1.图<4>表示什么? 答案:CA.合并道路B.靠右行车C.停车标志D.学校平交道2.图<14>表示什么? 答案:AA.前面有山坡B.靠右行车C.学校平交道D.单行路出口3.图<12>表示什么? 答案:DA.合并道路B.靠右平行C.火车平交道D.错入单程路出口4.图<8>表示什么? 答案:BA.停车标志B .靠右行车C.前路收窄D.学校平交道5.图<7>表示什么? 答案:DA.让路标志B. 靠右行车C.火车平交道D.学校平交道6.图<3>表示什么? 答案:AA.合并道路B.停车标志C.前面有山坡D.前面路窄7.图<5>表示什么? 答案:BA.合并道路B.火车平交道C.单行路出口D.靠右行车8.图<1>表示什么? 答案:DA.靠右平行B.前面有山坡C.单行道出口D.前面弯路及窄路9.图<9>表示什么? 答案:CA.合并道路B.停车标志C.让路标志D.学校平交道10.汽车和单车(自行车)有什么不同? 答案:CA.汽车要加汽油B.自行车只有两个车轮C.汽车必须有保险D.汽车行左,自行车行右11.若驾驶时突然爆驮,应该如何? 答案:BA.立即停车看B.立即稳定驮盘C.按喇叭D.打上指挥灯12.让路标志表示什么意思? 答案:CA.依照正常速度前进,但要察看两旁道路情况B.完全停止车子C.减低速度,必要时准备停止车子D.只对负有紧急任务的车辆让路13.停止标志表示什么? 答案:DA.只在交叉路口(Intersection)有车辆时方停止B.车子完全停止(Full stop)至少要等候一分钟C.对方有车来时方停止D.完全停止,如果没有危险时再行前进14.当高速公路入口线很短时进入交通行列最安全的方法是: 答案:CA.逐渐加速,以使其他来车看见你B.利用公路左线,以达车行速度C.等候较长的交通间隔,再立刻加速进入D.尽量利用入口加速道以达公路速度15.那种车祸,你必须向公路局报告? 答案:BA.有人受伤B.有人受伤或者死亡C.有人死亡D.有财物损失,不论它的价值是多少16.在纽约如有一辆校车停在路边上下学童车的红灯闪烁发亮,这是表示什么? 答案:AA.你不行从任何方向超车B.如果路上没有学童,可以超车C.如果你和校车同在一条车路上面,可以超车D.如果中间隔有一条安全小岛可以超车17.当驾驶时,听见救护车警报声音,应? 答案:DA.减低车速,但在你看见救护车之前不用停车B.一直开车,直到你看救护车为止C.加速并在下一交叉路口转弯D.将车开到路边,直到确定救护车,不在你的所行街道上为止18."慢行车辆"标志如何? 答案:CA.四方红色B.圆形绿色C.三角形橙色D.菱形黄色19.公路中央有条白色断线,表示什么? 答案:CA.只有你的车子转入交叉路口时方可超过此线B.只有你超过他人车子时方可超过此线C.如果不妨害交通,你可超过此线D.只有你的车子转入车场出入道口(Drive way)或小巷时方可超过此线20.长方形的标志是表示? 答案:CA.停车标志B.火车平交通标志C.速度限制或不准泊车标志D.学校平交通标志21.有一辆校车停在路旁,司机挥手让你前进,你该如何? 答案:DA.暂停,等校车开走后再行前进B.如果校车尾灯停止闪烁,再行前进C.警察指挥你走时,再行前进D.小心驾驶前进22.如果你要在一条狭窄街道调头,第一步应该如何? 答案:CA.先打右转讯号,车子再开到马路右边B.用方向灯打一左转讯号C.车子紧靠马路右边,用手打一停止讯号再行停止D.看下镜子,然后左转开向对面路边23.你将车子靠右停在一条没有边石,向下倾斜的道路上,在离开以前,应该如何? 答案:AA.将前轮转向右边,再用煞车刹住B.将前轮转向左边,再用煞车刹住C.前轮和路肩平行,用低排挡D.右轮压在路肩上,再行煞车刹住24."目的地"标志是什么颜色? 答案:CA.黄黑色B.红白色C.绿白色D.黑白色25.高速公路和普通公路主要不同之处何在? 答案:BA.摩托车只能在高速公路最右端行驶B.高速公路上汽车驶行的速度较高C.货车不能在高速公路上行驶D.高速公路上的车辆较多26.下述四种标志或人员,你最应该服从的是谁? 答案:CA.闪烁的红灯B.停止标志C.交通警察D.固定的红灯27.当你开车到交叉路口"横断步道"(CROsswalk)前面,那里竖有"停止"标志,你该如何? 答案:AA.停在横断步道前面B.只在横断步道上面有行人时方才停止C. 停在横断步道上面D.停在横断步道后面28.即使是暂时停止,也在禁止之列的? 答案:AA.在公路桥梁上面B.在车辆进出路口C.火车平交道五十尺以内D.消防栓前面29.什么时候你才有"路权"? 答案:CA.你从一条私人车路倒车出来B.你从停车场开车出来C.你已经在交通网道中D.你正要开进交叉路口30.当你的汽车右轮开上路边软地时,如何开回公路来? 答案:BA.停止加油,并且将方向盘轻轻的向左转B.将方向盘尽量向左转,然后轻向右转C.踩穩刹车,将车停住D.踩穩刹车,并将方向盘稍稍向左转31.你平行倒车进入两车之间,以后应该如何? 答案:BA.尽可能将车向前移动B.前轮摆直,前后两车之间留些空地C.倒车差不多碰到后面的车子D.将前轮转向道路32.你在超车前,必须算准时间和速度,如果你要回到原来的车路,你必须离开这辆车子多远? 答案:DA.150B.100C.50D.20033.车前灯大概可以照亮道路多少呎? 答案:CA.450B.750C.350D.25034.在公路上,指示驾驶人员进入适当路线转弯,是那种设备? 答案:DA.闪烁经灯B.路旁白色边线C.闪烁黄灯D.路上油漆白色箭头35.为什么要公告"最低速度限制"? 答案:BA.显示道路状况B.车辆行能顺利进行C.测验交通标志D.增进行人安全36.当你刹车时,车子向一边倾斜,原因是什么? 答案:DA.轮轴弯曲B.驾驶驮机件陈旧C.轮胎花纹磨光D.刹车需要修理37.从高速公路转入普通公路,你该如何? 答案:BA.减低速度,以达到限定的速度B.看下速度表,调整到较慢的速度C.在加油站停车,检查你的汽油,机油和轮胎D.你的车和他车之间保持普通两倍的距离38.你在消防栓旁边停车,规定最少距离是多少? 答案:AA.15呎B.9呎C.12呎D.6呎39.在交叉路口有一红灯一绿色箭头的交通灯号,此表示什么? 答案:CA.等见绿灯,再向任何方向前进B.完全停止,然后向箭头所指方向前进C.向箭头所指方向小心前进D.等见绿灯,再向箭头所指方向前进40.高速公路的"加速小道"有什么作用? 答案:BA.供货车开入高速公路前试验刹车之用B.供驾驶人员进入高速公路前加快速度之用C.供驾驶人员超过慢速车辆之用D.供过路客人搭乘便车之用41.何处禁止停车? 答案:CA.房屋入口场所B.单行街道C.横断步道D.学校附近100呎42.交叉路口有一红灯闪烁,你该如何? 答案:CA.只在交叉路口有车辆时方才停车B.只在交叉路口有车辆进来时方才停止C.完全停止,等交叉路口车辆走完时再行前进D.减速,小心前进通过交叉路口43.盲人在何种情况之下有"路权"? 答案:CA.穿着浅色衣服B.由旁人扶着C.使用白色拐杖,或牵着引路的狗D.戴着全黑眼镜44.你的车在高速公路上忽然停止不动,你最好怎么办? 答案:AA.设法将车子推出道路B.让车子停在路中,叫一辆拖车来C.离开你的车子,走到安全场所D.等警察来帮你推车45.你有"行路优先权"此意为何? 答案:BA.你可一直前进,但不得转弯B.如果没有危险,你有权先走C.你可一直前进,或随意转弯D.你没有小心留意的义务46.下面那一条是"防卫驾驶"的原则? 答案:BA.两眼直视前面的道路B.四周察看,周围有无事故发生C.保持自信,在任何情况之下,你都能够避免危险发生D.希望其他驾驶人员原谅你造成的错误47.行人何时享有"路权"? 答案:AA.附近没有交通标志而通过横断步道时B.附近没有交通标志而通过道路任何部分时C.当红灯亮而通过横断步道时D.交通标志可以通行,但能过道路任何部份时48.有他车超越你的车子,这时你该如何? 答案:DA.保持正常的速度B.加速前进C.和他车相同速度前进D.速度稍慢49.你的车子民经开始在冰冻的道路上滑动时,你该如何? 答案:AA.朝车尾滑动的方向转动方向盘驾驶,不要刹车B.轻轻用脚在刹车板上踏几下C.用劲握牢方向盘,立刻刹车D.轻轻驶离冰冻路面,不要刹车50.在一条街道或公路上面,前后有车来往,如果你向左转弯,则该如何? 答案:BA.在道路中线上前进B.车子左轮紧靠道路中线C.尽量靠向道路右边D.车子右轮紧靠道路中线51.道路右边有条白线向左前方斜伸,表示什么? 答案:DA.你快驶近交叉路口B.道路逐渐宽广C.前面正在筑路D.道路逐渐狭窄52.你想将车倒出车道,如果附近有小孩玩耍,应该如何? 答案:BA.按喇叭以警告小孩B.走到车后察看,车道上面碓无小孩C.告诉小孩走开D.加速开动机器,警告小孩53.你如何准备右转弯? 答案:DA.尽量从道路左边开如转弯B.通过交叉路口以后开始转弯C.从道路中线开始转弯D.尽量从道路右边开始转弯54.你在什么时候绝对不行超车? 答案:BA.在他车右转弯时B.在他车停在横断步道前面让行人先走时C.在他车开进私人车道时D.在他车左转弯时55.你将车停在右边道路.这条道路有边石在(curb),而且向上倾斜,你在离开车子以前应该如何? 答案:DA.前轮和边石并行,再加刹车B.前轮和边石并行C.前轮向右再加刹车D.前轮向左再加停车刹车56.你在经过失事现场时,应该如何? 答案:CA.加快行驶,到附近电话亭打电话报告车祸B.慢行,因而可以看清楚全部失事情形C.如果已有他人在场协助,照常行驶D.在现场停车前往协助57.黄色闪烁灯表示什么? 答案:AA.小心前进B.完全停止C.行人通过D.合并车道58.你在私人车道开进大道时,应该如何? 答案:AA.让大道上所有车子先走B.车子部分停在大路上面,引起其他车辆的注意C.加快速度在大路上面,配合其他车辆的速度D.不问大路上有无车辆,完全停止59.你在浓雾中行驶,应该如何? 答案:CA.打开车前高射灯光B.只用停车灯灯光C.打开车前低灯灯光D.紧靠中央路线行走60.你以每小时40里的速度行驶,和前车应该保持多少车身的距离? 答案:CA.至少五个车身的距离B.至少三个车身的距离C.至少四个车身的距离D.至少六个车身的距离61.车子停在路边,规定离开边石最多不得超过多少英尺? 答案:BA.18呎B.12呎C.15呎D.6呎62.你在何时能超过双重黄色直线? 答案:AA.出入私人车道或小巷时B.超过一辆慢速度的农场用车C.超过一辆慢速度的货车D.如果情况许可,可以超过任何车辆63.你在转弯前,应该如何? 答案:BA.在转弯前两个车身距离时使用讯号灯B.周围看看,如果没有危险再行转弯C.按喇叭,第交叉路口没车辆时再行转弯D.保持正常速度前进64.慢车车辆<如农场拖车>的司机规定如何驾驶? 答案:DA.如果无危险,挥手示意其他车辆先行B.悬掛一块橘红色的牌子,上写"慢行车辆"C.尽可能在路肩上行驶D.遵守一切交通规则65."停止标志是什么颜色? 答案:BA.黑色黄字B.红底白字C.黄底黑字D.绿底白字66.负有紧急的车辆因公务在路上行驶时,那几种车辆必须让路? 答案:DA.只限客车一种B.所有车辆,但校车除外C.只限客车和货车两种D.所有车辆67.如果道路上面并未设置"行人道",则行人应该如何行走? 答案:CA.在车辆较少的一边行走B.在和车辆同方向的一边行走C.在和车辆相反方向的一边行走D.在道路的右边行走68.你在何时该让对面来的车辆先走? 答案:AA.左转弯时B.右转弯时C.已经在交叉路口内D.已经在车辆行列中间69."不准停车"<no stopping=""> 的标志,意义为何? 答案:BA.你只能上客或下客B.除非是警察人员的命令,你不得停止C.你只能上货或下货D.不问任何理由,你都不得停止</no >70.如果道路中间有条黄色直线和一条黄色断线.这条黄色断线划在你的一边,这时你该如何? 答案:AA.如果情况许可,可以超线B.不问情况如何,不得超过此线C.如果是在高速公路上可以超过此线D.只在你行驶近交叉路口时方能超过此线71.有一条重要驾驶规则,可以适用到所有的紧急情况,这条规则是? 答案:BA.慢慢放低速度B.不要紧张C.第一个反应是最好的反应D.立刻刹车72.如果不用安全皮带,受伤的危险程度如何? 答案:DA.佔9成以上B.佔三成以上C.和中第程度下受伤的程度一样D.佔五成以上73.如何使晚间驾车和白天一样安全? 答案:AA.在车头灯照程内驾车B.在交叉路口注意其他车辆C.一直用你的高灯D.随时准备立即刹车74.一般说来,如果交叉路没有交通控制设备,那一辆车有权先行? 答案:CA.正在右转弯的车子B.相反方向来的车子C.在你右边的车子D.在你左边的车子75.如果你牵涉在一件车祸内,你必须在几天之内向公路局提出书面报告? 答案:DA.48小时以内B.24小时以内C.五天以内D.十天以内76.在大雪期间"雪季危险街道"标志的意义何在? 答案:BA.只有负有紧急任务的车辆才能在此街道行驶B.一切车辆需要装置链条或防雪轮胎才能行驶的街道C.只有警车可行驶的街道D.在雪铲清以前一切车辆不准在此街道行驶77.在纽约除较高较低的速度别有告示外,最高速度限制为多少? 答案:CA.每小时60里B.每小时45里C.每小时55里D.每小时65里78.当你驶近交叉路口,交通灯由绿色转成黄色,你该如何? 答案:AA.红灯快亮了,准备停车B.在红灯旁前,加快速度通过交叉路口C.立刻停止D.停在交叉路口中间等候绿灯79.在你转弯前,离开多少呎就应该打讯号灯? 答案:BA.最少二百呎B.最少一百呎C.最少三百呎D.最少五百呎80.公路中央有条白色单线,意义如何? 答案:BA.只有在你超车时才能超过此线B.如果交通情况许可,你可超越此线C.只有你转进私人车路,方可超线D.在任何时间你都不得超线81.当你在交叉路口内,这时绿灯亮着,对面来的车辆很多,如果你想左转弯,则要如何? 答案:DA.一直行驶,到另一个街口转弯B.行驶路权C.停在横断步道上面,等到车辆走完时再转弯D.在交叉路口中央等待,到车辆走完时再转弯82.轮胎的花纹深度最少是多少? 答案:CA.最少3/32寸B.最少3/10寸C.最少2/32寸D.最少1/32寸83.在晚上,你如何减少对面车辆车灯射来的光度? 答案:BA.看方向盘的下缘B.两眼转看你的车路近处右边沿缘C.戴线色的眼镜D.打开你车前灯的高灯,来反射对方的灯光84.合并车道意义为何? 答案:CA.在交叉路口,有另一车路横切你的车路B.一条车道的路和两条车道的路合并C.两条车道的路合并成一条车道的路D.在交叉路口所有的车辆必须向右转弯85.一个钻石图形的标记表示什么意思? 答案:DA.你正行驶近铁路平交道B.在横断步道前完全停止C.让出路权D.道路常有危险86.行驶中,刹车板突然下沉,如何应变? 答案:AA.断续踩压刹车,让它恢复弹性B.停止驾驶C.转至空档,熄灭引擎D.用脚尖把刹车板挑起87.摩托车在夜间行驶应? 答案:BA.前后装红色灯B.前后装反光片C.开车头灯D.不必要开灯88.路滑时应如何停车? 答案:DA.不用刹车转用空波B.不用刹车转用低波C.持续紧踏车D.断续轻踏刹车,以便顺利停车89.在滑溜路面,应如何驾驶? 答案:AA.用低波行车,轻踏油门B.用前进波,轻轻加油C.紧握方向盘D.用前进波,加油比平时要多90.当你行驶抵一交通被阻的交叉路口应当? 答案:BA.慢慢行驶直到前面交通逐渐向前移动B.停在交叉路口外,直到你可以通过C.尽量靠近其他车辆D.按喇叭,使前面的车,向前开动91.如果驾驶执照更改地址,应十日之内通知? 答案:BA.警察局B.交通局C.保险公司D.选举部92.在汽车检查法律下每辆车必需? 答案:CA.每二年检查一次B.每月检查一次C.每一年检查一次D.每季检查一次93.何时须要戴安全带? 答案:BA.当开长途车时B.在任何情况下,驾车者和乘客C.当在高速公路上开车时D.当有危险时94.你错过高速公路出口,应当? 答案:AA.开至下一个出口离开此公路B.在下一个服务站,做U型转弯C.在最近的紧急转弯区,做U型转弯D.将车开至路边,再倒退至公路出口95.当你想超车时,应当? 答案:AA.先打灯号,当安全时再通过B.尽量靠近前车,以减少超车时间C.等待其他驾驶者的信号D.尽快换一车道,以使其他驾驶者看见你96.驾车安全速度是? 答案:AA.视当时的天气以及路面的情况而定B.视驾驶者的技术而定C.标示的限制车速D.低於标示的限制车速97.当超车后,何时可以转回右线? 答案:DA.当打开转弯灯后B.看到其他来车的头灯C.打开车头灯后D.当从倒后镜中,看见后面汽车的保险杠时98.当你等在交叉路口中想左转时,应当? 答案:BA.若有车子挡住,则绕其车后而过B.打灯号,并将车轮打直C.闪你的车头灯,以便来车让你先过D.打灯号,煤将车轮转左99.当你已经由双向道左转至单向道,你的车应该? 答案:CA.根据交通情况而决定在右线车道或左线车道B.在街道的右线车道C.在街道的左线车道D.在两线车道之间的街道中心100.在长途驾车时,以何种方法防止困倦? 答案:DA.开车时,眼睛不时移动向路边张望B.将车速减低,可反应较好C.将车的收音机打开D.定时停车休息新增酒精试题101.下面那一项有关血液含量的解说是对的? 答案:DA.含酒量0.05%或以上表示你的驾驶能力受到伤害B.血液含酒量即是你的血液中所含酒精的比率C.血液含酒量为0.10%,即是所谓"醉"D.所有的三条解说都是正确102.如饮一杯12 OZ.的啤酒.血液含酒量是0.02%,需要多长时间才能由你的体内排除? 答案:BA.五小时B.一小时C.五分钟D.一天103.酒精对你的驾驶能力有多大的影响? 答案:DA.减低控制力,但不妨害判断力B.饮酒太多,妨害视力C.反应太快,因而妨害判断力D.反应迟钝,妨害视力及判断力104.酒醉驾车,该受何种处罚? 答案:DA.驾驶执照停止使用六十天B.驾驶执照停止使用三十天C.驾驶执照停止使用,重新参加考试并得合格D.驾驶执照吊销105.身体内负责氧化<排除>酒精的器官是? 答案:DA.脑部B.以脏C.肾脏D.肝脏106.减低血液含酒量或使酒醉的人清醒,最有效的方法? 答案:CA.冲冷水浴B.喝热茶或咖啡C.睡觉及长时间休息D.出外运动呼吸新鲜的空气107."呼吸分析器"是用来? 答案:AA.测量人体内血液中的含酒量的工具B.使醉昏的人復醒的"人工呼吸器"C.一种吸食大麻的违法器具D.上述各点皆不是108.因醉酒引起的交通意外死亡率占? 答案:AA.50%B.20%C.90%D.30%109.如何可以减慢人体吸收酒精的速率? 答案:BA.先饮酒,后进食B.先进食,后饮酒C.运用"两秒钟规则"D.上述各点都不是110.驾驶能力受"损伤"和"醉"的法律规订,是根据人体的? 答案:BA.对酒精的忍受力B.血液中酒精含量的比率C.血液中对酒精的容忍量D.上述各点都不是111.赴宴喝酒后,如何保证行车安全? 答案:DA.开车前半小时不喝酒B.开车前先喝咖啡C.开车前先冲个冷水浴D.坐没饮酒的朋友车回家112.一位司机因病服药应? 答案:AA.在驾车前读药物的说明B.只在白天驾驶C.改为喝酒D.断续驾驶113.下面那一样在喝酒后不会发生? 答案:CA.你对速度和距离的判断力不正确B.你的反应迟钝下来C.你会镇静而集中注意力D.你比较不机警敏捷114.如果你拒绝接受化学测验<呼吸或血液>? 答案:CA.你不会因酒醉驾驶而逮捕B.则无法找到你醉酒驾驶有罪的证据C.你的驾照将被取消D.三种说法都不正确115.酒精对你的驾驶技术及判断力有何影响? 答案:BA.对两者皆无影响B.对两者有坏的影响C.对判断力没有影响,但影响驾驶技术D.对驾驶技术帮助,但影响判断力116.酒精的效力受下列何种因素的影响? 答案:DA.每个人的体重B.喝每杯酒之间,休息时间的多少C.胃中存留食物的多少D.以上三种皆有117.血液含酒精量多数取决於你的饮酒量及? 答案:CA.喝酒后你的运动量B.你的年纪C.你的体重D.饮酒前进食的多少118.酒精以及药物同时在你血液中会产生何种后果? 答案:DA.减轻酒精的反应B.对驾驶能力不生影响C.减轻药物的反应D.增强二者的反应119.一杯12 OZ的啤酒,1 OZ的80纯度的烈酒,4 OZ 24纯度的香槟酒,那一种含酒精量高? 答案:BA.烈酒含酒精量最多B.三者一样多C.香槟酒含酒精量最少D.啤酒含酒精量最少120.烈酒对什么有影响? 答案:AA.所有以下三种情况B.反应的时间C.对距离的判断D.对车头灯照射后的视力恢复121.醉酒或吃药后驾驶会有何种后果? 答案:CA.罚款B.坐监C.三者皆会D.吊销驾照122.所谓化学测试是用来测量? 答案:AA.血液中的含酒量C.驾驶能力C.视力D.反应时间123.饮醉酒驾车的人是? 答案:AA.每一个驾驶者的麻烦B.在纽约州无此问题C.只属警察强制性的问题D.只属於那些喝了酒的人的麻烦124.那一项对血液含酒量的解说是不正确的? 答案:CA.判定一个人醉酒并不一定需要做BAC的化学测验B.一个人的血液含酒量并不会因体能运动而减低C.喝酒后,呼吸新鲜空气,喝咖啡或进食会减低血液中的含酒量D."呼吸分析器"是用来测验一个人的血液含酒量125.饮酒后喝咖啡? 答案:BA.增加血液含酒量B.对血液含酒量无影响C.减少血液含酒量D.解除酒精的影响力126.在纽约州,血液含酒量多少视为"醉"? 答案:BA.0.05%B.0.08%C.0.30%D.0.20%127.饮酒开车是? 答案:CA.如果只饮少许的酒仍安全B.交通安全的小问题C.交通安全的最大问题D.只是对饮酒驾车者有危险128.除酒精外,还有什么药物会影响你的驾驶能力? 答案:DA.过敏药B.大麻<烟叶>C.伤风药<凉药>D.以上三个皆会129.喝酒的同时,又吃医生开方的药会有什么反应? 答案:BA.酒精会帮助药力治疗伤风B.二者化合会加强酒精的反应C.没有反应,因二者不同性质D.药物会减低酒精的反应。
Passing Score: 83% (42 out of 50)衡量考生是否通过驾照考试的主要依据是他们在试题中的得分情况。
1. When you see this sign, you should:(A) Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.(B) Make a complete stop and be prepared to yield the right-of-way.(C) Merge left and prepare to exit the freeway.(D) Speed up and pass the vehicle ahead.2. This sign indicates:(A) A narrow bridge ahead.(B) A bumpy road ahead.(C) A school zone ahead.(D) A construction zone ahead.3. What should you do when you hear the siren or see the flashing lights of an emergency vehicle approaching from behind while using a roundabout?(A) Pull over to the left and come to a complete stop.(B) Continue driving in the same direction and do not stop.(C) Speed up to clear the roundabout as quickly as possible.(D) Exit the roundabout immediately without signaling.4. The "Right Turn on Red" rule allows drivers to turn right on a red light after they:(A) Make a complete stop and check for traffic.(B) Honk the horn to alert other drivers.(C) Pass through the intersection without stopping.(D) Flash their headlights at other drivers.5. In California, it is illegal for a driver under the age of 18 to use a cell phone while driving, except in the case of an emergency:(A) True(B) False6. If your vehicle starts to skid on a slippery surface, you should:(A) Brake firmly and turn the steering wheel sharply.(B) Continue steering in the direction you want to go.(C) Steer in the opposite direction of the skid.(D) Pump the brakes repeatedly to regain control.7. You must notify the DMV within 5 days if you:(A) Sell or transfer your vehicle.(B) Change your insurance company.(C) Need to have your vehicle repaired.(D) Plan to go on vacation.8. This sign indicates:(A) No U-turn allowed.(B) No left turn allowed.(C) No right turn allowed.(D) No parking allowed.9. When you see this sign, you should:(A) Slow down and be prepared to yield to other traffic.(B) Stop, then proceed when the way is clear.(C) Merge left and prepare to exit the freeway.(D) Speed up and pass the vehicle ahead.10. If a pedestrian is using a guide dog or other service animal and is crossing the road with a white cane or walking in the roadway in order to cross, you must:(A) Stop at least 10 feet away from the pedestrian.(B) Slow down and use caution when passing.(C) Honk your horn to alert the pedestrian.(D) Continue driving without stopping.以上只是一小部分加州最新驾照试题的例子,每个人考试的题目可能并不相同。
美国驾照笔试题(New Jersey DMV)(附个别名词解释)来源:CSSA会报的日志美國駕駛執照考題Sample Questions of Written Test for Driver License (NJ)1. 1. An Agricultural license allows the operation of:A: Farm registered vehicles for agricultural purposes only.1. 2. The shape of a Yield sign is:A: Triangle.1. 3. A green light means:A: Go when safe.1. 4. At the time of your road test you must present:A: A valid vehicle registration permit, insurance, ID, Examination permit. (the answ er is “above all is right”)1. 5. 1 & ½ounces of 86 proof of liquor contains the same amount of alcoholas:A: 12 ounces of beer.1. 6. If a person get drunk in your home and has a motor vehicle accident, after leaving your home you could:A. Become involved in a Lawsuit.1.7. Studies show that the greatest number of people arrested for drunk driving have been drinking:A: Beer.1.8. If a person has been drinking, which of the following can sober them up: A: Time.1.9. Implied Consent Law means:A: On request of a police officer you agree to take a breath test to determine Bloo d Alcohol Content.1.10. The best way to reduce your chances of having an alcohol related accident is to:A: Not drive at all after drinking.1.11. When parking downhill on a street with a curb on your right, your carwheels should be:A: turned towards the curb.1.12. When driving at night be sure that you can stop:A: Within the distance you can see ahead.1.13. To maintain a proper following distance when driving, you should stay at least:A: 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you.1.14. The best way to make a curve is:A: Slow down before entering the curve.1.15. If not contracted by a “No turn on Red” sign, New Jersey law permits you to turn right on red after:A: Coming to a full stop and checking traffic.1.16. The New Jersey speed limit in a business or residential area unless otherwise posted is:A: 25 mph1.17. High beam lights are used for:A: Open country driving.1.18. After driving through a deep puddle you should immediately:A: Test your brake.1.19. If your brakes suddenly give out, the first thing you should try to do is: A: Shift to lower gear and pump the brakes.1.20. If you are arrested for drunk driving in N.J., your chances of beingconvicted are:A: 76%.1.21. On a 2 lane road not near a school, when a school bus has stopped and its lights are flashing:A: You must stop.1.22. You must pass on the right when:A: The driver ahead is turning left and there is a proper lane on the right.1.23. The 2-second rule can be used at any speed to help you:A: Keep a safe following distance.1.24. If you are involved in a motor accident resulting in injuries while your driving privileges are suspended, you are subject to:A: A fine, suspension of your driving privileges, and mandatory 45 days jail sentence.1.25. When nearing a steady yellow or amber traffic signal, you should:A: Stop before entering the intersection if possible.1.26. A person who holds a probationary driver’s license is subject to:A: An advisory notice upon being convicted of their first moving violation, mandator y attendance at a driver education program in place of suspension for second violati on-resulting in 4 or more points, also any violation after attending school will result in suspension.1.27. If you refuse to take a breath test and it is your first offense, the penalty is:A: Not less than $250 or more than $500 fine, 6 months license suspension and co mplete an Alcohol Screening and Evaluation Program at a country Intoxicated Resou rce center.??????????????????1.28. You are considered by Law to the under the influence when the amountof alcohol in your blood or BAC has reached:A: 0.08%1.29. Which of the following drinks contains about the highest alcohol content:A: 5 ounces of table wine, 1 & ½ounces of whiskey, 12 ounces of beer (The ans wer is “all of the above”)1.30. If you drink and have reached a BAC of 0.05% the risk if you causinga motor vehicle accident is:A: Double1.31. In the event of a crash of shoulder step the use of seat belts may:A: Keep you from being thrown from the car, keep you from hitting the windshield of dashboard, keep you from sliding off the seat and losing control of the car. (The answer is “above all is right”)1.32. The meaning of a h and signal when a driver’s hand and arm are straight out isA: Left turn.1.33. Hydroplaning is a driving condition where the tires lose tract on a wet road and floats on a layer of water or slush. When this happens you should: A: slow down.1.34. If a student driver commits a traffic offense, responsibility will be with: A: Both the student and the instructor.1.35. A person may operate a moped with:A: A valid basic license, motorcycle license or a moped license.1.36. If you have a tire blowout, you should:A: Slow down gradually.1.37. When the pavement is marked with two centerlines, one solid and onebroken:A: Passing is permitted only on the side with the broken line.1.38. When making a left turn from a two way street, you should get into the:A: Lane nearest to the center of the road.1.39. If you miss your exit on an expressway, you should:A: Go on the next exit.1.40. You should expect to see double solid center lines on:A: A winding two lane road.1.41. If you are going 50 mph, your total stopping distances on any road should be aboutA: 243 feet.1.42. When approaching a Railroad Crossing with flashing lights:A: Stop at the crossing.1.43. Signals should be used when:A: Changing lanes, when turning and or when slowing down.1.44. An articulated license allows the operation of:A: A commercially registered vehicle of 18.999 lbs or more joined by a coupling de vice.1.45. A signal, solid white line across a road at an intersection means:A: Stop behind the line for a traffic sign or light.1.46. The order of colors on a traffic light, hung top to bottom:A: Red, Yellow and green.1.47. Under the N.J. Point System a person having a license over 2 years after how many points will get a notice of license suspension:A: 12 points.1.48. After 2 to 4 drinks, alcohol begins to impair your:A: reaction time, coordination and balance and also your judgment.1.49. Drugs that may affect basic driving skill are:A: Cold pills, tranquilizers and some prescription drugs.1.50. Whether your Blood Alcohol Contest raises above legal limits, it dependson:A: Amount you drink, your weight and the time you take to drink.1.51. You could be either sober or under the influence when the amount of alcohol in your blood or ABC has reached:A: 0.05%1.52. The meaning of a hand signal when a driver’s hand and arm is downward is:A: Slow down or stop.1.53. To avoid highway hypnosis when driving on an expressway, it is a goodpractice to:A: Avoid looking at anything for more than a few seconds.1.54. Road surfaces are slippiest:A: During the first few minutes of rainfall.1.55. If you come to a 4-way stop at the same time as another driver you must:A: Yield to the driver in the right.1.56. To regain control when in a skid you should:A: Turn in the same direction the back of the car is skidding.1.57. If you go into a skid you should:A: Take your foot off the gas pedal.1.58. When a school bus has stopped directly in front of a school to pick upor let off children you must pass from either direction at a speed of no more than:A: 10 mph1.59. If 2 cars begin to enter an uncontrolled intersection at the same time, A: The driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right.1.60. To make a right turn you should:A: Get in the right lane.1.61. A flashing red light means:A: stop, proceed with caution.1.62. Driving while under the influence of alcohol beverages or drugs refers to:A: When your senses and judgment are impaired by alcohol or drugs of any kind.1.63. In city driving, a good habit is to:A: Look 12 second ahead.1.64. The speed limit in a school zone, unless otherwise posted is:A: 25 mph.1.65. When appearing or nearing an uncontrolled intersection, you should: A: Reduce speed and be ready to stop.1.66. Special permit may be issued at age 16 when:A: The application is enrolled in a behind the wheel driver’s education course of the Dept. of Education and or the applicant is enrolled in a commercial driving educati on course purchased by an approved driving instructor.1.67. New Jersey law allows up to 3 points to be subtracted from your drivingrecord if you have no moving traffic violation:2.、3.: For 1 year from the date of the last violation.1.68. A 12-ounce can of beer has as much alcohol in it as:A: 1 & ½ounces of 86 proof of whiskey.1.69. Driving while under the influence of intoxicating beverages means:A: Driving even if the driver has had 1 drink.1.70. The meaning of a hand signal when a driver’s hand and arm is upwardis:A: Right turn.1.71. It is a good practice to keep a space cushion to:A: Give you time to react.1.72. When driving around a curve your vehicle will tend to:A: Keep going straight.1.73. You should only use parking lights:A: When parking.1.74. You should always yield to:A: Emergency vehicle, pedestrians and other vehicles already in the intersection.1.75. Laws of NJ requires you to keep to the right except:A: When impractical to on that side of the roadway of passing and when on a one way street.1.76. When making a left turn from a two way road into a four lane highwaythe proper way to turn is:A: Approach turn from center lane of road and turn into a left lane.1.77. When must you signal before making a turn:A: At least 100 feet.1.78. How close may you park to a stop sign:A: 50 feet1.79. How close may you park to a corner:A: 25 feet.1.80. How close may you park to a fire hydrant:A: 10 feet.1.81. What is the proper distance you may park from a curb?A: 6 inches.1.82. What are the penalties for driving without insurance?A: 1 year of suspension of driver’s license and registration and $300 fine.1.83. Serious accidents causing death, injury or $200 damage must be reported in 5 days to:A: Division of Motor Vehicles.1.84. Points are only issued for:A: Moving violations.1.85. When will you be given a proposed License Suspension Notice?A: When you have received 12 points.1.86. What is the penalty for driving with a suspended license?A: $500 fine and up to 6 months additional license suspension.1.87. What is the penalty for not telling the truth when applying for a license? A: Not less than $500 fine and/or up to 6 months in jail and lost 6 months to 2 y ears privilege of driving.1.88. What is a good practice while driving?A: Avoid looking at anything for more than a few seconds.1.89. What is the proper lane to turn into when making a left turn?A: The lane nearest the center in the direction you are heading.1.90. When driving at night you should be able to stop now:A: Within the distance you can see ahead.1.91. What is the purpose of traffic laws?A: To protect you and other drivers.1.92. If you feel or hear an unusual thumping noise while driving it may be: A: The tires.1.93. What is the best advice if your car is stranded in a heavy snow?A: Stay with your car.1.94. What must you do if you want to turn left at a traffic light?A: Check intersection ahead for signals and yield to the oncoming traffic.1.95. If the front of your car vibrates the problem may be with your:A: Steering.1.96. What do two parallel white lines across the road mean?A: Pedestrian Crosswalk.1.97. Which lights should you use when driving in fog?A: low beams.1.98. What papers must you have when operating a motor vehicleA: License, registration and insurance card.1.99. When should you use your horn?A: If you are driving out of alley or you want to get the attention of the other driv ers.1.100. What should be done if two cars entering an uncontrolled intersectionsimultaneously?A: The driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right.1.101. Why should you use seat and shoulder belts?A: The increase your chances of surviving an accident.1.102. When may you pass on the right?A: If the car in front is turning left and there is a lane for driving on the right.1.103. What does a single solid white line across an intersection mean?A: You should stop behind the line for a traffic sign or signal.1.104. What does a yellow diamond shape sign mean?A: warning or caution.1.105. What way do you turn if you go into a skid?A: In the direction the back of the car is skidding.1.106. What direction should you check first when approaching an intersection? A: To the left.1.107. What is the most common mistake a new driver makes with the brake? A: Pushing the brake too hard.1.108. What is the best way to talk to the other driver?A: Through the use of your horn or lights.1.109. What does 2 red and white triangular sign mean?A: Yield.1.110. If the lights of oncoming cars are in your eyes, what should you do? A: Look to the lower right side of your traffic lane.1.111. The safest way to exit an expressway is to:A: Slow your car to the posted exit speed.1.112. What should you do if your electric signals fail to operate?A: Use hand signals.1.113. What should you do if you are angry or upset?A: Cool off before attempting to drive.1.114. What is a good practice at intersections that have no sign or signals? A: Be ready to stop if necessary.1.115. One of the best defenses against drunk drivers is:A: Proper wearing of a safety belt.1.116. How should you turn your wheels when parking downhill with a curb? A: To the right forward the curb.1.117. When approaching a railroad crossing with flashing light:A: Stop within 50 feet but not less than 15 feet of the nearest rail.1.118. You should always yield to:A: Other vehicles already in the intersection, pedestrians and emergency vehicles.1.119. If you want to return to the road from a dirt shoulder:A: Slow down, then turn, your wheels to climb the pavement.1.120. Driving while under the influence of intoxicating beverages means:A: The driver shows obvious signs of being drunk.1.121. When blood/alcohol content reaches 0.05%, o.10 % or 0.15 % your chances of getting into a serious or fatal accident will increases:A: 2 times, 6 times, or 25 times.1.122. What is an “abitual offender”?A: Any person whose license has been suspended 3 times within 3 years.1.123. The first conviction penalty for driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is:A: $250-$400 fine and possible imprisonment for 30 days and loss of license for 6 months to 1 year and 12 to 48 hours in an Intoxicated Driver Resource center.1.124. With a blood alcohol concentration of 0.01% to 0.05%,A: You are presumed NOT to be under the influence.1.125. With a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05% to 0.10%,A: You may or may not be under the influence.1.126. With a blood alcohol concentration of 0.10% or more,A: You are under the influence.1.127. NJ licensed drivers must take an eyesight recheck:A: Every ten years.1.128. What is a good “rule of thumb” in adjusting your speed to traffic? A: One car length back for each 10 miles per hour speed or 2-3 second space bet ween cars.1.129. What is the “rule of thumb” for following distances on dry rods?A: Try to adjust your speed to the flow of traffic.1.130. What does the word “tailgating” mean?A: Driving too close to the vehicle in front, it does not allow you enough time to r eact if the vehicle ahead suddenly slows or stops.1.131. What does hydroplaning mean?A: losing the tire grip on wet roads and riding on a film of water.1.132. What is an uncontrolled intersection?A: One where there are no traffic signs or signals.1.133. When should you dim your headlights?A: In city driving and when following or meeting another vehicle within 500 feet.1.134. What is an acceleration lane?A: An extra lane provided at the entrance to an expressway.1.135. How far should you always keep feet behind signaling emergency vehicle?A: At least 300.1.136. How far can you park to a fire department?A: 20 feet.1.137. When should headlights be used?A: Between one-half hour before sunset and one-half hour after sunrise or the visibility is less than 500 feet or in the bad weather.1.138. If you lost your driver license you should report to?A: The nearest police station.1.139. If a person who is older than 18 sitting in the front seat without seatbelt, who is responsible for?A: The person him/herself.以上資料由Phoebe Chuang 提供UR Edu and Info Co. Ltd.詠瑞留學資訊公司台北市復興南路一段137號4F-1 (忠孝東路復興南路口/華南銀行樓上)TEL:(02)2731 6060 FAX:(02)2731 4412PS:名词解释The Hand SingalsYou must know these for the written testandYou will have occasion to use them in the Road Test.For turning leftFor slowing and stoppingThe right turn signal4-way stop:How to Handle a 4-Way StopBy an eHow ContributorDriving through most towns and cities brings you to a 4-way stop at some point. Wheth er it is at a stop sign or a red light, 4-way stops can confuse some of the most experi enced drivers. There is only one set of rules that applies to 4-way stops, although man y people don't follow them. Learn how to handle a 4-way stop by following these steps.Difficulty: Moderately EasyInstructions1.1Slow your vehicle when approaching a 4-way stop. As you stop at the stop sign or red light, notice if there are any cars at any of the other stops, or if there a re any approaching at the same time.2.2Stop your vehicle completely. This means that your tires are completely stopped and not rolling at all. If there are cross walk lines or painted indicators on the r oad, stop at the appropriate lines. If it is a stop sign and there are no lines onthe road, stop when the front of your car is even with the stop sign. If there i s something blocking your view of the other stops signs, you may move forwardonly after stopping completely at your own stop sign.3.3Look at the other stops to see if there are any other vehicles stopped or moving. The vehicles leave the stop signs in the same order in which they arrived. The first vehicle to arrive at a complete stop is the first vehicle allowed to leave the stop sign.4.4Know that if there is more than one vehicle arriving at the same time at the 4-way stop, the vehicle furthest to the right is allowed to leave first. Always allow at least a few seconds to make sure no one else takes off even if it your turnto leave first. Many people do not follow this rule, even though it is the legal way to leave a 4-way stop.源地址:来源:CSSA会报的日志|分享41|浏览165评论|分享|赞|举报。
NJ MVC - LogoNJ MVC-徽标New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission新泽西州机动车委员会Sample knowledge test样本知识测试The following test is an example of the questions on the written driver test. Answers to sample test下面的测试是对考驾照笔试测试问题的一个例子。
Example:示例︰A driver approaching a flashing red traffic signal must:接近一个闪烁的红色交通信号驾驶员必须︰a. Slow down at the lighta.慢下来b. Drive carefully without stoppingb.不停,小心驾驶c. Merge to the rightc.合并向右d. Stop before entering the intersectiond.在进入交叉路口前停下,(这个示例,网上没有答案。
)1. In New Jersey, persons under 21 years of age are considered under the influence (DUI) when their BAC is:1.在新泽西,人年龄在 21 岁以下被视为有影响(DUI),当他们 BAC 时︰a. .01a..01b. .05b..05c. .10c..10d. all of the aboved.以上所有的2. You can practice drive with a valid special learner's permit:2.你可以开车练习,具有一个有效的学习者特别许可证的驾驶者︰a. Between 12:01 a.m. and 5 a.m.a.在凌晨 12:01 至上午5点b. Between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.b. 在上午9点至下午9点之间。
纽约驾校考试试题题库一、交通信号灯识别1. 红灯亮起时,你应该:A. 继续驾驶B. 停车等待C. 减速慢行D. 转弯正确答案:B2. 黄灯亮起时,你应该:A. 停车等待B. 快速通过C. 减速慢行D. 继续驾驶正确答案:C3. 绿灯亮起时,你应该:A. 停车等待B. 快速通过C. 减速慢行D. 继续驾驶正确答案:D二、路标识别4. 当你看到一个停车标志时,你应该:A. 减速慢行B. 停车观察C. 直接通过D. 转向正确答案:B5. 当你看到一个让路标志时,你应该:A. 停车等待B. 减速慢行C. 让其他车辆先行D. 直接通过正确答案:C6. 当你看到一个限速标志时,你应该:A. 忽略它B. 减速至标志所示速度C. 加速通过D. 保持当前速度正确答案:B三、驾驶规则7. 在纽约,驾驶时使用手机是:A. 允许的B. 禁止的C. 只有在紧急情况下允许D. 只有在停车时允许正确答案:B8. 当你在纽约驾驶时,你应该:A. 总是使用安全带B. 只有在高速公路上使用安全带C. 只有在警察要求时使用安全带D. 从不使用安全带正确答案:A9. 在纽约,酒后驾车是:A. 允许的B. 严格禁止的C. 只有在少量饮酒后允许D. 只有在你感觉清醒时允许正确答案:B四、紧急情况处理10. 如果你在路上遇到紧急情况,你应该:A. 立即停车B. 继续驾驶C. 寻找最近的出口D. 打电话报警正确答案:D11. 如果你的车辆发生故障,你应该:A. 立即停车并打开危险警告灯B. 继续驾驶寻找修理厂C. 停车并等待帮助D. 立即离开车辆正确答案:A12. 如果你目睹交通事故,你应该:A. 停车并提供帮助B. 继续驾驶C. 打电话报警D. 拍照并上传社交媒体正确答案:C五、结束语请注意,以上试题仅为模拟题,实际纽约驾校考试内容可能会有所不同。
美国纽约驾照测试题及答案1. 纽约州的最低法定驾驶年龄是多少?A. 16岁B. 17岁C. 18岁D. 21岁答案:A2. 在纽约州,驾驶时使用手机是合法的吗?A. 是的,只要使用免提设备B. 是的,只要不妨碍驾驶C. 不是,任何情况下都不允许D. 不是,除非紧急情况答案:C3. 如果你在红灯时右转,你应该怎么做?A. 直接右转B. 等待绿灯C. 确保安全后右转D. 减速并观察答案:C4. 在纽约州,酒后驾驶的法律是什么?A. 允许少量饮酒后驾驶B. 允许在特定情况下饮酒驾驶C. 禁止饮酒后驾驶D. 根据饮酒量决定是否允许驾驶答案:C5. 在纽约州,驾驶时必须系安全带吗?A. 是的,所有乘客都必须系安全带B. 是的,但只有驾驶员和前排乘客需要C. 不是,只有驾驶员需要D. 不是,除非车辆在高速公路上行驶答案:B6. 如果你在纽约州的道路上看到黄色闪烁的交通信号灯,你应该怎么做?A. 加速通过B. 减速并准备停车C. 继续以当前速度行驶D. 停车并等待信号变化答案:B7. 在纽约州,行人在人行道上行走时,车辆应该做什么?A. 减速并准备停车B. 绕过行人C. 按喇叭提醒行人D. 继续正常行驶答案:A8. 在纽约州,驾驶时可以听音乐吗?A. 是的,只要音量适中B. 是的,只要不影响驾驶C. 不是,法律禁止驾驶时听音乐D. 可以,但音量必须非常低答案:B9. 如果你在纽约州的道路上遇到紧急车辆,你应该怎么做?A. 继续正常行驶B. 减速并靠边停车C. 改变车道让路D. 按喇叭提醒其他车辆答案:C10. 在纽约州,驾驶时可以吸烟吗?A. 是的,只要不影响驾驶B. 不是,法律禁止驾驶时吸烟C. 是的,只要不妨碍视线D. 不是,除非停车时答案:B。
UPDATED!! 172 Sample Questions•When must you signal before making a turn?At least 100 feet before the intersection•How close may you park to a stop sign?50 feet•How close may you park to a corner?25 feet•How close may you park to a fire hydrant?10 feet•What is the stopping distance on a dry road at 50 m.p.h.?243 feet•What is the proper distance you may park from the curb?6 inches or less•What are the penalties for driving without insurance?Suspension of driver's license and registration and fines •Serious accidents causing death, injury or $200 damage must be reported within 5 days to?A Division of motor Vehicles office•Points are only issued for?Moving Violations•When will you be given a proposed License Suspension Notice?After receiving 12 points•What is the penalty for driving with a suspended license-first offense?Fine of $500 and up to 6 months additional licensesuspension•What is the penalty for not telling the truth when applying for a license?No less than a $200 fine and up to 6 months imprisonment•Up to 3 points may be subtracted from your record if you receive no moving violations for how long?One year•What is the penalty for refusing the breath test?6 months suspension (first offense)•Who is responsible if a student commits a traffic offense?Both the student and the accompanying instructor or licensed driver•What should you do if approaching a steady yellow or amber signal?Slow down, and stop before entering the intersection, if possible•What is a good practice while driving?Keep from looking at one thing for more than a few seconds•What is the proper lane to turn into when making a left turn?The lane nearest the center in the direction you are heading•When driving at night you should be able to stop?Within the distance you can see ahead•Where should you position your car to make a left turn from a two way street?The lane nearest the center of the road, and turn right before reaching the middle of the road•What is a good practice when nearing an intersection?Slow down and be prepared to stop•What is the purpose of traffic laws?To protect you and other drivers•If there's a "No Turn On Red" sign, when can you make a turn on red?Never•If you feel or hear unusual thumping noise while driving it may be?The tires•What is the best advice if your car is stranded in a heavy snowstorm?Stay with your car•What is a good practice when driving in the city?Check intersections ahead for signals•What must you do if you want to turn left at a traffic light?Yield to oncoming traffic•If the front of your car vibrates, the problem may be with your:Steering•What do two parallel white lines across the road mean?Pedestrian cross walk•Which lights should you be using when driving in fog?Low beams, or fog lights•What papers must you have when operating a motor vehicle?License, registration, and insurance card•When should you use your horn?When coming out of a dark alley•What should be done if two cars enter an uncontrolled intersection simultaneously?The driver to the left must yield to the driver on the right• Yellow center lines would usually be found where?On a two-way road (no passing)• Why should you use seat belts and shoulder belts?They increase your chance of surviving an accident •When may you pass on the right?If the car in front is turning left and there is a lane for driving on the right•What does a flashing red light mean?Stop, proceed with caution•What does a green light mean?Proceed in a safe manner•What does a single solid white line across an intersection mean?You should stop behind the line for a traffic sign or signal•What does a yellow diamond shaped sign mean?Warning or caution•When should you use your parking lights?Only when parking•Which way should you turn if you are going into a skid?In the direction the back of your car is skidding •How far should you stay behind the car that you are following?At least two seconds•What direction should you check first when approaching an intersection?The left•If two cars reach a four way stop at the same time, what is proper procedure?The driver on the left yields to the driver on the right •What should you do if you go into a skid?Take your foot off the gas•What is the most common mistake a new driver makes with the brakes?Pushing the brake too hard•What is the best way to talk to other drivers?Through the use of your horn and lights• What does a red and white eight sided sign mean?Stop•What does a red and white triangular sign mean?Yield•If you drive through a deep puddle, what should you do?Test your brakes•When is the road surface most slippery?During the first few minutes of rain•When should you use your high beams?Open country driving situations•If the lights of oncoming cars are in your eyes, what should you do?Look to the lower right side of your traffic lane• A driver's left hand extended upward means what?He's making a right turn• A driver's left hand extended straight out means what?He's making a left turn• A driver's left hand extended downward means what?He's making a stop or slowing down•The safest way to exit an expressway is to?Slow your car to the posted speed limit•What should you do if your brakes fail?Shift to a lower gear and pump your brakes•What should you do if your electric signal fails to operate?Use hand signal(s)•What should you do if you have a blowout?Slow down gradually•One method of using the 2 second rule is by using a:fixed object on the side of the road•What should you do if you miss an exit on an expressway?Go to the next exit. Don't back up•When you are driving on a curve, your vehicle will tend to go in what direction?Straight•What is good practice at an intersection that has no signs or signal?Be ready to stop if necessary (cover the brake)•It is good practice to keep a space cushion in order to?Give you time to react•One of the best defenses against drunk drivers is: Proper wearing of seat belt•When a school bus has stopped at a school to pick up or let off children, you may pass in either direction at a speed of no more than:10 miles per hour•How should you turn your wheels when parking downhill next to a curb?To the right towards the curb•Special permits may be issued for a 16 year old when:The 16 year old is enrolled in a Behind the Wheel Driver Education Course or enrolled in a Commercial Driving Education course (i.e. driving school) and when the permit is purchased by a state approved Driving Instructor•In city driving, a good habit is to:Look ahead 12 seconds•When approaching a railroad crossing with flashing lights:Stop no closer than 15 feet of the nearest rail•You are required by new Jersey law to keep to the right except:When on a one-way street, when passing, or if it is impractical to travel on that side of the roadway •Studies show that the greatest number of people arrested for drunk driving had been drinking what kind of alcoholic beverage?Beer•The speed limit in a school zone is? The speed limit in a business area is? The speed limit on a highway is?25 mph25 mph50 mph•You should always yield to:Other vehicles already in the intersection, pedestrians and emergency vehicles•If you want to return to the road from a dirt shoulder:Slow down, then turn your wheels to climb the pavement edge•An agricultural license allows the operation of a farm registered vehicle:For agricultural use only•To make a right turn you should:Get in the right lane• A 12 oz. Can of beer has as much alcohol in it as:1 ½ oz. Of 86 proof whiskey or one 5 oz. Glass of wine •Whether your blood alcohol content raises above legal limits depends on:How fast you drank, your weight, how much you drank•The best way to reduce your chances of having an alcohol related accident is:Don't drink and drive•If you are arrested for drunk driving in New Jersey, your chances of being convicted are:96%•Drugs that may affect basic driving skills are: Cold medicines, tranquilizers, and some prescription drugs•Driving while under the influence of intoxicated beverages means:The driver shows signs of being drunk, such as swerving, or going too fast or slow•When blood/alcohol content reaches 0.15%, your chances of getting into a serious/fatal accident will increase:25 times•What is a "Habitual Offender"?Any person whose license has been suspended 3 times within 3 years•The first conviction penalty for anyone over 21 for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is: $250-$400 fine and possible imprisonment for 30 days and loss of license for 6 months - 1 year•In NJ, you must always keep to which side of the road (except when passing)?Right•With a blood alcohol concentration of .05 - .10%: You may or may not be under the influence•With a blood alcohol concentration of .10% or more:You are definitely under the influence (regardless of age)•New Jersey licensed drivers may have an eyesight recheck every:10 years•What is a good rule of thumb in adjusting to traffic?Try to adjust your speed to the flow of traffic•What is a good rule of thumb for following distances on dry roads?One car length for every 10 mph speed or 2-3 second space between cars•What does the word " tailgating" mean?Driving too close to the vehicle in front. This does not allow enough time to react if the vehicle ahead stops suddenly or slows•What does hydroplaning mean?Losing the tire grip on wet roads and riding on a film of water•What is an uncontrolled intersection?An intersection where there's no traffic signals or signs •When should you dim your headlights?In city driving and when following or meeting another vehicle within 500 feet•What is an acceleration lane?An extra lane provided at the entrance to an expressway to provide a vehicle distance in which to build up speed•You must stop (in either direction) at least how many feet from a school bus with its red lights on?25•What is the name of the distance that the car travels while the brakes are being applied?Braking distance•Dates for studded tires on New Jersey roadways are?November 15th to April 1st•Information signs are what color?Blue or green•What should you do if a traffic light is not working?Slow down, yield to traffic, and proceed when safe •Depth perception means the same as:Distance judgment•Persons under the age of 21 are considered under the influence (DUI) when their blood alcohol content is:.01, .05 or .1%•You can practice driving with a valid special learners permit (for a 16-20 year old):Between 5:01 am and 11 P.M.•You must be at least how many years old to register a motor vehicle?17•As you drive, you are required to stop your vehicle:At an intersection with a stop sign, at a red light and when an officer orders you to do so•NJ issues a ____ year basic license?4•It is important to slow down:On narrow roads, at intersections or railroad crossings,and when the road is wet or slippery •Vehicle stopping distances never depend on: Time of day•The best way to take a curve is to:Slow down before entering the curve•If a student fails the driving test (road test) for the fist time, how long must he/she wait before taking it again?At least 14 days•You may drive on public or private property toavoid a traffic sign or signal only if:Directed to do so by a police officer•When it is legal to make a right turn on red, you must:Make a full stop and treat it like a stop sign•What is a good form of primary I.D. to bring to the Permit test?U.S. Passport or Original Birth Certificate (county issued, with the raised seal)•You can get alcohol out of your blood by:Time. The more you wait, the less the influence.•The position of the hands on the steering wheel are:At 9 and 3 o'clock•The definition of a blind spot is:Area which cannot be seen in the mirror(s)•The inspection sticker on a new vehicle is good for:24 months•At what age can a high school student with a valid learner's permit take commercial driving lessons (Driving School)?16 years•What is the penalty for not having your insurance card with you?Fine up to $100• A single, solid white line across a road at an intersection means:Stop within 5 feet of the line for a sign or traffic light •If you have an out of state license, and move to NJ, you must apply for a NJ license within :60 days, or before your current license expires,whichever comes first•Some signs of alcohol impairment are usually:Talkativeness, lessened judgment such as swerving, weaving, and going too fast or slow•What is the penalty for driving a vehicle with an expired inspection sticker?Fine,arrest and registration revocation•On a three lane road, the center lane is usually used for:Left turns•In selecting an area to do a three point turn (K- turn) you should check:Volume of traffic, Width of the road, and if the car is at or near an intersection•If you are involved in a personal injury accident that requires you to report it to the Division of Motor Vehicles you must:Report the accident to your insurance company at once • An articulated license allows you to operate what?Vehicles of 18,000 lbs or more, joined by a coupling device•How long do you have to report a change in address on a NJ license?1 week•What would indicate that a tire has been habitually over-inflated?Wear on the center of the tire•Headlights, not parking lights alone, must be used:One-half hour before sunset to one-half hour after sunrise, in poor weather conditions, and when visibility is 500 feet or less• A check point for parallel parking is:Rear bumper opposite rear bumper of car parked in front of desired space•If your car breaks down on an expressway, the first thing you should do is:Try to pull off the road safely•To drive a tractor trailer in NJ what type of license must you obtain?Articulated Vehicle license, (CDL)•If you run off the pavement, the first thing you should do is:Slow down and turn back onto the pavement slowly •The implied consent law means:Driver agrees to take a breath test by simply inserting key in ignition•Most fatal accidents are due to?inattentiveness•If a person becomes drunk in your home and has a motor vehicle accident after leaving your home you could:Be involved in a lawsuit•The term one car length for each 10 mph is used to describe:Following distance•If a driver receives a "proposed license suspension", he/she must......:Attend a NJ driver improvement program, ask for a hearing with the division of Motor Vehicles or turn in his/her license for the suspension period•When you buy a used car which has an expired inspection sticker, the car must be inspected within: Two weeks•What indicates under-inflated tires?Excessive wear on the edges of the tires•How long do you have to report a name change to the DMV?2 weeks•If a collision is impossible to avoid, you can lessen the impact by:Steering away from objects that do not give way •Hand signals:Are the same for all states• A restriction on a special learner's permit for a 16 year old is:(S)he must have a behind the wheel driver education course•Failure to give consent to be tested for alcohol consumption (the implied consent law) is punishable by:6 months suspension of driving privileges• A "learner's" or "student" permit refers to a permit for a:16 year old•In adverse weather conditions, the stopping distance of a truck is increased by:25%•When purchasing a used vehicle, you should get the car inspected:Either when the current inspection expires, or within14 days if it already expired•If a traffic light is horizontal, the red is on the: left• A provisional license is good for:1 year•The legal Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) level in NJ is:.08%•To avoid a penalty charge when purchasing a used car:Transfer the title in 10 days or less from the date of purchase•Under the Interstate compact laws, all moving violations commited in most other states will show up on your NJ record as:•To avoid highway hypnosis:Avoid looking at any one point or object for more thana few seconds at a time•Anyone 21 or older must wait____ after passing their written exam and eye test before taking the road test?3 months•For any emergency vehicle with flashing lights engaged on your road, you must:Pull over to the right•One of the main concerns a driver must have when dealing with a truck is the truck driver's: blind spot• A car seat should be placed in the _____ seat of a car?rear•What does GDL stand for?Graduated Driver License•One of the restrictions of the GDL program is that the driver may not use any _____________ devices?handheld game or wireless•For someone 21 or older the GDL time restrictions are___?Waived•The standard accident prevention formula is: Be alert, Be prepared, Act in time•The standard monetary fine for a GDL infraction is:$100•If a person with a BAC level of .05% doubles their chances of getting into an accident, then a person with a BAC level of .10%:Has a 6 times greater chance of getting into an•The best way to get alcohol out of one's system is not coffee or even eating, but rather:Time. The longer one waits, the more their system gets rid of the alcohol.•Is driving a privilege or a right?Driving is a privilege.•Considering that emotions play such an active role in driving, when you are angry, excited or upset, you should______?Take some time to cool off before driving。
班中工作程序服务流程行为规范迎接指引递阅资料上饮品(糕点)添加茶水工作要求1)眼神关注客人,当客人距3米距离时,应主动跨出自己的位置迎宾,然后侯客迎询问客户送客户注意事项15度鞠躬微笑问候:“您好!欢迎光临!”2)在客人前方1-2米距离领位,指引请客人向休息区,在客人入座后问客人对座位是否满意:“您好!请问坐这儿可以吗?”得到同意后为客人拉椅入座“好的,请入座!”3)若客人无置业顾问陪同,可询问:请问您有专属的置业顾问吗?,为客人取阅项目资料,并礼貌的告知请客人稍等,置业顾问会很快过来介绍,同时请置业顾问关注该客人;4)问候的起始语应为“先生-小姐-女士早上好,这里是XX销售中心,这边请”5)问候时间段为8:30-11:30 早上好11:30-14:30 中午好 14:30-18:00下午好6)关注客人物品,如物品较多,则主动询问是否需要帮助(如拾到物品须两名人员在场方能打开,提示客人注意贵重物品);7)在满座位的情况下,须先向客人致歉,在请其到沙盘区进行观摩稍作等待;阶段工作及服务流程班中工作程序工作要求注意事项饮料(糕点服务)1)在所有饮料(糕点)服务中必须使用托盘;2)所有饮料服务均已“对不起,打扰一下,请问您需要什么饮品”为起始;3)服务方向:从客人的右面服务;4)当客人的饮料杯中只剩三分之一时,必须询问客人是否需要再添一杯,在二次服务中特别注意瓶口绝对不可以与客人使用的杯子接触;5)在客人再次需要饮料时必须更换杯子;下班程序1)检查使用的工具及销售案场物资情况,异常情况及时记录并报告上级领导;2)填写物资领用申请表并整理客户意见;3)参加班后总结会;4)积极配合销售人员的接待工作,如果下班时间已经到,必须待客人离开后下班;吧台服务岗1.吧台服务岗岗位职责1)为来访的客人提供全程的休息及饮品服务;2)保持吧台区域的整洁;3)饮品使用的器皿必须消毒;4)及时补充吧台物资;5)收集客户意见、建议及问题点;吧台服务岗工作及流程阶段工作及服务流程班前阶段1)自检仪容仪表以饱满的精神面貌进入工作区域2)检查使用工具及销售大厅物资情况,异常情况及时登记并报告上级。
美国纽约州驾照模拟试题(中文版)1. 路口放置的红白色三角标志表示什么?∙A如有紧急车辆驶来须减速慢行∙B驶过路口时须注意路口左右两边∙C始终需要在路口停车。
2. 长方形的标志表示什么?∙A学校经过标志∙B火车经过标志∙C停车标志∙D速度限制标志3. 菱形的标志表示什么?∙A道路危险标志∙B州际公路标志∙C学校经过标志∙D速度限制标志4. 表示前方有危险,如弯道或窄桥的警告标志是什么颜色?∙A白底黑字或标志∙B黄底黑字或标志∙C蓝底白字或标志∙D绿底白字或标志5. 表示到下一个公路出口的距离的标志是什么颜色?∙A黄底黑字∙B黑底白字∙C红底白字∙D绿底白字6. 这个路标表示什么?∙A减慢车速,只有当车辆接近时准备停车∙B完全停车,等到安全时再行驶∙C安全行驶过路口,而不是一直停止∙D只在交叉路口时停车7. 这个标志警告你正在接近什么?∙A一个路口∙B人行横道∙C铁路道口∙D爆破区8. 下述四种标志或人员,你最应该服从的是谁?∙A固定的红灯∙B交通警察∙C停止标志∙D闪烁的红灯9. 当你驶近交叉路口,交通信号灯由绿色转成黄色,你该如何?∙A在变红灯前,加快速度通过交叉路口∙B立刻停止∙C停在交叉路口中间等候绿灯∙D在路口前准备停车10. 你在什么情况下可以越过双黄实线?∙A超过一辆慢速度的卡车时∙B驶入私人车道时∙C在交通状况允许情况下超越前车时∙D任何情况下都不可以11. 你在什么情况下可以在公路上越过白色实线?∙A任何情况下∙B交通状况允许情况下∙C只有在驶入私人车道时∙D只有在进行掉头时12. 一个红灯和一个绿色箭头的交通信号灯表示什么?∙A你只可以直行∙B你只可以按照绿色箭头的方向行驶∙C你必须等待绿灯∙D朝着任何方向行驶的车辆都必须停止13. 黄色闪烁灯表示什么?∙A合并车道∙B小心前进∙C行人通过∙D完全停止14. 一个路口有停止标志和人行横道,但没有停车线,你应该停在∙A人行横道前∙B路口50英尺前∙C你认为停车线应该在的位置∙D前轮停在人行横道上15. 交叉路口有一红灯闪烁,你该如何?∙A完全停止,直到可以安全通过。
美国道路安全考试题及答案1. 在美国驾驶时,遇到红灯应该做什么?A. 继续行驶B. 停车等待C. 绕道而行D. 减速慢行答案:B2. 驾驶时,如何正确使用安全带?A. 将安全带系在腰部B. 将安全带系在肩部和腰部C. 将安全带系在手臂上D. 不需要使用安全带答案:B3. 在美国,酒驾的法律是如何规定的?A. 允许酒驾,只要不超过一定酒精含量B. 严禁酒驾,一经发现将受到严厉处罚C. 只有在特定节日允许酒驾D. 没有酒驾的法律规定答案:B4. 在美国,遇到校车停车并闪烁红灯时,你应该怎么做?A. 继续行驶B. 减速慢行C. 停车等待,直到校车重新启动D. 从校车右侧超车答案:C5. 在美国,驾驶时使用手机是允许的吗?A. 允许,只要不影响驾驶B. 允许,但必须使用免提设备C. 严禁,除非紧急情况D. 没有相关规定答案:C6. 在美国,遇到行人正在过马路时,你应该怎么做?A. 继续行驶B. 减速慢行C. 停车让行人先行D. 按喇叭催促行人答案:C7. 在美国,驾驶时可以超速吗?A. 可以,只要不超过限速的10%B. 可以,只要不影响其他车辆C. 严禁,必须遵守限速标志D. 没有明确规定答案:C8. 在美国,遇到雨雪天气时,应该如何调整驾驶?A. 加速行驶B. 保持正常速度C. 减速并增加与前车的距离D. 停车等待天气好转答案:C9. 在美国,驾驶时可以随意变道吗?A. 可以,只要不影响其他车辆B. 可以,但必须使用转向灯C. 严禁,必须保持在一条车道内D. 没有相关规定答案:B10. 在美国,遇到紧急车辆(如救护车、消防车、警车)时,你应该怎么做?A. 继续行驶B. 减速慢行C. 停车让行D. 从紧急车辆右侧超车答案:C。
美国驾照模拟考试题目及答案一、交通标志1. 以下哪种标志表示停车或者减速的区域:A. DB. BC. CD. A答案:A2. 以下哪种标志表示有机动车进入的道路:A. DB. AC. CD. B答案:B3. 以下哪种标志表示禁止行人通行:A. BB. DC. AD. C答案:D二、交通信号1. 以下哪种交通信号表示可以直行:A. 红色B. 绿色C. 黄色D. 黑色答案:B2. 以下哪种交通信号表示停车:A. 绿色B. 黑色C. 红色D. 黄色答案:C3. 以下哪种交通信号表示警告:A. 黄色B. 红色C. 绿色D. 黑色答案:A三、驾驶知识1. 开车时,下列哪种行为是正确的:A. 手握方向盘,专心驾驶B. 打电话或发送短信C. 睡意浓厚时开车D. 饮酒后驾驶答案:A2. 驾驶机动车辆时,下列哪种行为是违法的:A. 车速超过限速B. 不系安全带C. 随意变更车道D. 使用手机答案:D3. 驾驶机动车辆时,下列哪种情况被认为是酒驾:A. 血液酒精含量低于规定标准B. 血液酒精含量高于规定标准C. 饮酒后等一段时间再开车D. 口服含酒精药品后驾驶答案:B四、紧急情况处置1. 在车辆突发故障或交通事故时,应该:A. 将车辆停在最靠近事故位置的地方B. 离开车辆,远离事故现场C. 使用危险警示标志警示其他驾驶员D. 试图推动车辆继续行驶答案:C2. 发生交通事故时,哪种情况可以不报警:A. 双方协商处理,无人受伤B. 无人受伤,车辆受损C. 对方逃逸D. 双方有人受伤答案:A3. 在发生车祸后,受伤者的应急处理步骤是:A. 立即移动受伤者,尽快送医院B. 不擅动伤者,按步骤进行急救C. 先停车后救护伤者D. 不理会受伤者,先报警答案:B结语:希望以上模拟考试题目及答案对您的驾驶技能有所帮助,做好考前准备,保持良好的驾驶习惯,确保自己和他人的安全。
Double solid yellow lines on the road separate two lanes of traffic:moving in the same directionmoving in the opposite direction okmerging rightmerging leftDouble solid yellow lines mark the center of the road and separate oncoming traffic. Passing is not allowed in either direction. Making a left turn is the only lawful crossing allowed over double yellow lines, when turning into or from an alley, private road, or driveway, unless otherwise prohibited by signs.When is it legal to make a left turn at a red light?at any timefrom a one-way street to a two-way streetfrom a two-way street to a two-way streetnever okIt is against the law to make a left turn on red.A _________ indicates the outside edge of the traffic lane, and may be crossed only by traffic moving to or from the shoulder.Broken yellow lineSolid yellow lineSolid white line okBroken white lineIn many areas, the right and/or left edges of the highway are marked with a solid white line. This line indicates the outside edge of the traffic lane, and may be crossed only by traffic moving to or from the shoulder.Which of the following are two types of speed signs?speed limit signs and advisory speed signs okadvisory speed signs and informational speed signsaccident speed signs and advisory speed signsspeed limit signs and accident speed signsThere are two speed signs: speed limit signs and advisory (recommended) speed signs. Speed limit signs have black letters and numerals on a white rectangular background and are the legal allowable limits. Advisory speed signs have black letters on a yellow background and often are shown under a warning sign.If you are driving on a highway in heavy rain, you must slow down your vehicle to avoid:weavinghighway hypnosishydroplaning oktailgatingHydroplaning may occur during rainstorms. This is a condition where the tires ride on a thin film of water instead of the road. To prevent hydroplaning, drivers must slow down in heavy rains.Drivers must be cautious if it starts to rain on a hot day, because pavement can be very slippery for the first few minutes due to:oil in the asphalt okwater in the asphaltmelting of tiresoil in the vehicleHeat causes oil in the asphalt to come to the surface. It makes the road more slippery until the oil is washed off.At an unmarked crosswalk, drivers are required to:increase the speed of their vehicle and cross before the pedestrianssignal their intention and proceedyield the right-of-way to the pedestrians okstop and request the pedestrians to cross quicklyDrivers are required to yield the right-of-way to the pedestrians within any crosswalk, whether marked or unmarked.A highway work zone can be easily identified by _________ immediately preceding the work zone.a black-on-orange sign oka red octagon-shaped signa green triangular symbola yellow pennant symbolA highway work zone can be easily identified by unique orange warning sign immediately preceding the work zone. The orange signs with messages in black letters are reserved strictly to identify work zones.What does this round sign mean?A railroad crossing ahead okOne-way road aheadRoad repairs aheadThe road is closed aheadThis round sign means that the vehicle is approaching a railroad crossing. This sign alerts drivers to slow down, look, listen and prepare to stop.Which of the following must NOT be done if your vehicle's tire blows out? Brake immediately okSlowly ease your foot off the acceleratorSteer straight aheadHold the steering wheel tightlyIf you experience a blowout, hold the steering wheel tightly, steer straight ahead, and slowly ease your foot off the accelerator. Do not brake until the vehicle is back under your control. Pull the vehicle completely off the road at the nearest safe location.You must NOT pass a vehicle on the right when:oncoming vehicles are not making a left turnthe vehicle ahead is going straightyou are driving on a one-way road with two lanes of trafficthe vehicle ahead is making a right turn okYou may pass on the right only when the vehicle ahead is making a left turn or going straight. You must not pass when another vehicle is making a right turn.This sign may be used to:inform drivers of a school zoneinform drivers to make a U-turnguide drivers into certain traffic lanes okwarn drivers of a one-way aheadFlashing arrow panels may be used in work zones to guide drivers into certain traffic lanes and to inform them that part of the road ahead is closed.This octagonal sign indicates:a wrong waya stop sign oka traffic signal aheada yield signThis eight-sided shape is reserved for stop signs. This sign means you must stop completely. Give the right-of-way to pedestrians and to all cross-traffic before moving again.The likelihood of an accident increases if a driver is under the influence of: softly playing musicalcohol, drugs or prescription medication oka cup of teaa cup of coffeeUse of alcohol and drugs, including prescription medication, can cause drowsiness and other side effects. They may impair driving skills.Which of the following is NOT a true statement regarding railroad crossings?It is always important to check for more than one track before crossingNever start to cross if there is not room for your vehicle on the far sideIt is wise to shift gears when crossing railroad tracks okDrivers must yield to crossing trainsDrivers must wait until there is a room for the vehicle on the far side at railroad crossings. They should not block the crossing. They should also yield to crossing trains. It is wise not to shift gears when crossing railroad tracks, in case of stalling.This sign with a red circle means:the left turn is not permitted okthe left lane is closed aheadthe right turn is not permittedthe right lane is closed aheadThe red circle and a slash is standard for all prohibitory signs and represents the word “no.” Whenever this symbol appears on a sign, the illustrated action is prohibited. This sign means no left turn is permitted.If another driver is passing your vehicle, you must:stay in the lane and slow down okmove into the left laneturn on emergency lightsincrease your speedWhen a motorist is passed by another vehicle, he/she must be careful. Stay in the proper lane and slow down to make the pass easier for the other motorist. Return to normal speed after the passing vehicle is well ahead. (N.J.S.A. 39:4-87)Drivers must maintain a constant speed when passing and reentering the lane in front of trucks or buses, since trucks/buses require:less time to stoplonger distances to slow down than cars okless room to maneuvershorter distances to slow down than carsBecause of their size, trucks and buses always need greater distances to slow down. Other drivers must maintain a constant speed when passing or reentering the lane in front of trucks or buses.What does this sign mean?An abandoned road is aheadYou are not allowed to enter okThe road ahead is closedYou are going in the wrong directionThis sign indicates no entry in the roadway in which the sign is posted.When it looks like a collision may happen, drivers must take an immediate step to:stop or slow down their vehiclesmake a turnspeed up their vehiclesany of the aboveIn collision situations, drivers must follow three possible options: slow down or stop their vehicle; take an immediate turn; or speed up their vehicle if it is safe to do so.When changing a lane, all of the following are correct maneuvers, EXCEPT: do not take your eyes off the road ahead for more than an instantlook in your rearview and side mirrorslook over shoulder in the direction you plan to move, to check the blind spotswhen you turn your head to check the blind spots, turn the steering wheel okWhen you turn your head to check the blind spots, make sure you keep the steering wheel straight; people have a natural tendency to turn their arms in the same direction as their head turns.What should you do if fog closes in completely while driving, and visibility is reduced to near zero?Use high-beamsCarefully pull as far off the road as possible, and stopUse low-beamsIncrease the speed and take a detourWhen fog closes in completely, and visibility is reduced to near zero, you are advised to carefully pull as far off the road as possible, and stop. Headlights and flashing emergency signals should be used while driving in fog.On some roadways, some lanes reserved as 'Transit' are used for:buses only okbicycles onlytrucks onlyhigh occupancy vehicles (HOV) onlyOn various roadways, one or more lanes may be reserved for special vehicles. Reserved lanes are marked by signs stating that the lane is reserved for special use. 'Transit' or 'bus' means the lane is for bus use only.When slowing down or stopping, you must:a) use an arm signal to alert the driver behind youb) use the brake-operated signal lights to alert the driver behind youboth a) and b)either a) or b) okYou must use either an arm signal or the brake-operated signal lights when slowing down or stopping your vehicle.When you see an elderly person crossing an intersection, you should:increase the speed of your vehicle and cross the intersection quicklystop your vehicle and yield the right of way okcontinue driving your vehicleblow the horn to stop the personDrivers must yield the right of way to the pedestrians.When you see a flashing yellow signal at an intersection, you should:remain stopped until the light turns greenstop and enter the intersection only when safe to do soslow down and cross the intersection carefully okincrease your speed and rush through the intersectionA yellow flashing signal means that you may proceed only with caution.Which of the following are three types of intersections on the road?Controlled, Uncontrolled, and CloverleafBlind, Controlled and DiamondControlled, Uncontrolled, and DiamondControlled, Uncontrolled, and BlindAn intersection is where two or more roads cross or merge at angles. There are three types of intersections, Controlled, Uncontrolled and Blind.If you are on a single or two-lane road and come to an intersection with a divided highway or a roadway with three or more lanes, you muststop and take a right turn to merge into the traffictake a left turn to merge into the trafficyield the right-of-way to other traffic oknone of theseWhen you are on a single or two-lane road and come to an intersection with a divided highway or a roadway with three or more lanes, you must yield the right-of-way to the traffic.When two or more lanes of travel are permitted in the same direction, a broken white line is used:to indicate the left edge of the roadwayto divide each side of the highway into separate lanes for vehicles traveling in different directionsto indicate the right edge of the roadwayto divide each side of the highway into separate lanes for vehicles traveling in the same direction okWhen two or more lanes of travel are permitted in the same direction, a broken white line is used to divide each side of the highway into separate lanes for vehicles traveling in the same direction.If you approach an intersection with a steady yellow light, you must:slow down and proceed with caution, if a stop cannot be made safely okstop and wait for the red lightincrease your speed and clear the intersectionstop, look for the pedestrians, and proceed with cautionA yellow light tells a driver that a red light is coming next. Slow down and proceed with caution, if a stop cannot be made safely. Clear the intersection. Do not increase the speed.A _________ on a two-way road allows you to cross over into the oncoming lane temporarily to pass a vehicle, if it is safe to do so.broken yellow line okleft arrow marksolid white linesolid yellow lineOn a multiple-lane roadway with several lanes in one direction, you must use the middle and left lanes for passing. A broken yellow line on a two-way road allows you to cross over into the oncoming lane temporarily to pass a vehicle, if it is safe to do so.If you double your speed on a highway, your braking distance increases byfive timesthree timestwo timesfour times okIf you double your speed, your braking distance does not become twice as long, but becomes four times as far.When driving on a road with no center line, where vehicles come from each direction, drivers must:give at least half the road to others going in the opposite direction okalways drive on the left of the center laneuse the full lane when there is no oncoming trafficnone of the aboveWhen driving on a road with no center line, where vehicles come from each direction, drivers must give at least half the road to others going in the opposite direction. At any time when you cannot avoid driving to the left of the center line, you must yield to oncoming traffic.If you are having vehicle trouble and need to stop, first step you should do is:stop your vehicle over a hill or just around a curve for visibilitypull off the road and away from trafficCheck your driver's manual for helpLift the hood to signal an emergencyIf your vehicle breaks down on the road, make sure that other drivers can see it. If you are having vehicle trouble, and need to stop, follow these rules: Pull off the road away from all traffic, if possible. Turn on your emergency flashers. Lift the hood to signal the emergency and place emergency flares or triangles.A triangular orange sign on the back of a slow-moving vehicle indicates that:the vehicle cannot travel faster than 25 mph okthe vehicle must travel slower than 55 mphthe vehicle can travel faster than 25 mphthe vehicle cannot travel faster than 45 mphThe triangular sign on the back of a slow-moving vehicle means that the vehicle cannot travel faster than 25 mph. Do not get impatient if behind one of these vehicles. The driver will usually try to pull over to the side whenever possible to prevent traffic back-ups.If an approaching vehicle has its turn signal on, you must _______ and then start your turn if it is safe.put on the headlights quicklymove into the right lanewait until the other driver actually starts to turn okpress on the accelerator immediatelyYou must understand the other driver's intention, wait until the other driver actually starts to turn, and then start your turn.If you have already started through an intersection when the signal light changes, you must:change your direction and make a left or right turnstop your vehiclenot proceed furtherfollow through and proceed to clear the intersection okIf you have already started through an intersection when the signal light changes, you must follow through and clear the intersection. If you have started to make a turn, follow through. Changes at the last second can cause collisions.If you approach a roundabout, always enter to the _______ of the central island.cornerright okcenterleftA roundabout is an intersection control device with traffic circulating around an island. Approaching vehicles must yield to the traffic in the circle. Always enter to the right of the central island.Motorists entering a highway from the entrance ramp must yield theright-of-way to:no need to yield the right-of-wayother motorists on the entrance ramptraffic already traveling on the highway okheavy trucks on the rampMotorists entering a highway from the entrance ramp must yield the right-of-way to traffic already traveling on the highway before moving into the proper lane.The primary traveling aids for a blind person include:a white cane or a wheelchaira white cane or a trained guide dog oka red cane or a trained guide doga red cane or a trained guide catThe primary traveling aids for a person who is blind are often a white cane or a trained guide dog. Drivers must always yield the right-of-way to persons who are blind.。
美国考驾照的试题及答案一、选择题1. 在美国,驾驶执照考试中,以下哪项是正确的说法?A. 必须在指定的驾校学习才能参加考试B. 可以自学后直接参加考试C. 必须通过笔试和路考才能获得驾照D. 只有通过笔试才能获得驾照答案:B2. 在美国,如果你在红灯时右转,以下哪项是正确的?A. 必须完全停止车辆B. 可以不停车直接右转C. 只有在没有行人的情况下才能右转D. 只有在没有其他车辆的情况下才能右转答案:A3. 在美国,遇到校车停车并闪烁红灯时,以下哪项是正确的?A. 继续行驶,但要减速B. 从校车后方停车C. 从校车前方停车D. 从校车两侧停车答案:B4. 在美国,以下哪项是正确的驾驶行为?A. 驾驶时使用手机B. 驾驶时不系安全带C. 驾驶时保持安全距离D. 驾驶时超速行驶答案:C5. 在美国,以下哪项是正确的停车行为?A. 在消防栓旁停车B. 在交叉路口停车C. 在残疾人专用车位停车,如果车上没有残疾人D. 在指定的停车区域停车答案:D二、判断题1. 在美国,驾驶时可以饮酒。
答案:错误2. 在美国,驾驶时必须系安全带。
答案:正确3. 在美国,驾驶时可以使用手机进行通话,但不能发短信。
答案:错误4. 在美国,遇到行人过马路时必须停车让行。
答案:正确5. 在美国,驾驶时可以不携带驾驶执照。
答案:错误三、简答题1. 请简述在美国驾驶时遇到救护车、消防车或警车时,应如何操作?答案:遇到救护车、消防车或警车时,应尽快安全地靠边停车,让这些紧急车辆先行通过。
2. 请简述在美国驾驶时,如何正确使用转向灯?答案:在准备转弯或变道前,应提前打开相应的转向灯,以告知其他道路使用者你的意图。
3. 请简述在美国驾驶时,遇到行人在人行横道上时,应如何操作?答案:遇到行人在人行横道上时,应停车让行,直到行人安全通过。
4. 请简述在美国驾驶时,如何正确使用远光灯?答案:在没有路灯或对向没有来车时,可以使用远光灯。
1.除非另外公布,商业区限速: 25英里每小时。
2.除非另有标明,在有小孩的学校地段的限速为: 25英里3.住宅区限速: 25 英里。
4.您在时速65英里的高速公路上驾驶,当时交通繁忙,车流时速35英里,您驾驶的最佳时速是: 35英里5.您在限速65英里的高速公路最左车道上以时速55英里速度驾驶,在下列情况下,您可能会因为车开的太慢而收到罚单:如果您阻挡正常和合理的车流6.盲点交叉路口限速: 15 英里7.如果在没有信号管制的交叉路口,您在进入交叉路口之前没有看到车辆穿过,则限速为: 15 英里8.如果对面来车开始在您面前左转,您应当:减速或停车以防发生车祸。
13.如果没有限制线,应该将车停在哪里? :在转弯处14.您正在接近一个交义路口,交通信号灯是闪动红灯,您应该:在进入交义路口前停下,安全后再继续行驶。
纽约驾校考试试题题库纽约驾校考试试题题库涵盖了交通法规、驾驶技巧、安全知识等多个方面,以下是一些模拟试题,供参考:纽约驾校考试模拟试题一、交通信号与标志1. 当您遇到红灯时,应该:- A. 停车等待- B. 快速通过- C. 减速慢行- D. 观察四周,确保安全后通过2. 遇到黄色交通灯闪烁时,您应该:- A. 停车等待- B. 减速慢行- C. 快速通过- D. 保持当前速度通过3. 以下哪个标志表示“停车让行”:- A. 一个圆圈中有一条横线- B. 一个三角形中有一条横线- C. 一个倒三角形中有一条横线- D. 一个圆圈中有两条横线二、驾驶行为与技巧4. 在纽约,您必须在什么情况下使用转向灯:- A. 仅在变道时- B. 仅在转弯时- C. 在变道、转弯或停车时- D. 只在高速公路上5. 如果您在驾驶中遇到紧急情况,以下哪项是正确的行为: - A. 立即停车- B. 减速并寻找安全地点停车- C. 继续驾驶,直到找到警察- D. 拨打9116. 在雨天驾驶时,您应该:- A. 增加车速,以减少在雨中的时间- B. 保持正常车速- C. 减速并增加与前车的距离- D. 关闭所有车窗,以减少噪音三、安全知识7. 酒驾的定义是什么:- A. 饮酒后立即驾驶- B. 饮酒后等待一段时间再驾驶- C. 血液中酒精含量超过法定限制驾驶- D. 酒后驾驶且发生事故8. 为什么在驾驶时使用手机是危险的:- A. 手机可能会干扰车辆的电子设备- B. 使用手机会分散驾驶员的注意力- C. 手机辐射对驾驶员健康有害- D. 以上都是9. 以下哪项是正确的安全带使用方式:- A. 仅在高速公路上使用- B. 仅在市区内使用- C. 每次驾驶时都使用- D. 只有在有儿童乘客时使用四、交通法规10. 在纽约,驾驶时血液中的酒精含量不得超过多少:- A. 0.05%- B. 0.08%- C. 0.10%- D. 0.15%11. 如果您在纽约州被判定为酒驾,您可能面临哪些后果: - A. 罚款- B. 吊销驾照- C. 监禁- D. 所有以上12. 在纽约,未成年人是否可以购买或持有酒精:- A. 是的,但有年龄限制- B. 只有在父母陪同下可以- C. 不可以- D. 只有在特定场合可以结束语以上模拟试题仅供参考,实际考试内容可能会有所不同。
新泽西州驾照笔试试题及答案必须检查车每两年非法获取许可证可能会导致驱动程序罚款200$ 500 及/或30-90 天的刑期改变或涂改执照可能会导致好的监禁,暂停。
你小家鼠有什么样的保险责任必须使用头灯1/2 小时在日出和日落之前和限制的条件查看超过500 英尺。
如果你是用的BAC 下21。
01%驾驶,你是服从30-90 天悬挂、15-30 天社区服务、酒精教育和安全公路程序你不能停内一个消防栓_____ 10 金融时报》可以从一个许可证减去3 点,如果你有没有移动的侵犯... 一年若要备份你的汽车在一条直线,您应该向右远转,如有必要看背面并慢慢地备份使你应该往右拐获取在正确的车道当在夜间开车请确保您可以停止... 在距离你可以看到你之前如果你走进你应该橇从油门踏板卸下的脚。
如果一个轮胎吹出逐渐慢下来如果乘客超过18 发现没有安全带,负责?乘客如果车辆传递您,您应该慢下来,让他们通过。
一个人可能驱动器私人或公共财产,以避免交通标志或信号,如果……指示这样做的缔约方会议你应该在市内开车驱动器速度较慢,手表的行人,坚持12 第二条规则。
当驾驶着一条曲线,车辆往往到……直走当你开始飞艇停你应该慢下来(hydroplaning 是失去在湿滑的路面上的轮胎抓地力和骑着水的电影)若要保留您与在您的驱动程序之间的适当距离,至少留 2 秒钟那么远后驱车穿越深水坑,您应立即检查您……刹车一颗钻石形标志是警告或警诫的标志三角形的标志就是产量标志。
如果您将移动到你的汽车必须检查范围内的NJ 注册后14 天你不能在此停车标志的距离内停50 英尺当你知道紧急车辆你应该的做法如最右边,你可以直到它将传递靠边在一所学校的速度区除非以其它方式发布是25 英里/小时当一辆校车已停泊在一所学校时您可能传递或下什么速度10 英里/小时当这条路标有一个打破了一个实线你可能……通过与断线的一面从两个途径路变成四车道的公路的程序... 尽可能地接近中心巷尽可能打开之前的交集,中心变成左线去你的方向。
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美国驾照笔试题(New Jersey DMV)(附个别名词解释)来源:美國駕駛執照考題Sample Questions of Written Test for Driver License (NJ)1. 1. An Agricultural license allows the operation of:A: Farm registered vehicles for agricultural purposes only.1. 2. The shape of a Yield sign is:A: Triangle.1. 3. A green light means:A: Go when safe.1. 4. At the time of your road test you must present:A: A valid vehicle registration permit, insurance, ID, Examination permit. (the answ er is “above all is right”)1. 5. 1 & ½ounces of 86 proof of liquor contains the same amount of alcoholas:A: 12 ounces of beer.1. 6. If a person get drunk in your home and has a motor vehicle accident, after leaving your home you could:A. Become involved in a Lawsuit.1.7. Studies show that the greatest number of people arrested for drunk driving have been drinking:A: Beer.1.8. If a person has been drinking, which of the following can sober them up: A: Time.1.9. Implied Consent Law means:A: On request of a police officer you agree to take a breath test to determine Blood Alcohol Content.1.10. The best way to reduce your chances of having an alcohol related accident is to:A: Not drive at all after drinking.1.11. When parking downhill on a street with a curb on your right, your carwheels should be:A: turned towards the curb.1.12. When driving at night be sure that you can stop:A: Within the distance you can see ahead.1.13. To maintain a proper following distance when driving, you should stay at least:A: 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you.1.14. The best way to make a curve is:A: Slow down before entering the curve.1.15. If not contracted by a “No turn on Red” sign, New Jersey law permits you to turn right on red after:A: Coming to a full stop and checking traffic.1.16. The New Jersey speed limit in a business or residential area unless otherwise posted is:A: 25 mph1.17. High beam lights are used for:A: Open country driving.1.18. After driving through a deep puddle you should immediately:A: Test your brake.1.19. If your brakes suddenly give out, the first thing you should try to do is: A: Shift to lower gear and pump the brakes.1.20. If you are arrested for drunk driving in ., your chances of being convicted are:A: 76%.1.21. On a 2 lane road not near a school, when a school bus has stopped and its lights are flashing:A: You must stop.1.22. You must pass on the right when:A: The driver ahead is turning left and there is a proper lane on the right.1.23. The 2-second rule can be used at any speed to help you:A: Keep a safe following distance.1.24. If you are involved in a motor accident resulting in injuries while your driving privileges are suspended, you are subject to:A: A fine, suspension of your driving privileges, and mandatory 45 days jail sentence.1.25. When nearing a steady yellow or amber traffic signal, you should:A: Stop before entering the intersection if possible.1.26. A person who holds a probationary driver’s license is subject to:A: An advisory notice upon being convicted of their first moving violation, mandator y attendance at a driver education program in place of suspension for second violati on-resulting in 4 or more points, also any violation after attending school will result in suspension.1.27. If you refuse to take a breath test and it is your first offense, the penalty is:A: Not less than $250 or more than $500 fine, 6 months license suspension and co mplete an Alcohol Screening and Evaluation Program at a country Intoxicated Resou rce center.??????????????????1.28. You are considered by Law to the under the influence when the amountof alcohol in your blood or BAC has reached:A: %1.29. Which of the following drinks contains about the highest alcohol content:A: 5 ounces of table wine, 1 & ½ounces of whiskey, 12 ounces of beer (The ans wer is “all of the above”)1.30. If you drink and have reached a BAC of % the risk if you causing a motor vehicle accident is:A: Double1.31. In the event of a crash of shoulder step the use of seat belts may:A: Keep you from being thrown from the car, keep you from hitting the windshield of dashboard, keep you from sliding off the seat and losing control of the car. (The answer is “above all is right”)1.32. The meaning of a hand signal when a driver’s hand and arm are straight out isA: Left turn.1.33. Hydroplaning is a driving condition where the tires lose tract on a wet road and floats on a layer of water or slush. When this happens you should: A: slow down.1.34. If a student driver commits a traffic offense, responsibility will be with: A: Both the student and the instructor.1.35. A person may operate a moped with:A: A valid basic license, motorcycle license or a moped license.1.36. If you have a tire blowout, you should:A: Slow down gradually.1.37. When the pavement is marked with two centerlines, one solid and onebroken:A: Passing is permitted only on the side with the broken line.1.38. When making a left turn from a two way street, you should get into the:A: Lane nearest to the center of the road.1.39. If you miss your exit on an expressway, you should:A: Go on the next exit.1.40. You should expect to see double solid center lines on:A: A winding two lane road.1.41. If you are going 50 mph, your total stopping distances on any road should be aboutA: 243 feet.1.42. When approaching a Railroad Crossing with flashing lights:A: Stop at the crossing.1.43. Signals should be used when:A: Changing lanes, when turning and or when slowing down.1.44. An articulated license allows the operation of:A: A commercially registered vehicle of 18.999 lbs or more joined by a coupling de vice.1.45. A signal, solid white line across a road at an intersection means:A: Stop behind the line for a traffic sign or light.1.46. The order of colors on a traffic light, hung top to bottom:A: Red, Yellow and green.1.47. Under the . Point System a person having a license over 2 years after how many points will get a notice of license suspension:A: 12 points.1.48. After 2 to 4 drinks, alcohol begins to impair your:A: reaction time, coordination and balance and also your judgment.1.49. Drugs that may affect basic driving skill are:A: Cold pills, tranquilizers and some prescription drugs.1.50. Whether your Blood Alcohol Contest raises above legal limits, it dependson:A: Amount you drink, your weight and the time you take to drink.1.51. You could be either sober or under the influence when the amount of alcohol in your blood or ABC has reached:A: %1.52. The meaning of a hand signal when a driver’s hand and arm is downward is:A: Slow down or stop.1.53. To avoid highway hypnosis when driving on an expressway, it is a goodpractice to:A: Avoid looking at anything for more than a few seconds.1.54. Road surfaces are slippiest:A: During the first few minutes of rainfall.1.55. If you come to a 4-way stop at the same time as another driver you must:A: Yield to the driver in the right.1.56. To regain control when in a skid you should:A: Turn in the same direction the back of the car is skidding.1.57. If you go into a skid you should:A: Take your foot off the gas pedal.1.58. When a school bus has stopped directly in front of a school to pick upor let off children you must pass from either direction at a speed of no more than:A: 10 mph1.59. If 2 cars begin to enter an uncontrolled intersection at the same time, A: The driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right.1.60. To make a right turn you should:A: Get in the right lane.1.61. A flashing red light means:A: stop, proceed with caution.1.62. Driving while under the influence of alcohol beverages or drugs refers to:A: When your senses and judgment are impaired by alcohol or drugs of any kind.1.63. In city driving, a good habit is to:A: Look 12 second ahead.1.64. The speed limit in a school zone, unless otherwise posted is:A: 25 mph.1.65. When appearing or nearing an uncontrolled intersection, you should: A: Reduce speed and be ready to stop.1.66. Special permit may be issued at age 16 when:A: The application is enrolled in a behind the wheel driver’s education course of the Dept. of Education and or the applicant is enrolled in a commercial driving educati on course purchased by an approved driving instructor.1.67. New Jersey law allows up to 3 points to be subtracted from your drivingrecord if you have no moving traffic violation:2.、3.: For 1 year from the date of the last violation.1.68. A 12-ounce can of beer has as much alcohol in it as:A: 1 & ½ounces of 86 proof of whiskey.1.69. Driving while under the influence of intoxicating beverages means:A: Driving even if the driver has had 1 drink.1.70. The meaning of a hand signal when a driver’s hand and arm is upwardis:A: Right turn.1.71. It is a good practice to keep a space cushion to:A: Give you time to react.1.72. When driving around a curve your vehicle will tend to:A: Keep going straight.1.73. You should only use parking lights:A: When parking.1.74. You should always yield to:A: Emergency vehicle, pedestrians and other vehicles already in the intersection.1.75. Laws of NJ requires you to keep to the right except:A: When impractical to on that side of the roadway of passing and when on a one way street.1.76. When making a left turn from a two way road into a four lane highwaythe proper way to turn is:A: Approach turn from center lane of road and turn into a left lane.1.77. When must you signal before making a turn:A: At least 100 feet.1.78. How close may you park to a stop sign:A: 50 feet1.79. How close may you park to a corner:A: 25 feet.1.80. How close may you park to a fire hydrant:A: 10 feet.1.81. What is the proper distance you may park from a curb?A: 6 inches.1.82. What are the penalties for driving without insurance?A: 1 year of suspension of driver’s license and registration and $300 fine.1.83. Serious accidents causing death, injury or $200 damage must be reported in 5 days to:A: Division of Motor Vehicles.1.84. Points are only issued for:A: Moving violations.1.85. When will you be given a proposed License Suspension Notice?A: When you have received 12 points.1.86. What is the penalty for driving with a suspended license?A: $500 fine and up to 6 months additional license suspension.1.87. What is the penalty for not telling the truth when applying for a license? A: Not less than $500 fine and/or up to 6 months in jail and lost 6 months to 2 y ears privilege of driving.1.88. What is a good practice while driving?A: Avoid looking at anything for more than a few seconds.1.89. What is the proper lane to turn into when making a left turn?A: The lane nearest the center in the direction you are heading.1.90. When driving at night you should be able to stop now:A: Within the distance you can see ahead.1.91. What is the purpose of traffic laws?A: To protect you and other drivers.1.92. If you feel or hear an unusual thumping noise while driving it may be: A: The tires.1.93. What is the best advice if your car is stranded in a heavy snow?A: Stay with your car.1.94. What must you do if you want to turn left at a traffic light?A: Check intersection ahead for signals and yield to the oncoming traffic.1.95. If the front of your car vibrates the problem may be with your:A: Steering.1.96. What do two parallel white lines across the road mean?A: Pedestrian Crosswalk.1.97. Which lights should you use when driving in fog?A: low beams.1.98. What papers must you have when operating a motor vehicleA: License, registration and insurance card.1.99. When should you use your horn?A: If you are driving out of alley or you want to get the attention of the other driv ers.1.100. What should be done if two cars entering an uncontrolled intersectionsimultaneously?A: The driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right.1.101. Why should you use seat and shoulder belts?A: The increase your chances of surviving an accident.1.102. When may you pass on the right?A: If the car in front is turning left and there is a lane for driving on the right.1.103. What does a single solid white line across an intersection mean?A: You should stop behind the line for a traffic sign or signal.1.104. What does a yellow diamond shape sign mean?A: warning or caution.1.105. What way do you turn if you go into a skid?A: In the direction the back of the car is skidding.1.106. What direction should you check first when approaching an intersection? A: To the left.1.107. What is the most common mistake a new driver makes with the brake? A: Pushing the brake too hard.1.108. What is the best way to talk to the other driver?A: Through the use of your horn or lights.1.109. What does 2 red and white triangular sign mean?A: Yield.1.110. If the lights of oncoming cars are in your eyes, what should you do? A: Look to the lower right side of your traffic lane.1.111. The safest way to exit an expressway is to:A: Slow your car to the posted exit speed.1.112. What should you do if your electric signals fail to operate?A: Use hand signals.1.113. What should you do if you are angry or upset?A: Cool off before attempting to drive.1.114. What is a good practice at intersections that have no sign or signals? A: Be ready to stop if necessary.1.115. One of the best defenses against drunk drivers is:A: Proper wearing of a safety belt.1.116. How should you turn your wheels when parking downhill with a curb? A: To the right forward the curb.1.117. When approaching a railroad crossing with flashing light:A: Stop within 50 feet but not less than 15 feet of the nearest rail.1.118. You should always yield to:A: Other vehicles already in the intersection, pedestrians and emergency vehicles.1.119. If you want to return to the road from a dirt shoulder:A: Slow down, then turn, your wheels to climb the pavement.1.120. Driving while under the influence of intoxicating beverages means: A: The driver shows obvious signs of being drunk.1.121. When blood/alcohol content reaches %, % or % your chances of getting into a serious or fatal accident will increases:A: 2 times, 6 times, or 25 times.1.122. What is an “abitual offender”?A: Any person whose license has been suspended 3 times within 3 years.1.123. The first conviction penalty for driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is:A: $250-$400 fine and possible imprisonment for 30 days and loss of license for 6 months to 1 year and 12 to 48 hours in an Intoxicated Driver Resource center.1.124. With a blood alcohol concentration of % to %,A: You are presumed NOT to be under the influence.1.125. With a blood alcohol concentration of % to %,A: You may or may not be under the influence.1.126. With a blood alcohol concentration of % or more,A: You are under the influence.1.127. NJ licensed drivers must take an eyesight recheck:A: Every ten years.1.128. What is a good “rule of thumb” in adjusting your speed to traffic? A: One car length back for each 10 miles per hour speed or 2-3 second space bet ween cars.1.129. What is the “rule of thumb” for following di stances on dry rods?A: Try to adjust your speed to the flow of traffic.1.130. What does the word “tailgating” mean?A: Driving too close to the vehicle in front, it does not allow you enough time to r eact if the vehicle ahead suddenly slows or stops.1.131. What does hydroplaning mean?A: losing the tire grip on wet roads and riding on a film of water.1.132. What is an uncontrolled intersection?A: One where there are no traffic signs or signals.1.133. When should you dim your headlights?A: In city driving and when following or meeting another vehicle within 500 feet.1.134. What is an acceleration lane?A: An extra lane provided at the entrance to an expressway.1.135. How far should you always keep feet behind signaling emergency vehicle?A: At least 300.1.136. How far can you park to a fire department?A: 20 feet.1.137. When should headlights be used?A: Between one-half hour before sunset and one-half hour after sunrise or the visibility is less than 500 feet or in the bad weather.1.138. If you lost your driver license you should report to?A: The nearest police station.1.139. If a person who is older than 18 sitting in the front seat without seatbelt, who is responsible for?A: The person him/herself.以上資料由Phoebe Chuang 提供UR Edu and Info Co. Ltd.詠瑞留學資訊公司台北市復興南路一段137號4F-1 (忠孝東路復興南路口/華南銀行樓上)TEL:(02)2731 6060 FAX:(02)2731 4412PS:名词解释The Hand SingalsYou must know these for the written testandYou will have occasion to use them in the Road Test. For turning leftFor slowing and stoppingThe right turn signal4-way stop:How to Handle a 4-Way StopBy an eHow Contributorthrough most towns and cities brings you to a 4-way stop at some point. Whether it is at a stop sign or a red light, 4-way stops can confuse some of the most experienced drivers. There is only one set of rules that applies to 4-way stops, although many peopl e don't follow them. Learn how to handle a 4-way stop by following these steps.Difficulty: Moderately EasyInstructions1.1Slow your when approaching a 4-way stop. As you stop at the stop sign or redlight, notice if there are any cars at any of the other stops, or if there are any approaching at the same time.2.2Stop your vehicle completely. This means that your are completely stopped and not rolling at all. If there are cross walk lines or painted indicators on the road,stop at the appropriate lines. If it is a stop sign and there are no lines on theroad, stop when the front of your car is even with the stop sign. If there is something blocking your view of the other stops signs, you may move forward o nly after stopping completely at your own stop sign.3.3Look at the other stops to see if there are any other vehicles stopped or moving. The vehicles leave the stop signs in the same order in which they arrived. The first vehicle to arrive at a complete stop is the first vehicle allowed to leave the stop sign.4.4Know that if there is more than one vehicle arriving at the same time at the 4-way stop, the vehicle furthest to the right is allowed to leave first. Always allow at least a few seconds to make sure no one else takes off even if it your turn to leave first. Many people do not follow this rule, even though it is the legal way to leave a 4-way stop.源地址:来源:|分享41|浏览165|||。