



Unit1 How can we become good learners?


1. ask sb. for help be patient

2.improve one’ s speaking skills

3. spoken English=oral English

4. make word cards

5. listen to tapes

6. the secret to language learning

7. be afraid to do sth. 8. fall in love with.. .

9. body language 10. take notes

11.make mistakes in grammar 12.learning habits 13. have sth. in common 14. pay attention to

15. connect…with… 16. write down key words

17. in class after class

18. be interested in… 19. do sth. on one’s own

20. worry about 21. depend on=rely on


1. What about doing sth ?

例:What about listening to tapes?


a. 介词prep. (指交通等)乘;

例:The man came by bus. 那人是坐公共汽车来的。

They went to Shanghai by plane. 他们坐飞机去上海。

b. 表示做某事的方式、方法结构:by+V-ing

How do you study for a test?

I study by making word cards.

3. 现在完成时态结构:have done,表示

例:Have you ever studied with a group?

5.It’s +adj+ (for sb) to do sth

It’s too hard (for me) to understand spoken English.

6. The more you read, the faster you’ ll be.


7. find it + adj + to do sth

例:I find it easy to learn English.

8. It’s a piece of cake. 小菜一碟/太容易了!

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!


1. the Lantern Festival

2. the Dragon Boat Festival

3. the Water Festival

4. eat five meals a day

5. put on five pounds lose weight

6. in two weeks

7. be similar to...

8. throw water at each other 9. in the shape of... 10. folk stories 11. lay out

12. the story of Chang,e 13. refuse to do sth

14. have good luck in the new year

15. end up end up with

16. share sth with sb 17. as a result


18. one ... the other... 19. care about

20. dress up 21. haunted house

22. play a trick on sb. 23. give out give up

24. trick or treat

25. light candles 26. the importance of…

27. take sb around…=show sb around…

28. warn sb to do sth. warn sb not to do sth

29. the beginning of new life

30. remind sb of …

31. promise to do sth. 32. treat sb. with.


1. What do/does+sb. + think of sth. ?

例:What does Wu Yu think of this festival?

2.宾语从句(P55) (复习直接引语和间接引语)



b.一般疑问句(if 或whether)


可跟that从句做宾语的动词:say, think, insist, wish, hope, demand, imagine, wonder, know, see, believe, agree, admit, deny, expect, explain, order, command, feel, dream, suggest, hear, mean, notice, prefer, request, require, propose, declare, report等

例:I don’t know what they are looking for.

Could you tell me when the train will leave?

注意:当主句谓语动词是 think, believe, suppose, expect 等词,而宾语从句的意思是否定时,常把否定转移至主句表示。

例:I don’t think it is right for him to treat you like that.

注意:由whether,if 引导的宾语从句由whether(if)引导的宾语从句,实际上是一般疑问句演变而来的,意思是“是否”。

例:I wonder whether(if) they will come to our party.


例:The teacher told us that light travels faster than sound.


How+adj. /adv. + 主 + 谓!

What (a/an)+名+ 主 + 谓!

例:What an interesting story it is! How tall Yao Ming is!


a. 将下列句子改为感叹句

It’s a nice dress.

They are lovely animals.

It’s bad weather.

Her son is very naughty

She is a very careful student.

b. 用What , What a , What an , How 填空。

1.______ hot the weather is!

2. _____ hard her father works!

3._____long way it is from Guangdong to Paris!

4.______fine day it was yesterday!

5.______lovely baby!

6._______beautiful your voice is!

7.______ sad news he told us!


8.________happy she was last weekend!

9.________nice the garden is!

10._______ happy life we have!

11._______delicious mooncakes!

Unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are?


1. turn left/right

2. on one’ s left/right

3. go along Main Street

4. have dinner

5.go to the third floor

6. a room for resting

7. be special about.. . 8. pardon me

9. come on 10. one one’ s way to...

11. something to eat 12. hold one’ s hand

13. mail(send) a letter 14. pass by

15. a rock band 16. in the shopping center

17. in some situations 18. park one’ s car

19. an underground parking lot 20. such as

21. thank sb. for doing sth. 22. look forward to…

23. meet sb. for the first time

24. in a rush to do sth.

25. be convenient to do sth.


1. not…until…

You never know until you try something.

2. It seems (that)…

It seems a rock band plays there every evening.

3. do you know...

例:Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine?

Do you know when the bookstore closes today?

4. Could you please tell me... ?

Could you please tell me how to get to the post office?

5.sb. suggest+ 从句(虚拟语气:should+V )

例:The clerk suggests they go to the museum.


① take some food take some medicine (=have吃,喝)

② take note s做笔记③ take one’s temperature ( 测量)

④ It take s sb some time/money to do something (花费,需要)

⑤ I’ll take this coat.(=buy购买)

⑥ take somebody / something to (带领,拿去,取)

⑦take a train to Chongqing (乘坐)⑧ take off(脱下)

3.turn 的用法

turn to page 80 翻到 It is your turn.轮到你了。

at the turning 在转弯处 turn on/ off/ up/ down 关

turn right/ left at the first turning /crossing

Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark.


1. used to do be used to doing

be used to do 2. in public

3. from time to time

4. in person

5. deal with It’s a deal.

6. look after=take care of二.重点语法

1. 辨析:

used to do sth. 过去常常做…

get/be used to sth./doing sth. 习惯于…

be used to do 被用于做…(被动语态)

be used by 由(被)…使用(被动语态)

be used as …被当做…使用(被动语态)

be used for doing 被用于做…(被动语态)

例: I used to go to work by bus. Now I take a taxi.

He used to be a problem boy. She used to be very shy.

I’m used to drinking a cup of water after meal.

He’s been used to living in the dormitory.

A hammer is used to drive nails.

This machine is used to clean the floor.

The girl is being used as a servant in the house.

A knife can be used for cutting bread.

2) afford(支付得起)的用法

afford sth 买得起…… afford to do sth 有足够的…去做…

例:His mother couldn’t afford to pay for her child’s education.

They did not consider whether they could afford the time or not.

We can’t afford to pay such a price. (such和so区别见P110)

3) take pride in sth/ sb = be proud of sth/ sb 为…感到自豪

例:He was watching me and take pride in everything good I do.

I take pride in my child. =I’m proud of my child.

注:He take pride in everything good I do. 这是一个定语从句。省略了关系代词that。先行词为不定代词时,关系代词只能用that。

4)the+序数词+最高级+N 第几(大/长/高…)

One of the/形容词性物主代词+Ns 谓语用三单

例:He is now one of the best students in his class

One of my best friends is a doctor.

One of his most expensive pens has been lost.

The yellow river is the second largest river in china.

Mount Qomolangma is the first highest mountain around the world.

练习:1. He used to (be) poor, but now he is rich and he can afford (buy) the most expensive car.

2. Tom takes pride his son, because he climbed the

(two) (high) mountain successfully.

3. She is used to (help) anyone that gets into trouble.

One of the (difficult) things (be) to believe


4.——Hey, what is it used to do?

——Well, it’s used (cut )down the tree.

Unit5 What are the shirts made of?


1.be made of

2.be made in

3.be made from

4.environmental protection

5.be famous for be known for

6. be produced in

7. be used for

8.as far as I know 9.pick by hand

10. turn... into 11. no matter

12.all over(around) the world 13.even though

14.avoid doing sth 15.everyday things

16.find out 17.go on a vacation

18.paper cutting 19.such as

20. send for 21.send out

22.be covered with 23.rise into

24.put on 25.as symbols of

26.fairy tale 二.重点语法

1.辨析:be made of 由...制作/制造(材料):在成品中能看出原材料

be made from由...制造/制成(材料):在成品中看不出原材料

be made in在...制作/制造(产地) Made in China.中国制造

例:The desk is made of wood. Bread is made of flour.

The paper is made from wood. Wine is made of grapes.

This kind of plane is made in China.

2. be famous for 以...闻名;为人知晓 be known for因...而闻

be famous as作为...而闻名 be known as作为...而闻名例:Jingdezhen is famous for china.

China is famous for its tourism.

Mo Yan is very famous as a writer.

3.allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事 allow doing sth

be allowed to do sth

例:Please allow me to come in.

My boss doesn't allow me to use the telephone.

We were not allowed to talk in class.

They allowed smoking in this room only.

注意:allow只可搭配动名词短语作宾语,不可直接搭用动词不定式作宾补,即只可说allow doing sth,不可说allow to do sth.



Unit 6 When was it invented?


1.by accident

2.divide into

3.take place happen

4.all of a sudden=suddenly

5.look up to

6.dream of



1. 辨析invent; find; find out; discover


例:Who invented the telephone?

He invented a new teaching method.



例:We've found oil under the South Sea.

I finally found my English book.

find out指经过研究或询问查明某事或真相。

例:I've found you out at last.

Please find out when the ship sails for New York.

Please find out what time the delegation will come.




Columbus discovered America in1492.

We soon discovered the truth.我们很快就弄清了真相。


a.Edison ____ the electric lamp.

b.I lost my necklace last night.I haven’t ____ it.

c.Who ____ America first?

d.Can you ____ what time the train leaves?




( ) 1. People's Republic of China __ on October 1, 1949.

A. found

B. was founded

C. is founded

D. was found

( ) 2. English ____ in Canada.

A. speaks

B. are spoken

C. is speaking

D. is spoken

( ) 3 This English song __ by the girls after class.

A. often sings

B. often sang

C.is often sang

D.is often sung

( ) 4 This kind of car___ in Japan.

A. makes

B. made

C. is making

D. is made

( ) 5 Computers ___ all over the world.

A. is used

B. are using

C. are used

D. have used

Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.


1. choose their own clothes

2. be serious about

3. care about

4. eight hours’


5. driver’s/driving license

6. instead of doing


7. wear uniforms 8. be good for be bad for 9. a fifteen-year-old boy 10. talk back

11. volunteer to do sth 12. make my own decision

13. old people’s home 14. the importance of 15. make


16. a professional runner 17.keep…away from get in the way of

18. stay up 19. a part-time job

20. be strict with sb. be strict in sth


1.She is a sixteen-year-old girl.=She is sixteen years old.

2. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事(主动语态)

be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事(被动语态)

Mother allows me to watch TV every night.

LiLy is allowed to go to America.

3. get their ears pierced 穿耳洞

让/使(别人)做某事 get sth. done(过去分词)

have sth. done

I get my hair cut. == I have my hair cut.

4. enough 足够

形容词+enough 如:beautiful enough 足够漂亮

enough+名词如:enough food 足够食物

enough…to 足够…去做…

例:I have enough money to go to Beijing. 我有足够的钱去北京。

She is old enough to go to school.她够大去读书了。

5. stop doing sth. 停止做某事Please stop speaking.

stop to do sth. 停止下来去做某事Please stop to speak.

6. 系动词用法:系动词+adj

常用的系动词有:look, feel, be, become, get, turn, smell, taste, stay(保持), kept等。连系动词除be和become等少数词可接名词作表语外,一般都是接形容词。

例:They are very happy. He became a doctor two years ago.

She felt very tired. The grass turns green.

7. get in the way of 碍事,妨碍如:

Her social life got in the way of her studies.

8. also 用于句中 I also like apples.

either用于否定句句末 I don’t like apples, either.

too 用于肯定句句末 I like apples, too.

Unit 8 it must belong to Carla.


1.be long to

2.listen to classical music

3.at school

4.at the picnic

5.go to the concert attend a concert

6. run for exercise

7.catch a bus

8.keep healthy 9.point out

10.pop music light music folk music country music foreign music jazz rock 11. the rest of

12. have no idea 13. not only…but also…

14. make noise 15.an ocean of 16. call the police

17. get on get off


1.must, may, might, could, may, can’t+动词原形表示推测,程度不同

must 一定,肯定(100%的可能性)

may, might, could有可能, 也许(20%-80%的可能性)

can’t 不可能, 不会(可能性几乎为零)

例:The dictionary must be mine. It has my name on it.

The CD might/could/may belong to Tony, because he likes listening to

pop music.

The hair band can’t be Bob’s. After all, he is boy!

2.当play 指弹奏乐器时,常在乐器前用定冠词

play the guitar play the piano play the violin

当play 指进行球类运动时,则不用定冠词

play football play basketball play baseball

3. try to do sth.尝试做某事

try/do one’s best to do sth. 尽某人的最大努力去做某事

例:I try to climb the tree.

He tried his best to run.

4.escape from …从哪里逃跑出来

例:He escaped from the burning building.

5. 辨析because of , because

because of +名词/代词/名词性短语

because +从句

例:I do it because I like it. 我做这件事是因为我喜欢。

I had to move because of my job. 因为工作的原因我得搬家。

6. anything strange 一些奇怪的东西

当形容词修饰something, anything, nothing, everything等不定代词时,放在这些词的后面

7. there be sb./ sth. doing

例:There is a cat eating fish.

There must be something visiting our home.

8. look for 寻找指过程 find 找到指结果

例:I am looking for a pen. 我正在找一支笔。(指找的过程)

I found my pen just now. 我刚刚找到了我的笔。(指找的结果)

9. hear 听指听的结果

listen 听指听的过程如:

例:Did you hear ? 你听到了吗?(指听的结果,听或没听到)

I often listen to the music. 我经常听音乐。(指听的过程)

10. take place 常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生”(二者都无被动)


例:Great changes have taken place in China since.

New things are happening all around us.

take place还有“举行”之意。

例:The meeting will take place next Friday.


例:It happened that I had no money on me.

Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.


1.stay away from

2. be sure

3. be sure to do

4.make sure that...…

5. stay out

6. stay up

7.in that case 8.in case

9.stick to 10.in total 11.plenty of

12.once in a while



【1】prefer A to B、A与B相比较,比较喜欢A

例:I prefer English to Chinese. I prefer fish to meat.

【2】prefer doing A to doing B,A与B相比,比较喜欢做A

例:I prefer swimming to running.

【3】prefer to do A rather than do B,A与B相比,比较喜欢做A

例:I preferred to stay behind rather than go with you.

【4】词组prefer not to do “不愿意做……”

2. whatever 相当于no matter what

例:Wherever you go, whatever you do, I’ll be right here waitin g for you.

3. cheer up高兴起来;振作起来使欢乐;使高兴

例:Cheer up!Your troubles will soon be over.

He tried to cheer them up with funny stories.

3.marry娶;嫁;结婚;和...结婚 marry sb. / get married 表示动作

例. He married a pretty girl.

She married a soldier. =She got married to a soldier.

They got married last year.

4. keep healthy 保持健康

例. In order to keep healthy, he keeps jogging every day.

keep in good health, keep fit和 stay healthy 都表示“保持健康”








an interesting book 形容词interesting做定语修饰book

a book that is interesting that is interesting句子做定语修饰book interesting/that is interesting作用是相同的,都是用作定语来修饰名词book, 这种在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。


I like music that I can dance to. (作宾语)

I prefer singers who can write their own songs. (作主语)

注1:That在从句中作主语或宾语(作宾语时that 可省略)

(指物)A plane is a machine that can fly. (作主语)

The noodles(that)I cooked were delicious. (作宾语)

(指人)Who is the man that is reading the book over there? (作主语) The girl (that) we say yesterday was Jim’s sister. (作宾语) 注2:从句的谓语和先行词的单复数保持一致

I like a sandwich that is really delicious.

I love singers who are beautiful.


(指物)The silk which is produced in Hangzhou sells well. (作主语) The songs (which)Liu Dehua sang were very popular. (作宾语) 注4:Who(主语), whom(宾语)

(指人)例.The boy who break the window is called Roy. (作主语) The person to whom you just talked is Mr. Li.(作宾语) 注5: Whose 在从句中作定语指人或物的所有格

I like the girl whose hair is long. (作定语)

Unit 10 You are supposed to shake hands.


1. be supposed to do sth

2. shake hands

3. drop by

4. after all

5. pick up


make a noise

7. table manners 8. get used to

9. be relaxed about

10. get mad 11.clean…off 12.take off

13.make an effort 14.make sb feel at home

15.cut up 16.be expected to do

17.make friends with 18.as soon as 19.to one’s surprise

20. be different from 21.on time in time


1. (1)suppose:猜想;假设 suppose that表示“猜测;假设”,that可

例:I suppose he is a student.

(2)be supposed to do sth被期望做某事,应该做某事。相当于should 和ought to

例:We are supposed to stop smoking.

You are supposed to say hello to the foreigners.


You are supposed _____ hands when you meet for the first t


A. to shake

B. shake

C. shaking

D. shook

2. make plans to do == plan to do. 打算做某事

例She has made plans to go to Beijing.=She has planed to go to Beijing.

go out of one’s way to do 特意,专门做某事

例:He went out of his way to make me happy.

3. In Switzerland, it’s very important to be on time.


例:To clean the blackboard is your job.

=It’s your job to clean the blackboard.

4. We are the land of watches, after all. 毕竟我们是钟表王


(1)the land of watches钟表王国

例:China is the land of bikes.

(2)after all毕竟

例:After all your brother is a little kid.


Don’t be angry with her, _____ she is your mother.

A. at first

B. by the way

C. after

all D. in a word

5. Thanks for...=Thank you for...表示“因...而感谢”,后接名词、


例:Thanks for helping me. Thanks for your message.

【练习】Thank you for _____ me to your birthday party.

A. to ask

B. asked

C. invite

D. Inviting

6. 辨析except和besides


例:I get up early except Sunday. (不包括星期天)

Nobody was late for the meeting except me today .


例:Five others are late besides me. (包含我在内)

7. not ...any more=no more 不再

not... any longer=no longer 不再

例:The boy didn’t cry any more/longer when he saw his mot her.

【练习】Don’t try to fool us. We are not children _______

A. any longer

B. any more

C. after all

D. A,

B and C

8.辨析maybe和may be

(1)maybe 副词:“大概、或许”,常用于句首表示不确定的猜测。

例:Maybe your father is at home.

(2)may be 情态动词:may+动词原形be构成句子的谓语,情态动词may 表示推测,译为:也许


【练习】Look at that tall man. He ______ your new teacher.

A. maybe

B. really be

C. to be

D. may be


九年级英语13-14重点短语 Unit13 We’re trying to save the earth! 1. Environment protection 环境保护 2. air pollution 空气污染 3. noise pollution 噪音污染 4. water pollution 水污染 5. Public places 公共场所;公共地方 6. Mobile phone 手机;可移动电话 10. The number of ... ...... 的数目 A number of …大量 11. Take part in 参加参加群众性活动 Join 加入…组织 Jion in 参加小规模的活动 12. Take action 采取行动;采取措施 13. Turn off关闭 = shut off 14. Paly a part in 在......中起作用 15. Make a difference 起作用;有影响 16. Pay for 付费;付出代价 17. Put sth to good use 好好利用= make good use of 18. Pull down 撤出;摧毁 19. Cut down 砍到;削减 20. Cut off 把......砍断开;截断 21. Add up 把......加起来;加起来 22. Clean up 把......打扫干净 23. Throw away 把......扔掉;丢掉、 24. Bring back 拿回;归还;恢复 25. Lead to 通向;导致 26. Can’t afford to do sth 不能承担做某事 27. Build sth . Out of 用......来建造某物 28. Be made of 被用......制造成29. Be made from 被用......制造成 30. Be famous for ........ 因......而出名 Be famous as 作为…而著名 Be famous in 在…内著名 31. Be full of 充满......;装满......= be filled with 32. Be good for 对......有好处 33. Be harmful to 对......有害 34. (be) in danger 处于危险状态之中 In trouble 处于麻烦之中 in need 需要 35. In the last twenty to thirty years. 在过去的20至30年中 36. At the top of sth 在......的顶部 37. Instead of 代替;取代 38. Upside down 上下颠倒;倒转 39 hear of 听说 hear from 收到来信 40.at the top of 在…顶部 41.so far 到目前为止 42.keep public clean and beautiful 保持公共场所干净漂亮 43.save the earth 拯救的球 44.instead of doing 代替做… 45.in front of 在…前面 46.in the front of 在…前部 47.set up 建立,创立 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 1. remember doing sth. 记得已做过某事(表示动作已经发生)


人教版九年级英语(全一册)重点短语 Unit1《How can we become good learners?》 【短语归纳】 1. have conversation with sb. 同某人谈话 2. too…to… 太……而不能 3. the secret to……的秘诀 4. be afraid of doing sth./ be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 5. look up 查阅 6. repeat out loud 大声跟读 7. make mistakes in 在……方面犯错误 8. connect ……with… 把……和……连接/联系起来 9. get bored 感到厌烦 10. be stressed out 焦虑不安的 11. pay attention to 注意;关注 12. depend on 取决于;依靠 13. the ability to do sth.. 做某事的能力 14. first of all 首先 15 take notes 做笔记,做记录 16. enjoy doing sth . 17. native speaker 说本族语的人 18. make up 组成、构成 19. be angry with sb. 对某人生气 20.each other 彼此

21.too many :许多,修饰可数名词too many girls 22.too much :许多,修饰不可数名词too much milk 23.much too :太,修饰形容词much too beautiful 24.change… into… 将…变为… 25. with the help of sb. == with one's help 在某人的帮助下 with the help of LiLei == with LiLei's help 在李雷的帮助下 26. compare … to … : 把…与…相比(compare with拿…和…比较) Unit2《I think that moon cakes are delicious!》 【短语归纳】 1. the Lantern Festival 元宵节 2. the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 3. the Water Festival 泼水节 4. be fun to watch 看着很有意思 5. eat five meals a day 一天吃五餐 6. put on five pounds 体重增加了五磅 7. in two weeks 两星期之后 8. be similar to... 与.......相似 9. end up最终成为;最后处于 10. share sth. with sb. 与……分享…… 11. as a result结果 12. one,. . the other... (两者中的)一个……另一个 13. take sb. out for dinner 带某人出去吃饭


九年级英语重点词组和句型 Unit 6 Topic 1 一、重点词组 1.play Chinese chess/play cards下中国象棋/打牌 2.would do sth. rather than do sth. =prefer to do rather than do宁愿做…也不愿意做… would rather do=prefer to do宁愿做… prefer doing to doing 比起…更喜欢… 3. hear of+短语听说hear+句子听说/听见 4.a story with a sad ending以悲伤结尾的故事 5. action movie 动作片science fiction movie科幻片 6.a little tired有点累 7.in a tired voice用疲惫的声音 8.in surprise 惊讶地 9.be shown =be put on=be on上映,上演 10.be based on 以…为基础 11.a scientist and inventor一个科学家兼发明家 12.with the help of在…的帮助下 13.get lost=be lost=lose one’s way迷路 14.be left被落下leave sb/sth+地点把…落在… 15.be found by a 10-year-old-boy 被一个10岁的男孩发现 16.all but one除一人以外所有人 17.manned mission to Mars 载人火星任务 19.on the same day 在同一天at the same time在同时in the same year在同一年 获奖名单 21. point out指出point at指着(近) point to指向,指着(远) 22.the first …to do sth 第一个做…的(人) 23.win the award获得这个奖项 24.a general review of …总体回顾,简单总结 25.would love/like sb. to do=want sb. to do想要某人去做某事 26.follow in his footsteps继承他的事业,步某人后尘 27.in an interview在一次面试/采访中 28.be into sth./doing sth.热衷于/对…着迷/感兴趣 29. after all毕竟 30.take up占据时间/空间,开始从事 31.spend most of their time watching TV花费大部分时间看电视 32.have a huge influence on people’s lives对人们的生活有巨大影响 33.As is known to all=As we know=It’s known that…众所周知 34.ways of getting information获取信息的方式 35. provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb. supply sb. with sth.=supply sth to sb. offer sb. sth= offer sth. to sb. 给某人提供某物,提供某物给某人


九年级英语常用短语 1.It’s time for sth. 该到做某事的时间了. 2.It’s time to do sth.(It’s time for sb. to do sth) 该到(某人)做某事的时间了. 3. 2. can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待地要求做某事. 4. 3. ask (tell)sb. (not )to do sth . 请(告诉)某人(不)做某事. 5. 4. make/let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事. 6. 5. hear/see/sb. do sth 听见/看见某人做某事. 7. 6. had better(not )do sth 最好不做某事. 8.7. It’s better to do sth最好做某事 9.8. It’s best to do sth最好做某事 10.9. enjoy 喜欢做某事 11.10. finish 结束做某事 12.11. keep 继续做某事 13.12. keep on doing sth. 继续做某事 14.13. carry on 继续做某事 15.14. go on 继续做某事 16.15. feel like 喜欢做某事 17.16. stop to do sth 与stop doing sth 停下来去做某事(与)停止做某事. 18.17. forget/remember to do 与forget/remember doing sth.忘记/记得去做某事(与) 忘记/记得曾经做过事. 19.18. keep(precent,stop)sb. from doing sth阻止/防止/阻栏栽人做某事 20.19. prefer….to ……喜欢…..胜过…… 21.20. prefer to do sth. rather than do ath.宁愿做某事,而不原做某事. 22.21. used to do sth.过去常常做某事. 23.22. What’s wong with……? …..出了问题(事)? 24.23. have nothing to do with….. 与…..无关 25.24. be busy doing sth . 在忙于做某事 26.25. too…..to….. 太……以致知于不…… 27.26. so ……that ….. 如此….. 以致知于不…… 28.27. such…..that…… 如此….. 以致知于不…… 29.28. It take sb. some time to do sth .某人做某事用了一些时间. 30.29. spend …..on sth.(doing sth.)花钱/时间做某事. 31.30. pay…..for sth.花费(钱)买某物. 32.31. What /how about……? …….怎么样(好吗)? 33.32. would like to do sth .想要/愿意做某事.. 34.33. I don’t think that我认为……不….. 35.34. Why not do sth.? Why don’t you do sth .?为什么不做某事呢?


人教版九年级英语(全一册)重点短语 Unit1《How can we become good learners?》 【短语归纳】 1、have conversation with sb、同某人谈话 2、too…to… 太……而不能 3、the secret to……的秘诀 4、be afraid of doing sth、/ be afraid to do sth、害怕做某事 5、look up 查阅 6、repeat out loud 大声跟读 7、make mistakes in 在……方面犯错误 8、connect ……with… 把……与……连接/联系起来 9、get bored 感到厌烦 10、be stressed out 焦虑不安的 11、pay attention to 注意;关注 12、depend on 取决于;依靠 13、the ability to do sth、、做某事的能力 14、first of all 首先 15 take notes 做笔记,做记录 16、enjoy doing sth 、 17、native speaker 说本族语的人 18、make up 组成、构成 19、be angry with sb、对某人生气 20、each other 彼此

21、too many :许多,修饰可数名词too many girls 22、too much :许多,修饰不可数名词too much milk 23、much too :太,修饰形容词much too beautiful 24、change… into… 将…变为… 25、with the help of sb、== with one's help 在某人的帮助下with the help of LiLei == with LiLei's help 在李雷的帮助下 26、compare … to … : 把…与…相比(compare with拿…与…比较) Unit2《I think that moon cakes are delicious!》 【短语归纳】 1、the Lantern Festival 元宵节 2、the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 3、the Water Festival 泼水节 4、be fun to watch 瞧着很有意思 5、eat five meals a day 一天吃五餐 6、put on five pounds 体重增加了五磅 7、in two weeks 两星期之后 8、be similar to、、、与、、、、、、、相似 9、end up最终成为;最后处于 10、share sth、with sb、与……分享……  11、as a result结果 12、one,、、the other、、、(两者中的)一个……另一个 13、take sb、out for dinner 带某人出去吃饭


九年级人教版英语各单元重点短语及句型Unit1 How can we become good learners? 一.重点短语 ask sb. for help improve one`s speaking skills spoken English=oral English make word cards listen to tapes the secret to language learning be afraid to do sth. fall in love with.. . body language take notes make mistakes in grammar learning habits have sth. in common pay attention to connect…with… write down key words in class after class be interested in… do sth. on one’s own worry about depend on=rely on good learners work with friends study for a test have conversations with speaking skills the secret to......, the meaning of be patient 请求某人的帮助 提髙某人说的能力英语口语 制作单词卡片 听磁带 语言学习的诀窍 不敢'做某事 爱上 肢体语言 记笔记 犯语法错误 学习习惯有...共同点 注意 把....与....联系起来 摘抄重点词 在课堂上 课后 对.......感兴趣 独立做某事 为...而担忧 依赖;取决于 优秀的学习者 和朋友一起学习 备考 与……交谈 口语技巧.......的秘诀 ……的意思 耐心点儿 二.用法集萃 by doing sth 通过做某事 find .it +be+adj+to do sth 发现做某事是……finish doing sth 完成某事 what about doing sth?做某事怎么样?try to do sth 尽力做某事


九年级全册重点短语归纳 1.work with sb.与某人一起学习 2.make word cards制作单词卡片 3.listen to tapes听录音带 4.ask sb. for help向某人求助 5.watch videos看录像 6.have conversations with sb.=talk with sb. 和某人谈话 7.too…to太…而不能 8.fall in love with爱上… 9.as well也 10.look up(在字典上)查阅;抬头看 11.so that以便;为了 so...that.....=such...that...如此..以致... 12.take notes记笔记 13.spoken English英语口语 14.make mistakes in在…方面犯错 15.depend on取决于 16.pay attention to注意;关注 17.connect…with把…和…连接/联系起来 18.get bored感到厌倦 19.be stressed out感到焦虑不安 20.each time=every time每次;每当 21. a little有点;一点, 修饰不可数 a few 一些,几个,修饰可数 22.put on增加(体重),发胖;穿上 23.in two weeks两周后,用在将来时 24.sound like听起来像,后接名词 25.each other相互;彼此 26.in the shape of呈…的形状 27.on the Mid-autumn night在中秋之夜 28.shoot down射下 29.call out叫喊;大声说出 call in 召来,叫来 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6811594816.html,y out摆开;布置 31.dress up as打扮成 get dressed穿衣服 32.think of认为,想起 think back to回想起 think about考虑 33.play a trick/joke on sb.=play tricks/jokes on sb. 开某人的玩笑34.make money挣钱 35.remind sb. of sth.使某人想起某事 36.wake up醒来 wake sb. up叫醒某人 37.at the beginning of…  在…的开始 38.give out=hand out发放;分发 39. a pair of一对;一双 40.get to=arrive at/in到达 41.on one’s left/right在某人的左/右边 42.turn left/right向左/右转 43.between…and…在…和…之间 44.go past=pass by经过;路过 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6811594816.html,e on来吧,加油 46.on one’s way to在某人去…的路上 47.pardon me抱歉;对不起;请再说一遍 48.from time to time时常;有时 49.such a great idea如此好的一个主意 50.take up sth.开始从事某事 51.deal with应对;处理 52.not…anymore=no longer=no more不再 53.all the time总是,一直 54.get tons of attention得到大量的关注 55.fight on继续奋斗 56. a number of大量,许多,后接可数名词 a lot of=lots of=plenty of 大量,许多,后接可数或不可数名词 57.at least至少 58.in public公开地;在公众面前 59.on the soccer team在足球队里 60.be absent from classes逃课 61.send…to…把…送到… send for派人去请 send out发出,发送 62.make friends with sb.与某人交朋友 be friends with sb.成为某人的朋友 63.in person亲身;亲自 64.even though=even if尽管;即使;纵然 65.take pride in=be proud of为…感到自豪 66.be made of/from由…制造/制作(材料) be made in在…制造/制作(地点) be made into被制成(成品) be made by被....制作(人) 67.be famous for以……而著名 be known for以…闻名;为人知晓 68.as far as I know据我所知 69.pick by hand手工采摘 70.all over the world=around the world全 世界 71.no matter不论;无论 72.everyday things=daily things日用品 73.find out查明;弄清 74.go on a vacation=take vacation去度假 75.paper cutting剪纸 76.such as=for example例如 77.turn…into…变成… 78.be covered with被…覆盖 79.rise into上升到;升入 80.have a point有道理 81.at that time在那时 82.by accident偶然;意外地 by mistake错误地;无意中 83.fall into=drop into落入;掉入 84.make tea制茶 85.less than少于 86.more than多于 87.take place发生;出现 88.without doubt毫无疑问;的确 in disbelief怀疑;难以置信地 89.at a low price以低价 90.all of a sudden突然;猛地 91.work on从事与;致力于 work out解决 92.be similar to与…类似 93.in the end=at last最后 94.divide…into…把……分开…… 95.at the same time同时 96.the number of… …的数量 97.look up to钦佩;仰慕 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6811594816.html,e up with=think out想出 99.driver’s license 驾照 100.No way!没门! 101.be worried about=worry about担心 102.get one’s ears pierced 打耳洞 103.take photos/pictures拍照;照相 104.make sure确信,确保 105.keep sb. away from sth.使某人远离某物 keep away from sth.远离某物 106.hurt oneself伤到某人自己


九年级全一册短语表 Unit1 短语 make a vocabulary list 制作词汇表listen to tapes 听磁带listen to the teacher carefully 认真听课ask sb. for help 寻求帮助 ask sb to do sth. 叫某人做某事 tell sb about sth 告诉某人某事study for a test 为一次测试学习] work with sb 与某人一起工作practice conversations with sb 与某人练习对话 read/speak aloud=read loudly 大声说improve my listening/speaking skills 提高听力/口语技巧 too hard to understand the voices 太难了而听不懂(说的内容) too…to 太……而不能 : 常用的句型too+adj./adv. + to do sth. 如:I’m too tired to say anything. 我太累了,什么都不想说。 the best way to learn English 学英语的最好方法 frustrate sb = make sb frustrated 使某人沮丧 find sth frustrating 发现某事沮丧 / read English magazines 看英语杂志 not at all 根本不 end up doing sth 结束做某事make mistakes in sth 在某方面出错make mistakes 犯错 first of all 首先 to begin with 以……开始 be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事 be afraid of sth/sb 害怕…… ,laugh at sb(宾格)嘲笑某人 take notes=write down the notes 做笔记have trouble/difficulty(in)doing sth 做某事有困难 look up the words in a dictionary 用字典查阅单词 deal with=do with 处理 be angry with 对……感到生气 ^ go by (时间)过去、消逝 Time goes by. 时间流逝。 decide to do 决定做某事 如:Li Lei has decided to go to Beijing . 李雷已经决定去北京。 decide not to do 决定不做某事on duty 值日 It’s our duty to distribute to the society. ~ regard sth as a challenge 把某事视为挑战 too much + n. 太多… much too + adj. 太 change problems/troubles/difficulty into challenge 把困难变成挑战 try one’s best to do sth 尽力做某事with the help of sb 在某人帮助下 ( = with one’s help help sb (to) do sth = help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 compare A to B 把A与B进行对比Unit2 短语 1. used to 过去常常 2. be afraid of=be terrified of 害怕 3. a couple of days 两天 ] glasses 戴眼镜 5. have long/straight/curly hair 留着……发型


九年级英语重点短语和句型 Unit 1 Section A make word cards 制作词卡 read the textbook 阅读课本 listen to tapes 听磁带 ask the teacher for help 求助老师 study for a test 备考 work with a group 小组合作 have conversations with friends 和朋友们谈话read aloud 朗读 improve speaking skills 提高口语技能 give a report 作报告 a slow reader 一个阅读速度慢的人 get the main ideas 获取大意 at first 起初;开始 read word by word 逐字读 word groups 意群 be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心 It takes time. 这得花时间/ 这得慢慢来。 be afraid to do / of doing sth. 害怕做某事 poor pronunciation 发音不好 fall in love with ... 爱上…… body language 身势语;肢体语言 the expression(s) on one’s face 某人脸上的表情listen for the key words 留神听关键词 as well 也 the secret to ... ……的秘诀 language learning 语言学习 It’s a piece of cake. 小菜一碟。 It serves you right. 你活该。 look up the word in a dictionary 在字典中查单词take notes 记笔记 memorize sentence patterns 记忆句型 do grammar exercises 做语法练习 keep a diary in English 用英语记日记 Section B increase reading speed 提高阅读速度 make mistakes in grammar 在语法方面犯错 be born with ... 天生具有…… the ability to learn 学习的能力 depend on 取决于;依赖learning habits 学习习惯 have ... in common 有……共同之处 create an interest in ... 对……产生兴趣 pay attention to 注意;关注 connect ... with ... 把……和……连接或联系起来learn from mistakes 从错误中学习 think about 考虑 Use it or lose it. 非用即失。 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 develop study skills 培养学习技能 write down 写下;记下 look for ways to review 寻找复习的方法Knowledge comes from questioning. 知识源于质疑。 Unit 2 Section A the Water Festival 泼水节 the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 the Spring Festival 春节 the Lantern Festival 元宵节 Mother’s Day 母亲节 Father’s Day 父亲节 a little too crowded 有点太拥挤 eat out 出去吃饭 put on five pounds 体重增加了5磅 Guess what? 你猜怎么着? in two weeks 两周以后 the hottest month of the year 一年中最热的月份be similar to 和……相似 the Dai people 傣族 throw water at each other 互相泼水 wash away bad things 洗去晦气 have good luck in the new year 在新的一年交好运 celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival 庆祝中秋节in the shape of a full moon 一轮满月的形状 on the Mid-Autumn night 在中秋节的晚上traditional folk stories 传统民间故事 shoot down 射下 magic medicine 仙药 live forever 长生不老


九年级英语总复习----重点短语和句型整理Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 重点短语 1. good learners 优秀的学习者 2. work with friends 和朋友一起学习 3. study for a test 备考 4.have conversations with 与……交谈 5.speaking skills 口语技巧 6.a little 有点儿 7.at first 起初起先 8.the secret to... .......的秘诀 9.because of 因为 10.as well 也 11.look up 查阅;抬头看 12.so that 以便,为了 13.the meaning of ……的意思 14.make mistakes 犯错误 15.talk to 交谈 16.depend on 依靠依赖 17.in common 共有的 18.pay attention to 注意关注 19. connect …with …把……联系 20.for example 例如 21.think about 考虑 22.even if 即使尽管纵容 23.look for 寻找 24.worry about 担心担忧 25.make word cards 制作单词卡片 26.ask the teacher for help 向老师求助 27.read aloud 大声读 28.spoken English 英语口语 29.give a report 作报告 30.word by word 一字一字地 31. so……that 如此……以至于 32.fall in love with 爱上 33.something interesting 有趣的事情 34.take notes 记笔记 35.how often 多久一次 36.a lot of 许多 37.the ability to do sth. 做某事的能力


九年级英语全册短语归纳 1.agree to do sth.同意做某事 2.need to do sth.需要做某事 3.want (sb.)to do sth.=would like to do sth. 想(某人)做某事 4.expect (sb.) to do sth.期待某人做某事 be expected to do sth.被期待做某事 5.be supposed to do sth.应该做某事 5.advise (sb.) to do sth.建议(某人)做某事 6.encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事 7.seem to do sth.似乎做某事 8.be excited to do sth.兴奋做某事 9.ask sb. (not) to do sth.叫某人(不)做某事 10.tell sb. (not) to do sth.告诉某人(不)做某事 11. used to do sth. 过去常做某事 12.be used to do sth.被用来做某事 13. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 14. try to d o sth. =try one’s best to do sth.=make an effort to do sth.尽力做某事 15. learn to do sth. 学会做某事 16. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 17.be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事should be allowed to do sth.应该被允许做某事 18. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 19. It’s + adj.+ for sb. + to do sth. 对某人来说, 做某事怎么样 20.offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 21. be able to do sth.能够做某事 22. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花某人时间 23.find+ it +adj. + to do sth.发现做某事怎样 24.hope to do sth.希望做某事 25. feel free to do sth. (可以)随便做某事 26.be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事 27.teach sb. to do sth.教某人做某事 28.plan to do sth.=make plans to do sth.计划做某事 29.be about to do sth.正要做某事 30.guide sb. to do sth.指导某人做某事 31.warn sb. (not) to do sth.警告某人(不)做某事 32.dare to do sth.敢于做某事 33.be ready to do sth.=be prepared to do sth. 准备做某事


Unit 11重点 1 make a telephone call (to sb ) 打电话 2 get sth about sth得到有关某事的情况 3 save money存钱 4 take the elevator to the second floor乘扶梯上二楼。 5 between ---and在两者之间/ next to him 和他相邻/ among在(三者以上)之间 6 go past路过go out the front door 走出前门 7 exchange money换钱 8 on the second floor在第二楼 9 decide to do sth决定做某事 10 hang out with sb与某人闲逛 11 prefer being outside 更喜欢在外面 12 There is always something happening总有某些事情发生 13 free concerts免费音乐会 14 It’s fun to watch people观看人也很有趣的。 15 kind of small =a little small 有点小 16 turn left / right/ 向左/右 17 a great place for sb to do sth 某人做某事的好地方 take/ have a vacation= go on / spend holiday 休假 dress up as clowns 打扮成小丑 20 take dance lessons 上舞蹈课 21 spend happy hours walking through the museum 徜徉在博物馆里快乐度过几小时 22 find stamps fascinating 发现邮票很迷人 23 in town 在城镇/ in the country 在乡下 24 put sth in a safe place 把东西放在安全地方 24 lend me the pen= lend the pen to me把那笔借给我/( borrow sth from sb ) 24 how to ask for information politely如何有礼貌地询问信息 25 Sound rude (adj) 听起来粗鲁/不文明 26 It is important to use correct languages用正确的语言很重要 27 need to learn how to be polite需要学如何才是礼貌 28 change the way we speak 改变说话的方式 29 depend on whom you are talking to 决定于和谁说话 30 in some situations 在某些情况下 31 a direct order 一个直接的命令 32 such as 好像,例如 33 spend time leading in to a question花费时间引出一个问题 34 I wonder if / what ----我想知道是否--- 35 I’m sorry to trouble you 对不起麻烦你 36 in order not to offend people为了不得罪人 1. Do you know where I can buy shampoo? 你知道我在哪里可以买到洗发香波吗? 2. Could you tell me how to get to the post office? 你能告诉我怎样到邮局吗? 3. Can you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? 你能告诉我在哪里可以买到词吗? 4. Could you please tell me if there are many good museums in New Town? 你能告诉我在Newtown是否有许多好的博物馆吗? 5. The museum is really interesting.这家博物馆确实很有趣。


1. It’s time for sth. 该到做某事的时间了. It’s time to do sth.(It’s time for sb. to do sth) 该到(某人)做某事的时间了. 2. can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待地要求做某事. 3. ask (tell)sb. (not )to do sth . 请(告诉)某人(不)做某事. 4. make/let sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事. 5. hear/see/sb. do sth 听见/看见某人做某事. 6. had better(not )do sth 最好不做某事. 7. It’s better to do sth最好做某事 8. It’s best to do sth最好做某事 9. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 10. finish doing sth. 结束做某事 11. keep doing 继续做某事 12. keep on doing sth. 继续做某事 13. carry on doing 继续做某事 14. go on doing继续做某事 15. feel like doing喜欢做某事 16. stop to do sth 与stop doing sth 停下来去做某事(与)停止做某事. 17. forget/remember to do 与forget/remember doing sth.忘记/记得去做某事(与) 忘记/记得曾经做过事. 18. keep( prevent, stop)sb. from doing sth阻止/防止/阻栏栽人做某事 19. prefer….to ……喜欢…..胜过…… 20. prefer to do sth. rather than do ath.宁愿做某事,而不原做某事. 21. used to do sth.过去常常做某事. 22. What’s wong with……? …..出了问题(事)? 23. have nothing to do with….. 与…..无关 24. be busy doing sth . 在忙于做某事 25. too…..to….. 太……以致知于不…… 26. so ……that ….. 如此….. 以致知于不…… 27. such…..that……如此….. 以致知于不…… 28. It take sb. some time to do sth .某人做某事用了一些时间. 29. spend …..on sth.花钱/时间做某事. spend …(in) doing sth. 30. pay…..for sth.花费(钱)买某物. 31. What /how about……? …….怎么样(好吗)? 32. would like to do sth .想要/愿意做某事.. 33. I don’t think that我认为……不….. 34. Why not do sth.? Why don’t you do sth .?为什么不做某事呢? 35. What do you mean by….?你….是什么意思? 36. What do you think of …..(How do you like ….)你认为….怎么样? 37. Mike enjoys collecting stamps . So do I.迈克喜欢集邮.我也喜欢. 38. The more, the better . 越多越好. 39. Thanks for doing sth.谢谢你做了某事. 40. It is said that….. 据说…… 1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、look at (感官动词)+ do eg :I like watching monkeys jump
