榨汁机哪个牌子好 榨汁机品牌排名
![榨汁机哪个牌子好 榨汁机品牌排名](
它生产的榨汁机多是精钢机身,结实耐用,运作时稳定,动力强劲,多功能的款式还带有内部只能集成芯片的设计,可以全自动控制,操作方便,功能齐全榨汁机十大品牌排行榜1飞利浦PHILIPS(1891年荷兰,中国驰名商标,中国名牌,世界品牌)2苏泊尔榨汁机(中国驰名商标,国家重点高新技术企业,浙江苏泊尔股份有限公司)3九阳榨汁机/果汁机(中国驰名商标,一线品牌/牌子,十大料理机-榨汁机-果汁机品牌) 4美的Midea(中国驰名商标,十大料理机-榨汁机-果汁机品牌)5莱克榨汁机(江苏省名牌产品,江苏省驰名商标,莱克电气股份有限公司)6博朗榨汁机(世界品牌,2009年度厨房创新奖,十大料理机-榨汁机-果汁机品牌)7德尔榨汁机(广东省名牌产品,广东省驰名商标,广东德尔电器有限公司)8欧科OUKE(一线品牌/牌子,十大料理机-榨汁机-果汁机品牌)9西贝乐(知名生活小家电品牌,上海帅佳电子科技)10松下Panasonic(中国驰名商标,世界品牌,十大榨汁机果汁机品牌)。
真正营养“破”出来 飞利浦HR3868破壁料理机
![真正营养“破”出来 飞利浦HR3868破壁料理机](
或是 户外泳池 边飞 溅的水 滴 : 外表坚 固 t
不惧刮 擦 、 掉落 和碰撞 。 底 部 设 计 巧 妙
参 考价 格 3 o u n d L i n k R e v c Y v e
S o u n d Dnk Re v o l v e
提 的就是 ・ 飞 利 浦 HR 38 6 8破 壁 料 理 机 不 同 于 市 歪
上 其它的破壁料理 机 t 它 的 搅 拌 杯 外 部 还设 计 了一 1
静音 置 t 有 效消除了高速破壁 时刻的噪音 污染 ・ 让
们 可 以 更 安 静 的 进 行 食 品 加 工
兰 皇家飞
O 0 880 0(
模式 - 与此 同时 ・ 全 新 Pa r t y模 式 可 实 现
在 两 台 Soun d L i nk扬 声 器 上 同 时 播 放 相
同 音 乐 此外 两款 S OUn dL i nk R ev oI v e 蓝 牙 扬
声器 都 完 美适 用 于室 内外 环境 。 其 防水
Hale Waihona Puke 下载 B os e Conn ec t ApP - 可 支 持 任 意 两 台S oU nd Li nk 扬声 器随 心配 对 ( 支 持 从S OU ndL i nk Co J O r I I 起 更 多 产 品 )。 全 新S t e r e o模 式 帮 助 开 启 左 右 声 道 播 放
便 捷 安 装 槽 口 可 将 扬 声 器 固 定 在 三 脚 架 上 一 轻松尽 享户外聆听 时光 。
今【 u【 。拥 设 质 师 质 新及 角 会
真正 营养 “ 破” 出来
1.2 仪器与设备
HR2826 型飞利浦打浆机,珠海飞利浦家庭电器 有限公司; Avanti Centrifuge J-25 型冷冻离心机, Beckman 公司;UHPF-800Mpa-3L 型超高压设备,江 苏大学与包头科发机械公司共同研制;UV-1600 紫外 可见分光光度计,北京瑞利分析仪器公司;DC-P3 全 自动测色色差计,北京兴光测色仪器公司。
蓝莓汁中花色苷含量(mg/L ) A M w D f 1000
1.3 试验方法 1.3.1 蓝莓汁的制备方法及储藏设计
蓝莓冻果在 4 ℃避光条件下解冻 12 h, 为保证实 验样品一致性,所有实验的蓝莓汁一次打浆得到,制 得的果浆添加 0.ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้5%(m/V)的果胶酶,置于 40 ℃水 浴中酶解 1.5 h,酶解的果浆以 6000 r/min,离心 10 min,取上清液经 4 层纱布过滤,滤液分装于特制高 压袋中密封包装。 预实验 400 MPa/10 min[6~7]处理蓝莓汁,检测菌 落总数,霉菌和酵母菌,未检出微生物,说明该处理 杀菌效果显著。采用此处理条件的蓝莓汁随机分为 3 组,分别于 4 ℃、25 ℃、37 ℃条件下贮藏。
Effects of Storage Condition on Phenolics and Antioxidant Activity of High Hydrostatic Pressure Treated Blueberry Juice
WANG Xing, MA Yong-kun, YU Li-zhi, MA Hui, DENG Na-na, ZHANG Hai-ning (School of Food and Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China)
飞利浦搅拌机 HR2099用户手册说明书
![飞利浦搅拌机 HR2099用户手册说明书](
User manualZH-S 用户手册HR2091, HR2092, HR2098, HR2099, HR2199产品: 飞利浦搅拌机型号: HR2099额定电压:220 V ~额定频率: 50 Hz 额定输入功率: 1000 W 生产日期: 请见产品底部 产地:中国广东东莞飞利浦(中国)投资有限公司 上海市天目西路218号1602-1605全国顾客服务热线:4008 800 008 本产品根据国标GB4706.1-2005, GB4706.19-2008, GB4706.30-2008制造9123456512346589107614526783(30 sec. – 3 min.)81243EnglishManual cooking mode (Fig. 5)1 Follow the steps in “Preparing your cooking blender”.2 Turn the rotary knob to the manual mode (step3 in Fig. 5).3 Adjust the heating level by pressing -/+ button and then press OK button to confirm.4 Adjust the cooking time by pressing -/+ button.5Press OK button to start cooking.»When cooking is completed, you will hear a fewbeeps.6 Turn the rotary knob to “0” position.• The LED display will turn off if there is no operationin 5 minutes. You can wake up the appliance and continue operating by pressing any function key.7 Unplug the appliance.8 Remove the blender jar from the motor unit(step 11 in Fig. 5).• This allows the heating element to cool down faster. • Be aware that the lid and the blender jar will be hotafter cooking• Be aware of the steam release when you lift the lidand measuring cupWarning : Do not touch the bottom of blender jar and the heating element after cooking. It is very hot!9 Pour out the cooked ingredients/soup from the blenderjar to avoid overcooking.简体中文手动烹饪模式(图 5)1 按照“准备烹饪搅拌器”中的步骤操作。
1. 概述
2. 设备列表
- 清洗设备:用于清洗水果,保证原料的卫生和安全性。
- 切割设备:用于将水果切割成适当的大小,以便进一步处理。
- 榨汁设备:通过压榨水果将果汁分离出来,保留水果的营养
- 过滤设备:用于过滤榨汁后的液体,去除果肉或其他杂质。
- 浓缩设备:通过去除果汁中的水分,使果汁变浓缩,增加口
- 杀菌设备:用于杀灭果汁中的细菌,延长果汁的保质期。
- 灌装设备:将果汁装入瓶子或包装袋中,确保卫生和方便使用。
- 封口设备:用于封闭瓶子或包装袋,保证产品的密封性和新
- 检测设备:对果汁产品进行质量检测,确保符合标准和要求。
- 包装设备:将果汁产品包装成最终的产品形式,如瓶子、盒
- 运输设备:用于将包装好的果汁产品运送到销售地点或仓库,确保产品的安全运输。
3. 注意事项
- 操作人员应熟悉设备的使用方法和安全规定,确保操作的安
- 设备需要定期保养和清洁,以保证设备的正常运行和产品的
- 如有需要,可以根据生产需求进行设备的调整或升级,以提
Avance JuicerMicroMasticating technologyInspiring recipesfor the Philips Avance Collection Juicers 飞利浦Avance系列榨汁机激发灵感的食谱RecipesGrasshopper 9 Green Eyecatcher 1 1 Red Sensation 1 3 Cranapple Juice 1 5 Summer Sun 1 7 Piña Lavender 1 9 Beautylicious 2 1 Farmers Market Juice 2 3 Hangover Remedy 2 5 Deep Red Flamingo 2 9 Love It Up 3 1 Mixed Berry Jelly 3 3 Pear Blossom 3 5 Immunblast Juice 3 7 Bunny Delight 3 9 Pure Citrus 4 1 Fitness Wonder 4 3 Workout Punch 4 5 Veggietastic 4 7 Green Booster 4 9 Power Shot 5 1 Cold Prevention 5 3 Fresh Breeze 5 5 Yellow Thunder 5 7 Tomato Basil Soup 5 9 Heart Rocker 6 1 Purple Power Punch 6 3 Ruby 6 5 Pepperino 6 7 Sunny Peach 6 9 Red Passion 7 1 Frozen Yoghurt 7 3 Milk Shake 7 5 Soy-Milk / Almond milk 7 7 Sorbet 7 9 Sunset 8 1 Orange Vision 8 3 Melon Symphony 8 5 Berry Blast 8 7Grasshopper 9 Green Eyecatcher 1 1 Red Sensation 1 3 Cranapple Juice 1 5 Summer Sun 1 7 Piña Lavender 1 9 Beautylicious 2 1 Farmers Market Juice 2 3 Hangover Remedy 2 5 Deep Red Flamingo 2 9 Love It Up 3 1 Mixed Berry Jelly 3 3 Pear Blossom 3 5 Immunblast Juice 3 7 Bunny Delight 3 9 Pure Citrus 4 1 Fitness Wonder 4 3 Workout Punch 4 5 Veggietastic 4 7 Green Booster 4 9 Power Shot 5 1 Cold Prevention 5 3 Fresh Breeze 5 5 Yellow Thunder 5 7 Tomato Basil Soup 5 9 Heart Rocker 6 1 Purple Power Punch 6 3 Ruby 6 5 Pepperino 6 7 Sunny Peach 6 9 Red Passion 7 1 Frozen Yoghurt 7 3 Milk Shake 7 5 Soy-Milk / Almond milk 7 7 Sorbet 7 9 Sunset 8 1 Orange Vision 8 3 Melon Symphony 8 5 Berry Blast 8 7食谱开胃鸡尾酒鲜绿亮眼红色迷情越橘苹果汁夏日阳光椰香薰衣草迷人美味新鲜活力解酒汁深红火烈鸟爱意晋级什锦浆果冻梨花盛开免疫增强果汁橙趣纯柑橘汁健康惊喜健身活力奇妙蔬菜翠绿鲜活活力源泉感冒克星微风沁心激情惊雷蕃茄罗勒汤摇滚心四射紫色活力红宝石彩椒汁阳光鲜桃红色激情冷冻酸奶奶昔豆奶/杏仁奶冰糕日落云霞橙色视觉瓜果交响浆果干茶Making juicing betterPhilips is now introducing a new-generation juicer that will allow you to unleash all the goodness of fruits and vegetables into your glass, so that you can enjoy a highly nutritious glass of juice every day! Philips is a global leader in healthcare and personal well-being, and focuses on improving people’s lives through meaningful innovation. As leading juicer brand worldwide, Philips gives you the results you want by developing the most advanced products – such as the Avance juicer with MicroMasticating technology.Extract up to 90% of the whole fruitThe new Philips Avance Juicer is designed to help you toget the very best out of fruits and vegetables. Thanks to its MicroMasticating technology, you can now squeeze up to 90%of the whole fruit* into your glass. Fruits and vegetables are composed of millions of cells that contain juice rich in vitamins and nutrients. MicroMasticating technology opens up these cells by cutting the external and internal cell walls into microscopic parts, thereby releasing more of the goodness from fruits and vegetables for you to enjoy.Clean in less than one minuteYour new Philips Avance juicer was designed to make daily juicing possible even on your busiest days. It’s easy to use and quick to clean because the pre-clean function helps to get the last drops of juice into your glass while removing leftovers from the juicing chamber. Afterwards, it takes less than a minute for you to rinse all the necessary parts clean under the tap – and you don’t need to clean the sieve, because there isn’t one! Healthy, tasty juice every dayWith its slim design (only 11cm wide), the Philips Avancewas thoughtfully designed for your kitchen worktop. It’s also been created to give you the benefit of a very wide range of ingredients: you can pop in a banana, mango, avocado or even almonds, wheatgrass, leaves and nuts. Surprise yourself or your loved ones with a different healthy and tasty juice full of delicious, concentrated goodness every day.*In internal tests conducted on grapes, watermelons, tomatoes, apples, oranges, strawberries and pine-apples in Austria in 2015, the amount of juice extracted ranged from 69% to 92%, depending on the fruit.Micro Masticating technology提升果蔬汁质量飞利浦推出新一代榨汁机, 将滴滴果蔬精华释放到杯中,让您每一天都能享受到一杯富含营养的果汁。
姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>鍗佸ぇ鍝佺墝 2010:銆€銆€鍝釜鍝佺墝鐨?em>姒ㄦ眮鏈哄ソ,姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>鍝釜鐗屽瓙濂?/em>,姒ㄦ眮鏈轰粈涔堢墝瀛?/em>鐨勫ソ,姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>鍗佸ぇ鍝佺墝 2010锛?strong>NO.1 椋炲埄娴HILIPS (1891骞磋嵎鍏帮紝涓浗椹板悕鍟嗘爣锛屼腑鍥藉悕鐗岋紝涓栫晫鍝佺墝) 銆€銆€NO.2 涔濋槼姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>/鏋滄眮鏈?(涓浗椹板悕鍟嗘爣锛屼竴绾垮搧鐗?鐗屽瓙锛屽崄澶ф枡鐞嗘満-姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>-鏋滄眮鏈哄搧鐗? 銆€銆€NO.3 缇庣殑Midea (涓浗椹板悕鍟嗘爣锛屽崄澶ф枡鐞嗘満-姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>-鏋滄眮鏈哄搧鐗? 銆€銆€NO.4 瑗胯礉涔?(鐭ュ悕鐢熸椿灏忓鐢靛搧鐗岋紝涓婃捣甯呬匠鐢靛瓙绉戞妧) 銆€銆€NO.5 鏉句笅Panasonic (涓浗椹板悕鍟嗘爣锛屼笘鐣屽搧鐗岋紝鍗佸ぇ姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>鏋滄眮鏈哄搧鐗? 銆€銆€NO.6 鑻忔硦灏?em>姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em> (涓浗椹板悕鍟嗘爣锛屽浗瀹堕噸鐐归珮鏂版妧鏈紒涓氾紝娴欐睙鑻忔硦灏旇偂浠芥湁闄愬叕鍙? 銆€銆€NO.7 娆хOUKE (涓€绾垮搧鐗?鐗屽瓙锛屽崄澶ф枡鐞嗘満-姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>-鏋滄眮鏈哄搧鐗? 銆€銆€NO.8 SWIFT/EUPA/鐏垮潳 (涓€绾垮搧鐗?鐗屽瓙锛屽崄澶ф枡鐞嗘満-姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>-鏋滄眮鏈哄搧鐗? 銆€銆€NO.9 榫欑殑LONGDE (涓€绾垮搧鐗?鐗屽瓙锛屽崄澶ф枡鐞嗘満-姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>-鏋滄眮鏈哄搧鐗? 銆€銆€NO.10 ACA鍖楃編 (1934骞寸編鍥斤紝鍏ㄧ悆瀹剁數榧荤锛屽崄澶ф枡鐞嗘満-姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>-鏋滄眮鏈哄搧鐗?姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>銆€銆€鎴戝鏂颁拱浜嗕竴鍙?em>姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>锛岃幈鍏嬬墝鐨勩€傚惉閿€鍞汉鍛樿锛岃繖绉?em>鐗屽瓙浠ュ墠鍙澶栧嚭鍙o紝浠庝笉鍐呴攢锛屽洜涓哄彈閲戣瀺椋庢毚鐨勫奖鍝嶏紝澶栭潰閿€璺笉濂斤紝鎵嶈浆鍐呴攢鐨勩€?銆€銆€浠ュ墠鏈変釜鍚屼簨瀵规垜璇磋繃锛屽ス鏈夎儐缁撶煶銆傚埌鍖婚櫌鐪嬪尰鐢熻瑕佹悶闄よ儐鍥娿€傚ス鎬曞仛鎵嬫湳锛屽氨涓婄綉鏌ャ€傚彂鐜板枬鑻规灉姹佸彲浠ユ秷缁撶煶銆備簬鏄ス灏卞挰鍜墮鑺变簡涓冪櫨鍏冪綉璐簡涓€鍙拌彶鍒╂郸鐗岀殑姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>锛岃鍦ㄧ幇瀹炵敓娲讳腑瑕佷竴鍗冨厓鍛€備环閽卞ぇ涔版潵鐨勬満瀛愬氨鏄ソ鐢紝鑻规灉涔熶笉鐢ㄥ垏鎴愬皬鍧楋紝鍙礂鍑€浜嗙洿鎺ユ墧杩涙満瀛愰噷灏卞彲浠ユΘ浜嗐€傚ス姣忓ぉ鏃╀笂閮借鍠?000姣崌鐨勬柊椴滆嫻鏋滄眮銆傝繖鏍峰枬浜嗗嚑涓湀锛屽啀鍒板尰闄㈡媿鐗囧瓙锛岀粨鐭崇湡鐨勫皬浜嗗緢澶氥€傝繖鏍峰ス灏辨洿鏈変俊蹇冧簡锛屾帴鐫€鍠濄€?銆€銆€鎴戝惉瀹屽氨鐗瑰埆鎯充拱鍙?em>姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>锛屽皾灏濆師姹佸師鍛崇殑鏋滄眮鐨勬粙鍛筹紝鍙笉杩囪垗涓嶅緱閾跺瓙銆傝繖娆℃竻鏄庢斁鍋囷紝鏃犳剰涓湪骞哥鏍戝鐢甸棬鍙e彂鐜拌繖绉嶈幈鍏嬬殑鏈哄瓙锛屽洜涓烘瘮杈冨皬锛屾墍浠ヤ环鏍间究瀹滐紝鍋氭椿鍔ㄦ墦鐗逛环锛屽彧瑕?99鍏冦€傛垜蹇冨姩浜嗭紝绔嬪嵆涔颁簡涓€鍙般€?銆€銆€杩欎笅鏈変簨鍋氫簡銆傞鍘呴噷璞′釜灏忓瀷鐨勯鍝佸姞宸ュ巶锛岃眴娴嗘満锛?em>姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>锛屾枡鐞嗘満涓€搴斾勘鍏ㄣ€傛瘡澶╂棭涓婃槸鎴戞渶蹇欑鏈€鍏呭疄鐨勬椂鍊欍€傜啲璞嗘祮锛屾Θ鏋滄眮锛屽繖寰椾竴韬姴銆傛垜鍙戠幇鍚冭嚜宸蹭翰鎵嬪仛鐨勬棭楗潪甯搁潪甯告湁鎴愬氨鎰熴€?銆€銆€鐜板湪鎴戝垎鍒敤姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>姒ㄨ繃鑻规灉锛岃彔钀濊繕鏈夋瀛愩€傛渶濂藉悆鐨勬垜瑙夊緱鏄姹併€傚師姹佸師鍛崇殑锛屽緢娴撱€備笉杩囧効瀛愯寰楀彛鎰熶笉濂斤紝浠栧枩娆㈠姞涓€浜涙按绋€閲婏紝鍐嶅姞涓€浜涜渹铚溿€?銆€銆€鐜颁唬浜虹殑鐢熸椿鐪熸槸寰堟柟渚垮憖锛岃浠€涔?/em>灏辨湁浠€涔?/em>锛岃儨杩囦互鍓嶅笣鐜嬬殑鐢熸椿鍛€?姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>璁?/strong>銆€銆€ 骞虫椂涓嶅枩娆㈠悆姘存灉锛岀壒鍒笉鍠滄鍚冭垂浜嬬殑姘存灉锛屽悆钁¤悇鏃朵笉鍓ョ毊涓嶅悙瀛愶紝鎴戝涔颁簡濂藉瑗跨摐鏀惧閲岋紝鎴戣繛涓€鍙i兘鎳掑緱灏濈殑銆傚悗鏉ヤ竴涓湅鍙嬭窡鎴戣瑕佷拱姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>锛岄棶鎴戜拱鍝釜鐗屽瓙鐨勫ソ锛屽湪缃戜笂涔版槸涓嶆槸渚垮疁锛屼簬鏄氨瀵?em>姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>绋嶅井鐣欐剰浜嗕竴涓嬶紝纰板埌鑱斿崕闂ㄥ彛鍦ㄥ仛鈥滀節闃斥€?em>姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>閿€鍞椿鍔紝蹇冭鏉ユ疆灏变拱浜嗕竴涓€傚洖瀹朵笉鐭ラ亾姒?em>浠€涔堝ソ锛岀湅鍒拌タ鐡滄斁鍦ㄩ偅锛屽氨鍏堟嬁瑗跨摐寮€鍒€銆備笉杩?em>姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>鐨勯€佹枡鍙g湡鏄皬鍟婏紝闇€瑕佹妸瑗跨摐鍒囩浜嗘墠鑳芥斁寰楄繘鍘伙紝澶夯鐑︿簡銆備竴涓崄鏉ユ枻鐨勮タ鐡滐紝姒ㄥ嚭鏉ョ殑瑗跨摐姹佸眳鐒跺彧鏈変竴鏉紝鐪熸槸鐧炬€濅笉寰楀叾瑙o紝閭d箞澶х殑鐡滐紝姘撮兘姒ㄥ埌鍝幓浜嗭紝鐜板湪缁堜簬鐭ラ亾蹇呰儨瀹㈢殑瑗跨摐姹佷负浠€涔堝崠閭d箞璐典簡銆備笉杩囬矞姒ㄧ殑瑗跨摐姹佸懗閬撹繕鐪熶笉閿欙紝鑰屼笖姒ㄦ眮杩囩▼涔熻洰鏈夎叮鐨勶紝浜庢槸缈荤鍊掓煖鐨勬妸瀹堕噷娌″彂闇夌殑姘存灉閫氶€氭嬁鍑烘潵姒紝浠€涔?/em>鏉庡瓙鑻规灉钁¤悇锛岀粺缁熷杩涘幓鏉ヤ釜涓€閿呯倰锛屾Θ鍑烘潵鐨勬眮榛勪笉榛勭豢涓嶇豢鐨勶紝姘斿懗杩樹笉閿欙紝棰滆壊涓嶆暍鎭淮锛屽枬浜嗕竴鍙o紝宸偣娌℃妸鎴戦吀姝汇€傚钩鏃跺嚑绉嶆按鏋滃崟鐙悆骞朵笉鎰熻鍒伴吀锛屼负浠€涔堟斁鍦ㄤ竴璧峰懗閬撹繖涔堝樊锛屽張鏄竴涓笉瑙d箣璋溿€備笉杩囨病鍏崇郴锛屾垜鍐冲畾浠ュ悗澶╁ぉ涔板悇绉嶆按鏋滐紝鍥炲幓鏀惧湪涓€璧?em>姒ㄦ眮锛岀爺绌剁爺绌跺埌搴?em>浠€涔?/em>姘存灉鏀惧湪涓€璧锋Θ鎵嶈兘姒ㄥ嚭缁濅笘缇庡懗銆備篃璁告湁涓€澶╂垜浼氱爺绌跺嚭涓厤鏂瑰嚭鏉ワ紝鐢宠涓笓鍒╋紝寮€涓€滅櫨鍛虫灉姹佸簵鈥濓紝閭h偗瀹氭瘮鐜板湪鍦ㄥ叕鍙镐笂鐝禋寰楀锛屽懙鍛碉紝缇庢ⅵ銆傘€傘€?strong>姒ㄦ眮鏈?/em>涔熷湪...銆€銆€鑰佸ぉ鐖风湡鏄鎴戝疇鐖辨湁鍔犲晩,鍑犱箮鎵€鏈夌殑濂戒簨閮介檷涓存垜,鐪熸槸璁╂垜鍙楀疇鑻ユ儕鍟? 銆€銆€浠婂ぉ涓€涓婄彮鐢佃剳绔熺劧璺熸垜鍞辫捣浜嗗弽璋冿紝鏂囦欢鎬庝箞涔熸墦涓嶅紑锛屼綘涓嶅姩瀹冪殑璇濓紝鍙兘浜屽崄鍒嗛挓涓€涓猈ORD鏂囨。
表3 热处理对火龙果汁中菌落总数的影响
温度 /℃ 对照样(26)
菌落总数 /cfu.mL-1 4.25×104±141
灭菌率 /% —
注:1.数据结果为:均值±S.D(n=3)。2.条件均为常压下(0.1 MPa),
Abstract Ultra-high pressure (UHP) and heat treatment was applied to analyze the pasteurization of pitaya juice, base on achievement commercial sterilization requirements. The results showed that total
吞咽后整体香气的持久性 0#
吞咽后整体滋味的持久性 0#
备注:0#:鲜榨火龙果汁;0*:热处理过度(90 ℃、10 min)的火龙 果原汁;1#:农夫果园30%混合果蔬汁(火龙果+芒果+番石榴+苹果 +番茄);2#:康师傅鲜之每日C火龙果汁;3#:康师傅火龙果汁饮 料;4#:广氏火龙果啤;5#:可口可乐;6#:农夫山泉水溶C100 柠檬汁饮料;
本试验探讨超高压技术在火龙果鲜榨果汁生产中 应用的可行性,并与传统热杀菌技术相比较,克服传
Philips 日常收集奶酪机手动 650 W,金属伪蒜杆杯 0.5 L,烧烤机 XL,双速配制器说
![Philips 日常收集奶酪机手动 650 W,金属伪蒜杆杯 0.5 L,烧烤机 XL,双速配制器说](
Philips Daily CollectionLicuadora manualProMixVaso 0,5 L, picadora XL, batidora2 velocidades con turboHR1627/00Más potencia para mejores resultadosBatidora de mano ProMix de 650 W con función turboLa batidora de mano de Philips combina una potencia de 650 vatios, tecnología de mezclado ProMix yfunción turbo para obtener unos resultados suaves incluso en las aplicaciones más exigentes. Gracias ala picadora EG y el levantaclaras, ahora también permite picar cebolla y montar nata.A smooth result in seconds•Óptimo flujo de alimentos y rendimiento de mezclado•Potente motor para una preparación óptima de alimentos•Botón turbo para los ingredientes más durosEasy to use•Sistema de liberación con 2 botones para quitar fácilmente la varilla de mezcladoNo splashing while you blend•Protector de hoja antisalpicaduras con forma ondulada especialEnjoy a variety of recipes•Accesorio batidor para batir crema, mayonesa y más•Accesorio picador extragrande para picar grandes cantidades•Vaso medidor de 0,5 l de la batidora de manoDestacadosProtector de hoja antisalpicadurasLa forma ondulada especial en la parte inferior de la varilla mezcladora de la licuadora manual garantiza que no habrá salpicaduras ni derrames mientras licúa.Accesorio batidorEl accesorio batidor único de la licuadora manual de Philips le permite batir crema, mayonesa, masa para panqueques y mucho más. Hace que su licuadora de mano sea multifuncional y versátil.Accesorio picador extragrandeCon el accesorio picador extragrande (1000 ml) de la batidora de mano Philips,puede picar grandes cantidades de carne, hierbas, frutos secos, queso, chocolate y cebolla en cuestión de segundos.Sistema de liberación con 2 botonesCon el sistema de liberación de 2 botones de la batidora de mano de Philips, es fácil quitar la varilla de mezclado para facilitar la limpieza.Tecnología de mezclado ProMixDesarrollado junto con la prestigiosaUniversidad de Stuttgart, Philips ProMix es una tecnología única y avanzada que utiliza una forma triangular específica para crear un flujo de alimentos óptimo y el máximo rendimiento para un licuado más rápido y uniforme.Vaso medidor de 0,5 lCon el vaso de 0,5 l puede medir losingredientes para sus recetas, pero también puede batir rápidamente sopas, purés o batidos.Motor de 650 wattsCon el potente motor de 650 watts, se puede mezclar casi cualquier ingrediente.Función turboCon la función turbo de la licuadora manual de Philips, puede cortar incluso los ingredientes más duros.Fecha de publicación 2022-06-23Versión: 2.2.1© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.Todos los derechos reservados.Las especificaciones quedan sujetas a modificaciones sin previo aviso. Las marcas comerciales son propiedad de Koninklijke Philips N.V. o sus respectivos titulares. EspecificacionesEspecificaciones técnicas •Potencia eléctrica: 650 W•Voltaje: 220-240 V•Frecuencia: 50/60 Hz•Longitud del cable: 1,25 m Especificaciones de diseño •Colores: Blanco, negro y rojo •Material de la caja protectora: PP y caucho •Material de la hoja: Acero inoxidable •Material de la barra: Metal•Material del vaso: SAN Especificaciones generales •Eje desmontable: Con 2 botones •Función turbo•Ajuste de velocidad: 2 (incluye turbo) Accesorios•Picadora: Picadora extragrande •Vaso:0,5 l•Batidor。
飞利浦搅拌机 HR2062 30 产品说明书
![飞利浦搅拌机 HR2062 30 产品说明书](
Daily Collection350 瓦1.5 升塑料杯4 瓣式不锈钢刀片HR2062/30健康的冰昔、酱汁和碎冰,每日畅享配备 350 瓦动力和马达过热保护飞利浦独家为您提供这款可靠、耐用的搅拌机,它性能卓越,能够制作柔滑的冰昔、美味的酱汁、精细研磨的调味品以及碎冰。
达到最佳效果所需的规格强劲的 350 瓦马达可提供满意效果防碎塑料搅拌杯4 瓣式不锈钢刀片1 档速度和暂动功能,可应对包含冰块在内的软硬原料易于使用舒适的拇指握槽手柄直观的旋钮,简单易用集成式电源线储藏所有部件都可以用洗碗机来清洗持久的卓越品质带马达过热保护2 年全球保修产品亮点强劲的 350瓦马达强劲的 350 瓦马达实现精细搅拌。
制作冰昔、酱汁和碎冰从未如此简单防碎塑料搅拌杯加固 1.25 升塑料杯可防碎裂4瓣式不锈钢刀片4 瓣式不锈钢刀片令搅拌和混合更高效。
1档速度和暂动功能1 档速度用于强力搅拌,暂动功能用于碾碎冰块。
带马达过热保护根据设计,飞利浦搅拌机马达可防止使用过程中出现过热和过流情况2年保修飞利浦对本产品提供 2 年保修,确保更长的使用寿命,让您放心使用。
规格附件随附: 搅拌杯普通参数速度设置档数: 1产品功能: 可放心用洗碗机清洗, 集成式电线储藏格, 防滑底座, 脉冲服务2 年全球保修可持续发展包装: 90% 以上均为可回收材料用户手册: 100%可回收纸技术规格搅拌杯容量: 1.25 升功率: 350 瓦设计颜色: 粉红色, 白色表面处理刀片材质: 不锈钢材料杯: 塑料© 2019 Koninklijke Philips N.V.保留所有权利。
5. 苏泊尔榨汁机:苏泊尔榨汁机优点在于价格实惠,操作简便,噪音小。缺点在于使用寿命相对较短,清洗稍有不便。
6. 飞利浦榨汁机:飞利浦榨汁机优点在于噪音小,操作简便,使用寿命长。缺点在于价格较高,清洗稍有不便。
7. 惠而浦榨汁机:惠而浦榨汁机优点在于设计时尚,噪音小,操作简便。缺点在于价格较高,清洗稍有不便。
3. 个性化定制:科技榨汁机通常配备多种不同的刀片和滤网,可以满足不同人的口味和需求。用户可以根据自己的喜好选择不同的水果和榨汁方式,实现个性化定制。
2. 伊莱克斯伊莱克斯榨汁机以其高质量和卓越的性能,赢得了消费者的广泛好评。其设计精美,操作简便,榨汁效果显著,是家庭榨汁的理想选择。
3. 美的美的榨汁机在国内市场上占有很高的市场份额,其产品线丰富,价格适中,适合不同需求的消费者。其榨汁效果和设计也备受好评。
4. 可清洗的榨汁组件:可清洗的榨汁组件是未来市场的一大趋势。这种类型的组件可以更容易地清洗,减少使用后的麻烦,提高用户的满意度。
1 2 3ENGLISHIntroductionCongratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips! To fully benefit from the support that Philips offers, register your product at /welcome.General description1. On/off button2. Motor unit3. Release button4. Blender bar5. Whisk coupling unit (HR2533, HR2536, HR2537, HR2538 only)6. Whisk (HR2533, HR2536, HR2537, HR2538 only)7. Beaker8. Potato masher coupling unit (HR2538 only)9. Potato masher (HR2538 only)10. Potato masher paddle (HR2538 only)11. XL chopper lid (HR2537 only)12. XL chopper blade unit (HR2537 only)13. XL chopper bowl (HR2537 only)14. Compact chopper lid (HR2532, HR2533, HR2535, HR2536, HR2537,HR2538 only)15. Compact chopper blade unit (HR2532, HR2533, HR2535, HR2536,HR2537, HR2538 only)16. Compact chopper bowl (HR2532, HR2533, HR2535, HR2536, HR2537,HR2538 only)ImportantRead this user manual carefully before you use the appliance and save it for future reference.Danger-Never immerse the motor unit in water or any other liquid, nor rinse it under the tap. Only use a moist cloth to clean the motor unit.Warning-Check if the voltage indicated on the appliance corresponds to the local mains voltage before you connect the appliance.-Do not use the appliance if the plug, the mains cord or other parts are damaged or have visible cracks.-If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by Philips, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. -Do not touch the cutting edges of the blade units under any conditions, especially when the appliance is plugged in. The cutting edges are very sharp.-Never use a chopper blade unit without a chopper bowl.-To avoid splashing, always immerse the blender bar or whisk (specific types only) into the ingredients before you switch on the appliance, especially when you process hot ingredients.-If one of the blade unit gets stuck, unplug the appliance before you remove the ingredients that block the blade units.-Be careful when you pour hot liquid into the beaker, as hot liquid and steam may cause scalding.-This appliance is intended for normal household use only. It is not intended for use in environments such as staff kitchens of shops,offices, farms or other work environments. Nor is it intended to beused by clients in hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts and otherresidential environments.-Never process hard ingredients like ice cubes with the appliance.-Children should be supervised not to play with the appliance.-This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack ofexperience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a personresponsible for their safety.-Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.-Always disconnect the appliance from the supply if it is left unattended and before you assemble, disassemble, store or clean.-Thoroughly clean the parts that come into contact with food before you use the appliance for the first time. Refer to the instructions and table for cleaning given in the manual.-Always unplug the device from power supply before changing accessories or approaching parts that move in use.Caution-Do not use the appliance with any of the accessories longer than3 minutes without interruption. Let the appliance cool down for 15minutes before you continue processing.-None of the accessories is suitable for use in the microwave.-Never use any accessories or parts from other manufacturers or that Philips does not specifically recommend. If you use such accessories or parts, your guarantee becomes invalid.-Keep the motor unit away from heat, fire, moisture and dirt.-Only use this appliance for its intended purpose as shown in the user manual.-Never fill the beaker, XL chopper bowl (specific types only), or compact chopper bowl (specific types only) with ingredients that are hotter than 80°C/175°F.-Do not exceed the quantities and processing times indicated in the table.-Clean the blade unit of the blender bar under the tap. Never immerse the power unit in water.-After cleaning, let the blender bar dry. Store it either horizontally or with the blade pointing upwards.-Noise level: Lc = 85 dB(A)Electromagnetic fields (EMF)This Philips appliance complies with all applicable standards and regulations regarding exposure to electromagnetic fields.Recycling-Do not throw away the product with the normal household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at an official collection point forrecycling. By doing this, you help to preserve the environment.-Follow your country’s rules for the separate collection of electrical and electronic products. Correct disposal helps prevent negativeconsequences for the environment and human health.Ordering accessoriesTo buy accessories or spare parts, visit /service or go to your Philips dealer. You can also contact the Philips Consumer Care Center in your country (see the worldwide guarantee leaflet for contact details).Guarantee and supportIf you need information or support, please visit /support or read the separate worldwide guarantee leaflet.TroubleshootingThis chapter summarizes the most common problems you could encounter with the appliance. If you are unable to solve the problem with the information below, visit /support for a list of frequently asked questions or contact the Consumer Care Center in your country.Problem SolutionThe appliance makes alot of noise, produces anunpleasant smell, feels hotto the touch or producessmoke. What should I do?The appliance may produce anunpleasant smell or emit a little smokeif it has been used too long. In this caseyou should switch off the appliance andlet it cool down for 60 minutes.Is it possible to damage theappliance by processingvery hard ingredients?Yes, the appliance may get damaged ifyou process very hard ingredients suchas bones, fruit with stones or frozeningredients.Why does the appliancesuddenly stop working?Some hard ingredients may block theblade unit. Release the trigger switch,unplug the appliance, detach themotor unit and carefully remove theingredients that block the blade unit.Pesto GenoveseThis recipe can be prepared with the XL chopper. The XL chopper isnot supplied as a standard accessory with every model in this productrange, but it can be ordered as an extra accessory. See chapter “Orderingaccessories”.-275 g Parmesan cut in approximately 3 cm cubes- 2 cloves of garlic-50 g pine nuts-15 g fresh basil leaves- 4 table spoons olive oil1. Put the ingredients in the XL chopper bowl according to the ordermentioned above.2. Put the XL chopper lid on the bowl and then fasten the motor unitonto the lid.3. Press the On/off button and let the chopper operate for5 seconds.简体中文产品简介欢迎购买并使用飞利浦产品!为了您能充分享受飞利浦提供的支持,请在/welcome上注册您的产品。
清洁(图 6)
易于清洁:请按照步骤 1、2、3、4 进行操作。 注意: 确保将控制旋钮转至暂动设置 (P) 几次。
原料 干大豆 水
豆浆制作方法 份量 70 克 600 毫升
速度 2
时间 30 秒
此食谱只能用过滤器来准备。加工之前,先将大豆浸泡 4 小时。每加工一批物料 之后,应始终让产品冷却至室温。
• 要快速处理原料,请将控制旋钮转至暂动设置 (P) 数次。 • 每次使用暂动设置切勿超过几秒钟。
使用滤网(图 4)
您可以使用过滤网制作超细的混合调味汁、新鲜果汁或开胃小吃。所有的籽和皮 都会留在过滤网内。
• 不要在过滤网上倒入超过其金属部分的物料。 • 请勿使用过滤网加工热的物料。
使用碾磨器(图 5)
如果产品不能工作或无法正常工作,请先检查下面的列表或访问飞利浦 网站 /welcome。如果该列表中或网站上未提及您遇到的 问题,则产品可能存在瑕疵。 在此情况下,建议您将产品送往经销商处或经授权的飞利浦服务中心。
我能用洗碗机清洗所 有可拆卸部件吗?
搅拌杯中可否灌入沸 腾的热液体?
HR2006 j i
h g f e
d c
EN User manual
ZH-CN 用户手册
a Motor unit b Control knob with pulse setting and speed settings c Blender blade unit d Sealing ring e Plastic blender jar f Level indication g Hinged lid h Opening in lid i Fruit filter j Measuring cup k Mill
Philips HR1837 HR1833 果汁機 使用手冊说明书
![Philips HR1837 HR1833 果汁機 使用手冊说明书](
ENGLISHIntroductionCongratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips! To fully benefit from the support that Philips offers, register your product at /welcome.This juicer has been designed to maximise the juice output while minimising the cleaning effort. It has been specifically developed to enable you to process a broad variety of ingredients and a wide range of recipes with confidence.General description (Fig. 1)1 Pusher with pre-clean function2 Berry funnel (HR1837/HR1833 only)3 Feeding tube4 Lid5 Filter6 Juice collector with spout7 Integrated pulp container8 Safety clamps9 Control knob10 Cord storage compartment11 Driving shaft12 Motor unit13 Juice jugImportantRead this important information carefully before you use the appliance and save it for future reference.Danger-Never immerse the motor unit in water or any other liquid, nor rinse it under the tap.Warning-If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by Philips, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order toavoid a hazard.-Always disconnect the appliance from the mains if you leave it unattended or before you assemble, disassemble or clean it.-Do not use the appliance if the sieve or the lid is damaged in any way or shows visible cracks and contact the nearestPhilips service center.-This appliance is intended for normal household use only. It is not intended for use in environments such as staff kitchens of shops, offices, farms or other work environments. Nor isit intended to be used by clients in hotels, motels, bed andbreakfasts and other residential environments.-This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mentalcapabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.-Children should be supervised not to play with the appliance. -Do not use the appliance if the plug, the mains cord or other components are damaged.-Never reach into the feeding tube with your fingers or an object while the appliance is operating. Only use the pusher for this purpose. Do not insert other items than fruits,vegetables or the pusher into the feeding tube.-Do not touch the small cutting blades in the base of the sieve.They are very sharp.-Always place and use the appliance on a dry, stable and level surface.-To ensure that the appliance stands stably, keep the surface on which the appliance stands and the bottom of theappliance clean.-Do not eat the pulp or use for preparing dishes.-Check if the voltage indicated on the base of the appliance corresponds to the local mains voltage before you connect the appliance.-Never let the appliance operate unattended.Caution-Before you disassemble the appliance and before you clean it, set the control knob to off position and remove the plugfrom the wall socket. Then lower the locking arm to unlocked position.-Only lower the locking arm to unlocked position after you have switched off the appliance and the sieve has stopped rotating.-Always unplug the appliance after use.-Do not hold the appliance by the locking arm when you carry it.-Always unwind the power cord completely from the cord storage area before use.-Never use any accessories or parts from other manufacturers or that Philips does not specifically recommend. If you usesuch accessories or parts, your guarantee becomes invalid.-Make sure all parts are correctly assembled before you switch on the appliance.-Only use the appliance when the locking arm is in locked position.Electromagnetic fields (EMF)This Philips appliance complies with all applicable standards and regulations regarding exposure to electromagnetic fields.Fruit and vegetable factsDepending on the ingredients used, you can prepare up to 1.5 litres of juice without emptying the integrated pulp container. When you juice hard ingredients such as carrots or beetroots, the maximum amount of juice that can be extracted depends on the quality of the ingredients you use.Note: When the integrated pulp container has reached its maximum capacity, pulp ends up in the juice collector and on the inside of the lid.If the integrated pulp container is overfilled, the appliance slows down. When this occurs, switch off the appliance and remove the pulp from the integrated pulp container.Drip StopAfter you have processed all ingredients and the juice flow has stopped, turn the spout clockwise by about 120° to activate the drip stop function.Ordering accessoriesTo buy accessories or spare parts, visit / service or your Philips dealer. You can also contact the Philips Consumer Care Centre in your country (see the worldwide guarantee leaflet for contact details).Recycling-Do not throw away the product with the normal household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at an officialcollection point for recycling. By doing this, you help topreserve the environment.-Follow your country’s rules for the separate collection of electrical and electronic products. Correct disposal helpsprevent negative consequences for the environment andhuman health.Guarantee and serviceIf you need information or support, please visit or read the separate worldwide guarantee leaflet.TroubleshootingThis chapter summarises the most common problems you couldencounter with the appliance. If you are unable to solve theproblem with the information below, visit /support for a list of frequently asked questions or contact theConsumer Care Centre in your country.Problem SolutionThe appliancedoes notwork.The appliance is equipped with a safetysystem. If the parts have not been assembledproperly, the appliance does not work.Switch off the appliance and check if theparts have been assembled in the right way.If the problem persists, contact the PhilipsConsumer Care Centre in your country.The appliancestopsoperatingduring use.Take the appliance to your local Philips dealeror contact the Philips Consumer Care Centre inyour country.The applianceslows downduring use.The integrated pulp container has reached itsmaximum capacity. Switch off the applianceand remove the pulp from the integrated pulpcontainer.The appliancemakes a lotof noise,gives off anunpleasantsmell, is toohot to touch,gives offsmoke etc.It is very common for a new appliance to give offan unpleasant smell or emit some smoke thefirst few times you use it. This will stop after youhave used the appliance a number of times. Theappliance may also give off an unpleasant smellor emit some smoke if you process too manyingredients, if you process very hard ingredients(e.g. leeks) or if you let the appliance operate toolong. In these cases, switch off the appliance andlet it cool down for 60 minutes. If the problempersists, contact the Philips Consumer CareCentre in your country.The applianceis damaged.Contact the Philips Consumer Care Centre inyour country.The filtertouches thefeeding tubeor vibratesstronglyduringprocessing.Switch off the appliance and unplug it. Checkif the filter is placed properly in the juicecollector. The ribs in the bottom of the filterhave to fit properly onto the driving shaft.Check if the filter is damaged. Cracks, crazes, aloose grating disc or any other irregularity maycause malfunction.If you detect any cracks in the filter or if thefilter is damaged in another way, do not usethe appliance anymore. Contact a Philipsservice centre or the Philips Consumer CareCentre in your country.The filter isblocked.Switch off the appliance, clean the feedingtube and the filter and process a smallerquantity.B efore processi ng- T he appliance only functions if all parts are assembled correctlyand the clamp is in locked position.- W ash the fruit and/or vegetables and cut them, if necessary, intopieces that fit into the feeding tube.- Make sure the juice jug is placed directly under the spout.- Turn the control knob to switch on the appliance.- D o not exert too much pressure on the pusher, as this couldaffect the quality of the end result. It could even cause thefilter to come to a halt.- A lign the groove of the pusher with the small protrusions onthe inside of the feeding tube and slide the pusher into thefeeding tube.- W hen you have processed all ingredients or when theintegrated pulp container is full, switch off the appliance andunplug it. Wait until the filter stops rotating.- T o empty the integrated pulp container, remove the lid, the filterand the juice collector.- F or maximum flavour and freshness, serve the juiceimmediately after preparation.- Warning: Never insert your fingers or an object into the feedingtube.Preparation- T o extract the maximum amount of juice, always press thepusher down slowly.- U se fresh fruit and vegetables, as they contain more juice.Pineapples, beetroots, celery stalks, apples, cucumbers,carrots, spinach, melons, tomatoes, pomegranates, orangesand grapes are particularly suitable for processing in the juicer.- T he juicer is not suitable for processing very hard and/orfibrous or starchy fruits or vegetables such as sugar cane.- L eaves and leaf stalks of e.g. lettuce can also be processed inthe juicer.- R emove stones from cherries, plums, peaches, etc. You do nothave to remove cores or seeds from fruits like melons, applesand grapes.- Y ou do not have to remove thin peels or skins. Only remove thickpeels that you would not eat, e.g. those of oranges, pineapples,kiwis, melons and uncooked beetroots.- W hen you prepare apple juice, take into consideration that thethickness of the apple juice depends on the kind of apple youuse. The juicier the apple, the thinner the juice. Choose a kindof apple that produces the type of juice you prefer.- I f you want to process citrus fruits with the juicer, remove thepeel as well as the white pith. The white pith gives juice abitter taste.- F ruits that contain starch, such as bananas, papayas,avocados, figs and mangoes are not suitable for processingin the juicer. Use a food processor, blender or bar blender toprocess these fruits.Cleaning- W hen you use the pre-clean function, the lid and the sieveare rinsed with water. To use the function, insert the pre-cleanpusher into the feeding tube and pour about 200 ml of waterinto the opening of the pusher.简体中文简介感谢您的惠顾,欢迎光临飞利浦!为了您能充分享受飞利浦提供的支持,请在/welcome上注册您的产品。
Philips 2000 Series Super-automatic espresso machine•3 Beverages •Classic Milk Frother •BlackHD8651/01Taste the aroma of your favorite coffee beans 100% ceramic grinders for long-lasting performanceWhatever blend of coffee you like, you can grind the beans fresh on the spot extracting maximum flavors thanks to the ceramic grinders that don't overheat the beans. And with the manual frother, just top your coffee with creamy milk foam.Your fresh coffee experience•20,000 cups of finest coffee with durable ceramic grinders•Always the right strength in cup, no matters which beans•Coffee at the perfect temperature with our ThermoblockA variety of coffees customized to your taste•Enjoy 3 coffees at your fingertips•Delicious milk froth thanks to the classic milk frother•Adjust the length and 5 grinder settings•Enjoy 2 cups at the same time with Double Cup function•Adjust and store your personal user profileEnjoy your coffees every day with no hassle•Easy cleaning thanks to fully removable brew group•Fits any kitchen thanks to the small size and frontal access•Enjoy a great coffee with Auto-Rinse & guided descalingHighlights100% ceramic grindersOur grinders are 100% pure ceramic:extremely hard and precise, so you can enjoy fresh aromatic coffee, for at least 20.000 cups.3 aromatic coffeesEnjoy your favourite coffees for your special moments. Whether you crave for an espresso, a cofffee or a milk based recipe, your fully-automatic espresso machine delivers a perfect in-cup result with no hassle and in no time!Classic milk frotherThe Classic Milk Frother dispenses steam, allowing you to easily prepare silky smooth milk froth for your cappuccino. What's more? With only two parts, the Classic Milk Frother is also easy to clean.Customize your coffees Adjust the length and 5 grinder settings Double CupEnjoy and share your favorite coffee thanks to the double cup functionGusto perfettoGusto Perfetto is self learning technology that tracks constantly the beans you use to prepare your drinks. If it detects a change in the type of beans used, it automatically adjust the dosing in the brew chamber to always ensure a consistent result in cupThermoblockThe Thermoblock ensures a hot coffee and cappuccino for your family always at the perfect temperature. The secret is in its light aluminum and stainless steel body, which can reach hot temperatures, fast.Removable brew groupThe brew group is the heart of every fully automatic coffee machine, and should be cleaned regularly. The removable brew group allows you to clean it thoroughly just by rinsing it under the tap.Small size and frontal accessIt doesn't matter how big your kitchen is: this machine fits even the smallest spaces, and it is extremely convenient as you can access the water and waste containers from the front. Designed for making your coffee enjoyment easier.Issue date 2023-08-17 Version: 1.1.2EAN: 87 10103 70476 8© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsCustomization•Aroma Strength Settings: No•Grinder Settings: 5•Coffee Length: Adjustable•Pre Brew Aroma control: No•User Profiles: 1Variety•Beverages: Espresso, Espresso Lungo, Hot water •Coffee Powder Option: No•Double Cup•Milk Double Cup: NoOther features•Removable brew group•Auto-Rinse & Guided descaling•Gusto perfetto•Main Switch ON / OFF buttonTechnical specifications•Cord length: <100 cm •Voltage: 230 V•Frequency: 50 Hz•Capacity waste container: 8 servings •Capacity water tank: 1 L•Coffee bean capacity: 180 g•Weight of product: 7 kg•Waste container: Frontal access •Water tank: Frontal access•Filter compatibility: Brita Intenza •Max. cup height: 95 mm•Color & Finishing: Black•Product dimensions: 295 x 325 x 420 mm Design•Color: BlackGeneral specifications•Milk Solution: Classic Milk Frother •User Interface: LED Buttons。
1将出渣口可拆卸部件插入出渣口 将出汁口可拆卸部件插入出汁口 ,顺时针旋转直至可拆卸部件上与出汁口上的标识对齐 。
2 将果汁滤网放入果汁收集器内,然后将螺旋推进器放入果汁网
3将盖子放在果汁收集器上,顺时针旋转盖子直到标识对齐 。
4 对齐果汁收集器和主机上的三角标识然后将果汁收集器插入主机。
5 分别将果渣桶和果汁杯放在出渣口和出汁口正下方。
2 接通电源,并将控制钮向右转至开启位置。
3 榨汁机安装完毕后,接通电源,并将控制钮向右转至开启位置。
榨汁 4将切好的蔬果从加料送入,并用推进杆柔和地向下压到螺旋推进器。
4 将冻好的水果放入加料管。
5 水果冰将从出渣口排出。
飞利浦 Daily Collection 食品加工机 HR7629 90说明书
![飞利浦 Daily Collection 食品加工机 HR7629 90说明书](
Philips Daily Collection食品加工机• 650 瓦• 小巧型 3 合 1 设置• 2 升加工杯• 附件可实现超过 26 种功能HR7629/90丰富多样的食品,轻松制作制作自制的面包、蛋糕、饮品等这款飞利浦 Daily 系列食品加工机采用小巧设计,包括 2 升加工杯和 1.75 升搅拌机及各种高性能附件。
制作美味的自制美食从未如此简单!优点功能强大,加工准确•PowerChop 技术,实现卓越切碎性能丰富多样的食品•适用于奶油和鸡蛋清的乳化工具•柑橘压榨器,可压榨出新鲜的橙汁或葡萄柚汁•一次可以加工多达 5 份•锋利强劲的 S 形切碎刀片•可翻转的不锈钢切盘,用于切片或切碎轻松组装、使用和清洁•双速设定和暂动开关,实现全面控制•超出 40% 的更大加料管(与飞利浦 HR7625 相比)•650 瓦马达,强大的加工性能•由于去除了内轴,加工杯中心让操作轻松自如•附件可用洗碗机清洗•可轻松释放的吸脚适用于以下国家/地区的预售单页:中国 (2016, 六月 4)特点双速设定和暂动开关为获得最佳效果,请使用低速设置(速度 1)搅打奶油、打鸡蛋、制作糕点和面包面团。
高速设置(速度 2)适合切碎洋葱和肉类、搅拌汤和冰昔或将蔬菜切碎、切片、磨碎或刨碎。
超出 40%的更大加料管全新飞利浦 Daily 系列食品加工机配有比之前的 HR7625 型号大 40% 的加料管,节省对水果和蔬菜的预切时间。
一次可以加工多达 5份超大 2.1 升加工杯(1.5 升加工容量),一次即可搅拌多达 5 份汤。
PowerChop技术PowerChop 技术结合了外形独特的刀片、独特的切削角度和内加工杯,无论软、硬原料,均可实现卓越的切碎效果。
梨酒酿造工艺研究作者:刘传凤,彭其安,唐国武来源:《湖北农业科学》 2013年第9期刘传凤,彭其安,唐国武(武汉纺织大学环境工程学院,武汉430073)摘要:以鲜梨为原料酿造梨酒,采用正交试验优化发酵工艺条件,并考察了不同澄清剂和稳定剂对梨酒的影响。
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1. 材质:首选食品级304不锈钢材质,此种材质磁铁吸不住,耐腐蚀易清洁。
2. 功率:首选大功率榨汁机,推荐800W及以上功率,功率越大,转速越快,出汁率越高,且大于26000转/分转速的榨汁机,能够破壁水果细胞膜,释放更多营养,口感也更好。
3. 刀网设计:刀网属于易磨损部件,目前家电业已经推出具有镀钛涂层的刀网,极大的提高刀网的硬度和使用寿命。