英国文学 2. The Age of Chaucer

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Literary achievement:
The Canterbury Tales
Had his own choice of subject, his own grasp of character and his own diction and plot.
Ⅲ The Canterbury Tales (1387-1400)
remarks on the way .
Stylistically (Chaucer’s contribution to the English language and
poetry) :
( P. 36)
1. The first great poet who wrote in the current English language; his poetry established English as the literary language of the country, and therefore Increased the prestige of English; he made the dialect of London the foundation for Modern English speech. 2. He introduced the metrical form (格律系统) into English poetry. 3. It was Chaucer who first introduced heroic couplets into English.
Son of a wine merchant; grew up in London, then already a busy port. In 1357 served at court as a page.
Three periods: * In 1358 ~ Joined the army, took part in the Hundred
* In 1360 ~ Returned to England, and got married to a maid of honor to the queen. For the next ten years he was sent to the Continent on diplomatic missions .
Excerpt Reading
When the little birds are busy with their song who sleep with open eyes the whole night long Life stirs their hearts and tingles in them so, Notes: stir: to excite strong feelings in sb. tingle: to cause a prickling, stinging sensation or feeling to sb.
Literary accomplishments:
Wrote mainly under the influence of the Italian culture, and his creativeness showed itself through borrowed themes.
Troilus and Cryseyde (《特洛伊罗斯和克瑞西达》)
Excerpt Reading
Then off as pilgrims people long to go, And palmers to set out for distant strands. And foreign shrines renowned in many lands. And specially in England people ride To Canterbury from every countryside To visit there the blessed martyred saint Who gave them strength when they were sick and faint.
The Parliament of Fowls (《百鸟议会》) The House of Fame ( 《声誉殿堂》 )
In 1382~ Was appointed Controller of Customs at the
port of London, and four years later elected Member of Parliament. Chaucer died on Oct. 25, 1400 and was buried in what has since become known as the Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey.
2. The General Prologue
Questions for consideration:
1. Is there anything special about the way the pilgrims are referred to? 2. In which order are they introduced? 3. In your opinion, why did Chaucer create the character “the Wife of Bath”?
Structure of the Work
The General Prologue + twenty four tales
The Prologue sets up the framework for the tales. What else does it introduce to readers? (P.37)
collection of true-to-life pictures. (P. 38)
The General Prologue + twenty four tales
Link: The personality of each character, his private life and habits, his mood and social status are revealed in the prologue and in the story he tells, as well as by his behavior along the road and his
1. Outline of the Story
(P. 36-37)
It should have been an immense work of 120 tales. Only 20 complete stories and 4 fragments were written. But, incomplete as they are, these tales cover practically all the major types of medieval literature: courtly romance, folk tale, beast fable, story of travel and adventure, saint’s life, allegorical (寓言) tale, sermon, alchemical (炼金术) account, and others. All these tales but two are written in verse.
EFra Baidu bibliotekcerpt Reading
General Prologue
The first 14 lines One sentence– 3 adverbial clauses (Line 1~11) + a main clause(Line 12-14):
Excerpt Reading
As soon as April pierces to the root The drought of March, and bathes each bud and shoot Through every vein of sap with gentle showers From whose engendering liquor spring the flowers; Notes: drought: A long period of low rainfall vein of sap: vessels in plants in which water and nutrients are carried from the roots to leaves and flowers. engender: bring into existence
Stylistically? (PP. 36-38)
3. Significance of the Work

* It draws a comprehensive picture of
Chaucer’s time. ( P. 36; P. 38)
* At the same time, it is more than a mere
“…故事的头几行描写了春天到来,万物复苏的景象,象征着 人性的复苏,为后面充满人文主义色彩的故事定下基调。接着 乔叟娓娓道来,叙述了故事的缘起,为朝圣者的出场作了铺垫” (Wang, 2002:2) 。
3. Significance of the Work
Chapter 3 The Age of Chaucer
Ⅰ Historical Background
1. The Hundred Years’ War 2. The Peasant Uprising of 1381
Ⅱ Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400)
Life and literary career:
Excerpt Reading
When zephyrs have breathed softly all about Inspiring every wood and field to sprout, And in the zodiac the youthful sun His journey halfway through the Ram has run; Notes: zephyrs: the west wind zodiac: 黄道十二宫 Ram: Aries, the first sign of zodiac; the sun is in the Ram from March 12 to April 11
The Canterbury Tales (《坎特伯雷故事集》) is Chaucer’ s
masterpiece and one of the monumental works in English literature.
The work was left unfinished upon the death of the poet in 1400.
Years’ War and was taken prisoner. Literary accomplishments : Imitated French poetry and even translated French
poems himself.
Romance of the Rose (《玫瑰传奇》)
Question for consideration:
In your opinion, why didn’t Chaucer choose to begin the General Prologue directly with a description of the pilgrims? Why should there exist a lengthy depiction of Nature and spring?