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CERTIFICATE OF MANUFACTUR/ANALYSIS制造/分析证书Product Size生产规格:**升(**加仑)Product Name产品名称:Process Vesphene II st无菌碱性苯酚消毒剂Manufacture Date生产日期:********* Product ID生产编号:*********

Exp. Date有效期至:********* Lot No.批号:*********

I. The product listed above is made per the current issue of the following documentation


Raw Material Quality Control Specifications原材料质量控制标准

Finishied Product Master Formula 成品主配方

Manufacturing Instructions 制造说明

Packaging Specifications 包材标准

Finished Product Quality Control Specifications 成品质量控制标准

Copies of this documentation are on file at STERIS Corporatiion, St. Louis Operations and will be provided as required to the applicable regulatory agencies.

本文档的副本已存档于STERIS Corporation,圣路易斯运营部门将根据需要向适用的监管机构提供。

II. The product listed above has been analyzed. The release specifications and results are shown below. 上述产品已经过分析,放行标准和检验结果如下所示:

III. The product listed above meets all Quality System requirements to be labeled as sterile as supported by the sterility validation.


Based on these results the product is released for shipment to all STERIS Corporation distribution points. 基于这些结果,该产品被放行运往所有STERIS Corporation分销点。

Signed 签批人:Date日期:Quality Representative质量代表
