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habit [] n. 习惯

【例句】Habit rules the unreflecting herd. 习惯驱使着没有思想的羊群。

habitual [] adj. 习惯的;惯常的

【例句】When she comes to the office,she gives her habitual greeting to everyone there.


hair [] n. 毛;毛衣

【例句】She was slender and had long dark hair. 她身材苗条,有一头长长的黑发【词组】get in (sb.’s)hair惹恼别人;使人厌烦

haircut [] n. 理发,发型

【例句】The boy who is having a haircut in the room is my cousi n. 正在房间里理发的男孩是我的表兄。

half [] n. 一半,半

【例句】There are no half measures in scientific research. 科研工作是不能搞折衷的。

hall [] n. 会堂,礼堂;食堂,大厅;过道,门厅

【例句】The children were in the school hall. 孩子们在学校的礼堂里。


ham [] n. 火腿

hamburger [] n. 汉堡包

【例句】Hamburger is also called hamburger steak. 汉堡也称作为汉堡牛排。

hammer [] n. 锤,榔头铁锤

v. 锤击,敲打

【例句】Hammer the nails in and then hang these pictures on them. 用锤把钉子敲进去,然后把照片挂上去。

【词组】hammer out锤平,砸平,经过深入讨论得出结论


hand [] n. 手;指针

v. 交出;传递

【例句】When the minute hand points to twelve and the hour hand points to three, It’s three o’clock.


【词组】hand on转交给另外的人

hand out随意分发;散布,管理;分配

at hand邻近;在近旁,迫在眉睫;即将发生

hand in交上,递交

on (one’s)hands/upon (one’s)hands由某人负责

in sb’s hand在…掌握中


handbook [] n. 手册,指南

【例句】We bought a tourist handbook before going travelling. 出去旅游前,我们先买了一本旅游指南。


handkerchief [] n. 手帕

【例句】I folded the handkerchief and put it in my pocket. 我折好手绢,放进口袋里。

handle [] vt. 处理;对付

【例句】She admitted to herself she didn't know how to handle the problem.


【词组】handle with 处理

handout [] n. 讲义,传单

【例句】This is only a sort of handout. You may take it with a grain of salt. 这只是一份分发的资料,你大可以不必相信。

handsome [] adj. 英俊的

handwriting [] n. 笔迹,书法

【例句】Your handwriting is very good. 你的书法很好。

handy [] adj. 方便的;有用的

【例句】This is a handy little safety box. 这是一只使用方便的小保险箱。

【派生】handiness n.轻便;灵巧;敏捷

hang [] v. 悬挂;吊死

【例句】The judge declared that the criminal would be hanged the very day. 法官宣判罪犯即日绞死。

【词组】hang around/about闲荡,陪伴

hang back变为不情愿;退缩

hang off退缩;变为不情愿

hang on纠缠,坚持;坚持不懈

hang on to紧紧地握着;抓得很牢

hang up挂断电话;推迟或搁置;妨碍

hang fire拖延;枪支的迟缓发射

hang in there坚持;坚持不懈

hang loose沉着或放松

happen [] vi. (偶然)发生;碰巧

【例句】What would happen if you said no? 如果你拒绝的话,那么将会发生什么呢?happy [] adj. 幸福的,幸运的,快乐的,乐意的

harbor [] n. 海港,港口

【例句】It is the harbor of Athens. 它是雅典的港口城。

【词组】pearl harbor珍珠港(美国夏威夷港口)

safe harbor安全港;避风港

attack on pearl harbor偷袭珍珠港

hard [] adj. 坚硬的;困难的,艰苦的

adv. 努力地;猛烈地

【词组】hard work努力工作;繁重的工作

work hard努力学习;辛勤工作

study hard努力学习

try hard努力
