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1.Mr. Perkin stood at the bus-stop and watched the cars go by. Many of the cars were new Beta 400s, and most of them were yellow. Mr. Perkin always wore the same clothes as other men, ate the same food as other people, and did the same things after work, and at the end of the week. Mr. Perkin did not like to be different.

The following week, Mr. Perkin bought a new, bright yellow Beta 400s. He was satisfied with his new car, and drove to work in it the very next day. He was even more satisfied with his new car, when he saw all the other Beta 400s, in front,behind, and on both sides of him.

Mr. Perkin parked his car in a big car-park near his office, and then walked the rest of the day. But when he came back at five o'clock, there were so many bright yellow Beta 400s in the car-park that he did not know which car was his.He tried his key in some of the cars, but people passing by gave him a look he didn't like. So he stopped.

Poor Mr. Perkin had to wait nearly two hours until his was the only yellow Beta 400s in the car-park.

1.Mr. Perkin wanted a new yellow Beta 400s because_______.

A.he didn’t like taking bus

B.he liked new things

C.he liked to be different from others

D.he did not like to be different from others

2.He drove to work in his new car ______.

A.the day after he bought it

B.the day he bought it

C.at the end of the week

D.a week later

3.He was satisfied with his new car because ______.

A.it was the only one in the town

B.it was the same as other cars around him

C.other cars were old

D.it was the brightest one

4.Mr. Perkin ______ when he came back to the car-park at five o’clock.A.didn’t know which car was his

B.walked home

C.lost his car

D.drove his car home

5.People gave him a look because ______.

A.his car was very pretty

B.he couldn’t find his car

C.he tried his key in more than one car

D.he looked tired


得分:[0, 0, 10, 0, 10]

提示:[1]D.细节题。本题问“Perkin先生也想买一辆黄色的Beta 400s轿车,这是因为_____。”第一段的最后两句可以看出原因。这两句告诉我们Perkin先生不想与众不同,所以看见了很多车都是Beta 400s后,他也要买一辆。



[3]B.细节题。本题问“他对新车非常满意,因为_____。”答案在第二段的最后一句,该句告诉我们他之所以这么满意是因为他看到周围的车好多都是Beta 400s。据此可知答案是B(自己的这辆车和周围的车是一样的)。

[4]A.细节题。本题问“当Perkin先生在五点钟返回停车场后,他______。”答案在第三段的第二句,该句告诉我们因为停车场里有太多相同的Beta 400s以至于Perkin先生认不出自己的车了。据此可知答案是A。



1.--I've got a piece of good news. Our basketball team won the game.

--Is that so? __________!

A.Well done

B.With pleasure

C.That's all right

D.What a pity




