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Text 1 Words that Work Miracles


the following sentences into Chinese (P5)

1)Yet we must bask in the warmth of approval now and then or lose our self-confidence.


2)When we are proud of our self-image,we feel confident and free to be ourselves.


3)A new minister called to a church jokingly referred to as "the refrigerator",decided against criticizing his congregation for its coolness toward ,he beban welcoming visitors from the pulpit and telling his flock how friendly they were.


4)Coming home after a hard day's work ,the man who sees the faces of his children pressed against the window,watching for him,can water his soul with their silent but golden opinion.


in the blanks with the phrases given the form where necessary. (P6)

with to for granted up to and then down to against in a while

the following sentences into english ,using the words given in brackets.(p6)

1.你应该多吃点,不然你会把自己弄出病来。 You should eat more ,or you will get out of the disease to .

2.虽然哈里尽量让人觉得语气平和,但她显然生气了。 Although Harry try his best to sound calm ,obvious angry.

3.她立刻指出那不是她的错。 she was quick to pointed out that it is not her fault

4.弟弟住在离家很远的地方,我们渴望得到他的消息。 brother lies far away from home,we are hungry for the news of him.

5.如果你们有什么不懂的地方,请随意打断我。 if you have what not understand place ,please fell free to interrupt me.

TEXT4 To Face Life with Courage



the following sentences into Chinese(P35)

1. But few people, either then or later, know how often this busy and attractive man was in pain. It wasn't in his character to give up.



2. But his parents brought their children up to lead useful lives no matter what riches were coming to them.


, although John had the best doctors that money could provide, he never had the gift

of perfect health or of freedom from pain.



4. Massachusetts had had its share of dishonest politicians.


then on John Kennedy, with his serious manner and easy charm, became the golden

boy of American politics.


made him, in that short time as president, such a bright spot on the American political scene?


in the blanks with a proper adjective from the list given below.(P35)

in the blanks with the phrases given the form where necessary.(P36)

up expected to their favor up our name been leading the way better of together

the following sentences into english ,using the words given in brackets.(P36)

1.他站起身来去讲话。 he rise to his feet to deliver to speak.

2.最近她在电视荧屏上露过几次面。 She has made appearances recently on TV

3.我们指望你给予帮助。 We look to you for help.

4.我母亲虽然年近八十,她十分健康My mother in perfect health ,though she nearly eighty .

5.约翰肯尼迪出身于政治上有权势的家庭。 John Kennedy was born into a powerful politically family.

6.在英国,男人通常六十五岁退休,女人六十岁。 In the uk ,a sixty-five-year-old retired men and women 60 years old .

7.她滑了一跤,但很快站了起来。 She slipped,but she pick herself up quickly.

8.实际上,医院以为她已经死亡。 In fact ,the hospital give her up for dead.

Text 7 About Heroes
