EM250 Zigbee模块详细规格书




ZigBee芯片厂家对比2008年04月12日星期六10:27 一、ZigBee无线技术一鸣惊人ZigBee是一种崭新的,专注于低功耗、低成本、低复杂度、低速率的近程无线网络通信技术。


ZigBee的特点主要有以下几个方面:1 低功耗。




2 低成本。

通过大幅简化协议(不到蓝牙的1/10),降低了对通信控制器的要求,按预测分析,以8051的8位微控制器测算,全功能的主节点需要32KB代码,子功能节点少至4KB 代码,而且ZigBee免协议专利费。

3 低速率。


4 近距离。




5 短时延。


相比较,蓝牙需要3~10 s、WiFi需要3 s。

6 高容量。


7 高安全。


8 免执照频段。

采用直接序列扩频在工业科学医疗2.4GHz(全球) (ISM)频段。

ZigBee在2004年推出2004(Z igBee 1.0)的基础上,年前又推出了功能更加强大的ZigBee 2006协议栈,增加了Z igBee PRO扩展指令集,功能更加强大。

M-System远程I O R3系列通信模块规格书(型号:R3-NM1)说明书

M-System远程I O R3系列通信模块规格书(型号:R3-NM1)说明书

远程 I/O R3 系列通信模块机型: R3-NM1-①② ①、②在下列代码中选择。

(例如: R3-NM1-R/CE/Q)・特殊规格(例如: /C01/SET)①供电电源N: 无供电电源◆交流电源K3: 100~120V AC (允许电压范围 85~132V AC、47~66Hz)*(不符合CE)L3: 200~240V AC (允许电压范围 170~264V AC、47~66Hz)*(不符合CE)◆直流电源R:24V DC (允许电压范围 24V±10%、纹波系数 10%p-p以下)**、与电源模块以及备有电源的通信模块并用时不能选择。

②附加代码 (可指定多项)◆适用标准未填写: 不符合CE/CE: 符合CE◆特殊规格未填写: 无特殊规格/Q: 特殊规格(从特殊规格之项另请选择)/C01: 硅涂层/C02: 聚氨酯涂层/C03: 橡胶涂层◆出厂时的设定/SET: 按照订购表格 (No: ESU-8354) 设定・Modbus: 连接器型欧式端子盘 (适用电缆线: 0.2~2.5mm2、露线长度为7mm)・内部通信总线: 连接到底座 (机型: R3-BS□) 上・内部电源: 由底座 (机型: R3-BS□) 提供・供电电源、RUN接点输出: M3螺丝2块端子盘连接  (紧固扭矩为0.5N·m)压接端子: 请参照「适用压接端子」图(不能使用带绝缘套的压接端子)・适用电缆线: 0.75~1.25mm2端子螺丝材质: 铁表面镀镍隔离: Modbus-内部通信总线・内部电源-供电电源-RUN接点输出-FG间输入数据设定: 用侧面DIP开关设定异常时的输入值通信冗余时的动作模式的设定: 用侧面DIP开关可设定正常动作模式、输出切换动作模式 (详细内容请参照使用说明书)主/从切换设定: 用侧面的DIP开关设定数据分配设定: 用侧面的DIP开关设定RUN显示灯: 红/绿2色LED 通信正常时亮绿色灯;接收数据时亮红色灯 (用DIP开关进行切换)ERR显示灯: 红/绿2色LED 通信异常时绿色灯亮灯/闪烁 (接收异常数据或通信设定 异常时亮灯 (约0.1s) );发送数据时亮红色灯 (用DIP开关进行切换)■RUN接点输出・RUN显示灯亮绿色灯时ON (Modbus正常通信时ON)额定负载: 250V AC 0.5A (cos ø = 1) 30V DC 0.5A (电阻负载) (满足EU指令时,额定负载小于50V AC。

ICP DAS ZT-2510系列ZigBee重传器产品介绍说明书

ICP DAS ZT-2510系列ZigBee重传器产品介绍说明书

5 2ISM 2.4 GHz Operating FrequencyFully Compliant with 2.4 G (IEEE802.15.4/ZigBee Specifi cations)Fully Compliant with ZigBee ZigBee Pro (ZigBee 2007)Wireless Transmission Range up to 700 mGUI Confi guration Software (Windows Version)DIN-Rail MountableThe ZT-2510 series module is small-sized wireless ZigBee repeater based on the IEEE802.15.4 standard. It supports network routing and signal relay transmission function in a personal area ZigBee network. The typical transmission of ICP DAS ZT series ZigBee products is 700 meters (LOS, line of sight), with a transmission frequency range of between 2.405 GHz and 2.48 GHz, separated into 5 MHz sectors, providing 16 channels and 16384 PAN IDs. ZT-2000 series is a long distance wireless repeater and you are able to use it to extend the transmission range and improve the quality of wireless signal.ZT-2000 series products are specifi cation for a suite of high level communication protocols using small, low-power digital radios module, which are fi tted the ZigBee 2007 (ZigBee Pro) of ZigBee Alliance. In the ZigBee network, it is only allowed one ZigBee Host and called “ZigBee Coordinator”, ZT-2550/ZT-2570 series products, are used to initialize and manager the routing. In addition, One ZigBee network are able to manager 255 ZigBee router and responsible for receiving or bypassing data from parent or child node. In ICP DAS products, the ZT-2551, ZT-2571, ZT-2000 I/O and ZT-2510 are the ZigBee routers.A Windows compatible GUI configuration utility is available. The utility allows users to set different configurations based on the type of application, together with several of required ZigBee variables such as Pan ID. The friendly user interface is also helping user be familiar with ZT-2000 series.Confi guration InterfaceUSB Type BCable CA-USB18 (1.8 M Cable) x 1; USB Type A connector (Type A to Type B cable provided)Compatibility USB 1.1 and 2.0 standardDriver Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7/Linux 2.6.19LED IndicatorsZigBee Net GreenZigBee RxD YellowPower RedPowerProtection Power reverse polarity protectionEMS Protection ESD, Surge, EFTRequired Supply Voltage+10 V DC ~ +30 V DCPower Consumption0.5 WMechanicalCasing PlasticFlammability UL 94V-0 fi re-retardant materialsDimensions (W x L x H)33 mm x 78 mm x 107 mmInstallation DIN-RailEnvironmentOperating Temperature-25 ~ +75°CStorage Temperature-40 ~ +80°CRelative Humidity 5 ~ 90% RH, Non-condensingWirelessRF Channel16RF Transmit Power11 dBmAntenna (2.4GHz) 5 dBi Omni-Directional antennaTransmit Range (LOS)700 m (Typical)Max. Slaves Supported255EMI Certifi cation CE/FCC, FCC IDZT-2510IntroductionSpecifi cations1I ndustrial C omputer P roducts and D ata A cquisition S2Industrial Wireless Communication ProductsWebsite:E-mail:*******************.IWCP1.0.01BetaVersion52ApplicationsCommunication Range ExtensionRedundant Routing3ICP DAS CO., LTD. Professional Provider of High Quality I ndustrial C omputer P roducts and D ata A cquisition S ystems Vol. IWCP 1.0.01 Beta Version52ZigBee Repeater (Slave, ZigBee Router) (RoHS)ZT-2550 CR RS-485/RS-232 to ZigBee Converter (Host, ZigBee Coordinator) (RoHS)ZT-2551 CR RS-485/RS-232 to ZigBee Converter (Slave, ZigBee Router) (RoHS)ZT-2570 CR Ethernet/RS-485/RS-232 to ZigBee Converter (Host, ZigBee Coordinator) (RoHS)ZT-2571 CR Ethernet/RS-485/RS-232 to ZigBee Converter (Slave, ZigBee Router) (RoHS)ZT-2000 DIO series Wireless digital input and digital output ZigBee I/O deviceZT-2000 AIO seriesWireless differential analog input and analog output ZigBee I/O deviceOrdering InformationAccessoriesRear ViewFront ViewBottom ViewTop ViewRight Side ViewLeft Side ViewAppearance。

亿佰特 E104-BT52 BLE5.0低功耗贴片型蓝牙转串口模块规格书说明书

亿佰特 E104-BT52 BLE5.0低功耗贴片型蓝牙转串口模块规格书说明书

E104-BT52/E104-BT52X产品规格书DA14531BLE5.0低功耗贴片型蓝牙转串口模块目录第一章概述 (3)1.1简介 (3)1.3应用场景 (4)第二章规格参数 (4)2.1极限参数 (4)2.2工作参数 (4)第三章机械尺寸与引脚定义 (6)第四章基本应用 (8)4.1推荐电路 (8)第五章功能说明 (9)5.1角色说明 (9)5.2电源模式 (10)5.3数据传输模式 (10)5.4MAC地址绑定 (11)5.5广播 (11)5.6配置 (12)5.7数据指示 (12)5.8UUID说明 (13)5.9状态或事件打印 (13)第六章AT指令 (14)6.1指令说明 (14)6.2错误代码 (14)6.3状态打印 (14)6.4指令表 (14)第七章快速使用 (28)7.1配置模式快速使用指南 (28)7.2数据传输 (30)第八章常见问题 (32)8.1传输距离不理想 (32)8.2模块易损坏 (32)8.3误码率太高 (33)第九章焊接作业指导 (34)9.1回流焊温度 (34)9.2回流焊曲线图 (34)第十章相关型号 (35)第十一章批量包装方式 (36)修订历史 (37)关于我们 (37)第一章概述1.1简介E104-BT52/E104-BT52X是一款基于蓝牙协议5.0版本的串口转BLE蓝牙主从一体模块,体积小、功耗低,工作在2.4GHz 频段。





hac-embee-a11n 2.4g 低功耗无线数传模块(zigbee)用户手册说明书

hac-embee-a11n 2.4g 低功耗无线数传模块(zigbee)用户手册说明书

HAC-EmBee-A11D HAC-EmBee-A11N2.4G低功耗无线数传模块(ZigBee)用户手册V 2.02.2 2013/10/25深圳市华奥通通信技术有限公司SHENZHEN HAC TELECOM TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD地址 : 深圳市南山区西丽路4227号大学城创意园2栋6楼电话 : +86-755-23981078传真 : +86-755-23981007邮件:*****************************网址 : HAC EmBee ZigBee Series 深圳市华奥通通信技术有限公司高性能✧20dbm可视距离2.8km✧7dbm可视距离850m 低功耗✧20dbm发射电流145mA,接收电流38mA,休眠电流3uA✧7dbm发射电流42mA,接收电流29mA,休眠电流3uAMESH网络✧自动组网,自动路由,自动愈合✧点对点,点对多点传输✧最多高达16跳传输 使用简单✧AT命令✧API命令✧API远程AT命令✧透明传输符合标准✧Zigbee 2007 Pro✧A11 Profile高可靠性✧DSSS O-QPSK调制方式✧CSMA-CA 自动退避机制✧重发与应答机制高安全性✧网络层AES加密✧应用层AES加密目录1 EmBee模块 (6)1.1 EmBee模块尺寸及管脚顺序 (6)1.2 模块管脚分布 (7)1.3 模块性能参数 (8)1.3.1 HAC-EmBee-A11N参数 (8)1.3.2 HAC-EmBee-A11D参数 (9)2 EmBee模块操作 (10)2.1 UART串口介绍 (10)2.2 通信协议 (10)2.2.1 透明传输模式 (10)2.2.2 API传输模式 (11)2.3 AT命令模式 (11)2.3.1 进入AT命令模式 (12)2.3.2 发送AT命令 (12)2.3.3 AT命令响应 (12)2.3.4 退出AT命令模式 (13)2.4 回环功能 (13)2.4.1 透传模式的回环 (13)2.4.2 API模式的回环 (13)3 API操作 (14)3.1 API帧格式 (14)3.2 API帧 (15)3.2.1 AT命令帧(立即生效) (15)3.2.2 AT命令帧(不立即生效) (16)3.2.3 AT命令响应帧 (17)3.2.4 传输请求帧 (18)3.2.5 应用层可选的传输请求帧 (19)3.2.6 传输状态帧 (21)3.2.1 数据接收指示帧(AO=0) (22)3.2.2 数据接收指示帧(AO=1) (23)3.2.3 I/O接收指示 (24)3.2.4 节点发现指示 (26)3.2.5 模块状态指示帧 (28)3.2.6 远端AT命令请求帧 (29)3.2.7 远端AT命令响应帧 (30)4 AT命令 (32)4.1 地址命令 (32)4.2 网络命令 (34)4.3 射频参数命令 (36)4.4 串口参数命令 (37)4.5 I/O参数命令 (38)4.6 诊断参数命令 (41)4.7 AT命令参数 (42)4.8 休眠命令 (42)4.9 命令执行 (43)5 数字I/O和模拟I/O (45)5.1 本地I/O (45)5.1.1 AT命令模式下读取本地I/O电平值和采样值 (45)5.1.1 AT命令模式下配置本地I/O (46)5.1.2 API模式下配置本地I/O (47)5.2 远端I/O (47)5.2.1 API模式下配置远端I/O (47)6 EmBee ZigBee网络 (48)6.1 协调器 (48)6.2 路由器 (49)6.3 终端设备 (49)6.3.1 子节点与父节点关系 (50)6.3.2 子节点容量 (50)6.4 子节点工作过程 (51)6.5 父节点工作过程 (51)1EmBee模块1.1EmBee模块尺寸及管脚顺序EmBee模块的外形结构如下:管脚顺序从PIN1开始,逆时针依次至PIN20。

ZigBee模块 NZB1730硬件规格书(带对应CC2530对应引脚说明) V1.00 (1)

ZigBee模块 NZB1730硬件规格书(带对应CC2530对应引脚说明) V1.00 (1)







目录1产品概述 (4)1.1产品简介 (4)1.2产品外形 (4)1.3产品特性 (4)2产品功能说明 (5)2.1原理框图 (5)2.2 DEBUG接口说明 (6)2.3 UART接口说明 (6)2.4接口极限应用条件 (7)2.5接口推荐应用条件 (7)2.6电源特性 (7)2.7温度特性 (8)2.8天线特性 (8)2.8.1天线接口 (8)2.8.2陶瓷天线辐射特性 (9)3设计注意事项 (9)4结构与安装 (10)1产品概述1.1产品简介NZB1730模块是上海纳普信息科技推出的一款嵌入式ZigBee无线通信模块,集成了符合ZigBee Pro标准的射频收发器和应用软件。

1.2产品外形NZB1730 ZigBee模块外形规格,如表1-1所示。

表1-1 NZB1730 ZigBee模块外形规格外形规格参数尺寸(长×宽×高)15mm×26mm×0.8mmNZB1730 ZigBee模块正面图和背面图分别如图1-1和图1-2所示。

图1-1 NZB1730正面图图1-2 NZB1730背面图1.3产品特性NZB1730系列ZigBee模块产品特性参数,如表1-2所示。

表1-2 NZB1730 ZigBee模块产品特性参数产品特性参数工作频段2405~2480MHz最大发射功率4dBm最大室外无障碍通讯距离50m最大室外无障碍组网距离150 m接收灵敏度-97dBm工作温度-40℃~+ 125℃电源电压+2.0V~+3.6V(推荐值+3.3V)产品特性描述待机电流12mA(无睡眠)工作电流27mA(TX)25mA(RX)协议ZigBee HA/ ZigBee Light Link Zigbee2007 /Zigbee Pro2产品功能说明2.1原理框图由上图2-1所示,NZB1730模块电路主要由主控集成电路TI-CC2530F256和功率放大集成电路TI-CC2592R所组成,并含有贴片天线。

成都亿佰特电子科技有限公司E72-2G4M23S1A ZigBee 6LoWPAN无线模块产品规格书

成都亿佰特电子科技有限公司E72-2G4M23S1A ZigBee 6LoWPAN无线模块产品规格书

E72-2G4M23S1A产品规格书CC2630+PA+LNA ZigBee 6LoWPAN 无线模块第一章概述1.1 简介E72-2G4M23S1A是基于美国德州仪器(TI)生产的CC2630为核心自主研发的最大发射功率为100mW的小体积贴片型ZigBee、6LoWPAN无线模块,采用24MHz工业级高精度低温漂有源晶振。

CC2630芯片内部集成有 128KB 系统内可编程闪存和 8KB 缓存静态RAM(SRAM)与ZigBee、6LoWPAN无线通信协议,由于其内部具有独特的超低功耗传感器控制器,因此非常适合连接外部传感器。



1.2 特点功能⚫内置PA+LNA,理想条件下,通信距离可达1.5km;⚫最大发射功率100mW,软件多级可调;⚫内置ZigBee、6LoWPAN协议栈;⚫内置TI原装射频范围扩展器CC2592;⚫内置32.768kHz时钟晶体振荡器;⚫支持全球免许可ISM 2.4GHz频段;⚫内置高性能低功耗Cortex-M3与 Cortex-M0双核处理器;⚫丰富的资源,128KB FLASH,28KB RAM;⚫支持2.0~3.6V供电,大于3.3V供电均可保证最佳性能;⚫工业级标准设计,支持-40~+85℃下长时间使用;⚫双天线可选(PCB/IPX),用户可根据自身需求选择使用。

1.3 应用场景⚫智能家居以及工业传感器等;⚫安防系统、定位系统;⚫无线遥控,无人机;⚫无线游戏遥控器;⚫医疗保健产品;⚫无线语音,无线耳机;⚫汽车行业应用。

第二章规格参数2.1 极限参数主要参数性能备注最小值最大值电源电压(V)0 3.8 超过3.8V 永久烧毁模块阻塞功率(dBm)- 10 近距离使用烧毁概率较小工作温度(℃)-40 +85 工业级2.2 工作参数主要参数性能备注最小值典型值最大值工作电压(V) 1.8 3.3 3.8 ≥3.3V 可保证输出功率通信电平(V) 3.0 使用5V TTL 有风险烧毁工作温度(℃)-40 - +85 工业级设计工作频段(GHz) 2.402 - 2.480 支持ISM 频段功耗发射电流(mA)182.5 瞬时功耗接收电流(mA)11.1休眠电流(μA) 1.4 软件关断最大发射功率(dBm)22.6 23.0 23.2接收灵敏度(dBm)-100.5 -102.0 -103.5 空中速率为250kbps空中速率(bps)250k - 1M 用户编程控制主要参数描述备注参考距离1500m 晴朗空旷,天线增益5dBi,高度2.5米,空中速率250kbps 晶振频率24MHz/32.768KHz支持协议ZigBee封装方式贴片式接口方式 1.27mmIC全称CC2630F128RGZRFLASH 128KBRAM 28KB内核Cortex-M3+Cortex-M0外形尺寸17.5*33.5 mm天线接口PCB/IPEX 等效阻抗约50Ω第三章机械尺寸与引脚定义引脚序号引脚名称引脚方向引脚用途1、2、3 GND 地线,连接到电源参考地4 DIO_0 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)5 DIO_1 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)6 DIO_2 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)7 DIO_3 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)8 DIO_4 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)9 DIO_5 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)10 DIO_6 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)11 DIO_7 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)12 DIO_8 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)13 DIO_9 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)14 DIO_10 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)15 DIO_11 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)16 DIO_12 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)17 DIO_13 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)18 DIO_14 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)19 DIO_15 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)20 JTAG_TMS 输入/输出JTAG_TMSC, 高驱动能力(详见CC26xx 手册)21 JTAG_TCK 输入/输出JTAG_TCKC, 高驱动能力(详见CC26xx 手册)22 DIO_16 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,JTAG_TDO(详见CC26xx 手册)23 DIO_17 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,JTAG_TDI(详见CC26xx 手册)24 DIO_18 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)25 DIO_19 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)26 DIO_20 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)27 GND 地线,连接到电源参考地28 DIO_21 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)29 VCC 电源,1.8~3.8V30 DIO_22 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)31 DIO_23 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)32 nRESET 输入复位,低电平(详见CC26xx 手册)33 DIO_24 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)34 DIO_25 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)35 DIO_26 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)36 DIO_27 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)37 DIO_28 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)38 DIO_29 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)39 DIO_30 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)40、41、42 GND 地线,连接到电源参考地第四章基本操作4.1硬件设计⚫推荐使用直流稳压电源对该模块进行供电,电源纹波系数尽量小,模块需可靠接地;⚫请注意电源正负极的正确连接,如反接可能会导致模块永久性损坏;⚫请检查供电电源,确保在推荐供电电压之间,如超过最大值会造成模块永久性损坏;⚫请检查电源稳定性,电压不能大幅频繁波动;⚫在针对模块设计供电电路时,往往推荐保留30%以上余量,有整机利于长期稳定地工作;⚫模块应尽量远离电源、变压器、高频走线等电磁干扰较大的部分;⚫高频数字走线、高频模拟走线、电源走线必须避开模块下方,若实在需要经过模块下方,假设模块焊接在Top Layer,在模块接触部分的Top Layer铺地铜(全部铺铜并良好接地),必须靠近模块数字部分并走线在Bottom Layer;⚫假设模块焊接或放置在Top Layer,在Bottom Layer或者其他层随意走线也是错误的,会在不同程度影响模块的杂散以及接收灵敏度;⚫假设模块周围有存在较大电磁干扰的器件也会极大影响模块的性能,跟据干扰的强度建议适当远离模块,若情况允许可以做适当的隔离与屏蔽;⚫假设模块周围有存在较大电磁干扰的走线(高频数字、高频模拟、电源走线)也会极大影响模块的性能,跟据干扰的强度建议适当远离模块,若情况允许可以做适当的隔离与屏蔽;⚫通信线若使用5V电平,必须串联1k-5.1k电阻(不推荐,仍有损坏风险);⚫尽量远离部分物理层亦为2.4GHz的TTL协议,例如:USB3.0;⚫天线安装结构对模块性能有较大影响,务必保证天线外露,最好垂直向上。



ZM516X 系列模块用户手册
FastZigbee 组网固件版
1. 产品简介...................................................................................................................1
©2013 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Stock Co., Ltd. 1
ZM516X 系列模块用户手册
FastZigbee 组网固件版
1. 产品简介
AW516X 系列 ZigBee 无线模块是广州致远电子股份有限公司基于 NXP JN5168 芯片开 发的低功耗、高性能 ZigBee 模块。工作于标准 ISM 频段(2.4-2.5GHz),完美支持 FastZigBee、 ZLG NET、IEEE802.15.4、JenNet-IP、ZigBee Light Link、ZigBee Smart Energy、RF4CE、 ZigBee-PRO 等协议,可快速应用于工业控制、工业数据采集、农业控制、矿区人员定位、 智能家居,智能遥控器等场合。
Hale Waihona Puke 修订历史版本 V1.00
日期 2016-02-18
ZM516X 系列模块用户手册
FastZigbee 组网固件版
原因 创建文档
©2013 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Stock Co., Ltd. i
FastZigBee FastZigBee FastZigBee FastZigBee FastZigBee FastZigBee

Interlogix TX-E251长距离扩展功率宝密电感应模块说明书

Interlogix TX-E251长距离扩展功率宝密电感应模块说明书

TX-E251 Long-Range Extended Battery Life DWSPLEASE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT PRODUCT WARNINGS AND DISCLAIMER INFORMATION. DescriptionThe TX-E251 Long-Range Extended Battery Life DWS is a sensor intended for installation on doors, windows, and other objects that open and close, and use with Interlogix and Qolsys control panels that receive 319.5 MHz RF protocol. The sensor transmits signals to the control panel when a magnet mounted near the sensor is moved away from or closer to the sensor. The TX-E251 features a high capacity CR2 lithium battery for extended battery life, and maximum performance output power for long range applications. The sensor features two separate zones: zone 1 can be used for either of the two reed switches, and zone 2 can be used as an external contact option. The sensor is also equipped with a cover tamper switch for additional security.Figure 1: TX-E251Reed Switch EnrollingTo enroll the TX-E251 into the panel for utilization of the transmitter’s reed- switches, follow these steps:1) Place the panel into program mode, then go to Learn Sensors menu.Refer to your specific alarm panel manual for details on thesemenus.2) Remove the battery pull tab to auto-enroll. Then select theappropriate sensor group and number.3) If the panel does not respond upon removing the battery pull tab,disengage the case cover from the back housing by sliding, thenremove and replace the battery until the panel responds.External Contact EnrollingTo enroll the TX-E251 into the panel for utilization of the transmitter’s external contact, follow these steps:1) Remove the battery OR make sure the pull tab is still in placebetween the positive battery terminal and the battery contact.2) Connect the external contact in the restored state (4.7K for normallyclosed, or open circuit for normally open).3) Install the battery OR remove the pull tab, and install and lock the t opcover on to the sensor.4) Place the panel into program mode, then go to Learn Sensors menu.Refer to your specific alarm panel manual for details on thesemenus.5) To auto–enroll the external contact into the panel, change the stateof the external contact to the faulted state (open circuit for normallyclosed contact or 4.7K for a normally open contact).6) If the panel does not respond, then repeat steps 1 through 5. External Contact WiringUse the following specifications for the external contact:•Maximum wire length: 26 ft. (8 m).•Wire: Stranded, 22-gauge (0.7112 mm).•Switches: Hermetically sealed external switches (sealed reed switches) that supply a minimum 250 ms open or close on alarm.Note: Do not connect more than five external contacts to a door/window sensor.Caution: You must install the provided EOL resistor at the external detection device for proper supervision.ATTENTION: Il faut installer la resistance de fin de ligne fourni sur la peripheriquede detection externe pour la supervision.You can wire the sensor terminal blocks with leads from an external contact (Figure 2). The door/window sensor provides alarm and tamper indication. Wire the external contact with one end-of-line (EOL) resistor in series with the external contact.This gives the following readings for each configuration:Normally closed:•Zero ohm/short = Tamper• 4.7K ohm = Normal•Open = AlarmNormally open:•Zero ohm/short = Tamper• 4.7 ohm = Alarm•Open = Normal•Figure 2: External Contact WiringMountingIncluded with this device is double sided tape for the transmitter and magnet, as well as screws if a more secure method of mounting is preferred. Choose a suitable location for the sensor by following the procedure in the section “Testing the Sensor” ensuring desired signal strength is achieved. Note that it is recommended the transmitter be installed on the stationary or non-moving part of the installation (frame) and the magnet installed on the moving object (door). Where possible, install sensors within 100 ft. (30 m) of the panel. While a transmitter may have an open-air range of 500 ft. (150 m) or more, the environment at the installation site may have a significant effect on operational range. Changing a sensor location may improve wireless communication.For reliable bonding with the provided double sided tape, ensure the surface is clean and dry. Apply the tape to the backside of the sensor, and then to the desired location. Apply firm pressure for several seconds. When mounting with double sided tape, ensure temperatures are above 50°F and will remain above 50°F for at least 24 hours to ensure proper bond. After 24 hours, the bond willhold at lower temperatures.Sensor TestingThe sensor test verifies proper communication between the sensor and the panel/receiver. The sensor should be tested prior to permanent installation, as well as weekly. To test the sensor, refer to the specific panel/receiver documentation and do the following:1) Put the panel/receiver into sensor test mode2) Open the door/window the sensor is installed on – the sensorwill then transmit a signal3) Listen for the siren beeps to determine the appropriate response4) Exit sensor test mode when proper communication betweenthe sensor and panel/receiver has been verifiedReplacing the BatteryThe TX-E251 comes pre-installed with a single GPI CR2 Lithium battery that provides 10 years of battery life under normal usage conditions. When the battery is low, a signal will be sent to the control panel. To replace the battery, do the following:1) With the sensor mounted, slide the case cover up or down(depending on the orientation of the sensor) to unlock the casecover from the base. Pull the case cover away from the sensor toreveal the battery.2) Remove the existing battery and re-install a new Panasonic CR2battery. When inserting the battery, pay close attention to thebattery polarity indicators to ensure proper placement of thebattery (positive end of battery should be facing towards thecircuit board and antenna).3) Replace the case cover and slide to lock. An audible click shouldbe heard when the cover engages in the locked positioncorrectly.Figure 3: Circuit Board LayoutTX-E251 SpecificationsRF Frequency 319.5 MHz – (Crystal Based)Compatibility Interlogix 319.5 MHz control panels/receivers Battery Type CR2 (GPI)Typical Battery Life Up to 10 years at 68° F (20° C)OperatingTemperature Range32° to 120°F (0° to 49°C)Relative Humidity 0-85% non-condensingSupervisory Interval 64 MinutesStorage TemperatureRange-30 to 140°F (-34 to 60°C)Regulatory Conforms to ANSI / UL Std 634Certified to ULC Sub C634Dimensions 3.25” x 1.13” x 0.88”FCC Compliance StatementThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) Thisdevice may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined byturning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of thefollowing measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is c onnected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Ecolink could void the user’s authority to operate theequipment.This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Cet appareil est conforme avec Industrie Canada exempts de licence standard RSS (s). Son fonctionnement estsoumis aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) cet appareil ne doit pas provoquer d'interférences et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, y compris celles pouvant causer un mauvais fonctionnement de l'appareil.In accordance with FCC requirements of human exposure to radiofrequency fields, the radiating element shall beinstalled such that a minimum separation distance of 20 cm is maintained from the general population.Conformément aux exigences d'Industrie Canada en matière d'exposition humaine aux champs deradiofréquences, l'élément rayonnant doit être installé de telle sorte qu'une distance minimale de 20 cm soitmaintenue par rapport à la population générale.FCC ID: XQC-TXE251IC: 9863B-TXE251This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-3B.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.Contact informationForsalessupport,************************************************************ ToprovidefeedbackortospeaktoEcolinkcustomercaredirectly,************************************************ option 3 then option 1 for sales.For a technical support representative call 855-632-6546 Option 2 for security product support. Option 1 for ZWAVE or Zigbee product support. Hours of operation are Monday – Friday 8a to 8p eastern standard time.Product Warnings and DisclaimersWARNING: CHOKING HAZARD - Small parts. Keep away from children.ATTENTION: RISQUE D'ÉTOUFFEMENT – Petite pice. Garder eloigner des enfants.Limitation of LiabilityA PROPERLY INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED ALARM/SECURITY SYSTEM MAY ONLY REDUCE THE RISKOF EVENTS SUCH AS BREAK-INS, BURGLARY, ROBBERY OR FIRE; IT IS NOT INSURANCE OR AGUARANTEE THAT SUCH EVENTS WILL NOT OCCUR, THAT ADEQUATE WARNING OR PROTECTION WILL BE PROVIDED, OR THAT THERE WILL BE NO DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY, AND/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE AS A RESULT.WHILE ECOLINK UNDERTAKES TO REDUCE THE PROBABILITY THAT A THIRD PARTY MAYHACK, COMPROMISE OR CIRCUMVENT ITS SECURITY PRODUCTS OR RELATED SOFTWARE,ANY SECURITY PRODUCT OR SOFTWARE MANUFACTURED, SOLD OR LICENSED BY ECOLINK,MAY STILL BE HACKED, COMPROMISED AND/OR CIRCUMVENTED.ECOLINK DOES NOT ENCRYPT COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN ITS ALARM OR SECURITY PANELS ANDTHEIR OUTPUTS/INPUTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, SENSORS OR DETECTORS UNLESSREQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW. AS A RESULT THESE COMMUNICATIONS MAY BE INTERCEPTEDAND COULD BE USED TO CIRCUMVENT YOUR ALARM/SECURITY SYSTEM.Warranty DisclaimersECOLINK HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS, WHETHER EXPRESS,IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE INCLUDING (BUT NOT LIMITED TO) ANY WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO ITS SECURITYPRODUCTS AND RELATED SOFTWARE. ECOLINK FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER IMPLIEDWARRANTY UNDER THE UNIFORM COMPUTER INFORMATION TRANSACTIONS ACT OR SIMILAR LAWAS ENACTED BY ANY STATE.(USA ONLY) SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER LEGAL RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. ECOLINK MAKES NOREPRESENTATION, WARRANTY, COVENANT OR PROMISE THAT ITS SECURITY PRODUCTS AND/ORRELATED SOFTWARE(I) WILL NOT BE HACKED, COMPROMISED AND/OR CIRCUMVENTED; (II) WILL PREVENT, ORPROVIDE ADEQUATE WARNING OR PROTECTION FROM, BREAK-INS, BURGLARY, ROBBERY, FIRE;OR (III) WILL WORK PROPERLY IN ALL ENVIRONMENTS AND APPLICATIONS.DisclaimerTHE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ECOLINK ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR INACCURACIES OR OMISSIONS AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITIES, LOSSES, OR RISKS, PERSONAL OR OTHERWISE, INCURRED AS A CONSEQUENCE, DIRECTLY ORINDIRECTLY, OF THE USE OR APPLICATION OF ANY OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. FOR THE LATEST DOCUMENTATION, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SUPPLIER OR VISIT US ONLINE ATTHIS PUBLICATION MAY CONTAIN EXAMPLES OF SCREEN CAPTURES AND REPORTS USED IN DAILYOPERATIONS. EXAMPLES MAY INCLUDE FICTITIOUS NAMES OF INDIVIDUALS AND COMPANIES. ANYSIMILARITY TO NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ACTUAL BUSINESSES OR PERSONS IS ENTIRELYCOINCIDENTAL.Intended UseUSE THIS PRODUCT ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE IT WAS DESIGNED FOR; REFER TO THE DATASHEET AND USER DOCUMENTATION. FOR THE LATEST PRODUCT INFORMATION, CONTACT YOURLOCAL SUPPLIER OR VISIT US ONLINE AT THE SYSTEM SHOULD BE CHECKED BY A QUALIFIED TECHNICIAN AT LEAST EVERY 3 YEARSAND THE BACKUP BATTERY REPLACED AS REQUIRED.Limited WarrantyThis limited warranty is provided by Ecolink Intelligent Technology (“Ecolink”) to you as the originalpurchaser of the product. Ecolink warrants this product to be free from defects in material andworkmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase. The determination ofwhether the product is defective shall be made by Ecolink in its sole discretion with considerationgiven to the overall performance of the product. If Ecolink determines that any product is defective,Ecolink’s sole obligation and your sole and exclusive remedy shall be that Ecolink will replace theproduct.This warranty does not apply to damage caused by shipping or handling, or damage caused byaccident, abuse, misuse, misapplication, ordinary wear, improper maintenance, failure to followinstructions or as a result of any unauthorized modifications. The foregoing limited warranty is andshall be in lieu of any and all other warranties, whether expressed or implied and of all otherobligations or liabilities on the part of Ecolink. Ecolink neither assumes responsibility for, norauthorizes any other person purporting to act on its behalf to modify or to change this warranty, nor toassume for it any other warranty or liability concerning this product. It is recommended that thecustomer check their equipment on a regular basis for proper operation.Return PolicyPlease visit us at /return to view our return policy.P/N: TX-E251 Manual • REV A • © 2020 Ecolink Intelligent Technology Inc. All rights reserved.。

ZigBee低功耗无线数传模块 HAC-LBee 说明书 V3

ZigBee低功耗无线数传模块  HAC-LBee 说明书 V3

HAC-LBee 2.4G低功率无线数传模块 (基于ZigBee协议) V3.X 深 圳 市 华 奥 通 通 信 技 术 有 限 公 司 目 录 一、HAC-LBee低功率无线数传模块特点 (2)二、HAC-LBee低功率无线数传模块的应用 (2)三、HAC-LBee低功率无线数传模块的技术规格 (2)四、HAC-LBee低功率无线数传模块测试开发 (5)五、HAC-LBee低功率无线数传模块的工作模式 (10)六、辅助软件 (30)七、附录 (31)深圳市华奥通通信技术有限公司 地址:深圳市福田区泰然九路海松大厦A座19楼1903区 电话:+86-755-23981076,23981078 传真: +86-755-23981007 邮箱:webmaster@rf-module-china.com 网址:www.rf-module-china.com 一、 HAC-LBee低功率无线数传模块特点HAC-LBee 是一款采用ZigBee协议栈的低功率无线数传模块,它有如下特点: l发射功率100mW(20dBm);接收灵敏度 -105dBm (BER=10-2) l开放频段,无需申请频点,载频频率2.4GHz。

 l高抗干扰能力和低误码率 基于QPSK的调制方式,采用高效前向纠错信道编码技术,提高了数据抗突发干扰和随机干扰的能力。














ZigBee模块产品数据手册广州星博信息技术有限公司Guangzhou Great Symbol Information Technology Co.,Ltd一、概述ZigBeee模块分为基本型和增强,增强型/基本型模块开放了许多外设端口,两个模块的引脚完全兼容,可以通过SDK对模块进行配置后,使用其相应的外设端口,实现数据的采集、外部设备的控制等,其上面有一个天线接口,用于外接天线。

增强型模块和基本型模块开放的外设端口有:基本型模组(1)1个串行通信接口(UART)(2)4个模拟量输入通道(ADC)(3)14个含复用的通用数字输入输出口(GPIO),不复用ADC/UART时最大为8个(复用:不使用UART/ADC功能时,所有IO可配置成GPIO)●增强型模组(1)42个含复用的通用数字输入输出口(GPIO),不复用ADC /DAC/ UART/ SPI/I2C/ CAN功能引脚时最大为9个(2)3个串行外设接口(SPI),其中1个复用ADC(3)2个内部集成总线接口(I2C),其中1个复用UART(4)1个工业现场总线接口(CAN)(5)4个串行通信接口(UART),其中1个复用I2C(6)12个模拟量输入通道(ADC),其中2个复用DAC,3个复用SPI(7)2个模拟量输出通道(DAC)(8)8个16位同步定时器二、产品特性●基本型模组◆尺寸:PCB贴片封装38.6*23.2*3mm◆重量:约3g◆电源:2V-3.6V 典型值:3.3V◆模块总功耗:A无线模块不工作时平均功耗12-13.5mWB无线模块工作时平均功耗97-121mWC无线模块工作时峰值功耗105-138mW◆天线功率:4dBm◆接收灵敏度:-97dBm◆电流:工作电流小于45mA ,待机电流小于1mA◆工作频率: 2.4G ISM频段◆环境温度:-20~75℃◆无线传输距离:200-250m(外接5dB鞭状天线),300-400m(外接9dB鞭状天线) 注:无线传输的距离测试时环境为:内部增益设定为4dB,空旷的环境下测出的直线距离,中间没有障碍物。


处理器 内嵌稳定、可靠的 ZigBee Pro 协议栈 优化电池供电设计,支持超长时间电池供

ZigBee 芯片
物 理
特 性
物理尺寸 (长×宽×高) (mm)
最大传输距离 (可视距离)

频 性
则 JP6 由外部连接的煤气表/水表供电。 11. 3.3V 电源输入/输出端:当开发板自身有外部电源供应时,此端口可向外部输出 3.3V 电源;当开发板
自身没有外部电源供应时,可通过此端口从外部获得 3.3V 的电源供应。此端口主要用于开发板级联的 情况,使用一个外部电源,可以为多个开发板供电。 12. UART 端口外接调试接口。通过这个接口可以将模块的 UART 端口连接到外部进行调试。 13. 低功耗测试端口。模块正常使用时,将此端口用跳线帽短接,这样插在开发板上的模块就可以获得电 源供应;如果需要测试模块功耗时,可以在此端口上串入一个电流表,这样就可以测试模块所消耗的 功耗。 14. 模块的 RESET 按键,正常被拉高,按下时为低 15. 按键,连接到模块的 IRQA(PB0)引脚,正常被拉高,按下时为低 16. SMT 形式的 ZigBee 模块贴片处,也可作为外接的调试/测试引出端口。 17. 电源指示 LED 18. ZigBee 模块 RX 信号的 LED 指示。当 ZigBee 模块的 RX 引脚上有数据通信时,此 LED 等就会闪烁指 示。要使用这个功能,需要将 UART 外接调试接口(JP3)的 RXD 引脚与 LED 引脚短接。
PCB 天线;U.FL 接头;银针天线

Waveshare Core2530 XCore2530 Zigbee 模块用户手册说明书

Waveshare Core2530 XCore2530 Zigbee 模块用户手册说明书

Core2530/XCore2530User Manual1.Introduction (2)2.Zigbee network experiment (4)2.1.Roles in Zigbee network (4)2.2.Bootloader (4)2.3.Firmware downloading (10)working communicaiton (12)3.Working with PC (15)3.1.Introduction (15)3.2.AT commands (15)Appendix (21)11.Core2530/XCore2530 is a Zigbee module developed by Waveshare, which adopts the CC2530 IC of TI as its main control chip. Comparing with Core2530, XCore2530 has a longer transmission distance by enhancing the power amplification function.This module can be used in two primary purposes:●For application (Users only need to concentrate themselves on application development,since this module works as a underlying hardware in this case):The firmware provided with the module should be applied. Under this condition, themodule would serve as a Zigbee wireless serial port. With the simple operations of themodule, as easy as that of the serial port, you do not need to know much about thecomplex Zigbee protocol.●For development (Users should perform a secondary development to the module forimplementing the underlying application):You need to write the Zigbee communication protocol code by yourself. In this case, youshould use the downloader, such as CC Debugger, and learn the Zigbee protocol.Features:●Simple operations, as easy as that of the serial port;●Self-networking (At least a coordinator and a router needed);●Severe as a router in factory default setting (modifiable to a coordinator by downloadingcorresponding coordinator firmware);●Support program download by serial port (the downloader is not required normally, sincethe firmware supports serial Bootloader);●Support parameter configuration by PC software;●RFX2401 power amplifier (XCore2530 only).2Core2530 XCore253032.Zigbee network needs minimum a coordinator and a router. Since the Core2530/XCore2530 module has a built-in Bootloader in default setting, you can download the firmware to the module directly via the serial port.Notes: In the Zigbee network experiment, you may need to apply two pieces of Core2530/XCore2530 modules, and two pieces of ZB502/ZB600 baseboards.2.1.ROLES IN ZIGBEE NETWORK1.Coordinator●Select a communication channel and a PAN ID to build a network;●Allow other routers and end devices to join this network;●Route the data in the network;●Must be kept power supplying, and must not enter the SLEEP mode;●Preserve data for the end devices entered SLEEP mode till them wake up and retrieve thedata.2.Router●Must join a Zigbee network before performing data transmission;●Allow other routers and end devices to join the network, after it joined one;●Route the data in the network upon joining the network;●Must be kept power supplying, and must not enter the SLEEP mode;●Preserve data for the end devices entered the SLEEP mode till them wake up and retrievethe data.3.End Device●Must join a Zigbee network before performing data transmission;●Not allow other devices to join the network;●Transmit and receive data thought parent node, unable to route the data in the network;●Support battery power supply and SLEEP mode.2.2.BOOTLOADER1.IntroductionThe built-in Bootloader enable users to download the program to the module directly via a serial port without using the CC Debugger. However, the CC Debugger is required in the course of programming4the Bootloader into the module. For more detailed information, please refer to the Section How to program Bootloader.There are two different Bootloaders available for this module: bootloader.hex and bootloader_wait.hex.For easier understanding, we call the module with the bootloader.hex as module A, and the module with the bootloader_wait.hex as module B in this document.The module A will execute the valid program immediately, if any, in the Flash memory, after powered up. Otherwise, its LED1 will keep blinking indicating that there is no program in the Flash memory and you can download a new one via the serial port in this case.For module B, its LED1 and LED2 will blink alternately, if there is any valid program stored in the Flash memory, after powered up. Now, if you press the button KEY2, the module B will execute the program immediately; and if you press the button KEY1, the module B will enter the Bootloader mode under which you can download a new program to the module B. In case of no key-press action within 40 seconds after powered up, the module B will execute the program in the Flash memory automatically. When there is no valid program in the Flash memory, its LED1 will keep blinking, and you can download a new one via the serial port in this case.The module A with bootloader.hex is suitable for independent application, since it can run the program directly without any external key-press trigger. However, the module B with the bootloader_wait.hex should work with the baseboard ZB502/ZB600 for relative experiments and studies. By default, the bootloader_wait.hex is programmed to the module. debugger driver installation●Unzip the package CC-Debugger_Drivers.7zto the installation directory;●Double click the software Setup_SmartRF_Drivers-1.2.0.exe for installation;●5●●When finished, connect the CC Debugger to your PC, and open the option Device Managerin Windows. You may find the option CC Debugger if its driver is installed successfully.63.How to program Bootloader●Install the module to the baseboard, and connect the baseboard and the CC Debugger toyour PC with the USB cables;●Power up the baseboard, and press the RESET key on the CC Debugger. Ifthecommunication is built up successfully, the indicator on the CC Debugger will light up and turn to green, indicating that it is ready to download new programs;●Open the SmartRF Studio7the software interface to open another window.7Select the option Program CCxxxx Soc or MSP430 in the pulled-down menu What do you want to program?, and choose the image file you want to program within the Flash imagebox. Here, it isbootloader_wait.hex. And then,click the to start programming.89When finished, there will be a message “Erase, program and verify OK” appears on thebottom of the window, and the LED1 of the baseboard will keep blinking indicating that program downloading is successful.102.3. FIRMWARE DOWNLOADINGIn this section, we will illustrate how to build a Zigbee network by applying two groups of Core2530 + ZB600, one works as a coordinator and the other one works as a router. For easier understanding, we call the coordinator as Group A and the router as Group B.●Connect the Group A and the Group B to your PC with the USB cables, respectively. And get their corresponding serial port numbers after powered up. ● If the firmware has been installed to the Group A or/and the Group B, the LED1 and theLED2 on the Core2530 module(s) will blink alternately after resetting. Pressing the buttonfirmware in the Core2530 module(s), the LED1 will keep blinking after powered up, whichmeans the Core2530 module(s) has entered the Bootloader mode directly and there is no● Start the software SBDemo.exe for firmware downloading.11● Enter the corresponding serial port of the Group A in theCOM Port box, and click theCoordinator.bin in the Image Filebox. Then, click the●For the Group B, select the firmware file Router.bin . The file download method is the same as that of the Group A. ● Start two serial debug assistants, and enter the serial port number of the Group A to one ofthe assistants and the port number of the Group B to the other one. Then, set the Baud rate: 38400, Data bit: 8 and Stop bit: 1;● Reset the Group A, you can see the LED1 and the LED2 on its Core2530 module blinkalternately. Pressing the middle button of the joystick, you will see the message “Device starting ok ” displayed in the window and the LED3 lights up, if the network is built up successfully.● Reset the Group B, you can see the LED1 and the LED2 on its Core2530 module blinkalternately. Pressing the middle button of the joystick, you will see the message ““Device starting ok ” displayed in the window and the LED3 lights up, if the Group B, severing as a router, has joined the network successfully. Now, the Zigbee network is running.(Ifnoexternal antenna is applied to the Group B, it is recommended to place the antenna interface of the Group B close to the antenna interface of the Group A, in order to ensure the wireless network signal is strong enough.)Notes:ZB502.2. The power amplifier (PA) of Xcore2530 has occupied the Pins P1_1 and P1_4. Hence, theLED2 will not blinking after the Xcore2530 module reset, and the LED3 will keep OFF even if the network is built up successfully.WORKING COMMUNICAITONThe operations presented below can be done directly by UART serial communication.Broadcast communication modeDescription: Under this mode, a device can broadcast messages to all the other devices in the Zigbee network.Format: Data to be sentPoint to Point communicationDescription: It is the communication between any two nodes in the same network.12Format: P2P Target address Data to be sentPoint to Multipoint communicationDescription: A node sends data to the specified nodes in the same network.Format: O2M Quantity of target address Target address 1 Target address 2 … Data to be sent13143.3.1.INTRODUCTIONZBSCOMM is the PC software for Core2530/XCore2530 developed by Waveshare. With ZBSCOMM, you can easily configure the module settings and read the current configurations of the module via your PC. Of course, you can control the module by AT command as well, if you do not want to use the PC for configuration.3.2.AT COMMANDSTable 1: Restart the module15Table 2: Restore the factory settingsTable 3: Serial port information configuration16Table 4: Channel settingTable 5: Set the PAN ID17Table 6: Read all the configuration informationTable 7: Read the serial configuration informationTable 8: Read the current communication channel information18Table 9: Read the current PAN ID of the moduleTable 10: Read the short address of the deviceTable 11: Read the short address of the parent node19Table 12: Read the IEEE address of the deviceTable 13: Read the IEEE address of the parent node2021 1. ZB502ZB502 is a baseboard matching to the module Core2530/XCore2530. It contains an on-board battery socket which makes it possible to support different ways of power supply, an on-board CP2102 for customer debugging and program updating, and several LEDs and press-keys for basic operations. ZB502 leads out all its IOs, so users can easily make expansions on it.For more information about ZB502 baseboard, please refer to the links listed below:Chinese datasheet: /shop/ZB502.htmEnglish datasheet: /zb502.htm2.ZB600ZB600 is a baseboard matching to the module Core2530/XCore2530. It contains an on-board battery socket which makes it possible to support different ways of power supply, an on-board CP2102 for customer debugging and program updating, and several LEDs and press-keys for basic operations. ZB600 leads out all its IOs, so users can easily make expansions on it.Comparing with ZB502, ZB600 has some improvements: adding an AD conversion interface, a sensor interface, a LCD interface and a joystick.For more information about ZB600 baseboard, please refer to the links listed below:Chinese datasheet: /shop/ZB600.htmEnglish datasheet: /zb600.htm DebuggerThis product is an enhanced emulator/downloader designed by Waveshare. It is fully compatible with TI CC Debugger, and can provide an excellent hardware protection and human-friendly operation experience for users.CC Debugger can work with the TI SmartRF Flash Programmer for program downloading, and the TI SmartRF Studio for testing and debugging CCxxxx series devices. It can also cooperate with the IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051 to build up the development environment and implement seamless connection.22For more information about the CC Debugger, please refer to the links listed below:Chinese datasheet: /shop/CC-Debugger.htmEnglish datasheet: /cc-debugger.htm23。

ZM32-U 系列 ZigBee 模块数据手册说明书

ZM32-U 系列 ZigBee 模块数据手册说明书

©2023Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Co.,Ltd.ZM32-U 系列ZigBee 模块数据手册ZigBee 模块DS01010101 1.2Date:2023/5/30——————————————概述ZM32-U 系列ZigBee 模块是广州致远电子股份有限公司基于Silicon Labs 公司EFR32系列无线SoC 开发的低功耗、高可靠性的ZigBee 模块,它提供一个完整的基于IEEE802.15.4标准ISM (2.4~2.5GHz )频段的应用集成方案。

支持ZLGMesh 协议,可快速应用于工业控制、工业数据采集、农业控制、矿区人员定位、智能家居、智能遥控器等场合。

ZM32-U 系列ZigBee 模块,将完整的射频收发电路集成在一个模块上,将无线通讯产品复杂的通讯协议内嵌在内置的SoC 中,化繁为简,大幅简化开发过程,使得用户产品更快的投入市场,增加用户产品的竞争力,更好的把握住先机。

————————————产品应用◆ 工业控制◆ 工业数据采集◆ 农业控制◆ 矿区人员定位◆ 智能家居◆ 智能遥控器—————————————订购信息注:见选型表——————————产品特性◆频率范围:2400~2483.5MHz ◆工作电压:1.71~3.8V ◆接收电流:9.4mA ◆休眠电流:5.0uA ◆发射电流:185mA ◆发射功率:+20dBm ◆接收灵敏度:-103dBm ◆传输速率:250kbps◆IPEX 接口、邮票孔焊盘接口◆ 3.3V 接口电平◆采用UART 通信接口◆支持休眠及唤醒◆温度范围:-40~+85℃修订历史目录1.产品简介 (1)1.1概述 (1)1.2产品命名规则 (1)1.3产品选型 (2)2.外观尺寸 (3)3.引脚定义 (4)4.电气参数 (7)4.1工作条件 (7)4.2工作环境 (7)4.3产品功耗 (7)5.射频参数 (8)6.生产指导 (9)6.1推荐生产回流温度曲线 (9)6.2推荐生产回流温度时间对照表 (9)7.硬件设计参考 (10)7.1最小系统 (10)7.2推荐系统 (10)7.3电源设计 (11)7.4RF设计 (11)7.4.1外接天线使用指导 (11)7.4.2邮票孔天线接口设计指导 (11)7.4.3外接连接器参考尺寸图 (12)7.4.4PCB布板注意事项 (12)8.包装信息 (14)9.免责声明 (15)1.产品简介1.1概述ZM32-U系列ZigBee模块是广州致远电子股份有限公司基于ZM32系列ZigBee模块推出的升级版本,具备更优异的综合性能。



2.4G无线模块WLT2408NZ产品数据手册编号:DSWLT01003 更新日期:2012/04/26 版本:V1.03产品概述WLT2408NZ模块是广州晓网电子出品的WLT系列ZigBee数据传输模块,具备最大8dBm 输出功率,视距传输距离可达500米(@5dbi天线),工作频段2.380GHz~2.500Ghz,除标准ZigBee的16个通道外,还有9个扩展频段,可以有效避开WIFI、蓝牙等其他2.4G信号干扰。


基本参数产品图片输出功率:供电电压:天线接口:数字接口:视距传输距离:功耗:休眠电流工作温度:存储温度:尺寸:-50~+8dBm1.9~3.3VSMA,U.FLUART,GPIO,AD500米@5dbi天线发送峰值电流46.3mA,接收时36.4mA <1uA-40℃至+85℃-40℃至+105℃16×23mm公司简介广州晓网电子科技有限公司是一家专门从事无线通讯方案设计、生产及服务的公司,公司拥有一流的设计团队,运用先进的工作方法,集合无线设计经验,公司拥有业界实用的各种模块,也为客户提供客制化服务。

订货信息WLT2408NZ-S SMA形式天线接头WLT2408NZ-U U.FL形式天线接头WLT2408NZ SDK 无线模块评估板套件,包含两个评估板,搭载的模块为WLT2408NZ-S。


产品命名规则图1-1 产品命名规则例如:WLT2408NZ-S表示晓网电子模块类的产品,频段为2.4GHz,理论输出功率为﹢8dBm(实际输出为﹢7.7dBm),超小封装,调制方式为ZigBee,外置SMA头的模块。



XBee和XBee - PRO OEM RF模块的设计,以ZigBee协议内运作,支持低成本的独特需求,低功耗无线传感器网络工程。


这两个模块内运作的ISM 2.4 GHz频段,且引脚对引脚相互兼容。

1.1 主要特点先进的网络和安全重试和确认。

DSSS(直接序列扩频)每一个序列频道,可使用超过65000个唯一的网络地址点至点,点对点,点对多点和点对点的对等拓扑支撑自行安排,自我修复和故障容错网络易于使用没有配置必要的外箱射频通信AT和API命令模式配置模块参数小尺寸广泛的命令集免费的X - CTU软件(测试和配置软件)免费及无限技术支持1.1.1. 全球认证FCC认证(美国)参见附录A [p34要求]。

系统包含的XBee / XBee-PRO射频模块继承MaxStream的认证。

ISM(工业,科学和医疗)2.4吉赫频带的ISO 9001:2000认证机构认证下制造的注册标准的XBee / XBee-PRO射频模块列表被优化用于在美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,以色列和欧洲。

1.2.描述表1-01,XBee/XBee‐PRO OEM RF 模块(简述)当在欧洲运用时:XBee - PRO RF模块必须被配置为运行在一个最大发射功率为10 dBm的输出水平。

电源输出级别设置使用PL 命令。

PL参数必须等于“0”(10 dBm)。

此外,欧洲法规规定,EIRP最高功率为12.86 dBm的(19毫瓦),对于XBee – PRO的12.11 dBm和XBee时高增益天线天线选项:指定的范围内使用时是典型的集成块(1.5 dBi的)和偶极子(2.1 dBi的)天线。


1.3.机械尺寸图1 - 01 XBee / XBee - PRO OEM RF模块的机械尺寸(天线选项未显示)The XBee and XBee‐PRO RF Modules are pin‐for‐pin compatible.XBee和XBee - 专业射频模块的引脚- 为- 引脚兼容。

Micropilot M FMR250 电子点级传感器说明书

Micropilot M FMR250 电子点级传感器说明书

XA00448F-C/00/B2/13.1371220286Safety InstructionsMicropilot M FMR2504-20 mA HART, PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus Ex d ia [ia Ga] IIC T1...T6 Ga/Gb NEPSI GYJ13.1095Xen -Document: XA00448F-CSafety instructions for electrical apparatus for explosion-hazardous areas →ä3zh -文档:XA00448F-C爆炸环境中电气仪表的安全指南→ä7NEPSI GYJ13.1095X / XA00448F-C Micropilot M 2Endress+HauserMicropilot M NEPSI GYJ13.1095X / XA00448F-CEndress+Hauser3Micropilot M FMR2504-20 mA HART, PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION FieldbusAssociated DocumentationThis document is an integral part of the following Operating Instructions:HART: BA00284F/00PROFIBUS PA: BA00331F/00FOUNDATION Fieldbus: BA00336F/00The Operating Instructions which are supplied and correspond to the device type apply.Supplementary Documentation Explosion-protection brochure:CP00021Z/11DesignationExplanation of the labelling and type of protection can be found in the explosion protection brochure.Applied standardsDesignation of explosion protection/level of protectionEx d ia [ia Ga]IIC T1...T6Ga/GbGB 3836.1-2010GB 3836.2-2010GB 3836.4-2010GB 3836.20-2010NEPSI GYJ13.1095X / XA00448F-C Micropilot M4Endress+HauserSafety instructions:Special conditions Permitted ambient temperature range at the electronics housing: –40 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +70 °C.Observe the information in the temperature tables.Safety instructions: Installationå 1A Zone 11Tank; hazardous area Zone 02Horn or parabolic antenna 3Electronic insert;Electronics compartment Ex ia 4Housing:–T12 (Aluminium)optionally with or without VU331 display and operating module 5Connection compartment (Ex d);Do not open under voltage in explosive atmospheres 6Power supply7Tank; hazardous area Zone 18Local potential equalization•Install the device according to the manufacturer's instructions and any other valid standards and regulations.•The electrical apparatus must be integrated into the local potential equalization line. The input circuit is galvanically connected to the housing.•The external earth connection facility should be connected reliably.•The relationship between the permitted ambient temperature for the electronics housing, dependent on the range of application and the temperature classes is shown in the tables (→ä5, "Temperature tables").•After aligning (rotating) the housing, retighten the fixing screw (Allen screw on the threaded neck).•Connection compartment cover: "Do not open under voltage in explosive atmospheres".•For operating the transmitter housing at an ambient temperature under -20 °C, appropriate cables and cable entries permitted for this application must be used.•Continuous duty temperature of the cable ≥ Ta +5 K.•Connect the device using suitable cable and wire entries or using piping systems of protection type "Pressure-tight Enclosure d".(Complying with the stipulations of the Ex d IIC class of the standards GB3836.1/2-2010.)•When connecting the transmitter housing via piping entries permitted for this purpose, the associated seal mechanisms must be arranged directly at the housing.•Close unused entry glands with approved (Ex d) sealing plugs.Air purge connection FMR250:•In closed state the installation must have ingress protection ≥ IP67.•Purging pressure > internal pressure of the vessel.•In the not purging state a respective stop cock or valve must be closed.With open valve or stop cock and without purging fluid explosible atmospheres may be released or flames may enter from the outside.Micropilot M NEPSI GYJ13.1095X / XA00448F-CEndress+Hauser 5Safety instructions:Zone 0•Only operate devices in potentially explosive vapour/air mixtures under atmospheric conditions (→ä5, "Zone 0 - Application"):–20 °C ≤ T ≤ +60 °C 0.8 bar ≤ p ≤ 1.1 bar•If no potentially explosive mixtures are present, the transmitters may be operated under other atmospheric conditions in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.•Only install the devices in media for which the wetted materials have sufficient durability.•For installation, use and maintenance of the device, users must also observe the requirements stated in the Operating Instructions and the standards:–GB50257-1996: "Code for construction and acceptance of electric device for explosion atmospheres and fire hazard electrical equipment installation engineering".–GB3836.13-1997: "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres, Part 13: Repair and overhaul for apparatus used in explosive gas atmospheres".–GB3836.15-2000: "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres, Part 15: Electrical installations in hazardous area (other than mines)".–GB3836.16-2006: "Electrical apparatus for for explosive gas atmospheres, Part 16: Inspection and maintenance of electrical installation (other than mines)".Temperature tablesNote: Observe the permitted antenna temperature range.*1 =Functionallimited by maximum permitted antenna temperatureZone 0 - ApplicationConnection dataTemperature class Max. permitted medium temperature at the antenna(process connection) Tmed Max. permitted ambient temperature at the electronics housing (Ta)4-20 mA HART, PROFIBUS PA FOUNDATION FieldbusT6+80 °C +60 °C +55 °C +60 °C +50 °C +55 °C T5+95 °C +70 °C +65 °C +70 °C +60 °C +70 °C T4+130 °C +70 °C +60 °C +70 °C +60 °C +70 °C T3+195 °C +70 °C +55 °C +70 °C +55 °C +70 °C T2, T1(functional) *1+200 °C +70 °C+55 °C +70 °C+55 °C +70 °CTemperature class Max. permitted medium temperature(Antenna in Zone 0)Max. permitted ambient temperature at the electronics housing (in Zone 1) dependent on the medium temperature 4-20 mA HART, PROFIBUS PA FOUNDATION FieldbusT6+60 °C +60 °C +55 °C T5 - T1+60 °C+70 °C+70 °CPower supply:U = 32 VUm = 250 V ACNEPSI GYJ13.1095X / XA00448F-C Micropilot M 6Endress+HauserMicropilot M NEPSI GYJ13.1095X / XA00448F-CEndress+Hauser 7Micropilot M FMR2504-20 mA HART, PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus (基金会现场总线)相关资料本文档是下列操作手册的组成部分:HART :BA00284F/00PROFIBUS PA :BA00331F/00FOUNDATION Fieldbus (基金会现场总线):BA00336F/00根据用户订购仪表的具体型号所提供的相应操作手册。

H3-EM 模块化电子摇柄说明书

H3-EM 模块化电子摇柄说明书

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AW824P2EF ZigBee二次开发模块产品用户手册说明书

AW824P2EF ZigBee二次开发模块产品用户手册说明书

广州致远电子股份有限公司AW824P2EFZigBee 二次开发模块修订历史目录1. 产品简介 (1)1.1产品概述 (1)1.2产品特征 (1)1.3模块尺寸 (1)2. FastZigBee组网协议 (2)2.1特点 (2)2.2节点类型说明 (4)2.3软体基本配置参数 (4)3. 配置工具 (5)4. 参数配置协议 (6)4.1临时参数配置协议与命令 (7)4.2永久参数配置协议 (8)4.3命令详细介绍 (9)5. 应用函数 (14)5.1ZigBee.h (14)5.2ZigBee.c (15)5.3ZigBeeFor824.c (16)6. 免责声明 (19)1. 产品简介1.1 产品概述AW824P2EF系列无线开发模块是广州致远电子股份有限公司基于NXP 的JN5161(ZigBee芯片)、LPC824芯片开发的低功耗、高性能型ZigBee二次开发模块。



1.2 产品特征◆工作电压2.1V ~ 3.6V;◆采用NXP基于ARM Cortex – M0 + 的LPC824的处理器;◆32KB Flash,8KB SRAM;◆3路USART(可分配给任意IO管脚),4路I2C,2路SPI,12路ADC,6路PWM;◆支持FastZigBee固件,轻松实现串口透明传输;◆最大发射功率20dbm;◆最大接收灵敏度-95dbm;◆掉电模式下,工作电流为1.18μA;◆使用陶瓷天线,模块尺寸小;◆支持外置天线,增强信号覆盖范围;◆邮票孔焊接方式;1.3 模块尺寸图 1.3 模块尺寸图2. FastZigBee组网协议2.1 特点标准ZigBee网络协议包括协调器、路由器和终端节点,而建立一个ZigBee网络除了必须要有协调器之外,仅需加上路由器或终端节点即可。

亿佰特CC2530 2.4GHz ZigBee 100mW贴片型无线模块E18-MS1PA1-PCB使用手册

亿佰特CC2530 2.4GHz ZigBee 100mW贴片型无线模块E18-MS1PA1-PCB使用手册

目录第一章产品概述 (1)1.1产品简介 (1)1.2 特点功能 (1)1.3 ZigBee简介 (2)1.4 应用场景 (2)第二章规格参数 (3)2.1 极限参数 (3)2.2 工作参数 (3)第三章机械尺寸与引脚定义 (4)第四章工作模式 (5)第五章协议模式 (5)第六章功能简介 (6)6.1 功能引脚图 (6)6.2 引脚连接说明 (7)第七章快速入门 (7)7.1 网络组建与通信 (7)第八章用户指令集 (14)8.1 HEX指令集 (15)8.1.1 参数读取HEX指令集 (15)8.1.2 参数配置HEX指令集 (17)8.2 HEX参数说明 (18)8.2.1 网络类型 (18)8.2.2 网络状态 (18)8.2.3 网络PAN_ID (18)8.2.4 网络密匙 (18)8.2.5 网络短地址 (18)8.2.6 MAC地址 (18)8.2.7 父节点网络短地址 (18)8.2.8 父节点MAC地址 (18)8.2.9 网络组号 (18)8.2.10 网络信道 (18)8.2.11发送功率 (19)8.2.12 串口波特率 (19)8.2.13 休眠时间 (19)8.2.14 加入网络时间 (19)8.2.15 父节点保存时间 (19)8.2.16 用户gpio参数 (19)8.2.17 用户pwm参数 (20)8.2.18 用户adc参数 (20)8.2.19 外设addr参数说明 (21)8.2.20 所有信息 (22)8.3 HEX数据通信说明 (23)8.3.1 命令格式说明 (23)8.3.2 详细参数说明 (23)8.4 AT指令集 (24)8.4.1 AT+DEV (24)8.4.2 AT+EXIT (24)8.4.3 AT+MODE (24)8.4.4 AT+RMODE (25)8.4.5 AT+NWK (25)8.4.6 AT+PANID (25)8.4.7 AT+KEY (26)8.4.8 AT+SHORT_ADDR (26)8.4.9 AT+MAC_ADDR (26)8.4.10 AT+COOR_SHORT_ADDR (26)8.4.11 AT+COOR_MAC_ADDR (27)8.4.12 AT+GET_SHORT_ADDR (27)8.4.13 AT+GROUP (27)8.4.14 AT+CH (27)8.4.15 AT+TXPOWER (28)8.4.16 AT+UART (28)8.4.17 AT+SLEEP (28)8.4.18 AT+JOINSLEEP (29)8.4.19 AT+JOINCNT (29)8.4.20 AT+NETIFO (30)8.4.21 AT+DATA_TIME (30)8.4.22 AT+SOFT_ID (30)8.4.23 AT+RESET (30)8.4.24 AT+RESTORE (31)8.4.25 AT+LEAVE (31)8.3.26 AT+GPIO_PUT (31)8.4.27 AT+RGPIO_PUT (31)8.4.28 AT+GPIO_LEVEL (32)8.4.29 AT+RGPIO_LEVEL (32)8.4.30 AT+PWM (32)8.4.31 AT+RPWM (33)8.4.32 AT+ADC (33)第九章用户须知 (35)9.1 ZigBee网络角色以及注意事项 (35)9.2 网络结构 (36)第十章硬件设计 (37)第十一章常见问题 (38)11.1 传输距离不理想 (38)11.2 模块易损坏 (38)11.3 误码率太高 (38)第十二章焊接作业指导 (39)12.1 回流焊温度 (39)12.2 回流焊曲线图 (39)第十三章相关型号 (40)第十四章天线指南 (40)第十五章产品包装图 (40)第一章产品概述1.1 产品简介E18-MS1PA1-PCB 是一款体积极小的2.4GHz 无线模块,贴片型,引脚间距1.27mm。

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ZigBee- Ready SoC RF Transceiver ModulesTable of Content1.0 General Description (2)2.0 Applications (2)3.0 Features (2)4.0 Absolute Maximum Ratings (3)5.0 Recommended Operating Conditions (3)6.0 Electrical Specifications (3)7.0 Introduction (5)8.0 Typical application block (5)9.0 Pin Assignment (6)10.0 Pin Description (6)11.0 Block Diagram (9)12.0 Circuit Description (9)13.0 SIF Module Programming and Debug Interface (10)14.0 Power Management (10)15.0 RF Frequency, Output Power Levels and Data Rates (11)16.0 Antenna Design Considerations (12)17.0 PCB Layout Recommendations (14)18.0 Mechanical Dimensions (15)19.0 Ordering Information (16)20.0 Document Revision History (16)ZigBee- Ready SoC RF Transceiver ModulesGeneral DescriptionThe PC-EM250 SoC RF Transceiver Modules is a compact surface mounted module specially designed for Ember’s ZigBee™ protocol stack for wireless networks, EmberZNet, based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard in the 2.4GHz world-wide ISM band. It provides 16 channels and compliant PHY and MAC layers. The complete module is only 20.32 x 25.52 x 3 mm(integrated antenna version)and 20.32 x 19.53 x 3 mm (External Antenna version). They both integrate a 2.4GHz, IEEE 802.15.4-compliant transceiver with a 16-bit XAP2b microprocessor. They consist of integrated Flash and RAM memory and peripherals. A number of peripherals such as GPIO, UART, SPI, I2C, ADC, and general purpose timers are integrated to support user-defined applications.ApplicationsHome automation & building controlHomeappliances &alarmsMonitoring ofremotesystemsSecuritysystems &lightingcontrolsSensor datacapture inembeddednetworksFeaturesComplete ZigBee-ready module with or without integrated antennaIEEE 802.15.4 compliant PHY and MAC layer12MHz XAP2b 16-bit microcontroller core128kB Flash and 5kB RAM, emulation EEPROM17 GPIO , 4 channel 12 bit ADCUART, SPI, I2C and debug interfacesExternal 32.768 kHz real time clock or internal RC oscillator for timerHigh performance direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) RF transceiver 16 channels in the 2.4 GHz ISM bandOn-chip regulator for 2.1-3.6V operation, two sleep low power modesAbsolute Maximum RatingsParameter Test Conditions Min. Max. Unit Regulator voltage (VDD_PADS) - 0.3 3.6 VVoltage on any GPIO[16:0], SIF_CLK,SIF_MISO, SIF_MOSI, nSIF_LOAD, OSC32A, OSC32B, nRESET - 0.3 VDD_PADS+0.3VStorage temperature - 40 + 140 °C Under no circumstances should the absolute maximum ratings given above be violated. Stress exceeding one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device.Recommended Operating ConditionsParameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. UnitPC-EM2500,PC-EM2501 2.1 3.6 V Regulator input voltage (VDD_PADS)PC-EM2502 2.7 3.6 V Core input voltage (VDD_24MHZ,VDD_VCO, VDD_RF, VDD_IF,VDD_PADSA, VDD_FLASH, VDD_PRE,VDD_SYNTH, VDD_CORE)1.7 1.8 1.9 VTemperature range - 40 + 85 °C Electrical SpecificationsT = 25℃, VCC = 3.0V, fo = 2450Mhz, if nothing else stated.Parameter Min. Typ. Max Unit Condition / NoteOperating frequency 2400 2500 MHz Programmable in 5 MHz steps for IEEE 802.15.4 complianceNumber of channels 16 For IEEE 802.15.4 compliance Channel spacing 5 MHz For IEEE 802.15.4 compliance Input/output impedance 50 Ohm For PC-EM2500Data rate 250 kbit/sDSSS chip rate 2 Mc/sFrequency stability +/-40 ppm-32 5 dBm Programmable from firmware Transmit power20 dBm For PC-EM25022nd harmonic TBD dBm3rd harmonic TBD dBmParameter Min. Typ. Max Unit Condition / Note Spurious emission:TX 30 – 1000 MHz TBD dBm 1-12.75 GHz TBD1.8-1.9 GHz TBD5.15-5.3 GHz TBD Complies with EN 300 328, EN 300 440, FCC CRF47 Part 15 and ARIB STD-T66Sensitivity -98 dBm PER = 1% Boost Mode Adjacent channel rejection+/-5 MHz 35/35 dBIEEE 802.15.4 signal at - 82dBmAdjacent channel rejection+/-10 MHz 40/40 dBIEEE 802.15.4 signal at -82dBmCo-channel rejection -6 dB IEEE 802.15.4 signal at - 82dBm Spurious emissionRX 30 -1000 MHz TBD 1-12.75 GHz TBD dBmComplies with EN 300 328, EN300 440, FCC CRF47 Part 15and ARIB STD-T66Current consumption, RX 36 mA Max RX sensitivity (boost mode) Current consumption, TX 36 mA At max. TX power(+ 5dBm boost)Quiescent current, Mode1 1.0 µA including internal RCoscillatorQuiescent current, Mode2 1.5 µA including 32.768koscillatorFlash memory 128 KBRAM memory 5 KBSimulated EEPROM memory 8 KBMCU clock frequency 12 MHzRC OSCILATOR frequency 10 KHZMCU low frequency crystal 32.768 kHzIntroductionThe PC-EM250 series of modules are specially designed for ZigBee application. They provide a fast jump start design for system integrators or electronic designers wishing to use ZigBee wireless technologies. The module contains qualified RF hardware and enough processor power to run the EmberZNet stack or other ZigBee network stack (depending on version), making it a powerful platform for building wireless networking products. ZigBee Coordinators (ZC), ZigBee Routers (ZR), and ZigBee End Devices (ZED) are all supported and are programmed onto the module together with a custom application. Minimal RF design experience is needed to use PC-EM250 module.Typical application blockFigure 1: Example of application blockPin AssignmentFigure 2: PC-EM2500 and PC-EM2501Figure 3: PC-EM250210.0Pin Description10.1PC-EM2500 and PC-EM2501Pin# Signal Direction Description1 SIF_MISO O Serial interface, master in/slave out2 SIF_MOSI I Serial interface, master out/slave in3 SIF_LOADB I/O Serial interface, load strobe (open-collector with internal pull-up)4 GND Ground Ground supply5 GPIO16 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO16 with GPIO_CFG[3]6 GPIO15 I/O Digital I/O ,enable GPIO15 with GPIO_CFG[2]7 GPIO14 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO14 with GPIO_CFG[1]Pin# Signal Direction Description8 GPIO13 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO13 with GPIO_CFG[0]9 GND Ground Ground supply10 GND Ground Ground supply11 ANT I/O receiver input/transmitter output12 GND Ground Ground supply13 nRESET I Active low chip reset (internal pull-up)14 OSCB I/O 24MHz crystal oscillator or left open when using external clock input on OSCA15 OSCA I/O 24MHz crystal oscillator or external clock input16 VBRD Power Pads supply (2.1-3.6V)17 GPIO11 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO11 with GPIO_CFG[7:4]18 GPIO12 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO12 with GPIO_CFG[7:4]19 GPIO0 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO0 with GPIO_CFG[7:4]20 GPIO1 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO1 with GPIO_CFG[7:4]21 GPIO2 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO2 with GPIO_CFG[7:4]22 GPIO3 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO3 with GPIO_CFG[7:4]23 GPIO4 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO4 with GPIO_CFG[12] and GPIO_CFG[8]24 GPIO5 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO5 with GPIO_CFG[12] and GPIO_CFG[9]25 GPIO6 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO6 with GPIO_CFG[10]26 GPIO7 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO7 with GPIO_CFG[13] and GPIO_CFG[11]27 GPIO8 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO8 with GPIO_CFG[14]28 TXD O UART transmit data of Serial Controller SC1, enable SC1-4A or SC1-2 with GPIO_CFG[7:4], select UART with SC1_MODE29 RXD I UART receive data of Serial Controller SC1, enable SC1-4A or SC1-2 with GPIO_CFG[7:4], select UART with SC1_MODE30 SIF_CLK I Serial interface, clock (internal pull-down)10.2 PC-EM2502Pin# Signal Direction Description1 SIF_CLK I Serial interface, clock (internal pull-down)2 SIF_MISO O Serial interface, master in/slave out3 SIF_MOSI I Serial interface, master out/slave in4 SIF_LOADB I/O Serial interface, load strobe (open-collector with internal pull-up)5 GPIO16 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO16 with GPIO_CFG[3]6 GPIO15 I/O Digital I/O ,enable GPIO15 with GPIO_CFG[2]7 GPIO14 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO14 with GPIO_CFG[1]Pin# Signal Direction Description8 GPIO13 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO13 with GPIO_CFG[0]9 GND Ground Ground supply10 GND Ground Ground supply11 GND Ground Ground supply12 GND Ground Ground supply13 nRESET I Active low chip reset (internal pull-up)14 OSCB I/O 24MHz crystal oscillator or left open when using external clock input on OSCA15 OSCA I/O 24MHz crystal oscillator or external clock input16 VBRD Power Pads supply (2.1-3.6V)17 GPIO11 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO11 with GPIO_CFG[7:4]18 GPIO12 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO12 with GPIO_CFG[7:4]19 GPIO0 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO0 with GPIO_CFG[7:4]20 GPIO1 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO1 with GPIO_CFG[7:4]21 GPIO2 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO2 with GPIO_CFG[7:4]22 GPIO3 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO3 with GPIO_CFG[7:4]23 GPIO4 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO4 with GPIO_CFG[12] and GPIO_CFG[8]24 GPIO5 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO5 with GPIO_CFG[12] and GPIO_CFG[9]25 GPIO6 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO6 with GPIO_CFG[10]26 GPIO7 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO7 with GPIO_CFG[13] and GPIO_CFG[11]27 GPIO8 I/O Digital I/O, enable GPIO8 with GPIO_CFG[14]28 TXD O UART transmit data of Serial Controller SC1, enable SC1-4A or SC1-2 with GPIO_CFG[7:4], select UART with SC1_MODE29 RXD I UART receive data of Serial Controller SC1, enable SC1-4A or SC1-2 with GPIO_CFG[7:4], select UART with SC1_MODE30 SIF_CLK I Serial interface, clock (internal pull-down)Block DiagramFigure 4: Block DiagramCircuit DescriptionThe module contains an IEEE 802.15.4 compliant SoC RF transceiver, internal memory, high speed oscillator, RC oscillator and an external 32 kHz oscillator. The module is intended to run the EmberZNet ZigBee software or other ZigBee network implementation, depending on the specific version.The application software together with the ZigBee protocol software stack can be programmed in Flash memory through the SIF module, using an evaluation board from Ember InSight Desktop.To support user-defined applications, a number of peripherals such as GPIO, UART, SPI, I2C, ADC, and general-purpose timers are integrated. Also, an integrated voltage regulator, power-on-reset circuitry, sleep timer, and low-power sleep modes are available. The deep sleep mode draws less than 1µA (need to further verification), allowing products to achieve long battery life.For further details on the SoC transceiver (Ember EM250), please consult the data sheet at SIF Module Programming and Debug InterfaceSIF is a synchronous serial interface developed by Cambridge Consultants Ltd. It is the primary programming and debug interface of the PC-EM250. The SIF module allows external devices to read and write memory-mapped registers in real-time without changing the functionality or timing of the XAP2b core.The SIF interface provides the following:IC production test (especially analog)PCB production testXAP2b code developmentProduct control and characterizationThe pins are:SIF_LOADBSIF_CLKSIF_MOSISIF_MISOThe maximum serial shift speed for the SIF interface is 48MHz. SIF interface accesses can be initiated even when the chip is in idle and deep sleep modes. An edge on SIF_LOADB wakes the chip to allow SIF cycles.Power ManagementThe PC-EM250 supports three different power modes: processor ACTIVE, processor IDLE and DEEP SLEEP.The IDLE power mode stops code execution of the XAP2b until any interrupt occurs or an external SIF wakeup command is seen. All peripherals including the radio continue to operate normally.The DEEP SLEEP power mode powers off most of the module but leaves the critical chip functions, such as the GPIO pads and RAM powered by the High Voltage Supply (VDD_PADS). The module can be woken by configuring the sleep timer to generate an interrupt after a period of time, using an external interrupt, or with the SIF interface. Activity on a serial interface may also be configured to wake up the module, though actual reception of data is not re-enabled until the module has finished waking up. Depending on the speed of the serial data, it is possible to finish waking up in the middle of a byte. Care must be taken to reset the serial interface between bytes and discard any garbage data before the rest. Another condition for wakeup is generalactivity on GPIO pins.RF Frequency, Output Power Levels and Data RatesThe following table shows the RF channels as defined by the IEEE 802.15.4 RF channel Frequency11 2405MHz12 2410MHz13 2415MHz14 2420MHz15 2425MHz16 2430MHz17 2435MHz18 2440MHz19 2445MHz20 2450MHz21 2455MHz22 2460MHz23 2465MHz24 2470MHz25 2475MHz26 2480MHzThe output power level can be configured in the range -32 to 5 dBm. The RF transceiver uses direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) with a raw data rate of 250 kbit/s. The modulation format is Offset – Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (O-QPSK). It is robust even under noisy environments when sharing the same frequency band with other applications.The use of RF frequencies and maximum allowed RF power should according to different national regulations. The PC-EM250 is complying with the applicable regulations for the world wide 2.4GHz ISM band.[Subject to final approval: Specifically it complies with the European Union R&TTE directive meeting EN 300 328 and EN300 440 class 2. It also meets the FCC CFR47 Part15 regulations for use in the US and the ARIB T-66 for use in Japan.]Antenna Design ConsiderationsPC-EM250 provides an integrated antenna. The design should be effective for many applications requiring a compact solution containing all the critical RF parts within the module. Applications requiring better range may consider an external antenna or possibly even an external booster circuit (power amplifier).The range testing using the integrated antenna shows a typical distance of 100 m outdoor line-of-sight (LOS). If the application is used indoor, the range will be around 10 to 30 m, depending on structure and building materials.The module with antenna is matched for use in the 2.4 GHz band. Due to the dielectric ceramic material the antenna is shorter than a normal quarter wave antenna. However, it can still provide high radiation efficiency (typical 1 dBi). The radiating part of the antenna is located on one side of the PCB. The radiation pattern from the antenna is shown in figure 5. The maximum radiation is in the plane normal to the length axis of the antenna. For best possible omni-directional radiation the module should be oriented so that the antenna is vertical. In order to achieve best range the transmitting and receiving antenna should be oriented the same way with same polarity. Indoors reflections of the radio waves will affect the range.Typical Radiation PatternsXY cut @2.45GHzVerticalHorizontalXY-cut scanning directionXZ cut @2.45GHzVerticalHorizontalXZ-cut scanning directionYZ cut @2.45GHzVerticalHorizontalYZ-cut scanning directionFigure 5: Integrated chip antenna radiation pattern at different orientationsThe antenna should be kept away (> 10mm) from metallic or other conductive and dielectric materials, and should never be used inside a metallic enclosure.Compared to lower frequencies, operation at 2.4GHz usually has a shorter LOS. However, the ZigBee mesh network topology provides a more flexible and reliable network topology to end users. The farther end device can easily be reached over a mesh network through other full function (routing) devices. Reflections from walls and other objects may give multi-path fading resulting in dead-zones. With mesh network, other nodes in the network can reach devices in dead-zones. Furthermore, in the case of any failure of a single node, the system can easily reroute to other paths. The mesh network is therefore highly recommended for increased reliability and extendedcoverage.In applications where the module must be placed in a metallic enclosure, an external antenna must be used. The external antenna must match to 50 Ohm.A PCB antenna can be made as a copper track where the ground plane is removed on the back side. The rest of the PCB board should have a ground plane as large as possible, preferably as large (in one dimension) as the antenna itself, to make it act as a reflector mirror to the antenna. A quarter-wavelength antenna on a PCB must be shorter than the wire antenna due to the influence of the dielectric material of the PCB. The length reduction depends on the PCB thickness and material, as well as how close to the edge of the board the antenna is placed. Typical reduction is to 75-90 % but specific results may vary.The length of a quarter-wave antenna is given in the table below.Frequency (MHz) Length of whip antenna(cm)Length of PCB track(cm)2450 2.9 2.2 – 2.7If, for space reasons, the track is made even shorter than the resonating quarter of wavelength, the antenna should be matched to 50 ohms using a series inductor and a shunt capacitor.PCB Layout RecommendationsFor recommended layout pads for the module, please reference Mechanical Dimensions.The area underneath the module should be covered with solder resist in order to prevent short circuiting the test pads on the back side of the module. A solid ground plane is preferred. Unconnected pins should be soldered to the pads, and the pads should be left floating. For the module with integrated antenna, the RF pad can be soldered, but the pad should not be connected further. The two ground pads (pin10 and pin12 should be grounded for all variants.)When using the onboard chip antenna, careful attention is required to the layout of the PCB where the module is mounted. In Figure 6 a mother PCB is shown with a recommended placement of the module.Figure 6: A recommended placement of the module on a mother PCB (Shaded area is ground-plane on mother PCB)Mechanical DimensionsFigure 7: Mechanical Dimensions of PC-EM2500Figure 8: Mechanical Dimensions of PC-EM2501 modulesOrdering InformationOrdering Part Number DescriptionPC-EM2500 ZigBee-ready RF module, 128 KB Flash , external antenna PC-EM2501 ZigBee-ready RF module, 128 KB Flash, integrated antennaDocument Revision HistoryDocument Revision change1.0 Draft。
