最新Unit 4 Astronomy 基础写作 人类的登月史

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Unit 4 Astronomy 基础写 作 人类的登月史
serious study of a subject, in order to discover new facts or test new ideas
2. explore
1) to travel around an area in order to find out
2) Liu Xiang __w_o_n_t_h_e_g_o_l_d_m__e_d_a_l _ in the men’s 110 meters hurdles, w__h_ic_h_m__a_d_e_h_i_m_ the first one to have won three gold medals in three straight Asian Games.
3. 更重要的是, 我们不能让这次事故影响我们 探索太空的决心。
1) _M__o_re__im__p_o_rt_a_n_tl_y_, we can’t _h_a_v_e__ our determination to _e_x_p_l_o_re_ the moon _a_ff_e_c_te_d_ by the accident.
about it
2) to look at, to discuss or think about
something carefully
3. launch
1) to start something, usually something big
or important
2) to send a weapon or spacecraft into the
2) Since 1957 w__h_e_n_ the Soviet Unions_e_n_t_it_s_f_ir_st man-made satellite _i_n_to__s_p_a_c_e_, human beings have been _t_ry_in__g_to__e_x_p_lo_r_e__ the moon.
5. 遇难(失去生命) lose one’s life
Baidu Nhomakorabea汇训练
6. 震惊全球 shock the whole world
7. 影响我们探索太空的决心 affect our determination to explore the space
1. 大多数人认为将卫星送入太空会给人类带来 益处。
sky or into space
4. land
1) to make a plane move safely down onto
the ground at the end of a journey
2) to arrive somewhere in a plane, boat etc.
5. benefit
1) v.
if you benefit from something or it benefits you, it gives you an advantage, improves your life, or helps you in some way
2) n.
an advantage, improvement, or help that you get from something
1. 1959年, 苏联发射了人类第一颗月球探测器* “月球1号” (Luna 1),人类探索太空正式开始; 2. 1969年, 美国的 “阿波罗11号” (Apollo 11) 载 人飞船成功登月,宇航员尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)说:“这是个人迈出的一小步,但却 是人类迈出的一大步。”; 3. 到1972年, 人类已经先后登月6次, 对月球有 了更全面、 更深入的了解; 4. 2007 年 10 月 , 中 国 发 射 了 “ 嫦 娥 1 号 ” (Chang’e 1) 月球探测器, 成为世界上第五个发射 月球探测器的国家。
2. 自从1957年苏联发射第一颗人造卫星起, 人类 就一直在尝试着探索月球。
1) Since the Soviet Union l_a_u_n_c_h_e_d_i_ts__fir_s_t manmade satellite in 1957, human beings have been _tr_y_in_g__to__e_x_p_lo_r_e_ the moon.
1. 将航天飞机送入太空 send a space shuttle into space
2. 登陆月球 land on the moon
3. 发射一颗气象卫星 launch a weather satellite
4. 在它第十次去往太空的途中 on its tenth journey into space
4. 刘翔获得广州亚运会男子110米栏冠军, 成为了 亚运会该项目三连冠的第一人。
won the championship 1) Liu Xiang _b_e_c_a_m_e__th_e__c_h_a_m_p_i_o_n_ of the men’s 110 meters hurdles and _b_e_c_a_m__e_ the first one to have won three gold medals in three straight Asian Games.
believe think 1) Most people _c_o_n_s_id_e_r_ that it is b_e_n_e_f_ic_i_a_l to _s_e_n_d_ satellites __in_to__s_p_a_c_e__.
2) _A__m_a_j_o_ri_ty__o_f _ people _h_o_ld__th_e__vi_e_w__ that _s_e_n_d_in_g__ satellites __in_t_o_s_p_a_c_e_ will _b_e_n_e_fi_t mankind.
2) W__h_a_t_’s_m__o_r_e_im__p_o_r_ta_n_t_is_ that we can’t _h_a_v_e_ our determination to _e_xp_l_o_re_ the moon a_f_fe_c_t_e_d_ by the accident.