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本文介绍了一条年产25万吨左右的高强瓦楞原纸项目的纸机方案,纸机方案的选择 借鉴于企业内部原箱板纸生产线以及国内其他瓦楞原纸纸机,是在目前国产纸机的基础上 进行的部分改进、创新,某些特殊工艺直接引进了国外先进技术。
本方案所用原料为国内废纸和少量渣浆,选用Kandant B1ack C1awson(KBC)公司 的废纸处理线。纸机选用国产的5500/900瓦楞原纸纸机,抄造产品定量80~1409/m2,工 作车速800m/min,卷纸机纸幅宽5500咖,采用交流变频分部传动,生产能力为697t/d。 纸机部分主要流程为流浆箱一网部一压榨一Ij{『干燥一施胶一后干燥一卷取,配有供浆系 统、真空系统、损纸处理、白水回收、胶料制备、蒸汽冷凝水、D1stributed Control System
The total inVestment of this project is about RMB283.404224 million.If the研ce of comlgated medium aCcording to 3000yuall per ton and production time is 340 day per ye瓯it
materials.Wim cormgated cardboard to the deVelopment of tlle li曲tweight,microminiaturization
Cormgated medium also haVe to deVelopment to high stren昏h,low quaIltitatiVe.Since the
学位论文作者签名: 啄瓠 日期:为I L年∥月Ⅺ日
学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有 关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅或借阅。本人授权浙江理工人学 可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描 等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。
co唧gated Cormgated medium has low value in a long time,there are only a few
production lines built in our coumry.It lead me production of ComJgated medium,especially high.Stren昏h cormgated medium,can’t meet domeStic market demand.We haVe to impon a lot of comJgated medium f.rom abroad eVery year.Therefore,deVeloping high’strength aIld low quantitative corrugated paper accord with the demand of the market and the need of the society.
项目所用的蒸汽来自于企业的自备热电厂,企业也配备了污水处理站。生产中产生的 废渣可以经过压滤机处理后掺杂到热电厂的煤里进行燃烧,也可以进行卫生填埋;车间白 水通过白水回收多盘全部回用到生产线,造纸污水经过污水站处理后可以达到直接外排标 准。
本项目总投资约28340.4224万元,生产的高强瓦楞原纸价格按3000元/吨、年生产 时间以340天计算,所交利税达到2487.195l万元/年,全年利润可达7899.9937万元, 预计项目回收年限5.59年(其中包括2年建设期)。 关键词:包装材料;瓦楞原纸;造纸机;浆水平衡;设备选型;废水处理
system,vacuum system,broke disposal system,saVeall,sizing agent preparation system,condensed
ste锄syStem,DCS system,QCS system a11d so on.The hydraulic headbox with dilution water is directly import舶m Andritz in Austria.It haS very good sizing eVenness.Imported IBS cer锄ics blades equipped in wire section can increase the dehydration e位ct a11d reduce the wear of polyeSter foming埘re.The Fourd血ier with 0n—Top Fonner could let paper eVeIlness more
The ste锄used in this project come fIrom facto叫-owned cogeneration power plant.The
facto叮also has a sewage treatment station.The、Ⅳaste residue aRer the 6lter press call mix in buming coal as raw material.It caIl also be saJlitar)r landfills.Whitewater f而m workshop could be reused by the saVeaU.The wastewater f.rom p印emlaking can achieve the national standards tllrough treatment of sewage treatment station.
This anicle introduces a design of a 250,OOO tons per year high stren西h corrugated medium paper machine.This machine is made some tecllnology improVemeΒιβλιοθήκη Baidut on demestic machine,a11d
+Shoe Press.The selection of more州de press pressure area can improve the dehydration of the
press section.Three section d巧er controlis used in d巧section,aJld Ropeless tailtllreading which controlled by compressed air can shorten t11reading time and improve the emciency.There is a surface sizing machine between dry sections.Surface sizing call improve the stren舀h of the corllJgated medium and improVe the su—、ace pmpenies of paper.
The Design of a 250,000 tons per year high strength
corrugated medium paper production line
People pay more attention to the packaging of goods in today’s socie吼the paper material which give priority to谢m comlgated cardboard occupies an imporrtaIlt position in aU packaging
,在——年解密后使用本版权书。 广保密 ,仕
指导教 日期:
当今社会,人们对商品的包装越来越重视,以瓦楞纸板为主的纸质包装材料在众多包 装材料中占有重要地位。伴随着瓦楞纸板向轻量化、微型化的发展,瓦楞原纸也必须向高 强度、低定量发展。由于长期以来瓦楞原纸的低附加值,国内造纸企业对瓦楞原纸生产线 的投建不多,导致国内瓦楞原纸市场一直处于供不应求的状态。特别是高强瓦楞原纸,远 远满足不了国内的市场需求,每年需要从国外大量进口。因此,大力发展高强度低定量的 瓦楞原纸市场,符合市场需求,是社会的需要。
本人郑重声明:我恪守学术道德,崇尚严谨学风。所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的 指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已明确注明和引用的内容外,本论文不包 含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品及成果的内容。论文为本人亲自撰写,我对 所写的内容负责,并完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。
will pay 24.87 1 95 1 million per year for profit tax and its profits could reach 78.999937 yuan per
polyester foming wire.The Fourdrinier With On·T0p Fo舯er could let p印er evenness more
stable.Press section is equipped with Suction Pick-up roll+Long—Nip-Press+Suction Pick.up roll
(DCS)、Quali ty Contr01 System(QCS)等辅助系统。其中流浆箱是直接从奥地利安德 里兹引进的带有稀释水的水力式流浆箱,它具有很好的上浆匀度;网部选用的全陶瓷脱水 元件既能加大脱水效果又可以减轻对聚酯成形网的磨损,同时配备项网的装置让成纸匀度 更加稳定;压榨部采用真空吸移辊+大辊径压榨+真空吸引辊+靴型压榨的组合,达到全封 闭引纸,宽压区压榨的选用可以提高压榨部的脱水效果,创造性地把靴型压榨技术应用到 国产瓦楞原纸纸机上;干燥部采用三段通气方式,通过压缩空气控制的无绳引纸减短了引 纸时间,提高纸机效率;在干燥部间加添了斜列式表面施胶机,表面施胶可以提高瓦楞原 纸的强度,改善纸张的表面性能。
some equipment is impoIrted f.rom foreign.
small锄ount The raw material is used to make paper in this scheme is LOCC aJld a
slurry矗om other pmduction line.KBC waste processing line is choosen,while a 5500/900 home .made co玎ugated medium paper machine is selected.The p印er’s qu肌titatiVe is between 809/mz a11d 1 40∥m2.The machine’s working speed is 800删『min.The widm of paper reeling machine is 5500mm.And Its production capacity is 697 t/d.Below is t11e main process:Headbox。W色t end- Press section.Dry pan before.Size press-【)ry pan-Reeling.And it is equipped with approach
本方案所用原料为国内废纸和少量渣浆,选用Kandant B1ack C1awson(KBC)公司 的废纸处理线。纸机选用国产的5500/900瓦楞原纸纸机,抄造产品定量80~1409/m2,工 作车速800m/min,卷纸机纸幅宽5500咖,采用交流变频分部传动,生产能力为697t/d。 纸机部分主要流程为流浆箱一网部一压榨一Ij{『干燥一施胶一后干燥一卷取,配有供浆系 统、真空系统、损纸处理、白水回收、胶料制备、蒸汽冷凝水、D1stributed Control System
The total inVestment of this project is about RMB283.404224 million.If the研ce of comlgated medium aCcording to 3000yuall per ton and production time is 340 day per ye瓯it
materials.Wim cormgated cardboard to the deVelopment of tlle li曲tweight,microminiaturization
Cormgated medium also haVe to deVelopment to high stren昏h,low quaIltitatiVe.Since the
学位论文作者签名: 啄瓠 日期:为I L年∥月Ⅺ日
学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有 关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅或借阅。本人授权浙江理工人学 可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描 等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。
co唧gated Cormgated medium has low value in a long time,there are only a few
production lines built in our coumry.It lead me production of ComJgated medium,especially high.Stren昏h cormgated medium,can’t meet domeStic market demand.We haVe to impon a lot of comJgated medium f.rom abroad eVery year.Therefore,deVeloping high’strength aIld low quantitative corrugated paper accord with the demand of the market and the need of the society.
项目所用的蒸汽来自于企业的自备热电厂,企业也配备了污水处理站。生产中产生的 废渣可以经过压滤机处理后掺杂到热电厂的煤里进行燃烧,也可以进行卫生填埋;车间白 水通过白水回收多盘全部回用到生产线,造纸污水经过污水站处理后可以达到直接外排标 准。
本项目总投资约28340.4224万元,生产的高强瓦楞原纸价格按3000元/吨、年生产 时间以340天计算,所交利税达到2487.195l万元/年,全年利润可达7899.9937万元, 预计项目回收年限5.59年(其中包括2年建设期)。 关键词:包装材料;瓦楞原纸;造纸机;浆水平衡;设备选型;废水处理
system,vacuum system,broke disposal system,saVeall,sizing agent preparation system,condensed
ste锄syStem,DCS system,QCS system a11d so on.The hydraulic headbox with dilution water is directly import舶m Andritz in Austria.It haS very good sizing eVenness.Imported IBS cer锄ics blades equipped in wire section can increase the dehydration e位ct a11d reduce the wear of polyeSter foming埘re.The Fourd血ier with 0n—Top Fonner could let paper eVeIlness more
The ste锄used in this project come fIrom facto叫-owned cogeneration power plant.The
facto叮also has a sewage treatment station.The、Ⅳaste residue aRer the 6lter press call mix in buming coal as raw material.It caIl also be saJlitar)r landfills.Whitewater f而m workshop could be reused by the saVeaU.The wastewater f.rom p印emlaking can achieve the national standards tllrough treatment of sewage treatment station.
This anicle introduces a design of a 250,OOO tons per year high stren西h corrugated medium paper machine.This machine is made some tecllnology improVemeΒιβλιοθήκη Baidut on demestic machine,a11d
+Shoe Press.The selection of more州de press pressure area can improve the dehydration of the
press section.Three section d巧er controlis used in d巧section,aJld Ropeless tailtllreading which controlled by compressed air can shorten t11reading time and improve the emciency.There is a surface sizing machine between dry sections.Surface sizing call improve the stren舀h of the corllJgated medium and improVe the su—、ace pmpenies of paper.
The Design of a 250,000 tons per year high strength
corrugated medium paper production line
People pay more attention to the packaging of goods in today’s socie吼the paper material which give priority to谢m comlgated cardboard occupies an imporrtaIlt position in aU packaging
,在——年解密后使用本版权书。 广保密 ,仕
指导教 日期:
当今社会,人们对商品的包装越来越重视,以瓦楞纸板为主的纸质包装材料在众多包 装材料中占有重要地位。伴随着瓦楞纸板向轻量化、微型化的发展,瓦楞原纸也必须向高 强度、低定量发展。由于长期以来瓦楞原纸的低附加值,国内造纸企业对瓦楞原纸生产线 的投建不多,导致国内瓦楞原纸市场一直处于供不应求的状态。特别是高强瓦楞原纸,远 远满足不了国内的市场需求,每年需要从国外大量进口。因此,大力发展高强度低定量的 瓦楞原纸市场,符合市场需求,是社会的需要。
本人郑重声明:我恪守学术道德,崇尚严谨学风。所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的 指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已明确注明和引用的内容外,本论文不包 含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品及成果的内容。论文为本人亲自撰写,我对 所写的内容负责,并完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。
will pay 24.87 1 95 1 million per year for profit tax and its profits could reach 78.999937 yuan per
polyester foming wire.The Fourdrinier With On·T0p Fo舯er could let p印er evenness more
stable.Press section is equipped with Suction Pick-up roll+Long—Nip-Press+Suction Pick.up roll
(DCS)、Quali ty Contr01 System(QCS)等辅助系统。其中流浆箱是直接从奥地利安德 里兹引进的带有稀释水的水力式流浆箱,它具有很好的上浆匀度;网部选用的全陶瓷脱水 元件既能加大脱水效果又可以减轻对聚酯成形网的磨损,同时配备项网的装置让成纸匀度 更加稳定;压榨部采用真空吸移辊+大辊径压榨+真空吸引辊+靴型压榨的组合,达到全封 闭引纸,宽压区压榨的选用可以提高压榨部的脱水效果,创造性地把靴型压榨技术应用到 国产瓦楞原纸纸机上;干燥部采用三段通气方式,通过压缩空气控制的无绳引纸减短了引 纸时间,提高纸机效率;在干燥部间加添了斜列式表面施胶机,表面施胶可以提高瓦楞原 纸的强度,改善纸张的表面性能。
some equipment is impoIrted f.rom foreign.
small锄ount The raw material is used to make paper in this scheme is LOCC aJld a
slurry矗om other pmduction line.KBC waste processing line is choosen,while a 5500/900 home .made co玎ugated medium paper machine is selected.The p印er’s qu肌titatiVe is between 809/mz a11d 1 40∥m2.The machine’s working speed is 800删『min.The widm of paper reeling machine is 5500mm.And Its production capacity is 697 t/d.Below is t11e main process:Headbox。W色t end- Press section.Dry pan before.Size press-【)ry pan-Reeling.And it is equipped with approach