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English 10

Jim Crow Presentation

You will work in groups of 3 or 4. You will choose 2 Jim Crow Laws, one Jim Crow Profile, and one Jim Crow Event to research and present to class. The links to the web sites you will go to for your information are listed below. You will search Google Images to find pictures to go in a Power Point project that will be part of your presentation.

Step 1: Set up your folders

Choose two of your group members whose SFUSD accounts you will use to you’re your research, pictures and the Power Point project. Make sure these are reliable students.

Create the following folders in your U: drive:

| English 10 | Last Name_JC

Open JCNotes_Template from the School Loop calendar and Save As Last Name_JCNotes in your JC folder. (It will appear next to your Pictures folder.)

Open JC_Narration_Template and Save As Last Name_JCNarration in your JC folder.

Type your period and group members’names on both documents. List the name of the student who is saving the Notes and Narration first and the name of the student saving the pictures and the Power Point project second.

Once you have selected your Laws, Person and Event, type in the Laws, the Person and the Event you are researching into your Notes and Narration.

Save your documents.

Step 2: Jim Crow Laws

Open your Notes. Go to this web site:


Cut and paste your laws into your notes. Read the laws together and write a response to each of the laws.

On the other computer, find one or two pictures for each law and Save them into your Pictures folder. (Be sure to rename the pictures as something that is useful to you, such as Laws_1, Laws_2 and so on.)

Save your Notes document.

Step 3: Jim Crow People

Open your Notes. On the other computer, go to Jim Crow Profiles web site:


Read the profile together and summarize. Pick out the important details that tell us who the person was and what he or she did that was important in the history of Jim Crow. Once your notes are typed up, find pictures to go with the summary. Save them in your Pictures folder. (Remember to name them appropriately.)

Save your Notes document.

Step 4: Jim Crow Events

Open your Notes. On the other computer, go to Jim Crow Profiles web site:


Follow the same instructions as Step 3. Be sure to pick out just the important events.

Save your Notes document.

Step 5: Write your narration

Open your Notes and your Last Name_JCNarration document. Cut and paste your notes into your Narration. Put your Laws into the two sections for Jim Crow Laws. Break your summaries for your Person and Event into several sections. If you need more rows, go under Table and select Insert Rows Above (or Rows Below) to create more rows.

Keep in mind you will be reading each section you paste to go along with Power Point slides. Rewrite the sections if necessary to make them clear and easy to understand.

Step 6: Plan your Power Point.

In the Slide # & Title column in your Narration, plan slides to go with your Narration. Number each one and write a title—a word or phrase that will go under the picture we see as you read your narration. Keep it short and simple—don’t clutter Power Point slides with a lot of text. Step 7: Create your Power Point

Open a new Power Point project and Save As Last Name_JC. Make slides to go with your narration, typing into each slide the titles you wrote in Step 6 and inserting the pictures you’ve been saving in your Pictures folder.

Tip: You have 3 sections—Laws, People, Events. Make a section heading slide for Laws, and then Duplicate (Control + D) it twice for the other 2 headings—just replace the text and insert new pictures. Now the headings will look similar. Do the same for the slides that go with your narration: make the first one, and then Duplicate it and replace the pictures and text for the rest of the slides. Use the Slide Sorter View to put the slides in order.
