


1. ___ now on, I will learn English in the mornings.

A. Since

B. From

C. After

D. At

2. They are doing much better ___ Math ___ the help of their teacher.

A. in;with

B. in;at B. with;with D. on;at

3. South Korea is ___ the east of China.

A. in

B. to

C. on

D. at

4. The pupils will go to the museum ___ foot and come back ___ bus.

A. by;in

B. on;by

C. on;on

D. by;by

5. —There are so many cars on the road. You should obey the traffic rules and go ___the zebra.

—OK. I will follow your advice.

A. cross

B. across

C. through D, around

6. —There is a large beautiful bridge ___ the river in this town

A. over

B. on

C. under

D. beneath

7. Kate is not good ___ English but she does very well __ Biology.

A. in;at

B. at;in


D. on;at

8. It was very silly ___ you to take in what he said. He is a liar!

A. for

B. to D. of D. with

9. He suddenly return ___ a stormy night.

A. in

B. during

C. at

D. on

10. __________! There comes a train!

A. Look out

B. Look around

C. Look forward

D. Look on

12. The old man ___ a blue sweater is our new headmaster.

A. with

B. in

C. on

D. into

13. ___ the beginning of the meeting, the president made a speech ___ how to reduce pollution.

A. at;in


C. in;on

D. on;on

14. This beautiful skirt ____________ of cotton.

A. is made from B is made of C. makes from D. makes of

17—Did Sam go to the cinema yesterday?

—Yes, we all went there ____ him.

A. except for

B. beside

C. besides

D. except

18. He is sitting _______ the room that is _________ the old tree.

A. in the front of/in the front of

B. in front of/in the front of

C. in front of/in front of

D. in the front of/in front of

19. The doctor told me to take this medicine ____.

A. in time

B. on time

C. at times

D. by the time

20. The little girl made money ___ selling flowers.

A. in

B. on

C. with

D. by

21. Our Chinese like eating moon cake ____ Mid-autumn Day.

A. in

B. at

C. on

D. during

22. Would you mind not picking up the flowers in the garden? They are ____ everyone’s enjoyment

A. to

B. for

C. at

D. in

23. I get up early ____ the morning, but ___ Sunday morning I get up very late.

A. on;in

B. in;on

C. in;in

D. on;on

24.The plane arrived at London airport ______ Wednesday.

A. on

B. at

C. in

D. for

25.What do you usually do ________ Christmas?

A. on

B. at

C. in

D. for

27. The first class begins _______ 8 o’clock ______ the morning.

A. at/on

B. at/in

C. on /in

D. on/on

28._______the past two months he has been busy with his school work.

A. For

B. On

C. Since

D. At

29.________last Saturday, we had had two football matches with Class Two.

A. For

B. /

C. By

D. During

30.We will be in Nanjing _____ Tuesday ______Thursday.

A. on/ through

B. on/to

C. from/to

D. on./till

31.Mr Black will visit our new school building ______ two days.

A. before

B. after

C. at

D. in

32._______ the end of last spring Wang Hai joined the army _______ the end.

A. At/at

B. By/in

C. In /at

D. At /in

33.We will have a football match _____ this Saturday afternoon..

A. on

B. /

C. in

D. for

34.He came to see you _____ the evening of May 10th.

A. in

B. at

C. on

D. for

35.I’m afraid I gave you a lot of trouble ________ my stay here.

A. in

B. for

C. during

D. on

36.The supermarket is open ______ midnight.

A. at

B. on

C. till

D. /

37.She didn’t go to work ______ that morning. She slept ______ noon.

A. /…till

B. on…till

C. at…at

D. /…at

38.He was ill _____ a week, and _______ the week he ate almost nothing .

A. for/at

B. for/during

C. during/during

D. for/for

39.Days are longer ______ summer than ___________ winter.

A. in/in

B. in/on

C. from/to

D. to/in

40.Tom and Paul usually watch TV ______ weekends.

A. at

B. in

C. for

D. on

41.Every day the old man takes these children home _____ school.

A. at

B. to

C. from

D. after

42.Could you come to my office ________ the day after tomorrow.


B. on

C. in

D. at

43.Life will be better _____ the 21st century.

A. at

B. on

C. for

D. in

44.Do you often work late _____ night.

A. at

B. in

C. for

D. during

45.—Jimmy your toys should be in right order.

--- OK. I’ll get ___ them ___ right now.

A. put;down

B. put;away

C. put;up

D. put;on

46.We are going to ___ with some friends for a picnic this weekend. Would you like to come?

A. get on

B. get way

C. get along

D. get together

47.My aunt has worked in a hospital ___ 1949.

A. after

B. before

C. all

D. since

48.When did you get ___?

A. home

B. to home

C. at home

D. the home

49.This machine is made ___ China.

A. of

B. on

C. in

D. from

50.I don’t think you can finish the work ____ my help.

A. since

B. because

C. without

D. unless
