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. I think the best thing you should do is _____ another job.

A. look for

B. looking for

C. looked for

D. about to look for

. Kunming is called Spring City, but it _____ snow in winter.

A. shall

B. can

C. must

D. might

. You’d better find some information about Nike’s Chamber of Fear advertisement, _____?

A. wouldn’t you

B. had you

C. hadn’t you

D. should you

. I ______ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the New Year.

A. will play

B. have played

C. played

D. play

. I was telling him about my travels when he ______ with a story of his own.

A. broke in

B. broke into

C. broke away

D. broke through

. ______ we move the picture over there? Do you think it will look better?

A. If only

B. What if

C. As if

D. Even if

. We’ll start off as we planned _____.

A. no matter he will come or not

B. no matter whether he will come or not

C. whether is he coming or not

D. whether he comes or not

. --- What do you think of Andrew?

--- There are some things that are not easy to ______, and his coldness is one.

A. put aside

B. get along with

C. think of

D. put up with

. --- Really? Who will give ______ lecture? What is it about?

--- Professor Chen, ______ President of Peking University, about pollution.

A. the; a

B. a; the

C. the; 不填

D. a; 不填

. You must get there within an hour. There should be no ______ in sending this information to him.

A. point

B. problem

C. quarrel

D. delay

. It’s hard to imagine a large city without policemen, but such was the ______ in London in the early th century.

A. situation

B. condition

C. affair

D. matter

. As I will be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate _____ from you now and then so that I can know how everyone is getting along.

A. having heard

B. to hear

C. hearing

D. being heard

. --- I hear Warren _____ in a middle school.

--- What? I can’t imagine him _____ as a teacher.

A. teaches; working

B. teaches; work

C. teach; to work

D. teach; working

. --- Do you know anything about the meeting _____ in Italy?

--- Yes, and as a matter of fact I attended it.

A. to be held

B. held

C. being held

D. to hold

. O’Neal works hard. He is often seen _____ heavily before his teammates start.

A. sweated

B. to be sweated

C. sweating

D. being sweated

. --- Shall I tell Li Ming about the matter?

--- No, you _____. He has known about it already.

A. oughtn’t to

B. needn’t

C. shouldn’t

D. mustn’t

. How and why Jack came to China _____ not known. When and where to build the new library _____ not been decided.

A. is; has

B. are; has

C. is; have

D. are; have

. He ______ at the meeting, but his heart attack prevented him.

A. will speak

B. is going to speak

C. had to speak

D. was going to speak

. Although the working mother is very busy, she still ______ a lot of time to her children.

A. devotes

B. spends

C. offers

D. provides

. It was the training ______ he had as a young man ______ made him such a famous writer.

A. when; that

B. that; when

C. that; who

D. that; that

. It was the belief _____ Alex Haley could find his root in Africa _____ made him decide to go to Gambia.

A. that; where

B. where; that

C. that; that

D. how; which

. In the middle of the room there is a ______ table, with eight chairs around it.

A. round huge wooden
