8DProblem Solving Process




(8Disciplines)问题解决8步法8D (8 Disciplines) 问题解决8步法8D的原名叫做 8 Disciplines,意思是8 个人人皆知解决问题的固定步骤。

原始是由Ford 公司,全球化品质管制及改善的特殊必备方法,之后已成为QS9000/ ISO TS16949、福特公司的特殊要求。

凡是做FORD 的零件,必需采用8D 作为品质改善的工具,目前有些企业并非FORD 的供应商或汽车业的合作伙伴,也很喜欢用这个方便而有效的方法解决品质问题,成为一个固定而有共识的标准化问题解决步骤。

Discipline 1. 成立改善小组(Form the Team):由议题之相关人员组成,通常是跨功能性的,说明团队成员间的彼此分工方式或担任的责任与角色。

Discipline 2. 描述问题(Describe the Problem):将问题尽可能量化而清楚地表达,并能解决中长期的问题而不是只有眼前的问题。

Discipline 3. 实施及确认暂时性的对策(Contain the Problem):对于解决D2 之立即而短期行动,避免问题扩大或持续恶化,包含清库存、缩短PM时间、加派人力等。

Discipline 4. 原因分析及验证真因(Identify the Root Cause):发生 D2 问题的真正原因、说明分析方法、使用工具(品质工具)的应用。

Discipline 5. 选定及确认长期改善行动效果(Formulate and Verify Corrective Actions):拟订改善计画、列出可能解决方案、选定与执行长期对策、验证改善措施,清除D4 发生的真正原因,通常以一个步骤一个步骤的方式说明长期改善对策,可以应用专案计划甘特图(Gantt Chart),并说明品质手法的应用。

Discipline 6. 改善问题并确认最终效果(Correct the Problem and Confirm the Effects):执行 D5 后的结果与成效验证。



举例说明:FocalPrice订单应付金额被篡改 订单应付金额被篡改 举例说明
客户恶意篡改订单 应付金额-8D报报
D0: Improvement Subject &Basic Information 改善主题及基本信息 D1: Team Up 成立小组 明确改善主题及相关问题之背景 确认改善小组成员及具备问题改善之能力 D2.1 掌握过去历史信息 D2.2 判定历史数据之特征及分配 D2.3 利用 IS Not 诊断什么东西有问题 而什么东西不会有这个问题 以层 利用IS/ 诊断什么东西有问题, 而什么东西不会有这个问题? 别或缩小问题的范围 D2.4 设定 设定SMART目标及时程 目标及时程 (SMART: Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Reachable, Timely) 寻找紧急措施防堵问题恶化 D4.1 分析结果及其可能原因 D4.2 利用数据分析层别出可能原因 D4.3 利用实验设计或统计方法验证真因 D5.1 执行对策 D6.1 针对各别对策监控其有效性 D6.2 并确认真正有效之对策 D6.3 对策应力求防呆 D7.1 有效对策应制定于流程 文件 有效对策应制定于流程/文件 D7.2 是否水平展开至其它单位或制程 D8.1 收集对策实施后 个月 收集对策实施后1个月 个月(>30组)以上数据 组 以上数据 D8.2 利用各种统计方法确认改善的有效性
注意: 禁用形容词,副词等一些抽象或者情绪化的语言不 要将问题描述成原因,避免问题式或者方案式的叙述
问题定义的重点: 问题定义的重点:
S: Specific 特定的 目标的制订清楚说明,一定是特定的,不是概略性的。 M: Measurable 可衡量的 目标必须要用量化的指标来订定。 A: Ambitious 有挑战的 目标与工作相关,具挑战性。 R: Reachable 可达到的(Realistic) 与现实相符合的目标,非理想。 T: Timely 有时间范围的 目标可在限定的时间内完成

8D解决问题的技巧 8D Problem Solving

8D解决问题的技巧 8D Problem Solving
问题解決的指引 8D 问题解決的指引
小组组成 组组成 问题说 问题说明 根本原因
问题解决的指引 8D 问题解决的指引
长远纠正措施 长远纠正措施
审核数据以确保措施的有效性 审核数据以确保措施的有效性 措施的 采取预防措施以防止问题再次发生 采取预防措施以防止问题再次发生 措施以防止
嘉许小组 嘉许小组
8D 2
大部分管理工作是致力于克服那些妨碍人们实现目标 的问题。 的问题。 制定8个守则去克服客户的投诉及长期产品品质问题 制定8个守则去克服客户的投诉及 不去理会发生的情况,希望问题自行解决,显然轻松 不去理会发生的情况,希望问题自行解决, 很多, 很多,可是
D2:发生率 累计失效数 D2:发生率-累计失效数 发生
每个失效数的发生频度不能估计, 失效数的发生频度不能估计 发生频度不能估计, 估计每1000件生产零件的累计 失效数 估计每1000件生产零件的累计 件生产零件的 (CNF/1000)。 (CNF/1000)。 数据收集-合格品率 数据收集–指实际合格品率的合格品与总加工品的比率 指实际合格品率的
8D 3
主动地承认问题的存在, 主动地承认问题的存在, 对问题寻根究底。 对问题寻根究底。 找出解决方案和采取行动, 找出解决方案和采取行动, 都需要作出大量努力 问题通常包含着不确定性、怀疑或困难。 问题通常包含着不确定性、怀疑或困难。它之 所以成为问题,就因为涉及了这些内容。 所以成为问题,就因为涉及了这些内容。 但是缺乏有所作为的动力——更不用说对问题 但是缺乏有所作为的动力—— ——更不用说对问题 作出正确解决的动力—— ——本身常常就是一个问 作出正确解决的动力——本身常常就是一个问 题。

8D解决问题方法(8D Problem Solving-presentation)

8D解决问题方法(8D Problem Solving-presentation)
8DProblem Solving 8D式解决问题法
Learning Objectives学习目的
•Participants will have a detailed understanding of the generic “8D” problem solving process.(参与者必须理解8d工作法)
of a problem.(参与者必须是富有经验的)
8DProblem Solving
Detection Cycle
8D Problem Solving
8D Analysis
Root Cause
Prevention Cycle
Cause Priority Table
Potential Cause
•Participants will have learned to carry out an “8D” process using an actual problem at their company.(在公司里参与者要必须真实的执行8d工作法)
• Participants will have an understanding of how to use a cause and effect diagram to determine potential root cause.(参与者必须使用因果图表来找出潜在的根本原因)
Types of Problem Situations (2)
All problems fall into one of these two categories. How you identify the root may depend on the type of problem situation you have. A comparative analysis m not be done for a never – been – there situation.



8-D Problem Solving Process
Provide a structure
Common approach Team work Fact based
Quality method Documentation
- Systematic, yet flexible - Superior usual methods - Efficient interdepartmental communication - Widespread familiarity - Effective management evaluation & control - More skills & creativity - Buy-in eases implementation - Good data is indisputable - Eliminates personal biases - Tied Demming philosophy - Powerful & commonly available statistical
problem investigation
8. Permanent Corrective Action Not Implemented - a root cause may be identified, but no action taken to implement the
permanent corrective actions
• Learn the systematic steps for effective team-oriented problem solving
• Use the approach as framework for applying statistical & qualitative methods to your organization’s priority concern


Inhibitors to Efficient Problem Solving: 阻碍有效解决问题的几大因素:
• Problem is not described correctly. • 未正确阐述问题。 – The problem description must be focused enough for the team to handle effectively. – 问题阐述必须被足够重视,使团队能有效解决。 • The problem solving effort is excessively expedited. • 问题解决过分迅速。 – Steps are skipped to obtain a quick solution. – 为快速获得问题解决方案而省略一些步骤。 • Poor team participation. • 团队参与性差 – Not all the team members participated effectively. – 并非所有团队成员都能有效参与。 – The team failed to consider all the possible causes. – 团队未将问题起因考虑周全。 • No logical thought process used. • 未采纳合理思考过程。 – Problem solving effort lacks the discipline to prioritize, analyze and review the problem. – 解决问题过程中缺少对其分类、分析和评估的规则。
团队必须具有一位能在整个过程中驾驭全体人员的领导。 The team must have a Champion that will be able to

8D Problem Solving Process

8D Problem Solving Process

8D (Eight Disciplines) Problem Solving ProcessNational Semiconductor uses the 8D Problem Solving Process to identify, correct and eliminate the recurrence of quality problems.8D is a problem-solving methodology for product and process improvement. It is structured into eight disciplines, emphasizing team synergy. The team as whole is better and smarter than the quality sum of the individuals. Each discipline is supported by a checklist of assessment questions, such as “what is wrong with what”, “what, w hen, where, how much”.The Eight Disciplines1. Use Team ApproachEstablish a small group of people with the knowledge, time, authority and skill to solve the problem and implement corrective actions. The group must select a team leader.2. Describe the ProblemDescribe the problem in measurable terms. Specify the internal or external customer problem by describing it in specific terms.3. Implement and V erify Short-Term Corrective ActionsDefine and implement those intermediate actions that will protect the customer from the problem until permanent corrective action is implemented. Verify with data the effectiveness of these actions.4. Define end V erify Root Cause sIdentify all potential causes which could explain why the problem occurred. T est each potent ial cause against the problem description and data. Identify alternative corrective actions to eliminate root cause.5. Verify Corrective ActionsConfirm that the selected corrective actions will resolve the problem for the customer and will not cause undesirable side effects. Define other actions, if necessary, based on potential severity of problem.6. Implement Permanent Corrective ActionsDefine and implement the permanent corrective actions needed. Choose on-going controls to insure the root cause is eliminated. Once in production, monitor the long-term effects and implement additional controls as necessary.7. Prevent RecurrenceModify specifications, update training, review work flow, improve practices and procedures to prevent recurrence of this and all similar problems.8. Congratulate Y our TeamRecognize the collective efforts of your team. Publicize your achievement. Share your knowledge and learning.8D Problem Solving Process FlowchartCustomer Complaint Corrective & Preventive Action Report (8D)FILE NO.: T-DSL-02-001B2 -------------------------------------- CAR NO: CAR-030411-E-------------------- CO MAX TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.Corrective & Preventive Action Report (8D)1、Form the TeamDate Started:Sep. 22, 2002Internal team member:A, B, CExternal team member:N/A2. Describe the ProblemOne field failed unit of XXX model was returned from the customer on Sep. 20. The failure occurred at the end-user‟s site with the symptom described as …The unit burned when powered on with line and could not be powered on again.‟3. Describe the Root Cause3.1 What FoundAfter carefully investigation it is found that components listed below in the XXX circuit are damaged:Part Spec. DescriptionD5,D6,D7,D8 XX A/XX V Rectifier Diode3.2 Circuit Schematic3.3 Fishbone Diagram3.4 Experiments to Reproduce the Failure3.4.1 D5-D8 temperature measurementCondition: 1) The unit operates at ambient temperature; 2) Connecting a xx Ohm resistor between positive and negative terminals of the battery to stimulate very low battery voltage.Result:Case temperature of the diodes stabilizes at about 60 degree Celsius which is much lower than the maximum rating with adequate margin.3.4.2 Battery short circuitCondition: Short circuit the battery and measure the current passes through D5-D8 with current probe. Result: The current is zero3.4.3 Low battery voltageThe unit operates with the DC power provided by a xx V(which is much lower than the nominal xx V) battery. Measure the current passes through D5-D8 and no over-current is found.3.4.4 Over-current through D5-D8 when power on with nominal I/P AC voltageThe DC power is provided by a battery with nominal voltage. Measure the current passes through D5-D8 with current probe at the moment when power on the unit with nominal AC input voltage. Over-current is found.3.4.5 High input AC voltage and low battery voltage when power onConnect a xx Ohm resistor between positive and negative terminals of the battery to stimulate very l ow battery voltage. Measure the current passes through D5-D8 with current probe at the moment when power on the unit with xx AC. The current reaches xx A which is much larger than the maximum rating xx A and that can easily destroy the diodes.3.5 ConclusionBased on the above experiments, the root cause is that at the moment when power on the unit, especially with low battery voltage and high input AC voltage, out-of-spec current through the diodes presents.4. Containment PlanFix the unit, replace damaged components5. Permanent C/A Plan5.1 Change Cxx from xx μF/xx V electrolytic capacitor to xx uF/xx V X-Cap to reduce the current through therectifier when power on the unit.5.2 Use an integrated rectifier to replace D5-D8.5.3 RD release ECR for customer approval of the above engineering changes after the effectiveness is verified.5.4 RD release ECN to validate the changes after the ECR is approved.6. Verify the effectiveness of C/A6.1 Measure the current through the integrated rectifier at the same condition of 2.4.5, no over-current is found.6.2 Perform power cycling on 10 engineering changed units under the condition described at 2.4.5 for 48 hours,no failure was found.7、Prevent Recurrence8、Congratulate the TeamThe ECR has been sent to XXX (the customer name) for approval on Sep. 25. and the updated procedure will be released formally by DCC immediately when receive the approval. Thanks for the excellent work of the team. Date Closed: Sep. 26, 2002。



8d流程的介绍(仅供参考)D1-第一步骤: 建立解决问题小组若问题无法独立解决,通知你认为有关的人员组成团队。


D2-第二步骤: 描述问题向团队说明何时、何地、发生了什么事、严重程度、目前状态、如何紧急处理、以及展示照片和收集到的证物。


D3-第三步骤: 执行暂时对策若真正原因还未找到,暂时用什么方法可以最快地防止问题?如全检、筛选、将自动改为手动、库存清查等。


D4-第四步骤: 找出问题真正原因找问题真正原因时,最好不要盲目地动手改变目前的生产状态,先动动脑。


列出您所知道的所有生产条件(即鱼骨图),逐一观察,看看是否有些条件走样,还是最近有些什么异动?换了夹具吗?换了作业员?换了供应商?换了运输商?修过电源供应器?流程改过? 或比较良品与不良品的检查结果,看看那个数据有很大的差?,尺寸?重量?电压值?CPK?耐电压?等等不良的发生,总是有原因,资料分析常常可以看出蛛丝马迹。




D5-第五步骤: 选择永久对策找到造成问题的主要原因后,即可开始拟出对策的方法。


试试对可能的选择列出其优缺点,要花多少钱?多少人力?能持续多久? 再对可能的方法作一最佳的选择,并且确认这样的对策方法不会产生其它副作用。

D6-第六步骤: 执行及验证永久对策当永久对策准备妥当,则可开始执行及停止暂时对策。

并且对永久对策作一验证,例如观察不良率已由4000 PPM降为300 PPM,CPK由0.5升为1.8等,下游工段及客户己能完全接受,不再产生问题。

8D (eight disciplines) problem solving process

8D (eight disciplines) problem solving process
1. Use Team Approach
Establish a small group of people with the knowledge, time, authority and skill to solve the problem and implement corrective actions. The group must select a team leader.
4. Define end Verify Root Causes
Identify all potential causes which could explain why the problem occurred. Test each potential cause against the problem description and data. Identify alternative corrective actions to eliminate root cause.
2. Describe the Problem
Describe the ify the internal or external customer problem by describing it in specific terms.
7. Prevent Recurrence
Modify specifications, update training, review work flow, improve practices and procedures to prevent recurrence of this and all similar problems.
8. Congratulate Your Team
Recognize the collective efforts of your team. Publicize your achievement. Share your knowledge and learning.







二、8D解决问题的方法简介8D解决问题法(8 Disciplines Problem Solving Process)是一种团队导向的问题解决方法,适用于复杂、多因素的问题。














8D Process

8D Process

The 8D problem solving process will be proceeded at the following con internal major nonconformity identified in WKK which doesn’t meet the defined requirements. WKK识别不满足规定要求的所有内部主要的不符合项. - Customer Complaint unless otherwise required by customer. 除有其他客户要求的客户投诉. - Corrective Action Request issued to WKK’s supplier. 发出给WKK供应商的纠正措施工作单.
Problem Solving Process – 8D
Complete the top section of CAR-8D 完成CAR-8D上半部分
Choose 8D type by clinking the box 通过链接单元格选择8D类别 Assign reference No. 指定参考编号
Problem Solving Process – 8D
D1 Setup a team to investigate the problem
第一步 成立小组调查问题
Enter problem Initiator
Enter problem Initiating manager
D3 Investigate the causes
◆ Identify the root causes how the problem occurred by using repeated WHY; 通过重复使用why来识别问题的根本原因是如何产生的. ◆ Determine the possible causes or the combination of those causes; 确定可能的原因或这些原因的结合性. ◆ Review each possible causes and determine corresponding corrective actions. 评审每一个可能的原因和确定相应的纠正措施.



Problem solving process (8-D method)问题解决过程 (8-D方法)“8D”是一种通过8个步骤解决问题的方法。

“8D” 是通过以下三个途径解决问题并防止问题(投诉)的重复发生:●快速地,持久地,系统地处理内外部的投诉,分析定位并消除根本原因。



D1: Problem solving team问题解决小组:成立的解决小组成员需要对产品和过程比较熟悉并且有经验,且至少包含技术,质量和生产部门。

D2: Problem description 问题描述:问题描述是指详细的描述出不良现象、问题零件以及出现什么样的影响。


D3:Containment actions围堵措施:一旦发现不良,即时遏制措施必须实行,以保护客户的不接收,不使用或不生产不合格产品。



D4:Root cause analysis根本原因分析●根本原因分析应确定:为什么发生了不合格和为什么不合格产品没有被探测到●必须对受影响的产品及其加工过程进行调查和因果关系分析(哪一个组件/产品导致不良,哪一个过程导致不良)●所有导致不良的可能情况必须都要被考虑●必须由适当的方法和工具来支持这种分析(如QC七大手法, FMEA ,鱼骨图, 5why)●评估与问题相关的潜在风险(不良品所影响的时间和数量)。

●D5:Corrective actions and proof of effectiveness改善措施和验证有效性:●根据D4定义可能的改善措施来消除根本的不良。


8D process 讲义

8D process 讲义
8-Disciplines problem solving
8-Disciplines problem solving
現在只要您打電話2789-2659 就可以得到50%的折扣
這個廣告帶給您什麼樣的訊息? 這個訊息包含㈲哪些內容? 它讓您感受到什麼樣的問題?
8-Disciplines problem solving
D 1 – 成立專案 • 考慮到直接、間接的人員
– Engineering,Production, QC, Sales, Marketing,Purchase – Customer, Supplier, Subcontractor – External experts – Die maker, Machine builder
會議記錄 製作與分發會議紀錄
1. 售後服務的報告 2. 來㉂內部顧客的問題或課題報告 3. 運用內部評估顧客㈾料 4. 主管或委員會的指示 5. 法規或政府要求 6. 合約審查 7. 從品質機能展開所傳來的要求 8. 媒體評論與分析 9. 顧客來函與建議 10.「是」 /「不是」報告 11.經銷商的意見 12.操作員的意見
以能夠量化的方式詳加敘述內部或外部客戶的問題 採取(5W2H)的模式來說明 Who、What、When、Where、Why、How、How Many 定義問題是問題解決的基礎 ㈲些的問題解決流程是在定義問題的要因及了解為何會出現 要因是造成問題的元兇,要因消除問題㉂然消失
8-Disciplines problem solving
8-Disciplines problem solving



To create value for our customers and shareholders by providing systems, products and services relating to propel, work and control functions, as we meet the needs of mobile equipment manufacturers globally. 我们提供具备驱动、运作及控制功能的系统、产品及服务,为客户与股东创造价值,满足全球行走机械设备制造商的需要。
To create value for our customers and shareholders by providing systems, products and services relating to propel, work and control functions, as we meet the needs of mobile equipment manufacturers globally.
Focus on shareholder value by driving both top line growth and profitability. 将重点放在股东利益上,推动公司的发展与盈利。 Achieve continuous improvement on the returns on each and every investment made (machine tools, facilities, new products, distribution channels, etc.). 争取在每一项投资上不断提高投资回报率(机械工具、设施、新 产品、分销渠道等)。


• 首先考虑一下出现目前情况的可能原因。 集中精力考虑手头现有的资料,同时注意 倾听别人的意见。
• 尽力做到客观地去看待问题会使你将那 些外表上看来错综复杂的问题简单化。
D4- Identify the root causes 介定根本原因
• Cause & Effect (Fishbone) diagrams # • 原因及效應分析圖(魚骨圖) • Identify at least 3 major causes and give
• 舉例來說,假設你看到一個工人,正將鐵屑灑在機器之間的通道地面 上.
• 你問: “為何你將鐵屑灑在地面上?〞 • 他答: “因為地面有點滑,不平安.〞 • 你問: “為甚麼會滑,不平安〞 • 他答: “因為那兒有油漬.〞 • 你問: “為甚麼會有油漬?〞 • 他答: “因為機器在滴油.〞 • 你問: “為甚麼會滴油?〞 • 他答: “因為油是從聯結器泄漏出來的.〞 • 你問: “為甚麼會泄漏?〞 • 他答: “因為聯結器內的橡膠油封已經磨損了.〞 • 如此例所示,經常地利用問5次為甚麼,就可以確認出問題的原因以
D2: 5W 2H
• What〔什么〕: • 有什麼事件問題發生? • 在什么情況下發生? • • 应该还有什么直接間接影響? • 有什么不應該發生的?
D2: 5W 2H
• Why〔为何〕: • 为何問題在這時候才發現? • 为何要解決此問題? • 不做不行吗?
D2: 5W 2H
• How〔如何〕: • 問題是如何發生? • 發生的過程有次序嗎? • 应如何做会更好? • How Many? How Much? ( 有多少): • 范圍有多大?比例?


cause,但複雜的或許要5 Why, 6 Why, 7 Why… 最後要加 1H,How to fix it.
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5 Why 範例: 為何停機
• 問1:為什麼機器停了? • 答1:因為機器超載, 保 險絲燒斷了
5 Why 範例: 為何停機
• 問1:為什麼機器停了?
• 問2:為什麼機器會超 載?
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變異很小, 但卻不準確
Page 7 of 110
準確, 但變異卻很大
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0 10 20 30 40 50 60
-6 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74
-5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65
工作 不專心
TRAY 設計不良
產品定位 不良
BUY OFF檢 查動作不確實
平面度 良率不佳
職前訓練 不足
機台操作 不熟悉
PDCA 的介紹
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QUALITY CONSCIOUSNESS .The PDCA cycle is a series of activities pursued for improvement
-6 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74
看得到的, 可感覺 , 可測量

8D 解决问题的方法

8D 解决问题的方法
8D(Eight-Discipline)也可称为TOPS(Team Oriented Problem Solving)即团队导向问题解决方法。
这些步骤用来客观地确定、定义和解决问题并防止相似 问题的再次发生。通常是客戶所抱怨的问題要求公司分 析,并提出永久解决及改善的方法。
Problem Solving 解决问题
定义 Definition
High 高
Important and Urgent “8 D Reactive
Problem Solving” 重要紧急 – 8D
Important not Urgent A Proactive
Improvement Process (Lean SS, Kaizen)
制定方法来形成有序的思考步骤来解决任何问题 Makes up a method to achieve an orderly thought process that can be used for any problem and any activities.
8 表彰小组和
1 成立8D
7 防止问题再
2 描述问题
次发生/系统 预防性建议
6 实施和确
3 实施并验证临
定义 Definition
• 发起者—可以是客户或其他要求用8D来解决问题的相关人员。 Originator----- May be the customer or someone else who is concerned or impacted and requesting an 8D to be completed.
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• Report the results of your problem-solving efforts for documentation & future reference
• Continue to improve your organization by applying these methods, project by project to each concern on priority list
8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 1 Team Formation
Step 1 - Initiate Project Team
To establish a team of group of people with product & process knowledge, skill in the appropriate technical disciplines and allocated time and authority to take needed action to solve the problem
8-D Problem Solving Process
Course Outline
1. Apply 8 step systematic process in identifying, correction and resolving complex problem
2. Choose the appropriate analytical and systematic team through the 8 steps
• Learn the systematic steps for effective team-oriented problem solving
• Use the approach as framework for applying statistical & qualitative methods to your organization’s priority concern
6. Management’s Impatience - all levels of management demand to know exactly when a problem will
be solved.
7. Mis-identified Root Cause - a potential cause is cause identified as a root cause, concluding the
8-D Problem Solving Process
Provide a structure
Common approach Team work Fact based
Quality method Documentation
- Systematic, yet flexible - Superior usual methods - Efficient interdepartmental communication - Widespread familiarity - Effective management evaluation & control - More skills & creativity - Buy-in eases implementation - Good data is indisputable - Eliminates personal biases - Tied Demming philosophy - Powerful & commonly available statistical
8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 1 Team Formation
Step 1 - Team Composition
Good team member are persons who are : willing to contribute capable of diagnosing problem trainable in the use of improvement methods team players, rather than go-it-alone
Overview Step 1 : Team Formation Step 2 : Describe the Issue Step 3 : Containment Plan Step 4 : Root Cause Analysis Step 5 : Corrective Action Plan Step 6 : Preventive Action Step 7 : Verification Step 8 : Congratulations
4. No Logical Process - a disciplined system to prioritize, analyze & review problem was not
8-D Problem Solving Process Inhibitors
5. Lack of Technical Skills - statistics & problem-solving methods were not know by team members
8-D Problem Solving Process ---Applying Steps
Predicated on team approach Use for a cause unknown situation where you are concern Must be driven top-down to provide adequate resources Management by fact and data Require action planning and documentation for each step Focus on effectively using the process not on writing the report No preconceptions!!!
8-D Problem Solving Process—Overview
Structured Team Problem Solving
--To use efficient, data-based approach for problem solving & corrective action
tools - STEPS provides framework for application of - methods- Standard format for reporting all - action - Later reference provides insight to problem - solution
2. The problem solving process is composed of 8 systematysis and problem definition techniques are featured. It emphasizes on utilization of cross function teams and provides appropriate composition of those teams
Management shall identify the expected time commitment from team member and make arrangement for peoples time availability
Team member must reach consensus on a mission statement & goals, and document it in writing
3. The business impact the achievement of six sigma quality
and ultimately total customer satisfaction by utilizing a problem solving process to find root causes and achieve permanent solutions
3. Practice using the 8 steps reporting system including preparation of a concern analysis report
4. Working as a team
8-D Problem Solving Process
8-D Problem Solving Process -STEP 1 Team Formation
Step 1 - Action & Issue
Management must determine if the initial statement of concern is worth further problem solving investigation
8DProblem Solving Process
8-D Problem Solving Process
8-D Problem Solving Process
1. Provides participants with hand-on experience using a systematic process for resolving complex cause unknown situations