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Our language helps mould our way of thinking and, consequently, different languages may probably express speakers’ unique ways of understanding the world.
Chapter 9 Language and culture
Language is an essential and important part of a given culture and that the impact of culture upon a given language is something intrinsic and indispensable. Studying the relationship of language and culture in a social situation could provide learners a different perspective to the study of language.
According to the strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, there is no real translation.

教育类:师范生免费教育、方永刚、 农村义务教育、助学贷款、绿色通 道、孔子学院、校园集体舞、创业 教育、港校、网游防沉迷系统 文化娱乐类:《变形金刚》、《集 结号》、80后、帕瓦罗蒂、藏友、 新七大奇迹、《士兵突击》、社区 文化、孙道临、好男儿 科技类:南海I号、动车组、绕月探 测工程、Vista、阿特兰蒂斯、中华 鲟、干细胞、支线飞机、京沪空中 快线、海上丝绸之路博物馆
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奥运专题:上海特奥会、好运北京、倒计 时一周年、无车日、奥运门票、祥云、奥 运测试赛、奥运火炬、微笑圈、金镶玉

综合类:和谐社会、社会主义新农 村、青藏铁路、自主创新、社会主 义荣辱观(八荣八耻)、中非合作 论坛、长征精神、消费税、非物质 文化遗产、倒扁 文化类:文博会、文化创意产业、 孔子、原生态、百家讲坛、于丹、 潜规则、易中天、草根文化、恶搞

国内时政类:物权法、又好又快发 展、中央宣讲团、入联公投、“和 谐号”、国家大剧院、郑筱萸、黑 砖窑、道德模范、铁路第六次大提 速 社会生活类:华南虎、熊猫烧香、 食品安全专项整治、群租、东方田 鼠、小产权房、零就业家庭、独居 老人、金猪、关停小火电 经济类:企业所得税法、节能减排、 土地增值税、人民币升值、燃油附 加费、财产性收入、第二套房贷、 从紧货币政策、成品油价格调整、 贷款基准利率
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf, proclaimed that the structure of the language people habitually use influences the ways they think and behave, i.e. different languages offer people different ways of expressing the world around, they think and speak differently, this is also known as linguistic relativity. Sapir and Whorf believe that language filters people’s perception and the way they categorize experiences. This interdependence of language and thought is now known as Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis.


综合类:保持共产党员先 进性教育、“十一五”规 划、神舟六号(神六)、节 约型社会、和平发展、一 篮子货币、油价上涨、同 一个世界同一个梦想、连 宋大陆行、取消农业税。

综合类:执政能力、 雅典奥运、刘翔、审 计风暴、零关税、科 学发展观、失地农民 补助、反分裂国家法、 中法文化年、海啸。

The knowledge and beliefs that constitute a people’s culture are habitually encoded and transmitted in L. On the one hand, language as an integral part of human being, permeates in his thinking and way of viewing the world, language both expresses and embodies cultural reality; on the other, language, as a product of culture, helps perpetuate the culture, and the changes in language uses reflect the cultural changes in return.

综合类:十七大、嫦娥一号、民生、 香港回归十周年、CPI(居民消费价 格指数)上涨、廉租房、奥运火炬 手、基民、中日关系、全球气候变 化
国际时政类:韩国人质、库尔德工 人党武装、红色清真寺、和平使命、 萨来自百度文库齐、核设施去功能化、贝· 布托、 慰安妇问题、反导、达尔富尔
More evidence can be gathered to substantiate this claim if we have a brief survey of what has happened in the field of linguistics over the past century.
What is culture?

Culture, lexically, is cultivation of the soil, production, development, or improvement of a particular plant , animal, commodity. It is the ideas, customs, skills, arts, etc of a given people in a given period; civilization. In a broad sense, culture means the total way of life of a people, including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterizes the life of the human community. In a narrow sense, culture may refer to local or specific practice, beliefs or customs, which can be mostly found in folk culture, enterprise culture or food culture, etc.
The relationship between language and culture

The same word may stir up different associations in people under different cultural background, e.g. the word “dog”. Language expresses cultural reality, reflects the people’s attitudes, beliefs, world outlooks, etc. The culture both emancipates and constrains people socially, historically and metaphorically. Culture also affects its people’s imagination or common dreams which are mediated through the language and reflected in their life. Generally, the relation of L to C is that of part to whole, for L is part of C.

Linguistic determinism: L may determine our thinking patterns. Linguistic relativity: different languages offer people different ways of expressing the world around. (Similarity between languages is relative. For two different speech communities, the greater their structural differentiation is, the more diverse their conceptualization of the world will be.)
Two types of culture: material and spiritual. The material culture suggests the concrete, substantial and observable, while most of spiritual culture are the products of mind (ideologies, beliefs, values and concepts of time and space) is abstract, ambiguous, and hidden. Eugene Nida, a well-known linguist and a translation theorist, believes there are five types of subculture: ecological culture, linguistic culture, religious culture, material culture and social culture.

构建和谐社会专题:社区卫生服务、预防 腐败局、生态文明、轨道交通、和谐文化 建设、最低生活保障制度、服务型政府、 劳动合同法、农民专业合作社、带薪休假 民生专题:经济适用房、法定节假日调整、 手机单向收费、农民低保、民生净福利指 标、惠农政策、居民基本医疗保险、个税 起征点、交强险费率浮动、农民合作医疗 金融专题:加息、QDII基金、股指期货、 认沽权证、理财产品、跨行通存通兑、新 股民、港股直通车、第三方存管、次级抵 押贷款