after eachuse.Note: Make sure that you rinse all foam or shavinggel off the shaver.Using click-on attachmentsIt is recommended not to use the click-oncleansing brush attachment, the massageattachment or fresh eyes attachment directly aftershaving to prevent skin irritation.Removing or attaching click-on attachments1Make sure the shaver is switched off.Attachment holderNote: Attach the click-on massage attachment,cleansing brush attachment and fresh eyesattachment on the attachment holder first, beforeyou place the attachment onto the appliance.1Pull the click-on attachment straight off theattachment holder.2Place the click-on attachment onto theattachment holder until it locks into positionwith a click.Using the precision trimmer attachmentYou can use the precision trimmer attachment totouch up your beard, sideburns and moustache.Using the cleansing brush attachmentNote: For better shaving results, use the click-oncleansing brush attachment before shaving.Use the rotating cleansing brush with your dailycleansing cream. The cleansing brush removes oiland dirt, contributing to a healthy and oil-free skin.We advise you to use it no more than twice a day.Start with the lowest personal comfort setting toholder.attachment after use.11After the treatment, rinse and dry yourface.Your face is now ready for the next step ofyour daily skincare routine.The click-on fresh eyes attachment is suitable forall skin types. We advise you to use it up to once aday in the morning for approx. 15 seconds per (eye)zone. You can use the fresh eyes attachment ondry skin or after applying cream to your skin.holder.5After approx. 15 seconds, move the appliance to the bony area below the left eye and repeat the treatment.6Switch off the appliance and clean the attachment after use (see 'Deactivating thetravel lock').The massage attachment is suitable for all skin types. We advise you to use it up to 2-3 times a week for approx. 90 seconds per zone at the medium personal comfort setting (dynamic). The massage attachment is intended to treat the right and left cheek. The cheek zones include the chin, the area between the nose and upper lip and the areas between the eyes and ears.or after applying cream or oil to your skin. Before you massage the skin, we advise you to first cleanse your face with the cleansing brush attachment.1Place the attachment on the attachment holder.After 90 seconds, move the appliance to the other cheek and repeat the treatment.Switch off the appliance and clean theattachment after use (see 'Deactivating the travel lock').You can lock the shaver when you are going to travel to prevent it from turning on accidentally.1Press the on/off button for 3 seconds to enter the travel lock mode.While you activate the travel lock, the travel lock symbol lights up briefly and the shaverproduces a short sound. When the travel lock is activated, the travel lock symbol flashes.If you try to switch on the shaver while thetravel lock is active, the travel lock symbolflashes.1Press the on/off button for 3 seconds.While you deactivate the travel lock, the travellock symbol lights up briefly and the shaverproduces a short sound. The shaver switches onand is now ready for use again.Note: The shaver unlocks automatically when itis placed on the Qi charging pad.Regular cleaning guarantees better shavingresults.Never clean, remove or replace the shavingunit while the shaver is switched on.Do not apply pressure to shaving head guards.Do not touch shaving heads with hard objectsas this may dent or damage the precision-made slotted guards.Do not use abrasives, scourers or aggressiveliquids such as petrol or acetone to clean theshaver.Cleaning the shaver under the tapClean the shaver after every shave for optimalperformance.Cleaning the cleansing brush, fresh eyes and massage attachmentClean the attachments after each use.1Switch off the appliance.2Remove the attachment from the attachmentholder.3Clean the parts thoroughly with warm water.4Dry the attachment with a towel. ReplacementReplacing the shaving headsFor maximum shaving performance, we advise youto replace the shaving heads every two years.Replace damaged shaving heads immediately.Always replace the shaving heads with originalPhilips shaving heads (see 'Ordering accessories'). Replacement reminderThe replacement reminder indicates that the shaving heads need to be replaced. The shaving unit symbol lights up continuously, the arrows flash white and you hear a beep when you switch the shaver on or off.1Switch off the shaver. Pull the shaving head holder off the bottom part of the shaving unit.31English2Discard the old shaving head holder and attach the new shaving head holder to the bottompart of the shaving unit (‘click’).3After replacing the shaving heads, you can reset the replacement reminder by pressing theon/off button for 7 seconds. Wait until yourhear 3 beeps.If you do not reset the replacement reminder,the shaver resets automatically after 9 shaves.The cleansing brush attachment should bereplaced every 3 months or earlier if the brushhairs are bent or damaged (see 'Orderingaccessories').The fresh eyes attachment should be replacedevery year or earlier if parts are damaged (see'Ordering accessories').Replacing the massage attachmentThe massage attachment should be replacedevery year or earlier if parts are damaged (see'Ordering accessories').32EnglishStore the shaver in the pouch.Note: Always let the shaver dry completely beforeyou store it in the pouch.Ordering accessoriesTo buy accessories or spare parts, visit/service or go to yourPhilips dealer. You can also contact the PhilipsConsumer Care Center in your country (see theinternational warranty leaflet for contact details).The following accessories and spare parts areavailable:-SH98 Philips shaving heads-HQ110 Philips shaving head cleaning spray-RQ111 Philips beard styler attachment-RQ585 Philips cleansing brush attachment-RQ560 Philips cleansing brush attachment-RQ563 Philips cleansing brush attachment3-pack-HQ87 USB supply unit-HQ8509, HQ8510 Qi charging padNote: The availability of the accessories may differby country.Recycling-Do not throw away the product with the normalhousehold waste at the end of its life, but handit in at an official collection point for recycling.By doing this, you help to preserve theenvironment.33English-This product contains a built-in rechargeablebattery which shall not be disposed of withnormal household waste. Please take yourproduct to an official collection point or aPhilips service center to have a professionalremove the rechargeable battery.-Follow your country’s rules for the separatecollection of electrical and electronic productsand rechargeable batteries. Correct disposalhelps prevent negative consequences for theenvironment and human health.Removing the rechargeable shaver battery34EnglishWarranty and supportIf you need information or support, please visit/support or read theinternational warranty leaflet.Warranty restrictionsThe shaving heads (cutters and guards) are notcovered by the terms of the international warrantybecause they are subject to wear.35EnglishTroubleshootingThis chapter summarizes the most commonproblems you could encounter with the appliance.If you are unable to solve the problem with theinformation below, visit /supportfor a list of frequently asked questions or contactthe Consumer Care Center in your country.ShaverProblem Possible cause SolutionThe appliance does not work when I press the on/off button.The appliance is stillplaced on the Qi charging pad.Remove the appliance from the Qi charging pad and press the on/off button to switch on the appliance.The rechargeable battery is empty.Recharge the battery (see 'Charging'). The travel lock is activated.Press the on/off button for 3 seconds to deactivate the travel lock.The shaving unit is soiled or damaged to such an extent that the motor cannot run. Clean the shaving headsthoroughly (see'Thorough cleaning') or replace them.The appliance do es not shave as well as it used to.The shaving heads are damaged or worn.Replace the shaving heads (see 'Replacement'). Hairs or dirt obstruct the shaving heads.Clean the shaving heads in the regular way or clean them thoroughly.36EnglishProblem Possible cause SolutionI replaced the shaving heads, but the display still shows the replacement reminder.You have not resetthe appliance.Reset the appliance bypressing the on/offbutton for approx. 7seconds.A shaving unit symbol has suddenly appeared on the display.This symbol remindsyou to replace theshaving heads.Replace the shavingheads (see'Replacement').The notification symbol flashes and the shaver beeps while the shaver is charging.The appliance isoverheated.When this happens, theshaver stops chargingautomatically. Chargingcontinues once thetemperature of theshaver has decreased tothe normal level afterapprox. 10 minutes.The notification symbol flashes and the shaver beeps when I try to shave.The shaving headsare soiled.Clean the shaving heads(see 'Cleaning andmaintenance').The notification symbol flashes and the shaver beeps after cleaning the shaving heads.The shaving headsare damaged.Replace the shavingheads (see'Replacement').Water is leaking from the bottom of the appliance.During cleaning,water may collectbetween the innerbody and the outershell of theappliance.This is normal and notdangerous because allelectronics are enclosedin a sealed power unitinside the appliance.37EnglishClick-on attachmentsProblem Possible cause SolutionI do not know if the appliance is suitable for use on my skin.Do not use the appliance on dry, chapped skin, open wounds, healing wounds,skin recovering from surgery or if you suffer from a skin disease or skin irritation, such as severe acne, sunburn, skin infection, skin cancer,inflammation, eczema,psoriasis etc. Do not use the appliance if you are taking steroid-based medication.I don’t know which facial attachments I can use with the appliance.All attachments provided with this appliance can be used with this appliance.To find out more about the range of attachments,consult our website or the shop where you purchased your Philips appliance. If you have any difficulties obtaining information, please contact the Philips Consumer Care Center in your country. You find its contact details in the international warranty leaflet. You can also visit /support.The cleansing brush attachment feels too harsh on my skin.Start with the lowest personal comfort setting to familiarize yourself with the attachment.38EnglishProblem Possible cause SolutionI don’t know with which cleansing products I can use the cleansing brush attachment.We advise you to cleanse your skin with your favorite cleanser. You can use cleansing gel, foam, oil, milk or lotions. Please do not use scrub cream or gel with particles.The fresh eyes attachment pulls my skin.Only use the fresh eyes attachment at the lowest personal comfort setting and place it on the bony area.Place the fresh eyes attachment on the skin at an angle of 90°.The click-on attachments do not fit on the appliance.Attach the massage attachment, cleansing brush attachment and fresh eyes attachment on the attachment holder, before placing it on the appliance.39English介绍感谢您的惠顾,欢迎光临飞利浦! 为了让您能充分享受飞利浦提供的支持,请在 /welcome 上注册您的产品。

NEP988系列数字式备用电源自动投切装置检测大纲及记录合同编号直流电压交流电流检测人员检验人员检测日期国电南京自动化股份有限公司年月日产品编号1 检测前对装置的操作a)主菜单->出厂设置->缺省设置->缺省运行参数b)主菜单->出厂设置->缺省设置->缺省通道系数c)主菜单->出厂设置->电度量清零d)主菜单->报告管理->记录清除->录波删除e)主菜单->报告管理->记录清除->启动删除f)主菜单->装置设置->装置参数二次电压设置(交流电压):(二选一)注意硬件不一样,缺省设计为100V 100V □380V □二次电流设置(交流电流):(二选一)注意硬件不一样,缺省设计为5A 1A □5A □4-20ms最大值设置:(三选一)缺省设计为5输出A相测量电流,整定5 □输出线电压Uab,整定120 □输出有功功率(P),整定1000 □零序量程:(三选一)注意硬件不一样,缺省设计为中阻接地30A不接地系统,整定10A □中阻接地系统,整定30A □直接接地系统,整定120A □2 外观检查结果符合要求时,标示“√”, 否则标示“×”,没有则标“/”。
□3 确认单模件已通过检测是□否□4 绝缘电阻试验(此项试验由检测人员进行,检验人员见证)按产品标准Q/GDNZ.JB49.001-2004《NEP980系列继电保护装置》中规定的技术要求,用相应电压的兆欧表或绝缘电阻测量仪器测量绝缘电阻。
在正常试验大气条件下绝缘电阻的试验结果填入表:被试回路被测回路试验端子技术要求试验结果电源回路 VS 大地2X1~2X2 VS 2X4 >50MΩ电流回路 VS 大地1X1~1X16 VS 2X4 >50MΩ电压回路 VS 大地2X5~2X10 VS 2X4 >50MΩ开入量回路 VS 大地3X1~3X22 VS 2X4 >50MΩ开出量回路 VS 大地4X1~4X24 VS 2X4 >50MΩ5 介质强度试验(此项试验由检测人员进行,检验人员见证,用户现场检测时不做此项)根据产品标准Q/GDNZ.JB49.001-2004《NEP980系列继电保护装置》中规定的技术要求,用工频耐压测试仪按不同的电压进行工频耐压试验;在正常试验大气条件下,装置应能承受频率为50Hz,历时1min的工频耐压试验而无击穿闪络及元件损坏现象,整定漏电流和试验电压按产品标准规定;试验过程中,任一被试回路施加电压时其余回路等电位互联接地。
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2 Adjust the FM•MW•LW slider to select
FM, MW or LW tuner.
3 Rotate the tuning knob to tune to a radio
4 Rotate the volume knob to adjust volume.
Always bring your product to a professional to remove the built-in battery. (Fig. )
3 EN
2 Your Portable Radio
Congratulations on your purchase, and welcome to Philips! To fully benefit from the support that Philips offers, register your product at /support.
TV,VCR, or other radiation sources to prevent interference; • Put the radio near window or in a spacious place. • Change the length and direction of the antenna.
What's in the box
Check and identify the contents of your package. (Fig. )
Operate on alkaline batteries
1 Open the battery compartment. 2 Insert 3 x 1.5 V AAA batteries (not
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“H” ISO Series ValvesFeatures 5599-2 – Size 1, 2, 3Catalog 0632-6/USACollective Wiring SystemCollective Wiring ModuleSizeKit Number 25-Pin, D-Sub Module*†SCD251MB 19-Pin Heavy Duty Round*†SCC191MB Dual 12-Pin Round - DC*†SCC122MB Dual 12-Pin Round - AC*†SCC122NB D-Sub Cable, Non-IP , 3 Meters †SCD253D D-Sub Cable, IP65, 3 Meters †SCD253W*Kit includes:(1) Wiring Module with Circuit Board Connection,(2) Gaskets, (4) Tie Rods and (4) Bolts.†Available with “H” Series, ISO 5599-2, Sizes 1, 2, 3.Features•Interconnect Manifolds •25-Pin, D-Sub – 24 Addresses •19-Pin Round – 16 Addresses •Dual 12-Pin Round – 16 Addresses •FlexSAM Serial Bus – 32 Addresses •SAM 3.0 Serial Bus – 4 Addresses •Manifold Additions for In-Field Conversions,Plug “N” Play25-Pin, D-Sub Collective Wiringwith FlexSAM SystemSCD251MBSCC191MB25-Pin, D-Sub Collective Wiring19-Pin Heavy Duty WiringDual 12-Pin Collective Wiringfor AB Panel ConnectAllen-Bradley Panel ConnectSCC122MB (Dual 12-Pin – DC)orSCC122NB (Dual 12-Pin – AC)25-Pin, D-Sub Cable Non-IP, 3-Meter ...SCD253D IP65, 3-Meter......SCD253WSCC122MB (Dual 12-Pin – DC)orSCC122NB (Dual 12-Pin – AC)5599-2 End Plate & Transition Plate KitsCollective Wiring System Blank InterfaceTop Port InterfaceGround ScrewInterface plate includes a machined hole for the addition of a ground screw. An earth ground is recommended for all voltages. Follow standard electrical protocol.How to Assemble a Collective Wiring Add-A-FoldTop PortH3H2H1CW Left Hand Interface Plate - Blank and PortedH1 H2H1 H35599-2 Pin Out InformationCollective Wiring System25-Pin, D-Sub Cable SpecificationsCommon Pin “13” is rated for 3 amps. Common wire ratingmust be greater than total amperage of all solenoids on a Add-A-Fold assembly.Example: 12 station manifold, 24 solenoids,24VDC - 24 x .095 amps = 2.28 total amp rating.IP65 rated with properly assembled IP65 rated cable.25-Pin, D-Sub Connector (Male)19-Pin Round Cable SpecificationsCommon Pin “7” is rated for 8 amps. Cable common wire must be greater than total amperage of solenoids on Add-A-Fold assembly.Example: 8 station manifold, 16 solenoids,120VAC - 16 x .039 amps = .63 total amp rating.NEMA 4 rated with properly assembled NEMA 4rated cable.Female Cable Assemblies:Refer to 19-Pin Round Brad Harrison11211131415161718192348910576Pin Number 11121 1516171819Address9Ground 10111213141516Pin Number12345678910Address1234N/A 5Common678Technical SpecificationsMaximum Solenoids Energized SimultaneouslyDualVoltage 25-Pin 19-Pin 12-Pin FlexSAM SAM 3.0Code D-Sub Round Round12VDC 151816N/A N/A N/A 24VAC 122416N/A N/A N/A 24VDC 1924161632*4120VAC 23, 83241616N/A N/A Brad Harrison #333030P80M05016.40 ft. (Female to Male Cable)Brad Harrison #333030P80M010032.80 ft. (Female to Male Cable)*The maximum number of addressed solenoids for FlexSAM is 26through the interconnect system. For 28 through 32 addressed solenoids all bases are “hard-wired” and valves have to be selected with the terminal block option.Dual 12-Pin Round Allen-BradleyFace View - Male 19-Pin ConnectorAllen Bradley #889N-F12ACNU-2 2 Meter (Female to Male Cable)Allen Bradley #889N-F12ACNU-3 3 Meter (Female to Male Cable)Allen Bradley #889N-F12ACNU-5 5 Meter (Female to Male Cable)Allen Bradley #889N-F12ACNU-1010 Meter (Female to Male Cable)AB Panel Connect Patch Cord Assemblies:Patch Cord good for 24VDC & 120VACFor availability & Specs, contact an Allen-Bradley Distributor25-Pin, D-Sub Cable (Female)1Black14 Color Brown / White Color Pin NumberPin Number。

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Sennheiser 高可靠双接收器强度系统接收机说明说明书

FEATURES20 fixed frequency banks with up to64 compatible presets in up to 75 MHz switching bandwidth and 6 user banks Integrated antenna splitter forcascading up to 8 devices without using additional splittersRugged 19“ all-metal housing withintegrated power supply unitEthernet for monitoring and controlusing Sennheiser WSM Mac or PC softwareTransmitters can be configured in thereceiver menu and can be synchronized via the infrared interfaceEnhanced AF frequency response(25....18000 Hz) ARCHITECT’S SPECIFICATIONSThe device shall be a single channel, true diversity (two tuners per receiver channel) stationary receiver for use with a companion transmitter as part of a high reliability true diversity wireless radio frequency transmission system. The stationary receiver shall operate within a RF frequency range of 516 – 865 MHz in 20 fixed frequency banks and 6 user banks, each with a maximum of 64 presets with a switching bandwidth of maximum 75 MHz tunable in 25 kHz steps; carrier frequencies shall be maximum 3000. Squelch threshold shall be defeatable (off) or adjustable from 5 – 25 dBµV in 2dB steps. Nominal/peak deviation shall be ±24 kHz/±48 kHz. Intermodulation spacing shall be ≥75dB. A compander feature shall be included and shall be Sennheiser HDX system with pilot-tone squelch (switchable). Sensitivity shall be < 2.0 µV for 52 dBArms S/N with HDX engaged at peak deviation. Adjacent channel rejection shall be ≥80dB (typical); blocking shall be ≥80dB. Audio frequency res-ponse shall be 25 – 18,000 Hz; total harmonic distortion (THD) shall be <0.9%.Continued on page 2Hiding underneath the sturdy 19-inch metal housing of the stationary receiver is highly advanced professional transmission technology. As with all compo-nents of the 2000 series, with the EM 2000 you can use five windows of upto 75 MHz in the UHF range. 20 channel bands with up to 64 presets and 6 channel bands each with up to 64 user-programmable channels are available. Each transmitter can be synchronized quickly and easily using infrared. The transmitter can be connected to networks via its Ethernet socket and can be monitored and controlled remotely from the Mac or PC using the Sennheiser Wireless System Manager software.TECHNICAL DATARF frequency range .............................................516 – 865 MHzCarrier frequencies ..............................................max. 3000Presets ...................................................................max. 64Switching bandwidth .......................................... m ax. 75 MHz, tuneable in25 kHz stepsNominal / Peak deviation...................................±24 kHz / ±48 kHzSquelch threshold ................................................ O ff, 5 – 25 dBµV : Can be set in2 dB stepsIntermodulation spacing ....................................≥ 75 dBSensitivity(with HDX, peak deviation) ...............................≤ 2 µV for 52 dBArms S/N Adjacent channel rejection ................................typ. ≥ 80 dBBlocking ................................................................≥ 80 dBAntenna connector ..............................................2 BNC (50 OHM)Cascadable ............................................................2 BNC (50 OHM)Gain ........................................................................ 0 dB ±0,5 dB : Based onantenna inputsCompander ............................................................HDXFrequency response ............................................25 – 18000 HzSignal-to-noise ratio ...........................................> 120 dB(A)THD, total harmonic distortion .........................< 0,9 %Audio-XLR connector ..........................................XLR-3 + 2 x 6,3 mm : JackAudio output level (balanced) .......................... +18 dBu max : Setting range: 49 dBin 1 dB steps + 6 dB gain reserveContinued on page 2EM 2000 True Diversity ReceiverARCHITECT’SSPECIFICATIONSAudio frequency output level shall be adjustable within a 49 dB range in 1 dB steps to a maximum of level of +18 dBu (balanced). Signal-to-noise ratio shall be > 120 dB(A). The audio output shall utilize a transformer-balanced male XLR-3 audio socket along with a transfor-mer-balanced ¼“ (6.3 mm) audio socket; a stereo headphone output with local level control shall be provided on the front panel and shall utilize a ¼“ (6.3 mm) stereo audio socket. Menu-based software adjustments shall be made using a backlit LCD user display; associated transmitters shall be configured in the receiver menu and synchronized with the receiver via an integrated infrared interface. Four se-lectable equalizer presets shall be provided. An integrated guitar tuner shall be provided. Two 50O BNC connectors shall provide attach-ment points for the main receiver antennae and two additional 50O BNC connectors with an integrated antenna splitter shall provide for cascading the antennae for up to 8 receivers without the use of external splitters; gain shall be 0 dB ±0.5 dB (based on antenna inputs). To supply active antennas or an antenna booster, a direct voltage of 12 Vdc (200 mA with short circuit protection) shall be provided via the antenna sockets. An Ethernet port (RJ45) shall be provided to allow remote network-based monitoring and control of the receiver using Sennheiser Wireless System Manager Mac or PC software. The receiver shall be fully compatible with all Sennheiser 2000 series and G3 transmitters; partial compatibility shall be provided for Sennheiser ew G2 and G1 transmitters. Power shall be supplied to the receiver by the internal power supply with auto-switching mains voltage of 100 – 240 VAC at 50/60 Hz. Current draw shall be maximum 0.2 A. The receiver chassis shall be fabricated from metal and shall be capable of mounting in a standard 19“ equipment rack without additional hardware; case dimensions shall be approximately 8.54“ x 19.02“ x 1.69“ (217 x 483 x 43 mm). Weight shall be 91.71 oz (2600 grams). Operating conditions shall be ambient temperature +14°F to +131°F (-10°C to +55°C). The receiver shall be Sennheiser model EM 2000. TECHNICAL DATABooster Feed ......................................................... 12 V DC, 2 x 200 mA: Short-circuit proofOperating temperature ......................................–10 °C – +55 °CPower supply ........................................................100 - 240 V AC, 50/60 HzCurrent consumption ..........................................max. 0,2 ADimensions ...........................................................217 x 483 x 43 mmWeight ...................................................................2600 gDELIVERy INCLUDES1 EM 2000 stationary twin receiver3 mains cables (EU, UK, and US)2 rod antennas4 self-adhesive device feet1 instruction manual1 supplementary frequency sheet1 supplementary RF power sheetSennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG Am Labor 1, 30900 Wedemark, Germany 0 3 / 1 2 S e n n h e i s e r i s a r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k o f S e n n h e i s e r e l e c t r o n i c G m b H & C o . K G . w w w . s e n n h e i s e r . c o m . C o p y r i g h t ©1 2 / 2 0 1 1 . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . E r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c e p t e d .PRODUCT VARIANTSEM 2050 AW 516 ... 558 MHz Cat. No. 503144 EM 2050 AW-X 516 ... 558 MHz / Europe Cat. No. 503739 EM 2050 GW 558 ... 626 MHz Cat. No. 503742 EM 2050 GW-X 558 ... 626 MHz / Europe Cat. No. 503743 EM 2050 BW 626 ... 698 MHz Cat. No. 503746 EM 2050 BW-X 626 ... 698 MHz / Europe Cat. No. 503747 EM 2050 CW 718 ... 790 MHz Cat. No. 503750 EM 2050 CW-X 718 ... 790 MHz / Europe Cat. No. 503751 EM 2050 DW 790 ... 865 MHz Cat. No. 503754 EM 2050 DW-X 790 ... 865 MHz / Europe Cat. No. 503755 RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIESAB 3700 broadband antenna booster Cat. No. 502196 AD 3700 directional antenna Cat. No. 502197 A 3700 omni-directional antenna Cat. No. 502195 GA 3030-AM antenna mount Cat. No. 4368 A 2003-UHF directional antenna Cat. No. 3658Contact your local Service Partner:。

PLS-998多功能收音机资料使用说明书本产品为多功能手摇太阳能收音机/台灯/手摇应急充/报警器,多波段FM/AW/SW1/SW2或FM/AM/SW/WB,收音机内置手摇发电机、太阳能电池板、充电池及带警报、温度计、台灯、电筒等功能.充电功能可循环使用充电池,减小废旧电池对环境污染,可应急外接手机充电,适宜野外,旅行,不受外界环境停电影响,随时都可使您的手机有足够的电量,与外界保持联系. 详细资料请阅读说明书.一.外观及功能指示.(1)电筒及警报灯(11)选台旋钮(2)太阳能板及翻盖台灯(12)扬声器(3)温度计(13)手摇发电机(4)手挽带(14)手摇发电指示灯(5)台位尺(15)拉杆天线(6)电源选择开关(16)电池门(7)收音开关及音量钮(17)手机充电插座(8)功能开关(18)外接直流电源插座(9)收音电源指示灯(19)外接耳机插座(10)波段开关二.技术指标1.频率范围 MW 530—1600KHzFM 88—108MHzSW1 3.8—10MHZSW2 11—17MHz2.电源 DC4.5V内置充电池镍氢AAA3.6V500mAh干电池 DC4.5V(五号电池三节)太阳能电池 3.8V55mA手摇发电输出 4V450mA手机充电输出 4.2V400mA外接直流电源 -—(•—+ 12V300mA3.温度计 -20︒C — 50︒C4.输出功率 300mW5.喇叭Φ66mm8Ω1W6.外接耳机Φ3.5mm32Ω⨯27.体积 242⨯136⨯73mm8.重量 650g(不含干电池)三.使用方法1 .温度计.适用于摄氏零下20︒C至摄氏50︒C范围气温指示。
2.功能开关使用:功能开关(8)推至‘FLASHLIGHT’位置,启动LED电筒照明,功能开关推至‘SIREN’位置, 启动警报功能,警报灯闪烁,此时打开音量钮(7)喇叭发出警报声,并可调警报声大小。

目录第一章、准备和安装 (1)1.开箱 (1)1.1准备工作 (1)1.2附件 (1)2.仪器组成 (1)2.1仪器正面构成 (1)2.2仪器背面构成 (2)3.仪器安装与连接 (2)3.1直压检测仪安装环境 (2)3.2仪器气源/电源连接 (2)3.3工装夹具与仪器的连接 (2)3.4控制接口的说明 (3)第二章、仪器界面操作说明 (6)1.总览 (6)1.1开机界面说明 (6)2.用户登录 (6)2.1如何进行用户登录? (6)2.2如何修改密码? (8)2.3如何注销用户? (9)2.4新建用户 (9)3.测前设置 (9)3.1显示方式 (10)3.2启动方式 (11)3.3语言选择 (12)3.4单位选择 (12)3.5精度选择 (13)3.6当前压力 (14)3.7仪表回零 (14)3.8正压 (14)3.9负压 (14)3.10压力 (14)4.程序参数 (14)4.1测试类型选择 (15)4.2测试方法选择 (16)4.3附加功能 (16)4.4测试时间参数 (17)4.5测试压力参数 (17)4.6外部输出状态 (18)4.7上方按钮说明 (19)4.8下方按钮说明 (20)5.系统设置 (21)5.1如何进入系统设置? (21)5.2输出 (22)5.3条码扫描参数 (22)5.4其他参数设置 (22)5.5通信状态 (22)5.6高级参数 (22)6.测试界面 (25)6.1数字测试界面 (25)6.2曲线测试界面 (26)7.历史记录 (27)8.条码扫描 (29)9.远程控制 (30)9.1 485modbus站号, (30)9.2 232modbus站号 (30)9.3结果上传 (30)9.4通信485串口/通信方式网口 (30)9.5 MES控制无效/MES控制有效 (30)9.6 IP地址 (30)10.工厂模式 (30)第三章、维护和保养 (31)1关于仪器保养 (31)1.1每天进行检测项目 (31)2异常故障及对策 (32)2.1 测试中NG多发时 (33)2.6 历史记录无法导出 (34)2.7仪器测试结果与实际泡水实验结果不对应 (34)第四章、快速编程 (35)1.IP防水等级简介和对应气压 (35)1.1IP防水等级简介 (35)1.2IPXX防水等级对应参考气压 (35)2.如何快速设置需要气压 (36)2.1待测产品有充气孔时 (36)2.2待测品无充气孔时 (36)3.如何快速选择测试方式 (37)4.如何快速设置测试程序 (37)4.1直接测试 (37)4.2间接测试 (37)4.3案例说明 (38)5.如何从历史记录中确定OK与NG判定标准 (40)5.1产品泄漏数值无标准,且不知产品是否OK与NG (40)5.2已知产品OK与NG,但不知道泄漏数值的 (40)第五章防水检测、密封检测知识小宝典 (44)1.各种压力的定义 (44)1.1相对压力和绝对压力 (44)1.2正压、负压、工程大气压、标准大气压 (45)1.3泄漏的机理 (45)2.测试原理 (45)2.1直接检测 (45)2.2间接检测 (46)3.测试流程与判断逻辑 (46)第六章关于SOP的一些建议 (48)1.什么是SOP? (48)2.SOP书写范例 (48)第一章、准备和安装1.开箱1.1准备工作a) 稳定且清洁的压缩气体,气压0.4Mpa-0.8Mpa ; b) 平稳并足够可靠的工作台; c) 稳定且无泄漏的工装治具; d) 电源要求AC 220V(±15%)、50HZ ; e)插好仪器的电源线,进出气气管、仪器与工装通讯的25PIN 排线;连接方式见图1-3;1.2附件2.仪器组成2.1仪器正面构成图1-1开始按钮/OK 指示灯防滑脚垫X42.2仪器背面构成图1-23.仪器安装与连接3.1直压检测仪安装环境a) 仪器工作环境温度,尽量保持在26C °±1°;b) 仪器摆放避开门口、通风口、空调口等;c) 仪器摆放桌面要稳定可靠,仪器周边不得摆放杂物;3.2仪器气源/电源连接a) 如图1-4所示,首先将仪器摆放到平整且稳定的桌面,将电源线一端插进仪器电源接口,另一端插入220V/50HZ 单相电源插座上;b) 将φ8的气管一端接到仪器进气接口,另一端接到工厂气源上; c) 将测试接口的气管接到工件或者模具上; d) 打开电源开关,等待2-3秒,仪器启动完成;3.3工装夹具与仪器的连接进气接口 电源接口电源开关 仪器锁RS232/485接口 25PIN I/O 接口测试口铭牌网络接口(选配) USB 接口图1-3图1-4工装与仪器连接步骤:a) 如图1-4,经过过滤后的工厂气源,分为两路,一路供给工装,一路供给仪器; b) 工装和仪器都是采用φ8的气管连接;c) 将仪器上φ4的出气管,连接到模具进气口; d) 用工装上25P 的排线连接到仪器上; e) 工装与仪器连接完成;3.4控制接口的说明接φ8的进气管 φ4测试管,连接模具 25PIN I/O 连接线 φ4测试气管 φ8进气管 电源线a)以太网接口:用于连接电脑(选配);b)USB接口:用于导出历史数据或者安装扫码枪;c)RS485接口:标准通信接口,可连接电脑,需要通讯协议,请联系销售工程师;d)25PIN I/O接口:海瑞思专用控制数据接口;外部输出:默认是24V直流输出,输出电流最大0.5A。
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N E P988说明书(总32页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除NEP988数字式备用电源自动投切装置说明书国电南京自动化股份有限公司NEP 988数字式备用电源自动投切装置说明书编写:黄作兵审核:陈雪峰批准:郭效军国电南京自动化股份有限公司二OO三年五月目次1 装置概述........................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2 主要技术指标................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3功能介绍........................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
NEP988A母联备自投功能说明 ........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
NEP988B进线互投功能说明 ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
NEP988C内桥开关备自投功能说明 ................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
NEP988D厂用电源备自投 ................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
NEP988E水电厂备自投..................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
4 操作说明........................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
键盘排列及显示 ................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
键的功能 ............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
液晶显示及键盘操作说明 ................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
5 订货须知........................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
6 附图................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1 装置概述NEP 988数字式备用电源自动投切装置是在消化吸收国内外先进经验的基础上专门为发电厂、变电站开发(可与各类综合自动化配套)的产品。
●高抗干扰性能,能满足:GB/T 快速瞬变干扰试验Ⅳ级GB/T 脉冲群干扰试验Ⅲ级GB/T 静电放电干扰试验Ⅲ级功能:母联备自投、进线互投、内桥开关备自投、厂用电源自投、水电厂备自投、两相三段式电流保护、过流加速段保护及各种开关量变位信息等功能。
NEP 988型备用电源自动投切装置分为5种配置2 主要技术指标直流额定电压:DC220V(110V)允许偏差 -20%~+15%交流额定电压、电流:100V(57V)、5A(1A)各参数整定范围:(详见装置整定值清单)电流元件:0.01A~100A 级差:0.01A电压元件:~150V 级差:时间:0~60s 级差:功耗:交流< VA/相直流<6W(正常工作)绝缘性能:能承受GB/T 7261-2000规定的各回路对地耐压2000V,历时1分钟及5kV冲击电压试验抗电磁干扰性能:能承受GB/T 辐射电磁场干扰试验Ⅲ级能承受GB/T 快速瞬变干扰试验Ⅳ级能承受GB/T 脉冲群干扰试验Ⅲ级能承受GB/T 静电放电干扰试验Ⅲ级机械性能:能承受GB/T 11287-2000规定的严酷等级为一级的振动响应试验能承受GB/T 11287-2000规定的严酷等级为一级的振动耐久试验能承受GB/T 14537-1993规定的严酷等级为一级的冲击响应试验能承受GB/T 14537-1993规定的严酷等级为一级的冲击耐久试验能承受GB/T 14537-1993规定的严酷等级为一级的碰撞试验环境条件保存温度:-40℃~ +70℃工作温度:-25℃~+60℃(注:特殊要求时可达-40℃~+70℃,液晶例外)相对湿度:5%~95%大气压力:86KPa~106KPa外形尺寸:参见附图3功能介绍(所有保护均可由标志字投退)NEP988A 母联备自投功能说明(图3-1)3.1.1 自投方式一1)正常运行时,两段母线分列运行,两台变压器各带一段母线。
6)两相三段式电流保护:Ia > Izd 或 Ic > Izd 经整定的延时跳闸7)过流加速段保护:母联开关合上后在整定的后加速有效时间内监视流过母联开关的电流,若Ia > Izd 或Ic > Izd 经整定的延时跳闸。
8)PT断线告警:装置判断出PT断线经延时10秒发PT断线信号图3-13.1.2 自投方式二1)正常运行时,#1(#2)进线带两段母线,#2(#1)进线因故障停电。
NEP 988B进线互投功能说明(图3-2)图3-23.2.1 正常运行时,#1(#2)进线带工作母线,#2(#1)进线作备用。
3.2.2 进线开关手动跳闸,或装置未充电,或有外部闭锁时,备用进线开关应不自动投入。
3.2.3 充电条件:工作母线三相有压,#2(#1)线路有压。
3.2.4 #2进线作备用(2ZKK备用1ZKK)工作母线无压、Ux2有压,则经延时跳1ZKK,确认1ZKK跳开后(1ZKK在跳位且1LH无流),合2ZKK。
3.2.5 #1进线作备用(1ZKK备用2ZKK)工作母线无压、Ux1有压,则经延时跳2ZKK,确认2ZKK跳开后(2ZKK在跳位且2LH无流),合1ZKK。
3.2.6 两相三段式电流保护:Ia > Izd 或 Ic > Izd 经整定的延时跳闸3.2.7 过流加速段保护:备用开关合上后在整定的后加速有效时间内监视流过备用开关的电流,若Ia > Izd 或Ic >Izd 经整定的延时跳闸。