
1. 组织章程大纲组织章程大纲规定本公司股东承担的责任,以所持股份当时的未缴股款(如有)为限,而本公司的成立宗旨并无受到限制(包括可作为投资公司)。
2. 细则细则乃于二零零四年三月二十四日采纳,且于二零零四年四月二十三日修订,其中若干规定概述如下:(a) 特别投票规定细则规定,本公司所有股东决议案及本公司所有董事决议案必须经有关股东大会或董事会会议的75%大多数股东或董事(视乎情况而定)批准(「特别投票规定」)。
V-2附录五本公司组织章程文件及开曼群岛公司法概要(b) 董事(i) 配发及发行股份与认股权证的权力除公司法、组织章程大纲及细则另有规定外,而且除任何股份或任何类别股份持有人所获赋予任何特权外,本公司所发行的任何股份可附有本公司通过普通决议案所决定(如无该项决定或该项决定并无作出特别规定,则由董事会决定)关于股息、投票权、退还资本或其它方面的权利或限制。

开曼群岛公司法中文版开曼群岛公司法中文版全文THE CAYMAN ISLANDSTHE COMPANIES LAW(2001 Revision) ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS(二零零一年第二次修订)目录第一部分导言第一条简称第二条定义和解释第三条注册官第四条注册官签名第二部分公司和社团的组建和设立章程第五条公司组建的方式第六条限制股东责任的方式第七条组织大纲第八条股份有限公司第九条担保有限公司第十条组织大纲的变更第十一条登记办公地位置的改变第十二条组织大纲的签署与法律效果第十三条股份有限公司变更其股本的权限第十四条削减股份的特别决议第十五条向法院申请确认令,债权人的异议第十六条股本削减确认令与法院发布此令状的权限第十七条股本削减确认令和股本削减记录的登记第十八条股东对已削减股份的责任第十九条隐瞒债权人姓名的处罚第二十条规定公司治理规则的章程第二十一条无限公司和担保有限公司的必备治理规则第二十二条第一附表中表格A的采纳和适用第二十三条章程的印制、盖章和签字第二十四条通过特别决议变更章程第二十五条章程的通过和法律后果总则第二十六条登记第二十七条公司设立的后果第二十八条行为能力和权限的缺乏;越权行为第二十九条发放给股东的公司组织大纲和章程复本第三十条对公司登记名称的限制第三十一条名称的变更第三十二条有权发行无记名股份的公司不能在岛内拥有土地第三部分公司股东和社团成员的资本分配和责任分摊资本分配第三十三条公司股份及利益为动产第三十四条股份溢价帐户第三十五条折价发行股份的权限第三十六条公司支付佣金的权限第三十七条赎回和购买股份第三十八条股东的定义第三十九条通过私人代表的转让第四十条股东名册第四十一条年度股东名单和资本、股份的股款催缴情况等的摘要第四十二条公司未递交文件或未缴付费用的处罚第四十三条股份或债券证明书第四十四条股东名册的检查第四十五条递交给公司注册官的增加资本和股东的通知第四十六条不适当进入股东名册或被股东名册遗漏的补救第四十七条向公司注册官通知股东名册的修改第四十八条股东名册的证据效力股东责任第四十九条在任及离任公司股东的责任第四部分公司和社团的经营与管理保护债权人的规定第五十条公司注册办事处第五十一条注册办事处位置的通知第五十二条有限公司的名称公示第五十三条对不公开标示公司名称的处罚第五十四条抵押登记第五十五条递交给公司注册官的董事名单第五十六条对未备有董事名册的公司的处罚第五十七条会议股东保护保护股东的规定第五十八条股东大会第五十九条会计和审计第六十条特别决议的定义第六十一条会议有关规则缺失时的处理第六十二条特别决议的备案第六十三条特别决议的复本第六十四条任命检查员报告公司事务第六十五条检查员的权限第六十六条检查员的报告第六十七条通过公司决议进行的检查第六十八条检查报告的证据效力通知第六十九条给公司注册官的回执等第七十条对公司通知的送达第七十一条邮寄送达第七十二条会议召集文告、通知等的证明第七十三条会议记录第七十四条有限责任公司发起法律行动的费用担保第七十五条针对股东的法律行动中的声明仲裁第七十六条公司提交仲裁的权限罚则第七十七条罚则;罚款的运用董事和经理的无限责任第七十八条董事和经理的无限责任第七十九条第四十九条的修改非盈利团体第八十条政府可以特许公司注册时不在公司名称中使用“有限”(“limited”)字样的情况合同第八十一条合同订立方式第八十二条汇票和本票第八十三条通过代理人执行协议等第八十四条公司拥有供海外使用的公章的权限第八十五条文件的证明安排与重组第八十六条与债权人和股东妥协的权限第八十七条便于公司重组与合并的规定第八十八条获取异议股东股份的权限第五部分公司和社团的清盘导言第八十九条出资人的定义第九十条出资义务的性质第九十一条出资人死亡第九十二条出资人破产第九十三条出资人结婚由法院进行的清盘第九十四条公司可以由法院进行清盘的情况第九十五条公司被认为无力偿付其债务的情形第九十六条通过请求书做出的公司清盘申请第九十七条法官办公室中的审理第九十八条公司清盘的开始第九十九条法院可以发布禁令第一百条法院审理请求书的权限第一百零一条公司清盘命令做出后法律程序的中止第一百零二条向公司注册官递交命令复本第一百零三条法院中止任何程序的权限第一百零四条公司清盘命令对担保有限公司股本的效力第一百零五条法院可以考虑债权人或出资人的意愿法定清算人第一百零六条法定清算人的任命第一百零七条辞职、免职、空缺填补和报酬第一百零八条法定清算人的称谓和职责第一百零九条法定清算人的权限第一百一十条法定清算人的自由裁量权第一百一十一条法定清算人任命代理人法院的一般权限第一百一十二条征收和运用资产第一百一十三条关于出资人代表的规定第一百一十四条要求交付财产的权限第一百一十五条命令出资人偿付债务的权限第一百一十六条催缴股款的权限第一百一十七条命令支付到银行的权限第一百一十八条帐目规则第一百一十九条出资人代表的失职第一百二十条命令的最终证据效力第一百二十一条排除未在规定时间证实其债权的人的权限第一百二十二条法院对出资人权利的调整第一百二十三条关于成本的命令第一百二十四条公司的解散第一百二十五条注册官对公司解散进行备案第一百二十六条对未报告公司解散的惩罚法院的特别权限第一百二十七条法院传唤涉嫌占有公司财产人员的权限第一百二十八条法院对当事人的调查第一百二十九条在某些情况下逮捕出资人的权限第一百三十条法院的累积权限命令的执行第一百三十一条执行命令的权限公司自愿清盘第一百三十二条公司可以自愿清盘的情况第一百三十三条公司自愿清盘的开始第一百三十四条自愿清盘对公司地位的影响第一百三十五条通知的发布第一百三十六条自愿清盘的后果第一百三十七条公司清盘对担保有限公司股本的影响第一百三十八条公司授权任命清算人的权限第一百三十九条安排在什么情况下对债权人具有约束力第一百四十条债权人或出资人上诉的权利第一百四十一条自愿清盘过程中清算人或出资人可以向法院申请第一百四十二条清算人可以召开股东大会第一百四十三条清算人职位的空缺第一百四十四条任命清算人的权限第一百四十五条清算人结束清盘的帐目第一百四十六条清算人向注册官报告会议第一百四十七条公司自愿清盘的成本第一百四十八条债权人权利的保留第一百四十九条接受自愿清盘程序的权限法院监督下的公司清盘第一百五十条命令公司在法院监督下自愿清盘的权限第一百五十一条申请在法院监督下进行公司清盘第一百五十二条法院可以考虑债权人的意愿第一百五十三条为在法院监督下的公司清盘任命清算人的权限第一百五十四条法院监督下的公司清盘命令的后果第一百五十五条在特定情形下任命自愿清盘清算人为法定清算人补充规定第一百五十六条清盘程序开始后的处置无效第一百五十七条公司帐簿的证据效力第一百五十八条公司帐簿、帐目和文件的处理第一百五十九条帐簿的检查第一百六十条受让人的诉权第一百六十一条债务的证明第一百六十二条优先清偿第一百六十三条可以同意的清算人的整体方案第一百六十四条妥协权第一百六十五条清算人可以接受股份等作为出售公司财产的对价第一百六十六条确定价格的方式第一百六十七条查封和执行无效第一百六十八条欺诈性的优先偿付第一百六十九条确定有过失的董事和高级职员造成的损失的权限第一百七十条对伪造帐簿的惩罚第一百七十一条对由法院进行的公司清盘中不法董事的检举第一百七十二条对在公司自愿清盘程序中不法董事的检举第一百七十三条对做伪证的惩罚法院制定规则的权限第一百七十四条法院的规则第六部分停业公司的清除第一百七十五条从登记册中清除没有进行营业的公司第一百七十六条清盘公司可以因清算人空缺等被清除出公司登记册第一百七十七条公司注册官公布公司被清除出公司登记册的事实第一百七十八条公司、公司债权人或股东可以向法院申请恢复公司第一百七十九条公司股东责任保留第一百八十条公司注册官无需对根据本部分做出的任何行为负责第一百八十一条授予财政秘书的财产第七部分豁免公司第一百八十二条可以申请注册为豁免公司的公司第一百八十三条豁免公司的登记第一百八十四条拟注册公司的声明第一百八十五条股份可以是不可转让的或可转让的第一百八十六条可转让股份可以交换第一百八十七条年度回执第一百八十八条年费第一百八十九条违反本法第一百八十七条或第一百八十八条规定的第一百九十条公司注册官发出通知第一百九十一条声明中的虚假陈述第一百九十二条对虚假陈述的惩罚第一百九十三条受到禁止的业务第一百九十四条出售证券的禁止第一百九十五条违反本部分进行营业的惩罚第一百九十六条豁免公司进行电子营业第八部分有限存续的豁免公司第一百九十七条豁免公司可以申请注册为有限存续的豁免公司第一百九十八条注册为有限存续的豁免公司第一百九十九条章程的内容第二百条有限存续豁免公司的清盘第二百零一条取消注册登记第二百零二条有限存续的豁免公司从事电子营业第九部分岛外设立的公司在岛内进行营业第二百零三条外国公司的定义第二百零四条外国公司需要向公司注册官递交的文件等第二百零五条某些外国公司拥有土地的权限第二百零六条外国公司的注册第二百零八条声明公司名称(无论是否是有限公司)和公司设立地所在国的义务第二百零九条本部分规定适用于对外国公司的送达第二百一十条外国公司在岛外订立的协议书等第二百一十一条协议书等的订立第二百一十二条公司名称从登记册中清除第二百一十三条违反本部分规定的处罚第二百一十四条本部分中的定义第二百一十五条公司注册官禁止证券销售的权限第十部分组建于岛内或在岛内注册的公司的法律适用第二百一十六条既存公司的法律适用第二百一十七条设立日期第二百一十八条章程的保留第十一部分总则第二百一十九条取代其他规定的费用第二百二十条快递费第十二部分以延续形式进行的转换第二百二十一条延续申请第二百二十二条本部分下的注册第二百二十三条特许文件的修改等第二百二十四条本部分下的注册对根据本法第九部分进行注册的公司的影响第二百二十五条发布在政府公报上的注册通知等第二百二十六条豁免公司(包括按照本部分规定注册的公司)注册的解除第二百二十七条解除注册等的证明第二百二十八条第九部分的规定适用于解除注册的公司第二百二十九条发布在政府公报上的解除注册等通知第十三部分普通的非居民公司重新注册为豁免公司第二百三十条普通的非居民公司可以重新注册为豁免公司第二百三十一条普通非居民公司重新注册为豁免公司的效果第十四部分独立资产公司第二百三十二条本部分中概念的定义第二百三十三条注册申请第二百三十四条名称第二百三十五条独立资产第二百三十六条股份和股息第二百三十七条公司代表独立资产从事的行为第二百三十八条资产第二百三十九条资产的独立第二百四十条债务的独立第二百四十一条总债务和总资产第二百四十二条公司清盘第二百四十三条接管令第二百思十四条接管令的申请第二百四十五条接管令的管理第二百四十六条接管令的解除第二百四十七条接管人的报酬第十五部分无记名股份的托管等第二百四十八条无记名股份的转让第二百四十九条无记名股份的托管第二百五十条认证托管人开曼群岛公司法细则(二零零一年第二次修订)第一部分导言第一条简称本法简称为公司法(2001年第二次修订版)第二条定义和解释(1)本法中,“权力机关”意指依照《货币管理法》(2000年修订版)第三条第一款成立的开曼群岛货币管理局,包括一个该局的授权执法人员。

THE COMPANIES LAW (2002 REVISED)OF THE CAYMAN ISLANDSCOMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES开曼群岛《公司法》(2002年修订)股份有限公司MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATIONOF[【】CAYCO][[]开曼公司]公司备忘录1. The name of the Company is[【】CAYCO].1.公司名称为[【】开曼公司]。
2. The Registered Office of the Company shall be at the offices of [●], George Town, Grand Cayman,Cayman Islands, or at such other place as the Directors may from time to time decide.2.公司的注册地址为[●],乔治镇,大开曼岛,开曼群岛,或者董事随时决定的该等其他地址。
3. The objects for which the Company is established are unrestricted and shall include, but withoutlimitation, the following:3.公司的设立目的并不受限制,且包括但不限于如下内容:(a) (i) To carry on the business of an investment company and to act as promoters andentrepreneurs and to carry on business as financiers, capitalists, concessionaires,merchants, brokers, traders, dealers, agents, importers and exporters and to undertake andcarry on and execute all kinds of investment, financial, commercial, mercantile, tradingand other operations.(a)(i) 开展投资公司业务,担任发起人或创办人,作为金融方、资本方、特许经营人、批发零售商、经纪人、贸易商、经销商、代理人、进口商和出口商开展业务,经营各种投资、融资、商业、批发零售、贸易和其他业务。

Company No.: 214079公司代码:214079MEMORANDUMANDARTICLES OF ASSOCIATIONOFKingworld Medicines Group Limited 金活医药集团有限公司公司章程与组织管理细则Incorporated on the 10th day of July, 2008 成立于2008 年7月10 日INCORPORATED IN THE CAYMAN ISLANDS成立于开曼群岛(此乃英文版本之翻译本,一切内容以英文为准)THE COMPANIES LAW (2007 Revision)Company Limited by Shares《公司法》(2007 修订)MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATIONOFKingworld Medicines Group Limited金活医药集团有限公司公司章程1. The name of the Company is Kingworld Medicines Group Limited 公司名称金活医药集团有限公司.2. The Registered Office of the Company shall be at the offices of Offshore Incorporations (Cayman)Limited, Scotia Centre, 4th Floor, P.O. Box 2804, George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-1112, CaymanIslands or at such other place as the Directors may from time to time decide.注册办事处应为境外注册组织(开曼)有限公司的所有办公室,地址为开曼群岛大开曼岛KY1-1112 乔治城斯科舍中心4层邮政信箱2804,或者随时由董事决定的其他地点3. The objects for which the Company is established are unrestricted and shall include, butwithout limitation, the following:本公司成立的营业目的是不受限制的,并应包括,但不限于以下方面:(a) (i) To carry on the business of an investment company and to act as promoters andentrepre ne urs and to carry on business as financiers, capitalists, concessionaires, merchants,brokers, traders, dealers, agents, importers and exporters and to undertake and carry on andexecute al l kinds of investment, financial, commercial, mercantile, trading and other operations.经营投资公司的业务,并承担推动者和企业家角色,并作为金融家,资本家,特许经营,商人,经纪人,贸易商,经销商,代理商,进口商和出口商,并承诺执行所有种投资,金融,商业,商人,贸易和其他业务。

开曼群岛公司章程(第1-18条,中英文)开曼群岛公司章程(中英文)COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES ARTICLES OFASSOCIATION OF CAYCO LIMITED依据开曼群岛《公司法》(2002年修订)组建THE COMPANIES LAW (2002 REVISED)OF THE CAYMAN ISLANDS1. In these Articles Table A in the Schedule to the Statute does not apply and, unless there is something in the subject or context inconsistent therewith,本章程中,除非题目或上下文所述,否则法令附件中表A并不适用且不相一致:"Affiliate"of a company or corporation shall mean any company, corporation, or other entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, the specifiedcompany or corporation, within the meaning of Rule 144 of the Securities Act.关联方指在144规则的范围内,就特定实体而言,控制该特定实体,或被该特定实体控制,或与该特定实体处于他人共同控制下的任何公司、组织或其他实体。
"Articles" means these Articles as originally framed or as from time to time altered by Special Resolution.章程指最初制定的并经特别决议不时修改的本章程。


第四十九条 在任及离任公司股东的责任
第四章 公司和社团的经营与管理
第五十条公司注册办公室 第五十一条注册办公室位置的通知 第五十二条 有限公司的名称公示 第五十三条 对不公开标示公司名称的处罚 第五十四条 抵押登记 第五十五条 递交给公司登记官的董事名单 第五十六条 对未置备董事名册的公司的处罚 第五十七条 会议
第五十八条 股东大会 第五十九条 会计和审计 第六十条 特别决议的定义 第六十一条 会议有关规则缺失时的处理 第六十二条 特别决议的备案 第六十三条 特别决议的副本 第六十四条 任命检查员报告公司事务 第六十五条 检查员的权限 第六十六条 检查员的报告 第六十七条 通过公司决议进行的检查 第六十八条 检查报告的证据效力
第一百零六条 官方清算人的任命 第一百零七条 辞职、免职、空缺填补和报酬 第一百零八条 官方清算人的称谓和职责 第一百零九条 官方清算人的权限 第一百一十条 官方清算人的自由裁量权 第一百一十一条 官方清算人任命代理人
对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料电试力卷保相护互装作置用调与试相技互术关,系电,通力根1保过据护管生高线产中敷工资设艺料技高试术中卷0资不配料仅置试可技卷以术要解是求决指,吊机对顶组电层在气配进设置行备不继进规电行范保空高护载中高与资中带料资负试料荷卷试下问卷高题总中2体2资,配料而置试且时卷可,调保需控障要试各在验类最;管大对路限设习度备题内进到来行位确调。保整在机使管组其路高在敷中正设资常过料工程试况1卷中下安,与全要过,加度并强工且看作尽护下可1都关能可于地以管缩正路小常高故工中障作资高;料中对试资于卷料继连试电接卷保管破护口坏进处范行理围整高,核中或对资者定料对值试某,卷些审弯异核扁常与度高校固中对定资图盒料纸位试,置卷编.工保写况护复进层杂行防设自腐备动跨与处接装理地置,线高尤弯中其曲资要半料避径试免标卷错高调误等试高,方中要案资求,料技编试术写5、卷交重电保底要气护。设设装管备备置线4高、调动敷中电试作设资气高,技料课中并3术试、件资且中卷管中料拒包试路调试绝含验敷试卷动线方设技作槽案技术,、以术来管及避架系免等统不多启必项动要方高式案中,;资为对料解整试决套卷高启突中动然语过停文程机电中。气高因课中此件资,中料电管试力壁卷高薄电中、气资接设料口备试不进卷严行保等调护问试装题工置,作调合并试理且技利进术用行,管过要线关求敷运电设行力技高保术中护。资装线料置缆试做敷卷到设技准原术确则指灵:导活在。。分对对线于于盒调差处试动,过保当程护不中装同高置电中高压资中回料资路试料交卷试叉技卷时术调,问试应题技采,术用作是金为指属调发隔试电板人机进员一行,变隔需压开要器处在组理事在;前发同掌生一握内线图部槽 纸故内资障,料时强、,电设需回备要路制进须造行同厂外时家部切出电断具源习高高题中中电资资源料料,试试线卷卷缆试切敷验除设报从完告而毕与采,相用要关高进技中行术资检资料查料试和,卷检并主测且要处了保理解护。现装场置设。备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。

开曼群岛公司法及章程(中英文) THE COMPANIES LAW (2002 REVISED)OF THE CAYMAN ISLANDSCOMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES开曼群岛《公司法》,2002年修订,股份有限公司MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATIONOF[【】 CAYCO][[]开曼公司]公司备忘录1. The name of the Company is [【】 CAYCO].1. 公司名称为[【】开曼公司]。
2. The Registered Office of the Company shall be at the offices of [?], George Town, GrandCayman, Cayman Islands, or at such other place as the Directors may from time to timedecide.2. 公司的注册地址为[?]~乔治镇~大开曼岛~开曼群岛~或者董事随时决定的该等其他地址。
3. The objects for which the Company is established are unrestricted and shall include, butwithout limitation, the following:3. 公司的设立目的并不受限制~且包括但不限于如下内容:(a) (i) To carry on the business of an investment company and to act as promotersand entrepreneurs and to carry on business as financiers, capitalists,concessionaires, merchants, brokers, traders, dealers, agents, importers andexporters and to undertake and carry on and execute all kinds of investment, financial, commercial, mercantile, trading and other operations.(a) (i) 开展投资公司业务~担任发起人或创办人~作为金融方、资本方、特许经营人、批发零售商、经纪人、贸易商、经销商、代理人、进口商和出口商开展业务~经营各种投资、融资、商业、批发零售、贸易和其他业务。

第五条股东享有以下权利:1. 参加股东大会,行使表决权;2. 分取股利;3. 依照法律、法规及本章程的规定转让股权;4. 公司终止后,依法分配公司的剩余财产;5. 法律、法规及本章程规定的其他权利。
第六条股东承担以下义务:1. 按时足额缴纳所认缴的出资额;2. 不得抽逃出资;3. 不得滥用股东权利损害公司或其他股东的利益;4. 法律、法规及本章程规定的其他义务。
第八条董事会行使以下职权:1. 召集股东大会;2. 执行股东大会的决议;3. 选举和更换董事长、副董事长、董事;4. 决定公司的经营计划和投资方案;5. 决定公司的管理机构设置和人员配备;6. 决定公司的分立、合并、解散或者变更公司形式;7. 决定公司的利润分配方案和弥补亏损方案;8. 决定公司的重大投资、收购、出售资产、对外担保等事项;9. 制定公司的基本管理制度;10. 法律、法规及本章程规定的其他职权。
第十四条股东大会行使以下职权:1. 审议和批准公司的年度报告、资产负债表、利润分配方案等财务事项;2. 选举和更换董事、监事;3. 审议和批准公司的重大事项;4. 决定公司的分立、合并、解散或者变更公司形式;5. 决定公司的利润分配方案和弥补亏损方案;6. 审议和批准公司的章程修改;7. 法律、法规及本章程规定的其他职权。

开曼群岛公司章程 Last revision date: 13 December 2020.开曼群岛公司章程(第1-18条,中英文)开曼群岛公司章程(中英文)COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATIONOFCAYCOLIMITED依据开曼群岛《公司法》(2002年修订)组建THE COMPANIES LAW (2002 REVISED)OF THE CAYMAN ISLANDS1. In these Articles Table A in the Schedule to the Statute does not apply and, unless there is something in the subject or context inconsistent therewith,本章程中,除非题目或上下文所述,否则法令附件中表A并不适用且不相一致:"Affiliate"of a company or corporation shall mean any company, corporation, or other entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, the specified company or corporation, within the meaning of Rule 144 of the Securities Act.关联方指在144规则的范围内,就特定实体而言,控制该特定实体,或被该特定实体控制,或与该特定实体处于他人共同控制下的任何公司、组织或其他实体。
"Articles" means these Articles as originally framed or as from time to time altered by Special Resolution.章程指最初制定的并经特别决议不时修改的本章程。

开曼群岛公司章程(第1-18条,中英文)开曼群岛公司章程(中英文)COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF CAYCO LIMITED依据开曼群岛《公司法》(2002年修订)组建THE COMPANIES LAW (2002 REVISED) OF THE CAYMAN ISLANDS1. In these Articles Table A in the Schedule to the Statute does not apply and, unless there is something in the subject or context inconsistent therewith,本章程中,除非题目或上下文所述,否则法令附件中表A并不适用且不相一致:"Affiliate" of a company or corporation shall mean any company, corporation, or other entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, the specified company or corporation, within the meaning of Rule 144 of the Securities Act.关联方指在144规则的范围内,就特定实体而言,控制该特定实体,或被该特定实体控制,或与该特定实体处于他人共同控制下的任何公司、组织或其他实体。
"Articles" means these Articles as originally framed or as from time to time altered by Special Resolution.章程指最初制定的并经特别决议不时修改的本章程。

_____________________________________________________________________The Companies Law (2009 Revision)Company Limited by SharesSecond Amended and Restated Articles of AssociationofMA KUANG HEALTHCARE HOLDING LIMITED(as adopted by a Special Resolution passed on ______________ May 2010 )依开曼开曼群岛群岛群岛公司法公司法(2009年版)成立之股份有限公司马光保健控股股份有限公司*第二次第二次修正组织修正组织修正组织备忘录及章程备忘录及章程(于2010年5月27日 依股东会特别决议通过)_____________________________________________________________________1. The Regulations contained or incorporated in Table A of the First Schedule ofthe Companies Law (2009 Revision) (as amended from time to time) shall not apply to this Company.1. 开曼群岛公司法(2009年版)第一个附件之A 表规定不适用于本公司。
2. INTERPRETATION2. 解释(a) In these Articles the following terms shall have the meanings setopposite unless the context otherwise requires:‑(a) 除本章程内容另有规定外,本章程之用语定义如下:Alternative Special Resolution 特别重度决议(a) a resolution passed by a majority of theMembers, as being entitled to do so, vote inPerson or, where proxies are allowed, by proxyat a general meeting, such Members holding two-thirds or more of the total number ofoutstanding Shares of the Company attendingthat meeting; or(a) 指有该股东会决议由代表已发行股份总数三分之二以上之股东出席,出席股东表决权过半数之同意之。


开曼群岛公司章程(第1-18条,中英文)开曼群岛公司章程(中英文)COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF CAYCO LIMITED依据开曼群岛《公司法》(2002年修订)组建THE COMPANIES LAW (2002 REVISED) OF THE CAYMAN ISLANDS1. In these Articles Table A in the Schedule to the Statute does not apply and, unless there is something in the subject or context inconsistent therewith,本章程中,除非题目或上下文所述,否则法令附件中表A并不适用且不相一致:"Affiliate" of a company or corporation shall mean any company, corporation, or other entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, the specified company or corporation, within the meaning of Rule 144 of the Securities Act.关联方指在144规则的范围内,就特定实体而言,控制该特定实体,或被该特定实体控制,或与该特定实体处于他人共同控制下的任何公司、组织或其他实体。
"Articles" means these Articles as originally framed or as from time to time altered by Special Resolution.章程指最初制定的并经特别决议不时修改的本章程。

THE CAYMAN ISLANDSTHE COMPANIES LAW(2004 Revision)ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONSPART I - Introductory1. Short title2. Definitions and interpretation3. Registrar4. Signature of RegistrarPART II - Constitution And Incorporation Of Companies And AssociationsMemorandum of Association5.Mode of forming company6.Mode of limiting liability of members7.Memorandum of associationpany limited by sharespany limited by guarantee10.Memorandum of association may be altered11.Location of registered office may be changed12.Signature and effect of memorandum of association13.Power of company limited by shares to alter its share capital14.Special resolution for reduction of share capital15.Application to Court for confirming order, objections by creditors16.Order confirming reduction and powers of Court on making such order17.Registration of order and minute of reduction18.Liability of members in respect of reduced shares19.Penalty for concealment of names of creditors20.Articles prescribing regulations for companies21.Regulations required in case of unlimited company or company limited by guarantee22.Adoption and application of Table A in First Schedule23.Printing, stamping and signature of articles24.Alteration of articles by special resolution25.Adoption and effect of articles of associationGeneral Provisions26.Registration27.Consequences of incorporationck of capacity or power; ultra vires29.Copies of memorandum and articles to be given to members30.Restrictions on registration of certain names31.Change of namepany with power to issue bearer shares not to hold land in the IslandsPART III - Distribution Of Capital And Liability Of Members Of Companies And AssociationsDistribution of Capital33.Share or interest in company to be personalty34.Share premium account35.Power to issue shares at a discount36.Power of company to pay commissions37.Redemption and purchase of shares38.Definition of member39.Transfer by personal representative40.Register of members41.Annual list of members and return of capital, shares, calls, etc.42.Penalty on company not making return43.Certificate of shares or stock44.Inspection of register45.Notice of increase of capital and of members to be given to Registrar46.Remedy for improper entry or omission of entry in register47.Notice to Registrar of rectification of register48.Register to be evidenceLiability of Members49.Liability of present and past members of companyPART IV - Management And Administration Of Companies And AssociationsProvisions for Protection of Creditors50.Registered office of company51.Notice of situation of registered office52.Publication of name by a limited company53.Penalties on non-publication of name54.Register of mortgages55.List of directors to be sent to Registrar56.Penalty on company not keeping a register of directors57.MeetingsProvisions for Protection of Members58.General meetings59.Accounts and audits60.Definition of special resolution61.Provisions where no regulations as to meetings62.Recording of special resolutions63.Copies of special resolutions64.Appointment of inspectors to report on affairs of companies65.Powers of inspectors66.Report of inspectors67.Inspection by resolution of the company68.Inspectors' report admissible as evidenceNotices69.Returns, etc., to Registrar70.Service of notices on company71.Postal service72.Authentication of summons, notice, etc.73.Minutes of proceedings74.Security for costs in actions brought by limited companies75.Declaration in action against membersArbitration76.Power of companies to refer matters to arbitrationGeneral Penalty77.General penalty; application of finesUnlimited Liability of Directors and Managers78.Unlimited liability of directors and managers79.Modification of section 49Association not for Profit80.Circumstances in which the Governor may licence a company to be registered without “limited” in its nameContracts81.How contracts may be made82.Bills of exchange and promissory notes83.Execution of deeds, etc., by attorney84.Power of company to have official seal for use abroad85.Authentication of documentsArrangements and Reconstructions86.Power to compromise with creditors and members87.Provisions for facilitating reconstruction and amalgamation of companies88.Power to acquire shares of dissentient shareholdersPART V - Winding Up Of Companies And AssociationsPreliminary89.“Contributory” defined90.Nature of liability of contributory91.Death of contributory92.Bankruptcy of contributory93.Marriage of contributoryWinding up by Court94.Circumstances in which company may be wound up by Court95.When company deemed unable to pay its debts96.Application for winding up to be made by petition97.Sittings in chambersmencement of winding up99.Court may grant injunction100.Powers of Court on hearing of petition101.Stay of proceedings after order for winding up102.Copy of order to be forwarded to Registrar103.Power of Court to stay any proceedings104.Effect of order on share capital of company limited by guarantee105.Court may have regard to wishes of creditors or contributoriesOfficial Liquidator106.Appointment of official liquidator107.Resignations, removals, filling of vacancies and compensation108.Style and duties of official liquidators109.Powers of official liquidator110.Discretion of official liquidator111.Appointment of attorney to official liquidatorOrdinary Powers of Court112.Collection and application of assets113.Provisions as to representative contributories114.Power to require delivery of property115.Power to order payment of debts by contributory116.Power to make calls117.Power to order payment into bank118.Regulation of account119.Default by representative contributory120.Order to be conclusive evidence121.Power to exclude creditors not proving within time fixed122.Court to adjust rights of contributories123.Order as to costs124.Dissolution of company125.Registrar to record dissolution126.Penalty for not reporting dissolution of companyExtraordinary Powers of Court127.Power of Court to summon persons suspected of having property of company 128.Examination of parties by Court129.Power to arrest contributory in certain cases130.Powers of Court cumulativeEnforcement Orders131.Power to enforce ordersVoluntary Winding up of Company132.Circumstances in which company may be wound up voluntarilymencement of voluntary winding up134.Effect of voluntary winding up on status of company135.Notice to be published136.Consequences of voluntary winding up137.Effect of winding up on share capital of company limited by guarantee 138.Power of company to delegate authority to appoint liquidators139.Arrangement, when binding on creditors140.Right of creditor or contributory to appeal141.Liquidators or contributories in voluntary winding up may apply to Court 142.Liquidators may call general meetings143.Vacancy among liquidators144.Power to appoint liquidators145.Liquidators' account on conclusion of winding up146.Liquidators to report meeting to Registrar147.Costs of voluntary liquidation148.Saving of rights of creditors149.Power to adopt proceedings of voluntary winding upWinding up Subject to the Supervision of the Court150.Power to direct voluntary winding up to be subject to supervision.151.Petition for winding up subject to supervision152.Court may have regard to wishes of creditors153.Power to appoint additional liquidators in winding up subject to supervision154.Effect of order for winding up subject to supervision of Court155.Appointment in certain cases of voluntary liquidators as official liquidatorsSupplemental Provision156.Dispositions after the commencement of the winding up void157.Books of the company to be evidence158.As to disposal of books, accounts and documents of the company159.Inspection of books160.Power of assignee to sue161.Debts of all descriptions to be proved162.Preferential payments163.General scheme of liquidation may be sanctioned164.Power to compromise165.Liquidators may accept shares, etc., as a consideration for sale of property of company 166.Mode of determining price167.Certain attachments and execution to be void168.Fraudulent preference169.Power to assess damages against delinquent directors and officers170.Penalty on falsification of books171.Prosecution of delinquent directors in the case of winding up by Court172.Prosecution of delinquent directors, et al, in case of voluntary winding up173.Penalty for perjuryPower of Court to Make Rules174.Rules of courtPART VI - Removal Of Defunct Companiespany not operating may be struck off registerpany being wound up may be struck off register for want of liquidator, etc. 177.Registrar to publish fact of company being struck off registerpany, creditor or member may apply to court for company to be reinstated 179.Liability of members of company to remain180.Registrar not liable for any act performed under this Part181.Vesting of propertyPART VII - Exempted Companies182.What companies may apply to be registered as exempted companies183.Registration of exempted companies184.Declaration by proposed company185.Shares may be non-negotiable or negotiable186.Negotiable shares may be exchanged187.Annual return188.Annual fee189.Failure to comply with s. 187 or 188190.Registrar to give notice191.False statement in declaration192.Penalty for false declaration193.Prohibited enterprises194.Prohibited sale of securities195.Penalty for carrying on business contrary to this Part196.Electronic business by exempted companiesPART VIII - Exempted Limited Duration Companies197.Exempted company may apply to be registered as an exempted limited duration company198.Registration as an exempted limited duration company199.Contents of articles of association200.Winding up of an exempted limited duration company201.Cancellation of registration202.Electronic business by exempted limited duration companiesPART IX - Companies Incorporated Outside The Islands Carrying On Business Within The Islands 203.Definition of foreign companies204.Documents, etc., to be delivered to Registrar by foreign companies205.Power of certain foreign companies to hold land206.Registration of foreign companies207.Return to be delivered to registrar where documents, etc., altered208.Obligation to state name of company, whether limited, and country where incorporated209.Service on foreign company to which this Part applies210.Deeds, etc., of foreign companies executed outside the Islands211.Execution of deeds, etc.212.Removing company's name from register213.Penalties for failing to comply with this Part214.Definitions in this Part215.Power of Registrar to prohibit sale of securitiesPART X - Application Of Law To Companies Formed Or Registered In The Islands216.Application to existing companies217.Date of incorporation218.Articles of association remainPART XI - General219.Fees in lieu of other provisions220.Express feesPART XII - Transfer By Way Of Continuation221.Application for continuation222.Registration under this Part223.Amendment etc., of charter documents224.Effect of registration under this Part on companies registered under Part IX225.Notice of registration, etc., to be given in Gazette226.Deregistration of exempted companies including companies registered under this Part227.Certification of deregistration, etc.228.Application of Part IX to deregistered companies229.Notice of deregistration, etc., to be given in the GazettePART XIII - Re-Registration As A Means Of An Ordinary Non-Resident Company Becoming Exempted 230.Ordinary non-resident company may be registered as exempted company231.Effect of re-registration of ordinary non-resident company as an exempted companyPART XIV - Segregated portfolio companies232.Definitions in this Part233.Applications for registration234.Conversions of existing companies235.Designation236.Segregated portfolios237.Shares and dividendspany to act on behalf of portfolios239.Assets240.Segregation of assets241.Segregation of liabilities242.General liabilities and assets243.Winding-up of company244.Receivership orders245.Applications for receivership orders246.Administration of receivership orders247.Discharge of receivership orders248.Remuneration of receiverPART XV - Custody, Etc. Of Bearer Shares249.Transfer of bearer shares250.Custody of bearer shares251.Recognised custodiansFirst Schedule: Regulations for management of a company limited by sharesSecond Schedule: Conditions, provisions and limits subject to which bank depositors are preferential creditors in a winding upCOMPANIES LAW(2004 Revision)PART I - IntroductoryShort title1.This Act may be cited as the Companies Law (2004 Revision).Definitions and interpretations2.(1)In this Law -“Authority” means the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority established under section 3(1) of the Monetary Authority Law (2004 Revision), and includes a person acting under the Authority’s authorisation;“bearer share” means a shares in the capital of any company incorpo rated in the Islands which -(a)is represented by a certificate that does not record the owner’s name; and(b)is transferable by delivery of the certificate;“Court” means the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands;“company” except where t he context excludes exempted companies, means a company formed and registered under this Law or an existing company;“currency” includes the ECU and any unit of account used at any time by the European Monetary Fund;“custodian” means -(a)“an authorised custodian” who is a person licensed under the Companies ManagementLaw (2003 Revision) to act as a custodian of bearer shares or a bank or trust companylicensed under the Banks and Trust Companies Law (2003 Revision); or(b)“a recognised custodian” which is an investment exchange or clearing organisationoperating a securities clearance or settlement system and carrying on business in a countryspecified in Schedule 3 of the Money Laundering Regulations (2003 Revision) and whichhas been approved by the Authority for the purposes of this Law to act as a custodian ofbearer shares;“ECU” or “European Currency Unit” means the currency basket that is, from time to time, used as the unit of account of the European Community as defined in European Council Regulation No.3320/94;“euro” means the common currency of participating member states of the European Union that adopt a single currency in accordance with the Treaty;“exempted company” means a company registered as an exempted company under section 183;“exempted limited duration company” means an exempted company registered as an exempted limitedduration company under section 198;“existing company” means a company which, prior to the 1st December, 1961, has been incorporated and its memorandum of association recorded in the Islands pursuant to the laws relating to companies then in force in the Islands;“Judge” means a Judge of the Grand Court;“non-resident company” bears the meaning ascribed to that term in section 2(1) of the Local Companies (Control) Law (1999 Revision);“officer” in relation to a company, includes a manager or secretary;“public notice” means a public notice affixed by the Regis trar on the public notice board in George Town, Grand Cayman or such other place as may be fixed, from time to time, by the Governor in Cabinet;“Registrar” means the Registrar of Companies appointed under section 3 and includes, where appropriate, the Deputy Registrar of Companies;“special resolution” means a special resolution as defined in section 60; and“Treaty” means the Treaty on European Union signed in Maastricht on 7th February, 1992.(2)Where, in this Law, it is provided that a company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be liable to a default fine, the company and every such officer shall, for every day during which the default, refusal or contravention continues, be liable to a fine of ten dollars.(3)In this Law, where it provides that an officer of a company who is in default shall be liable to a default fine, the expression “officer who is in default” means any officer of the company who knowingly and wilfully authorises or permits the default, refusal or contravention mentioned in the enactment.Registrar3.(1)The Governor shall, by instrument under the Public Seal, appoint a Registrar and a Deputy Registrar of Companies for the purposes of this Law, and the Deputy Registrar may, in the absence of the Registrar, act as Registrar for all purposes of this Law.(2)Without divesting the Registrar of any of his powers or duties the Financial Secretary may authorise by name any officer in the Registrar's department to exercise and perform any of such powers and duties under the direction and control of the Registrar and may, at any time, vary or revoke such authorisation.Signature of Registrar4.(1) Any document purporting to bear the signature of the Registrar or of an officer authorised in accordance with section 3(2) shall be deemed, until the contrary is proved, to have been duly given, made or issued by the authority of the Registrar.(2)In subsection (1) -“signature” includes a facsimile of a signature however reproduced.PART II - Constitution And Incorporation Of Companies And AssociationsMemorandum of AssociationMode of forming company5.Any one or more persons associated for any lawful purpose may, by subscribing their names to a memorandum of association, and otherwise complying with this Law in respect of registration, form an incorporated company, with or without limited liability.Mode of limiting liability of members6.The liability of the members of a company formed under this Law may, according to the memorandum of association, be limited either to the amount, if any, unpaid on the shares respectively held by them, or to such amount as the members may respectively undertake by the memorandum of association to contribute to the assets of the company in the event of its being wound up.Memorandum of association7.(1)The memorandum of association shall, subject to subsections (2), (3) and (4) and to sections 8 and 9 contain -(a)the name of the proposed company, with the addition, in the case of any company notbeing an exempted company or a company formed on the principle of having no limitplaced on the liability of its members, in this Law referred to as an unlimited company, ofthe word “Limited” or the abbreviation “Ltd.” as the last word in such name; and(b)the part of the Islands in which the registered office of the company is proposed to besituate.(2)No subscriber shall take less than one share.(3)Each subscriber of the memorandum of association shall write opposite to his name the number of shares he takes.(4)The memorandum of association may specify objects for which the proposed company is to be established and may provide that the business of the company shall be restricted to the furtherance of the specified objects. If no objects are specified or if objects are specified but the business of the company is not restricted to the furtherance of those objects, then the company shall have full power and the authority to carry out any object not prohibited by this or any other Law.Company limited by shares8.(1)Subject to subsection (2), where a company is formed on the principle of having the liability of its memberslimited to the amount unpaid on their shares, in this Law referred to as a company limited by shares, the memorandum of association shall also contain -(a) a declaration that the liability of its members is limited; and(b)the amount of capital with which it proposes to be registered, divided into shares of acertain fixed amount to be also therein specified:Provided that the capital with which an exempted company proposes to be registered may be divided into shares without nominal or par value in which case the memorandum of association shall contain the amount of the aggregate consideration for which such shares may be issued:Provided further that no exempted company shall divide its capital into both shares of a fixed amount and shares without nominal or par value.(2)Where the capital of such a company is divided into shares of more than one class, the memorandum of association may contain a declaration that in a winding up of the company the liability of members holding the shares of a particular class shall be unlimited.(3)The capital, fixed amount of shares and aggregate consideration referred to in subsection (1) may be expressed, and subscribed for, in any one or more currencies.(4)No authorisation or issue, or purported authorisation or issue, by an exempted company of any share without nominal or par value shall, if that company has its capital divided into such shares only, be invalid only by reason of the fact it was authorised or issued, or purportedly authorised or issued, prior to the 20th November, 1989.Company limited by guarantee9.(1)Subject to subsection (2), where a company is formed on the principle of having the liability of its members limited to such amount as the members respectively undertake to contribute to the assets of the company in the event of the same being wound up, (in this Law referred to as a company limited by guarantee), the memorandum of association shall also contain a declaration that each member undertakes to contribute to the assets of the company, in the event of the same being wound up during the time that he is a member, or within one year afterwards, for payment of the debts and liabilities of the company contracted before the time at which he ceases to be a member, and of the costs, charges and expenses of the winding up of the company, and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributories amongst themselves, such amount as may be required, not exceeding a specific amount to be therein named.(2)Where such a company has more than one class of member, the memorandum of association may contain a declaration that in a winding up of the company the amount of the undertaking of the members of a particular class shall be unlimited.(3) A company limited by guarantee may have a share capital.Memorandum of association may be altered10.Subject to section 13, a company may, by special resolution, alter its memorandum of association with respect to any objects, powers or other matters specified therein.Location of registered office may be changed11.(1) A company may, by resolution of the directors, change the location of the registered office of the company to another location in the Islands:Provided that, within thirty days from the date on which the resolution changing the location of the registered office is passed, the company shall deliver to the Registrar a certified copy of the resolution of the directors authorising the same.(2)Until such notice is given, the company shall not be deemed to have complied with this Law with respect to having an office.Signature and effect of memorandum of association12.The memorandum of association shall be signed by each subscriber in the presence of and be attested by at least one witness. It shall, when registered, bind the company and the members thereof to the same extent as if each member had subscribed his name and affixed his seal thereto and there were in the memorandum contained on the part of himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, a covenant to observe all the conditions of such memorandum, subject to this Law, and all monies payable by any member to the company under such memorandum shall be deemed to be a debt due from such member to the company.Power of company limited by shares to alter its share capital13.(1) A company limited by shares or a company limited by guarantee and having a share capital, if so authorised by its articles, may alter the conditions of its memorandum to -(a)increase its share capital by new shares of such amount as it thinks expedient:Provided that an exempted company having no shares of a fixed amount may increase its share capital by such number of shares without nominal or par value, or mayincrease the aggregate consideration for which such shares may be issued, as it thinksexpedient;(b)consolidate and divide all or any of its share capital into shares of larger amount than itsexisting shares;(c)convert all or any of its paid-up shares into stock, and reconvert that stock into paid-upshares of any denomination;(d)subdivide its shares or any of them, into shares of an amount smaller than that fixed by thememorandum, so, however, that in the subdivision the proportion between the amountpaid and the amount, if any, unpaid on each reduced share shall be the same as it was incase of the share from which the reduced share is derived; and(e)cancel shares which, at the date of the passing of the resolution in that behalf, have notbeen taken or agreed to be taken by any person, and diminish the amount of its sharecapital by the amount of the shares so cancelled or, in the case of shares without nominalor par value, diminish the number of shares into which its capital is divided. Paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) shall have no application to shares without nominal or par value.(2)The powers conferred by subsection (1) may not be exercised except by a resolution of the members of the company.(3)If a currency in which any of the capital of a company limited by shares or by guarantee is replaced by the euro, the provisions of the company’s memorandum of association and articles of association shall automatically be altered so as to re-denominate in euros the capital that is denominated in the replaced currency, at the conversion rate specified in, or otherwise calculated in accordance with, the relevant regulations adopted by the Council of the European Union, and the company, by resolution of the directors, may -(a)take such action to round up or down the euro nominal or par value of each share in thecompany or the euro guarantee amount to such multiple of the euro as the directors maydeem appropriate;(b)notwithstanding the requirement for a special resolution in section 31, if the name of thecompany includes a reference to a currency replaced by the euro, or an abbreviationthereof -(i)alter the name of the company to delete the reference or to substitute thereference with a reference to the euro or an abbreviation thereof; and(ii)add such further distinguishing wording as the directors consider appropriate;and(c)if the memorandum of association or articles of association of the company include areference or references to a currency replaced by the euro, alter any or all such referencesin either or both of the memorandum of association and the articles of association bysubstituting such references to the euro or an abbreviation thereof.(4) A company may, by resolution of the directors, reverse or vary the re-denomination of currency or any other action taken in accordance with the provisions of subsection (3).(5) A company of any resolution passed under subsection (3) or (4) shall be forwarded to the Registrar within fifteen days and shall be recorded by him.(6) A cancellation of shares or a rounding down of the nominal or par value of shares under this section shall not be deemed to be a reduction of share capital within the meaning of this Law.(7)If any action is taken by the company under paragraph (a) of subsection (3) to -(a)round up the euro nominal or par value of any issued share in the company, then anamount equal to the increase in nominal or par value of that share shall be transferred fromthe share premium account or from the profit and loss account (as the directors shall, intheir discretion, determine) and shall thereafter be deemed to be and treated as paid upshare capital of the company; or(b)round down the euro nominal or par value of any issued share in the company, then anamount equal to the decrease in the nominal or par value of that share shall be transferredfrom the paid up share capital of the company to the share premium account and shallthereafter be deemed to be and treated as share premium for the purposes of this Law.Special resolution for reduction of share capital14.(1)Subject to section 37 and to confirmation by the Court, a company limited by shares or a company limited by。

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开曼群岛公司章程与组织管理细则中英对照精选文档TTMS system office room 【TTMS16H-TTMS2A-TTMS8Q8-Company No.: 214079公司代码:214079MEMORANDUMANDARTICLES OF ASSOCIATIONOFKingworld Medicines Group Limited 金活医药集团有限公司公司章程与组织管理细则Incorporated on the 10th day of July, 2008 成立于2008 年7 月10 日INCORPORATED IN THE CAYMAN ISLANDS成立于开曼群岛(此乃英文版本之翻译本,一切内容以英文为准)THE COMPANIES LAW (2007 Revision)Company Limited by Shares《公司法》(2007 修订)MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATIONOFKingworld Medicines Group Limited金活医药集团有限公司公司章程1. The name of the Company is Kingworld Medicines Group Limited 公司名称金活医药集团有限公司.2. The Registered Office of the Company shall be at the offices of Offshore Incorporations (Cayman)Limited, Scotia Centre, 4th Floor, . Box 2804, George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-1112, CaymanIslands or at such other place as the Directors may from time to time decide.注册办事处应为境外注册组织(开曼)有限公司的所有办公室,地址为开曼群岛大开曼岛KY1-1112 乔治城斯科舍中心4 层邮政信箱2804,或者随时由董事决定的其他地点3. The objects for which the Company is established are unrestricted and shall include, but withoutlimitation, the following:本公司成立的营业目的是不受限制的,并应包括,但不限于以下方面:(a) (i) To carry on the business of an investment company and to act as promoters and entrepre ne ursand to carry on business as financiers, capitalists, concessionaires, merchants, brokers, traders,dealers, agents, importers and exporters and to undertake and carry on and execute al l kinds ofinvestment, financial, commercial, mercantile, trading and other operations.经营投资公司的业务,并承担推动者和企业家角色,并作为金融家,资本家,特许经营,商人,经纪人,贸易商,经销商,代理商,进口商和出口商,并承诺执行所有种投资,金融,商业,商人,贸易和其他业务。
(ii) To carry on whether as principals, agents or otherwise howsoever the business of realtors,developers, consultants, estate agents or managers, builders, co n tractors, engineers,manufacturers, dealers in or vendors of all types of property including services.进行不论作为委托人,代理人或其他房地产经纪人的业务,开发商,顾问,地产代理或经理,建筑商,承包商,工程师,制造商,经销商或所有类型的财产,包括服务供应商。
(b) To exercise and enforce all rights and powers conferred by or incidental to the ownership of anyshares, stock, obligations or other securities including without prejudice to the generality of theforegoing all such powers of veto or control as may be conferred by virtue of the holding by theCompany of some special proportion of the issued or nominal amount thereof, to provide managerialand other executive, supervisory and consultant services for or in relation to any company in whichthe Company is interested upon such terms as may be thought fit.对被赋予的或附带所有权的任何股份,股票,义务或其他证券行使及执行所有权利,包括在不妨碍否决上述权利的一般性或凭借由一些特殊的发行或名义数额比例的公司所赋予的控制权,为提供管理和其他行政,监督和咨询的服务,该公司有兴趣的营业项目都可能被认为是适合的(c) To purchase or otherwise acquire, to sell, exchange, surrender, lease, mortgage, charge, convert, turnto account, dispose of and deal with real and personal property and rights of all kinds and, inparticular, mortgages, debentures, produce, concessions, options, contracts, patents, annuities,licences, stocks, shares, bonds, policies, book debts, business concerns, undertakings, clai ms,privileges and choses in action of all kinds.拥有购买或收购,出售,交换,放弃,租赁,按揭,抵押,转换,转入帐户,处置和处理不动产和个人财产和各种权利,特别是,能进行按揭,债权证,生产,优惠,期权,合同,专利,年金保险,执照,股票,股份,债券,政策,账面债务,企业的关注,担保,索赔,特权和据法权产的各种行动(d) To subscribe for, conditionally or unconditionally, to underwrite, issue on commission or otherwise,take, hold, deal in and convert stocks, shares and securities of all kinds and to enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits, reciprocal concessions or cooperation with any person or company and to promote and aid in promoting, to constitute, form or orga n ise any company,syndicate or partnership of any kind, for the purpose of acquiring and undertaking any property and liabilities of the Company or of advancing, directly or indirectly, the objects of the Company or forany other purpose which the Company may think expedient.有条件或无条件认购,包销佣金问题,或持有,买卖及转换股票,股份和各种证券,讨论合伙关系问题或任何分享利润的安排,讨论相互优惠或与任何人或任何公司合作,推进和帮助促使,构成,形成任何形式的公司,集团或任何形式的的伙伴关系,组织收购,并承担本公司的任何财产及负债,或直接或间接推进达成本公司的或任何其他目的,完成该公司认为合宜的营业目的。
(e) To stand surety for or to guarantee, support or secure the performance of all or any of the obligations ofany person, firm or company whether or not related or affiliated to the Company in any manner and whether by personal covenant or by mortgage, charge or lien upon the whole or any part of theundertaking, property and assets of the Company, both present and future, including its uncalledcapital or by any such method and whether or not the Company shall receive valuable consideration thereof.保证或担保,支持或保护任何人员,商号或公司的所有或任何义务执行,不管是否以任何方式与公司有相关或隶属关系,无论是整体个人契约或按揭,索价或留置,或者任何部分的事业,公司的财产与资产,无论是现在和未来,包括其未催缴股本或以任何这样的方法,不论本公司是否须获得与价值相等的回报。