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(Leung, Chan & Shah 2007)
OT management in Geriatric Practice
Chinese Barthel Index – Rating Criteria
中文版的Barthel 指数-评分标准 基本的评级标准:
一. 二.
四. 五.
完全依赖别人去完成整项活动。 某程度上能参与,但在整个活动的过程中都需要别人提供协助才 能完成。 能参与大部份的活动,但在某些过程中仍需要别人提供协助才能 完成整项活动。 除了在准备或收拾时需要协助,病人可以独立完成整项活动;或 进行活动时需要别人从旁监督或提示,以策安全。 可以独立完成整项活动而毋需别人在旁监督、提示或协助。
Modified Barthel Index 改良的Barthel 指数
5-point likert scale Different weights to reflect the time and amount of actual physical assistance required
The total sum of item scores yield 100 indicating complete independence in self-care performance The most superior and widely used
OT management in Geriatric Practice 5
Modified Barthel Index 改良的Barthel 指数
The modified BI (MBI) improved the sensitivity of the BI at both the item and scale levels
讲者: 区启明 梁爱珠 香港作业治疗师协会 昆明医学院外聘教师 二00七年十二月 昆明 鸣谢:钟晶晶
General clinical measures in geriatric OT practice
Evaluation of functional performance 对功能表现的评估 Modified Barthel Index (MBI) Functional Independence Measure (FIM) Lawton’s Instrumental Activity of Daily Living (Lawton IADL) Evaluation of cognition 認知的评估 Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE) Evaluation of mood 情绪的评估 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15)
注: 【整个活动的过程】可介定为有超过一半的活动过程 【准备或收拾】是指一些可在测试前后去处理的非紧急活动过程
OT management in Geriatric Practice
Chinese Barthel Index – Feeding
中文版的Barthel 指数-进食 进食的定义是用合适的餐具将食物由容器送到口中。整 个过程包括咀嚼及吞咽。
(Gresham, 1980; Dombory, 1987; Wade, 1988 & Shah, 1989)
BI is commonly used by local Occupational Therapists. Over 95% of OT settings use the instrument to measure self care independence of patients
(Keith, 1988; Shah et al., 1989)
OT management in Geriatric Practice
OT management in Geriatric Practice
(Shah et al., 1989) 7
Chinese Barthel Index – Introduction 中文的Barthel 指数-介绍
higher content reliability = 0.87 of the MBI, than original BI
internal consistency was reported as 0.90 and 0.93 for admission and discharge stroke rehabilitation respectively
Chinese Barthel Index是一个日常生活自
我照顾能力的尺度。此尺度共有十项的活动, 包括进食、个人卫生、穿衣、洗澡、如厕、大 小便控制、床椅转移、步行和上落楼梯。每个 活动的评级可分为五级,不同的级别代表了不 同程度的独立能力。最低的是一级,而最高是 五级。级数越高,代表独立能力越高。
Modified Barthel Index 改良的Barthel 指数
developed by Mahoney and Barthel in 1965
Modified by Shah et al in 1989
to measure the ability of self-care independence of patients administered by trained personnel rate the performance of a patient in an institutionalized setting through direct observation consist of 10 self-care items
OT management in Geriatric Practice 3
Toileting Ambulation Dressing Feeding
Bladder Control
Bowel Control
Self-Care Activities
Stair climbing