外贸英语函电第一章 Business Letter Writing -An Introduction
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外贸英语函电第一章 Business Letter Writing -An Introduction
About this course
The basic objectives of this course is to provide you a tool to do international business and enable readers to understand with the least possible effort.
About this course
With time and patience the leaf of mulberry become satin.
Understand the 7C principles of business letter writing;
了解外贸函电写作的7C基本原则; Master the basic structure of business letters; 掌握外贸函电的基本结构; Get knowledge of the basic styles of business
(2) Paragraph correctly, confining each paragraph to one topic;
(3) Avoid stereotyped phrases and commercial jargon.
1.2.7 The Closing Sentences(结尾语) 结尾语用来总结信中所谈到的重要事项,提示
1.2.3 The Salutation(称呼) 称呼是指写信人对收信人的称呼,位置在封内
地址下2~3行,并与之平头。 在商业信函中一般通用的称呼为Dear Sir或者
Dear Sirs。但美国人通常使用Gentlemen 而不 是Dear Sirs。请注意,不能使用单数的 Gentleman,或者Sir /Sirs。在称呼后用逗号或 者冒号都可以,前者在英国常用,后者在美国 采用。现在一些公司的主管是女性,单数用 Dear Madam 或者Madam。如果不知道对方是 男性还是女性,用Dear Madam or Sir更好一些。
specifications, quantity, figure and units; 2. to pay attention to the understanding and using the
commercial terms correctly; 3. to pay attention to the spelling of words, the use of
1.2.2 Inside Name and Address(信内地址) 英文地址常见的组成部分有: (1) name of company (2) number of house and name of street (3) name of city or town (4) county or state and its post-code (5) name of country
The final destination of this course is to make you think and analyze things from an English angle.
About this course: the way to master commercial letter-writing skills
2. Avoiding ambiguous sentences and needless jargon;
3. Use plain, simple words and short sentences;
4. Statements in well-constructed sentences and paragraphs.
1.1.4 Consideration(体谅) 1. try to put yourself in HIS place; 2. emphasize the YOU attitude; 3. emphasize positive pleasant facts. 1.1.5 Completeness(完整) 1. provide all necessary information; 2. answer all questions asked; 3. give something extra, when desirable.
对收信人的各种要求。一般是在正文结束以后 另起一段。
Example 16 1. We are awaiting your early reply. 2. We look forward to hearing from you soon. 3. We are anticipating your answer.
1.2.4 The Subject Heading or Caption(事由) 事由写在称呼下两行,一般是在信纸中央的位
置,但如果是平头式则由左边沿线写起。写事 由的目的是使对方收发人员看到之后可以迅速 转递给经办人,这对于业务繁忙的外贸公司来 说,可以节约大量时间,并提高工作效率。一 般情况下,事由不要省略,要简明扼要地说明 来信的主旨,例如商品、运输、包装、保险、 信用证和索赔等。有时其前面加上Re:,意思 是“关于”。例如,关于鞋子,Re: shoes;关 于信用证第123号,Re: L/C No.123。
the letter should be written in language that is easily understood.
The following serves as reminders:
(1) Write simply, clearly, courteously, grammatically and to the point;
Whenever you get an opportunity, practicing writing in English.
Make amendments to the letters until you find they meet your intended objectives.
Polish your English at all times.
与其他形式的创作一样,外贸函电的写作没有什么不同, 也是写信人的一种创作活动。良好的英文是写好商业信 函的重要基础之一。写信人应该尽量避免语法错误及各 种词不达意所带来的误解。评判外贸函电及其他很多商 业信函的标准,一般可归纳为7C基本原则。
1.1.1 Clearness(清楚)
1. Pay attention to sentence structure to convey your meaning;
1.2.5 The Opening Sentences(开头语)
开头语没有统一的格式,如果是第一次通 信,可以利用开头语做自我介绍、说明信 息来源、表明写信目的。如果是回信,习 惯上是感谢对方来信,复述对方来信的日 期、编号、主题或者简单内容。
1.2.6 The Body of the Letter(信的正文)
letters; 熟悉外贸函电格式; Get knowledge of the writing o来自百度文库 envelopes. 了解信封写作。
1.1 Essentials of Business Letterwriting
外贸函电是一种重要的商业信函,服务于国际贸易的方 方面面,其内容往往是一种业务的安排、交易细节的商 讨、协议的达成或者一个合同。一般来说,商业信函的 功能是:① 要求或传递信息(to ask for or to convey information);② 发出或接受要约(to make or to accept an offer);③ 处理有关业务谈判(to deal with matters concerning negotiation of business)。此外, 也有一些没有上述目的,而只是提醒收件人有关信息的 信函。
1.1.2 Conciseness(简洁) 1. in the fewest possible words; 2. briefly but completely. 1.1.3 Courtesy(礼貌) 1. more than Polite; 2. sincere, tactful, thoughtful and appreciative; 3. avoid irritating, offensive or belittling
信的正文是信的主体,是一封信的核心所在。需要根据中心思 想把正文分为若干段落。
1. 写这封信的目的是什么;
2. 如何以最好的方式去写信。
Since the main purpose of the letter is to convey a message,
punctuation and capital words , and the structure of sentences.
1.2 The Structure of Business Letters A business letter consists of seven principal parts: (1) the letter-head (including the date) (2) the inside name and address (3) the salutation (4) the subject heading or caption (5) the opening sentences (6) the body of letter (7) the closing sentences (8) the complimentary close (9) the writer’s signature and official position (10) the enclosure (11) the postscript
1.2.1 The Letter-head(信头)
Giving the day in figures as 12/10/2010 is in bad taste, and it may easily cause confusion, because in Britain this date would mean 12th October 2009, but in the United States and some other countries it would mean 10th December 2009.
1.1.6 Concreteness(具体) 1. to make the message specific; 2. don’t try to write in a literary style; 3. use action rather than camouflaged verbs. 1.1.7 Correctness(正确) 1. to choose the only accurate name of article,
1.2.8 The Complimentary Close(结束语)
结束语和称呼一样,都是表达礼貌的方式, 使用时表达要适应场合。它也必须与前面 的称呼相符合。
1.2.9 The Writer’s Signature and Official Position(写信人的签名和职位)
在结束语下面,将代表写信人的签名或公 司名用大写打印,必须由负责人签字。签 名的下面为使对方了解签名人的姓名、职 位,可以打印注明,因为签字往往很潦草。 注意:负责人最好用手签名,用橡皮图章 签字是一种不礼貌的行为,说明该信并非 本人亲自过目,不为人所重视。
About this course
The basic objectives of this course is to provide you a tool to do international business and enable readers to understand with the least possible effort.
About this course
With time and patience the leaf of mulberry become satin.
Understand the 7C principles of business letter writing;
了解外贸函电写作的7C基本原则; Master the basic structure of business letters; 掌握外贸函电的基本结构; Get knowledge of the basic styles of business
(2) Paragraph correctly, confining each paragraph to one topic;
(3) Avoid stereotyped phrases and commercial jargon.
1.2.7 The Closing Sentences(结尾语) 结尾语用来总结信中所谈到的重要事项,提示
1.2.3 The Salutation(称呼) 称呼是指写信人对收信人的称呼,位置在封内
地址下2~3行,并与之平头。 在商业信函中一般通用的称呼为Dear Sir或者
Dear Sirs。但美国人通常使用Gentlemen 而不 是Dear Sirs。请注意,不能使用单数的 Gentleman,或者Sir /Sirs。在称呼后用逗号或 者冒号都可以,前者在英国常用,后者在美国 采用。现在一些公司的主管是女性,单数用 Dear Madam 或者Madam。如果不知道对方是 男性还是女性,用Dear Madam or Sir更好一些。
specifications, quantity, figure and units; 2. to pay attention to the understanding and using the
commercial terms correctly; 3. to pay attention to the spelling of words, the use of
1.2.2 Inside Name and Address(信内地址) 英文地址常见的组成部分有: (1) name of company (2) number of house and name of street (3) name of city or town (4) county or state and its post-code (5) name of country
The final destination of this course is to make you think and analyze things from an English angle.
About this course: the way to master commercial letter-writing skills
2. Avoiding ambiguous sentences and needless jargon;
3. Use plain, simple words and short sentences;
4. Statements in well-constructed sentences and paragraphs.
1.1.4 Consideration(体谅) 1. try to put yourself in HIS place; 2. emphasize the YOU attitude; 3. emphasize positive pleasant facts. 1.1.5 Completeness(完整) 1. provide all necessary information; 2. answer all questions asked; 3. give something extra, when desirable.
对收信人的各种要求。一般是在正文结束以后 另起一段。
Example 16 1. We are awaiting your early reply. 2. We look forward to hearing from you soon. 3. We are anticipating your answer.
1.2.4 The Subject Heading or Caption(事由) 事由写在称呼下两行,一般是在信纸中央的位
置,但如果是平头式则由左边沿线写起。写事 由的目的是使对方收发人员看到之后可以迅速 转递给经办人,这对于业务繁忙的外贸公司来 说,可以节约大量时间,并提高工作效率。一 般情况下,事由不要省略,要简明扼要地说明 来信的主旨,例如商品、运输、包装、保险、 信用证和索赔等。有时其前面加上Re:,意思 是“关于”。例如,关于鞋子,Re: shoes;关 于信用证第123号,Re: L/C No.123。
the letter should be written in language that is easily understood.
The following serves as reminders:
(1) Write simply, clearly, courteously, grammatically and to the point;
Whenever you get an opportunity, practicing writing in English.
Make amendments to the letters until you find they meet your intended objectives.
Polish your English at all times.
与其他形式的创作一样,外贸函电的写作没有什么不同, 也是写信人的一种创作活动。良好的英文是写好商业信 函的重要基础之一。写信人应该尽量避免语法错误及各 种词不达意所带来的误解。评判外贸函电及其他很多商 业信函的标准,一般可归纳为7C基本原则。
1.1.1 Clearness(清楚)
1. Pay attention to sentence structure to convey your meaning;
1.2.5 The Opening Sentences(开头语)
开头语没有统一的格式,如果是第一次通 信,可以利用开头语做自我介绍、说明信 息来源、表明写信目的。如果是回信,习 惯上是感谢对方来信,复述对方来信的日 期、编号、主题或者简单内容。
1.2.6 The Body of the Letter(信的正文)
letters; 熟悉外贸函电格式; Get knowledge of the writing o来自百度文库 envelopes. 了解信封写作。
1.1 Essentials of Business Letterwriting
外贸函电是一种重要的商业信函,服务于国际贸易的方 方面面,其内容往往是一种业务的安排、交易细节的商 讨、协议的达成或者一个合同。一般来说,商业信函的 功能是:① 要求或传递信息(to ask for or to convey information);② 发出或接受要约(to make or to accept an offer);③ 处理有关业务谈判(to deal with matters concerning negotiation of business)。此外, 也有一些没有上述目的,而只是提醒收件人有关信息的 信函。
1.1.2 Conciseness(简洁) 1. in the fewest possible words; 2. briefly but completely. 1.1.3 Courtesy(礼貌) 1. more than Polite; 2. sincere, tactful, thoughtful and appreciative; 3. avoid irritating, offensive or belittling
信的正文是信的主体,是一封信的核心所在。需要根据中心思 想把正文分为若干段落。
1. 写这封信的目的是什么;
2. 如何以最好的方式去写信。
Since the main purpose of the letter is to convey a message,
punctuation and capital words , and the structure of sentences.
1.2 The Structure of Business Letters A business letter consists of seven principal parts: (1) the letter-head (including the date) (2) the inside name and address (3) the salutation (4) the subject heading or caption (5) the opening sentences (6) the body of letter (7) the closing sentences (8) the complimentary close (9) the writer’s signature and official position (10) the enclosure (11) the postscript
1.2.1 The Letter-head(信头)
Giving the day in figures as 12/10/2010 is in bad taste, and it may easily cause confusion, because in Britain this date would mean 12th October 2009, but in the United States and some other countries it would mean 10th December 2009.
1.1.6 Concreteness(具体) 1. to make the message specific; 2. don’t try to write in a literary style; 3. use action rather than camouflaged verbs. 1.1.7 Correctness(正确) 1. to choose the only accurate name of article,
1.2.8 The Complimentary Close(结束语)
结束语和称呼一样,都是表达礼貌的方式, 使用时表达要适应场合。它也必须与前面 的称呼相符合。
1.2.9 The Writer’s Signature and Official Position(写信人的签名和职位)
在结束语下面,将代表写信人的签名或公 司名用大写打印,必须由负责人签字。签 名的下面为使对方了解签名人的姓名、职 位,可以打印注明,因为签字往往很潦草。 注意:负责人最好用手签名,用橡皮图章 签字是一种不礼貌的行为,说明该信并非 本人亲自过目,不为人所重视。