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?随手写的剧本 对白和单词都挑比较简单的

Unit One
A:Hi,do you like sports?
B:Not really.You know,I'd rather play computer games.
C:Me too,I prefer staying at home rather than doing exercise.
A:oh,what a shame. how about you?
D:Me?(或者 En.../Yeah...,我想增加点口语对话的气氛,但又觉得有点怪)
I'm keen on playing basketball.It's my favourite sport.
A:Oh,I like basketball too.It's really fun.
C:I only watch football matches on TV.
D:Yes,playing sports can also help us to relax.
A:Hey,what are you doing this weekend?how about playing basketball ?
D:Yeah,I'd like to.
A:What about you two guys,Do you have any plans?
B:That's a good idea,it's good for our health(总觉的这句有点假,但B的话太少了,所以多给他点戏份)
C:I don't want to go out at weekend.
B:Come on,you need to e and join us.
D:Yeah.lt's really interesting.You'll enjoy it.
C:All right,let's play together.

Unit two
A:what kind of food do you like,such as Chinese food.
B:Yeah,but it's not my favorite.Actually,I prefer American fast food,it's convenient and tasty.
A:But don't you think it's not good for your health?
B:Well,taste comes first for me.
A:Chinese food is delicious,too.Also you have more choices in Chinese food.
C:But still,some Chinese cooking can be quite greasy['ɡri:s?],too.
In fact,I think Japanese food is a more healthy one.Less greasy,less salty.
D:Agreed.But some of its dishes include raw meat,and that is a little unacceptable to some people.
C:Exactly.I'm afraid it's one of those cultural differences in food.
A:I think so,too.There is little raw material in Chinese cooking,the Chinese people seem to enjoy cooked meat and vegetables.
B:But in American cooking,some dishes just include raw materials.Salad is a good example.
D:Comparatively,American food is not such a good fit in the Western foods.It's cooking is more simple.
C:And it's also said that the Japanese people eat with eyes.I guess it means the Japanese prefer their meals be pretty rather than tasty.
A:In that sense,I think the Chinese people eat with brains, eyes and tongues.We hope our food to be nutritious[nju?tr???s] and delicious.
D:Well,if that is the case,the Chinese people must pay attention to their weights,considering they are surrounded by such wonderful food.

Unit three
A:Beautiful day,isn't it?
B:Yes,it's not like what the radio said at all.
C:What lovely weather we're having!I really enjoy it.
D:I wish it would stay this way for the weekend.
A:what's the temperature today?
B:The high is 28 and the low is 21.
D:But it's still a little hot,isn't it?
C:come on, it's below 30 degrees.
D:it must be cooler in my hometown
A:What's the weather like in your hometown?
D:lt's really cold in winter,but it has a nice weather in other seasons.It's cool and dry,not like Shanghai.

B:Hey,why don't we playing basketball in such a good weather?

like to.
B:What about you two guys,Do you have any plans?
A:That's a good idea,it's good for our health
C:I don't want to go out at for exercise.
B:Come on,you need to e and join us.
D:Yeah.lt's really interesting.You'll enjoy it.
C:All right,let's enjoy the good weather today

Unit five
A:Hey,what's wrong with you,you don't look well
B:Oh,I slept too late last night.Don't worry.
C:It's not good for your health.Why did't you sleep earlier.
D:Yes,it's easily to get sick when you are tired.
A:So what happened,why did you sleep late yesterday
B:En...You know, compute games are very interesting,I can't help playing them.
C:You looks so tired, have a good rest tonight.Take care of your health.
B:Thanks for your kindness.
D:Doing exercise also help us to keep fit.Do you like sports
B:Not really.You know,I'd rather play computer games.
A:Oh,I'm keen on playing basketball.It's my favourite sport.
C:Yeah,you look so strong.We should do more exercise,it's good for our health
D:Hey,what are you doing this weekend?Let's do some sports
A:How about playing the basketball
C:That's a good idea.
B:Sorry,I don't want to go out at weekend.
D:Come on,you should take more e and join us.
A:Yeah.lt's really interesting.You'll enjoy it.
B:All right,let's play together.
